Abstract on the artistic and aesthetic development of children. Synopsis of the lesson on artistic and aesthetic activities in the middle group “Fabulous bird. Theme: "Fairy Bird"

Middle group

Program tasks: To form the ability to convey the image of a fairy-tale fish in a drawing to depict a hero, using the skills of drawing with wax crayons, a brush; educate aesthetic perception, encourage creative initiative; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the works of A.S. Pushkin; develop coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of children; exercise dexterity, quick response to a signal

Occupation type: integrated, creative application of knowledge and skills

Material: illustrations for the tales of A.S. Pushkin; chest; toys (fish, cockerel, squirrel), mirror; sheets of paper for drawing; wax crayons; paints; wide brushes; glasses of water; napkins

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, considering illustrations for the works of A.S. Pushkin, watching the cartoon "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

I. Creation of play motivation

Educator: Guys, look at what a wonderful chest appeared in our group. It hid objects from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, and in order for us to find out what kind of objects there are, we need to recall these lines from which fairy tale.

Squirrel sings songs

And gnaws at all the nuts,

And the nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden (the tale of Tsar Saltan).

Slightly where danger is visible

Faithful watchman as if from a dream

It will move, it will start,

To the other side will turn

And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.

Reign, lying on your side! " (the tale of the golden cockerel).

“My light, mirror! tell me

Yes, report the whole truth:

I am the loveliest in the world,

All blush and whiter? "

And her mirror answered:

“You, of course, no doubt;

You, queen, are sweeter than everyone

All blush and whiter ”(the tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes).

Once he threw a net into the sea -

The net came with one mud.

He threw a seine another time -

A seine came with sea grass.

For the third time he threw a net -

A seine came with one fish (the tale of a fisherman and a fish).

Educator: well done, you guessed all the tales, but who wrote such wonderful tales? (AS Pushkin) Let's draw a goldfish with you and make a wish for it (children sit at the tables).

II. Showing work techniques

Educator: First, we draw the body of the fish, which has an oblong oval shape, then we draw a curved tail in the form of a droplet, draw the eye, separate the head from the body with an arc, then add fins and scales. Since our fish is not simple, but golden, we draw a crown for it. Our fish is ready, it remains to paint it. (Invite the children to supplement the drawing with algae and colored pebbles.) Although our fish is not simple, it also cannot live without water, so we tint it with paint. My goldfish is ready, now you will draw, but first we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger game

I'll take two palms and float on the sea (handles float)

Two palms, friends - this is my boat (we fold our palms like a boat)

And on violent waves (showing waves)

Fish swims here and there (we imitate the movements of the fish)

Educator: our hands are warmed up, now you can start work

III. Independent activity

In the process of work, we help children who are experiencing difficulties with our advice. We encourage children to show their creative imagination.

Educator: while your works are drying up, let's play with you the game "Fishermen and Fish".

Children are divided into 2 groups, one forms a circle - these are nets, raise their clasped hands up. Another group of children - "fish" are around. After the signal of the teacher "Fish are swimming", they run in and out of the nets. At the signal "Clap", the nets are closed, those children who are inside the circle are considered caught.

IV. Reflection

Educator: Our drawings have dried up, now each of you can make a wish for your goldfish (if the children want, then I make a wish out loud).

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1" Berezka "s. Nikolo-Berezovka "

Krasnokamsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Plan - synopsis

for artistic and aesthetic development

Held by the teacher:Afanasyeva I.P.

S. Nikolo-Berezovka 2014 - 2015 academic year

Topic: "Gift for kids"

Children's age: Preparatory group

Purpose: Making a gift is a surprise for children of the first junior group.


    To form the ability to make your own decision, based on your knowledge and skills, the ability to gain experience in fixing the difficulty and identifying its cause.

    To create conditions for free experimentation with art materials, tools, pictorial and expressive means. Support independent artistic creation.

    To develop moral values, a benevolent attitude towards each other, the children of another group, the desire to please them, attentively, sensitively to others.

Integration of educational areas: Social - communicative, cognitive, artistic - aesthetic.

Material: paper of various sizes, colored paper, colored cardboard, glue, paints, brushes for drawing and glue, felt-tip pens, pencils, scissors, cereals (buckwheat, rice, semolina, corn, peas), napkins, threads, plasticine, stacks, sculpting boards , postcard.

Preliminary work: Viewing drawings, pictures of gifts; reading fiction; demonstration of unconventional drawing techniques, making appliqués (gluing threads, sprinkling cereals, rolling napkins, breaking applique, etc.);conversation with children about friendship, about the relationship to each other. Safety precautions when working with scissors and glue.

Course of the lesson:

    Introductory part.

Welcome guests.

Educator: Guys this morning I received a letter. Do you want to know what is written there and from whom this letter came?

Educator: “Hello graduates! We, the Karapuziki group, really, really want to get to know you and make friends, become good friends. Therefore, we invite you to visit. "

What should be done if you are invited to visit? (Children's answers)

What do they visit with? (Children's answers)

Let's make a gift - a surprise for friends with our own hands? (Children answer)

You will succeed!

    Independent work.

Observation of the children's work process, assistance in the implementation of their own ideas, the use of the Situation technology, praise.

Conducting individual work.

What are you going to do now?

How will you do the job?

How did you manage it?

What did you do to achieve the goal?

What knowledge and skills were useful?

It was successful because, we learned, we learned.

You did it!

    Final part

After the allotted time for the lesson, the children admire the work done. Analysis is underway. The result is summed up by the educator. A positive assessment is given.

Educator: I also think that the work is original, unusual and very beautiful. I think that our little friends will love such a surprise. Now let's go visit and give gifts.

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development, cognitive development.

purpose: to consolidate the use of non-traditional drawing techniques with children of the older subgroup (drawing with a cotton swab, PVA glue and semolina).


  1. To consolidate the ability to depict seasonal changes in the drawing, using various artistic techniques (stem and leaves with cotton swabs, a flower - with PVA glue and semolina).
  2. Improve the aesthetic perception of natural phenomena, consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in wildlife (to consolidate and generalize the signs of early spring, knowledge of primroses).
  3. Form the correct posture, maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children in order to relieve static stress.
  4. To develop a sense of musical rhythm in children, to navigate freely in space.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: artistic word, conversation, riddles, communication situations, repetition, request).

Visual: Display illustrative material.

Practical: unconventional drawing with a cotton swab, PVA glue and semolina.

Children's activities: motor, play, productive, cognitive research, musical.

Preliminary work: Examining illustrations, albums about spring. Conversation about spring changes in wildlife memorizing a poem by E. Serova "Snowdrop", S. Marshak "March", "April"... Reading a Slavic tale in processing by I S. Marshak "Twelve months"... Making a postcard from unconventional material "Snowdrops Bloomed"... Drawing using non-traditional art techniques (fingers, palms, styrofoam, foam, crumpled paper, potato seals, shaving foam).

Material: 1/4 of a blue album sheet in the shape of a thawed patch, flower templates, simple pencils, hygienic cotton swabs, PVA glue, semolina, green and white gouache, napkins, plates, Tchaikovsky's music "Snowdrop", Rachmaninov "Dream".

Planned result:

- skills and abilities have been formed to position the image on the sheet, taking into account its proportions

- children have mastered the techniques of drawing with cotton swabs, PVA glue and semolina.

- the vocabulary of children has expanded and replenished.

- the skill of memorizing, correct pronunciation is fixed.

A sense of rhythm is developed, the skill of dance movements, a round dance is fixed.

Children scatteringly enter the hall to the music of Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop".

Children: - We walk through the village

And we meet our friends

We look at a friend

Hello friend, we say.

- Hello, hello, my dear friend.

Educator: Hello guys and distinguished guests. Today we have an unusual day. Many guests came to us. Look, turn to face the guests, say hello to them, smile at them.

A girl sits under a tree, crying. The teacher draws the attention of children to the girl.

Educator: Guys, look here. Who are you and how did you get here? What do you need in the forest?

Girl: My name is Nastenka. I need to type in this basket of flowers. And my stepmother sent me here for flowers and did not tell me to return home without flowers.

Educator: And what are these flowers called?

Girl: I completely forgot what these flowers are called, but I know a riddle about them.

Educator: Well, why guess your riddle, and the guys and I will try to guess.

The girl makes a riddle:

The princess ordered them

Bring in the winter from the forest,

Bring flowers in winter

Which ones? Do you remember?

Children's answers.

Educator: I know how to help Nastenka. Guys, we need to invite the spring month here, but which one you should guess:

The river roars violently

And breaks the ice

The starling returned to the house

And in the forest, the bear woke up

There is a trill in the sky,

Who came to us? (April). (sounds of birds)

Enter April.

April: Call me?

Educator: Yes, April, Nastenka needs help. The stepmother ordered her to bring the snowdrops, but the snowdrops will bloom only in April.

April: Well, well, of course, I will help you

“Every day, by a minute

The day is longer, the night is shorter

Slowly, slowly,

We drove the winter away! "

Educator: Guys, let's remember what signs of spring do you know?

Children's answers: (the sun is shining brighter, the snow is melting, streams are running, the first spring flowers appear, the grass appears, the day is getting longer, the buds swell on the trees, thawed patches appear, in the spring it often rains, sleet, birds fly from warm countries).

Guys, do you know about spring poems?


Blacker every day

Stitches and tracks

And on willows in silver

Tracks are illuminated.

Get out the ants

After the winter chill!


The bear is sneaking

Through the forest deadwood

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

(The teacher shows a flower - snowdrop)

Educator: Oh guys, look what a beautiful snowdrop has blossomed.

Girl: But he is only one, and I need to collect a whole basket of snowdrops.

April: And this trouble is fixable. Now I will turn all the guys into little wizards, and they will draw a lot of snowdrops for you. After all, the guys snowdrops are listed in the Red Book, they cannot be torn. And we will try to make them so that it cannot be distinguished from the real ones. Now, come to me, I will share with you my element of magic and you become magicians.

April attaches a flower to each child.

Educator: Well, little wizards, go to your seats.

(Children sit at tables.)


- Guys, before we start drawing, let's remember what it is?


Spring, first, gentle, blue, sunny, beautiful, delicate, bold, light.

Let's remember what parts the snowdrop flower consists of.

(Children name parts of the flower.)

Educator: Guys, you probably noticed that there are no brushes on the table? We will draw with you in an unusual way, it is not for nothing that you were turned into wizards. You will draw stems and leaves with hygienic cotton swabs, and flowers with pva glue and semolina.

Educator: Guys, now let's remember the sequence of drawing a snowdrop. What we draw first, what color we will draw the stem and leaves.

Educator: Let's cook our fingers:

Play massage « Palm» .

Your palm is a pond

Ships sail along it (Slowly slide your bent index finger across your palm)

Your palm is like a meadow

And snow falls from above (touch your palm with your fingertips)

Your palm is like a notebook

In the notebook, you can draw (with the index finger "Draw", eg "Sun")

Your palm is like a window.

It's time to wash it long ago. (rub your palm with your clenched fist)

Your path is like a path, and cats walk along the path. (Gently stepping over the fingers of the other hand).

Educator: Take templates, carefully trace along the contour.

Children's work.

Educator: And let's, guys, remember together how the snowdrop awakens.

Music sounds "Dream".


Snowdrop woke up

And stretched out

Smiled at the sun

I touched the ground to Mother

Bowed to the sun

I was surprised at my happiness

Dew drops washed him away

The beasts and birds immediately recognized

"Snowdrop woke up-

Spring promises "

Snowdrop, snowdrop

Blooms in the forest.

We continue to work. Play music "Dream" .

(At the end of the lesson, put all the drawings in the clearing.

Mark that all children fromrammed, and it turned out to be a very beautiful meadow.)

Girl: Oh, how many snowdrops have blossomed, and how beautiful they are. Guys, you are real wizards!

Educator: Guys, let's thank the month - April for help. And I propose to start a spring round dance around our glade, which is called "Vesnyanka".

(Children invite Nastenka to the round dance and the month of April.)

April: Guys, I really liked your place, but it's time for me to leave, because my time has not yet come, and I again give way to the legitimate spring month of March. Goodbye. I will come to you soon.

Educator: You all tried very hard , put a piece of their heart into their work, warmed the work with the warmth of their hands.

Guys, let's say goodbye to the guests, and it's time for us to return to the group. Our favorite toys are waiting for us there.

Olga Kostina

Artistic and aesthetic activity in the middle group.

Topic: "Fairy bird".

purpose: - Form artistically- creativity, emotional perception, imaginative thinking of children.


Exercise children in the technique of drawing ovals, circles, dots, straight and wavy lines, various drawing techniques with the end of a brush and flat.

Develop the ability to select colors to convey the desired effect.

Improve the sense of symmetry, rhythm.

Develop in children the ability to convey mood through drawing through use the necessary artistic materials and tools.

To educate accuracy, the ability to express yourself.

Demo material:

A set of slides with the necessary illustrations that are attached to occupation;

Audio recording of calm music for drawing;

Form fabulous bird.

Handout: necessary artistic materials for children's creativity (gouache, brushes, paper, pencil, eraser).

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, drawing.

Educational areas: Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Reading fiction, Music.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Organizing time.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other.

Guys, today I suggest you go to fairy tale... What is this story? I will you now i will tell: "In the distant the fabulous land of the sting-there was a Bird-Happiness... This the bird was not easy, but magic. On her beautiful long tail were bright, magical painted feathers. When someone's fabulous the country was in trouble or someone needed help, flew Bird - Happiness to the rescue, gave a magic pen and all the hardships passed. But the evil sorceress was jealous Bird - Happiness, caught her and turned her into a tailless creature. Saddened bird and flew far, far away, away from the evil sorceress. And so, the inhabitants fabulous countries ask us to help them. " (Story teacher is accompanied by slides to the text).


Guys, let's help the residents fabulous forests bring back the magic bird... And for this, I suggest you paint feathers for Birds - Happiness with beautiful patterns and give them to her. Then she will be able to come back again and help the little residents. fabulous country.

And before we start work, let us knead it with you!

Physical minute "Walk in the woods"

Good forest, old forest, (arms wide to the sides, turns)

Full fabulous wonders!

We're going for a walk now (walking)

And we call you with us!

Waiting for us at the edge of the forest (sit down, rise slowly)

Birds, butterflies, animals.

Spider on a cobweb (fingering with your fingers from

And a grasshopper on a blade of grass! shoulder to hand)

We walked along the paths (walking, jumping)

We galloped through the meadows.

Goodbye old forest (hand waving "parting")

Full fairy tales and wonders!


Guys, I suggest that you consider the samples of feathers, which are painted with different patterns. Let's remember what tricks you can use to decorate feathers birds? (Brush tip, dabbing, wavy line drawing, etc.)

And you can color the feathers as you want, using all the colors of the rainbow, but choose them so that they convey your mood.

What colors should be used to convey joy, happiness? (Children's answers)... And what colors are needed to convey sadness, sadness? (Children's answers) You can get to work.

Practical work.

(An audio recording sounds in the background, setting the children up for work)


Since olden times among the people birds were considered harbingers of warmth and spring. People believed that birds can bring happiness. Guys, Bird - Happiness found outthat you decided to help her and herself flew to visit us.

So let's put your magic feathers on her tail and make a wish. Let this bird will bring you happiness.

Guys, let's look at what beautiful feathers we got and admire them. Bird - Happiness thanks you for your help and says goodbye to you, as it is time for her to fly to fabulous country and continue to bring happiness to its inhabitants.

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Evgeniya Muromtseva
Integrated lesson on artistic and aesthetic development "Magic laboratory"

Synopsis of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development children in the middle group

« Magic laboratory»

The abstract was drawn up taking into account the principle integration educational areas:


-« Artistic creation» ;






To consolidate children's ideas about sand and its properties, colors of the spectrum;

To form the ability to consider and examine objects, including with the help of hands;

Enrich sensory experience and the ability to record received impressions in speech.


Develop research activities of children and interest to an unconventional painting technique in the sand;

Develop aesthetic perception of the environment, moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature and its resources.


Foster goodwill, a desire to help others;

Encouraging the manifestation of activity and creativity.

Course of the lesson:

The guys came to us today. Let's all be friendly with them let's say hello: "Hello dear guests"

What it is? What do you think this signal is? Look, caught fire magic screen, come closer, find out what happened.

-"Hello guys! My name is Umka. I live with my mother at the North Pole in the Arctic. My land is white endless expanses of snow and ice. Only occasionally, multicolored flashes of the Northern Lights will pass through the sky and go out. And again all around it is white, as if in a snowy desert. But my mother told me that there are still deserts on Earth, but others - where there is sand all around. What is sand? He's probably as beautiful as the Northern Lights. I so want to know about him. Will you help me?"

Guys, let's tell Umka what is sand?

How can we send our story to Umka, because he lives so far away?

I suggest filming our story about sand with a video camera. Do you agree? Guys, tell me, how can we then send our video story to Umka?

We will send the video recording by The Internet... Okay?

Everyone behind the tale today

I invite you to pass

More interesting adventures

You guys can't find it!

Become one after another

Hold tightly by the hand

Let's go friends

You can’t lag behind!

I invite you to visit our Magic laboratory!

Get up everyone at the table. Today we will be working with sand.

Let's say hello to him first.

Hello sand!

Place your palms on the sand. Let's stroke it with your palm. What sand?

Let's warm the sand with our hands. Pick up sand in your hands and pass it between your palms. What has he become?

Listen, he says hello to you. Do you hear? He speaks in a low voice. Collect sand in a cam, and then slowly pour it out, this is how he talks C-C-C-C-C! Let's repeat how he speaks.

let's cheer up the sand! Let's tickle him first with one hand with each finger, then with the other hand. Now let's tickle with both hands. See that he doesn't run away from you. Hear how the sand laughs, he really likes it!

In order to play with sand again, it is necessary to cover the surface with it. So, we pick up sand in our hands and fall asleep. Here you go! Now you can continue.

Put your palms on the sand, what do you get? Correctly an imprint, a trace from a palm! And if I put my hand on the sand and draw a circle around my palm, and rays from the circle, what will happen? That's right, you get the sun! What do you think it is? Beautiful, warm, which will warm us and the whole world.

You and I played very well with the sand, greeted it, painted on it, learned its properties. Now, use the wet wipes on the silver platters to keep your hands clean.

I invite you to a circle let's play:

Flows in the land of sand

sand river,

high-rise house built

from yellow sand.

And on the right near the river,

where the bank is steeper,

baked in a sand oven

shortcrust pastry.

Now let's go with you to the sand room of experiments.

In the morning from a wet cloud

It rained for an hour

Loose sand damp

Behind our gate.

I immediately got down to business

And built a house with a window

At noon, the sun warmed up -

And my house fell apart.

Get up near tables and be careful. Now we will conduct experiments with you. Look and tell me what's in your glasses? (Sand) What is the sand in the first glass? (Dry, but in the second glass? (Dry)... And now pour water into one of the glasses with sand. What kind of sand do you think has become in this glass? (wet, wet) Of course wet, you are real wizards! Let's continue our experiments.

Take a stick and dip it into a glass where there is dry sand, and then into a glass where there is wet sand. Which sand does the stick best fit into dry or wet? Tell me what can be made of wet sand? And from dry? Well done!

Do you guys like transformations? Look what I have prepared for you. I turned simple sand into multi-colored. What do you think can be used to paint the sand in different colors? Well done!

What do you think, if we send such colorful sand to Umka, he will be delighted? Shall we send? But this is a gift, so you need to arrange it, I suggest you take each of your glasses with colored sand and pour it into this vessel in turn! Let's cover with a beautiful lid with a bow. What did we do with you? What does it look like? (to the rainbow, to the Northern lights)... Well done! We will send this beautiful vase of sand and our video story to Umka so that he can play with sand just like you and admire this beautiful creation of nature.

And for you, my inquisitive ones, I have prepared medals. I will hand them over, and you answer me on questions:

Who was our guest?

What was his name?

Where does Umka live?

Why is he talking about the white desert?

What is the name of the phenomenon of color flashes?

What did we research today?

What kind of sand is there?

Guys, what did you like today?

Thank you all for your attention! Let's say goodbye to our guests!