Conspiracy on a drinking. Free conspiracies from alcoholism for her husband

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that causes the patient and the people around him. Drunkenness does not give a person to be a full-fledged member of society, prevents him from building healthy relations and careers. In order to deliver a loved one from addiction, women go on a lot: medicines, coding, hypnosis, scandals and hysterics. When nothing helps and even powerless, another good method comes to the rescue - effective conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism that you can spend yourself. In this article, we collected the best, reviews of users, rituals.

A conspiracy against alcohol abuse is a prayer or appeal to the highest forces with a request to save a person from a detrimental habit. In order for it to affect quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to pronounce it seriously and correctly, in no case cannot be made a conspiracy for laughter or entertainment. For women, a conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Conspiracies from alcohol are the most different: wax, water, in the photo, cemetery conspiracies and rituals from the drunkenness of the husband, you can only choose the one to which the soul will fall and thoughtfully spend the ritual. So, here are the main plots against drunkenness that will help you and your family again to gain peace and peace.

Conspiracy for yourself

Best of all, when a person dependent on alcohol is aware of his dependence and wants to be treated himself. In this case, treatment is more efficient, and conspiracies act faster. If you are faced with the problem of alcoholism, you can independently talk yourself from drunkenness without resorting to the help of third parties. To do this, you need to observe the post for several days, then be sure to go to the bath and wear clean linen. Take pure non-off-water water (well, if it is water from the stream or spring), read a conspiracy three times over it and drink, at the same time, how your harmful habit goes away from you:

Conspiracies for water

A very strong conspiracy from drunkenness to the water must be made on the 19th of any month. For this, the following text should be pronounced above the water tank:

This water then need to pour into tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a plot can affect immediately, and it may be necessary for some time and several tanks with conspiracted water.

Another conspiracy of water from drunkenness will suit mothers who want to help their sons get rid of alcohol dependence at home. In pure Thursday you need to wash windows with clean water, and then this water seven times pour your son on my back with the words:

Conspiracy on water from female drunkenness. Read over the water, which is drinking a woman alcoholic. In addition, you can read over food or other liquids (not above alcohol).

Conspiracies in the photo

Popular conspiracies from drunkenness by photography are also very effective. In this case, conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness are not pronounced over water, but above the photo of a person who needs to get rid of the illness.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness in photography is pronounced at a decreasing moon. Over the photo of the patient you need to say:

There are other conspiracies from drunkenness by photo. Over a photo of an alcoholic is spent three times "in the name of the Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Hop and wine aughing from the slave of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not go and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly. "

Other plots

  • Conspiracy for food. Pronounce over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect plot for whom it is committed.

  • Conspiracy on fire. In an odd number, you need to collect a brushwood in the forest, ignite the fire from it and outline around the campfire. Then to sit behind this circle and read a plot, do not bring eyes off the fire. Speaking tears, too, can not wipe.

  • Conspiracy Natalia Stepanova. Pronounced alcoholic beverages that drink alcoholic. Usually, after a person drinks a conspiracted alcohol three times, alcoholism disappears without a trace. Conspire text:

  • Conspiracy on wax. It is necessary to make a dusting man bit a piece of wax when it will drink or eat. Then this piece is taken and the conspiracy is honored. After that, a piece of wax sew alcoholic into clothing. Conspire text:

  • Complex for execution, but a very effective conspiracy on the Widow Ring. You need to take a wedding ring of a woman who buried her husband no more than a month ago. On the descending Moon, the ring is put into the water and speak it. This ritual must be done three times, after that, a man will pass for drunkenness.

  • At midnight you need to speak three times, vodka or any other alcoholic drink, which drinks your close person.

"Like the dead man from the coffin does not get up, Zelen's wines do not drink, and you, the Slave of God (name), do not drink anyone in the morning, or at night for the night. Amen."

  • Conspiracy on the towel. This conspiracy is read over a clean new towel, which is then allowed to use a drinking person, not to mention that the towel is conspired.

  • Starus conspiracy from excessive passionate alcohol. With the help of this prayer, alcoholics were treated in ancient Russia and, I must say quite successfully. To fulfill the ritual buy an ordinary castle. It is necessary to do it on Friday to a decreasing moon. Take a glass in which even a couple of drops of alcohol left after the person you want to speak out of it. Pour these residues into the keyhole, saying at the same time: "You, (human name), a libertine and drunkard. As this castle is closed, so that you always have the beer doors closed. " After that, the castle must be closed on two turns and hide well so that no one has found it and did not see.
  • Cemetery conspiracy. You need to take a bottle of alcoholic beverage, which is usually drinking a man and go to her cemetery. There are getting at the gate and wait until the funeral procession is passed by you. As soon as you see people going to bury the dead man, rightly utter the words: "I don't live among us among us, and the slave (name) does not drink a crunch. Amen". At home, put a conspiracy bottle there, where it will see a drinking person, but do not offer him to drink it. When he himself sees a bottle, climbs out and drinks - the plot will begin to act.

It happens that the drinker categorically refuses to be treated and becomes very aggressive when you start the topic of its bad habit and treatment. In this case, the ritual of the conspiracy from it is best to hide. Go to the grove, forest or garden and collect a broom of trees and herbs. For the spoken of a woman in a broom should be plants with the names of the female family (Kalina, Rowan, Birch, Mint), and for the heading of a man - plants with the names of a male race (Klyon, Oak, ash, St. John's wort). Come home, wash all the corners in the house with this broom, reading the prayer:

After all the angles are revoked, having to have a hole behind the house, in which your broom will fit, and scream it. By the time the broom is increasing, the patient should abandon alcohol. After that, you may need.

Conspiracy from children's alcoholism

Unfortunately, recently, the trend of regular use of alcohol among children and adolescents is rapidly developing. Looking at adults, they begin to adopt their habits, including very harmful. In order to save your child from alcoholism for all times, you need to buy a cow's colostrum. Now it is easy to get it in any village or in the market. On Wednesday, the prayer of the Mother of God first is read on Wednesday (you can read it in front of the icon "Inspromandable Bowl", which is considered an assistant with alcoholism), and then read a plot:

This colosure is given to eat a drinking child or adolescence. It happens that this conspiracy helps and adults, but this happens extremely rarely. We very much hope that you will never be conspired by alcohol and drunkenness, but if your family nuts such a trouble - use conspiracies with the mind, perform everything accurately and without mistakes. Remember that games with magic do not finish well and the effect of conspiracy can be completely opposite.

The best results in the treatment of alcoholism by folk remedies are achieved if the patient itself tends to get rid of alcohol addiction. What is better to treat alcoholism?
Consider the most popular of folk methods for the treatment of alcoholism with a patient's knowledge.

How to cure alcoholism lomies.
1 Lovence root (long-term celery) - approximately 1 tbsp. l. Dry root and 6 sheets of laurels insisted in 500 g vodka, insist the week. When you want to drink - drink this infusion. After half an hour, vomiting begins. Resistant disgust for alcohol is achieved, besides the body is cleared.

Smoke birch firewood. This remedy for alcoholism can be used without a patient's knowledge.
Dry birch firewood sprinkle with sugar and incite. The bonfire is then quenched and give the patient to breathe smoke, after that he drinks a glass of vodka. There is an intolerance to alcohol, often lifelong. If it fails with one time, repeat the session. This method of treatment can be used and secretly from the patient - to fry the kebab on birch firewood, sprinkled with sugar and give this kebab to the patient, after that it is necessary that he drank vodka.

Treatment of alcoholism herbs.
The gold masculine is 1 h., The chabret is 1 t., Bitter wormwood - 1 h. 3 tbsp. l. Spoons of the mixture pour the glass of boiling water, insist, shook, for 2 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals. Treatment of 2-3 months.

How to cure alcoholism with apples.
Sometimes, drinking sour apples can save a person from addiction to alcohol. To do this, you need to eat 3-4 sour apples, in each of which it is desirable to hold 5-6 iron nails during the day. The course is 6 weeks. From this treatment will also rise hemoglobin.

Prayers and conspiracy from drunkenness

Conspiracy or prayer from drunkenness is an appeal to the highest forces with a request to save a person from alcohol addiction. In order to have a conspiracy from drunkenness, it is necessary to pronounce it seriously, firmly believing in its power, clearly pronounced the words and clearly forming a person's image in consciousness, over which a conspiracy is made to drink. It is necessary to be convinced that the thoughts and words are material, and if something strongly strive, our aspirations are supported in the top spheres. That is why the conspiracy of alcoholism in grandmothers-zakharok is most effective (in some cases the percentage of alcoholics, who sharply threw a drink comes up to 90%, the usual result is 40-70%). Slugberki firmly believe in what they do, and if the patient with alcoholism make a conspiracy at the grandmother, then he and the whole relatives believe him that it will help, everyone belongs to the conspiracy seriously. But if you do not have the opportunity to get to the reception to such a grandmother to cure alcoholism, then anyone can pronounce prayers and conspiracy from drunkenness. Usually it makes a close relative. But the most effective conspiracies from alcoholism, which he reads the patient himself, aware of his illness.

Considers from drunkenness are quite a lot, you can find them online. Here, too, the most effective conspiracies from drunkenness. From the whole manifold, you need to choose the one that, in your opinion, will help cure an alcoholic.

Several rules to achieve the greatest effect from conspiracies:
1. For women, a conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
2. In the house where the patient lives, there must be an "indeliable bowl" icon, relatives and the patient itself can contact her with a request to help and maintain.
3. Every morning on an empty stomach to drink holy water, if there is a little consecrated water, then 1 tbsp. l. Such water is added to a glass usual.
4. Before reading a conspiracy from drunkenness, to the one who will read a conspiracy (a sick or close relative), it is necessary to pay 3-5 days.
5. Believers to order in the church at least three prayers from drunkenness.
6. If the conspiracy reads a woman, tie his head with a scarf
7. Conspiracies from drunkenness Read on a decreasing moon

How to cure alcoholism conspiracies yourself
If you realized ourselves dependent on alcohol, you can tell yourself from drunkenness.

Conspiracy on water
For this conspiracy, you need to follow the post a few days, then be sure to go to the bath and put on clean linen. Take clean water, read a conspiracy three times over it and drink, representing how a harmful habit is out of you. This ritual to spend at least three times

"Wine and hops! Decate from me, the slave of God (name), at all times, to the coffin board. Schgin from me, every desire for guilt and alcoholic beverages. Get away from me, drunkenness, in the dense forest, where only the people have lived and black birds live. Take you, the wind buoy from me desire, the passion is a detrimental to the guilt and take it for the blue sea, to evil people and likim people. You are tied by, my passion, to a dear person who does not make good people, and brings one evil as the damned wine potion. Assiate and sore from me forever, at all times of my belly. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Ritual with Duples
This conspiracy from alcoholism can spend both sick and close people
Previously need to find a tree in which there is a hollow.
At the date of birth (the number of any month in which a man is born) of a man suffering from alcoholism, it is necessary to go at sunset to this tree, put a glass of a glass with vodka and say:

"My god gives mine! Sleep and rest on this day holy every hop, every blind with your person (name). Let it be so!"

Sometimes this rite needs to repeat three times.

How to cure alcoholism of loved ones with prayers and conspiracy

Conspiracy on water 19
A very strong conspiracy from drunkenness to the water must be made of the 19th number of any month. To do this, over the tank with the Epiphany Holy Water, you need to pronounce three times the following text:

"As the Lord God, Jesus, Christ vodka did not know, did not drink and did not tolerate; As the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God and all the holy wrecks did not know, they did not drink and did not tolerate, so you, the slave of God (name) from drinking will refuse and pump out the eyelids, Amen. "

Try to make each recruitment of conspiracy in one breath. Then close the can with the lid and open it only in order to once again pour water in a drink and eating an alcoholic. This water is pouring into tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a plot can affect immediately, and it may be necessary for some time and several tanks with conspiracted water.
If the person you treat, will accidentally notice that you are letting something in his food, say that it is simple hidden water

Conspiracy on food
Pronounce over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect plot for whom it is committed. Conspiracy for men read on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

I speak, God's slave (name), the slave of God (name).
Prehuma, Lord, My Spirit
My affairs, my speeches, God's words.
I drive away, God's slave (name), lust to the Crimson.
Go you, hops, on the passing woven -
There you have to live there. From slave (name) go away
Starting, to the old demon,
And you, the slave of God (name), stop drinking wine.
Word My Sunday, and Beskinskoe - Cracies.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on the towel
This conspiracy is read over a clean towel, preferably a new one, which then gives the use of a patient with alcoholism, not to mention that the towel is conspired.

Lord, royal dress on the shoulders, sleep and relatives to the slave of God (name) towards.
Ukra, Lord, his consciousness. Progress, Lord, his body. Saws, Lord His Soul.
Lord, how you mother in childhood soap and laundered, put on clean clothes, and you, the merciful Lord, strengthen into the pure consciousness of the slave (name). Amen.

Conspiracy on clothes
No one should know about this ritual. At the beginning of the new day of the first day of the full moon, it is necessary to take underwear (the best option is to remove it from a drunken one) and immediately begin to wash the first in the cold, and then in hot water.
At this time, read:

"Cool, form, for the mind-mind take. The word is firmly and conspired "(in cold water). In hot: "(Husband's name), awaken, take the mind-mind. Walked - and extinguish. Yes, there will be a TJ. Let it be so. Let it be so".

When the laundry dry, give to wear a husband, after which the same manipulations should be done alternately with the rest of the linen of her husband.

Conspiracies from homemade alcoholism on the dead

Very strong conspiracies from drunkenness are obtained using cemetery attributes and with the appeal to the souls of the dead.

Here is the easiest, but effective way to cure an alcoholic: you need to take a bottle of vodka or what usually prefers to drink a patient and go to the cemetery. At the entrance to the cemetery, wait until the funeral procession passes by. At this point, you need to say:

"As the dead man does not live among us, and the slave (name) does not drink a crunch. Amen".

At home, put a conspiracy bottle there, where a drinking person can detect it, but do not offer it yourself. When the bottle root and drinks - the plot will begin to act.
This conspiracy from alcoholism can be repeated several times for reliability. If your alcoholic husband often makes you run behind the alcohol to the store, you can prepare several conspired bottles in advance, hide them in a safe place or to deploy your girlfriend. Pretending that you bought a drink in the store, bring conspiracted alcohol from your cache.

Conspiracies from drunkenness on the Widow Ring
This conspiracy is more efficient than the previous one. You need to take a wedding ring of a woman who has widow no more than a month ago. On the descending Moon, the ring is put into the water and speak it.

Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As a widow on her husband tears bitter pours
And as a coffin does not give my husband,
so and the slave of God (name) so that the fault does not drink,
Brahi did not drink, the man in his hands did not take:
Neither in the morning at dawn, nor at night with a star, nor with a red sun.
Be, my words, modeling and chains and, like metal, strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now and confessed and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen

This water gives drinking, imperceptibly poured into the food and drink. Do it three days in a row

Call to deceased relatives
This is the most effective conspiracy from drunkenness, very often after it happens that the alcoholic sharply threw a drink.

It is necessary to act on Friday after the Holy Holiday, it is desirable that it coincides with a decreasing moon. Locate on the table a white tablecloth without a picture. Place three stools around the table. Put three glasses on the table, three candles, and in the middle of the table one glass of pure water. Wear clothes back in advance. Take a bottle of red wine into your left hand, read the conspiracy, pour wine in a glass with the left hand. T. K. Ryumka Three, then the conspiracy must be read three times before pouring wine into each gland. After that, mix the water from the glass with three wine glasses. This solution should be pouring with alcoholism.
It is necessary to use the entire conspiracy drink to the end, it can stretch for several days or for a couple of weeks, the time does not matter here. Three months after the last portion, the patient will rise the temperature, the cold symptoms will appear. Overpoles, the patient will not drink more. It is impossible to talk about this treatment, otherwise drunkenness will resume. You can not speak familiar why the alcoholic sharply threw a drink. Pretend what it should be.

In the spell, you should call during an invitation to three chairs the names of the dead, related to blood with those who treat. Learn these names in advance. The tablecloth then must be carried out of the house for three months or better give to someone.

Here is the conspiracy itself:
Holy Friday, your day, Lord with me. I open the coffin caps, my keys are gold. Come on the slaves (the names of the dead) on a visit to be a wine to drink, sucking a slave (name). With your permission, the underwill treats let the slave (name) drink, and your saliva does not give him to drink until he lives. Dai, Lord, to forget wine. Amen.

Conspiracy on a nameless grave
A simple, but very effective conspiracy. When you are on the cemetery, go to the nameless grave. . Put three pancakes, bun and put a glass of jelly. Crushing three times, read:

Who in this grave lies, his coffin will fit, waiting for the jet of day, let him hear me. I brought member. Remember from drunken slave (name) so that he lived and did not drink. How are you lying, do not get up, wine, vodka do not drink. So so that the slave (name) lived and the cross did not drink. Forgive me, the sake of Christ. You lie down, but I remember you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers from drunkenness

Herpure prayer from drunkenness

Spoke up this prayer in the mornings on clean water and let's drink drinking. It does not matter here, he knows that the water is conspired or not. If he agrees to treat alcoholism, then let him drink, realizing that it is treated. If he is against treatment, conspiracies and prayers, just take care of the sake of health to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning and that container with water from which it will drink in the morning. For example, you can buy a beautiful pitcher for drinking water:
Here is this prayer conspiracy from drunkenness
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Hop and wine, aughing from the slave of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not go and horses do not roam and birds do not fly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hop and wine go on fast water on which people do not go. From the servant of God (name) hop and wine, go to the brown winds, which in terms of range. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, go this wine for the hills and mountains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Turn to the dear person who will not do well. From the slave of God (name) in the eyelids of centuries will be hardened. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Prayer from drunkenness "Live help" (Psalm 90th)
This is already more serious and canonical prayer.
Prayer "Living Aid" is used by the characteristic, as waging from misfortunes, diseases, including alcoholism. The text of this psalm is written manually, put it in a leather belt that is constantly being patient. As a last resort, put in the inner pocket. This prayer is desirable to have or read in difficult life situations.

Lord God bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Like the Lord God of the sky, and the land, and the water, and the stars, and the damp-Maternaya Earth firmly approved and firmly strengthened, and there is no disease, no blood wounds, nor nipples, nor lobs, nor kmelepitia nor the tumor, nor the feed, the Lord of me, the servant of God (name), as the Lord created, firmly approved and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, as well with me, the Slave of God (name) That would not be on a white body, on the playive heart, nor bone bones, nor whose disease, no blood, and no wounds, and neither pinch, nor lobes, nor hanging heavy, nor vintage latter. One is the Arkhangelsk key; forever of centuries, amen.

Prayer - Wallen from a camp
This charm will help if a person prone to alcoholism goes to where there is a risk of getting drunk. The charm holds it from alcohol abuse. Prayer from drunkenness is written on paper and placed in clothes: you can just put in your pocket, and it is better to sew in clothes:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The name of God is alive, the name of all the saints, we talk, I spend you: wherever you, (name), nor walked, everywhere with you the word mine will be, and the Word is High - the wall is high, the shutters are strong, locking, I shut up your thirst for damn, I distracted you from green wine, from Crown Braga, from vodka, from tincture, from beer, from bitter honey.
Sinners drink walk, God do not know, and the grief will be sinful, as the soul from the body will be separated. How to remove the sickel-Tosnechonko, so I would have nauseous from all hops. Amen.

Prayer from drunkenness over sleeping
This prayer is convenient to use if the alcoholic comes home only to sleep, the houses are rarely and there is no possibility to give it a conspiracy or drink or apply other folk remedies from drunkenness.

This prayer is read by his wife over a sleeping husband:
Zarya-Zarnitsa, Red Maiden, Mati itself and the queen, bright month, clear stars. Take me insomnia, monsterman, midnight!
Among the nights come to the slave of God (name), at least a red girl, at least the mother of the queen, and there is a slave of God (name), and donate from the servant of God (name) ancient power, and give a spasome hand, Bogoroditsyn Castle.
Angel of the slave of God (name), the archangel of the slave of God (name), save the heart of the slave of God (name).
Cross clashed. Cross Fluency. Angel's cross urge to drive the crossed out.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hop and wine. Return from the servant of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not go, and horses do not roam, and birds do not fly. Amen.

Prayer icon "Insprivided Bowl"
Icon "Inspromandable Bowl" helped get rid of drunkenness to many people. In front of it in churches, special prayers are performed about healing from drunkenness. If you yourself suffer from alcoholism and want to hear - sincerely, shown before God in sin

with a solid intention not to retreat. The baptized person is desirable to confess and coming up. If a person closely suffers from alcoholism, but not going to be treated, pray for it, ignite the candles. The main thing here is faith. When a person sincerely turns to the Most Holy Mother of God with all his heart and asked for help from the miraculous icon "Insprising Bowl", then she will hear and help.

Here is the text of the prayer:
"On a premium domain! To your intercession now we are resorting, our prayer is not despicable, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; And the serious illness of drunkenness obsessed and that for the sake of the sake of the Mother of the Church of Christ and the salvation of disappearing brethren and sisters and the affinity of our heales. About the Milostiv Maga of God, touching the hearts and soon to argue from the falls of sinful, bringing them to the saving abstinence. The silence of our son, the Christ of our God, let us forgive our sinners and will not turn away the mercy on their people, but will strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. We accept, the Most Holy Mother of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds, wives, about their sobbing, children of sirah and poorly lost left, and all of us, to the icon of your fallen. And yes, I will get this cry of our prayers to the throne of the Most Hedgehogo. Missed and observe us from Lukavago Lokavago and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our pumps to pass an inconcessment of air nursery, your prayers to save us the conviction eternoor, and the grace of God in the endless eyelids. Amen".

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In the modern world there are many ways to combat delicious diseases, but they are not always effective. A coded person after a while again begins to experience a craving for alcohol and returns to a dangerous habit. In this case, it is worth contacting folk wisdom: strong conspiracies from the healers will help to overcome the love of alcohol and get rid of drunkenness once and for all.

In order for the conspiracy to act, you need to adhere to certain rules. Healers give several tips on how to make a conspiracy most effective.

  • About the rite do not need to tell anyone from those surrounding people, even the closest. You must keep everything secretly and after the plot will work. If you are going to get rid of the ailment not, and another person, then hide your intention from it and say the conspiracy secretly.
  • According to the healers, conspiracies to get rid of drunkenness have the greatest force if they are read during the level of decrease in the moon. It is best to hold a rite for 2-3 days before the new moon.
  • In order for the conspiracy from drunkenness to be effective, it needs to be pronounced in the right day. Women are talking on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and men - on the other days of the week, with the exception of Sunday. On Sunday, this ritual is strictly prohibited.


Get rid of drunkenness independently will help a strong conspiracy to holy water from the Siberian healer. Rite spend at night, before going to bed.

Put a glass with water on the table, and take the grilled church candle into the right hand. Capture Glass Capture, pronouncing a conspiracy text:

Saint water, candle is strong. As moisture with the fire is not reconciled, so I do not get along with alcohol. Moist inside me will fall, the fire is flooded in me, and the dependence will leave. The candle goes out - sin smoke will hang out. Amen.

Drink water, hide the candle and cross, and then go to bed. In the morning you will wake up a healthy person.

Strong conspiracy from drunkenness to a decreasing moon

This rite is also intended for people who have decided to get rid of the decklessness. Conspiracy is read on the moon in the phase of the last quarter, that is, the day before the new moon. If the moon is visible from your home, you can spend a ritual before the open window, if not - it is better to go outside. Look at the descending moon and read the plot:

The moon decreases, and my illness takes with it. In the morning, the moon will leave, the dependence of the trail will not remain. The new moon is nourished - the new life will begin. God for me help. Amen.

After the ritual, try to avoid prolonged views on the moon, otherwise the conspiracy efficiency can decrease.

Conspiracy from drunkenness

This conspiracy of healers advise to apply in relation to a person who does not want to get rid of alcohol dependence on their own. Do not forget that the ritual needs to be held secretly from this person.

For a conspiracy, you will need holy water and a snapshot of suffering from addiction. Look at the photo through water capacity and pronounce words:

Water body and spirit purifies, water and drunkenness will save. As the righteousness of the alcohol did not bother and the slave of God (name) the taste of potions will forget, and the water for him will be sweeter. The trouble will leave, the Lord will help. Amen.

After that, sprinkle photos and twist. Remove the snapshot away from the eyes so that no one finds it and did not take into hand until the dependent is cured. The remaining water let me have a drink to a person you have been talking.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on soap

Conspiracy to get rid of the close to dependence is read on the soap that only he uses. The rite is made at night after midnight. Take the soap in your hands and start talking to him:

Soap themselves, you will forget the taste of alcohol. Soap will melt, and your dependence melts. As soap does not increase back, so you will not return to drunkenness. Amen.

Such a plot does not imply an instant effect, but alcohol addiction will go to no every day.

Strong conspiracy of Vanga on the water

The conspiracy of the famous healer of Vanga is intended for those who want to get rid of someone from the relatives of male: husband, brother, father. Conspiracy is read over the water, which is then poured into the food or drinking human-suffering. To apply this method, read such words over a jug with water:

Water is clean, the water is sinless, the life of everything gives. Give a new life to the slave of God (name) so that nothing but the water he did not take in his mouth, did not poison his life. Clean him from sin and from potions of sinful protection. Amen.

After seven days, the dependence will leave a person. In no case cannot pour a conspiracy liquid into alcohol, otherwise the conspiracy will give the opposite result.

Conspiracies from drunkenness will help free from terrible dependence, reappear the health and joy of life. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Regularly drinking husbands not only destroy their health, but also create many problems with members of their family. Treatment methods offered by traditional medicine often do not work or have a short-term action. Then relatives are looking for alternative ways of delivering a man drinker from thrust to constant boosters. As a result, many wives and mothers in the search engine are introduced requests like "conspiracy from alcoholism for a husband read for free" - to no avail having tried all available methods, relatives are looking for salvation from alcohol in magical rituals.

Efficiency of conspiracy from drunkenness

Alcoholism has always been one of the greatest problems, so folk healers were in finding strong methods with which it was possible to get rid of the problem. The result of their research was various means of direct healing effect on alcoholics and mediated methods of cure by conspiracies against drunkenness and prayers. Magic methods can be treated in different ways, but in the fight against the alcoholism of relatives, all the ways are good if they bring a positive anti-alcoholic effect. Moreover, there are many examples when men who are conspired from drunkenness forever throwing drinking and became full-fledged family members and socium.

Important! So that the husband threw a drink, it is important to go to the end by choosing a suitable ritual. It happens that the first time the spell is not valid due to the mistakes made when it is conducted or incorrectly mood, so it is often necessary to make several attempts before the expected result comes.

Basic rules for conducting healing rituals

Conducting conspiracies and other rituals in order to exemplate from addiction to drunkenness of her husband Provides some general rules. Their compliance will increase the force of healing spell or prayer.

  1. Ritual acts Made For certain days. It is believed that if the purpose of the conspiracy is to get rid of the harmful dependence of husbands, they must be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. If the object of the magical influence of the female sex, the rituals carried out on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays will be more efficient. Sunday will be preferably held on the implementation of any transactions with the highest forces.
  2. On the effectiveness of the conspiracy, prayers aimed at the husband did not drink, affect the lunar phase. The greatest strength of rituals is manifested by a decreasing moon. During the full moon and the growing moon, magical rituals may not bring any result.
  3. It is impossible to conspire from curiosity, especially since with bad intentions. Thinking thinking should be clean, aimed at sincere help to a person suffering. It is important to believe in virtue of the ritual, its effectiveness.
  4. All magic acts, including conspiracy to husband Relived from addiction, held in full secret. Relatives, close girlfriends and especially the object of healing influence should not know about it. Even with the achievement of a quick positive effect from the ritual spent, do not tell her husband, thanks to which he disappeared to drink.

Important! The general rules for conducting rituals healing from drunkenness are simple, but mandatory for execution. It should be understood that if you ignore the recommendations, you can not only stay without effect, but also harm.

How to talk on a photograph?

Experts, knowledgeable in magic, argue that the image of a person in a photographic card bears a lot of information about him, so it is possible to have an indirect influence on the one who is depicted in the photo. It will not be a snapshot of his closest relative of the labor, but it is important that the photo is solitary and desirable that period when the husband, son or father has already suffered drunkenness. To perform this ritual, in addition to the photograph, prepare three candles from the church and consecrated water. When sunset, put burning candles on the table, put a photo and sprinkle with water, saying the following words:

"Lord God, I ask you to help! I want to save the dependence of the slave of God (the name of the patient), a conspiracy from drinking alcohol to do, wean him from drunken, pick up at alcohol. Make so that the vodka and other alcohol nasty in the throat he did not run, so that he flew away from him, as from Besa, so that except the water did not go to it anything! My word mighty, my word is the law of a slave lag (name). Amen!"

It is pronounced this spell three times, after which the photo is hiding into a secluded place, and the candles are quenched. This plot for the husband does not drink, acts quickly, literally since the end of the ritual. But if you head for the first time, it is easy to make a mistake, or be designed when reading the prayer, so if the effect does not come, in a month, repeat the ritual, using photos too.

Important! This plot can be found in a slightly modified interpretation. It is worth understanding that the order of some words does not have much importance, the main thing is sincere promise and request for healing from alcoholism.

How to get rid of addiction, spoken water?

Healing alcoholism, using a magical effect on ordinary water. For the ritual, it is recommended to use water from a natural source (spring, well), but a plumbing is also suitable if you leave it in a dark place for a week. Such a prayer is pronounced over water:

"As Jesus Alcohol did not know and did not know how the Virgin Mary and the apostles, holy alcohols did not drink and the slave of God so that vodka did not try. To drink only water from the spring, the student and pure, and the wine and vodka did not drink and did not know! Amen!"

In order for the husband to throw to drink, you need conspiracy to drink it in any form (coffee, tea), but only the entire volume will get completely completely. The effect will see very soon, which will manifest itself with the reluctance of a relative touch the spirits.

How to talk from alcoholism on soap

"Oh, do not drink, the slave of God, you, do not wander in a crossway, do not walk drunk. I spell, talking! As your hands you donate with this soap, so that the addiction to forgive their own. So that the thought of vodka does not come to you, and come, forgotten immediately. Amen!"

Soap puts near the washbasin, so that the alcoholic is constantly used by it. Despite the fact that this conspiracy so that the relative does not drinkIt belongs to strong and effective, it is necessary to repeat it after 2-3 weeks, using a new bar.

There are still some methods of magical impact on the alcohol addiction of native people, but the listed are the most strong and effective. Conspiracies so that the son or husband does not drink, do not always go from white magic, attracting otherworldly forces. Such rituals may carry a danger, although they sometimes have an instant effect. It is necessary to beware of such rites using only proven magic agents.

Alcoholism is a disease that causes significantly harm to health and destroys the soul of man. Unfortunately, alcoholics often do not recognize themselves patients and do not consider dependence on alcoholic destructive. For this reason, relatives and close people cannot help a person get rid of alcoholism by official methods and turn to alternative medicine.

Folk methods

In addition to encodings, drugs and hypnosis, alcoholism is treated with various methods of traditional medicine. Special efficiency are conspiracy capable of unscrewing an alcoholic from drunkenness and completely eliminate a detrimental habit.

You can read a plot of vodka with absolutely any person, for example, wife or parents. But so that it affects, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of reading and not to rephrase the magic text. Conspiracies from drunkenness on vodka are among the most powerful, they act quickly, and the effect of them is preserved for a long time.

Important! The reading of the conspiracy must be accompanied by absolute confidence in his effectiveness, then he will really help cope with the problem.

Features and efficiency

The rules for the treatment of an alcoholic from drunkenness by reading conspiracy are simple, but they must be strictly observed:

Before reading a conspiracy, they spend cleaning - they roll out all family members, starting with animals and children, and ending with the eggs. To do this, boil the chicken eggs, cool and roll them along the body of the bought out (one egg on the one who is cleansed), saying: "I kataya's egg, I rip out, all the bad, apparent winding up. As the egg rolls, so (name) is cleared. Amen!".

Or eggs fry salt in a frying pan, saying: "Salt is riveted, black is removed. As a salt burns, so everything induced, parotsed, popped, stripped from slaves (the names of family members) will leave. "

Important! Within three days from the moment of reading the conspiracy, it is impossible to give anything from the house, especially bread, wine and salt.

Conducted with confidence and determination of rituals from alcoholism is very effective. They act quickly and eliminate a person from a detrimental dependence on the subconscious level.

If a conspiracy alcoholic consumes a drink with someone together, then harm, as well as good, this person will not be.

The strongest of drunkenness

Consider 4 severe conspiracy.

On a closed bottle

In order for it to act, you should stay in the room alone (pets are also removed from the room) and curtain the windows, put a black tissue on the table. They light up 3 church candles of medium sized and 9 times read magic words on a bottle:

"Like vodka is transparent and strong and the speeches of my right, strong and unbreakable. Let the slave (name) beverage a fiery merchant, and the illness will retreat. Let the vodka every sip of the clutter turns it out, the intestines turn the guts, be circling him and sick, as soon as the alcohol it will be used. I (my name) in a word and case, a strong department, drunkenness with (alcoholic name) I take off, I forbid him. As he will drink from this bottle, the sip will retreat from alcohol. Such is my will, and there can be no other. Amen!".

Candles leave to get to get out, the flames from them are thrown into the flow river. Alcohol gives a sick.

Important! This conspiracy is made on the night of the full moon, and the bottle of alcoholic is given the next day. Act the magic rite begins for 13 days.


It is read exactly at midnight on the patch bottle of vodka, which is then allowed to add an alcoholic. The text of the conspiracy must be read three times:

"Like dead people from the graves do not get up,

Motion chumps do not drink

So and (name) will not be able to drink it,

Frank letter readers! Pulled out a family from the pit!
I was on the verge. My husband began to drink almost immediately after our wedding. First, on a little bit, to look into the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return heavily daily, Rubbed, drank salary. It really became terrible when the first time pushed. Me, then daughter. The next morning apologized. And so in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. If we were not tried, even coded. I'm not talking about conspiracies (we have a grandmother, who seemed to have pulled out everyone, just not my husband). After coding, he did not drink half a year, everything seemed to be better, began to live as a normal family. And on some day - again, stayed at work (as he said) and dragged him in the evening in the eyebrows. I still remember your tears that evening. I realized that there were no hopes. And somewhere in two or two and a half months I came across the Internet on alkotoxic. At that time I had already completely lowered my hands, my daughter went away from us at all, began to live at the girlfriend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, especially without hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think? !! She began to add drops to her husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later came home. Sober!!! A week later, it was better to look better, well-being improved. Well, here I admitted to him that I applied the drops. On the sober head responded adequately. As a result, I dug the course of alkotoxic, and for half a year to alcohol, neither, at work, raised, returned home daughter. I'm afraid to smooth, but I became new! I mentally thank you every night that day when I learned about this miracle tool! I recommend to everyone! Save family and even life! Read about the means of alcoholism.

It will live without vodka.

As I said (a), so will

And year, and five.

My word is tight and tenacious.

Like the dead man from the grave not to depart,

So and (name) vodka not to drink.


At the cemetery

The grave find the grave with the same name as the patient. It leaves a bottle of vodka with the words: "Like you (name) in the cemetery you live, you don't drink vodka, and the slave (name) does not drink it." Alcohol is left on the grave for 3 days.

After 3 days come, a bottle is taken, and the grave leaves the pancakes, bunches, kissel. At this time they say:

"I remembered you, and you feed me, (name) from the vodka hole. Amen". Brings vodka home and give alcoholic. How he starts to drink her, it is necessary to look at him and talk to himself: "Water fiery across the throat rises, (name) does not allow drunk. As the dead man could not drink vodka, so you can't. And who widespread my word will take, on that disease will move. My word lopko, yes firmly. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Important! The burial, where they leave vodka, must be fresh (not older than 5 years). At the same time, the buried dead man should be a peer of an alcoholic, then the conspiracy will act for one lunar cycle.

With holy water

Court to cope with alcoholism will help the water recruited (January 19). Magic text is crucial for her three times:

"As Jesus Christ, Vodka did not drink, did not know

without her did not suffer

like Virgin Mary and all saints

vodka did not know and did not know

did not suffer from dependence, they did not suffer

so the slave of God (name) is not found with vodka,

easy to abandon it forever.

Let (name) vodka does not concern

forever it is tortured, not worn, does not suffer,

there are no problems with alcohol.

My word is strong, lumpy business.

In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!


The water is added alcoholic into alcoholic beverages daily for a few drops. Such a conspiracy will help to cope with addiction within a month.