Horoscope of haircuts according to the oracle for September. Ten secrets of the right and safe haircut. What day of the week to get a haircut

Changing your image is an important step that can affect how people perceive you. Therefore, it is better to approach this issue carefully and consciously. The moon will help you choose the right date, color and style for your new hairstyle. The influence of the phases of the moon on the life cycles of nature has long been proven by scientists. If you choose the time, according to the astrological forecast, a new hairstyle will not only update your appearance, but also bring success in business.

The influence of the moon phases on hair growth

Most often moon acts on nature and human life invisibly, maintaining the balance of the universe. The clearest evidence of the interaction of the earth with the satellite is the nature of the tides.

The coastal peoples were well versed in the lunar calendar. This helped not to fall under the blow of the elements and collect seafood. The largest tides and ebbs occur on the shores of the oceans. The smaller the body of water, the less dependent it is on the moon.

A person consists of more than 60% water, so the satellite has a significant impact on people.

The phases of the night star have a special effect on hair growth. It is believed that if you cut your hair during the waxing moon, your hair will grow much faster. If you go to the master for the waning light, then the curls will grow in slow motion. In ancient times, it was believed that the first haircut of a child on a waning moon leads to baldness in adulthood.

Astrologers do not advise refreshing your hair on a new moon. During this period, along with cut curls, health and luck can go away, and in the worst case, the days of life will be shortened.

Lunar calendar for 2019

Since ancient times, the lunar calendar has been used to determine an auspicious day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. Do not forget that hair requires complex care, so if the day is considered unfavorable, you can always apply strengthening masks or decoctions for hair health.

To know exactly when to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar, you need to follow the recommendations for each calendar month. If you coordinate your hair care schedule and image change with astrology, you can achieve positive results much faster.

When compiling the calendar, various factors:

  • Moon phase;
  • Lunar days;
  • The position of the moon in the sign of the zodiac.

A comprehensive analysis of factors will help predict the haircut calendar for the entire 2019.


People who cut their hair often and change their image need to choose the right date for the first haircut of the year. Cyclical change of phases of the moon in January:

  • January 1-5 - waning moon;
  • January 6 - new moon;
  • January 14 - first quarter;
  • January 21 - full moon;
  • January 28 - third quarter.

The first days of January are the most unfavorable days for haircuts. January 1 (26 lunar day) is considered satanic. This is a difficult period during which no decisive action can be taken, including going to the hairdresser.

From the 2nd to the 5th, the moon is still waning, so it is better to postpone the haircut. However, if you want to get rid of the accumulated negativity, then a haircut on the 4th will help you. On this day, it is better to refuse painting, it can turn loved ones against you.

On the new moon (January 6), it is recommended to provide additional hair care: make nourishing masks, dye your hair with henna or rinse in medicinal decoctions. It is better to postpone a haircut, as it can deprive the hostess of some of the energy.

haircut calendar on January 2019 year looks like this:

  • Favorable days for a haircut and a change of image: January 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22 and 26. These days, you can safely go to the master, without fear of a bad result. Hair can be dyed, bleached, permed. These days will be ideal for a rehearsal of a wedding make-up or an important celebration. Haircuts on the 16th, 19th and 22nd will also attract good luck and prosperity to the house, help improve health;
  • Neutral days: 18 and 29 January. These days it is better to start a course of treatment and restoration of hair after regular coloring and bleaching;
  • Unfavorable days: 1, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Bad haircut days prevail in January. During this period, you can not start something new, it is better to do routine work. This also applies to the image. Any drastic change in the image can be harmful. At the barbershop, they can not cut or ruin the hair.


February This is a great month for frequent image changes. At the beginning of the year, favorable days for changing the image prevail, especially in the first and second quarter of the moon:

  • February 5 - new moon;
  • February 13 - first quarter;
  • February 19 - full moon;
  • February 26 - third quarter.

February 24 is the most unfavorable date for a haircut. At this time, it is better to isolate yourself from any type of change. You need to be careful in all spheres of life.

Lunar calendar for haircuts on February 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 1, 2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 28. A haircut in early February will give the hostess more self-confidence and a good mood. Health will bring a haircut on the 14th, 16th and 17th of the month;
  • Neutral days: 23, 26. During this period, it is better to make masks from falling out and split ends. Also, health-improving coloring with henna or other natural ingredients will not interfere. A haircut during the full moon will take away positive energy and weaken health;
  • Unfavorable days: 3-10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24. At this time, you should forget about changing your image. Going to the hairdresser can turn into a disappointment. On the 6th and 7th, it is better not to perm or lighten the strands - there is a big risk of burning your hair.


March considered one of the busiest months of the year. March 20 is the spring equinox. The Sun is moving into Aries, which means it's time for planning and new beginnings.

The best time for a haircut in March is the moon in the sign of Leo, Virgo and Taurus. On other days, it is better to devote time to caring for curls or doing routine things.

Moon phases:

  • March 6 - new moon;
  • March 14 - first quarter;
  • March 21 - full moon;
  • March 28 - third quarter.

If you want to radically change your hair color, then in March it is better to do this on the days of the growing moon. The most suitable time for coloring: March 10, 11 and 22.

Lunar calendar on March 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 19, 22, 26, 27. These days, you can safely sign up for a stylist and embody the most daring ideas. Changes in the image with the moon turning into the third quarter can bring financial well-being;
  • Neutral days: 16, 17, 21. Rare days when changes in image can be made according to mood. Most of all, these numbers are suitable for recreational activities;
  • Unfavorable days: 1-4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28-31. The month is full of bad days for haircuts. It is especially worth refraining from going to the salon until the first quarter of the moon. This can bring misfortune, problems with the throat can begin.

By choosing the right time for a haircut, you can not only update your image and refresh your image, but also get rid of unnecessary thoughts and stress.


V April In 2019, it is better to cut the curls when the moon is in Taurus, Virgo, Libra or Capricorn. At the end of the month, it is better not to plan short haircuts, in case of failure, the hair will slow down growth.

Moon phases:

  • April 5 - new moon;
  • April 12 - first quarter;
  • April 19 - full moon;
  • April 27 - third quarter.

Haircut in the first quarter of the moon promises to be successful. Especially the result will please the owners of long hair, who decide to radically change the length or color.

The lunar calendar is cut to April 2019:

  • Favorable days: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25. At the beginning of the month, it is better to do a perm or highlight the hair. On the 11th, 12th and 15th, it is better to shorten the hair, especially if they suffer from delamination and dryness. At the end of the month, it is better not to commit rash acts, it is better only to update the existing hairstyle at the hairdresser;
  • Neutral days: 2, 7, 14, 16, 28. This period is intended for rethinking one's actions and actions. The best time to start a hair restoration course;
  • Unfavorable days: 5, 8, 10, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30. The month is full of unsuitable days for a haircut. At the end of the cycle, you need to be especially careful, as a haircut can exacerbate chronic diseases.

The most unfavorable time is after the full moon, up to the third quarter of the moon.


May is the last month of spring before summer. During this period, you especially want to update your image and become irresistible. However, you should not lose your vigilance. Spontaneous haircuts can provide a negative result and even attract trouble.

Moon phases:

  • May 5 - new moon;
  • May 13 - first quarter;
  • May 19 - full moon;
  • May 26 - third quarter.

If you want to grow a long braid, then it is better to cut the ends for the growing month. In the first quarter of the moon, hair will grow faster and stronger.

Lunar calendar on May 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 31. Chemistry, coloring, highlighting is best done in the second half of the month. At the beginning of April, you should spend time on haircuts, especially if you want to try something for the first time;
  • Neutral days: 26 April. This day should be devoted to caring for your body: take baths, do masks and peels, and, of course, do not forget about your hair;
  • Unfavorable days: 1-3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28-30. The month of April does not bode well for fashionistas. At this time, it is better to devote time to face and body care than to hair.


June is a time of unexpected events and changes. The Moon in Virgo and Libra is the time for perming and coloring, the Taurus constellation is ideal for cutting and styling hair.

Moon phases:

  • June 3 - new moon;
  • June 10 - first quarter;
  • June 17 - full moon;
  • June 25 - third quarter.

Owners of a short model haircut are advised to visit the master during the waning moon, between the full moon and the third quarter. This will help to use the services of a stylist less often and keep the desired shape of the hairstyle and for a longer period.

haircut calendar on June 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 1, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27-30. The end of June is the best time to change your image. If you do not want drastic changes, then it is better to go to the salon before the 17th day of the month;
  • Neutral days: 23. This day is favorable for masks and wellness treatments against hair loss;
  • Unfavorable days: 2-6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26. In order not to lose positive energy, you should refuse to go to the master between the 2nd and 6th of the month. On other days, it is better to take care of your health.


So that in July the changes in the image only please, choose the period when the moon is in Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo and Libra.

Moon phases:

  • July 2 - new moon;
  • July 9 - first quarter;
  • July 17 - full moon;
  • July 25 - third quarter.

The beginning of the month is an ideal time for transformations both in everyday life and in image. On the day of the full moon, you can get rid of not only unnecessary centimeters of hair, but also from the burden of emotional experiences.

haircut calendar on July 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 3, 4, 7-10, 16, 17, 20, 26, 31. If you have been avoiding your own reflection in the mirror for a long time, then a haircut before July 10 will help you believe in yourself and radically change. On the waning moon (20, 26, 31), it is better to get by with updating the regrown tips;
  • Neutral days: 23, 25. The best time to dye your hair with natural dyes. Henna, a decoction of chamomile or onion peel will help to gain shine and improve hair;
  • Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 5, 6, 12-15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27-30. Try not to cut your hair after the 20th. This will attract betrayal and disappointment.


August is the last month of summer 2019, harvest time. It is at this time that you should not strive for drastic changes. Changes, both in life and in image, can cause unpleasant news and conflicts at work.

Moon phases:

  • August 1 - new moon;
  • August 7 - first quarter;
  • August 15 - full moon;
  • August 23 - third quarter;
  • August 30 is a new moon.

The growing moon in the first quarter will help to cope with hair growth problems and even baldness. Make nourishing masks with onion, pepper and mustard - they will definitely help.

Haircut lunar calendar August 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 31. Feel free to make an appointment with a hairdresser, but do not forget about the measure. In August, you should not unquestioningly follow the advice of a stylist, it is better to focus on your own instinct;
  • Neutral days: 9, 22. Get into hair coloring. If you suffer from gray hair, then the new remedy will please you with a pleasant unexpected result;
  • Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24-30. Try to protect curls from any influence. Summer sun, solarium, perm - all this threatens with damaged hair, which will have to be restored for a long time.

In August, bet on moisturizing and protecting your hair from the negative effects of the environment.


September 2019 is the best month of autumn for a makeover. If you are striving for noticeable changes, then a haircut is best done when the moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio.

Moon phases:

  • September 6 - first quarter;
  • September 16 - full moon;
  • September 22 - third quarter;
  • September 27 is a new moon.

In September, before the onset of the full moon, it is better to have a haircut for long-haired girls or owners of medium length. Short-haired young ladies are recommended to visit the master after the 16th, in the third quarter of the moon.

haircut calendar on September 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 1-3, 6-8, 14, 17-19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30. If the master advises to do something unimaginable, agree. Only global changes will help you find inner peace and not fall into autumn depression. A haircut on the 22nd, 23rd and 27th will help attract the attention of the opposite sex;
  • Neutral Days: 2, 29. Engage in soul-searching and soul-searching. Perhaps the surging inspiration will give an idea for a new image;
  • Unfavorable days: 4, 5, 9-13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 24-26. It is especially not recommended to visit a hairdresser on September 24th. Along with the loss of hair, luck will temporarily disappear from life.


The moon is a great planning aid. In October 2019, you need to take the lunar calendar especially seriously. Even the most banal change of image on an unfavorable day can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Moon phases:

  • October 5 - first quarter;
  • October 14 - full moon;
  • October 21 - third quarter;
  • October 28 is a new moon.

In the first quarter of the moon, it is better to get a haircut to attract good luck, and in the third quarter - to get rid of possible problems.

Calendar on October 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 2, 6-8, 14, 20, 25, 26, 28, 30. Feel free to schedule a haircut on the days listed. It is better to do a perm on the 25th and 27th, coloring on September 14th and 20th;
  • Neutral days: 1, 29, 31. During this period, take the time to think about a new image;
  • Unfavorable days: 3-5, 9-13, 17-19, 21-24, 27. Between October 17 and 19, a haircut can lead to eye problems.


V november 2019 is better to get a haircut when the moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Libra. If you want to change your hair color to a radically new one, choose a period in the constellation Capricorn.

Moon phases:

  • November 4 - first quarter;
  • November 12 - full moon;
  • November 20 - third quarter;
  • November 26 is a new moon.

This month, the hair is especially in need of nutrition and care. Therefore, the most favorable days for a haircut fall at the beginning of November, in the first quarter of the moon. Throughout the month, it is recommended to apply homemade masks to the hair.

haircut calendar on November 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 1-3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 18, 21, 22, 26, 28, 30. At the beginning of the month, it is better to plan the haircut itself, and at the end - perming, highlighting or coloring;
  • Neutral days: 27, 29. During this period, treat yourself to buying new hair and skin care products;
  • Unfavorable days: 4, 7-10, 13, 14, 15-17, 19, 20, 23-25. The most dangerous dates for a haircut are November 14 and 24.


Every girl wants to look perfect at a New Year's Eve or corporate party. Therefore, to change the image in december recommended in advance.

Moon phases:

  • November 4 - first quarter;
  • November 12 - full moon;
  • November 19 - third quarter;
  • November 26 is a new moon.

In the first quarter of the month, the ends of the hair should be renewed. If you want to cut off your hair, then the period falling on the third quarter of the moon will suit you.

Lunar calendar on December 2019:

  • Auspicious days: 1, 4-6, 8-10, 15, 18-21, 26-28, 30. Go to the master with a positive mood. Together, you will achieve exactly the desired effect, which will completely transform your appearance;
  • Neutral days: 29. Before the new year, it is better not to do anything that can injure your hair. Give preference to procedures that moisturize the skin and hair;
  • Unfavorable days: 2, 3, 7, 11-14, 16, 17, 22-25, 31. A haircut after December 17 can attract misfortune.

The correct date for haircuts according to the lunar calendar of 2019 will help not only to achieve the desired result, but also to attract good luck in the new year.

When to go to the stylist?

To ensure a good result after going to the stylist in astrology, three main factors must converge: the lunar day, the phase of the moon and the sign of the zodiac.

The phase of the moon plays a big role. To make hair grow faster, it is better to cut curls for an increasing month. If you need to keep the shape of a short haircut, then decrease.

Each lunar day 2019 has its own peculiarity:

  • 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18, 24, 29 - after a haircut on these lunar days, health problems or exacerbations of chronic diseases may occur;
  • A haircut on day 4 can bring sore throats;
  • A haircut on the 8th and 18th lunar day will strengthen your health and improve your well-being;
  • Changing the image on the 2nd and 7th lunar day will lead to conflicts in the work team or with loved ones;
  • To get a good mood and self-confidence, you need to plan a haircut for the 5th and 28th lunar day. A beautiful appearance will help you get the 13th day of the moon;
  • Day 11 will help strengthen intuition;
  • If you do not want to bring misfortune to the house, avoid the hairdresser on the 12th and 30th lunar day;
  • To achieve financial well-being will help on the 14th, 21st and 22nd;
  • 16 lunar day attracts betrayal and disappointment in family life;
  • The 20th will worsen the mood and mood;
  • A haircut on the 23rd, 26th, 28th lunar day will help to increase the natural charm and charisma;
  • Changes in appearance on the 27th of the month will help you find happiness;
  • If you cut your hair on the 25th of the month, your eyesight will deteriorate;
  • 30 lunar day can bring bad luck and grief.

In addition to lunar days, it is equally important to consider the influence of zodiac signs:

  • If the month is Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn, then this is a great time to experiment in appearance. After a haircut, the curls will grow faster and fall out less. Also, masks against dandruff, hair loss and split ends will have special power;

> Haircut Oracle for October 2019

Modern man is critical of various fortune-telling and predictions, giving life to the power of the mind and everything rational. Unfortunately, this should be considered as a mistake that does not allow us to fully develop and grow. At all times, the greatest value was given to information and useful information. It turns out that by discarding a certain part of the factors, people deprive themselves of a complete picture of what is happening and do not understand why everything in life does not turn out the way they wanted.

It is important to understand that there are forces that do not always lend themselves to logical and critical analysis, but they directly affect every future event. These include the lunar calendar and the Oracle, indicating a favorable and successful day. The first is responsible for the impact of the moon on the psyche and activity of living beings.

But the concept of "oracle" came to us from ancient times, revealing some form of divine prediction of human fate. In ancient times, a special priest announced the truth, but now you can use the oracle haircut calendar for 2019, which will make your destiny as successful and successful as possible.

Haircut Oracle for October 2019

Many do not believe that a banal haircut and manipulations with curls can not only improve your image, but also radically change your whole destiny. Our ancestors knew about this, who dared to cut the ends only with the permission of the moon and on certain days. They understood that hair served as a kind of connection with cosmic energy.

Going to the salon with the right date opens the channels and gives you extra energy, saves you from irreparable mistakes and directs you to the most prosperous and harmonious path of development. Therefore, use the haircut oracle to find out favorable and unfavorable days for making an appointment with a hairdresser for October 2019.

October 5 seems like a great day to change your hairstyle. This is the first quarter with the dominant Capricorn. The sign of the zodiac is distinguished by restraint, but he will gladly allow you to change the hair color, length or dare to perm. Pisces with the growing moon are also open to change, so check the box on the 10th. However, try to focus on naturalness and do not resort to cardinal transformations.

October 18 - the period of lunar waning under Gemini. A haircut will not damage the structure of the curls if you choose an easy option. Do not decorate with massive items. Virgo arrives on the 25th, allowing any procedures. Even simple combing and washing will fill the hair with energy and strength.

Do not forget that there are also negative periods when you have to stay at a maximum distance from the master and not touch your hair at all. This is October 12 with the ruling Aries. Lunar growth will negatively affect the appearance of curls. Strands can lose their natural shine and become unhealthy greasy. Only a light massage is allowed. The same trends are repeated on the 14th. If you visit a hairdresser, you run the risk of split ends and hair loss problems. The Oracle advises against taking such risks this month.

October 20 seems extremely negative. The waning moon is in the power of Cancer, which makes the hair too naughty. You just can't style, curl, or even cut neatly. In addition, relationships with loved ones can deteriorate. Go around the salon and on the 27th at Libra. The benefits will come exclusively from wellness procedures. The color will not last long.

Remember that the Oracle haircut schedule for 2019 is based on the phases of the moon. The earth satellite changes the level of illumination, and at the same time distributes the energy balance in different ways. Therefore, on certain dates, curls grow faster or split ends, loss, dandruff appear. In addition, a false day can cancel out your efforts in business, ruin your relationship with a loved one, or heat up the atmosphere at work. Focus on the advice of the Oracle to create the most balanced and successful future, in which there is no place for problems and unexpected kicks from the Universe.

Choose a month of the oracle haircut lunar calendar and find out favorable and unfavorable days for going to the stylist.

Select a specific type of lunar calendar to learn more about the influence of the moon on other matters.

Types of lunar calendars:

Lunar days and haircut


Eastern astrology draws attention to any action of a person with his body - as a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change the fate. Tibetans divide lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for haircuts (shaving), hair dye and treatment, nail cutting, dental treatment, days of operations.

The days of cutting (cutting) hair have both a beneficial effect on the future fate of a person - they positively affect longevity, luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, as well as a negative one, since a haircut these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring trouble.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means that everything that happens to them changes the course of an invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but our whole life. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting, to know when, with whose help and why you are doing it.

Hairdresser's tips for problem hair care>>


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful master, then your life after the haircut will change for the better.
  • The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and do notlove it when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either of the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a veryan old and famous master, even if the hairstyle he made will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you still correctly calculate the moment of visiting, then your life will not only change, but will radically improve.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earth day, and comes at a certaintime (hours, minutes) of the earth day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the Moon's entry into one or another Zodiacalconstellation.

(Moscow time)

To determine the time in your city, you should take into account the time zone.

January 2019

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac moon day
1 Tue waning

in Scorpio

25 from 03.41
2 Wed waning in Sagittarius from 12.00
26 from 04.56
3 thu waning in Sagittarius
27 from 06.08
4 Fri waning in Capricorn from 21.56
28 from 07.15
5 Sat waning in Capricorn
29 from 08.15
6 sun

New moon

at 04.29
in Capricorn
1/2 from 09.05
7 Mon growing
in Aquarius from 09.47
3 from 09.45
8 Tue growing in Aquarius
4 from 10.17
9 Wed growing in Pisces from 22.45
5 from 10.43
10 thu growing in Pisces 6 from 11.03
11 Fri growing in Pisces
7 from 11.21
12 Sat growing in Aries since 11.19
8 from 11.37
13 sun growing in Aries
9 from 11.52
14 Mon growing in Taurus from 21.32
10 from 12.08
15 Tue growing in Taurus
11 from 12.26
16 Wed growing v
12 from 12.47
17 thu FULL MOON at 08.17 in Gemini from 04.01
13 from 13.13
18 Fri waning in Gemini
14 from 13.49
19 Sat waning in Cancer from 06.45 15 from 14.37
20 sun waning in Cancer 16 from 15.41
21 Mon waning in Leo from 06.56
17 from 16.59
22 Tue waning in Leo 18 from 18.25
23 Wed waning in Virgo from 06.26
19 from 19.55
24 thu waning v Virgo 20 from 21.23
25 Fri


in Libra from 07.04
21 from 22.48
26 Sat waning in Libra 21
27 sun


in Scorpio from 10.32 22 from 00.10
28 Mon waning in Scorpio 23 from 01.29
29 Tue waning
in Sagittarius from 17.34 24 from 02.46
30 Wed waning in Sagittarius
25 from 03.59
waning in Sagittarius
26 from 05.08


Before going to the hairdresser, look at Moon calendar


1st lunar day cutting hair shortens life.

2nd lunar day - haircutwill bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day - cutting hair will cause harm to the body and may attract waste to you.

4th lunar day - a haircut will bringdiscomfort, will attract longing and fear of losing loved ones. It will cause throat and mouth diseases.

5th lunar day - cutting hair will increase property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day - it is undesirable to cut your hair - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will worsen, you will look like a sick person and actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day - haircutwill attract quarrels and litigation to you, you may be in conflict withchief. There is a threat of conflict with a loved one. Burning day in the Tibetan calendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously impair your health.

8th lunar day - a haircut will attract longevity, good health and make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day - cutting hair attracts diseases.

The 10th lunar day is a burning day according to Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from cutting, as this will attract diseases to you.

11th lunar day - haircutwill bring sharpness of feelings, increase your ability to foresee and insight of the mind.

12th lunar day - you can’t cut your hair - misfortunes, injuries are attracted and the likelihood of a threat to life increases.

13th lunar day - it is desirable to have a haircut, as a haircut will bring happiness and benefit, a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day -a haircut will attract an improvement in activity, financial situation, an increase in property and the goodwill of the authorities. For the sake of their own well-being, at least for the hair.

The 15th lunar day - it is safer to refrain from a haircut, as mental disorders as a result of a haircut, increased pressure, headaches and a feeling of fear are possible. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the barbershop.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from haircuts - there will bemisfortunes, mistakes.Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full measure, craving for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, as a result of which your health will deteriorate significantly.

February 2019



moon phase Moon in the Zodiac moon day
1 Fri waning v Capricorn from 03.48 27 from 06.09
2 Sat waning v Capricorn 28 from 07.02
3 sun waning v Aquarius from 16.04
29 from 07.45
4 Mon waning v Aquarius 30 from 08.20
5 Tue

New moon

at 00.05

v Aquarius 1/2 from 08.47
6 Wed growing v Pisces from 05.03 3 from 09.15
7 thu growing v Pisces 4 from 09.28
8 Fri growing v Aries from 17.35 5 from 09.44
9 Sat growing v Aries 6 from 09.59
10 sun growing v Aries 7 from 10.14
11 Mon growing v Taurus from 04.27 8 from 10.31
12 Tue growing v Corpuscle
9 from 10.50
13 Wed growing v Gemini from 12.33 10 from 11.13
14 thu growing v Gemini 11 from 11.42
15 Fri growing v Cancer from 17.04 12 from 12.22
16 Sat growing v Cancer 13 from 13.16
17 sun growing in Leo from 18.22 14 from 14.26
18 Mon growing in Leo 15 from 15.48
19 Tue


at 18.55

vVirgo from 17.48 16 from 17.17
20 Wed waning v Virgo 17 from 18.49
21 thu waning v scales from 17.18 18 from 20.18
22 Fri waning v scales 19 from 21.45
23 Sat waning v scorpio from 18.57 20 from 23.09
24 sun waning
v scorpio 20
25 Mon waning v scorpio 21 from 00.30
26 Tue waning v Sagittarius from 00.21 22 from 01.47
27 Wed waning v Sagittarius 23 from 02.59
28 thu waning v Capricorn from 09.49 24 from 04.04

financial condition.

24th lunar day- a very bad day for cutting hair - diseases may appear. Want to be healthy - refrain from haircuts.

25th lunar day - haircut increase eye pressure and lead to visual impairment. As a result of a haircut, eye diseases will aggravate, likelyinflammation, the appearance of barley.

26th lunar day

27th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

Formula Beauty Natural companies AD Medicine (ED Medicine) was created in order to maintain that healthy beauty that is inherent in every person by nature. A healthy appearance depends on the coordinated work of internal organs and systems. To ensure the normal functioning of cells, timely supply of nutrients, oxygen and removal of metabolic products, metabolism, which depends on the state of blood vessels and blood microcirculation, is necessary. The renewal of skin cells and its rejuvenation depend on the course of metabolic processes. The condition of the connective tissue, collagen and elastin fibers determines the tone and elasticity of the skin, the strength and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, on which the gracefulness of gait, plasticity, flexibility, and majestic posture depend. Important is the effective work of the excretory organs, which ensure the removal of toxins, metabolic products. Efficient bowel function helps to avoid the formation of age spots, increase skin turgor. And the clarity and brilliance of the eyes depend on the work of the liver. Evening primrose and avocado oils, yohimbe extract, trace element iodine regulate metabolism at various levels, stimulate the formation of new young skin cells, which literally contributes to skin rejuvenation.

for washing hair reduces inflammation of the skin, regulates the sweat and sebaceous glands; nourishes the hair follicle, strengthens the shaft, enhances hair growth; prevents fragility and bifurcation of the ends of the hair; protects hair from harmful external influences; adds pomp to thin hair; makes hair well-groomed and obedient

431 rub.

A new hairstyle, a fresh haircut, hair care are women's favorite worries. It is not so easy to decide to change hairstyles, so both men and women plan a trip to a beauty salon in advance: they look through stylish magazines, are interested in modern trends. And, of course, the most competent, do not forget to look into haircut lunar calendar for 2019, because the position of the celestial body predicts how successful the haircut will be and how it will affect the condition of your hair. If you are planning a trip to the stylist, it will be useful for you to know when it is better to cut your hair, make up, change your image, based on the table of lunar phases. Depending on the position of the moon in the calendar, haircut in 2019 can have both a favorable and an unfavorable effect on fate.

Haircut lunar calendar for 2019 by months

Favorable days for a haircut for a week:

Haircut on Monday according to the calendar - this is a day that is quite suitable for cutting hair. At this time, you can remove from yourself a huge amount of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. Monday is also favorable for hair coloring.

Haircut on Tuesday according to the calendar - the lunar calendar advises you to go to the hairdresser if you do not have enough physical strength or the will to solve some important dilemma, or if you are tormented by the monotony of life.

Haircut on Wednesday according to the calendar It's a good day for a haircut. Now is the time to cut your hair to learn something new or exciting, meet new or old friends, increase the number of travel and events in life.

Haircut on Thursday according to the calendar - haircut and hair coloring will help to change in relations with others, help to increase your popularity, increase good luck and prosperity.

Haircut on Friday according to the calendar - This is the day of Venus and the day of beauty. When you visit the hairdresser on Friday, you not only change your hairstyle, you change your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the way you look, it is better not to have a haircut on such a day of the week. Well, if you want to get prettier - visit a beauty salon on Friday, especially during the period when the Sun moves in the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Haircut on Saturday according to the calendar - this is a good day for working with hair, caring for them. Hair on such a day heals, and at the same time part of the generic karmic debts and sins is removed from you.

Haircut on Sunday according to the calendar - today it is better not to cut your hair - you can cut the wings of your fortune. This day is not bad only for the ill-fated unfortunates - maybe fate will have mercy and after putting your hair in order, luck will smile. But, alas, no one can guarantee this.

Among other things, there is an opinion that the phases of the moon affect hair growth. If you cut your hair during the waxing moon, your hair will grow an order of magnitude faster than after a haircut during the waning moon. On the new moon, astrologers do not advise visiting beauty salons and makeup artists. On such days, a haircut can even shorten a person's life, taking away energy and health. To confirm their theory, they assure that the main reason for male pattern baldness is that the baby's 1st haircut was done on the waning moon. Women who have sparse and weak hair are associated with the same rule.

Bad day.An unfavorable day for cutting or cutting the ends of the hair. Postpone these procedures: after them, conflicts and loss of strength are possible. Change the color to create a gloomy mood. Ask a loved one to do this. It is allowed to do a new hairstyle or styling.

Influence of the Moon February 22, 2019

18 lunar day

When coloring hair, it is useful to experiment with colors. A new shade will bring new opportunities and positive energy to life.

Experimenting with hair is not worth it. It is recommended to braid your hair in a pigtail - this hairstyle will protect you from the negativity of the day.

Waning Moon (Phase 3)

The third phase of the moon is a good time to experiment with hair color, as the dye will not last long. A haircut these days will keep your hair healthy, but will slow down their growth.

Moon in Libra

The moon in the sign of Libra is not the best time to visit a hairdresser. A haircut these days can change the condition of the hair. They will become more naughty, begin to curl.

This is the right time for wellness treatments. It is worth pampering your hair with a nourishing mask or washing it in a decoction of herbs. It is recommended to visit a hair care specialist.


Friday is suitable for a cardinal change of image. On this day, it is recommended to get a haircut, dye your hair, do a perm, experiment with a hairstyle for those who want to transform. If everything suits you in appearance, then it is better to postpone the trip to the hairdresser for another day.

The lunar haircut calendar for today helps you find out how favorable it is to cut your hair on this day, change its color, change your hairstyle, do a perm and carry out wellness procedures. He suggests what experiments with hair lead to during this period. The haircut calendar takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac constellations, the day of the week on health and hair growth.