What is called tassels. Tassels for professional makeup. Views, photos, description set. How to use how to wash, clean. Basic set of makeup brushes: what brushes are needed

Makeup helped look more attractive and seductive and seductive. Today, many techniques and techniques of its implementation have been developed, which make it possible to effectively emphasize the dignity of the face and mask its shortcomings. But in order to master these technicians and learn to be irresistible, you need to stock up not only with high-quality cosmetics. You will also need to purchase makeup brushes.

Simple information provided in this article will allow you to start mastering the issue of makeup brushes: what and for what. You will learn, buying which brushes in priority for a beginner, as well as understand the important principles of their application. With our recommendations, you can always be irresistible!

No one is no longer a secret that in the creation of makeup, the technique of execution is played a huge role. Professional and novice, using the same means, will achieve very different results. Therefore, many ladies seek to explore modern tools, as well as methods of applying cosmetics to perform makeup at a professional level.

It often happens that girls acquire expensive basics, shadows, powders, blush, but makeup still does not work like on advertising posters. The secret of truly professional makeup is to use a wide range of diverse brushes, allowing to distribute cosmetics accurately and neatly.

To master the science of perfect makeup, it is necessary to study the brushes for makeup: which is for what is needed, from which materials are made, etc. In all these issues, it is necessary to fine-nimble. Knowledge of tools will be one of the basics of your skill.

One of the key questions to which you need to answer first is to determine the type of pile. Makeup brushes can be made of material of natural origin or synthetic analogs. Some professionals believe that the best and indeed impeccable effect provide only brushes with a natural pile. Others believe that it is better and more correct to work with the synthetic.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally that one type of pile is better than the other in all respects. Therefore, we will define the most important features of both species, we will point out their key differences. It will help you make your own conclusions about which brushes to choose to solve specific tasks.

Life time

Overall opinion on this issue is such - brushes made of unproform veins, serve longer than natural. This is due to the fact that the synthetic pile is distinguished by stability to various negative impacts, as well as to washing. But, naturally, poor-quality products come across among the brushes of this type. Sometimes a synthetic pile is fluffy enough quickly, radically loses shape. It is simply impossible to perform make mekapa with brushes in such a state. Therefore, when choosing certain brushes, first of all, it is worth navigating the quality of products. It is better to pay more expensive and acquire high-quality instruments of the proven brand than try to save and just throw money into the wind. Cheap brushes, ultimately, will force you to spend more impressive amounts, and besides this will cause problems that may arise in the process of applying makeup due to low quality tools.

On the wave of struggle on naturalness, many women refuse to use makeup brushes with unpretentious vile. This solution is usually based on the belief that only natural materials can be used to achieve beauty and conservation of health. "Unnatural" brushes sometimes cause irritation, allergies and other skin problems. But this approach is not always justified. If you purchase a synthetic brushes of a proven brand, then no negative consequences will come on their use, and makeup will be applied no less smoothly and gently than using natural brushes.

Synthetic brushes for applying liquid cosmetics

If you choose the brush for makeup, do not forget to take into account the texture of the tools that you plan to work. Since to obtain a full makeup, you have to work with a variety of means, both artificial and natural brushes should be in your arsenal. For example, with liquid means it is much more convenient to work with a brush from synthetics, because on such a brush the composition will be absorbed better, and it will also be much easier to wash it. And also should not forget that high-quality brushes from synthetic materials have a longer service life.

Brushes with natural villi for crumbly cosmetics

But for shadows and other bulk cosmetics, brushes are suitable with natural vile. Such a choice is due to the following nuances:

  • Natural pile allows you to apply funds with a crumbly structure smoothly and neatly;
  • Such a brush is easy to put cosmetics with a layer of optimal thickness.

In order to better navigate in this matter, you can watch a video about makeup brushes: which is what. The photo will also help you better understand the brushes for creating a makeboard.

Brushes for problem skin

Pigs, redness, peeling - common skin problems face among modern women. Makeup is designed to hide all flaws and bring the color and texture to the ideal as possible. The selection of this or that type of tool depends on, to solve which problem it applies:

  • Girls who have a tendency to allergic reactions should be from a natural pile. The best solution is to pass special tests to determine which specifically the fur causes a negative reaction from the body. Brushes whose veins contain allergen, it is necessary to withdraw from use, and others can be used without fears. The direction on such tests can be obtained by contacting an allergist;
  • Often, the cause of irritation and redness is not allergic, but simply increased sensitivity of the skin. Especially often such a phenomenon can be observed among the owners of very bright and red hair. Their skin is very thin, it bluses in the sun and easily reacts even on cautious touch. In such gentle ladies, natural brushes are better suitable. Synthetics in this case should be avoided because it is more rigid and can lead to microtrams of the skin of the face.

In fact, and in another case, it is necessary to adhere to a simple rule: brushes, as well as cosmetics, it is desirable to acquire in reliable stores, preferring the known brands.

Also should be accurately evaluated the quality of the tool. Any pile can be spoiled by a sloppy performance of the product. Then applied makeup with it will be extremely uncomfortable and even unsafe.

Purpose of the brushes

Among the variety of brushes for makeup is easy to confuse. Therefore, we have prepared for you brief descriptions of the basic and most sought-after types of makeup brushes. These descriptions will help you distinguish certain types and adequately apply them. As mentioned above, the perfect set of brushes includes products both with natural and synthetic pile.

Working with mineral cosmetics is more convenient than a special brush of Kabuki. It differs with ease and weightlessness, helps to apply the means neatly and competently. Among the important characteristics that determine the purpose of this brush can be noted:

  • The ability to make the lightest movements that are necessary for the application of mineral cosmetics;
  • Provides a thin layer, thanks to which the tools are practically invisible on the skin;
  • Creating the effect of naturalness, unobtrusive emphasising of the dignity of the face and effective disguise disguise.

Quality brushes Kabuki can serve for many years. They are quite elastic and have a round shape. Best of all kabuki work with crumbly cosmetics.

There are two types of Kabuki in stores:

  • Small size. They are convenient to distribute cosmetics on the wings of the nose and in other complex sites. Such a brush can constantly "dwell" in the women's handbag;
  • Big size. It is convenient for it to work on spacious sites - on the forehead, cheeks, cheeks, easily distributing powder, blush.

The most common way to distribute tonal cream on the face is to use the sponitor. It looks like a small sponge. And some women, in general, do not apply any special tools. And the other way cannot be called correct, from the point of view of the science of making make-up. Talk about applying a tonal cream with bare fingers, it is probably not worth it. So it is clear that it is unsafe for the skin, nonhygienically and ineffectively. The use of a sponge also has its drawbacks. Due to the porous structure, the sponge quickly absorbs the liquid base and becomes dirty. It is impossible to apply the tone as needed to obtain smooth and shining skin. Therefore, the optimal option is the use of a brush. It is she who will achieve a professional result in creating impeccable skin of the face. Working with a brush is convenient, efficiently and correct. This tool makes it easy to adjust the layer thickness and distribute the base on the skin evenly. In order to impose a tonal basis, used mostly two types of brushes:

  • Round balloons. Apply on the entire surface of the face for uniform thin base distribution;
  • Flat edge. These are excellent assistants in the rusting of the foundation on the forehead, cheekbones and neck.

For a high result, we need to use the brushes of this variety:

  • When applying the basis of the movement should be light whipping;
  • The rustic is carried out from the center of the face to the periphery.

It is easy to distinguish a powder brush - it is the round and the largest in size, has a dense base. Usually she has smooth edges and a lot of length. This should be the perfect brush for powder - dense, elastic, big. Such a product will be perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to it and impeccably last for many years.

  • Softness;
  • Long preservation of elasticity;
  • The absence of microtrams on the skin when used.

Also for a good result, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for using the brush for the powder:

  • Perch brush in powder must be carefully;
  • Then the extra powder must be shaken, knocking the tassel about the edge of the tube;
  • Then with light whipping movements touch the brush face.

No need to make staging movements! Proper technique will allow you to create an impeccable powder layer that will look natural.

To solve this problem, a round shape brush is also used. Externally, it is similar to powdered brush, but a little less. It is also domed, dense and elastic.

For the most effective application, you probably need a pair of brushes:

  • Professionals are not recommended to impose and distribute the blush with the same brush. It is incorrect because it does not allow to achieve the necessary thickness of the layer, evenness and naturalness;
  • Directly applying is performed with a brush of small sizes. It must be dipped into the remedy, then apply a confident accurate movement on the cheeks. Next, you need to grow up the deposited blush. This will require a second brush, larger size. Light, but confident movements in the distance, bottom-up and left-right-to-the-right ruddy until the layer becomes smooth, the tone is natural, and the application zone is symmetrical on both sides;
  • It is very important to remember that the brush intended for the eaves is in no case can be dipped directly into the blush. Because, otherwise, ugly strokes and divorces will appear during the rustvic. So, you will never achieve even tone and naturalness.

Eyebrows require special care and attention, because they play an important role in creating an irresistible look. The mass of accessories for the formation of perfect eyebrows is invented. These are tassels, and brushes, and calculations. It is very important to know what and how to use:

  • The most popular and demanded eyebrow tool is a brush with a bevelled edge. One tip of such a tassel is sharp, thin and dense. It allows you to easily and gently apply paint on your eyebrows and form ideal lines;
  • The brow line is also corrected by subtle tassels. This tool is especially relevant for ladies preferring to wear very thin brings.

You can choose a brush for eyebrows not only depending on the task set, but also focusing on the parameters of the eyebrows: their thickness, width, lush.

  • Thick wide eyebrows are often shaped, so they need to be regularly calculated. It is best for this task a special brush, flat or rounded. You can choose from personal reasons convenience and comfort in work.

Eye makeup is the most important stage when creating any image. Here as anywhere it is important to use a varied arsenal accessories, since they allow you to create unique diverse effects. If you work only by universal tools, then makeup will not work original and individual. So, for professional makeup eyes, brushes and bridges for eyeliner, applying, essay and many others are needed.

Practice shows that impose shadows are very convenient to several brushes:

  • The first brush is used to work with the inner corners of the eye;
  • The second is for the outside of the eye;
  • The third is used to perform the growing.

Often, when performing eye makeup, two shadows shades are applied to the eyelids - light and dark. In this case, two brushes are the minimum set that will be required to not mix shades.

For perfect makeup lips, there are also many different brushes. Professionals have more than 12 brushes only for lips in their arsenal. A woman who wishes to apply professional makeup on their own, may be required from 8 to 12 lip brushes. The most interesting thing is that every tassel finds its unique use:

  • The first classification of brushes for lips - for its intended purpose. Some brushes solve the task of applying lipstick, others - outline contour. Pretty fat, wide and tight brushes are convenient to apply color. Cut out the outstorm optimally thinned by an elastic brush.
  • The second sign for the separation of brushes for the lips is the thickness. Wide brushes are designed for liquid substances - glitters, liquid lipstick. Flat brushes are better suited for dense means;
  • The third sign is the look of the stall of the pile. Depending on the selected agent, a round edge is used, a drop-shaped, beveled or straight. In order to choose a brush with what edge to apply this or that means, you must experiment, selecting the optimal option for you.

This task is usually solved with the help of two types of brushes:

  • Very thin and elastic;
  • Flat with one sharp end.

Apply the eyeliner needs to be chinful and neat movements. This is a very painstaking job, as the line should be perfectly smooth, clear, running right along the margin of eyelashes. For the impeccable execution of this stage of makeup, you will have to take off the hand.

Shadows provide modern makeup artists widest space for the realization of various ideas. With their help, it creates a natural but original makeup. This requires a set of brushes:

  • Flat brushes in the amount of 3-4 pieces. They impose the main tones. Depending on the color, the presence of a brilliance or pearl need to use certain brushes. For dark one, for shiny - other, etc. This will allow you to change the brush less often, performing makeup, which can reduce its execution time;
  • To work with the inside of the century, a small brush is applied. Her shadows are applied, without leaving for certain boundaries;
  • The roasting is performed by a large brush. This is necessary in any case, but it is especially important when using several shades in eye makeup;
  • Applicator. This is the most accessory who enjoys most women, although professional makeup artist can be seen extremely rarely. The fact is that applicators quickly dirty and practically not to be cleaned. Therefore, if you prefer to use them, change them more often;
  • Natural villins are suitable for crumbly structures, because the shadows fall on the eyelids, on thin skin. Natural soft villi will decide this task as delicately as possible. But for liquid shadows, natural brushes are not suitable, only the synthetic option.

The optimal number of shadow brushes in the maidenship kit is 5-8 pieces. This will allow you to not limit yourself in the implementation of creative ideas of meycap and perform all the necessary actions carefully, quickly and accurately.

Masking of problem areas is the most important task of makeup. In addition to the competent selection of funds for correction, it is also necessary to be able to apply them correctly. Corrective funds should be applied purely point and most accurately, because they will noticeably stand out over the boundaries of the problem zone.

In order to apply a consigner neatly, properly and beautiful, you will need several brushes. It is best to give preference to a small brush. So, to perform the correction of problem areas of the skin, you will be useful to you:

  • Flat straight brush;
  • Beveled or rounded brush.

Density and moderate elasticity are important qualities for both options, regardless of which the type of pile is used.

Makeup lips is a difficult stage, although it seems simple. It is important to choose correctly and itself, and brushes to apply it. No matter how cool, and one brush is impossible for lipstick. Each girl needs to be somewhat:

  • For each shade of lipstick, for pearlescent or glitter, you need to use a separate brush;
  • For liquid tools should be a separate brush, as well as for bright colors;
  • The contour is much easier to apply a thin brush, and lipstick is worth a wide brush with a rounded end.

The choice of a pile is a question of personal preferences. Depending on the sensitivity of the lips, natural materials can be applied and artificial. For liquid products, it is still better to give preference to the synthetics.

As you can see, the brushes are of determining importance in the application of flawless makeup. However, even professional makeup requires a final stroke, which will eliminate particles of the shadows that have fallen in the process of work and will smooth out the last irregularities. Perform this touch can be a fan brush. It is necessary to use it very carefully, neatly and competently. Otherwise, you risk just lubricate all your works.

  • A fan brush, as it is easy to guess, has the form of a fan. At the base, it is rather thin;
  • Due to the special form, such a brush is perfectly removed by unnecessary particles of the rumba, shadows and powder;
  • It is very important to choose a soft fan brush, because the hard pile can damage the makeup.

Such a variety of brushes, which is necessary for performing beautiful makeup, requires special storage. It is recommended to place the brush so that they are all stored in order, but were always at hand. Each girl determines its own convenient storage of making tools for it. We only give several possible ways:

  • Store openly. You can find special stands on sale, which define a place for each item for making makeup. It is quite convenient, as all tools are in sight. The minus of such storage is that often such stands require a lot of space;
  • Special pencils. A small number of tools will be quite fit in a special case, pencil case or box. Such storage is good because the brushes are protected from dust and other negative impacts;
  • Professional organizers. Usually they are performed in the form of a cover with pockets for brushes. Such a cover can be deployed and folding, without causing harm to the tools stored in it. It is a compact and practical option for storing a large number of brushes and other devices. All elements are at hand without occupying a lot of space.

There are certain rules that should be adhere to the storage of brushes:

  • Do not leave the brushes in places with high humidity. So, the bathroom is absolutely not suitable for storing brushes. For a pile gluing, a special composition is applied, which is spoiled under the influence of moisture. As a result, your brushes will rare much faster, and their brushes of their synthetic pile can be deformed.
  • Also can not be left brushes on the sunlight. Ultraviolet is equally harmful for both natural and artificial pile;
  • When stored between the brushes, the distance should remain.

Proper care for makeup brushes

Now, when you found out that there are brushes for makeup, which is needed for what, and how to use them, we bring to your attention a few tips for those who have already started mastering the practical application of these tools:

  • Brushes need regular cleansing. First of all, this belongs to the bristles for applying shadows. After applying bright colors, wash your brush each time. If light natural shades are used, it is possible to clean the brush once every seven days;
  • Brushes, which are applied powder and blush, clean once every ten days;
  • To purify tassels, use soap solution, shampoo or bath foam. But, of course, it is better to purchase a specialized agent. Thanks to him, the brushes will serve much longer, without changing its quality, shape and elasticity;
  • The most difficult pollution is a tone cream. It is difficult to wash it, but it is simply necessary at least once a month;
  • It is important not only to wash it right, but also to dry the brushes correctly. During the drying, the whole pile should be in the air. For this brush it is necessary to put on the edge of the table. Make sure that the water is not going to at the base so that the adhesive base is not spacing. Otherwise, the villi will begin to fall out, and the brush will lose their functionality.

For free professional applications, you need to remember what is the makeup brushes, which is for what you need, how to use them, store. After you all digest, creating professional makeup will depend only on your desire and fantasy!

The main thing in high-quality and beautiful make-up is to choose the right materials and cosmetics. But one problem arises: what makeup brushes is for what - to deal with the first time without any assistance is simply impossible. But for the application of cosmetics, it is important to use the right tools to do not take the brush for the lips for the eyebrows.

Many cosmetic kits already have inside the brush, which are intended for this cosmetics: a sponium is present in the box with a powder, with shadows for eyebrows and a century, a special wand with a tissue pad is usually going. They can and need to be used for their intended purpose, but their quality leaves much to be desired. It is more convenient to use special sets, preferably professional: they are of different species, from different materials and different strength and durability. Of course, they are more, but such a set contains many various tassels.

Brush Kabuki

Kabuki are quite large and soft brushes. Their appointment is the roasting of the boundaries between the tones and the application of liquid cosmetics. Kabuki are made from durable materials, as they must be durable and durable. Thanks to this, they are easy to use for crumbly means and conveniently clean after that.

There are two types of Kabuki:

  • big brush - for the zone zone, forehead and eyebrows;
  • little Kabuki - for the nose area, around the age, small details.

With the help of natural mineral cosmetics, you can create a natural everyday image: the means is applied with light movements with a thin layer, the result from using the Kabuki is not stuck in the eye. The main use of Kabuki is to obtain a visible result with almost no cosmetics, while other types of brushes can leave noticeable traces.

Pooh must be made with light whipping movements so as not to get too thick layer. For this, the best, soft and fluffy brush is best suited. The largest of all brushes in the set is a brush for powder. She keeps cosmetics well and leaves the right traces. It is necessary to use it as it says the description in the cosmetic agent.

The second largest tassel in the set is a brush for the Rumyan. Their forms are similar, but the last slightly bevelled at the end, so well recognizable. Do not confuse them: to put out the powder such tools will be inconvenient because of the uneven end.

Also in the set there can be a second brush for powder, their description differs only in size. You can use the one that is more in size for the crumbly powder. And the one is smaller, designed for more dense cosmetics. The way as in the set there will be brushes for the Rumyan, depends on the manufacturer: Sometimes a small round brush is added to apply ballproof Rumens.

A fan brush with its description resembles a real fan: it comes out of its foundation in different directions, externally smeared and flat. A fan brush is needed in order to clean the surplus of the roasts and powder, brush the shredded shadows, and also it is convenient to apply the same thin layer of cosmetics as kebobs. Well suitable for applying a highlyera.

Brushes for tones

Girls love to apply cream with hands or cotton disks, but for this type of cosmetics also there are special types of makeup brushes, it is worth using them.

The main tool for applying the skin of the tonal cream is a round brush with a flat head of beige color. It does not absorb the means, evenly distributing it along the face. Use it easy, usually does not require a special instruction or description. If you have already applied a tonal cream on the skin, you can quickly align the layer with such a tool. It helps to make a very natural transition from tone to the skin and easily copes with the rusting of the borders. The second brush is oval, flat at the end, slightly smaller form than the main one. With it, you need to apply the cream itself.

Brushes for eyes

For the eye and eyebrows zone, you need more different brushes. The minimum set consists of at least five different tools, each of which is presented in several copies. How many things should be in the set, can not even say even an experienced makeup artist. And the purpose of each is unique and indispensable.

  • A small flat brush is needed for applying shadows and drawing a rolling age.
  • A large brush of conical shape is used for the growing and creating smooth transfers between colors.
  • Oval brush, bevelled on the tail, draws the arrow with liquid eyelid or shadows. It also comfortably draw eyebrows with shadows.
  • A large oval brush, an externally resembling a barrel, growing shadows and draws the folds of the century.
  • Tassel thick with a pencil is needed for applying shadows to the lower eyelid, as well as to draw the line of eyelashes.

These basic brushes are the minimum set to create a nice and high-quality makeup. But there are other varieties of tools, which should not be neglected. For eyebrow zone, you need a big and soft brush, like kabuki. A small beveled brush is used to apply dry proofreaders. A brush pencil is suitable for lips.

For eyebrows, special tools are used, which look outwardly as a calcination or brush - they can comfortably derive the hairs to give a neat form. The owners of thin and elegant eyebrows should be used to apply special brushes with acute ending - they are so narrow that they resemble an endless pencil. The brush with a beveled pile is rather dense, allows you to cut the hairs of eyebrows and put beautifully. For more thick eyebrows, you need a special brush that needs to be used regularly.

Consiller is something like a corrector for problem areas. The classification of such unpleasant, but noticeable places is great, however, paint them is part of makeup. The consilet masks the problem areas well, but it stands out if it goes beyond their boundaries. Therefore, apply it is accurate and carefully.

Tassel for a consistent in the eye zone and eyebrows are long, narrow and elongated. It should be dense and straight to perform their destination, many sets also include a brush with a beveled or rounded tail.

Artificial materials

Each tool carries its function, so often one set contains basic makeup brushes from different materials. If artificial materials are used, this does not mean a set of poor quality. For liquid cosmetics, there is nothing better than artificial fibers. Such hairs do not absorb cosmetics, so they serve the hostess for a long time and it is easy to clean. In addition, with their help it is easier to apply a means to the skin.

The main material is a tack. Many girls choose artificial brushes due to a number of their advantages:

  • relative cheapness;
  • absence of allergies;
  • brushes for a long time do not lose form;
  • do not absorb and do not delay cosmetics, easily clean;
  • do not require a special description for care and circulation.

From artificial material usually make brushes for a tone cream - durable and not absorbing means. Tassels for powder and rolls made of tactual are obtained and fluffy.

Natural materials

Natural tassels are preferable - they longer serve, stronger and incense, especially for crumbling means and essay. Main materials:

  • Squirrel - the hairs of their fluffy tail are good for the eaves.
  • Columns - brownish vehicles with golden tump look beautiful, soft and elastic during use.
  • Pony - smooth and dense hairs will serve for a long time.
  • Sable - the perfect material for professional brushes, but it is expensive.
  • Goat - Thanks to thick hair, Kabuki and tools for the Rumba and powder are fluttered and soft.

It will also be useful to have several identical tasteless brushes in a set - shades are different, but it is impossible to use the same brushes for them.

Now you can often find brushes from a mixed pile. They combine the benefits of both species and are practically deprived of flaws. Their price is more democratic, and the quality can be at a completely professional level.


In this video, they are told and explain all the subtleties of phased makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, it is recommended to view.

Marina Ignatiev - Editor Heading "Beauty" of the magazine Colady, master of hairstyles and makeup.


To date, there is a huge number of different types of makeup brushes, but most are just useless tools that only occupy a place. It is quite difficult to understand them, but really.

The main thing is to determine the most important brushes who must be present in the cosmetics of each girl.

10 basic makeup brushes - types of brushes and their purpose

There are 10 basic brushes that should lie in the cosmetics of each girl. Many of them are universal and can be used for different purposes, but some (for example, eyebrushes) are applied solely on purpose and the replacement is not subject to.

Your attention is basic makeup brushes. I remember!

  • Duofiber

These brushes are suitable for different types of cosmetics - shadows, tonal creams, lipstick, highlights, Rumba, etc.

These brushes can be made of both natural hair and synthetic.

The brush is perfect for the decisiveness of makeup - it is very gentle, and delicately inflicts Maek-up.

This tassel is used to eliminate the arrows, as its form is extremely convenient, and allows you to draw the most evenly lines even beginners.

Also, the tassel is perfect for drawing eyebrows.

  • Kabuki

This tassel with a ridiculous name is suitable for working with tightly compressed cosmetics (rushes, highlands).

The pile assembled in the "ball" is very dense, so that this brush polishes the skin when applied makeup.

Also, the brush will help you out in cases where you need to apply cream powder or cream-blush. The most important thing is to carefully and timely clean your tool for creating beauty.

This brush, the pile of which resembles a spatula, is present in each brand. Tassels of this form is usually embedded even in the most tiny pallet shadows.

The brush is dense and perfectly drivens any creams, shadows, etc., justifying their name.

This is probably the most important tassel in the cosmetics of the girl. It will help create make-up masterpieces, because only a high-quality brush for the decisive can create the correct color transition, without disrupting the density of the texture.

Such a bruster should be soft, elastic, a bit fluffy and not trimmed.

A small size allows you to transfer it with you even in road makeups.

In general, the brush for the Rumyan can be replaced with a brush of the Kabuki. However, if you find a special brush for the Rumyan, it is worth purchasing it.

Fluffy bevelous brush is perfect for the contouring of the face - you can emphasize all your advantages, as well as hide disadvantages.

Most often brush that comes with a bubble, inconvenient - too narrow, too wide, or it remains too much varnish.

The perfect option is a single taste for manicure. It should be flexible, flat and with a trimmed edge to put a neat look manicure.

The best material for manicure brushes is of course, synthetics, since the brushes from natural material very quickly lose their qualities.

Also, if you like to engage in nail design, you can purchase a whole set of brushes of different types specifically for manicure.

A large and soft brush is exactly what is necessary for quick powder.

Of course, this tassel can also apply a bronzer, highlyer and blush, but it is the powder that will be applied as it is necessary - a thin layer, without creating the effect of "plaster". With high-quality brush "Pudritis Nose" is much easier and faster.

When lipstick is still new, right from the tube it is very convenient. However, after a while, smooth lines become lubricated. It is at this moment that this brush is needed that will help exactly put out lipstick, while maintaining the initial pigment.

Such a brush is made of synthetic material. The main plus of these brushes is their compactness.

This brush is simply necessary for every girl, since the makeup will not be completed if the eyebrows will be neglected.

Browing comb is usually supplied in a set of combing for eyelashes. This tassel cannot be replaced with anything, so it should always be with you (both at home and at work or school).

How to choose a makeup brushes correctly?

The choice of makeup brushes is a very responsible moment, since the condition of your skin depends on it in the future, as well as the whole of your image.

So, what are the criteria for selecting makeup tools data?

  1. First of all, pay attention to the material. If you are allergic to a natural pile, give your preference to tools from synthetics.
  2. Pay attention to the fact that the veins do not appear and did not fall out Since when applying makeup it will deliver a lot of trouble.
  3. The brushes must be tight and durable. It should be remembered that the more denser the brush is packed, the more intense will be color when applied.
  4. Also look at the attachment of the handle - All the joints should be well cleaned, but the leaks should not be visible.
  5. Press the pile of brushes - When deforming, brushes should take an initial form.
  6. If you buy a tool for liquid cosmetics (cream-bluyan, carcass, gel, etc.), then you should choose synthetic brushes (there will be easier to wash them in the future), and for dry cosmetic products it is better to choose a natural pile.
  7. If you travel often You need to buy a road set of brushes. They are not inferior in quality to large standard brushes, but they will be preoccames them easier.
  8. Should not acquire very cheap brushes Since usually, with their production, poor-quality materials are used. Such brushes will quickly begin to crumble, and their handles crack.

Makeup Makeup Makeup Rules

The brushes need regular care - this not only prolongs their service life, but also avoids many skin problems. At tassels, as in all subjects, dirt and microbes are collected, which cause inflammation on the face.

Therefore, we learn to care for the tassels right!

Observing all these simple rules, you can extend the life to makeup brushes and avoid further skin problems.

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  1. Press Precision Eyeliner is designed for eyeliner. Gel loving is best to apply just such.
  2. The eyeliner's eyed brush is the same as the first, but this draws thicker lines.
  3. Small Angle Detailer's Small Sleeping Brush is designed to apply shadows on eyebrows.
  4. Angle Detailer's beveled brush is made specifically in order to draw perfect corners. It is intended for eyebrows, as well as it can be inserted by eye using the shadows. Many are used to apply gel eyeliner.
  5. Double beveled brush for Eyebrow Duo Small Angle Detailer / Brown - a brilliant brush that is calculated and draws eyebrows 2 in 1.
  6. Flat mini fluff brush is ideal for applying shadows into the inner angle of the eye, as well as for all manipulations with accurate application of the small number of shadows.
  7. Small Fluff's small flat brush is designed to apply shadows, such a brush is convenient to apply the shadows into the fold of the century or under the eyebrow.
  8. The medium flat MEDIUM FLUFF brush is ideal for applying shadows to all mobile eyelids. Indispensable with Makeup Smokey Eyes.
  9. Large flat brush Large Fluff is suitable for applying a base color on all eyelid before eyebrows.
  10. The beveled fluffy brush angle fluff is created specifically for applying shadows.
  11. Short round brush SMUDGER is used to grow in pencil and lines.
  12. The eye shader shadow brush is designed for applying and growing shadows.
  13. Blender's growing brush is designed to grow shadows. The best is Mac # 217.
  14. A small brush for the decisive SMALL Deluxe Shade is characterized by a stringent pile, designed to grow in cream shadows.
  15. Deluxe Shader shadows brush applied to apply cream shadows.
  16. A large beveled Large Angle Crease brush is ideal for a consileder and to contour the cheekbone and nose.

Natural or artificial pile?

In the description of the brushes, it is indicated from which porce. But if you do not trust the manufacturer / seller, then after buying, try to carefully fall a couple of hairs in a brush. Natural hair will burn as well as human, synthetic will be melted and smelling to smell.

The brushes from the hair proteins are the most soft and tender, from a sable and column - more elastic, from the goat - slightly wavy, rigid, from the pony fur - dense and smooth. Synthetic pile is very elastic.

Caring for Make-Up

Tassels need regularly (approximately every 10 use) wash in warm water with the addition of shampoo. Brushes that are used to apply a creamy or liquid cosmetics, you need to wash after each use. Dry tassels are best in a horizontal position on the towel, away from heat sources. Before the next use, be sure to make sure whether the brushing is dry.

Make a daily makeup careless and beautiful helping properly selected brushes for makeup. The skillful use of cosmetic instruments allow you to apply makeup tools evenly and economically.

This will help the description of makeup brushes: what, for what, photo and detailed instructions for use.

Makeup brushes There is a huge amount, professional makeup artists have more than 20 types of tools, but not everyone knows exactly what one or another type is used for. All brushes can be manufactured in two ways: from a natural or synthetic pile. Naturally, for applying professional makeup, you need to use brushes from a natural pile: proteins, pony, goats and sables.

Such brushes are much better, do not cause an allergic reaction, pleasant to the touch, make cosmetics better, are considered more durable, but in some situations it is necessary to apply a synthetic brush.

Let's find out, finally, for what each brush is intended.

1. The very first is a big brush. It is designed to apply a compact or crumbly powder. It is recommended to use brushes with a natural pile.

2. Tassel for Rumba. The tool is needed to apply the Rumyan. You should also use a brush with a natural pile.

3. Ferry tassel. It is usually used to remove dry cosmetics particles from the skin. For example, it is used when the shadows appeared, so you can easily get rid of the wrong makeup. We recommend buying a brush from a natural pile.

4. Konya big brush. It can be used for the Rumba or correction of cheekbones. The recommended material is a natural pile.

5. Contour adjustment brush, it is advisable to buy from a natural pile.

6. Tassels for shadows, used for soft rusticity cosmetics.

7. Decorate small brush - used to adjust the nose.

8. Tassel for a tonal cream and liquid corrector. This tool must be purchased with synthetic hair.

9. Brush Kabuki, it is designed for the crumbly and compact powder, because it easily grows and absorbs powder.

10. Big chain chains. It applies bright shades to large centuries. Such a smaller brush can be applied to apply a wide variety of shadows, the size is selected as needed. Material - natural pile.

11. Short flat brush, used for decisive shadows.

13. Lip brushes. It is used to apply lipstick and contour correction. Used only from synthetic fibers.

14. Brush to change the eye line, used for pencil and shadows.

15. Tassel for a decisive pencil line.

16. Brush oblique for a decisive pencil line.

17. A simple brush for the decisive can only be used with a natural vapor.

18. Small brush for applying a tonal cream or liquid consilers on face. Often used for small sections and point correction.

19. Brush for soft eyebrows, when shadows are used. The truth may be needed at the rustum pencil.

20. A small hairbrus for hairbrows.

21. Applicator (sponge). Need to apply dry or liquid shadows.

22. Another breakdown comb.

23. Tassel for the Rumyan in the form of a fan.

24. Thin brush for applying a liner, you only need to use with a natural pile.