When it is necessary to massage a newborn. General strengthening massage for infants and newborns

For the correct development of the child, it is important not only to follow all the recommendations of doctors, but also to carry out independent procedures at home. For example, to carry out such a type of healing as massage for newborns. What actions are included in it, and how to learn how to massage a baby?

Features of massage for newborns

It is allowed to actively massage a newborn from the age of 20 days. Until that time, you can simply stroke the surface of the skin and slightly stretch the joints.

The body of a newborn quickly responds to stimulation, so even light stroking will have an excellent effect. You need to massage almost the entire body, including hands, feet, earlobes and fingers. This will help the baby to develop much faster and more harmoniously. To prevent the child from being capricious, you can give him a toy.

Why is baby massage useful?

Doctors say that due to the massage, the baby will sit down much faster, begin to crawl and walk. In addition, blood circulation improves, muscles develop evenly, and hypertonicity decreases, which is especially important for newborns. During the procedure, all biological processes are accelerated. The auditory, visual and emotional centers reach full maturity more quickly.

The daily massage given by the mother helps to establish an emotional connection between her and the baby, which also affects development. This is especially true when the baby likes the procedure.

Massage for a newborn is rarely limited to stroking and kneading. In most cases, the procedure is combined with gymnastics - age-appropriate exercises.

Massage techniques

To get the baby accustomed to your hands, first of all, stroke. You need to iron the whole body, arms and legs, not forgetting about the head.

Further, a gentle rubbing of all the listed areas is carried out with greater intensity. Gradually move on to kneading. Please note that this technique should be used especially carefully in the tummy, head and groin area.

This is followed by tapping, which is done on areas of the skin with a large amount of muscle or adipose tissue and is also used in children with a higher weight. Finish the massage of the newborn in reverse order.

Massage types

In medicine, it is customary to divide massage into local and general. A newborn baby is shown a general massage. But in the presence of diseases, local massage is done - for some part of the body. For example, for the back, chest, legs, arms, neck and so on. This procedure is also done with increased tone.

There are techniques used for certain conditions. So, mothers can independently use massage for colic, bloating, to calm babies with nervous overexcitation.


A feature of a relaxing massage is relaxation and the absence of sudden movements. It is recommended to use only stroking and rubbing here. If at the beginning of the procedure the baby cried, then kneading should calm him down. You should not do it quickly and intensively, then the skin after the procedure will not redden, but it will acquire a pleasant pink tint.

It is recommended to perform relaxing manipulations for the newborn before bedtime. If carried out correctly, the baby should fall asleep after it.

Coping with colic

To get rid of colic that bother babies for the first three months, you need to massage with warm hands and at a room temperature of at least 25 degrees. Place the newborn on the tummy and, stroking the sacrum, soothe him. Next, turn the crumb over on the back and knead the tummy.

Circular clockwise movements, stroking from the line of the ribs to the groin, as well as light tapping with fingers on the tummy or back will help to normalize the work of the intestines.

Massage for constipation

If the newborn is constipated, massage can help relieve the problem. It must be carried out at least five times a day, for five minutes. A good massage takes effect on the first day. At the first stage, stroking is performed clockwise in the abdomen. Next, knead the skin around the navel, gradually moving to the sides.

In the second step, you can go to the back. Rubbing the skin in a circular motion on both sides of the spine. The third stage includes stroking and ending the session.

Massage for umbilical hernia in a baby

Lay your baby on her side for a couple of minutes and stroke her back. Then turn to the other side and repeat the procedure. After that, you can do the lifting of the newborn's body by the handles from the supine position.

Flips from back to stomach and vice versa will also be effective. Placing the baby on his stomach and stimulating crawling attempts helps a lot. All procedures are performed twice, and the entire session does not take more than five minutes. It is recommended for a newborn to spend it 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications to massage

Massage is allowed only if the newborn is healthy and in a good mood, otherwise he will develop a negative reflex to the procedure. With regard to health, contraindications may be fever, diseases of the skin, joints, congenital heart defects, infectious processes, severe malnutrition, diathesis, hernia with a symptom of entrapment or organ prolapse.

The best effect will be only if all procedures are carried out correctly. Long-term massage will tire the child, and therefore do not tighten it too much. Talk to your baby during the massage, such as counting your fingers while kneading a handle or praising while stroking the shoulder. The main task is to eliminate the unpleasant sensations in the child.

  • You can massage children using oils, creams or order special formulations. The only requirement is the use of only those products that are suitable for age.
  • Massage on a hard surface at the same time every day.
  • Do not massage certain points without knowing their exact location.
  • If you are not sure of the correctness of actions, visit a specialist and memorize all his movements.

A general massage can be performed by any mother, but with a local one is a little more difficult. You can buy the book at an affordable price in the store, or check out the technique in the video tutorial below.

If you have already given a massage to your baby and you know the secrets of doing it? Share your experience by leaving your feedback in the comments box at the bottom of the page.

Massage for newborns is an important moment in the life of a baby. Its holding is not only desirable, but obligatory. That is why, when visiting a children's clinic in the room of a healthy child, nurses show the mother how to do massage and its elements suitable for a particular age. In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the types of massage, the principles of conducting and its importance for the development of the child.

Why is it important to massage a baby?

Massage is a universal way of influencing the baby's body as a whole. A newborn child has underdeveloped various systems of the body, but skin analyzers are quite ready to work. Therefore, massage sessions bring maximum benefit. They help physical and speech development, improve coordination of movements and help establish a deeper emotional connection between mother and child. Naturally, provided that she independently gives the baby a relaxing massage, and does not use the services of a masseur.

Children's massage is divided into two types

  • General strengthening or general;
  • Healing.

Mom can do a general strengthening massage on her own at home. To do this, she needs to learn massage movements, properly prepare the room and table, and also purchase all the necessary tools for massage in advance. Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a pediatrician - an orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. It is better to entrust its implementation to specialists, although after training and observing several procedures, the mother can master the rules and movements herself.

The principles of a general strengthening massage:

  • When to start a massage? From 2-3 weeks of life.
  • The movements are carried out along the massage lines - from the periphery to the center.
  • The speed of movement of the hands - 2 cm per second - should coincide with the speed of the lymph flow.
  • Avoid the spine, lymph nodes, liver, and heart.
  • Gently work on the neck.
  • Stroking the tummy is done only clockwise.
  • All movements should be light, no excessive pressure should be made.
  • Massage for babies with classical music or your own singing. You can also tell rhymes and nursery rhymes.

At what age to start massage?

You can practice restorative massage sessions when the child reaches the age of a crescent. Until the baby reaches 1.5 months, stroking should be the only movement. Gentle touches massage the legs and arms of the child, tummy and back, fingers. Later (after 3-4 months) rubbing, patting, kneading and gymnastics elements can be introduced.

Massage movements to help cope with problems

A general strengthening massage for babies is carried out if they are healthy and develop normally. If the baby has problems, then special massage exercises or even their complexes will help to cope with them.

A general tummy massage is good for your baby as it improves digestion. And if the child is tormented by intestinal colic, a special massage will help for colic. You need to alternately lower your left and right hand along the baby's ribs. Next, you should grab the baby's legs with your right hand, and gently massage the tummy with your left, and then press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy.

With hypertonia, fitball exercises help. A fitball is a great exercise ball. Place the baby on the surface of the ball with his tummy and gently sway from side to side. Also, this exercise promotes the passage of gases.

Dacryocystitis is a disease in which the lacrimal sac and the lacrimal system become inflamed. For children, a very effective solution to the problem is a special massage. Massage for dacryocystitis is performed as follows. It is necessary to press on a point located at the outer corner of the eye, and move towards the bridge of the nose, making pressing movements. The effective implementation of this procedure in combination with anti-inflammatory drops can replace surgery.

Constipation can also help. However, this measure should be resorted to as directed by a doctor. He will choose the appropriate technique, and a professional massage therapist will provide the necessary pressure.

With a small umbilical hernia, the following treatment methods are practiced: general massage, physiotherapy exercises, laying on the stomach, massage of the anterior abdominal wall. The first two methods are carried out by a massage therapist and a physical therapy doctor, and the last two can be practiced independently by the mother. It involves stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction. It is recommended to lay the baby on his stomach for 5-10 minutes before each feeding.

A neck massage can be prescribed by a neurologist if a child has torticollis. The complex consists of exercises that gradually bring the neck back to normal. It is better to entrust it to a specialist.

For infants, the attention of the mother and physical contact with her is important. The massage will allow the baby to feel the gentle mother's hands, her touch, giving care and health, relieving from health problems.

Complex massage from a practicing pediatrician that can be performed at home

Articles for our site are written by various specialists who have not only knowledge, but also practical experience. A wonderful article about was written for our website by pediatrician Elena Borisova.

The first days after the birth of a child are the most exciting and touching for parents. This is the kid's acquaintance with the world around him. It is important at this time not to miss the moments of caring for him, which in the future may affect the formation of the body and health. Of course, most of the parents meet with the newborn already prepared: they attend special courses, read books, communicate with doctors.

One of the important moments immediately after the birth of a child is a massage for a newborn.

It is believed that children who undergo this procedure develop better. It is good if the session is also accompanied by a conversation - this contributes to the faster development of speech.

When newborns begin to massage themselves

Pediatricians and psychologists have come to the conclusion that a mother can begin to do the most elementary massage to a child on her own from the first days of life. The fact is that tactile touch with the mother is very important for the baby. But remember that before the age of 1 month, its duration should not exceed 10 minutes. After that, the rate increases to 15-20 minutes. First, lubricate the body with a special cream, then warm up the desired area with light strokes. Always start from the heels, gradually moving up to the head. Just do not do this procedure immediately after eating. The movements are gentle muscle movements.

When newborns begin to massage: contraindications

As mentioned above, the session should be no earlier than 30 minutes after feeding, or before it. This procedure is prohibited within 72 hours after vaccination, if the umbilical cord is not completely overgrown, as well as when taking medications or any diseases. It is better to choose a time when you and your child are in a good mood, since massage is also an exchange of energies, even if they are only positive.

Newborn: at what age to massage

First of all, ask your pediatrician a question: when should a newborn massage? He must make sure that there are no contraindications.

When asked at what age a baby can be massaged, there is no unequivocal opinion: some recommend starting almost from the first days, others believe that it is not worth doing it earlier than two weeks of age. In any case, if you decide to carry out the procedures, then in the first days it should be light stroking.

How to massage newborns

If it’s more or less clear with the question of when newborns begin to massage, then the technique itself still remains a mystery to us. We suggest you figure it out.

Gently knead your toes, starting at the foot, gradually moving to the groin. After that, we knead the handles, starting from the brush, going to the chest. Next, we move on to the tummy. If done carefully, it will avoid colic. The last stage is the back, and then the head. Don't forget to pay attention to the ears.

How to massage the neck

It is necessary to carry out gentle stroking, starting from the ears towards the shoulders. Move further from the shoulders to the fingers.

When can you roll a newborn onto its tummy?

This is another moment, besides the question of when to do massages for newborns, that excites young mothers.

You can start after the umbilical cord has healed. Try putting it on your stomach first. The first times should not exceed 5 minutes; over time, you can increase the intervals. Just don't do it right after eating.

So, now you know when to do the first massage for a newborn, and you figured out a little about his technique.

In order for the child to develop actively, to master new movements in time and acquire skills, massage is very useful for him. It is good if, during the first year of life, the baby undergoes several courses of restorative massage under the guidance of a specially trained person, each of which lasts 10 days. After that, you need to take a 2-3 month break.

But besides this, it is imperative to massage newborns at home. It has a wonderful effect on the state of the whole organism, because during the session the blood rushes to the massaged place, enhancing all metabolic processes in it. Kids begin to hold their heads earlier, learn to roll over on their tummies more actively and strive to learn about the world.

At what age can newborns be massaged?

If there are no special indications, then massage in a children's clinic is not prescribed earlier than 2-3 months. At home, you can start doing it when the baby is 3 weeks old and the umbilical wound has already healed.

When can and should you massage a newborn?

The best time for massage sessions is when your baby is awake and in a good mood. If the time has come, and the child is capricious, then it is better to postpone the lesson for a better moment. It is advisable to work out a specific schedule - it will be convenient for both the mother and the baby.

Usually, all physical exercises, including massage, are carried out in the morning or afternoon. Some kids get very active after class, but most fall asleep soon. You should not do it before bedtime, because the child's reaction can be unpredictable.

After the last feeding, at least an hour should pass, but before eating, you should not start a massage session, because the child will not be able to relax, but will actively protest, demanding food.

How to massage a newborn correctly?

Massage for newborns, like any other, is carried out with movements from the bottom up on the limbs and from the center to the periphery on the body. All movements, especially at first, should be light, stroking. More active methods should be left to professionals. At home, however, you should limit yourself to simple movements.

The child needs to be undressed completely, and if it is cold in the room, the massaged area should be opened one by one, and then wrapped up again.

Newborn massage technique

Massage of a newborn baby is carried out using stroking and twisting techniques. If everything is clear with the first, then twisting is a light movement, as when squeezing out the laundry. Light stretching is also used.

Mom should consult a doctor about what kind of massage to give a newborn. Usually these are simple manipulations that do not take more than 10 minutes.


With stroking circular movements, starting from the fingers towards the thigh, each leg is worked out alternately from the bottom up, several approaches. Then mom presses her thumb on the foot near the toes - they reflexively tighten. After that, the finger is led down to the heel, and the fingers are unclenched again.


Rub each handle from hand to shoulder, then shake gently. Insert your thumb into the baby's palm and massage clockwise.


When the baby is lying on the back, his chest is stroked from the center to the sides, and they also do it with the back, in the position - the child is on his stomach. The tummy is massaged in a circle with soft movements.

After birth, the child finds himself in an alien and unusual environment for him. After the mother's womb, the outside world for the newborn seems noisy, fussy and too loud. The child is experiencing stress, and he needs a gentle, warm tactile contact with the closest person - his mother. Because mommy for him during this period is the whole world. With its help, the baby learns all the colors of the environment.

Pediatricians recommend giving him a massage after the first month of a baby's life, which will not only have a healing effect on his body, but will also help establish an emotional connection between the baby and the mother. What could be better than the gentle touch of your mother's loving hands?

How to give a general massage to a newborn after bathing

Usually, a baby is given a massage once a day, combined with hygiene procedures. First, free your hands from rings and bracelets. Nails should be trimmed neatly. The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 22 ° C. After bathing the child, prepare a blanket, a diaper and, just in case, an oilcloth. Suddenly the baby wants to pee. Prepare the massage oil first. Mom's hands should be warm and affectionate. Now proceed to the procedure:

  1. Your movements should be gentle and light. Massage your skin with your fingertips.
  2. The first step is stroking. Stroke the baby's skin from the periphery to the center, from the fingers to the neck and from the heels to the butt.
  3. Avoid the right hypochondrium when massaging your tummy. Movements should follow the clockwise direction. Do not touch the genitals.
  4. The second stage is rubbing. Rub the baby's body with light movements. This will increase blood flow and have a beneficial effect on the internal organs.
  5. Do not forget about the hands and feet. Open your fists and lightly massage each finger and palm. Do the same with your toes and feet.
  6. You also need to finish the massage with stroking movements.
  7. The procedure should be carried out no more than 10 minutes, so as not to overcool the baby.
  8. Kneading and patting is not recommended for newborns. But if you want to pat a little lovingly, you can do it on the buttocks.
  9. After the session, the newborn will be calmer, his appetite and sleep will improve. Accordingly, mom will also be calmer for her child. After all, her well-being depends on the state of health of the baby. And mental health also requires respect.

How to massage a newborn with constipation and colic

In case of stool retention and the accumulation of feces, the newborn should be given an appropriate massage so that the feces come off naturally.

Lay the baby on a back on a flat and slightly hard surface. This can be a table that has been covered with a blanket. On a soft surface, the effect will be insufficient, since the body will bend (this can lead to displacement of internal organs). It is not recommended to do the procedure immediately after feeding - you need to wait for the food to become over-poisoned. The best option is an hour and a half after eating. Lightly stroke your tummy clockwise with your full palm. Avoid pinpoint pressure. Then, with the edge of a bent palm, perform a deep stroke along the colon. The area of ​​influence resembles the letter P. From the right hypochondrium to the left to the beginning of the rectum. As you move towards the end point, the pressure should be increased. After these steps, put the baby on his tummy and start massaging the back from the shoulder blades to the pelvis. This will stimulate the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. A good exercise for bowel movement is a bicycle. You need to alternately press your knees to your stomach.

How to do a relaxing massage for a newborn with hypertension

After birth, many babies have a pathological condition called hypertonicity. It is characterized by increased tension in all muscle groups. In this condition, an increased excitability of the nervous system is also observed. At the same time, the child reacts strongly to external stimuli.

Massage with such a diagnosis should be soothing. It is very good if it is accompanied by mom's songs. In such a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, the effect will be great. Stroke the baby's body starting from the heels. Turn over onto your tummy and stroke your legs, back, hands. Continue the procedure with light rubbing, turning it from the abdomen to the back and vice versa. Then start shaking your limbs lightly. You need to take the child by the brush and gently shake, then shake gently. Repeat with the other arm and then with the legs.

The procedure should end with light stroking and take 10-15 minutes.

How to massage the feet and legs of a baby

We know that there are many active points on the surface of the foot. Massage of the feet and legs will help strengthen the baby's musculoskeletal system, have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, and improve his physical condition. It should be noted that foot massage is recommended after 1.5-2 months of life.

The technique of the procedure is very simple. Holding the leg by the lower leg with her left hand, the mother draws an imaginary figure eight on the foot with her right hand. Foot massage should include the following steps:

  1. First stroking, then rubbing from the bottom up.
  2. In the area of ​​the knee joint, the procedure should be carried out more carefully.
  3. One leg should be massaged for up to three minutes at 1 to 3 months and five minutes at 3 months to a year.

The procedure should be carried out after feeding, but not immediately, and not before bedtime. The activation of points on the feet can lead to excessive wakefulness of the baby, and he will not fall asleep quickly.

How to properly massage a newborn with an umbilical hernia

Many children suffer from an umbilical hernia at an early age. And there is a disease due to the defective development of the anterior wall of the abdominal part. Congenital soreness of the umbilical ring may also be the cause. Therapeutic therapy includes the normalization of bowel function, physical activity, special physical exercises and massage.

It should be noted that massage for an umbilical hernia should be done when the navel wound is completely healed. The procedure includes the following manipulations. Put the baby first on the left side, then on the right, holding in each position for a few seconds. Repeat two times. Lay the child on the back and, holding the handles, slightly lift, then lower. Repeat 5-6 times. Then slowly roll the baby from back to tummy and back. Repeat two times.

The next stage is massage. Stroke the area near the navel in a clockwise direction. Repeat the manipulation 5 times. Gathering movements move from the periphery to the navel for 30 seconds. Then you should massage the oblique abdominal muscles, repeat 5 times. Then, with light stroking movements, move from the navel to the periphery - 5 times. The entire session should last no more than five minutes. In order not to injure the baby's skin, do the procedure through a light diaper or shirt.

How to massage a newborn baby on a ball

Prepare the ball (fitball) by covering it with a diaper. Massage is not recommended immediately after feeding. After eating, at least an hour should pass.

Place the baby with his tummy on the ball, hold him behind the back with your palm. Press on the back with springy, pressing movements, the child should, as it were, bounce on the ball. This procedure is good for eliminating bloating and colic. If the baby raises his head, then the neck muscles are strengthened.

Perform the next exercise in this way: in a prone position, lift the baby's right leg, and with the other hand hold it behind the back. Roll the ball back and forth, then switch legs. In this way, roll the child, holding both legs and both handles. Roll it in a circular motion, holding the back with your hands. During this type of massage, the muscles of the abdomen and neck are strengthened. Kids really like riding fitball. During the procedure, they usually do not cry or be capricious.

How to properly massage the lacrimal canal for a newborn baby

Almost 35% of newborns have a membrane closure of the nasolacrimal duct opening. The tear, washing the cornea, should roll down this channel back into the nose. But due to the fact that the canal is closed, a tear collects at the inner edge of the eye and rolls down the face. In the first two to three weeks of life, this phenomenon is considered a physiological norm.

Doctors recommend two methods to help open the membrane: massage and probing. Before the massage, clean the baby's eyes with a cotton pad dipped in furacilin solution or chamomile decoction. Swipe the disc from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. Place the baby on a back on a firm surface. Place your fingertip just above the inner corner of your eye. Feel for a small seal between the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye - the lacrimal sac. With sliding movements, quickly move from the lacrimal sac down to the wing of the nose. The movement should be repeated 6-10 times. The membrane will gradually thin and rupture. After the session, drip the eyes with special drops. This massage can be done during feeding 5-6 times a day.

Especially for - Ksenia Manevich