Payments and benefits to federal beneficiaries. Who belongs to federal beneficiaries and what social benefits they are entitled to

Check if you are eligible for additional social assistance. We tell you how to become a federal beneficiary and become eligible for monthly social benefits.

In addition to pensions, certain categories of citizens are entitled to additional payments. One of these categories includes federal beneficiaries.
There are three main types of additional social assistance to federal beneficiaries:
Monthly cash payment (MTS).
A set of social services.
Additional monthly material support.
Citizens can apply for the appointment of an EFA themselves or through a representative. The Pension Fund annually makes monthly cash payments to 16 million citizens.
In addition, citizens who receive a monthly cash payment are entitled to a set of social services (NSO) in kind or cash equivalent. NSO includes medical, sanatorium and transport components.
The assignment and payment of the EDV to Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, who are citizens of Russia, have their own characteristics.
Some categories of federal beneficiaries are also eligible for additional monthly material support.

Federal beneficiaries - who belongs to them

Federal beneficiaries are categories of citizens who are provided with benefits and measures of social support on the basis of federal laws and attributed to the powers of the federal level (Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 "On State Social Assistance").
The Pension Fund of Russia carries out the following types of payments to federal beneficiaries: monthly cash payment (MAP) and additional monthly material support (DEMO).

Monthly cash payment

A monthly cash payment is provided to certain categories of citizens from among veterans, disabled people, former juvenile prisoners of fascism, people who have suffered as a result of exposure to radiation.
If a citizen has the right to receive a monthly allowance on several grounds within the framework of one law, the monthly allowance is established on one basis providing for a higher amount of payment.
If a citizen simultaneously has the right to a monthly loan under several federal laws or other regulations, he is provided with one loan for one of the grounds chosen by the citizen.

Who is entitled to two monthly cash payments?

Citizens who have been exposed to radiation and who have the right to AMU under the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster" and at the same time under another regulatory legal act, are established two AMU.
How and where to apply for EDV

IUU minors or incapacitated

In cases where a monthly cash payment is assigned to a minor or an incapacitated citizen, the application is submitted at the place of residence of his legal representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee). Moreover, if the parents of the child live separately, then the application is submitted at the place of residence of the parent with whom the child lives. A minor who has reached the age of 14 has the right to apply for the establishment of a monthly cash payment on his own.

Refusal or assignment of EDV

The appointment and payment of the monthly allowance is made on the basis of a personal appeal of the citizen or his representative with an application and all the necessary documents confirming the right to the monthly allowance.
If necessary, attach documents proving the identity and powers of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), confirming family relations, finding a disabled dependent person, etc.
The decision on the appointment or on the refusal to appoint the IUU shall be made within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application. Another 5 days are allotted to inform the applicant about the decision.
The monthly cash payment is established from the day of applying for it, but not earlier than the emergence of the right to the specified payment:
if you applied personally or through a representative, then the day of application is considered the day when the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia received an application with all the necessary documents; if you sent an appeal by mail, then the date indicated on the postmark of the Russian Post at the place of departure of this application is considered the day of appeal; if you applied through the Personal Account of a citizen on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, then the date of registration of the application in electronic form is considered the day of appeal.

Indexation of EDV

For different categories of federal beneficiaries, the amount of the monthly income is different. The amount of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year.
The recalculation of the amount of the monthly cash payment to disabled people is made when a higher or lower disability group is established. At the same time, the recalculation of the amount of the monthly income is carried out without a declaration on the basis of an extract from the certificate of examination, received by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia from the federal institution of medical and social examination:
- upward - from the date of establishment of the disability group, which gives the right to a higher amount of monthly income;
- downward - from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the previous disability group was established, which gives the right to a lower amount of monthly income.
Citizens who receive a monthly cash payment are obliged to immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the monthly payment, as well as entailing the termination of the monthly cash payment. For example, if a different disability group is established.

Set of social services

The right to receive a set of social services (NSO) arises for a citizen from the date of establishing his monthly monetary payment.
NSO is provided without a request and includes medical, sanatorium and transport components. Only citizens who are categorized as "exposed to radiation" need to write an application for NSO.
When appointing a UDV, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia issues to the citizen a certificate of the established form on the right to receive an NSO. The certificate indicates: the category of the beneficiary, the term for the appointment of the monthly cash payment, as well as social services to which the citizen is entitled in the current year. The certificate is valid throughout the Russian Federation.
A set of social services is part of the monthly cash payment and a citizen can choose in what form he / she receives NSO: in kind or in the form of its cash equivalent.
Upon receipt of the NSO in kind, its value is deducted from the amount of the fixed monthly payment. If a citizen refuses to receive a set of social services in full, one social service or any two social services in favor of its monetary equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of EDV. The cash equivalent of a set of social services as part of the monthly cash payment is indexed annually.

It is enough to submit an application on the adopted decision once before October 1 of the current year. It will be in effect from January 1 of the next year and until the citizen changes his choice. In this case, you will need to apply with a new application directly to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence or through the MFC, or online through the Personal Account of a citizen on the PFR website. Read about how to work with your Personal Account on the Pension Fund website here.

Additional monthly material support (DEMO)

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" DEMO is established:
In the amount of 1000 rubles
invalids of the Great Patriotic War; participants of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Appendix); former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War; In the amount of 500 rubles
servicemen who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least 6 months, as well as servicemen awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period; widows of servicemen who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, widows of deceased invalids of the Second World War; citizens awarded the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad"; former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos. Only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to additional monthly material support, regardless of their place of residence. DEMO is appointed and paid by the authority that assigns and disburses the respective pension.

Appointment documents DEMO

In addition to the application, you must submit a passport and documents confirming the right to a DEMO (certificate of the right to benefits or a certificate from an archival institution, a certificate of medical and social examination). The widows of servicemen who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, the widows of the deceased invalids of the Second World War must additionally submit:
notification of the death of her husband;
marriage certificate or a copy of the civil status act;
husband's death certificate.
Citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside of Russia confirm their citizenship on the date of applying for a DEMO appointment.

DEMO disabled due to military trauma

Since September 1, 2005, citizens of the Russian Federation, recognized in the prescribed manner as disabled due to a military injury, have the right to receive additional monthly material support in the amount of 1,000 rubles (in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2005 No. 887 "On measures to improve financial situation of disabled people due to military trauma ").
The said provision is paid to citizens recognized in the established manner as disabled due to military injury, except for those citizens to whom DEMO is paid in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with The 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 ”.
The legislation does not provide for the receipt of two payments at the same time by the decrees of March 30, 2005 and August 1, 2005 by disabled people due to military trauma, which also include disabled people of the Great Patriotic War.
It does not matter during which military and equivalent service a citizen became disabled as a result of a military injury. The specified reason for disability must be associated with the passage of military and equivalent service. In the current document of the institution of medical and social expertise (in the certificates of the VTEK and the ITU), the reason for the disability - "military injury" must be indicated. It does not matter when this disability is received.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation should know that federal beneficiaries are determined by the Federal Law. There are several categories of such citizens who have every right to receive payments and social assistance from the Pension Fund.

Who is considered a federal beneficiary

It should be borne in mind that federal benefits are paid from funds that are formed in the corresponding level of the state budget. Such payments cannot be paid only in one city, they operate everywhere, therefore every citizen who has the right to benefits and who has applied to the relevant authorities will be able to count on state assistance. Let us consider in more detail who the federal beneficiaries are. The list of citizens entitled to receive payments consists of:

Key differences between regional and federal benefits

The federal beneficiaries most often include citizens who are provided with social assistance in accordance with the federal laws of Russia. Regional beneficiaries are determined at the regional level. The most important difference between these two concepts is the level of the budget from which the citizen will receive assistance. It should be noted that federal benefits are not subject to adjustment, since only the highest structures can make any changes, but regional ones can change at the local level.

Federal benefits for participants in wars and residents of Leningrad during the blockade

People who defend the Motherland, who were deprived of all the benefits for a certain period of time, have every right to replenish what they have lost from the federal budget. These citizens include veterans, those who participated in hostilities, as well as persons who have the title of "Resident of the besieged Leningrad". In this case, the benefits to federal beneficiaries will be as follows:

WWII veterans may not pay property taxes, and in some regions the land tax is also canceled.

Disability benefits

The federal beneficiaries include disabled people of the first, second and third groups, as well as disabled children. This category of persons has the full right to receive payments from the state, while the amount of such monetary compensation depends on the degree of a person's limitations. If we consider the form of granting benefits, then we can safely say that they can be not only in cash, but also in kind, for example, medicines can be provided free of charge to federal beneficiaries. As for the timing, the assistance can be one-time, monthly or annual.

Additionally, this category of Russian citizens can still exercise their right to general benefits, which include a 50 percent payment for utilities, sanatorium treatment and social benefits. It is important to remember that a citizen must be officially recognized as a disabled person, and for this there must be an ITU certificate that confirms the disability.

Beneficiaries who are liquidators of the Chernobyl NPP

Federal beneficiaries are citizens who were not only liquidators at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but were also exposed to radiation. In this regard, the state provides this category with the following support measures:

  1. Every month, compensation is paid to the citizens themselves, as well as to their children who have not yet turned 14 years old, for the purchase of essential goods.
  2. Compensation for damage caused by radiation is paid once a year.
  3. If a disability has been established, then a lump sum payment is made.
  4. The cost of housing and communal services is only 50%.

To get some benefits from the state, you should make sure that everything is documented. Separately, it is possible to single out citizens who have become disabled due to the fact that they have suffered from radiation. Additional assistance may be provided to them:

It should be remembered that federal beneficiaries are required to submit the appropriate documents confirming their status.

Categories of beneficiaries

It should be noted that not only veterans of the Great Patriotic War and liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can belong to the beneficiaries, in fact there are much more such citizens. Veterans of any other hostilities also belong to privileged categories; they also have the right to social support from the state. Let's take a closer look at what federal veteran beneficiaries are entitled to:

  1. Such citizens have the right to receive free housing.
  2. Set your home phone out of turn.
  3. Pay for utilities only 50%.
  4. Receive medical services out of turn.
  5. If a person becomes disabled as a result of hostilities, then he is paid a disability allowance.

There are additional services, but they can be different for each category of beneficiaries.

How the preference is issued

In order to be able to receive payments, federal beneficiaries must go through the following registration procedures:

Recall that in order to receive regional benefits, you must additionally submit documents to the clinic so that you can apply for a preference.

What documents should be prepared

It should be clearly understood that federal benefits are managed exclusively by the Pension Fund, so it is there that it is worth submitting the following documents:

  1. Passport of a person who is applying for benefits.
  2. SNILS.
  3. if any.
  4. A certificate that explains why a citizen has the right to apply for social assistance.
  5. If documents are issued for a disabled child, a metric is provided.

When contacting the Pension Fund, you will need to write a statement, then they will explain in detail how to proceed.

Who is eligible for social assistance?

It is not enough to know what the federal beneficiaries are, who belongs to them, since three main categories of federal benefits also occupy a special place in the Russian Federation:

Who is eligible for monthly payments

Having carefully studied who the federal beneficiaries are, who belongs to them, you should dwell separately on monthly cash payments. First of all, it should be noted that such payments can be regarded as material support to citizens who really need it. Consider several features of such material assistance:

  1. If a person is legally entitled to receive monthly payments, then such money can be assigned on one basis.
  2. If a citizen is entitled to benefits simultaneously on several federal grounds, then the largest amount is paid.
  3. At the same time, citizens who have suffered from radiation have the right to receive two payments at once.

Citizens will receive completely different payments, since they depend directly on the category. The size can be approved by the government and is indexed annually.

What is the essence of additional material support?

In addition to monthly payments, there is such a thing as additional cash. They are also allocated by the federal budget and assigned to certain categories of persons. Let us consider in more detail who belongs to the federal beneficiaries of pensioners who have the right to receive such payments:

All listed citizens have every right to receive additional security.


The list of benefits that are established by the Federal Law is quite extensive. Having considered in detail who the federal beneficiaries are, who belongs to them, we can safely say that in fact there are many such categories of citizens, and they all deserve to receive social benefits. If you have all the documents and submit them to the Pension Fund, no one has the right to refuse such citizens. There are also a number of additional federal services that these people can take advantage of, including free medical services, lower utility bills, and travel compensation.

The Russian Federation has a unified law on the provision of social support to certain categories of citizens. In addition, in each subject there are certain programs of assistance to the population. In this regard, social categories of citizens are divided into two groups: federal beneficiaries and regional ones.

Who belongs to them

Who are the beneficiaries? Federal support is provided to the following categories:

  • veterans and invalids of the Second World War and the blockade;
  • who took part in hostilities;
  • , children with disabilities;
  • heroes of labor;
  • victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

Let's take a closer look at what privileges citizens who receive federal support under the law have.

Participants in wars, blockade

  1. Possibility of simultaneous registration of several pension benefits at the same time: for old age or disability. This is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation No166. In addition, there is an opportunity to receive additional cash security and monthly income.
  2. Eligibility for housing free of charge at the rate of 36 m2 per veteran. In the case of family members living with him, then for each person there is another 18 m2.
  3. Variety of social support, while you can choose a social package or money.

War veterans are exempt from tax on 1 apartment or house if it is the property of a veteran. There are regions that exempt this category of persons from transport and land taxes.

Disabled people, disabled children

Law of the Russian Federation No.181 defines assistance to citizens of this category, it includes: disabled people from childhood, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, in certain cases even 3 grams, disabled children.

  1. Disabled persons of 1, 2, 3 groups receive cash payments, and have.
  2. In kind, for example getting free: products, medicines, from the federal list, travel by transport is free.
  3. The right to services in any institution out of turn.

Also, these benefits are divided into types, according to temporary provision:

  • lump sum allowance;
  • monthly benefits, for example, a 50% discount on utility bills;
  • annual assistance - travel by transport.

Chernobyl victims

How to get a preference

  1. According to you, you need to visit the clinic and consult with your doctor about the possible receipt of help from the state, be it regional or federal benefits.
  2. If you are eligible for government assistance, then you should go to the PF office in your city. You should write according to the sample provided by the PF employee and collect a package of documents.
  3. The Pension Fund will issue a certificate stating that from that date you are eligible for medication.
  4. Then every month with this certificate you need to go to your doctor, and he will write a prescription for preferential medicines or medical devices. The corresponding record will appear in the outpatient card.
  5. If you are eligible for regional benefits, then the documents should be handed over to the clinic to apply for a preference.


Federal benefits are administered by a pension fund, to which the following documents must be submitted:

  • citizen's passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • a certificate justifying the provision of benefits;
  • metric on.

You will write a statement to the Pension Fund.

Other types of benefits

There are additional types of benefits provided by the federal budget, for example:

  • free dental and other prosthetics;
  • additional leave, which can be issued at any time in the amount of 35 calendar days;
  • extraordinary service in shops, train station ticket offices, supermarkets;
  • assistance of social workers in housekeeping;
  • provision of a place in a nursing home without a queue.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the list of benefits provided by federal legislation is not small - DEMO, EDV, NSU. The state cares about its citizens and honors the heroes, so the list of benefits is constantly growing.

Video: FIU explains

Each country has its own preferential categories of citizens. They have special rights to support from the state. For example, for free provision of medicines or additional cash payments. What can be said about Russia in relation to this issue? Who belongs to the privileged categories of the population? What type of support can be obtained in a particular case? Where and how are benefits issued? In fact, sorting out all this is not so difficult. It is more difficult to remember what bonuses are entitled to beneficiaries. Very often the list of these is huge.

Complete list

In fact, there are more beneficiaries in Russia than it might seem. Not everyone knows in what cases citizens have special rights to social support. Now the attention will be presented to an approximate list of privileged categories of citizens. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account the region of residence of a person - somewhere bonuses from the state are given to one or another stratum of the population, somewhere not. Therefore, the question requires a thorough study.

  • children under 3 years old;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled adults;
  • pensioners;
  • military;
  • large families;
  • needy;
  • unemployed;
  • young families;
  • donors;
  • WWII).

Also, disabled citizens, dependents who have lost their breadwinner, and military widows are often referred to as beneficiaries. Women on parental leave and pregnant women also sometimes have special rights.


Social protection of the population is a responsibility that is attributed to each state. It should somehow help those who live within a particular territory. It has already been said that each category of persons has their own benefits and bonuses from the state. But which ones? A little about all in order.

Young children have special rights in Russia. They can travel for free on public transport if they do not occupy a separate seat. Schoolchildren, with the appropriate certificate, are able to buy tickets at a reduced price.

Also in Russia there are preferential categories of citizens. Children under three years old are included in this list. True, not all medicines are provided free of charge. It is recommended to find out the exact list at the polyclinic at the place of residence in which the child is attached. Many medicines are given free of charge to children with a specific prescription. Or they are sold at a discount to one degree or another.

Disabled children can receive a special pension. To do this, it is enough for parents to apply to the so-called social service with a certain list of papers. Namely with:

  • statement;
  • the passport of the legal representative;
  • bank account details;
  • a child's birth certificate and marriage certificate, if any;
  • health certificates of a minor;
  • SNILSami legal representative and baby.


Social protection of the population is extremely important. The next category of citizens who are entitled to certain benefits in Russia are veterans. And any. The main list of benefits and social support, as in most cases, is regulated at the regional level. Therefore, the exact list of opportunities for certain beneficiaries needs to be clarified in each city.

Veterans have the right to:

  • drug provision;
  • obtaining prostheses (with the exception of dentures);
  • medical care without waiting in line (free);
  • additional pension supplements;
  • tax deductions;
  • exemption from taxes on property and transport (not always);
  • free travel on public transport (not all and not everywhere);
  • drug discounts at pharmacies;
  • 50% discount on utility services;
  • installation of a home telephone out of turn;
  • compensation for the cost of funeral services (paid to relatives).

Some veterans are eligible for free housing or land. For example, such an opportunity belongs to the heroic citizens of the Russian Federation and the USSR. The rest of the veterans will have to provide themselves with housing on general terms. This is the kind of social protection of the population that is provided for in Russia. But that is not all!


The point is that each category of the population has its own bonuses from the government. What is required for large families? Such people can receive various types of support for a long time. From benefits and payments to housing security.

Large families are considered to have three minor children in a family. And it doesn't matter, adopted or relatives. The main thing is that minors are legally brought up in the social unit.

Citizens generally have different bonuses everywhere. Many children have almost the same number as veterans. Moreover, they are the same everywhere. Regardless of the region of residence, large families have the right to:

  • provision of medicines;
  • payments for children under 16;
  • all standard benefits for the birth of babies;
  • free places in kindergartens;
  • free meals in educational institutions;
  • provision of school uniforms and some school supplies;
  • obtaining maternity capital (federal and regional);
  • free housing;
  • obtaining a land plot in the region of residence on a free basis in ownership;
  • benefits by September 1;
  • the opportunity for children to visit museums for free once a month (sometimes more).

In general, now in Russia they are trying to support large families as much as possible. Therefore, such citizens are paid benefits depending on the number of minors in the social unit. Also, all families with children can receive tax deductions.

Disabled adults

What can people with disabilities who are already 18 years old qualify for? Much depends on the disability group. But in general, the social protection of the population belonging to this category is similar.

Disabled adults receive benefits upon admission to universities. They can also be assigned increased scholarships. For this category of the population, the payment of a pension is mandatory. Its size depends on the disability group.

If necessary, citizens are provided with free treatment, medicines, rehabilitation devices, and prostheses. Or it is proposed to pay compensation for all previously listed purchases.

At work, people with disabilities are required to provide suitable working conditions, they are not allowed to work on night shifts, overtime - only by personal consent. A shorter working week is also provided for by law.

Often, citizens of privileged categories provide for the provision of housing or a plot. People with disabilities are also among the main applicants.

Unemployed and needy

Beneficial categories of citizens in Moscow and other cities often receive certain benefits and payments. They are also due to unemployed and needy people. Only the first category of persons - a certain time. Namely, about 12 months. It all depends on the situation.

To receive money, the unemployed must register with the employment center. At the same time, they will receive. But those in need of this payment do not apply if they have a job. But you can contact the social support service for the population and receive benefits and allowances. Also, those in need will be assisted in collecting a certain list of documents that proves the need.

The unemployed cannot receive land for free, but they are helped with finding work - the employment center will offer a variety of vacancies to those who are listed as a person who does not fulfill their labor obligations.


Beneficial categories of citizens are diverse everywhere. In Russia, pensioners are considered to be eternal beneficiaries. Often they also combine the status of disabled people, as well as those in need. What measures of social support are applied to them?

Basically, from the state, people who have reached retirement age are entitled to:

  • pension payments (even to working citizens);
  • the possibility of free travel on public transport or the purchase of a ticket at a discount;
  • preferential payment for utilities (in some cases);
  • the right to book tickets by train (privileged categories of citizens in Moscow, especially pensioners, can order a ticket 10 days in advance);
  • exemption from property taxes;
  • reduction of transport tax or its complete absence;
  • installation of a telephone in the house (landline);
  • free provision of medicines (in some cases).

Servicemen are entitled to payments for length of service. For widows of the military (not even of retirement age), before entering into a new officially registered relationship, a pension.


It is clear what the children of the privileged category of the population receive. But what about pregnant women and mothers with babies? These are also peculiar beneficiaries, albeit to a lesser extent.

Among the opportunities provided to girls in an "interesting" position, the right to unhindered employment with no probationary period is singled out. Employers have no right to dismiss such women.

Social support of the population in relation to pregnant women is expressed in the form of various payments and benefits, as in most cases. Here, unemployed women turn to social services for:

  • allowance for caring for a baby up to one and a half years old;
  • a lump sum payment for birth;
  • allowance for a child up to 3 years of age (not everywhere);
  • governor and regional payments.

Where to apply for benefits

The list of privileged categories of citizens is already known. Some bonuses from the state for certain cases - too. Where to get them? The main provision of social support is the so-called social service. In it, everyone can find out about the prescribed benefits and receive some payments.

But not all bonuses are issued here. Now you can get them in:

  • hospitals;
  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • city \u200b\u200badministration (usually for land or housing);
  • pension fund (pensions are issued);
  • one stop shop or MFC;
  • through the site "Gosuslugi".


Now it is clear what the privileged categories of citizens are in Russia. In fact, everything is simple - the exact information about beneficiaries and bonuses that they are entitled to is specified in the social service. Here, as already mentioned, some benefits and cash payments are made out.

There are many beneficiaries in Russia. But everyone is provided with help in one size or another. More often than not, people are unaware of the benefits they are entitled to. It should be remembered that social support of the population is the responsibility of the state, which the government has assumed.

Federal beneficiaries are a separate category of citizens who have the right to claim a large number of different payments and benefits, in addition to the pension they receive. Such benefits are paid at the expense of the federal budget, formalized by the Pension Fund, in order to support and provide a dignified existence for citizens who have rendered significant services to the state.

  • Ivalids of War
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War
  • War veterans
  • Soldiers who served in the Vonian units, but were not part of the active army during the Second World War
  • Citizens with the sign "Resident of besieged Leningrad"
  • Those working at air defense facilities during the war, their family members
  • Disabled people, disabled children

How you can exercise your right to a pension

People with federal benefits, like ordinary citizens, can receive an insurance pension if certain conditions are met. These conditions include:

  • Have at least one day of experience, for which the employer paid contributions
  • Reaching the retirement age, for the Russian Federation man 60 years old, woman 55
  • Availability of retirement points on the account

If a person had work experience, but became disabled for any reason, then he will be able to receive a disability pension.

  • Some federal beneficiaries are entitled not only to an insurance pension, but also to the state

It is due to persons who have certain merits to the Fatherland and who participated in the war of 1941-1945.

What benefits are provided to maintain

  • Monthly cash payment
  • Additional monthly material support

In addition, beneficiaries receiving a monthly income are entitled to benefits that are an integral part of this payment, for example, medical, transport, sanatorium services. If a person uses them, then the amount of money decreases.

  • The amount of such a monthly allowance can range from 480 rubles to 56 thousand, and additional security from 500 rubles to 1000

Monthly cash payments

This category of benefits is dealt with by the Pension Fund. To assign a payment, you must personally or through a legal representative appear at the Fund's office at the place of registration or residence, write an application of the appropriate form and collect a complete package of documents. The amount of this allowance is established for each category of beneficiaries separately.

  • If a citizen is legally entitled to receive a monthly income in several categories, then he can choose the one that is more optimal for him.

Spa treatment

Sanatorium treatment, as well as medical devices and medicines, free travel to the place of treatment are included in the list of social services provided to citizens eligible for federal benefits. The right to receive these benefits arises when submitting documents for obtaining a monthly income, you do not need to deal with their registration separately.

  • Persons accompanying people with disabilities or children with disabilities have the same rights to receive travel compensation as the beneficiaries themselves.

In 2017, the following amounts of benefits were established:

On the issue of obtaining, registration of vouchers for health improvement and treatment, you must contact the social protection authorities. Tours are provided in accordance with the established queue. The duration of treatment is eighteen days, for children with disabilities twenty one days /

Providing free medicines

In order to receive medications, products for medical nutrition for disabled children, you need to contact the polyclinic in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence and provide the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Document giving the right to preferential provision
  • Certificate giving the right to NSO
  • Medical policy

The attending physician must write you a prescription with the prescription of concessional drugs, which must be included in the list approved by the Government. It can be found on the Internet or possibly posted in clinics. You can also get medicines not in all pharmacies, but in certain ones.

Concessionary travel in railway transport

The right to free travel on trains is carried out all year round, regardless of routes, number of trips. Social security authorities issue a travel ticket that cannot be transferred or exchanged to anyone. It must be provided together with a document confirming your right to this benefit.

To ensure free travel to the place of treatment, the beneficiary is provided with travel documents or social coupons, which become eligible for travel tickets. If several types of transport are involved in the route, then coupons are issued for each separately there and back. You can travel by car, train or airplane.

Additional benefits and allowances

Additional benefits and payments include DEMO-additional monthly material support.

It is appointed by the Pension Fund, which accrued the pension.

If a pensioner has several reasons for receiving monthly material support, then they will establish it according to the one that is more profitable in size. Establishing a DEMO does not depend on other payments.

Citizens who are eligible to receive a monthly income must independently decide whether they will receive the NSO as a service itself, or at least its monetary equivalent. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund once, indicating the receipt form, and it is not required to confirm every year, but if the choice is changed, the application should be rewritten by October 1.

You can receive a pension in one of the following ways:

  1. via Russian Post- at your discretion, you can receive a pension at home or on your own at the post office at your place of residence. In this case, each pensioner is assigned the date when he can receive pension benefits, this can be either ahead of schedule or later, depending on the availability of money in the cash desk. If you have not received a receipt within six months for any reason, the payment is suspended and to resume it, you must again apply to the Pension Fund with an application.
  2. through a bank- you can receive a pension at the cash desk of any bank branch or apply for a bank card and withdraw funds through an ATM or accumulate. Funds are credited to the card immediately after financing by the Pension Fund, and you can withdraw them at any time without additional commissions.
  • Currently, everyone uses bank cards of the MIR payment system.
  1. through a pension delivery organization- to do this, study the full list of such organizations located in the PF of your region, the procedure is the same as receiving at the post office

List of documents for registration, payment terms

To receive the EDV, provide to the Pension Fund:

  • Russian passport
  • A document that gives and confirms the right to payment

The recipient is obliged to notify the authorities in time about any changes in their documents, status, which may affect the amount of the benefit or its termination.

On the deadline, the decision is made within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, notification of the decision taken takes five days. This type of benefit is paid simultaneously with the pension, and if the recipient is not a pensioner, then in any way convenient for him

  • Thus, we can conclude that obtaining federal benefits is very important for certain categories of citizens. They somehow help to keep afloat in our difficult life. It is beneficial for someone to receive free medicines, while others receive monetary compensation, everyone chooses for himself what is convenient for him. In any case, it is good that the state is trying to take care of pensioners, disabled people, socially vulnerable categories of citizens (See also article ⇒).

Answers to frequently asked questions

My grandmother is a blockade of Leningrad, what federal benefits does she have?

Answer: Yes, the grandmother is eligible for the preferential category of citizens entitled to federal benefits from the state, namely the monthly allowance of the EDV, or the NSO. The NSO includes sanatorium treatment, receiving medicines, travel by rail. For registration, contact the authorities of the pension fund

My friend is a disabled person of the 3rd group, has given up the EDV and is receiving monetary compensation, while every month the doctor prescribed her 2 drugs for free. And now one of the drugs is refusing to prescribe, referring to the fact that it is in short supply. The drug is on the list of mandatory drugs. So is it legal for a doctor to refuse discharge?

If the patient already receives monetary compensation, then the doctor does not have the right to write a prescription for a preferential drug, this is illegal and then the doctor will be punished during the check