Indian wedding at the bride's house. Indian wedding. Wedding ceremonies, ceremonies and rituals of India

Is a romantic, indescribably delightful wedding ceremony your dream? Arrange an unforgettable registration in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. How to combine romance, a thirst for new discoveries and a festive celebration? A wedding ceremony in India will leave an indelible impression, give vivid emotions, uniting loving hearts with sacred ties. The ancient traditions of this country will help to understand each other deeper, and the solemn wedding will become a symbol of the unity of souls.

Benefits of Hosting a Wedding Ceremony in India

A wedding for the people of India is one of the most important events in life. Spiritual heritage, ancient rituals, peculiarities of religion - Hinduism - emphasize the crucial role of the sacred union of the souls of the bride and groom. What Europeans should learn from is the reverent attitude towards the institution of family and marriage: the divorce rate in India is negligible. Why is this country so popular?

  1. Organization of a wedding ceremony for two or a small number of guests. If you dream of romance, and crowds of barely familiar guests are disheartening, a solemn painting in India is for you! If you want to respect your family and friends, arrange an official registration at the registry office of your own city by inviting your closest relatives and friends.
  2. The wealth of nature. Delightful vegetation, an abundance of flowers, exotic trees and shrubs - an ideal setting for a wedding photo shoot.
  3. The speed of obtaining a visa. This procedure will take you no more than 3-5 days for self-registration.
  4. Good weather conditions. India's mild climate, warm and sunny weather (try not to get into the rainy season) are conducive to the wedding ceremony.
  5. Ancient cultural traditions of India. A wedding is a special holiday for the inhabitants of the country, therefore, you are guaranteed to get acquainted with the most ancient rituals and ceremonies of the Hindu civilization.
  6. The beauty of the wedding ceremony. Indian weddings rightfully occupy a leading position in the ranking of the most luxurious traditional celebrations in the world.
  7. Possibility to combine wedding and honeymoon. In order not to get bored during your honeymoon trip, get acquainted with the diversity of culture and traditions of India: the mixing of nationalities on the territory of this densely populated country gives you a chance to get acquainted with ancient temples, arrange a trip in a "houseboat".

When choosing a wedding ceremony in India, you should consider a number of points that can darken the celebration. Knowing in advance about the pitfalls, future spouses can easily avoid the following disadvantages:

  • Choosing a reliable tour operator. Unscrupulous agencies can spoil the experience of exploring India and darken the wedding ceremony.
  • Pre-order most wedding services.
  • According to the rules of the country, it is not possible to organize an official wedding ceremony. Therefore, the wedding ritual performed by a brahmana is rather symbolic for Europeans.
  • The vagaries of the weather. Spring comes in India from February and warm weather will accompany you throughout your journey. Monsoons are common in the summer months and September.

How to organize a wedding in India

Preparing for a wedding ceremony in India on your own will take a lot of time. It requires good knowledge of English, patience when discussing key issues with service providers: transportation (it doesn't matter if it's an elephant or a limousine); rental (tent for the ceremony); weddings (brahmana priest) and many others. It is advisable to organize a wedding on your own if:

  • you live or work in India for a long time;
  • marry a Hindu.

It is easier and more comfortable to contact a travel agency that will help organize a wedding ceremony taking into account the wishes of the client. At the same time, the financial component will be more significant. The absence of "headaches" about certain aspects of a wedding in India, Russian-speaking support - these moments outweigh the desire to personally organize the ceremony.

Official wedding

If the future wife and husband are citizens of the Russian Federation, then it is possible to register the marriage with the official authorities of India in the case when:

  1. The bride is pregnant.
  2. A long-term contract was signed to work in India.

In the case when one of the spouses is a citizen of India, the marriage concluded in the court of the country will be recognized as valid on the territory of the Russian Federation under the following conditions:

  1. Apostille on the certificate - the official stamp of the Russian Embassy in India (Delhi).
  2. Returning home, translate the document into Russian.
  3. Notarize the translated document.
  4. Submit the necessary documents to the registry office. After a certain time - from several days to two months - you will receive a government-issued marriage certificate.

Symbolic wedding

An unusual, lavish wedding procession with many traditional rites is a hallmark of the Hindus. Expensive outfits - saris, shervani, embroidered with gold braid - are an integral part of the ceremony. As well as jewelry for the bride, rich decoration of premises, decoration with magnificent garlands of flowers. The main part of the marriage ritual is represented by the following points:

  • Preparing future spouses for the ceremony.
  1. A delightful wedding dress - a sari for the bride - will become an adornment for a young maiden. For men, a traditional headdress is offered - a turban; long shervani jacket; churidar trousers. These are the must-have elements of the groom's Hindu wedding attire.
  2. Mehndi or Mehendi ceremony. This is the painting of the bride's palms with a special composition of henna. Bright, intricate patterns symbolize the strength of feelings; colors - from yellow to dark brown - predetermine future life.
  • Wedding ceremony.
  1. Transport. According to Indian tradition, the bride and groom come to the place of the ceremony separately.
  2. Duration of the wedding ceremony. The timing depends on the number of rituals chosen by the newlyweds. Mandatory for Hinduism will be: the exchange of wedding garlands - as a symbol of love of two hearts, the ritual of fire, the recitation of mantras by a brahmana.
  3. Indian sweets.
  • Additional services.
  1. Elephant trekking.
  2. Musical accompaniment.
  3. Ceremony "7 steps", offering gifts to the god of fire.
  4. Russian-speaking accompaniment of the ceremony.
  5. Organization of a wedding dinner.
  6. Hire of traditional Indian outfits.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, you will receive a certificate confirming that you have become a spouse according to the Hindu religion. Some hotels in India offer their customers a festive fireworks display in honor of the newlyweds An unusually bright, extravagant wedding will forever remain in your heart as a memory of the happiest day that united the hearts and souls of lovers.

Where to get married

Are you dreaming of concluding a sacred union in an ancient Indian temple according to the canons of the Hindu religion? Ancient rituals and traditions of Tamil Nadu await lovers. To see the impenetrable jungle, traveling on elephants, to get acquainted with the "Pink City" of Jaipur, to visit the unsurpassed Taj Mahal - a symbol of eternal love - the choice depends only on you.


The pearl of India, a wedding Mecca for tourists from all over the world - Goa. Snow-white beaches, azure ocean, old traditions are at the service of those wishing to hold a wedding ceremony. A traditional tent, a wedding brahmana, generous gifts from the rich Indian land will leave an unforgettable experience. Most tour operators suggest organizing the ceremony based on the Indian or European style.

In Kerala

The southern state of Kerala is home to kilometers of stunning beaches, lakes and the tropical wilderness of India. Dressing a pearl-gold sari (which is different from the traditional red dress) for a bride and becoming an oriental beauty is nothing more romantic. The wedding night on the "floating house", spent by lovers, will make hearts beat faster after many years.

To Tamil Nadu

Looking for a quiet, romantic wedding ceremony? The state of Tamil Nadu, rich in exquisite architectural treasures, temples and lush blooming, fragrant greenery, will present this opportunity. "The Golden City of a Thousand Temples of India" Kanchipuram has become the home of three religions: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Quiet, clean, cozy streets of small resort towns will give you an unforgettable experience.

In Jaipur

Holding a wedding ceremony in the style of a maharaja, in the city of the current maharaja - Jaipur - will be remembered for the richness of colors, vivid impressions. Majestic palaces, ancient temples, on the territory of which it is possible to organize a wedding, will turn lovers into "representatives of the highest caste" for whom the whole world was created. Luxurious outfits, lush apartments, rich treats are at the service of those wishing to organize a wedding ceremony in Jaipur.

In Udaipur

In the middle of arid Rajstan, at the confluence of three lakes, a long time ago the Maharaja Udai Singh founded the "snow-white city of India" - Udaipur. The ancient architecture of palaces, green parks, numerous hotels and ... the magnificent smooth surface of the water rightfully gave this city a second name - Eastern Venice. Delightful photos of the wedding ceremony, a boat trip to the Pihkola Palace will be a happy start to your family life, giving you an unforgettable experience.


The contrast of the big metropolis, the fusion of religions and cultures, ancient rituals and symbols are intricately intertwined in the capital of India - Delhi. Most residents of large cities choose "wedding for love", gradually moving away from the customs of their ancestors. However, the legacy of generations is so great that a wedding is impossible without the “classic” Indian attire of newlyweds, a brahmin and fundamental ceremonies.

In Agra

To hold a wedding ceremony in one of the wonders of the world, built in Agra as a sign of recognition of unfading feelings - Taj Mahal - any bride dreams of such a gift. Snow-white marble, airy architecture, exquisite patterns and stucco molding - the splendor of what you see blinds your eyes and takes your breath away. Walk barefoot with your spouse on ancient slabs, absorbing the energy and all-conquering power of love. Leave recognition on the steps of the temple, because the ancient legend of India says that then your feelings will be as strong as the great love of the great Shah.

How much does a wedding ceremony in India cost

The cost of wedding services provided by travel agencies ranges from $ 350 to $ 1,500. The package includes organizing a ceremony in India, pre-wedding events, clothing rentals, musical accompaniment, transportation and much more. The price of a wedding tour lasting three days is about $ 2000 per person.

Video: holding a wedding in India

How to combine ancient customs, ancestral traditions and modern views of the younger generation? Holding wedding ceremonies in major cities in India reveals the life of the present country in a different way. The main difference between advanced youth was the desire to create a family out of love, and not the conspiracy of parents. A classic wedding in the spirit of Hinduism and ... a cheerful, joyful wedding banquet with many guests, dancing, exquisite European style cuisine - these are the modern traditions of India. You can see a bright, unusual wedding by watching our video:

Wedding photo session in India

Delightful architecture, the most ancient temples of India, the majestic palaces of the maharajas will be a magnificent setting for an unforgettable photo and video shooting of the newlyweds. Capture the specialties of a wedding ceremony, an elephant trekking ride, or a visit to the Taj Mahal. A detailed photo report on the mehndi ritual, dressing and preparation for marriage will revive memories, recalling the love that united the hearts of lovers, after many years. You can see ideas for a wedding photo shoot in the photo below.

Indian wedding ceremony is a unique and colorful spectacle. Wedding ceremonies in India are distinguished by the strict observance of ancient customs, which include many ceremonies and sacred rituals.

Indian wedding traditions go back centuries ...

Indian wedding ceremony

All rituals are traditional. Even modern marriages are not possible without the permission of the groom's parents - they are the ones who look for a suitable bride for their son, and then agree on a future wedding with her parents.

Little depends on the bride, parents can marry her even to a man she does not know, and she is obliged to obey - such are the traditions.

Wedding ceremonies in India are very expensive - parents spend from 5,000 to 20,000 rupees on a wedding, it all depends on the wealth of the family. The most expensive weddings are held in the state of Punjab. Typically, there are about two stressful months between the engagement, when the groom puts the wedding ring on the bride's finger, and the wedding ceremony.

During this period, the bride's parents must collect a dowry for their daughter, which includes: gold jewelry, many saris (everyday and holiday), other clothes, kitchen utensils, textiles and much more. In some areas in southern India, there is no engagement ceremony.

The parents of the bride and groom first study the horoscopes of the young. And only when the stellar outlines of the young coincide, the bride's parents call future relatives to the bride.

Two days before the wedding, the bride must not leave her home. Her home is decorated with garlands of flowers, foil and multi-colored lights.

Indian Wedding Ritual - Praise Yellow

On the wedding day, neither the groom nor the bride is allowed to eat anything until the very beginning of the wedding ceremony. In the groom's house, a ceremony of wedding dances and songs performed by girls from among his relatives takes place.

Then there is a small, but very important ritual - Praise of the yellow color ("Gaie holud"). This color in India is associated with the sun and is a symbol of fidelity.

During the ritual, all those present in the house apply yellow paint to their foreheads, and then shower each other with a special yellow powder.

After the ceremony at the groom's house, the father of the newlywed solemnly lists the names of all relatives who have passed away, as if calling them to witness the marriage and informing them that their descendant is tying the knot. Then the participants of the ceremony walk slowly to the bride's house to perform this ritual there as well.

Indian wedding ceremony: the beginning of the celebration - the arrival of the groom

The wedding celebration begins in the evening at the bride's house. The groom arrives there at the appointed time, accompanied by a crowd of friends and relatives. Usually, about 700 guests are present at the celebration.

The bride's parents are obliged to provide everyone with housing and food. The bride is wearing traditional bright red bracelets, which she must wear for a month after the wedding.

By the arrival of the groom, the bride's parents build a small temple ("Vedi"), which is intended for the wedding ceremony. It is covered with an awning and decorated with four palm trees set in the corners of the building. The temple is decorated with many yellow flowers, symbolizing the sun and wealth.

The groom usually comes to the bride's house on horseback - his wedding dress is generously embroidered with gold embroidery, he is belted with a fiery sash, and a bright turban flaunts on his head. Behind the groom, on a decorated horse, sits his young friend in the same outfit.

The groom enters the temple, stands on a flat stone laid in the center, and waits for the bride to appear, who will soon be carried out in a wooden palanquin.

Indian wedding tradition: henna painting

The bride is simply dazzling during the ceremony - a rich, bright red sari embroidered with gold threads, lots of gold jewelry and henna-painted hands and feet.

Peacocks and romantic couples are considered traditional wedding designs for the bride. The back of the bride's hands is painted in the Indian style, the pattern of which is frequent and small, and the Arabic pattern, consisting of larger flowers, is applied to the outer side of the hands.

The bride has the right to choose any drawing for painting. Often, craftswomen add sparkles or food coloring to henna, the drawing becomes much more festive and colorful.

With the bride in the palanquin, the porters walk around the groom seven times, and then they stop and ask the newlyweds to look each other in the eyes. This look is called “Shubho drishti” and is translated as “the very first sight”.

A fire is lit in the center of the temple. The edge of the bride's sari is tied to the groom's sash - this symbolizes the marriage union and their affection for each other. The newlyweds sit closer to the fire, and then rise, and, holding hands, walk seven times around the fire.

Further, the wedding procession goes to the place of the wedding ceremony, where the priest, after saying a prayer and an oath of loyalty to the young people, joins the hands of the spouses with a bright garland of flowers. The new husband applies red paint in the middle and on his wife's forehead.

By the way, women in the south of India do not paint the parting red and do not paint a red dot on their forehead - a sign of marriage. A gold chain around their neck serves as such a sign for them. Taking it off is a very bad omen.

Indian Wedding Traditions: Celebrating a Wedding in Bozargan

After the end of the ceremony, all guests go to the wedding celebration in a special room - "bozargan". The celebration is accompanied by a fun performance with songs and dances.

After the end of the official ceremony, the guests go to the wedding celebration in "Bozargan"

The fun continues all night, and in the morning the guests accompany the young wife to her husband's house, where many gifts have already been prepared for the young and the parents' blessing awaits. No ceremonies take place on this day - everyone is resting.

Only the next day, the wife's relatives come to the husband's house - they bring expensive gifts, and for them the young spouses arrange a festive dinner and entertainment.

India is one of the most ancient countries in the world. The oldest traditions are still observed in it. One of them is a wedding ceremony in India famous for its splendor and beauty. Everything here is the same as it was many years ago. All the same marriages on the slander of parents. Nothing changed. Almost nothing depends on the desire of the young. This is especially true for girls, they can generally be ordered to marry a complete stranger, and they have no right to disobey. Therefore, the Indian wedding is called "marriage by prior arrangement." We have seen this vividly manifested many times in vibrant and colorful Indian films.

In India, this is a big religious process in which gods are praised. This is a kind of sacrifice. And those who have not entered into the sacred bond of marriage are called "without sacrifice." This is very contemptuous for any Indian.

The groom's parents, before deciding on the choice of a suitable bride for their son, compare their horoscopes, if the result is favorable, then a conspiracy occurs and both sides of the union exchange gifts. Usually, a few months before the wedding, the bride's parents have a difficult time. After all, they need to collect a dowry: a sari for all occasions, kitchen utensils, etc. In general, many begin to collect a dowry from the moment they learn that a girl was born in the family. A wedding in India is a very expensive event, to which 700-800 people are invited, including even strangers. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the bride's parents, because the wedding expenses are completely borne by them.

The bride and groom cannot take food until the very celebration. At the very gate of the house, the bride's younger brother meets with the groom, he kisses the future, then, as a sign of peace between them, washes his feet. In the groom's house, his relatives arrange dances and sing songs. This is followed by the obligatory ritual of praising the color of yellow. For Indians it symbolizes fidelity and is associated with the color of the sun. Next, the groom's father lists the names of the deceased relatives, thus, he calls them to be witnesses, informing that their descendant is united by marriage. After that, everyone goes to the bride's house, where this ceremony is repeated.

The wedding ceremony takes place in a specially built small church and only in the bride's house. The groom stands on a flat stone, waiting for the bride to be carried out in a wooden palanquin - in a beautiful, rich, most often red sari. The bride is all in jewelry and gold. Especially popular among Indian girls are nose jewelry called Nat. traditions and a symbol of marriage among women. Another is seven honorable circles around the groom, before the newlyweds look into each other's eyes. This ceremony is called "shubho drishti" - translated as first glance. After that, one end of the bride's sari is tied to the groom's sash - this symbolizes their strong affection for each other. The newlyweds sit near the fire and, holding hands, they make seven circles around it. "Fire is a witness" - so the Indians think. Fire is their main holiness, and if the young have not passed seven circles around it, the marriage is not considered valid.

Further, the wedding procession moves to the temple, where the newlyweds take a sacred oath, which turns out to be very similar to the European one. After these words, the hands of the young are connected with a garland of flowers. At this time, the groom applies red paint to the bride's parting and forehead, after which they become husband and wife. Then the celebration is transferred to the room, where the real fun begins with dances and songs. Indian wedding is a real colorful show and it lasts all night long. The next morning, the guests leave the house of the newly-made wife, taking her with them to the groom's house. Gifts and blessings await them there, then everyone rests. And the next day, the wife's relatives gather to continue the fun. In general, an Indian wedding can be celebrated for a very long time, but this is optional.

Indian weddings are enchanting with their legend of the perfect couple in every way. There were a husband and wife who lived a happy life in marriage, none of them in their entire life looked at anyone else. Their life was full of love and understanding. This legend is the ideal for all Indians, to which they always strive.

Good afternoon, my name is Masha, I'm 31, last November I got married in Bombay (Mumbai) in India. It's amazing that I didn't find a tag with this city in the community, I can't even believe it.

The wedding took place according to the Sikh rite, under the cut 50 photos: preparation, ceremony and post-wedding celebrations. November 7, 2015.

1. We live in the same hotel where the ceremony is taking place. I wake up at 8 am from the call: kind people from the reception warn that the hairdresser has come. My head hurts, because yesterday my friends and I danced in the club until two in the morning. Okay! Quickly order a double espresso and croissants, run into the shower and put on lengu, my wedding dress. The groom sleeps next to him, he doesn't need to prepare for several hours! Hello everyone!

2. On my arms and legs I have mehndi (mehendi)— henna drawing, which four (!) craftswomen applied to me for two hours. The name of the groom is woven into the drawing, which he will have to look for on the wedding night.

3. Taking pictures of the view from the window: we are in southern Bombay, Colaba area. The city can be represented as a triangle, one of the corners of which goes into the ocean- here he is.

4. I frustrate the hairdresser by not wanting to add fake hair: for Indian brides, a thick braid often goes down to the shoulders or waist, and the braid is decorated with gold. They scare me that I will be "too modest a bride") They just fix tikku (decoration on the forehead) and flowers.

5. The hairdresser asked for flowers white, but then painted them with varnish to match the color of my dress.

6. 10.30: The makeup artist comes to make me a Bollywood star.

7. Put on jewelry. My mother-in-law married in them and then gave them to me. To do this, she and her father-in-law and grandmother, who practically does not leave the house, specially came, bought flowers and prepared a speech. It was so touching that I burst into tears. Three necklaces and unusual earrings: a thin pearl thread is wound 3-4 times behind the ear, and the end hangs down.

8. I'm almost ready, it's just a little: drape a dupata scarf. The Master asks me, "What style? Punjabi / Gujarati / Leng Choli?" Separately, I know the meanings of all the words, in relation to the drapery - no. I choose at random, but then I decide to call the future mother-in-law, and I have to redo everything. Twenty minutes there, twentyhere, the bride is late.

9.11.15 My family calls me, they want to know if I'm thinking of running))

10. Dad comes and he will lead me down to the ceremony hall. I'm happy to see him, although he steals my coffee! It is important for me to share this moment with him.

11. The ceremony was supposed to start at 11 am, at 11.40 we go downstairs. Everyone has to be barefoot during the ceremony, so dad helps me take off my shoes. At this time, four men on my side are preparinga special veil that will be carried over usbefore entering the gurdwara (gurdwaratemple or any place where the Sikh Holy Book is located).

12. Ready and Entering!

13. The hall looks like this: in the middle is the reader and the Holy Book on a special pedestal, to the left are musicians, on opposite sides of the Book of a man and a woman. All guests in the gurdwar must have their heads covered, so we hired a turban twister for the men. Turbanspink to match my dress.

14. In women, the head is covered with a sari or scarf.

15. Music and chants begin. My fiancé is not a Hindu, but a Sikh, and also not very religious, so we did a short ceremony (45 minutes). In other circumstances, celebrations can last for weeks. By the way, in Russia there is a tradition of calling all Indians Hindus, but this is not entirely true: Hindu this is a follower of Hinduism, and Indian / Indian these are the inhabitants of India.

16. One of the readers of the Holy Book. If you see this in airport, then do not be afraid, this is not a terrorist, but a Sikh, believing Sikhs are supposed to wear turbans and not remove their hair. To put it simply, about Sikhism: there are no castes, women and men are equal. No concepts of p ah and hell: it is believed that making a person be good because of a reward or punishment this is manipulation. Notpriests (Sikhs think thatclear how class provokes corruption and manipulation). C the ceremony is conducted by any respected member of the community.

17. While we are listening, the groom bends down and says something affectionate to me, I cannot contain my emotions.

18. We look forward to the beginning of the four hymns with instructions (Laab). Then my dad will give us a scarf, and after each hymn we will go around the Holy Book.

19. We go around. In the corners there are four guests who shower us with rose petals.

20. I firmly hold on to the scarf, I must not let go. It is special, a few days ago, seven married women from the groom's side got together, and each made a few stitches on it, for luck.

21. After each round, we bow to the Book, as a sign of consent to marry.

22. The groom's mom knows best what follows, so we periodically consult with her))

23. After the rounds, the ladies give us lighted candles, and we say puja (prayer), describing small circles with a tray.

24. Then we pass the tray to parents and close relatives.

25. Next step: blankets for the Book: first we too ...

26. ... and then the parents. My family Well done, very skillfully and patiently maneuvered in unfamiliar traditions, different culture and religion, I am incredibly grateful to them.

27. Just a little bit left! We sit down again, they put on us garlands of jasmine, roses and artificial pearls.

28. Prasadam is served to everyone— sweet pudding made from flour, butter and sugar. We put our hands in a bowl one into the other to accept it.

29. All! We accept congratulations!

30. At 1.30 pm, the guests went to the next room for lunch, and I went into a separate room: a cousin who was waiting for me with an assistant helped me to drape a dupata scarf. The embroidery makes it very heavy and I wanted to feel comfortable. Here is the result. Meggie is next to me, my cousin.

31. I go to the gym hoping to eat, but it didn't work! Guests eat lunch and come up to congratulate the newlyweds. We are sitting on a special stage, accepting gifts and congratulations, taking pictures.

32. Guests take turns, so it takes almost 2 hours ...15.00 Finally you can have a snack! Alcohol and meat cannot be consumed near the Holy Book, therefore the lunch is vegetarian, and cocktails fruit. I thought that the guests would be upset (as it is without champagne after the ceremony), but everything was so tasty and great that it didn’t hurt at all!

33. Time for the traditional wedding game: whoever finds the ring in a bowl of milk first is the boss! It's a lot of fun, because it embraces the excitement, and even the guests cheer for their own!

34. Searched three times, found together, that is, a draw!

35. We are on the 35th floor, the restaurant offers a panoramic view, so you can see the famous "Queen's Necklace": when the lights are lit in the evening, the semicircle of the coast looks like a jewel.

36. 16.00 Guests are going to rest, and we are going to do a photo session. I want to visit the pool with the guests, because the temperature in November in Bombay is about 30 degrees, and the lenga outfit is very heavy due to embroidery, about 9-10 kg!

37. Moreover, the view from the pool is like this:

38. 18.00 We return to the hotel, I'm tired of the impressions and after hours in the heat I take off my lenga and fly. We are going to sleep at least an hour, because there is still a long evening ahead.

39. 20.00 Of course, we overslept and are late! We dress quickly and arrive at the restaurant, fortunately, it's only five minutes to walk!

40. It was decided to make the evening for the Russians, so much here is unusual for the Indians. For example, those invited to a wedding are sitting at tables. Indian weddings have a thousand guests, so cocktail tables and a row of chairs for the elderly are usually set up. All other guests eat while standing, congratulate the young and go off to dance.

41. Secondly, champagne and toast,they are not accepted at Indian weddings. We asked the groom's side to prepare some speeches, everyone was very embarrassed and warned that they were performing at a wedding for the first time.

42. Thirdly, all sorts of videos: my wonderful guests have prepared several, and even in different languages! However, when the groom was asked to ride an elephant, it was too late to be embarrassed.

43. And finally, the exchange of rings: there is no such custom in the Sikh ceremony, so we did it in the evening.

44. And everything is familiar: cake.

45. And then dancing - our prepared.

46. And uh, uh ..... improvisation from the guests.

47. 00.30 Bridal bouquet at the end.

48. Satisfied guest.

49. Half past one in the morning, some of the guests went to have fun, and we run away to the hotel: soon we have a plane!

50. 4am, late again! Tired, we stuffed everything into a suitcase, I left the lengu and, as it seems to me, half of the property in Bombay, and we quickly flew away on our honeymoon trip!The last shot before I fell asleep after a long day: a transfer at the Kerala airport (if you look closely, you can see that the indication is in three languages).

An Indian wedding is an incredible combination of pomp and flamboyance of celebration and amazing tradition. The customs that still play an important role in the life of the Hindus may seem strange and inexplicable. However, it is this unquestioning faith in the power of tradition and unshakable adherence to the centuries-old rules of marriage that make weddings in India, just like Turkish weddings, a real cultural phenomenon: having attended such a celebration once, you will never forget it. An Indian wedding is thoroughly imbued with unusual traditions and customs, from the preparation and conduct of the celebration itself and ending with the national costumes of the young with their brightness and pomp.

On the website portal, you will learn many amazing facts about weddings in India, as well as the traditions and customs that newlyweds follow sacredly to create a truly strong union.

Indian wedding traditions

Wedding traditions and customs in India can be compared to strict laws that must be followed by everyone. Marriages in India are concluded for life, and even after death, according to the beliefs of the Hindus, the souls of the spouses remain together. Numerous rituals performed by newlyweds are designed to seal their union forever, so that no forces can separate the young.

How is a wedding in India going?

  • The traditions of modern wedding in India are practically no different from those that were hundreds of years ago. A marriage in India is concluded without the approval of the bride: the groom or his parents are looking for a suitable candidate and ask the consent of the girl's parents. If they give the go-ahead, the wedding will be.
  • One of the Indian traditions is to draw up horoscopes of the bride and groom. If, according to the stars, the couple is well compatible, the wedding can take place. The horoscope is also used to find an auspicious day for a wedding.
  • 2-3 months before the wedding, the engagement of the young people takes place, at which the groom puts the wedding ring on the bride's finger. From that moment on, the bride's parents begin to collect a dowry for their daughter: numerous saris, jewelry, kitchen utensils, etc.
  • Indian weddings surprise with their scale: up to 800 people can be invited to the celebration! The wedding feast assumes the presence of exclusively vegetarian dishes - meat, fish or eggs are not served to guests at the wedding.
  • On the day of the celebration, the young are forbidden to eat until the wedding ceremony, which will take place in the evening at the bride's house. The groom arrives on horseback or meets the bride at a special site. When they meet, the young exchange wreaths of flowers with each other, which symbolize the union of two hearts.
  • The oriental wedding is accompanied by musicians who sing traditional songs and play musical instruments. All guests are having fun and dancing, the atmosphere of a real holiday reigns around.
  • After the festive dinner, the young go to a specially prepared vedi temple, in the center of which a fire is burning. Young people need to go around the sacred fire seven times, after which they are already forever tied by the knot.

Unusual wedding traditions in India:

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Indian wedding traditions extend not only to the preparation for the wedding and the holding of the celebration itself, but also to what outfits the newlyweds will be engaged in. In India, the choice of costumes and jewelry has a very symbolic meaning, so the bride must adhere to certain rules in creating a wedding image.