Quilling lesson. Plan-outline of the quilling lesson "Quilling. Let's get acquainted" plan-outline of the lesson (grade 2) on the topic. Practical independent work

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additional education

"The House for arts and crafts for children


Ulyanovsk region"

Summary of the introductory lesson

Acquaintance with a new type of paper plastic "Quilling"

Teacher of additional education:

Filippova Yulia Igorevna



Summary of the introductory lesson

Class: 3


Number of teaching hours: 2

Lesson type: combined


1.Educational: Contribute to the formation of an idea of ​​a new kind of arts and crafts -quilling . To introduce students to the technique of performing quilling.

2.Developing: To develop in students the skills and abilities of working with paper, an eye, fine motor skills of hands, thinking, and creative abilities.

3. Nurturing: To educate students in the quality of accuracy and composure in the performance of labor methods, industriousness, ability to listen, accuracy, activity, work culture.


1. Developing the ability to properly organize the workplace and carefully clean it after work is done.

2. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge in the course of practical work.

3. Encouragement of independence, perseverance, accuracy at work.

Lesson structure

1. Organizational moment (5 min)

2. Presentation of the topic of the lesson (1 min)

3. Learning new material (10 min)

4. Consolidation of the studied material. Practical work (43 min)

4.1 Introductory briefing (2-3 min)

4.2 Practical work (40 min)

5. Analysis of student work (7 min)

6. Summing up (7 min)

Total: 80 min.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Greeting students, checking attendance. Preparing workplaces for work.

2. Posting the topic of the lesson

- The topic of today's lesson "Introduction to a new type of paper plastic "Quilling".

3. Learning new material

- Recently, it has become increasingly popularquilling , or paper rolling. This is what will be discussed today.

quilling , from the English word quill (bird feather), is the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. Quilling is also called "paper filigree".

Flowers and patterns are created from paper spirals, which are then usually used to decorate postcards, albums, gift wraps, photo frames.

It is believed that, unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes.

In the 15-16th century, quilling was considered an art, in the 19th century - ladies' entertainment (and almost the only needlework worthy of noble ladies). For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again. In England, Queen Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics.

In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art. The Korean school of quilling is somewhat different from the European one. Modern European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Oriental craftsmen create complex works, more like masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous "lace" is woven from hundreds of small details.

To practice quilling, you do not need expensive tools and a specially equipped workplace. In order to make a composition of almost any complexity, you will need the following materials and accessories:

- Awl . It should be about one millimeter in diameter. The awl shank is used to wind the spiral from the paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the paper tension, the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose.

- Tweezers. The tips should be both sharp, exactly aligned, and flat. Notches at the end are undesirable, because. can leave marks on paper. The grip force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure. The workpiece is held with tweezers when glue is applied and glued to the cardboard.

- Scissors. It is best to work with small scissors with sharp tips. They must be well sharpened. For the most precise cutting of fringes.

- Glue. The main requirement for glue is that it should not leave marks when it dries. You can start with PVA.

- Compasses, ruler, pencil, stencil with circles of different diameters - For marking, future composition.

You can buy special paper for quilling in craft stores or make blanks yourself. The most important thing is the weight of the paper. It must be at least 60 grams per square meter (usually this information is indicated on the packages) otherwise it will not curl neatly and keep its shape.

And now the most interesting. How is it that such wonderful work is obtained. It turns out everything is quite simple. The principle of creating paper masterpieces: you need to wind a strip of paper on the awl core (you can use a simple toothpick), fix the end of the strip with glue, and then create a petal, drop, or some other shape. There are quilling patterns by which you can create one or another pattern from stripes.

To work, you will need double-sided colored paper, PVA glue, cardboard - as a background for creating a postcard.

4. Consolidation of the studied material. Practical work

Performing an exercise.Twist a spiral from strips of white or colored paper, try to make a “drop”, “eye” and other shapes.

4.1 Introductory briefing

Now let's do a series of exercises based on the material studied.

- Before proceeding with the practical work, we will repeat the safety precautions when working with scissors:

    Keep scissors in a specific place.

    Lay them closed with sharp ends away from you.

    Pass the scissors to each other rings forward.

4.2 Practical work

Students begin to work, the teacher observes, gives advice, answers questions that arise in the process of work with students.

5. Analysis of student work

Work analysis. An assessment is underway.

6. Summing up

- The lesson is coming to an end, we complete the work.

Let's remember what we talked about in class.

- What new things did you learn in the lesson? What did you learn?

- What did you like about the lesson? How did your creativity show up in class?

- Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. We are removing jobs.

List of used literature

    V.A. Voronov. Encyclopedia of applied creativity. - M .: "OLMA-PRESS", 2000.

    www.wikipedia. en

    S.Yu. Rashchupkin. Beautiful figurines of animals made of paper. – Rostov n/a: Vladis, 2010

    A.Yu. Dolbisheva, V.N. 100 paper crafts. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1999

Lesson in the association "Filigree" on the topic "Quilling".

Lesson topic:"Hawthorn branch" - quilling.
Target: Consolidation of the concept of "tight roll" in the quilling technique when performing the composition "Hawthorn Branch"
To consolidate the skills and abilities of twisting tight rolls.
To consolidate knowledge of labor safety rules when working with quilling tools, scissors, glue
Cultivate accuracy, diligence, perseverance.
To instill the skills of a culture of work, mutual assistance, mutual assessment, a culture of communication.
Develop creative thinking, fantasy, imagination, memory observation.
To develop the desire for objective self-esteem, skills of control and self-control, independent creative activity.
Equipment and design of the lesson:
projector, screen;
Pictures and photos on the theme "Hawthorn"

presentation “Performing the composition “Hawthorn Branch”, a completed sample.
For each student:
quilling paper stripes
quilling tools (twist, tweezers, wooden toothpicks)
PVA glue
glue brush
paper napkin
basis for composition
Lesson Plan
1. Organizational moment (10 minutes)
2. Work on the topic of the lesson (35 minutes)
3. Dynamic pause (10 minutes)
4. Independent work (35 minutes)
5. Lesson summary (10 minutes)
I. Organizing time
- Message from the teacher about the structure of the lesson:
- Today we will try to complete the composition with the help of the knowledge gained in the last lesson.
Let's look at some images on the screen and talk about what kind of plant it is.
(Viewing slides, reporting general information about hawthorn).
- But before you start working, answer the question: What is a hawthorn? Have you ever seen this plant yourself? Try to imagine hawthorn berries. What are they? (children's answers)
- Imagine a berry in your hand. Dense, elastic, resistant to finger pressure. This means that elastic berries should appear in our work.
- What do you think, what kind of work will we get? ("Hawthorn branch")
Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.
- And now it's time to check if everything is ready for our lesson?
Paper strips for quilling, quilling tools: twister, tweezers, wooden toothpicks, PVA glue, brush, paper napkin, oilcloth, composition base. Everything is ready. Then it's time to start!
II. Work on the topic of the lesson
(On the screen - a presentation of the performance of the composition)
1. You need to glue 5 red stripes in one strip. Only 6 pieces - for making berries
2. Roll the strip into tight rolls
3. To make the rolls look like berries, you need to gently press on their middle so that the rolls become convex. Lubricate gently with glue on the concave side
4. While the rolls are drying, you need to make hawthorn leaves
Children who can easily cope with the task perform the “drop” form of green stripes (depending on the already known capabilities of each student, stencils of a whole leaf of a plant are offered, which they cut out of green paper).
5. From green stripes (10-15 pieces), twist the “drop” shape. If necessary, cut 3-4 green hawthorn leaves on a stencil
6. According to the number of berries, glue the green strip in half, leaving the edge open, into which the “berry” is glued
7. Glue green "drops" of 2, 3, 5 pieces so that they look like leaves
8. Glue sealing strips inside the berries
9. Spread the berries on the base, forming a beautiful branch
10. Add leaves to the branch
11. Glue everything
III. Dynamic pause
IV. Independent work
Do you understand everything in the course of the work? Let's repeat the Safety Rules when working with quilling tools (twist, tweezers, wooden toothpicks), scissors, PVA glue, glue brush.
1. Sample analysis
Carefully consider the sample, what forms of quilling were used in the manufacture of the souvenir?
2. Independent work of students
We start to work.
(Individual assistance, consultation of the teacher during independent work).
V. The results of the lesson
Teacher: This is where our work ends. Well done!
Exhibition of works.
What were you thinking about when you were doing your job?
What feelings did you experience while working?
Did you like it?
Well done, you have worked very well, and the result of your work is your souvenirs that you can give to your loved ones.

Presentation on the topic: "Hawthorn branch" - quilling

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1. From the history of technology

In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather ». Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. Paper rolling spread quickly in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics.

In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art.

In the 15th century it was considered art. In the 17th century, quilling was increasingly used for wall decoration, as a replacement for more expensive paintings and panels. Armorial shields were bordered with wide borders made of thin strips of skillfully rolled paper. The ladies of the Regency decorated, in this way, screens for fireplaces, tea boxes, furniture, screens. Lucy, the heroine of Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility, weaves an openwork quilling basket for Annamaria. The Brontë sisters also mastered this art. The Pilgrim Fathers brought quilling to the New World, and American museums have examples of antique candlesticks, caskets and paintings finished using the quilling technique.

At 19 - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again.

This technique has many fans around the world. In England, in 1983, the Quilling Union of England was created, a real quilling corporation that receives letters from all continents. On her initiative, in 1992, the First International Quilling Festival was organized, during which one could admire ancient products and modern creations. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement on a filigree voluminous stand, you can put, for example, a cup or put a heavy book, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose, it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper. For many centuries, people have been decorating their life, clothes, folk craftsmen have created utensils, decorating them, inventing toys for children. Modern schoolchildren, despite the workload, still remain children, dreamers, inventors and creators. It is very important and useful for children to introduce children to the study of decorative and applied art, to instill in them a love for beauty. Quilling, as one of the types of arts and crafts, in our opinion, has great potential: it develops fine motor skills, calms, relieves aggression and develops taste. In addition, it is useful for the development of spatial imagination and, finally, just human fantasies. It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details.

2. Materials and equipment

Quilling tool is also different. In Europe, a plastic or metal stick with a split end is used to twist the strips. Some people make such a tool themselves, for example, from a ballpoint pen, at the end of which a slot is made. Masters of the Eastern school prefer to twist with a thin awl. A replacement for it can be made from a thick needle and cork. Also, children are good at wrapping on a toothpick.

The paper used is of a special density, dyed in volume, so that both sides and the cut look the same, although sometimes the cut is specially given a different color. Sets of pre-cut paper strips can be purchased at specialized stores. If this is not possible, then you can cut the strips yourself.

Awl. It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl is tapered, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of a suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the paper tension, the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose.

Tweezers. The tips should be sharp, exactly aligned. For high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable, because. can leave marks on paper. The grip force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure.

Scissors. Like tweezers, they should have pointed ends. For the most precise cutting of fringes.

Ruler. A special one with circles of different diameters, as well as a regular ruler of 30-40 cm. A special ruler, sometimes called a “plastic substrate” with circles, is used for pre-laying rolls, giving them the necessary diameter. A regular ruler can be plastic or iron.

Toothpicks. Used to apply glue to the workpiece. When marking up a future composition, you will need: pencil.

3. Afterbirthovality of the technique

At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. Before rolling the rolls, paper strips should be prepared. Standard quilling strips should be 270 mm long and 3 to 30 mm wide. But, in principle, strips can be cut independently and of arbitrary size. To do this, a sheet of paper of the desired size is placed on a flat surface and marked out using a needle with a ring at the end and a ruler. Next, a ruler (preferably metal) is applied to two marking points along one line and pressed against the sheet with your left hand. A dummy or clerical knife is taken with the right hand, put with a blade to the far marking point in a vertical position and held, pressing and cutting through the paper, along the ruler along the line. Thus, all strips are cut. But you need to make sure that the ruler does not move during the cut, and the knife blade goes strictly along the ruler. If possible, then special quilling paper is taken, already cut into thin strips.

Roll making:

Roll is the main element of quilling. It is a tightly twisted spiral of paper strip. The tip of the strip of paper is glued to be fixed to the roll with a drop of glue. The basic roll is performed as follows. A prepared strip of paper is taken in the left hand, and a special tool for twisting is taken in the right hand. The tip of the tape is placed in the slot of the tool and clamped in it. Or (if an awl is used), the tip of the strip is applied to the instrument and, supporting and pressing it with your fingers, twisting begins by turning the instrument counterclockwise. 1-2 turns are made. Then, holding the tool in the right hand and holding the winding, the paper tape is placed between the pad of the index finger of the left hand and the thumbnails, squeezing not too hard, and stretched from the bottom up. The strip will curl up a bit. The winding of the roll should be continued until there is a “tail” 3-4 mm long. A drop of glue is applied to the tip of the “tail” from the inside, and it is pressed against the roll, fixing the grip with the fingers. At the end, the roll is taken with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand and carefully removed from the instrument. Roll can be free. It is done in the same way as the base one, only at the end the free tip is not glued. Holding the roll so that it does not unravel, it is placed in the round hole of the template of the required diameter and, holding it with your fingers, is carefully untwisted so that its outer winding is adjacent to the contour of the template. With the help of tweezers, the winding of the roll is straightened and evenly distributed. And only now the free end can be glued to the roll. The finished roll is removed from the template.

From basic and free rolls, you can get all kinds of elements of various shapes. The formation of the elements is achieved by compressing the rolls in different directions and places.

"A drop". A free roll of the required diameter is made. After the roll is taken by the thumb and forefinger of the right hand on the flat sides, so that its coils are evenly distributed along the sides relative to the fingers. One of the free sides of the roll is taken with the fingers of the left hand and slightly compressed. The coil must be allowed to spread out under compression, and the fold is completed by squeezing the fingers more tightly. The element is released and the winding should finally disperse, taking the desired shape.

"Eye". A free roll of a certain diameter is twisted. It is taken with the index and thumbs of both hands on both sides of the vertical sides so that the roll is symmetrical. And at the same time, it is slightly compressed with the fingers, allowing the coils to be evenly distributed. The bend of the element ends with a strong compression of the fingers and the subsequent free divergence of the turns.

"Crooked eye". The free roll is folded into an "eye" element. And, without letting go of it from the hands, its tips move with the fingers, as if shifting the symmetry vertically. Further, the elements are compressed in the horizontal direction, making a shift of the hands, and the roll is released, allowing the winding to disperse a little.

"Square". A free roll of the required diameter is folded and folded into an “eye”, without completing the element with a stronger compression. The roll is rotated by 90 0 and the compression is repeated, as when performing the "eye" element. Bending ends with strong finger pressure. Then you need to return to the original fold and finish it. The element is released for free divergence.

"Triangle". A free roll is made and folded into a “drop”, but not ending with a strong compression. The “drop” is taken by the narrow part with the fingers of the left hand and compressed by the fingertips of the right hand. The bending ends with a strong compression of each vertex in turn, placing the vertex of the triangle between the fingers of the left hand for compression. The element is left for uniform unraveling of the winding.

"Rhombus". Make an "eye" and squeeze both corners to give the workpiece a diamond shape.

"Arrow". Make a “Triangle” and press the middle of the short side inward with the end of your index finger.

"Crescent". It is performed almost like the "Eye", but in a curved shape. The corners are pinched not opposite each other, but with a shift.

"Sheet". Make a free "spiral", squeeze it in the form of an "eye" and bend the corners in different directions.

"Spiral". Wrap a narrow strip of paper around the tool, remove it, take both ends, spread it apart.

"Tight spiral". Twist the tape and glue the tip without removing the spiral from the tool so that the tape does not unwind.

"Free spiral". Twist the tape, remove the spiral from the tool and, before gluing the end, let it unwind.

Open Forms:

"Heart". Bend the strip in the middle. Screw both halves inward.

"Horns". Bend the strip in the middle. Screw both halves out.

"Curl". Lightly mark the middle of the strip without making a crease. Twist the ends to the middle, but in different directions.

"Twig". Bend the strip in a ratio of 1: 2. Twist the ends to one side.

Basic forms

Volumetric rolls. Usually volume is given to rolls that have a large diameter. This process is called volume pulling. Such elements can be used to compose compositions, folding large items such as boxes or decorative vases. To make a volumetric roll, it is necessary to glue several standard overlaps into one long strip. At the same time, making sure that the ends of the paper strips overlap each other by no more than 2 mm and the upper ends are always located on one side of the long strip. The roll is wound in the usual way. And, when its diameter exceeds 10 mm, it must be removed from the tool and glued on the free end. Before stretching, the roll needs to be kneaded a little with your fingers so that the windings move freely relative to each other. Pulling starts from the center of the roll and gradually moves towards the edges. It is performed carefully, with fingertips, evenly distributing the entire load on the element. Stretched out, or rather, bending the roll to the desired volume, it must be lubricated from the inside with glue and allowed to dry. Volumetric roll can also be given a variety of shapes. That is, during arching, not only the volume is stretched on it, but the shape of the base also changes. With this method, for example, a volumetric “drop” is obtained by stretching the volume to the ball, and then slightly squeezing the base of the element around one point.

The sequence of gluing quilling elements:

· The prepared element is taken carefully with tweezers. In this case, one sponge of the tweezers should be inside the element, and the other - outside. The jaws of the tweezers are compressed, capturing the element.

· Glue is applied to the underside of the selected element with a brush.

The element is attached to the base of the craft. The tweezers are removed, and the element is pressed against the base with fingertips. Allow time for the glue to dry.

The process of gluing quilling elements together is performed as follows:

Adjacent elements are glued to the base so that their sides touch.

A drop of glue is drawn onto the tip of a thick needle.

· Using tweezers, the windings of one adjacent element are slightly moved away from the other and glue is applied to the vertical side of the second at the point of contact.

· The windings of the first element are released. If necessary, the place of gluing is fixed by compression with tweezers.

Thus, not only the basic elements are glued together, but also separate paper strips are glued to them.

This technique does not require significant material costs to start its development. However, paper rolling cannot be called simple, since in order to achieve a decent result, it is necessary to show patience, perseverance, dexterity, accuracy and, of course, develop the skills of twisting high-quality modules.

4. Use ttechnicians in kindergarten practice

technological quilling for children

Preschool children are very willing to perform products using the quilling technique, despite the fact that at the initial stage of learning, the process of paper rolling seems rather complicated. But already after doing several jobs, the child easily enough copes with winding the paper strip on the tool and is fond of turning the workpiece into one form or another, and then into various images.

Quilling classes can be started from the senior preschool age, gradually complicating the level of work performance.

For the successful organization of classes in teaching the artistic technique of quilling, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children: first of all, you need to make sure that the craft is practically significant for the child and he can use it as a souvenir or toy. In addition, the work should not be particularly difficult, tiring for the child; for this, the first quilling crafts should consist of a small number of parts, or you can invite the child to cut out individual parts from paper. The study of the basic elements of quilling technique must be carried out according to the principle: from simple to complex, later, by combining different elements, children will have new images that they can embody with the help of paper strips. The best option would be to lay out the pattern, after which each of the quilling elements must be glued in place.

A successful form of organizing classes for creating applications, the details of which are performed by children using the quilling technique, is teamwork. Learning the quilling technique should be gradual and consistent. The implementation of each new form (reception) should be consolidated in several lessons and only after that continue to acquaint children with new techniques. In the work of quilling, the older children of the group effectively develop fine motor skills of the hand. The level of development of fine differentiated movements of the fingers and hands becomes more purposeful. Of particular importance is the indicator of improvement in the development of complex-coordinated movements of the leading hand (children hold a pencil well as a working tool). Significantly improved indicators of the development of speech, thinking, memory, attention, coherent speech. The subject of classes is built taking into account the interests of preschoolers, the possibility of their self-expression. In the course of mastering the content of work by children, the rate of development of special skills and abilities, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. Work allows you to individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in a complex design, less prepared, you can offer easier work. At the same time, the educational and developing meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the child against the fear of difficulties, to join without fear to create and create.

As a result of the work of quilling in children of older preschool age.

· learn different ways of working with paper;

· will know the basic geometric concepts (circle, square, triangle, angle, etc.) and the basic forms of quilling;

Enriches the child's vocabulary with special terms.

learn to follow oral instructions, draw product diagrams; create quilling products using instruction cards and diagrams;

will create compositions with products made using the quilling technique;

develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.

Get acquainted with the art of paper rolling;

· master the skills of work culture;

improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

The child learns in practice the concept of the word "technology".

Significantly affects the formation of such cognitive processes as perception, attention, memory, logical thinking.

Forms the principles of collectivism in the child in the process of joint activity, with the simultaneous development of the qualities inherent in the individual independence, self-development, self-determination.

· When practicing quilling, the child in the process of work creates a game situation on a sheet of paper using ready-made forms.

· The process of twisting paper is a fascinating action that saturates the life of children in kindergarten with playful tricks.

· Development of independent creative activity.

Development of aesthetic taste.

· Primary knowledge of composition: the formation of a sense of center, symmetry, idea of ​​the depth of space of a sheet of paper.

· Quilling makes it possible to create fundamentally new decorative elements, to give modern meaning to traditional folk crafts Creation of illustrations for literary works.

Important for a preschooler is the ability to create elements of decorating a group with the help of quilling, decorating a hall for matinees, creating highly artistic compositions, decorating elements of a folk costume.


1. Tikhomirova L.F. "The development of children's cognitive abilities: a guide for parents and educators." Publishing house "U - Factoria". Yekaterinburg 2003

2. Zaitseva A. "Quilling". "New Ideas for Creativity". Publishing house "Eksmo". Moscow 2010

3. Bukina S. Bukin M. "Quilling". "Magic of paper curls". Publishing house "Phoenix". Rostov-on-Don 2011

4. Helen W. "Patterns from paper tapes." Publishing house "Niola-Press" Moscow 2006

5. Belkina V.N. “Development and learning. To educators and parents: a guide for parents and educators. Publishing house "Academy of Development" Yaroslavl 1998

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    lesson summary, added 09/10/2010

    Forms of organization of work on familiarization with nature. Classes of primary introductory, in-depth cognitive, generalizing and complex types. Synopsis of the event for familiarization with nature in the senior group of the kindergarten "Walk in nature".

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Target: mastering one of the types of paper-plasticity - quilling.


  • form an idea of ​​a new type of paper-plasticity - quilling;
  • master the basic elements and techniques for performing quilling;
  • to form in students the skills of working with paper, the eye, fine motor skills of the hands;


  • develop students' creative imagination and thinking;
  • develop creativity and interest in the subject;


  • to educate students in accuracy and composure when performing labor methods, diligence, listening skills, communication skills, the ability to work in a team;
  • teach children to understand beauty.

Methodical equipment of the training session:

  • posters,
  • samples of objects of work,
  • instruction cards.

Equipment and tools: paper strips 5-7 mm wide, ballpoint pen refills with a split end, cardboard, glue, scissors, toothpicks.

  • Microsoft Office Power Point Presentation

Teaching methods.

Reproductive method (Storytelling, demonstration of finished works, conversation with an explanation of new material, demonstration of labor techniques, independent work, form of organization of activities (work in small groups, individual work, presentation of their work).

Productive method (partial search (creative work of children)).

Type of training session: the formation of new knowledge and skills, their creative application in practice.

Lesson plan:

  1. organizational stage.
  2. Main stage.
  3. Final stage.
  4. Informational.

The course of the lesson

1. Organizational stage:


2. Main stage:

1. Preparation for the assimilation of new content (motivation and acceptance of the purpose of the activity) (Appendix 1).

Crossword (Slide 1)

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

2. Assimilation of new knowledge, skills, methods of activity.

Introduction to basic concepts. Learning new material.

Paper is an unusually expressive and malleable material. From it you can create a whole world. There are many types of paper plastic. The most famous in our country is the Japanese art of folding paper figures - origami. Today I will introduce you to another technique that is still little known to us - the art of paper rolling, or, as it is called in the West, quilling.

Quilling is based on the ability to twist long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modify their shape and make three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

Translated from English - quilling "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th - early 15th century. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces.

However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world.

The quilling tool is a plastic or metal stick with a split end. You can also make such a tool yourself. And some even manage with a regular toothpick. In our work, we will use a ballpoint pen, at the end of which a slot is made.

Paper. The paper must be colored on both sides. The width of the strips for quilling is 3 mm, but this is an optional condition, the strips can be slightly wider (up to 7 mm).

Glue. Used for gluing parts to the base. It is best to use PVA glue.

Toothpick. Used to apply glue.

Stencil with circles. To control the size of the circles.

In quilling, there are a fairly large number of basic elements, and the manufacture of each element takes a matter of seconds. (Slide 3)

Both the forms of quilling and the created images in this technique are different.

(Slide 4, 5, 6)

3. Practical application of new knowledge, verification of understanding of what has been learned, consolidation of new knowledge.

Training exercises for the manufacture of the basic elements of the quilling technique.

Twist a spiral from strips of white paper, try to make a “drop”, “eye” and other shapes.

Position the end of the paper strip between the split ends of the tool. Start twisting the strip of paper, passing it between your thumb and forefinger, keeping the same tension. Continue winding the paper to the end. Then turn the tool upside down and remove the curl.

The curl will unwind a little. Now, using a toothpick, glue the tip of the strip to the curl. You only need a little glue. Here it is, our original shape is a circle.

In order for the elements to be the same size, it is desirable to control the size of the original circles using a stencil with circles.

You can give paper various two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes: squares, ovals, stars, cones, hemispheres.

What can the resulting droplets and leaves be used for? Today we will create the image of little animals.


Finger gymnastics; gymnastics for the eyes.

Safety briefing.

Rules for working with scissors:

  • Keep scissors in a specific place.
  • Lay them closed with sharp ends away from you.
  • Pass the scissors to each other rings forward.
  • Independent creative work.

    Students work on the model or come up with a composition on their own.

    The current instruction of the teacher (in the course of the children's independent work)

    • checking the organization of students' workplaces;
    • verification of compliance with safety regulations when performing a task;
    • instructions on how to complete the task in accordance with the instruction and technological map;
    • assistance to underprepared students.

    4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge:

    A) Arrange in order of priority the concepts (from the most general to the most particular):

    Paper plastic, DPI, quilling, paper rolling, origami.

    Answer: DPI - paper plastic - quilling (paper rolling).

    5. Knowledge control (identification of the level and quality of knowledge acquisition)

    Written work with concepts. (Annex 2)

    3. Final stage:

    1) Summing up

    Presentation of the work performed (protection with the help of a memo, a poem about an animal);

    2) Reflection (self-assessment of actions and state) (Appendix 3).

    What happened, what difficulties did you experience in the process of work?

    Are you satisfied with yourself? On your tables are leaflets with a scale for determining mood and self-esteem. Work with them.

    4. Information stage:

    Homework. Since this is not the last lesson in the quilling technique, I ask you to look at home and draw flowers, any you like. In the next lesson, we move on to creating flowers using the technique we have learned.

    Thank you for your work!

    Workplace cleaning.

    I. Introduction.

    One of the most interesting areas of the artistic and aesthetic cycle is working with paper. The art of modeling paper artistic compositions on a plane and the creation of three-dimensional products are united by one name - paper plastic. Today it includes quilling, origami, and papercraft.

    Working with paper and cardboard is of great importance for the comprehensive development of children. It contributes to the development of the skills and abilities of a work culture, as well as physical development: it educates children in the ability for long-term physical effort, trains and hardens the neuromuscular apparatus of the child (fine motor skills of the hands). Making out their work, children acquire certain aesthetic tastes, learn to understand beauty.

    Modeling and designing from paper have not only cognitive, but also great educational value. When working with paper, children improve a number of important mental qualities, and also provide a platform for the development of creative inclinations. In the classroom, children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, improve the skills of fine and constructive creativity.

    The steady interest of children in creativity from paper is due to the fact that this material gives great scope for the opportunity to show their individuality, to realize any idea.

    Paper filigree - an ancient processing technique that has become widespread in our time, is called "quilling". Quilling opens the way to creativity, develops imagination, abstract thinking, artistic possibilities.

    Quilling is the creation of compositions from folded strips of paper glued to the base or glued together. Thin strips of multi-colored paper are rolled into rolls, which are then allowed to unfold a little. The free end is glued to the workpiece, which can then be given any desired shape (petal, "eye", spiral, triangle, crescent, etc.). Crafts using the quilling technique are compositions of precisely such blanks, the manufacture of which is quite accessible to primary school children.

    Emotional upsurge, interest in paper-plasticity allows you to create favorable conditions for the development of children's initiative, ingenuity, the formation of the habit of constantly replenishing their knowledge and skills, and, therefore, taking an active life position.

    The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies that penetrate into all spheres of human activity.

    The possibilities of modern technology are largely adequate to the organizational, pedagogical and methodological needs, as they allow the presentation of information in graphic form (text, sound, in the form of drawings, etc.).

    The rapid development of computer technology and the expansion of its functionality makes it possible to widely use computers, introducing into the practice of conducting classes using a variety of illustrative material, multimedia and interactive models that raise the process of information perception to a qualitatively new level. The psychological factor cannot be discounted either: it is much more interesting for a modern child to perceive information in this form than with the help of outdated ones (showing pictures, talking or just telling a story).

    As one of the forms of displaying information, one can consider multimedia presentations, who have the opportunity to use all available multimedia tools in order to make the material the most spectacular.

    The abundance of illustrations, animations and video clips, hypertext presentation of the material, sound accompaniment enable the teacher to choose not only a convenient pace and form of presentation of the material, but also allow them to broaden their horizons and deepen the knowledge of students in an interesting way.

    Thus, pedagogical technologies in combination with modern information technologies can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes, solve the tasks facing the teacher of educating a comprehensively developed, creatively free personality.

    Relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the creation of conditions for a full-fledged educational process of students using innovative technologies is one of the main tasks of institutions of additional education.

    home purpose development - creating conditions for the creative realization of a personality tuned to success and development of individuality through the use of innovative technologies in the classroom.


    1. To form creative unconventional thinking, to develop children by maximizing their natural abilities.
    2. Strengthen the motivation for learning about the world through multimedia presentations, visual aids and game situations;
    3. Cultivate individuality and creativity;
    4. Contribute to the formation of the foundations of a culture of communication and building interpersonal relationships;
    5. To form a culture of cognitive activity.

    Novelty methodological development lies in the fact that as an information material and an explanation of the significance of the event, it is proposed to introduce innovative technologies that help to increase the efficiency of perception and help solve the tasks facing the teacher of educating a comprehensively developed, creative personality.

    II. Main part

    Summary of the lesson "Scarlet clusters of mountain ash"

    PURPOSE: development of creative abilities of children of primary school age through acquaintance with a new kind of arts and crafts - quilling through teamwork.



    contribute to the formation of knowledge about quilling;

    - to acquaint students with the technique of performing the main element of quilling - a tight roll.


    - develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities of students;

    - skills and abilities of working with paper, eye, fine motor skills of hands.


    To educate students in accuracy and composure in the performance of work, work culture, communication skills, the ability to work in a team,

    love for nature and respect for it.

    Lesson type: communication of new knowledge, occupation - creativity.

    Forms of organization of the lesson: individual work and group work.

    Pedagogical technology: collective creative activity.

    Teaching technologies:

    – person-oriented,

    - game;

    - health-saving (musical physical training minute).

    Teaching methods:

    - story,

    - conversation,

    - demonstration,

    - demonstration of working methods,

    - explanation,

    - independent work,

    - method of emotional stimulation (surprise moment).

    Paper handling techniques:


    - gluing.

    The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes:

    1. Organizational part - 2 min.
    2. Main part – 10 min

    2.1. Learning new material - 5 min

    2.2. Physical education - 3 min.

    2.3. Practical work - 18 min.

    1. Reflection "Birds" - 4 min.
    2. Summing up the work. Cleaning of workplaces - 3 min.

    Equipment and tools:

    for the teacher: presentation, an envelope with a riddle, a product sample, a picture, a quilling tool, a ruler of circles, tweezers, glue;

    for students: paper strips 5 mm wide, quilling tools, oilcloths, glue, scissors, napkins, instruction cards, envelopes with birds.

    Vocabulary work:

    - paper plastic,

    - quilling,

    - tight roll

    - ruler of circles,

    - tweezers.

    Requirements for the knowledge and skills of students at the end of the lesson:

    Trainers should know:

    - the concepts of "quilling", "free roll"

    Trainers should be able to:

    - perform the main element of quilling - a free roll, using a quilling tool, a ruler of circles and tweezers;

    - connect the received rolls into a branch;

    - carefully glue the branch to the picture, observing the composition.

    An important place in the preparation is given to the development of a flexible plan. It includes:

    • definition of a common goal and concretization of it depending on the various stages of the lesson;
    • selection and organization of didactic material, which makes it possible to identify the individual selectivity of students to the content, type and form of educational material, facilitating its assimilation;
    • planning of various forms of organization of cognitive activity (the ratio of frontal, group, individual, collective work);

    Planning the nature of communication, interpersonal interactions during the lesson includes:

    • use of different forms of communication (monologue, dialogue);
    • designing the nature of the interactions of children in the classroom, taking into account their personal characteristics;
    • the use of the content of the subjective experience (individual experience) of all participants in the lesson in the dialogue “student-teacher”

    Planning for the effectiveness of the lesson provides for:

    • discussion of acquired knowledge and skills, assessment of their assimilation;
    • analysis of the results of group and individual work.
    • the use by the teacher of various forms and methods of organizing the cognitive activity of students, allowing to reveal the content of subjective experience regarding the topic being studied;
    • creating an atmosphere of interest for each child;
    • encouraging students to use a variety of ways to complete tasks in the classroom without fear of making a mistake; analysis of the work of each student, support for original solutions;

    at the end of the lesson - reflection (discussion of what you liked and why, what you wanted to do differently).


    Lesson progress:

    1. organizational part.


    Hello guys. My name is Baronova Lyubov Anatolyevna.

    Checking the readiness of jobs.

    Check, guys, that your workplace has glue, oilcloth, napkin, tweezers, a ruler of circles and strips of paper.

    1. Main part.

    The postman brought me a letter today. It came for you from Santa Claus. Let's open it up and see what's in there.

    “Guys, I am very worried about the birds in winter. And in order to understand what birds eat in winter, guess the riddle.

    In that forest, not in the garden,
    Only autumn is coming
    She has a new outfit
    Red beads hang.

    Thrush, bullfinch, other bird,
    They can feed on it
    As the frost intensifies
    The demand for food will increase.”
    Answer: Rowan (slide 1)

    Rowan is a small tree. Rowan leaves are complex, openwork, in autumn they are painted with different colors. And the tree itself is elegant - bunches of red berries hang on the branches. Mountain ash feeds wintering birds that have arrived. Some eat the juicy pulp, others choose the nutritious seeds. So, by the middle of winter, there are no more berries left.

    Guys, what do you think, what is the topic of our lesson? (slide 2).

    1. Learning new material.

    Today, I will introduce you to the paper-plastic technique - quilling. Raise your hands those who are familiar with this interesting technique (children's answers).

    Quilling is the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing volumetric or planar compositions from the resulting parts. (slide 3)

    There are 20 basic elements for quilling in total, but today we only need a free roll (slide 4)

    I have a picture, but I want you to help me make it more beautiful and voluminous. Each of you will make a bunch of mountain ash, and then we will combine all your bunches into a single picture.

    Let's look at the technology for making rowan bunches. (slide 5)

    Each of you has an instruction card on the tables, which reflects the stages of making a bunch. To do this, we need a quilling tool, strips of paper, a circle ruler and glue.

    Training exercise: To make a rowan branch, take a quilling tool and a strip of paper. Insert the tip of the strip into the slot and twist from you to the end, holding it so that it does not bloom. Remove the spiral from the tool and put it in the line of circles at number 10. Pull out the expanded roll with tweezers and seal the end of the strip. The resulting rolls need to be glued to a branch. Here's what you should get (a sample is shown).

    Before starting work, we will safety briefing. I show you the cards, and you answer me yes or no.

    1. Practical work.

    Let's get to work. Do not forget that the instruction card will help you. If you have questions, you raise your hand. As soon as each of you copes, i.e. he makes a bunch, goes to the picture and sticks it to the twig he likes. Whoever copes first, he can help a neighbor. I wish you success.

    Independent work of students.

    1. Physical education minute

    Let's have a physical education minute. (slide 6) Rhythmic music will help us with this. Listen carefully to me and do the exercises with me.

    Rowan grew by the river (from a sitting position, a gradual straightening of the body, arms forward-up).

    And the river flowed, rippled (turns to the right and left with smooth movements of the hands).

    Middle depth (tilts forward, arms straight).

    There walked fish-bi-na (raise your hands up and wave your hands).

    This fish is the king of fish (movement of hands).

    It's called minnow (walking in place).

    Continuation of work on the manufacture of the picture.

    1. Reflection "Birds".(slide 7)

    So that the birds in the picture are not bored, now their friends will fly to them. I suggest you, with the help of the birds that are in envelopes on your tables, evaluate your attitude to the lesson:

    - I liked it very much - the red-breasted bullfinch;

    - I liked it - a titmouse with a yellow breast;

    - it was boring - a gray little sparrow.

    1. Summing up the work

    Do you like our picture?

    - What did you like about her?

    And now let's sum up the lesson.

    – What did you learn new for yourself?

    – What have you learned?

    It seems to me that our task has succeeded. It was a pleasure to work with each of you. Thanks for the activity. Goodbye!

    1. Workplace cleaning.

    III. Conclusion

    The system of modern education leads to a change in priorities in the activities of the teacher: not to teach, but to create conditions for the independent creative development of each child. Information and communication technologies are becoming a necessary component in the classroom. Of course, it is not advisable to entrust all the lessons to the computer. Information technologies should not replace well-known pedagogical technologies, but help to be more effective.

    Thus, we can conclude that the introduction of innovative technologies in combination with pedagogical methods significantly increase the effectiveness of classes, help to solve the tasks facing the teacher of educating a comprehensively developed, creatively free personality.