How to train your husband to take care of a newborn. How to teach your husband and child to order

Sometimes, the joint stay of a man and a woman becomes unbearable, and so you want to save and decorate your life together with your Beloved. To do this, you need to think in advance how to lead yourself in certain "subtle" moments for Him.

1. Do not give too much to your feelings and show your love.
A man by nature is a hunter and conqueror, he loves to strive for a goal, approach it in different ways and gradually win back his own. You don't need to love too much and give all of yourself. He needs to seek this love. Of course, going to extremes and being the ice queen is not an option either. Choose the tactics of a "rubber" leash: either let it come close, close and bathe it in your tenderness, then slip away, forcing it to catch up with you. Sometimes you can play a little capriciously or play at the princess-not laughing, but only not for long - no one will tolerate a beech.
2. Admire his actions and thoughts. Pay more attention to how smart, noble, smart, resourceful and courageous you have. Praise him for good deeds, be surprised at his new ideas (“how could you come up with such a thing ?!”). Praise the genius in him. But don't overdo it! If you talk to him once an hour about how great he parked, how he thought of buying this delicious fish for dinner, how he could find such an amazing restaurant, He will think that you are just making fun of him. Or become arrogant - this is also harmful. Even if you know something more or understand something better, you should not zealously prove your case, argue and pretend to be smart, showing with your whole being how wrong he is. Any man thinks that he is the most intelligent and all-knowing. Due to this, he feels strong and worthy. Therefore, in order not to infringe on this feeling, it is better to restrain yourself. Sometimes there are times when it is absolutely stupid to be silent, like a partisan, knowing something. Then say: “By the way, I remembered…”, “Oh, but it turns out I know that” or “I recently read it” - calmly and unobtrusively.

3. Don't criticize
Never. Nothing. His actions, friends and relationships with them, his tastes and passions, his work and affairs, his mother and brother. Do not point out to Him the imperfections in his appearance, clothing, or the mess in his apartment or car. Remember: He himself knows what is necessary and what is best for him - this is a part of his life, a part of Himself. And if you do not like it, he may be seriously offended and decide that he himself is not very suitable for you, which means that he does not need such a friend either.

4. Don't discuss his money
Do not meddle in his wallet, do not count his income and do not try to manage expenses. Do not ask about the salary and do not indicate that "this gift is too expensive for your mother" or "it was not necessary to lend to your Vadik." Finance is a delicate topic, and He should always deal with them only himself.

5. Cherish a child in Him
Everyone knows that a child lives in every man. So sometimes take pity on your little boy, pat him on the head, put him to bed. He was tired after work, it happens that he was offended by the "big boys" in the harsh business and scolded by the evil "boss-uncle." "Mom" should caress and nibble, and then he will feel calm. He will miss such affection and tenderness, and will dream of receiving it from you.
And now a little about yourself ...

6 take care of your appearance
You should always look your best, i.e. at least to the maximum of their capabilities and efforts. This means that not everyone and always can afford beauty salons, manicures and a variety of expensive clothes. But every woman can always keep her head (hairstyle), hands and a neat outfit in order. Do not forget about your appearance, even if you are at home, outdoors, in the country, on vacation. The most painful question is home attire. Avoid loose dressing gowns, outdated "house suits" and worn-out clothes. Buy some inexpensive, multi-colored T-shirts, comfy blouses (open tops and short shorts can be picked up in summer), or sportswear. Put together a small home wardrobe and change it during the week. Then at home you will be able to maintain comfort and spontaneity and will not bore your beloved with ordinary simplicity. The same applies to hairstyles - do not do a special styling at home, just come up with original ponytails, bows, a ribbon, a bandage, hairpins. Let it look childishly cute and creative. Try to keep track of your figure, skin and hair condition. Don't forget about outfits: dress every day as if you are going to conquer Him on the first date, be new and unique. Sometimes change your hairstyle, makeup and clothing style, but not drastically, but to add variety.

7. Be individual
You will be much more appreciated by your chosen one if your personality is distinguished by its individuality. This means that you must have something that only you can do, or that you are excellent at, or that you are selflessly and seriously fond of. It can be self-realization in a career, a worthy position in your business or profession. You can do some kind of sports, yoga, dancing. After all, you can collect, collect, design, sew, knit, etc. It is important that you, as you improve in your individual pursuit, grow spiritually and develop as a person.

8. Have something of your own
Do not try to become dependent on a man, even if all he does is from the heart, feelings and nobility, and you have the kindest and most sincere relationships in the world. Let something in your life be done, achieved or acquired "with your own hands." Then you will feel like a full-fledged unit with the right to speak, choose and act. He will know that you, too, can do something in this life, and respect for you will only increase.

It so happened that most men are proud, strong and at the same time generous, and in some ways weak. If you have a question about how to tame a man, first of all, pay attention to his weaknesses. Skillful influence on them is your main secret weapon.

How you can tame a man forever

First of all, in order to tame a man, he needs to be worshiped. The fact is that most men prefer those women who treat them with respect and try to please in every possible way.

In addition, flattery is very effective in the fight for the domestication of a man, which helps to pave a path to the heart of any man. It is noteworthy that many men are very willing to accept even undisguised flattery.

In the process of taming a man, it must be borne in mind that most men are stubborn. That is why in many matters, to tame a man, you need to give in to him - this way it is much easier to tame a man.

If he feels that he is responsible for you, and you trust him, then you can be sure that the man will gladly take on this heavy burden.

What to do to tame a man?

At the same time, while the man is busy solving your common problems, you can start taming him. If there are traits in his character that do not suit you or annoy you, you should not talk about it openly.

Try very gently and carefully to lead him to the idea that some habits are still worth changing. But the use of all sorts of ultimatums will not give the desired result. To tame a man, you need to be extremely tactful and courteous, so as not to provoke a backlash.

It should be noted that it is often impossible to change the character of a really strong man, and in such cases the only way out is to find certain compromises on your part.

Remember that if you constantly remind a man about his shortcomings, it is highly likely that he will look for someone who will see only positive qualities in him.

Keep in mind that taming a man is much easier than keeping him. That is why, when choosing a model of behavior in your relationship, it is recommended to completely surrender control over them to a man and sometimes even not notice his small "pranks".

Secret number 1: how to tame a man forever

If you want to conquer and tame a man, to keep him close forever and ever, then you can do this in only one way ... let him know that he is very special for you.

Well, this, of course, does not mean that you have to sprinkle the floor with rose petals before each step or prostrate himself every time he enters the room. (And that would be cool, though, wouldn't it?) No, you just need to appreciate him and give him joy.

It means just being able to do some special things for him and constantly remind him that he is the one and only with you. Call it unconditional love, if you will. It doesn't matter what you can do, if you do it for him, and he will be happy from this, go ahead!

How to tame a man - just to emphasize his peculiarity. I guess what you are thinking now: I am not his servant, and therefore I am not going to run to the stove at his first request, grab the iron or jump into bed. Fair remark.

If you make food for him, he must make food for you. If you iron his clothes, he should iron yours. If you do all sorts of miracles for him, he should respond in kind to you. No one is reluctant to have their feet wiped about him all his life, but it is also unrealistic to hope that everything in your union will be equal.

Needless to say, he should also do something for you that would make you feel special, but creating a comparison chart and ticking off the checkboxes of who did what and who didn't do what is also pointless. Such a relationship is unlikely to allow you to stay together until the end of your days.

So how do you tame a man by convincing him that he is special to you? A little earlier, we have already discussed with you how you can attract a man (food, sex and washing), but now, when you need to keep him, let's move a few steps further.

Some more secret ways to tame a man

In fact, it's not that hard to tame a man forever. The main thing in this business is to keep a few rules that will help twist the ropes from your man. So how to tame a man? There are tricks that you can apply in practice to make sure that the man is at your feet.

First of all, you need to respect his needs in life. But it is important not only to respect them, but also to satisfy them. Let the man feel that his beloved played a big role in fulfilling his desires. Give him gifts that are really needed. Otherwise, he may think that you simply do not take his opinion into account.

Be sure to respect and understand his values \u200b\u200bin life, thoughts, desires and goals. Over time, if you really need it, you can direct all his thoughts in a slightly different direction. The main thing is not to go overboard in your quest to tame a man. And then he himself will think that it was his own idea. You can also find out what annoys him in other people, and especially in women. This way, you can avoid the mistakes they make.

Try to praise your beloved more. It doesn't matter in which particular area he earned praise, the main thing is to let him know that he was not trying in vain. Try to avoid criticism, as a last resort, do it gently and naturally. Praising the virtues of his figure is also important. It is always pleasant for any man.

You need to monitor your appearance. Everyone knows that men love with their eyes. That is why do not abandon yourself. Find out what he likes about your clothes. Don't forget about sexy underwear.

How to tame a man? Just support him constantly! Words of support in difficult times will always make it clear to a man that great love and strong care are behind your words. Don't miss the right moment to say important words.

No one will argue that a tear is the most powerful weapon for every girl and woman. But you must admit that it is easier to live with a calm girl than with a hysterical crybaby. Manage your emotions. Indeed, on rebooted days, this will only put pressure on your man.

The most important advantage of a loving girl for a man is her sincerity. Show that you can truly be trusted. This is especially important for men, especially if you decide to tame a man. They need a sense of complete security in company with you.

You should not be obsessive. Don't go overboard, men don't like this. Be sure to follow the measures.

For a long time, the man was a breadwinner and hunter. The woman was assigned the modest role of the keeper of the hearth, order and cleanliness in the house. Times have changed now. The fair sex does not have to sit back and wait for their faithful to bring the carcass of a mammoth to dinner (or at least a bag of groceries from the supermarket), the ladies are busy making money on an equal basis with men.

But what about household chores? Cleaning the house in your free time from work, as well as doing laundry, cooking and taking care of children - isn't too much on fragile women's shoulders?

Also, some husbands absolutely do not appreciate the work of their mistresses. They feel perfectly comfortable sitting in a comfy armchair in front of the TV, surrounded by empty beer bottles and dirty coffee cups. They hide not too clean socks in secluded places, scatter their clothes all over the apartment and do many other terrible things. "How, well, how to teach him to order ?!" - clutching your head, you ask. Here are some little tricks on how to teach your husband to keep the house tidy:
1. Praise, praise and praise again!
It's no secret that a man is a big child. You can, of course, read him a long and tedious lecture about the health benefits of clean air in an apartment, you can use reproaches and tears. But it is better to say to your beloved more often: “What a fine fellow you are! What would I do without you!" - for any, even the most trivial reason (after all, he brought beer bottles to the trash can, threw his favorite socks into the wash). Say that he is the best, caring, that he is a real man.
2. A woman's strength lies in her weakness.
Remember, finally, that you are a weak woman who simply cannot do everything in time. Therefore, sometimes turn to your husband with gentle requests like: “Honey, I’m so tired. Let me cook dinner for now, and you change the bedding. " And again, praise if your spouse has fulfilled your assignment. But if not, you can be sincerely upset. Just do not cry and hysterics, just make it clear to your man that you would like to see a person next to him, whom you can always rely on.
3. You to me, I to you.
Think about your spouse's favorite food. Let's say it's fried chicken with garlic-mayonnaise sauce. You can approach your husband and ask in a sweet voice: “Do you want me to cook your favorite chicken? Then wipe the dust, please, and clean up after the cat, otherwise I just won't have time. " Over time, if you are lucky, certain household chores will become a habit for your spouse, and he will do some things without being reminded.
4. Division of labor.
It is foolish to hope that your man with his mind will come to the point that you do too much around the house, and voluntarily decides to take on some of the household chores. The stronger sex needs clear instructions. Agree, for example, that you clean the table in turn, that you wash the floors, and that vacuuming and taking out the trash are his duties. One friend of mine gradually taught her husband to wring out the bed linen after washing - her hands, you see, are too weak to twist the duvet covers with sheets. Now her beloved sometimes himself can start a big wash and, believe me, does not see anything wrong with that.
5. I am both a woman and a man.
There is one very effective way to get your husband to do something. For example, your chosen one has been unable to hammer in a nail for several months. Take a hammer and go to work demonstratively. It is quite normal for a man to behave in this case - take the hammer away from you and continue hammering the nail on his own. But if in this case he continues to lie on the couch in front of the TV, there is a serious reason to think about whether you need such a life partner.
6. This is our territory!
Leave the man to put things in order himself where he spends the most time: in the office, at worst, on the computer desk, in business papers. Believe me, no man will be happy if he cannot find a vital document after your cleaning.
Last but not least, don't let your love of order become an obsession. Imagine that next to you is a pathological neat, in whom a tiny speck on the carpet causes hysteria. Believe me, there are such instances. So think about how you would live with such a bore. Therefore, learn to forgive your loved one for his little flaws.

Do you want your house to be tidy? Watch the video!

Very often I hear from my friends and acquaintances that the disorder in the house - unwashed dishes, an unmade trash can or lying socks under the sofa, they develop into problems that lead to family quarrels that develop into scandals and almost divorce. Why is the need to clean up after all of us so upset and annoying?

After all, not at the point of a pistol, but on our own, of our own free will, we once, for some reason, started doing this? At first we usurped this right, and now we are surprised that no one is resisting this, and is not trying to take this right away from us? Perhaps we wanted to feel like a commander-in-chief in our home, create comfort in the house, establish our own rules, determining what and where should lie

Perhaps we wanted to please our soul mate and help in some way by doing something instead of him. One of the forms of showing love, especially in women, is caring. And the concern, first of all, lies in the fact that we initially take on these chores. Of course, being accustomed to order is a habit developed from childhood. And if in childhood, his parents did not teach a person to be in order, it means that they also did everything instead of him, and instead of teaching him to be in order, we continue the same tradition and also relieve him of the need to think about what he needs to do what more than he usually does.

And can our comments, indignations and demands contribute to the emergence of a habit of order in another person? Definitely not! A person who is accustomed to the fact that someone washes, ironing and laying out his things, prepares food for him, washes the dishes for him and creates comfort for him - he gets used to it for granted! And he gets used to it so much that he doesn't even think to say thank you! Moreover, all our indignation and appeals to conscience evoke in him nothing more than resistance. Well, he doesn’t want any additional responsibilities, why should he leave his comfort zone out of the blue?

Notice! It was we ourselves who taught our loved ones that it is our duty to carry all the household chores on ourselves! And our desire to accustom them to order is perceived by them as our attempt to dominate relationships. Therefore, the more expressively (I mean speech turns) we try to convince our loved ones that they are wrong, the more resistance we meet. First of all, they do not want to obey our instructions, they defend their right to have their opinion and their attitude on this issue. But we are offended ...

Learning to develop relationships

More often than not, if we are already accustomed to cleaning up after everyone, we feel offended because our care and our work are not appreciated by our loved ones, we feel that our opinion is not taken into account, and our self-esteem falls. However, a person who has not done this will never be able to estimate either our labor costs or our spent time! To do this, he must do it on his own at least once. We, in turn, are trying to protect ourselves, because we consider ourselves a trapped horse or a fish beating against the ice.

In fact, we do not have enough attention and understanding from our loved ones, otherwise we would have stopped worrying about this long ago, or we would have stopped doing something instead of someone else and cleaning up after everyone. Thus, we have a relationship with our loved ones, when no one wants to give in. And this is a relationship when everyone loses! Hence the resentment, and quarrels, and scandals. Have we not usurped our loved ones' right to feel at home?

I am familiar with people for whom perfect order and perfect cleanliness in the house are almost the main and only meaning of life. They put aside everything that prevents them from maintaining this purity, and they build through this prism all their relationships with people, when everyone must reckon with their requirements. A mother, running from work, asks her teenage daughter not what news she has at school, but whether she vacuumed the floor, because it is more important to her. She does not accustom her daughter to cooking, because she will slap everything and stain the entire kitchen, and mom will have to wash everything after her.

Every misplaced piece of paper, every displaced vase or left unwashed plate causes her anger and irritation. Mom does not welcome uninvited guests, especially school friends of her children or her husband's "drinking companions". I know one woman who, after such guests leave, wipes the doorknobs. Is it any wonder that members of such a family do not strive to return to such a house faster, but prefer to communicate in entrances and alleyways or at beer stalls. That's where they feel free! Well, why do we need such a shiny and sparkling house of the snow queen?

But how can the situation be corrected? There is only one way - to learn to develop the most effective relationships - this is an equal relationship. It is necessary to stop cleaning up after everyone and do something instead of someone else, it is necessary to return the right of each person to take care of themselves, to give everyone the opportunity to create their own personal space and bear their own responsibility for the disorder in this space, and not to look for the guilty if there is something is out of place!

We are simply obliged to do this if we wish good for our loved ones and if we want our life and the life of our loved ones to become more harmonious. And then, just imagine what a wonderful time saving that you can use for more important and necessary things! In the next article, I will share my personal experience of building such a relationship.

A man comes with his wife to the doctor:
- Doctor, here she is ... what is her name there ... complains that I do not pay enough attention to her.

Teach your husband to give you gifts, albeit small ones, but this is a sign of attention.

Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver.
Edouard Herriot

How to achieve this if he was not attentive to you before?

Here the principle is still the same:

what you give is what you get.

Start first. Never forget to congratulate and give your husband a gift for the New Year, for Christmas, for his professional holiday, and, of course, on the "men's" holiday - February 23rd. But on ordinary days, too, you can pamper him with some little thing that will not affect your family budget.

Why is it so difficult to buy a gift that looks as much as it actually costs?
Yanina Ipohorskaya

You probably know your spouse's tastes. If he loves cool action films, buy a videotape on the way with the next "masterpiece of massacre", if he likes detective stories, stay tuned (many men do not buy the books themselves, because wives sometimes grumble that he throws too much money on this "low-standard reading "). Women have different preferences, they love lyrics, love stories (not all, but many), women's magazines.

I do not agree with the opinion of some critics, that now publishers are instilling "bad taste" in people by implanting low-quality literature (with the exception of obviously low-quality literature). And what - before our Soviet literature was highly artistic? Reading about how iron is forged and other production matters is not interesting to anyone, but the very writers who used to be printed in millions of copies are now unhappy that they have ceased to be published. Because na-do-e-lo! Nowadays, a lot of classics are published. And everyone has the right to choose what to buy. Publishers do not impose their taste on customers; they adjust to customer demand. If such literature is published, it means that people have a need for it. And I don't see anything wrong with people reading action movies or romance novels. This is a kind of outlet, a departure from the harsh reality to another world, a way to switch and distract yourself. It is impossible to think about lofty matters and the meaning of life all the time - you will go crazy. A person finds in books what he lacks in life: men identify themselves with a fearless hero who single-handedly fights enemies and defeats them, and women in need of love and lofty feelings - with the heroine of the novel. Better let a person read than find solace in drinking or empty communication with idlers.

A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book.
Zhanna Golonogova

Why did I make such a lengthy digression? It is in the context of what has been said: respect the tastes of your half, even if you hold a different point of view.

If you buy a sports-express or Football-hockey newspaper for your husband-fan, and Kommersant or Dengi magazine for a business man, a new disc of his favorite ensemble or a compact disc for a music lover, he will definitely appreciate it, you Believe me, it's proven by practice. He can buy them himself, but, as they say, these are two big differences: buy it yourself or when the wife took care of the husband's tastes. I assure you, you will soon receive a reciprocal sign of attention from him.

The more attentive you are to such trifles and to your husband himself, the more attentive he will be to you.

But if you systematically show your husband signs of attention, and he - zero attention and takes everything for granted, my advice to you: contact a psychiatrist. It is possible, and very likely, that he has some kind of mental anomalies. Obviously, you should not "pamper" a drinking husband or a loafer who lives at your expense. In these cases, the advice is the same - you need the help of a professional. And you need to think carefully: do you need such a life partner?

And all other women can gradually train their husbands to be attentive. Indeed, in a gift, it is not the gift itself that is important (you yourself could buy it), but the attitude. In addition, it develops a sense of responsibility in the husband: he values \u200b\u200byour smile, your good attitude and tries to make you smile at him more often - that is, he is responsible for your good mood, and therefore for the peace in the house.

If it so happened that you had a fight, and your husband came home with a bouquet of flowers or a small gift (even if it is a book, a women's magazine, a bottle of shampoo or her favorite cream), forget about the hassle. With his gift, he silently invited you to make up. Appreciate this.

Nothing sparks a wife's suspicions like an unexpected gift from her husband.

Always accept a gift with gratitude, even if you don't need it at all. It's not about the gift, - I repeat once again, - the point is that the spouse showed attention. He wanted to please you and expects from you not so much verbal gratitude as emotional. If you thank him loudly in words, and then throw his present to hell and start grumbling again, then you will nullify your husband's initiative. He expects a smile and attention from you. And he wants to cheer you up.

And for the future, in an implicit form, make it clear what you would like (but here, observe the measure - we are, of course, not talking about a new fur coat, although fur coats also warm not so much the body as the soul; and yet - be prudent, proceed from the material capabilities of the spouse). This has a double benefit: first, the next time you get what you need, and secondly, the spouse runs around the shops to find exactly what you like. Very helpful, by the way, and very relationship-strengthening! A woman who costs a man dearly (in terms of effort, emotion and money) is also highly valued. And the more a husband appreciates his wife, the more he loves her.

Ideal gift: a thing that a woman can exchange in a store even a month later.

In our family it has been so customary from the very beginning that all the more or less holidays (or even just like that) are celebrated with gifts. My daughter and I are preparing in advance (in the same way, secretly from me, my husband and daughter are preparing for my holidays). Our 13-year-old daughter Yana draws, sculpts and sews well from an early age, so she constantly gives her beloved dad (and me too) something made with her own hands. My husband and I carefully keep her gifts. My room is all hung with her drawings, there are figurines sculpted by her on the table, and my husband has already gathered a whole collection of cute animals that my daughter sculpts from clay, solidified plasticine and paints.

Gifts are received by the one who has something to give.
Bohdan Brzezinski

On my birthday and my daughter's birthday, December 31 and March 8, my husband gets up very early to run to the market for flowers while we are still sleeping. Going to the market for meat, he does not forget about flowers. Since his daughter was 3 years old, he always buys two bouquets - for me and Yana, and she is used to feeling like a little woman whom an adult man (even his own father!) Gives signs of attention to. I think that when my daughter grows up, she will teach her fan to be just as attentive.

My husband knows what perfume I love (and my tastes change often), and I have a large collection of his gifts at home. He understands fragrances as well as I do and will never buy something that is not my taste. If he buys me clothes, then they will certainly be in my style. He still loves to give gifts just like that, for no reason.

Yesterday's wardrobe interferes with tomorrow's life.

In principle, a man should be taught to do this even during the courtship period. A real man will quietly find out what you like and will try to please you. Such an initiative is already a manifestation of his attention to your tastes and to your person.

A man looks like April, when he is courting, and in December, when he is already married.
W. Shakespeare

A normal man loves to pamper a woman who is dear to him with gifts.

First, it emphasizes the distribution of roles: he gives, the woman takes.

Secondly, by doing so, he demonstrates the breadth of the soul.

Thirdly, he gets positive emotions both at the time when he chooses a gift, and when he listens to words of gratitude and sees how happy his girlfriend is in life.

Fourthly, this brings him back to childhood - once his mother gave him gifts, and now he gives the Woman himself.

Fifthly, this activates his paternal feelings (even if he is not yet a father), and the woman is associated with his daughter.

You see how many advantages there are in the fact that a man gives a gift to a woman for whom he has sympathy! Moreover, the more gifts, the more sympathy, believe me!

Friendship is based on small gifts, love on large ones.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Perhaps, at first, the gifts will be timed to coincide with some dates. But your task is to teach your husband to give gifts for no reason, just to please you. And if you manage to achieve this, you can be proud of yourself. If your spouse is attentive to you and tries to please you, then everything else will follow.

If a man asks what to give you, it means that he is lazy, or a person without imagination, or does not have his own taste, or is not sure of himself, and therefore he is afraid that you will not like his gift. The most common question is: "What to give you?" - evidence of his laziness and lack of initiative. And if he does not give anything, it means that he is a greedy person.

Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don’t like and those we don’t receive.

A greedy man is greedy for feelings too.

He is not able to love, because he already has a fiery passion - money.

The marital relationship is optimal when the husband feels responsibility not only for his children, but also for his wife. He must take care not only that the family does not need anything, but also that everyone is healthy and not overworked.

If you have a cold, be sure to involve your spouse in caring for you. By the way, men are wonderful nurses and take great care of the sick!

There is nothing more touching than a sick woman. Your helpless appearance is just what it takes to evoke empathy and pity. Men get sick much less often than women, and healthy people generally treat other people's ailments with reverence.

She hates going to the doctor. Take off your clothes, lie down on the couch ... and then pay again! ..
D. Samoilov

A little bit of acting will not hurt - every self-respecting woman knows this. You can even exaggerate your suffering, speak in a plaintive voice, look at your husband through the eyes of a sick child. It's not a stone instead of a heart! Nine out of ten, that he will be so imbued that he will feel you almost as his child. And this is a wonderful union when the roles are distributed like this: a man-father and a woman-daughter. The most justified from all points of view and therefore the strongest. And the woman-daughter gets such advantages! ..

- Doctor, I have a strong suspicion that my husband is an allergen!

If your husband puts you mustard plasters, makes you gargle, stuffs you with potions, obey meekly. For his efforts, he should be adequately rewarded. It is always pleasant when care is adequately perceived. Don't forget to thank. You can say: "When you are near, it is immediately easier for me." Do not be capricious in any way. Although it is forgivable for a sick woman, do not abuse it!

It is hard to treat - easy in paradise!

Whatever you are sick (not just a cold), actively involve your husband. Do not discuss details with him (he is unlikely to be delighted to find out how many leukocytes were found in your urine), but let your spouse take the most active part: he runs to the pharmacy for medicines, takes you to the examination, makes sure that you are on time took medicine and ate.

- What makes you think that your wife has stopped loving you?
- She fell ill and began to behave like the last selfish!
- And how was it expressed?
- She said: "Dear, if it's not difficult for you, please bring me some milk and honey."

By the way, it is harmless at the same time to introduce him to the household, if you have not done this before. The moment is very favorable - you are sick, you cannot go grocery shopping, prepare food yourself, - he has cards in his hands.

I know a lot of women who have managed to get comfortable, exploiting their own (or even imaginary!) Diseases.

From time to time she makes face masks from mud. It makes it look better, but then the dirt disappears ...
D. Samoilov

Being weak, painful is a very winning role for a woman, believe me! Moreover, the ladies who managed to force their husband to take care of themselves in this way, in fact, did not suffer anything special, so, the usual ailments. But when served appropriately, they created a very winning ephemeral cloud around the woman, and sometimes a dramatic halo.

A sense of proportion is very important here. There is no need to create in your husband the opinion that you are a continuous illness, more a burden than a full-fledged life companion.

She takes vitamins A, B, C, D, E all the time, and she looks like B ...

Train your husband to take care of your contraception. Let the unexpected delay in your period be his headache, not yours.

Remember: the stronger a man as a person, the more he appreciates female weakness. And if you use it skillfully, then you can twist ropes from it. One hundred percent!