Short statuses with a meaning about life. Beautiful statuses with a meaning about life are short

But there are no chance encounters ... This is either a test ... or a punishment ... or a gift of fate ...

Trust is when you give a person a knife and turn your back ...

A rich inner world is, of course, more important. only here for some reason everyone wants to fuck with slender and beautiful ..

Maybe ... my character is heavy ... from the fact that ... golden?

You often hope that a person is covering your back, but he, it turns out, is just hiding behind her.

A DIAMOND falling into the mud will always be a DIAMOND! And the dust that has risen to the skies will remain dust !!

We must learn to live for today and not turn it into a meaningless past, but remember that only yesterday he was our future ... and so after all every day

Women's logic is a complete kick-ass of the male psyche ...

Sometimes it’s easier to say “everything is fine” than to explain why you so want to hit your head on the battery ...

Some girls are not meant to be tamed. They were created to be free until they meet someone like them, to be free together.

"I smoke" is also a feeling. It is such an exclusive feeling with an exclusive expression. And there is no other way to express this feeling. I smoke for you ... I smoke a lot ...

Don't you think ... that you are losing weight .. without the letter D

It seems to me that a copper basin has already sparkled on the horizon, which threatens to cover my whole carefree existence ...

When they tell you: “just tell me honestly” - you begin to understand that now you have to lie straight ...

You shouldn't go back to the past, it will never be the same as you remember it.

"Give me the strength to fix what I can fix, come to terms with the fact that I cannot change and the strength to distinguish one from the other"

So what if the wind is in your head ?! but thoughts are always fresh….

There is nothing accidental in life, and everything that happens to us happens at the right time and in the right place ...

Charming insidiousness in all the splendor of innocent cruelty ...

If you do wrong, do it in a way that will bring you maximum benefit.

No matter how you try to escape from your dark side, it will find its way to you ...

Loves someone who does not want to be happy with you, but who just wants you to be happy

If you really need something, life will give it to you for sure ... There is only one way of comprehension - to act

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, or kiss? Because the most beautiful things in life we \u200b\u200bdo not see, but we feel with our hearts.

happiness is when your desires are shocked by your capabilities

To know what is worth living for, you need to have something to die for.

Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from? Adults - where does it go? 🙂

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes stronger.

Never falling is not the greatest merit in life. The main thing is to get up every time.

Fate is not stupid, it won’t bring people together in vain.

The ideal man doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't play cards, and doesn't exist!

The weak take revenge, the strong forgive, the happy forget everything !!!

Never say that you live badly. God will hear your words and say: "You don't know what a bad life is." And it will give you a fate ten times worse. Whatever happens, say: "I live well!" Then God will say: “You don't know what a good life is!

Accidental meeting ... Accidental hello ... Accidental word ... Accidental answer ... Majesty An accident over our land ... Sometimes he plays with our fate ... Raises ... Lower ... And again in flight! And everyone expects something from a CASE ...

If you go - go so that they would turn around ... If you kiss - kiss until you dizzy ... If you cry - cry alone ... You will remember - remember forever ... If you love - truly love ...

You can't kill first, then whisper: I'm not on purpose. You can't betray all the time, then pray: I'll correct myself, for sure.

When God closes one door, he opens another; but we often do not notice her, staring at the closed door ...

  • I am not an artist, but I paint my dreams. I am not a writer, but I am writing my book of life.
  • As long as you are the same as everyone else, nobody needs you. As soon as you become not like everyone else, everyone will need you.
  • I can't stand it when they expect something from me. I immediately want to do the opposite.
  • I only listen to others to make sure I do things my way.
  • There is no more difficult task in this world than finding yourself.
  • Statuses to yourself with meaning - If the cats scratch their souls, do not hang your nose - the time will come, and they will purr loudly with happiness.
  • One of my drawbacks is that I forgive people for things that are not forgiven, and take offense at the most ordinary little things.
  • It is easy and simple with me when I am far away and in photographs.
  • Sometimes, to become truly happy, you need to take a step back. Indeed, many doors open on themselves.
  • Yesterday I learned about myself that I am no better than others. Well, now we need to find out which is not worse ...
  • Self-confidence is the basis of all major successes and achievements.
  • It's such wonderful weather outside, there's nothing to cry about. And I love to whine! This freaking good weather ruined everything.
  • All people want to find a soul mate. And when they find it, they want it to be not a half, but an exact copy of themselves.
  • Seeing yourself from the outside is much more important than in the mirror.
  • I want love and affection, and around noodles and fairy tales!
  • When I have a lot of difficulties, I don't need to feel sorry for me, I need to envy: after all, now I will become smarter and stronger.
  • Selfishness - when you want her to be with you, and love - when you want her to be happy.
  • I try to live like ordinary people live. As soon as a fighter considers himself great, he will lose.
  • If men knew what women were thinking, they would be twenty times more impudent, just as if women knew better than men, they would become even more flirtatious.
  • Whatever life teaches us, but the heart believes in miracles!
  • Are you trying to change others? And weakly change yourself?
  • The lessons of unhappiness are not always useful: in some cases they soften and correct a person, but more often they harden him.
  • Money, appearance and their character do not matter to me.
  • The task of our parents was to give us life. Our task is to give life to our Self.
  • It doesn't matter who I am. It is important that with you I will be exactly what you deserve me.
  • You can think anything about me, only I know the truth!
  • When I was young, I wanted to change the world. Now I'm trying to prevent the world from changing me.
  • One of the hardest things is trying to fool yourself.
  • Say only good things about yourself, whoever said they will forget, but what they said will remain!
  • This person is unpleasant to me. I suppose you need to get to know this person better.
  • I can talk about myself for hours, but the audience does not always gather.

If I meet my fate on the street, I will certainly stuff this reptile in the face. © Max Fry

Only a person experiencing true feelings is capable of crazy actions.

When a person tries to take his virtues to the extreme, vices begin to surround him. © Blaise Pascal

I know very well what time is, I don’t think about it yet. But it's worth thinking about - and now I don't know what time is! © Aurelius Augustine

Daughter, why are your eyes red? Have you been crying? - no dads, what are you doing? I just washed off the makeup (

I will become a lake. I will lie and reflect the clouds. (Y. Vizbor)

Autumn. it's so cool to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sip your favorite cocktail and watch your thoughts.

If a person really wants something, then the whole Universe will help to make his wish come true.

Everything is as it were. The campaign is over.

Everyone who believes in his victory sooner or later gains it.

Go your own way and the world will open doors for you, even through stone walls.

We like each other. We walk by the handle. We kiss. But he has another. I don't care. What is it? I don’t seem to like it yet.

You shouldn't run away from pain, it makes us stronger.

No one will feel good next to you, as long as you feel bad alone with yourself.

I miss love.

Foolishness has an easy tread, without touching the ground, it walks over human heads and catches us in its nets whenever it pleases. © Homer

You know, when there are a lot of problems and everyone is piling up in a heap, it's unbearable. But when you also sit in depression and post your status here, and then they delete it for you just like that. You understand that even on some site they don't want to hear you.

To fall asleep under your quiet gentle whisper in your ear and wake up in the playful gentle rays of the sun, with your taste on your lips, with your wonderful aroma. Strong coffee. And just forget about everything to be happy. © \u003d)

Damn agreed to meet with the guy hoping to forget him. The guy is nice, tall, and he liked me, but came home and burst into tears like a sick person, well, bl # well, I can't forget him. Apparently he is not replaceable, but he doesn't need me for a long time.

The most enjoyable thing in life is falling asleep thinking that you mean something to him.)

You shouldn't belong to the majority, you can't be a minority, you have to be unique.

You need to love yourself, in no case scold or criticize. And without that there will always be a thousand "well-wishers" willing to condemn.

Sometimes I really want to know what others are thinking.

The meaning of life is not easy to find. Now I create it myself.

Life changes and you do not stand still. Every minute that passes is another chance to change everything.

Better hit me with the truth, but never feel sorry for me with a lie.

Selfishness is not the worst quality of a person, but the ability to achieve something in life and survive in this world.

A people who ignore the past will lose the present and destroy the future.

Time and tide never wait. © Walter Scott

It's so easy to close your eyes to things you don't want to see. If only you could close your eyes to people you don't want to feel.

Better to be the subject of envy than compassion.

The one who deserves your tears will never make you cry.

No matter how much time has passed, only mother's love will never go out.

There are no irreplaceable people, but there are those whom you don't want to replace.

Tomorrow I will not postpone anything for tomorrow!

He who is cruel is not a hero. © Peter I

In Moscow there were 50,000 of them (people with sexual pathologies, probable maniacs). It was 77 years old. © Alexandra Marinina

You can put on designer clothes, spray yourself with elite perfume, but all this still will not fix the evil face and dull eyes.

When you ask people questions to which they do not know the answers. They start laughing hysterically

Oh my God. Today I was leaving school and met him. Long time no see. I thought I only liked him as a friend. But when you look at him, something squeezed Pts strongly the place where the stomach. Damn it.

you cannot order your heart, the most idiotic phrase. If you cannot order, then you are simply a bad master. ©

This is how I prepare for my biology exam: overheated computer, red eyes, an empty stomach, a lot of traffic)

Roads that lead nowhere lead the farthest. Georges Wolfrom

I have a dream, stupid and banal, I just * want to be able to read other people's thoughts *

Let's play daughters - mothers ?. -not. Better get into a bitch - love.

There are so many bazaars about the time machine and not a single horse-radish invented it! And how grateful I would be. *

In our relationship, the hardest thing is to trust you and forgive me.

Do you know why I like you? -not. - you smell good.

When saying yes to others, make sure not to say no to yourself.

Eeeee. We will break everything with our mind power!

Beautiful and short statuses about life with meaning are often posted on the VK page by people who want to know the reason for our coming to this world. Someone will call such statuses idle talk or meaningless philosophy, but is it possible to forbid a person to express their thoughts? Let our beautiful statuses about meaningful life become a little gift for you.

If you really want to do something, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse.

Never be jealous of people who seem more successful to you. You did not go their way and do not know how they felt until you came to this ..

Life is tricky. When you have all the cards in your hands, she suddenly decides to play chess.

Everything in this life comes back like a boomerang, and you will get yours. Don `t doubt.

Where love settles, jealousy always rents a room ...

I love my life, but I do not like it when someone climbs into it.

We always strive to find out the truth, and to understand some meaning. But maybe this only complicates our life?

Live like an apple tree in bloom, it blooms old too. Swallow the dry crust, wash it down with a sip of water ... Run from envy, run, because with it not long before the disaster.

What difference does it make if there is female friendship, male friendship, or friendship between a girl and a guy? It so happens that there is no way without a person! It doesn't matter what gender, height or age you are. The closeness of souls, that's what happens! The rest is irrelevant ...

Girls, come to your senses! You cry and do not want to live, because some dog has abandoned you, and somewhere a person wants to live, but dies from an incurable disease ... You cry that no one needs you when you have a mom and dad, and somewhere a little kid in an orphanage sleeps, hugging his tattered toy ... Nobody really needs him ... Think ...

Life has a regular periodicity. If everything goes well then enjoy it, it won't last forever. When everything is bad, do not despair, this is not the same forever.

In life, I am tormented by only two questions. Where does this dust come from, and where does the money go?

Come back if there is an opportunity to return from those new twists of fate, if they do not take you too far, to those shores where a new world begins and the past dissolves forever!

It is so customary in this world: the richer the fantasy, the poorer the person.

Our life is like a computer game. The meaning is not clear, but the graphics are incomparable.

You need to live so that everyone who communicated with you regrets that you are not around.

Life has been given to us. For love. We are given life to create. And as a result, survive ...

No one will ever know what is going on in my soul. Neither close nor distant. No one.

Don't compete! Live for yourself, for your family. Do what you like. Don't be afraid of judgment. Only time will tell who was right and who was wrong ...

Our life has become so cruel that in every new acquaintance we are looking for some kind of catch and deception ...

The one who knows and pretends not to know is on top. He who pretends to know without knowledge is sick. Lao Tzu

"When things get really bad, you can only laugh." Jim carrey

The place where you are always loved, expected and accepted in any form is the father's house.

Alcohol is like anesthesia that helps to endure such a complex operation as life.

Life is such a torment, from which the blood is agitated. Faith and hope and love are connected with life. Sometimes she is so beautiful that I so want to live a long time: to admire the red dawn and to love someone hard. And sometimes suffering and tears make people die, you can only draw one conclusion: life is heaven and hell !!!

Poverty indicates a lack of funds, not a lack of nobility. (Giovanni Boccaccio)

The most pleasant thing in life is when you don't expect something good, but it takes and happens.

People are like flowers! Everyone is different, but each is beautiful in its own way ...