What is paper art. Antique silver in paper art technique. Decorating a coffee can

Natalia Popova

Target master class:

Improvement of pedagogical skill participants master– class in the process of active communication on the development of a new paper art techniques.

Tasks master class:

Introduce new paper art technology, revealing the creative potential of children, through a direct and commented display of a sequence of actions with the active participation of teachers;

Develop interest in new technologies;

Arouse the desire of educators to use paper technique- art in work with preschoolers.

Equipment and materials: tables and chairs according to the number of participants, multimedia presentation, paper napkins, scissors, knitting needle, towel, water container, PVA glue, blank with a pattern.

Implementation plan master class:

1. Introduction.

2. The main part.

3. Reflection.

move master class

1. Introduction

In the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the development of creative abilities in children is of particular importance. Modern society needs creative, independent, active individuals, with pronounced individual qualities, able to think creatively. The development of children's creative abilities is the most important task of modern education. To simulate the creative potential of children, and therefore to develop their creative abilities, help non-traditional art techniques.

Today I want to introduce you to non-traditional technique« Paper-art» (translated from English means « paper art» ). Initially this the technique was called Napkin plastic». Technique« paper art» invented in 2006 by Tatyana Sorokina, artist, designer and head of the literary and visual arts studio "Watercolor" Nikolaev, Ukraine.

What is « paper art» ?

This paper napkin decorating technique, or rather, the execution of a drawing with a thread from napkins.

With this technique can decorate bottles, boxes, gift wrapping, flower pots, wall plates.

« paper art» goes well with mosaic, decorative stones, stucco made of plastic or salt dough. This Technics, imitating other, more expensive image techniques such as carving, embossing, weaving.

The technique is easy to perform, as it was originally invented for children in the studio, and works on cheap and junk material. Therefore, it can be successfully used in working with preschoolers, starting from older age, developing them and involving them in the world. paper.

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Working with regular canteens napkins simply captivates children.

This is a very affordable, colorful material, easy to work with. Napkins can be cut, they can be torn, stacked in layers, matched by color, painted with paints, glued, etc.

During the course decorative-applied art in children are brought up and moral-volitional quality: the need to bring the work started to the end, to focus and purposefully engage.

Also creating works in technique« paper art» allows:

Teach basic sensory analysis;

Develop fine motor skills;

Ensure the correct perception of labor processes;

Overcome uncertainty and fear of unfamiliar business;

Develop creative activity.

Cultivate respect for objects and toys as a result labor: own and adults;

Starting with simple jobs

we can gradually receive from children masterpieces worthy of admiration.

During the course technique« Paper-art» the baby's hand turns into a skillful hand masters who can not only work miracles from paper but also ready to go to school.

Main part:

Dear colleagues! Today we will plunge into the magic paper art techniques. And help us in this - gold fish.

For work we need: paper napkins, scissors, knitting needle or skewer for styling tissue flagella, towel, water container, PVA glue, blank with a pattern.

Add up napkin cut in half and cut into strips 1.5 cm wide

We disassemble the strips, each should have two layers left. Holding the strip by one end, lower it into the water and immediately take it out. Do not hold for a long time, it will get wet.

We lay it out on a towel to absorb excess moisture, then twist the threads or flagella.

When the threads are ready, we proceed to the design of the pattern.

Lubricate the outline of the pattern with PVA glue, then lay it out with flagella, correcting it with your fingers or a knitting needle.

Cut off the excess with scissors or cut off.

When the contour is ready, in order to save time, inside we draw not with flagella, but "reaper" another way to paper art.

We cut napkin into small pieces, fold the piece in half, moisten with water and apply it to the right place, already smeared with glue. We collect with a knitting needle (click) napkin. We glue a piece of cardboard together with a glued piece with glue, apply the next overlap and squeeze it again and fill out the form.

Try to keep the header pattern in one direction.

I decided at one job to show you three ways and the next one is grain (balloons). We will make an eye for them. We tear off a small piece from the flagellum and roll it into a ball. Glue.

Our the fish is ready.

And perform small fish my three wishes...

I will be happy, in life forever ...

They will go around in life, all of me bad weather ...

Becomes a talisman fish for me...


And now, dear colleagues, let's summarize. If you are interested master-class and would you like to try to work with children in this technique- raise both hands up

If you weren't interested and Technics caused difficulty - put your head down

If you have master- the class did not cause any emotions, i.e. you were indifferent - close your eyes with your hands

Every person has a creative potential inside. Creativity reflects the inner world of people, their aspirations, desires, experiences. At the moment of creativity, a person most fully and deeply experiences himself as a person, realizes his individuality.

The main task of the teacher is the ability to interest children, ignite their hearts, develop creative activity in them, without imposing their own opinions and tastes. The teacher must awaken in the child faith in his creative abilities, individuality, originality, faith that doing good and beauty brings people joy.

Thanks for the creative work. I would like to wish everyone success in educating the younger generation.

Thank you for your attention.

I've known each other recently. Having accidentally stumbled on a photo of Tatyana's unusual crafts on the Internet, I could not pass by. I wanted to know how and from what materials these original works, unlike anything else, were made.

It turned out that the masters of paper art use ordinary household items as the basis for their crafts - cardboard boxes, glass bottles and jars, plastic utensils. And the unusual-looking decor is made mainly ... from ordinary table napkins. Don't believe? Once upon a time, it was hard for me to believe it.

Paper art, like any kind of needlework, of course, requires certain skills. However, initially the paper art technique was invented by Tatyana Sorokina for classes with children in an art studio. Therefore, if you, like me, are interested in paper art crafts, feel free to get down to business and do not be surprised if your child wants to join this exciting activity!

Shall we start?

Master class “Pape art. Coffee jar"

I have the most common glass jar of coffee:

From this jar, I want to make an unusual, original gift for a man who loves to drink coffee and smoke a pipe with my own hands.

Tools and materials for paper art:

PVA glue,

Plain table napkins



plastic board for modeling

Sculpting stack (I use an old manicure tool)

black gouache,

Glossy acrylic lacquer,

silver acrylic paint,

A small piece of foam

masking tape,

Wet sanitary napkins

Before decorating, I remove all labels from the jar and clean the surface with a damp sanitary napkin to not only remove dirt, but also degrease the surface.

Decorating the thread of the jar is not included in my plans, so I wrap the neck of the jar with masking tape so as not to stain the thread with paint, glue or varnish in the process.

I cut the paper towel into small pieces. The size of these pieces is a matter of taste. Personally, it is more convenient for me to glue the napkin in small parts. But if you are able to paste over the entire surface of the jar with a whole napkin - please.

If the napkin is multi-layered (as a rule, table napkins have 2-3 layers), the cut pieces must be stratified.

Alternately, I apply pieces of a napkin to the surface of the jar and coat the top with PVA glue. A technique well known to decoupage lovers. Thus, I paste over the entire surface of the jar and lid with napkins.

When the surface pasted over with napkins has dried, I cover the jar and the lid with a layer of PVA glue.

And now an interesting point: not only napkins, but also other materials are used for decorating using the paper art technique. Sometimes it can be beads, jewelry accessories and even cereals and pasta. There is where to roam the creative imagination, right? To create large volumetric decorative elements, Tatyana Sorokina suggests using keraplast (a ceramic mass that hardens in air).

I already have some experience in creating paper art crafts, but this is my first time working with keraplast, so I myself am very interested in what the result will be.

I am trying to fashion two large elements from keraplast - a cup of coffee and a smoking pipe. After experimenting a little and sending a few pieces of hopelessly damaged ceramic mass to the trash can (the material hardens very quickly in air and becomes unsuitable for further use), I came to the conclusion that it’s easier for me to roll out a layer of clay on a modeling board, and only then cut it out figurine. Like that:

Until the finished figures have had time to dry completely, I glue them to the surface of the can with PVA glue. I supplement the pasted figures with small decorative excesses:

When pasted, the keraplast figurines slightly cracked at the edges. To smooth out the cracks, I smear the decorative elements with a brush slightly moistened with water, smooth and smooth the edges of the figures.

You can admire the intermediate result of the work. It looks like modeling from keraplast on two walls of the jar:

Keraplast does not like drafts, therefore, so that my decorative elements, molded with such difficulty, do not crack during the drying process, I place the jar in a cardboard box.

According to the instructions, keraplast dries completely and hardens in the air within 48 hours. However, the size of the decorative elements molded by me is small, so I leave the jar for a day. A whole long, endless 24 hours, during which I do my best to suppress the obsessive desire to open the box to check if my keraplast figurines were covered with cracks during drying.

In order to overcome unnecessary, and possibly harmful curiosity, I decide to prepare materials for further decorating the jar - to prepare napkin flagella, with the help of which fancy paper art patterns are laid out.

Technique for making and gluing flagella from napkins for paper art

I cut the napkin into strips, 1.5 cm wide. If the napkin is multi-layered, I delaminate the cut strips.

I briefly submerge a strip of napkin in water.

Holding a strip of napkin with one hand, with the other I twist the paper into a tight flagellum.

If you can’t roll the flagellum from a wet towel, try rolling it from a dry towel strip, moistening only your hands with water. You can also fold the flagellum by rolling out a napkin strip with a wet hand on a modeling board. Experiment and choose a convenient way for you to fold flagella from a napkin.

And now the flagella from the napkin were prepared and the keraplast elements, glued to the jar a day earlier, dried up and became hard. It's time to decorate the jar with intricate paper art patterns.

If you, like me, prepared flagella from napkins in advance, and they have already dried, lightly moisten them with water - the flagella should be plastic so that they can easily be given the necessary shape.

I coat the surface of the can with PVA glue in the place where I intend to stick the flagellum from the napkin. And then I lay out an arbitrary pattern in the form of a curl, leaf, petal, etc.

I help the glued flagellum to take the correct position with a brush dipped in PVA, or I correct the shape of the elements with wet fingers.

At this stage of work, be sure to keep a clean, damp cloth on hand to remove excess glue from the brush and fingers in time!

Well, flagella patterns are laid out both on the jar itself and on the lid. I let the glue dry, after which I cover the surface of the can with a layer of PVA glue. Land.

How do all these paper and clay patterns on a glass and plastic surface turn into an imitation of a noble metal? This is the secret that I will now reveal.

To begin with, I mix acrylic varnish with black gouache. The mixture should have the consistency of acrylic paint.

I apply the resulting composition to the surface of the jar and lid, using a piece of foam rubber as a sponge, carefully painting over all the pasted patterns of flagella and keraplast figurines.

When the surface painted in this way has dried, I tint it with silver acrylic paint.

To do this, I collect quite a bit of paint on the foam rubber sponge, make several prints with a sponge on a piece of paper, and then apply paint to the surface of the can, as if rubbing the paint into the protruding decorative elements.

After painting, I let the jar dry, after which I cover the surface with three layers of glossy acrylic varnish with an intermediate drying of 4 hours. Long wait? Yes. But patience is rewarded - the jar not only looks brilliant, but is also reliably protected from moisture.

Who would have thought that this ancient noble metal vessel is actually an ordinary glass jar with a plastic lid?! Thanks to Tatyana Sorokina for the wonderful idea of ​​this magical transformation!

Create with HobbyMama!

We offer you to try your hand at a new interesting experiment - the paper art technique, a master class from experienced needlewomen will help you better master the new art. Paper art (eng. "paper art") is a relatively young author's technique, invented in 2006 by a talented craftswoman Tatyana Sorokina. This is the decoration of objects with the help of flagella from paper napkins, imitating embossing, wood carving and other more expensive techniques. This technique is also called "napkin forging".

The ease of execution and the availability of materials spread this art around the world in a short time. Not possessing special artistic skills, with the help of paper art, needlewomen create works that stagger the imagination.

Creating threads

The most important thing in paper art is to be able to prepare a thread from three-layer napkins. To do this, we stock up on two-layer or three-layer napkins and proceed to the manufacture of threads:

  • from a napkin we cut strips 1-1.5 cm wide;

  • you need to lower them into the water and immediately get it so that they do not get wet;

  • we roll the strip into a thread or a thin flagellum. If the thread breaks, it's not scary. The work uses threads of different lengths. You can also roll strips onto fabric. The thread will turn out denser and smoother;

  • so that the flagellum does not tear, you can try to wet your hands in water, not strips;
  • toilet paper is also suitable for rolling flagella.

This is very accessible in the proposed video:

In addition to paper flagella in paper art, you can use everything that can be used in decor. Small pebbles, shells, salt dough figurines, dried flowers and tree leaves. For the original pattern, even curly pasta is used - bows, letters, curls. The main thing is to be sure to coat each part well with glue before fixing it. Glue is used PVA or any other water-based.

The highest quality from Portugal or from Spain. Polish keraplast may crack after drying, but this is easily repaired. Dilute a small piece to a state of thick sour cream and carefully, with a brush, paint over all the cracks. You can several times, until the complete disappearance of cracks. You can level the surface with sandpaper No. 0.

The paper art technique is perfectly combined with other types of creativity. Decoupage masters actively use paper flagella in the creation of their products to add volume to the composition.

From simple to complex

For novice creators, a small training is offered:

  1. Prepare paper threads;
  2. Draw any figure on thick paper or cardboard and try to lay it out with napkin threads, gluing them with PVA glue;
  3. First make an outline, then fill the entire surface of the shape. Then the volumetric image will be smooth.

The next step is to make a picture for the children's room using the paper art technique.

  1. Transfer the plot from the children's coloring to cardboard or plywood. You need to choose a plot where there is a minimum of small details;
  2. Lay it out with flagella, starting from the contour;
  3. Color it in the colors you want. After the painting has dried, you can varnish it and frame it.

Beautiful patterns can be created from twine. It does not require special training and is easy to use. Even without coloring the finished product, it looks great. You can verify this by looking at the photo:

You can move on to the next stage of the paper art technique.

Talisman for wealth

This talisman - a money bottle - will not be superfluous in any house. In addition to attracting wealth to the house, it will decorate any interior.


  • original bottle shape;
  • paper towels;
  • glue gun;
  • black and bronze acrylic paints;
  • synthetic brush;
  • coins;
  • metal zipper;
  • PVA glue;
  • foam sponge;
  • matte varnish (water-based).

Glue the coins onto the bottle with a glue gun. Glue heap, tighter to each other, to give the impression of abundance. Glue a zipper on top of the coins.

Then you need to dilute the PVA glue with water 1: 1, to a liquid consistency, but so that it does not lose its adhesive properties.

We cut paper towels into pieces of the desired size and soak in an adhesive solution. Squeeze lightly.

Paper Art is an amazing technique for decorating a variety of items using ordinary paper napkins. As a result, the surface accurately imitates carving or embossing. This type of needlework was invented by Tatyana Sorokina, who tried a lot of techniques and decided to create something of her own. Initially, she called this work "Tissue Plastic", and then the technique received the already well-known name of Paper Art. In this article, we offer you a master class and photos of finished works using the Paper Art technique. Get inspired and create real masterpieces from napkins.

Paper art master class. Paintings

Do not confuse Paper Art with decoupage, because this is not just covering the surface with napkins, but decorating with paper threads. In order to make such a thread, you need to cut a two- or three-layer napkin into strips of different lengths and a width of about 1-2 cm. After that, hold the strip by one end, lower it into the water and quickly pull it out.

The strip must be scrolled in the palms so that a thread is obtained. Prepare a lot of these threads at once, you can use them in different colors, and then use them to decorate bottles, gift wrappings, wall plates or panels.

Lay out the pattern with wet napkin threads, and use PVA for gluing. If the threads are dry, then wet them lightly with water.

To make a picture, you will need to prepare napkins of different colors. As a basis for the picture, you will need fiberboard. Take some beautiful drawing and cut it out along the contour. In our case, flowers are chosen as the pattern.

Napkins should stick well, so cover the fiberboard with PVA glue. It is better to start with the outline of the pattern, for convenience, use the knitting needles. Wet tissue threads are very elastic, so you can lay out any shape. Then proceed to fill in your picture. Choose flagella of a suitable color, lubricate with glue and tamp tightly closer to the contour. Cut off the excess length of the thread, but do not throw it away, everything will come in handy during work.

Make stamens from the remaining threads and glue on top of the finished flower. When your painting is dry, varnish it.

Paper Art Paintings. Photo

A beautiful tree will become an original decor for a living room or hallway.

Pictures with the image of horses will appeal to strong-willed and purposeful people, so you can make such a craft with your own hands and present it as a gift.

Fairy horse in the technique of Paper Art

Unique floral arrangements will succinctly fit into the interior of the bedroom. Such a picture can be presented to mom or grandmother.

Works in the technique of Paper Art

Using the Paper Art technique, you can decorate any surface. Even old pieces of furniture will turn into luxurious ones. Give a second life to your dining table.

Try turning an old drawer into a vintage chest of drawers.

Many have forgotten about the functionality of the boxes. These items will help to keep order in jewelry and other little things.

The Paper Art box will fit perfectly into the interior of a hallway or bedroom in a classic style.

Such a chest using the Paper Art technique looks creative.

Even a plate can be turned into a real work of art.

Don't forget the bottles. They can be used as a creative souvenir and decorate any shelving unit or open shelf.

It is not necessary to decorate empty bottles. Try to transform the full one and present it as a gift for some event.

Idea for cognac bottle decoration

In order to master the Paper Art technique, it is not necessary to have the skills of a designer or an artist. Just make threads from napkins and fantasize. Ready-made works and a master class will help you imagine what crafts decorated using this unique technique might look like.

Decorating a bottle using the Grape Vine Paper Art technique.

Master class title: Decorating a bottle using the Grape Vine Paper Art technique
Tarasenko Galina Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU No. 28, Krasnodar Territory, Ust-Labinsky District, Voronezhskaya village.
Work description: The master class is useful for creative people who like to make original things with their own hands.
Purpose: gift or interior decoration.
Target: decorating a glass bottle using the Paper Art technique.
- learn how to create an original decor using the Paper Art technique on the surface of a glass bottle;
- to develop creative abilities, artistic taste;
Materials, tools:
Glass bottle without labels
Two-three-layer paper napkins (any)
PVA glue
Soft brushes 2 pcs. (#3, #4)
Sketches of elements of ornaments, patterns, curls (for ideas)
Terry cloth or small towel dampened with water
Acrylic paints: bronze, black.
Water container
piece of sponge
Lacquer colorless, yacht

Oilcloth on the table
Wet wipes for hands

Work description: Would you like to be able to create unique things or transform existing ones? To do this, it is enough to discover the amazing needlework technique - Paper Art. Paper art allows you to change almost any household items: glass and wood products, beyond recognition, while its main advantage is that you can use this technique to simulate various effects, for example, wood carving or metal chasing, which, you see, is not will do every second. And for these purposes, basically, you only need paper in the form of thin napkins and polymer clay.
You can buy interesting things in the store, but it’s better to make them yourself. They will be author's, inimitable, unique and valuable. The product can become part of the interior of the room, but you can also please your loved ones and dear people with your work, which will be especially pleasant.
In my master class, you will only get acquainted with the basics of this art, so the craft given as an example is quite simple, without the use of polymer clay. Your task is to evaluate the possibilities of technology and understand what amazing masterpieces can ultimately be created with its help. Try it and maybe you will also become a fan of this wonderful type of needlework.
It is interesting: Literally, the name of this type of creativity is translated as "paper art". "Pape Art" is a new idea of ​​needlework by Tatyana Sorokina. Tatyana Sorokina is a poet, artist, designer, head of the Aquarelle creative studio. She has several collections of poems "Liberia", "Defensive Reaction", "Poetic Watercolor", "Artelen" and a personal book "The Tunnel of Transition", which is decorated with her color illustrations. She tried a lot of needlework techniques, but she wanted something new, her own. And she came up with "Pape Art" (2006). Initially, she called her technique "Napkin plastic" and it was under this name that the work of her students won 1st place and the "Grand Prix" at the International Festival of Children's Creativity. An interesting new idea of ​​​​needlework fell in love with many craftswomen and instantly scattered around the world. What is "Pape Art"? This is a technique for decorating with paper napkins. Do not confuse paper art with decoupage, because this is not just covering the surface with napkins, but decorating with paper threads. Tatyana Sorokina came up with the idea of ​​edging drawings with a thread of napkins. This technique imitates more expensive image techniques, such as carving, embossing, weaving.
I paste over the surface of the prepared bottle (I washed it, removed all the labels) with pieces of napkins so that the surface becomes textured (in my opinion, the bottle will look more impressive). With a brush moistened with PVA glue, I smooth out a piece of napkin, achieving a snug fit to the surface of the bottle and completely soaking it with glue.

So putting pieces of napkins on the surface, slightly combining their ends, I glue the entire bottle, not forgetting the bottom.

After the bottle has completely dried, I draw a sketch of the pattern with a pencil. In my case, this is an ornamental vine. You can peep interesting elements on the Internet or come up with simple patterns yourself.

To make paper thread, take two or three layers of paper napkins, cut into strips of different lengths and a width of about 3.5 cm (you can make a smaller thickness if the bottle is small).

I carefully separate the layers so that the strips are single-layered.

I put the finished strip on a wet towel and gently, gently pressing it with my hand, soak it with water.

Scrolling with your fingers in different directions from one end to the other, I form a flagellum thread. If the flagellum breaks during torsion, then the paper has absorbed a lot of moisture. Do not rush to throw away torn flagella from a paper napkin, they can also be used when decorating a bottle.

Finished flagella should dry completely.

Then I take the finished flagellum from a paper napkin and apply PVA glue (only on that part of the side that will be attached to the surface of the bottle), gradually gluing it along the length (forcing the glue to set) I form a pattern.

Flagella can be docked if there is not enough length.

You can safely go beyond the drawn sketch, given the thickness and length of the tourniquet, or if you see that it will look better. This technique encourages creativity and imagination.

I made grapes by winding the flagellum into a tight spiral, in the form of a snail shell. I secured the end with a drop of glue.

Then she applied glue to the surface of the bottle in the form of a circle equal to the diameter of the finished grape and pressed it.