If 38 weeks pulls the stomach. Why does it hurt, pulls the stomach (38 weeks of pregnancy)

Ishchenko Irina Georgievna Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in the field of aesthetic gynecology Appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, highest category, endocrinologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, specialist in aesthetic gynecology Appointment

At the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to prepare for an early birth. The contractions of Braxton-Hicks become more frequent, there are small pulling pains in the lower back.

Of course, the closer the deadline is to the prescribed forty weeks, the more worries the woman, and whether she will be able to distinguish real contractions from false ones, and what will happen if at the moment of the onset of labor the husband is at work, or if the birth proceeds rapidly and she does not have time drive to the hospital.

When it comes to contractions, it is usually pretty easy for a woman to distinguish between real and false contractions - partly instinctively, partly because labor pains are more painful, regular and progressing over time. In addition, they do not stop if the woman changes her body position.

There are some signs of an imminent birth that a woman needs to be aware of. However, speaking quite honestly, none of these signs may exist, that is, they may go unnoticed for the expectant mother, and then the onset of labor pains can really become unexpected for her.

However, the maternal instinct is rarely mistaken, and, as a rule, a day or two before giving birth, a woman is already sure that she will soon give birth.

There is another interesting pattern. We said that in the last weeks before giving birth, a pregnant woman feels exhausted and tired, it seems to her that she will not endure a single extra day. But at some point, a "second wind" comes - the expectant mother resigns herself to the fact that pregnancy will continue for as long as she wants, begins to treat this as a normal phenomenon. This is where labor usually begins.

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Speaking about the harbingers of childbirth, it is worth mentioning those that are most common and cause especially many questions for expectant mothers, especially those who are preparing to give birth for the first time.

Before the onset of labor, a woman may feel increasing pressure in the pelvis and rectum, as well as cramping and pain in the groin area, which are associated with the lowering of the fetal head towards the cervix. Perhaps the appearance of a pulling pain in the sacrum region - it occurs due to the fact that the bones of the pelvic region begin to diverge before the child is released.

Before childbirth, weight gain usually stops or a woman even “loses weight” a little - from the thirty-eighth to the fortieth week of pregnancy, she can lose about a kilogram.

Before childbirth, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase, a mucous plug or amniotic fluid may come off. Many fears are associated with the discharge of amniotic fluid: it seems to a woman that this process can begin on the street, in transport, in front of many people. If there are such fears, then for your own peace of mind, it makes sense to use a sanitary napkin. And there is no need to be afraid that the amniotic fluid will flow out in liters: the baby's head is already firmly standing near the “exit” from the uterus, so a large amount of amniotic fluid simply cannot flow out.

A sign of imminent birth can also be the staining of vaginal discharge in a pinkish color - it is due to the fact that during the opening and contraction of the cervix, small blood vessels are torn. This sign indicates that labor may begin in 24 hours or even earlier.

Sometimes the approaching childbirth is indicated by fever, nausea, vomiting, indigestion - the body "throws out" all that is superfluous so that nothing interferes with the process of childbirth.

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However, all these signs need to be observed very carefully and do not hesitate to call the doctor at any time of the day or night, if regular contractions begin, water or a cork has moved away, spotting from the vagina has appeared. Now nothing in the body happens just like that - everything is aimed at preparing for childbirth.

In addition to the signs described above, there are some "folk" signs that are difficult to explain from a rational point of view, but to learn about which, nevertheless, it is interesting. For example, it is believed that the onset of childbirth may depend on the phase of the moon - on the growing moon and closer to the full moon, childbirth occurs more often than during the waning moon. It is known that just before childbirth, the future father often falls ill, the situation in the family becomes somewhat tense - although perhaps this is simply due to the accumulated fatigue and intense expectation of childbirth in both future parents.

By the 38th week for childbirth, you need to be completely ready - have a doctor's phone at hand, agree with friends or acquaintances who will take the woman to the hospital, all the things a woman needs in the hospital should be collected and the first things for the baby should be ready. During this period, some expectant mothers have a desire to still “play for time” - but there may be no time for such a luxury.

At the Euromedprestige medical center, under the guidance of an obstetrician-gynecologist, your couple will receive all the necessary advice on identifying real contractions, when to go to the hospital, so that future parents do not be caught off guard and fully enjoy the imminent meeting with a little miracle - your baby.

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of every woman. Parents take the birth of a new life very seriously and responsibly. It is the duty of the expectant mother to take care of her health.

Pay attention to any changes in well-being. After all, the health of the little man, who will soon become a full-fledged member of your family, depends on this. The baby is growing, gaining weight, getting closer to childbirth. On the term 38 weeks pregnant women may feel unwell, pains of a different nature, this will be discussed further.

38 weeks pregnant lower abdomen hurts

At this time, many expectant mothers experience pain in the lower abdomen or, in other words, pulls the lower abdomen. In a woman, these symptoms are alarming. Here you should know that in this way the body prepares for childbirth. As a rule, by this time the tummy has already gone down, and the location of the baby has changed, now his head is at the bottom of the small pelvis. Such sensations are provoked by the uterus, coming in tone, and then relaxing again. At the moment of the maximum tone of the uterus, the abdomen becomes very hard, as if it were stiff, then the uterus relaxes, the tone decreases, and the abdomen becomes soft again. With precursors, contractions are not regular and short-lived (15-20 seconds), and the intervals between them are very significant (less than 5 contractions per hour). Regular and frequent contractions with a small interval (12-15 minutes) inform about the onset of labor.

Some women, due to the excitability of the uterus, experience quite strong discomfort, others do not feel anything at all, but in any case, if at the 38th week of pregnancy, this means that your body is thoroughly preparing for childbirth. When the pain is severe and very disturbing, you can take no-shpu, at this stage of pregnancy, it will not affect the fetus, but it will help the young mother to cope with unpleasant sensations.

The first thing to do is calm down and try to relax. To reduce discomfort, your doctor may advise you to wear a prenatal brace.

38 weeks pregnant belly hurts like with menstruation

Very often from expectant mothers one can hear such complaints: "The stomach is pulling, it hurts like during menstruation ...". Such pain can accompany pregnancy at 38 weeks. At first, the pain is weak, but gradually it grows and becomes strong and sharp. Do not panic, this is a natural course of pregnancy. Your body is preparing for change. Such pains are accompanied by the opening of the cervix and this can last from several hours, days or more. For some, this process does not last long, for others it takes longer. Much depends on the structure of the cervix, on the presentation of the fetus and on the hormonal background of the woman's body. The opening of the cervix corresponds to the initial period of labor.

Symptoms accompanying the dilatation of the cervix:

- Pulls the lower abdomen, aching pains. The sensations are similar to those of menstruation, but as the neck opens, the pain intensifies.

- Discharge of the plug (mucous-bloody clot).

The main signs of cervical dilatation are recurrent contractions. The more the uterus opens, the more intense and longer the contractions.

The cervix during pregnancy is elongated and tightly compressed. Closer to childbirth, it thickens and shortens, opening first by two or three fingers and then wider. The very process of opening the cervix resembles "pulling" it on the head of a child, which, in fact, leads to pain. Take a shower, lie down, relax. If the pain is very disturbing, you can take no-shpa or put papaverine suppositories.

38 week of pregnancy hurts right side, lower back and stomach

At the 38th week of pregnancy, women may experience pain in the lower back, right side. Most often, discomfort in the lower back is associated with stress. The term is approaching closer to childbirth, the tummy has become large and pulls forward with its weight. To maintain balance, the expectant mother tries to throw her body back, thus distributing the center of gravity. In turn, this creates a rather large load on the back muscles. Excessive load, unusual for muscles, leads to pain in the lumbar region. This is especially felt when walking.

To reduce pain, you can do gymnastics. A special set of exercises has been developed for pregnant women; you can also practice fitball, water aerobics. The bandage will help relieve some of the strain on your back muscles. It should be worn while lying down. If the pain is severe, do not neglect rest.

At 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus is already quite active. Pain in the right side is often associated with the fact that the child, turning in the tummy, kicked, or rested his head against the liver. Such pains can also cover the lower abdomen. To relieve pain, you should lie down on your back and relax, take deep breaths briefly holding the air in your lungs.

Pains of a different nature during a long period of pregnancy can be associated with other reasons, do not forget about this. A timely visit to a doctor will help establish a diagnosis and relieve anxiety. Remember that your baby is feeling your anxiety. Do not neglect the advice of your doctor. Healthy mom, healthy baby!

The 38th week of pregnancy is the period when labor can begin at any moment. As practice shows, at 38 weeks, female babies are most often born, but boys remain in the womb longer and are born at 40 weeks.

The chances of giving birth at 38 weeks are especially high if the woman does not give birth for the first time. No more than 5% of all multiparous pregnant women reach the prescribed 40 weeks. However, babies who are born at 38 weeks gestation are not considered premature.

How is childbirth at 38 weeks pregnant

The delivery process at 38 weeks is proceeding as expected.

It consists of three main stages:

    First, the woman has contractions. During this time, the cervix becomes thinner and stretches.

    Then it is necessary to make attempts so that the child begins to move along the birth canal and be born.

    The final stage is the exit of the placenta, or the so-called placenta. This is where the birth ends.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks of gestation

If there is no medical indication, then an ultrasound scan is not done for this period. At this time, the woman has already undergone 3 planned examinations. However, an ultrasound scan can be prescribed, for example, if you suspect that the umbilical cord is entwined around the baby's neck or if it is incorrectly located in the uterus.

The size of the abdomen at this time increases greatly, and it can be difficult for a woman to even move with such a load. Problems also arise when choosing the most comfortable position of the body during a night's rest. The skin on the abdomen is tight, dry and may itch.

The navel is flattened, and sometimes even turns outward. Do not worry about such an unaesthetic appearance of the navel, after childbirth everything will return to normal.

At 38 weeks, many women notice that their belly has dropped down. This is a variant of the norm. It's just that the child is preparing to go out into the light, and his head is pressed closer to the pelvic floor.

Features of fetal development

The child at this time is completely ready for life outside the mother's belly. All organ systems are fully functional. If the woman continues to bear the fetus, then no significant changes in its development will occur. The baby will simply continue to grow in length and gain weight. At this time, the baby weighs 3 kg or more, and his height is on average 50 cm.Every day his body weight increases by another 30 g.

The baby's skin has become pink and smooth. Lanugo and vernix have almost completely disappeared.

The first feces (meconium), which are dead skin cells, have formed in the baby's intestines. As a rule, he comes out after the birth of the child. However, there are situations when the baby empties the intestines while still in the womb. In this case, the amniotic fluid becomes greenish, and the baby itself will be covered with green mucus at birth.

If a woman is carrying a male child, then by this time his testicles have already descended into the scrotum. This is a very important point, therefore, after the baby is born, the doctor will definitely check this fact.

How much does the expectant mother weigh?

A lot of time has passed since the moment of conception, and the woman has significantly gained weight. The normal increase by this time is 14-15 kg. If the body weight has increased by more than 15 kg, then childbirth may be more difficult.

Sensations at 38 weeks of gestation

The woman at this time notices that the child has begun to move less than in the previous weeks. The fact is that there is very little space in the uterus, so the baby can no longer afford too intense shocks. In addition, the head presentation of the fetus is affected.

At 38 weeks, the baby can only turn and make light movements. But the woman will definitely feel these movements. Moreover, they need to be closely monitored. The number of movements in one day should be at least 10. If they are absent for a long time or their number has significantly decreased, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. This often indicates problems in the child and even a possible threat to his life, which can be quickly eliminated if timely surgical intervention is performed.

At 38 weeks of gestation, most women are already expecting an early birth. Some of them feel tired, some are obese and restricted in movement. Therefore, many pregnant women are looking forward to the onset of labor.

Abdominal prolapse helps to ease breathing, improve digestion, disappear belching and heartburn. After all, the uterus is no longer pressing so hard on the diaphragm and stomach.

Causes of pain at 38 weeks of gestation

Unpleasant and even painful sensations that occur at the end of pregnancy are quite natural.

    Lumbar pain is the result of ligaments and joints relaxing. This process helps prepare the birth canal for the upcoming event. In addition, the center of gravity shifts due to the increased body weight of the child. Therefore, back pain can be quite intense.

    The pelvic bones also experience increased stress, because the child at this time is already tightly pressed against the pelvic floor. This provokes the appearance of pain in the area of ​​the pubic articulation.

    Pain localized in the sacrum area is provoked by compression of the femoral nerve, which is located next to the uterus.

    Painful sensations in the calves can occur due to a lack of calcium in the woman's body.

    Sometimes pains are of the type of contractions, but these contractions may not be real, but false (not to be confused with Braxton-Higgs contractions, which are painless). False contractions will be characterized by pain and increased frequency. In order to eliminate them, you need to walk around the apartment or change the position of the body. If the contractions are really false, then they will stop.

Also, at 38 weeks of gestation, a woman may experience slight edema, which is a variant of the norm. At the same time, the woman's well-being should not deteriorate. If the swelling is severe, and there are also symptoms of malaise such as: double vision, diarrhea, then you should call an ambulance. As a rule, such signs indicate preeclampsia - this is gestosis, accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation.

Which discharge is considered the norm, and which pathology?

Discharge at 38 weeks of gestation is always present. Normally, they have a milky color, a uniform consistency, and a slight sour smell is possible.

Do not panic if mucus is present in the discharge. The fact is that at such a late stage of pregnancy, the uterus becomes soft and may open slightly. This explains the presence of mucus in the secretions.

The early onset of labor is indicated by the passage of the mucous plug. In this case, the discharge becomes stretching and thick streaks of blood are present in them. Sometimes the mucus has a pink tint.

Most often, the plug goes away exactly at 38 weeks of gestation, although this may happen a week earlier or a week later.

A deviation from the norm is the appearance of cheesy discharge. It is necessary to see a doctor immediately if there is pus or flakes in the discharge, or if an unpleasant odor appears. Such discharge indicates the addition of an infection, which requires competent treatment.

Bloody discharge at 38 weeks requires an immediate call to the ambulance. Blood most often indicates placental abruption. Blood can also appear as a result of placenta previa. However, if a woman has been seen by a doctor, then presentation should be excluded. Placental abruption is a serious complication that threatens the life of the fetus. You should not ignore even minor bloody discharge, because at any moment it can begin.

Turbid discharge of a liquid consistency indicates the discharge of water. This is a clear signal that you need to go to the hospital. Water flows away before the approaching birth, or due to thinning of the placenta wall. In any case, a woman needs medical help.

Having sex at 38 weeks gestation is a controversial point. Of course, an intimate life will bring pleasure to a woman, and the level of the hormone of joy will increase in the body. Also, sex helps to increase blood circulation in the small pelvis, which means that the placenta will be enriched with oxygen.

However, at such a late date, the uterus becomes very sensitive, and the birth canal opens slightly. Therefore, having sex can damage the cervix and cause minor bleeding.

Having sex at 38 weeks gestation may end in labor. This is a natural way of provoking childbirth, but you can resort to it only after consulting a doctor.

What dangers can lie in wait for a woman at 38 weeks of gestation

Preeclampsia is one of the most dangerous conditions that requires an immediate ambulance call. Preeclampsia is indicated by severe swelling, surges in blood pressure,.

If a woman is experiencing severe pains in the lower abdomen, which resemble electric shocks, then it is worth going to the hospital. As a rule, such sensations are a sure sign of the onset of labor. They arise for the reason that the child began to move along the birth canal, while he touches the nerve endings.

    Even the same woman cannot have the same course of pregnancy. Therefore, do not worry that the last time was somehow different. Moreover, if the state of health is not disturbed.

    It is important to eat foods fortified with calcium. It can be fish or cottage cheese. After consulting your doctor, you can try to replenish your calcium stores with eggshells.

    Don't stop drinking vitamins.

    A woman should rest as much as possible, but it is not recommended to lie on her back.

    It is important that close relatives help with the household. They must take on some of the responsibilities of a pregnant woman.

    The time remaining before delivery should be devoted to studying information about how to handle a newborn baby, what he needs to buy, etc.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

So the 38th week of pregnancy has come, the stomach pulls and, in general, the feelings of the future mother are associated with fatigue. The woman sees herself as a kind of hippo and she is very bored with the available dimensions.

The birth is coming pretty soon, and the stomach is already sinking. This, in turn, reduces stomach and intestinal discomfort. However, pains begin to be felt in the perineum, in the pelvis, it is difficult for the lady even to walk. But in spite of everything, most of the pregnant women try to remain active even in spite of everything until the last date, and this is true.

The child does not move often, he is rather cramped and uncomfortable. The number of amniotic fluid has decreased, and the fetus is already so large that it is rather difficult for a woman to move. The head is lowered and pressed against the pelvic bones, which further restricts movement. The position of the fetus will most likely not change before delivery.

Not so long ago, you were afraid of childbirth, you expected it with fear. At the moment, all this is no longer, these emotions are replaced by impatient anticipation, you listen attentively to your feelings and wait for the start of contractions. Pulling pains and precursor contractions every time make you expect with the hope that maybe it all started? However, which is quite natural, you pass in this state for two, or even four weeks, so you have to be patient.

In general, your health has improved, unlike a dozen days ago, you are less worried about heartburn and belching, of course, this is good.

Pain sensations with uterine tone

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls, when more and more often, the phenomenon is quite common and natural, and the body is actively preparing for childbirth. Especially sensitive women are able to feel a lot of unpleasant sensations due to the strong excitability of the uterus.

Some women do not feel uterine contractions at all, and for some they are very painful.

And if you consider that the period of precursor contractions, especially during the first birth, can last one to two weeks, this is very harmful to well-being.

Precursor contractions increase in their manifestations by this time, these uterine contractions are alarming and make you think about whether it's time to go to the hospital?

Normally, uterine tone is felt as a muscle spasm, and not pain. A woman is able to feel that her stomach is slightly pulling down, below the navel, these sensations can be felt in the lower back. All the same, this is not a pain, so it does not interfere with a normal life on. A woman can safely fall asleep without looking at this unpleasant sensation.

Contractions with the harbingers of childbirth are not constant, do not bring much discomfort, and this is how they differ from the onset of childbirth.

By this time, doctors register incomprehensible pains below in most pregnant women, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is a typical phenomenon, which means that the body is preparing itself for the birth process.

In some women giving birth for the first time, the tummy has already dropped by this time, and the baby's head is fixed in the small pelvis.

In the event that there is also pain, this raises concerns, is it a contraction? If you feel toned, you need to relax. Drop everything and lie down, or sit down.

Listen to yourself, at the same time, note the time on the clock. In the event that the pain is not severe, the duration of the contraction can be assessed by simply placing your hands on your tummy. In the instant of the limiting tone of the uterus, there is a feeling that it turns to stone, becomes hard. But as soon as the tone decreases, the uterus relaxes, and it becomes soft.

Note the time at which he remains firm and you will know the duration of the contraction. Basically, with precursors, such contractions are not constant and long, last only fifteen to twenty seconds, if childbirth develops, the duration of contractions is up to forty-five seconds - minutes. The gaps between them are also significant. If these are precursor contractions, you will feel less than 5 contractions of the uterus in an hour, and besides, the intervals between them will be varied, then ten minutes, then half an hour.

The constancy of labor marks the onset of labor. Now they follow, one after the other with ever-shrinking periods of time. When the intervals between contractions are reduced to twelve to fifteen minutes, and you feel five or more contractions in one hour, then it will be time to go to the maternity hospital.

If it pulls inconsistently, a very short rest is needed and then everything will stop. It would be quite appropriate to take a no-shpy pill. But-shpa will not harm, if it is childbirth, faster, it will contribute to the fastest opening of the cervix, and with precursor contractions, it will remove unpleasant symptoms.

But at this time he can pull not only for reasons associated with pregnancy, and this must be remembered. Any painful sensations of a constant type, these painful sensations that are not associated with an increase in the tone of the uterus, may indicate a disease of the abdominal organs, as well as surgical ones, and they need a doctor's consultation. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by constipation and the associated bloating and flatulence, which often disturb pregnant women at the very end of pregnancy.

Do not hesitate to contact a doctor if something bothers you, because in this case you probably will not miss something important and dangerous for you and your child.

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and periodically women notice that they are pulling the lower abdomen at 38 weeks of gestation. This can be a harbinger of an upcoming long-awaited event. What other symptoms are characteristic of the onset of labor? How is the baby developed and what sensations are the norm and deviation during this period? We will talk about this further in this article.

What's going on with mom?

What happens to mom at 38 weeks pregnant? Her belly is already too big and causes a lot of inconvenience. It is located much lower than before. It is impossible to stay on the legs for a long time, they swell, and there is a tingling sensation. It is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position at night.

The body begins to prepare for the birth of the child. The uterus descends, and therefore the woman finally completely recedes heartburn and stomach discomfort. A pregnant woman can enjoy eating, and breathing is also easier. But in addition, this provokes frequent trips to the toilet, the fetus in the uterus strongly presses on the bladder. Therefore, swelling at 38 weeks is the norm. Constipation may appear. Because the baby at the same time presses on the rectum and does not allow the feces to pass normally.

Pregnant women experience significant breast enlargement, and many already have colostrum at this time. It is important that the bra is not uncomfortable. You should not buy a lot of them, as after childbirth the breasts are still enlarged. In primiparas, an increase in two times is possible on the second or third day after the birth of the baby.

On visual examination, the doctor notes the shortening of the cervix. It becomes softer. If labor has not yet begun, then there is mucus in the vagina without impurities. The pelvic bones at this time actively diverge, and the joints become more mobile.

The child is no longer so active, since there is very little space for him. But if the mother does not feel the child's movement for a long time, this is a reason to sound the alarm and go to the hospital. The position he occupies (upside down or sitting on the ass) remains until the very birth. Therefore, if the presentation of the fetus is incorrect, then already at this time the doctor warns of a possible caesarean section.

Lower abdominal pain

Lower abdominal pain at 38 weeks gestation indicates that the body is preparing for childbirth. The pelvic bones are moved apart so that the child can safely pass through the pelvic passage. The placenta practically no longer fulfills its function, its aging occurs, the child already receives less of the necessary substances and oxygen for development. If this is too pronounced, then an emergency caesarean section may be prescribed.

Expectant mothers note that not only does the stomach hurt at 38 weeks of gestation, it becomes like a stone. Even more heaviness is noted in the lower abdomen. This is the normal process of preparing the body for childbirth. The woman gets tired quickly again (as in the first trimester).

Stretch marks and weight gain

Women note the appearance of stretch marks at this time. They are becoming more visible. They are present on the belly, thighs, and chest. So that after childbirth, the body is not decorated with traces of stretch marks, from the beginning of pregnancy, doctors recommend using special creams that improve the elasticity of the skin.

What else happens at 38 weeks pregnant? At this time, a woman may not arrive, but lose weight, this is manifested in almost every woman before childbirth. The hormonal background begins to change again. If before that the restructuring was to preserve the pregnancy and bear the baby, now - for the safe delivery and breastfeeding of the baby. Women are becoming more emotional again.

Other changes

In some women, skin pigmentation is observed, varicose veins may appear. The sense of smell works at full capacity, the woman is more sensitive to all aromas (for some, this may be the cause of the late development of toxicosis, it is rarely noted).

At this time, training contractions are already present, sometimes even a woman who has already given birth cannot distinguish them from real ones. If there is unusual discharge at 38 weeks, especially with blood impurities, then most likely the plug has come off. That is, it's time to go to the hospital. The bag to the maternity hospital must be collected, and relatives must know where it is, since the onset of labor often causes panic and the bag is often forgotten at home.

What's going on with the baby?

What happens to a baby at 38 weeks pregnant? A baby born at this time is already considered full-term in terms of organ development, weight and height. On average, a child weighs about 3 kg, and the body length is within 50 cm. The child's skin has a little more vellus hair, in places (in the folds) there is lubrication. There is subcutaneous fat, the muscles are well developed.

The child is already arriving insignificantly, on average - by 30 grams per day. In the intestines of the baby, there are already the first feces, which usually come out after birth. If the process of defecation occurred in the womb, then the bowel movements will begin to poison the child. Therefore, doctors make sure that mothers do not overstep the due date.

A fetus at 38 weeks gestation is in the womb with its head down. And if a woman has no health problems, then delivery will occur naturally. The child makes about 10 movements on average per day. This is due to the small amount of space in the uterus, and besides, the child saves energy for delivery. If there are fewer of them, you should go to the hospital.

At this time, the genitals are fully formed. If at this time the boys do not have the prolapse of the testicles into the scrotum, then after birth this is done in an operative way. The lungs are slightly underdeveloped, but the baby is already able to take the first independent breath. The heart is fully developed.

The bones on the head are connected movably so that the child can easily walk through the birth canal. The newborn already has sucking skills, can distinguish colors and can make out his mother while feeding. Can focus his gaze. He already has hair on his head and small nails. If a woman has a second pregnancy, childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy is considered normal. Therefore, it is possible to start preparing for a significant event already at the 37th

Why does the lower abdomen pull? Possible reasons

Why does the lower abdomen pull at 38 weeks of gestation? During this period, a woman often has discomfort and pain in this area. This scares many and gives rise to worry if everything is okay with the baby. Someone even confuses them with contractions and the onset of childbirth. Here's what causes pain and when to start worrying.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen:

  • the child at this time already weighs decently (about 3 kg), and the placenta also weighs up to 2 kg. And all this weight presses on the organs below the uterus. Therefore, it pulls the lower abdomen at 38 weeks of gestation;
  • the process of divergence of the pelvic bones is quite painful. If childbirth proceeds normally, then the body is prepared in advance and the pelvic bones move apart gradually, which causes pain to the woman. Therefore, premature birth is accompanied by more severe pain. The bones should not open in two weeks, but in two hours;
  • also pulls the lower abdomen at 38 weeks of gestation due to the fact that the child squeezes the nerve endings and blood vessels, thereby causing pain;
  • a lack of vitamins in the body can also provoke painful sensations;
  • it can be false contractions, to make sure that the contractions are false, you need to walk around the apartment, sit, lie down. From this they retreat. But if this did not help and the frequency of pain became more frequent, then the moment of childbirth has come;
  • lowering the abdomen down occurs shortly before childbirth, and also causes painful sensations.

But if the pain is accompanied by additional symptoms (deterioration of well-being; spotting; the child has stopped moving, and so on), then you should immediately go to the hospital to save the baby's life.

Vaginal discharge

Also, a pregnant woman should pay attention not only to pain symptoms. Vaginal discharge also plays a significant role. If they are transparent or slightly white, then there is no deviation. A slight appearance of mucus indicates that the body is almost ready for childbirth. If the mucus is pinkish and streaked with blood, then most likely the cork has come off. If the water has not flowed out, then the pregnancy can be extended in the hospital.

If the discharge looks like curdled milk with a characteristic smell, then you need to consult a doctor and eliminate the infection as soon as possible so that it does not get to the baby at the time of delivery. Cloudy discharge indicates water leakage. It is necessary to immediately go to the hospital, since the baby will die without amniotic fluid. If the discharge is bloody or dark brown, then, most likely, the placenta has come off, which means that the child may experience starvation. To save his life, you must immediately go to the hospital.

If a woman has a second pregnancy, labor at 38 weeks is faster than primiparous. Therefore, if pains similar to contractions appear, it is better to play it safe and go to the hospital in advance. Otherwise, there is a high probability of having a baby in the ambulance or before it arrives.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women at 38 weeks of gestation

Due to the existing false contractions, the expectant mother is afraid to miss the very moment of childbirth. What symptoms are present before the onset of labor?

  1. Fake contractions, they can be both a few weeks before the onset of a happy event, or the day before the birth. Usually they stop if the woman is like. But if they only became more frequent, and the pain syndrome intensified, then it’s time to go to the hospital. The main thing at this time is to keep calm, this is no longer premature birth, the baby is born almost full-term. The uterus is increasingly in good shape.
  2. At 38 weeks, the cork begins to recede. This is a kind of mucus streaked with blood. It may go away gradually, over a period of two weeks. Or maybe all come out right before childbirth.
  3. Amniotic fluid leaves. This is a vivid symptom of the onset of the labor process. If there are no contractions, then the hospital may stimulate them or offer a cesarean section, since the baby cannot live long without water. They can also flow out gradually. When a woman suspects she is leaking water, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. Otherwise, it may end sadly.
  4. Weight loss. By the end of pregnancy, a woman is already beginning to gain little weight. Before the very birth, the weight even decreases. This happens due to the fact that the body prepares for childbirth and removes excess fluid from the body. Diarrhea may begin.
  5. Friends and the doctor note that the stomach has dropped. Even the pregnant woman herself notices that there is no more strong pressure on the stomach, it has become more free to breathe. The already annoying heartburn passes.
  6. Colostrum began to emerge from the mammary glands. It is this that the baby will eat for the first time in days until milk production begins.

If the mother has doubts, then it is already possible to determine for sure whether childbirth has begun or is it again a false alarm, only a doctor can use a visual examination, if necessary, they can prescribe an ultrasound.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women at 38 weeks of gestation do not differ from the usual ones. The only difference may be that the uterus opens a little faster than primiparous. Also, the process of childbirth itself may take less time. In addition, multiparous women are more likely to give birth to children at 38 weeks than primiparas. Therefore, during the second pregnancy, a woman should listen to her body more carefully. Often, a woman can understand the onset of labor (if the pregnancy is the second, third, and so on) by the outpouring of water.

When is hospitalization necessary?

What happens at 38 weeks of gestation that a woman should be hospitalized earlier? With a normal pregnancy, a woman enters the hospital only at the onset of contractions or when the amniotic fluid is outpouring. But things don't always go smoothly.

Under what circumstances can they be admitted to the hospital at 38 weeks:

  • if bloody discharge, characteristic of placental abruption, has begun. This means that the child no longer receives the required amount of nutrients, which are already scarce due to the aged placenta;
  • severely high blood pressure, swelling and general deterioration of the body. In this case, delivery through a cesarean section is necessary;
  • if the placenta does not deliver the required amount of oxygen, as well as nutrients, the baby begins to starve. This can be detected by ultrasound at 38 weeks of gestation, as well as by CTG indicators;
  • if the need to stimulate labor is foreseen, then they are put in the hospital to prepare for childbirth, they stimulate the process;
  • with multiple pregnancies. Usually childbirth occurs at this time, since delivery is performed by cesarean section, it is undesirable to wait for the onset of the labor process;
  • abnormal presentation of the fetus or it is large. In this case, artificial delivery is recommended. Therefore, the pregnant woman is admitted to the hospital in advance, for a period of 38 weeks.

If the doctor advises to be hospitalized in advance, then it is better to listen to his advice. This way you can avoid the risk of unforeseen situations during childbirth.

In order to safely reach pregnancy up to 40 weeks, it is necessary to carefully monitor all changes, especially from the 38th week. Since at this time the body is already ready for childbirth. A bag should be collected with the necessary documents and accessories for mom and baby.

During this period, it is advisable to avoid intimate relationships, as they can cause contractions, and it is also possible to infect in the process. This will all be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

  • carefully monitor your health, do not miss examinations by a doctor, follow all recommendations. It is imperative to give the body sufficient time to rest, but not to be too lazy. Do evening walks;
  • it is imperative to eat right, since appetite improves at this time, it is important not to gain extra pounds, they will interfere with childbirth, and it will be more difficult to return the previous weight. It is advisable to eat in small portions and more often. Do not overload the stomach. Since overeating can also provoke abdominal pain and can even cause the onset of labor;
  • if constipation appears, do not fight them on your own, do not sit for hours in the toilet and push, this can cause premature birth. It is better to consult a doctor and take laxatives (not all can be used by pregnant women);
  • if a woman falls ill at this time, then, depending on the disease, a decision will be made whether to cure the patient before childbirth or to have a cesarean section until the disease reaches the child in the womb.
  • use means that improve the elasticity of the skin (to eliminate stretch marks), as well as special ointments for the elasticity of the skin in the vagina to avoid tears;
  • be sure to undergo training on how to behave during childbirth. Even multiparous will not hurt;
  • you must definitely tune in to the upcoming event, be calm, listen to all the doctor's advice during childbirth, then the birth will end successfully;
  • if during pregnancy a woman used a bandage, then after the 38th week of pregnancy, it must be abandoned, otherwise the stomach will not be able to lower normally. And the generic process may not proceed as expected;
  • during childbirth, the main thing is not to be afraid of pain, but to think about the baby's health, since if a mother is afraid to push herself, then she can harm her child. Childbirth can end in serious injury, even for life;
  • if not prohibited by a doctor, then visit the pool. This will temporarily relieve the load on the spine. You need to give time to complete relaxation;
  • to be alone with the baby and already communicate with him. He feels and hears everything.


Now you know what happens at 38 weeks of pregnancy with the baby and the mother. We also examined the possible reasons for the hospitalization of a woman in a position. Remember that a positive mother's attitude, adherence to all recommendations will help to have a healthy baby.