Aphrodisiac oils to attract men. Properties of essential oils. Means to attract a partner with your own hands

Erotic essential oils - exciting aphrodisiacs for women.

How to increase your erotic force?

Greetings to you, my dear colleague!

Do you want to know which essential oils are natural aphrodisiacs for women's sexuality? How to become more welcome and get more pleasure from sex?

After reading the text to the end, you will learn:

  • How to make personal aphrodisiac?
  • How to choose best aphrodisiac?
  • Where to buy aphrodisiacs?
  • What natural aphrodisiacs are the best?

Do you think without hormonal drugs and synthetic aphrodisiacs do not do? Nothing like this! Try the power of natural tools.

Because if you fight for sexuality, it is better for natural methods! Fragravize your body using natural erotic essential oils and mixtures thereof. For complete clarity in this matter, we turn to the folk experience - the chambers of wisdom and natural recovery at all times.

What did our great-grandfathers seduce?

In the tradition of each people, the products and plants - natural aphrodisiacs are known - to enhance sexual entraints and sexuality. East of Eastern Peoples resorted to smells for erotic games.

The ancient priestesters kept their successful recipes for the preparation of "love aromas" from essential oils in the strictest secrecy. Art of healing and seduction with the help of essential oils for more than 5,000 years!

Erotic essential oils - natural aphrodisiacs - used by well-known seductors and loving. Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Polina Viardo, Margarita Navarre and Ekaterina II were experiencing erotic aromatherapy in practice. About their victories and female strength of legends.

What useful erotic oils?

Action that has natural aphrodisiacs on the body may be different. This is a stagnant, relieving prohibitions, an exciting action that increases sexuality. And therapeutic effect on the organs of the sexual system, which increases the tone, enhancing the desire and causing bright sensations.

These funds not only excite sensuality, give bright paints, new emotions, but also their health has great benefits.

What is the basis of sexual excitement?

Smell! There is nothing strange that erotic essential oil-aphrodisiacs cause sexual excitement. There is a close relationship between sexual behavior and ability to perceive smells.

The composition of erotic essential oils with aphrodisiacal properties includes pheromones. Those the most, with the help of which you can attract the attention of others.

Skillly chosen natural aphrodisiacs-erotic essential oils, and especially their mixtures, awaken erotic associations and adjust the female body to the desired way. The olfactory impulses excite the corresponding emotions, and then affect the genitals.

What else can natural aphrodisiacs - erotic essential oils?

Rejuvenate! Female Aphrodisiacs have a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothing, refreshing it, and giving her elasticity. The active properties of Aromaessentials give blood flow to the muscles, awaken female sexual energy.

Loose! All aphrodisiacs for women have anti-inflammatory effects, eliminate depressive states, senses of compactness and insecurity in their abilities. There can be no light and naturalness between the beloved, if one of them feels badly, and the other thinks about work.

Erotic essential oils optimize blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis, normalize the work of the glands of the inner and external secretion, increase the cell cycle, eliminate stagnant processes and decay reactions.

With natural-natural aphrodisiac essential oils, you will be sexy and full of energy, keeping your health and extending happy years of sex life.

What natural aphrodisiacs for women are the best?

He heads the list of female aphrodisias Sweet and intoxicating the smell of real rose essential oil. Rose - exudes tenderness and gives bliss. This aphrodisiac is universal and is suitable for all women and girls without exception.

The next aroma, which is famous for exciting properties is an essential oil of ylang-ylang - the most powerful natural aphrodisiac for girls and young women. A little bitter floral smell is a favorite note of famous and expensive spirits.

The seductive and mounted aroma of the essential oil of the nerhi is good where determination and initiative is required. This flower fragrance close to citrus floral fragrance is deserved in the group of the most exciting aphrodisiacs. It refreshes and helps to overcome women's shyness and shyness.

Where to buy Aphrodisiac essential oils?

Take care of essential oils prepared by steam distillation, real, which will definitely not bring you problems.

In order not to risk, carefully follow the quality of massage oil. The composition of essential oils that do not relate to natural, chemical synthesized components, fragrances and synthetic bases are always present. The smell of such oils is sharper and noticeably different from similar natural flavors. Essential oils are very expensive, especially aphrodisiacs, and therefore there is always a temptation to dissolve them using a chemical analogue.

Some African oils are poorly combined with each other, so use 1 fragrance or a ready-made composition, which is competently composed of professionals.

Oils for seduction Choose the best quality, do not save on it. As for me, on my dressing table for several years there is a collection of oils "VESEX"And I am delighted with their action!

Methods of applying erotic oils-aphrodisiacs

The aromatic components that are part of the essential oils - aphrodisiacs enter the body through breathing and skin, falling into the blood and lymphotok. Depending on which effect is expected to apply specific essential oils, a suitable path is selected by which natural aphrodisiacs come to our body.

Aromamasla erotic gamut - powerful natural aphrodisiacs. To create an intimate fragrance in the room used AromalampBy adding a few drops of erotic oil into the water. Fragrant couples are saturated with a light weightless smell and create a romantic atmosphere.

Very good method of aromatization of indoor air - Ozonization. Take an ordinary spray gun, type water, add 3-5 drops of oil, pre-diluted in half a teaspoon of alcohol and spray the room.

Excellent method - Erotic oil enclosure With a candle or fireplace. Fireplace and candles by themselves create an appropriate setting, and if you still add an exciting fragrance to this, you will ensure an incredible pleasure.

Caps 1-2 drops of erotic oil on warm candle wax, avoid entering wick - essential oils of combustion. Is there a fireplace? Drip to each end in a fireplace three drops of an erotic composition oil before burning fire. As heat enhanced, the fragrance will fill the room.

Can Aromatize bedding and underwear, shift it in the cabinets with paper napkins, pinning several drops of essential oils on them. Steaming, butter will transfer its aroma laundry.

Aromashanes. It is remarkable together to soak in a warm fragrant bath, which envelops you by the negro and charming flavors. No spacious bath? No problem! Take a bath with aphrodisiac essential oils alone for half an hour bye, and to share erotic oils, select Massage.

Erotic massage- The top of the art of erotic foreplay. Natural Aphrodisiacs - Essential oils have special health properties. The aroma of erotic essential oils has a very strong psychological impact.

Apply oils needed very carefully, accurately following the rules and ratios. A strong smell of oil is able to push up rather than charm.

When applied to the skin, essential oils and mixtures must be added to the base base. Ideal for erotic purposes carrier oils avocados, pistachios, jojoba and wheat sprouts.

Using the strength of erotic essential oils - natural aphrodisiacs, you will emphasize your natural sexuality and feel completely in a new way. Essential oils paint your life with bright colors and give extraordinary confidence!

Do not be afraid to be more sensual, relaxed and frank. And natural aphrodisiacs will help you overcome the plane barrier, give confidence in our abilities and will retain your youth and beauty.

Sometimes for full sexual contact, you just need to normalize the mental state of the person. Unfortunately, often the doctor is in a hurry to appoint chemical production tools. In some cases, you should not hurry to take medicine. Natural drugs and old folk remedies act much softer and more efficient.

How to cook homemade aphrodisiacs?

Want to create your mixture? Prepare aphrodisiacs at home very easy!

To enhance sexual attraction. Avocado and pistachios in equal proportions (1: 1)

Take the essential oils of erotic action:

  • Rose-tree essential oil - 15 drops;
  • Ilang-Ilanga essential oil - 15 drops;
  • Patchouli essential oil - 15 drops;
  • Essential oil of the Indian Sandala - 15 drops.

Dissolve the essential oils in 100 ml of the base and use the mixture for erotic massage, apply the resulting mixture after the shower to the wet body and rub to full absorption (1 tbsp. Spoon) or take a bath - 20 minutes (pre-soluble 1 tbsp. Spoon of the mixture in the emulsifier: cream, honey or salt).

To increase women's sexuality and attractiveness. As a basis, use a mixture of natural vegetable oils of jojoba and wheat germs in equal proportions (1: 1).

Take such essential oils of erotic action.

Aphrodisiacs. What essential oils are aphrodisiacs. How to attract love with flavors. How to excite passion. Erotic flavors. Aphrodisiac essential oils to extend the act. Essential oil for potency. Essential oil from frigidity.

Oh, how can I hold it
Of who wants to leave me!
Oh, cherries petals, disperse on the ground.
Perhibit stand on his way ...

Antique Tank Unknown Poetles

It has long been known that the smell of some plants has the property to protect erotic love relationships.

Erotic flavors or Aphrodisiacs,enhance the attraction, cause romantic fantasies, develop sensuality. They received their name on behalf of the Goddess of Love Aphrodites.

Calling for aid essential oils, you can extend your sex life, paint it into any colors, give relationships novelty, passion and trepidation.

Essential oils with the properties of aphrodisiacs.

  • AIR - Soft aphrodisiac. AIRA oil helps to open, gives sexual power. Promotes eroticism. He protects sensuality and gives bright inimitable feelings from a love game. AIR eliminates erectile dysfunction, awakens interest in the opposite sex. AIR ordinary is known as the contraceptive and abortive agent. Therefore, married couples who have decided to start the baby, AIRA oil must be used to be extremely careful or temporarily refrain from use.
  • Amiris -Bright Aphrodisiac. Erects erectile dysfunction in men. Helps a woman to cope with coldness. Soothes, removes tension, relaxes. Makes it possible to reveal sensuality. Promotes erotic mood.
  • Anise,more Ancient Greeks considered a strong love drug and constantly added it to meals and drinks. Anise Essential Oil Famous Soft Aphrodisiac. It has been established that its composition contains vegetable hormone - estrogen. Therefore, women are more common in this quality. Although, some alcoholic beverages, popular among the male part of the population, flavoring precisely by these essential oil. It significantly improves reproductive function, erectile dysfunction. Eliminates sexy coldness in women. It is used to regulate the monthly cycle, contributes to erotic mood, insertion. Anis promotes the formation and addition of milk in nursing women.
  • Orange. From ancient Greek mythology, it is known that God Paris brought the orange goddess Aphrodite as a sign of her victory in the dispute with the hero and Athena. The subject of the dispute was women's beauty. In antiquity, the fruits of orange were considered a symbol of innocence and fertility. Orange is not a direct aphrodisiac, but this fragrance is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It gives enthusiastic, characteristic of young people, emotions. It may be present in erotic mixtures as the top major notes. Orange tone will give any mixture a bright, unforgettable and joyful mood. Leaves a pleasant impression of time spent with a loved one.
  • Basil - undoubted aphrodisiac. It is believed that it is more suitable for the female half of humanity. Although there is also a testimony that it affects men with no less power. It greatly increases sexual energy, develops sensuality. Removes the pressure, opens, enhances the attraction. It is known that in Italy, women used basil as a fragile agent. On men, this fragrance has an incredible exciting effect. He awakens passion, overclocking blood flow through the body, strengthens the erection. Allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Bay - Aroma, having Aphrodisiac properties. Like any tonic flavor, Bay oil has the ability to stimulate reproductive processes. It improves the erectile function in men, eliminates frigidity in women. Oil does not have a very pleasant aroma (similar to pepper), but in all other characteristics it can be compared with black pepper, ginger.
  • Bergamot - Aromatic aphrodisiac. He awakens bright, reverent emotions, erotic fantasies, reveals the sensual side of man. Bergamot creates a romantic setting, causes the most tender emotions to her beloved. Especially well manifests itself in mixing with ylang-ylang, rose and neroli.
  • Vetiveria (vetiver) -strong bright aphrodisiac. Although, at the first acquaintance with the aroma, he may not like. But as it uses, you do not notice how to dissolve in its charms. It absorbs, relaxes, it pauses, so that then lead to ecstasy. It has a unique property of attraction. It excites the most bold fantasies, liberates, awakens the stagnant juices. Gives unique erotic emotions. Promotes rapid discharge. This fragrance makes chic in a relationship. He stays for a long time in the depths of memory, so that with a new sigh again broke out the former passions.
  • Galbanum -rare on aromatic market infrodisiac. In small doses, awakening "dreams of love", musk, mounted green fragrance Flirt. Erotic fantasies excites. Helps in pre-caresses and love games. Relaxes, liberates, takes into the paradise bush. A woman who uses Galban in his perfume in the eyes of a man is always beautiful. It is known that the fragrance of Galbanum has a positive effect on the female reproductive system.
  • Carnation - Soft stimulating aphrodisiac. Oil enhances sexual attraction, exacerbates sensuality, relieves tension. It helps to cope with awkwardness, eliminates nervousness in communication between partners. It helps to cope with failures, contributes to the elimination of erectile dysfunction. In combination with the essential oil of ginger, the carnation gives sexual tirelessness, wakes up the passion, allows you to achieve victories on the field of love games.
  • Geranium - This is an amazing, almost unique aphrodisiac. It magically restores the reproductive function. The smell of Gerani is able to return almost lost opportunities to be beloved. It revives erotic fantasies, awakens passion. Often this oil is called erotic oil for mature women. Geranium restores the hormonal background, eliminates stagnant phenomena. Wakes imagination. Oil is also suitable for the male half of humanity, as it really strongly affects blood circulation and contributes to the restoration of erectile dysfunction.
  • Grapefruit They consider Aphrodisiac. But it rather affects the physiological functions of the body - grapefruit creates an emotional background in relations between in love. The property of the grapefruit is that it opens, creates ease and ease in communication. Opens your eyes to the positive aspects of the partner, and gently masks flaws. The aroma of this citrus fruit gives happiness, joy, enthusiasm. A woman in the eyes of a man seems much younger. This is the fragrance of flirting, flirting, the beginning of the relationship.
  • Jasmine - The symbol of mystery and the moon, luminous in the night in love. Unique oil in its influence. This fragrance is able to improve blood circulation and significantly increase the level of male hormone - testosterone. It excites passion, helps filling the blood organs. Improves an erectile function, increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Helps to achieve higher enjoyment. In combination with the oil of Sandal, Jasmine prolongs the sex life of a man for many years. Just need to understand that this is not a one-time measure, as in the case of Viagra. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use aromatherapy in your life constantly, and you need to start as early as possible.On women, Jasmine affects special. The aroma liberates, relieves excessive shower. Helps a woman becoming more desirable, feminine. Prepares her to pregnancy, cleans the female organism, leads to the balance level of hormones. After childbirth, Jasmine helps to cope with depressive states, helps torture the infant, increases the amount of milk.
  • Ylang-Ilang. - Powerful, erotic stimulator undoubtedly aphrodisiac. Solves many sexual problems, especially those associated with incompleteness complexes and mental disabilities. The fragrance has a special gift to attract attention. It enhances the attraction, stimulates the production of spermatozoa, increases their mobility. Men love this fragrance. They, like bees on honey, fly to the train of this smell. The fragrance wakes up fantasy, contributes to the awakening of passion. Helps to perform sexual records. Creates aesthetics of relations, ennobles, inspires. It puts everything in its place: the woman becomes more feminine, calm, obedient, and the man shows noble and worship before beauty. Ilang-Ilanga's aroma stains erotic communication in bright, unique colors, gives confidence and helps to guess and perform the most intimate desires of the partner, strengthens the intuition and psychologist of the love game, increases the potency of men and the susceptibility of a woman, raises the highest peaks of orgasm.
  • Gingervery bright effective male fragrance. In aromatherapy, it is used as a tonic, stimulating aphrodisiac. In China, it is called "the root of courage." It eliminates sexual impotence, improves reproductiveness. He also gives his power to women: eliminates frigidity and saves from infertility. The aroma of ginger, incite the passion, and makes a man torture. On women, ginger is also incorporated effect. It becomes more feminine, desirable, it is easier to respond to sexy fantasies of a man.
  • Hyssopit does not have the pronounced properties of aphrodisiac, but it is able to positively influence the female reproductive system. It increases the tone of the uterus, eliminates a number of infectious diseases. It helps to weaken lactation if the child refused to feed or there is contraindications for breastfeeding.
  • Cardamom Since antiquity, famous for his magical aphrodisiacal properties. It has a tonic effect on the human body, in general. Cardamon warms up, accelerates heat through the body, drives the streams of sexual energy, burning the fire of passion. This is an effective means against erectile dysfunction. He retains the health and power of a man for many years, replenishes the energy supply. Restores the forces after love jice. On women, cardamom acts in its own way, he manifests activity in it, relieves a false shame, eliminates unwanted states in physiological monthly processes.
  • Kayaput It is not considered a direct aphrodisiac, but it revives consciousness, reveal the energies, including sexual.
  • Cedar (Atlas) It gives a piquant, a few "barbed" shade sensations, eliminates stiffness and discomfort, fills partners with a joyful feeling of erotic victory. He inspires for noble deeds.
  • Cedar Virgin (Red Tree)it has a very beneficial effect on the sexual sphere. It removes tension, eliminates nervousness, excessive excitability. Prolongs a love act. Promotes smooth relationship, configures on a romantic mood. Makes erotica and sensuality. Coloring the relationship of languid, spicy shades, wakes up a sexy fantasy. Invariably leads to a bright unforgettable eruption of sexual energy.
  • Cypress Opens "Second Breathing of Love" by those for 50, increases the endurance and flexibility of the body, optimizes blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis, "shame" erogenous zones, reinforcing their sensitivity. It helps strengthen the vessels than provides a long sex life to a man.
  • Coriander It has a soft stimulating effect. Is not a pronounced aphrodisiac. This is the oil of a family coziness. Coriander creates a feeling of a family focus, brings himself spiritually, binds emotionally. Allows you to feel the warmth of a loved one, a relative soul.
  • Cinnamon Brightly pronounced aphrodisiac. It has a tonic and exciting influence on the sexual sphere. Having resurrect sexual energy even where she did not show herself for a long time. Cinnamon wakes up fantasy, defrosts sensations, contributes to sensual perception. Gives delight of possession. From ancient times, cinnamon is considered the aroma of male giant - it allows you to significantly increase the time of sexual intercourse.Cinnamon - gives force, determination, naturalness feelings and action; Enjoyed, makes a pure and unique every minute of a love game. Strengthens male strength, eliminates coldness in relationship makes it easy to carry out multiple sexual contacts.
  • Lavender - This is a recognized aphrodisiac. It stimulates the awakening of sensuality. Its expressive fragrance removes the tension, eliminates complexes. Lavender essential oil improves brain circulation, possess a pronounced antispagasmic and sedative property. In antiquity it was believed that Lavender eliminates women from infertility, helps for childbirth. She awakens in women interest in the intimate side of life.This is one of the most erotic thin and soft aphrodisiacs. It contributes to the emergence of relationships and intuitive understanding.
  • Incense Not considered direct aphrodisiac. This oil helps to restore the energy potential, healing, soothes, will insert joy and happiness in the shower.
  • Lime Enhances the sexual attraction, harmonizes the relationship, excites, improves the overall health. Beneficially affects sexual activity. A woman relaxes, soothes, makes more desirable and feminine. Lyme fragrance contributes to the awakening of bright erotic emotions. This oil works perfectly in erotic mixtures, especially for erotic massage. Lyme reflects the relationship, repair emotions, strengthens eroticism.
  • Lemonit is not direct aphrodisiac, but due to its tonic and stimulating property, it has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, which contributes to an increase in sexual interest in the opposite sex. Lemon combined well with bright flavors - aphrodisiacs. He emphasizes their fragrance and confirms their properties.
  • Mandarin Not direct aphrodisiac. It affects the body relaxing. Allows you to recover after the marriage night, gain strength for new achievements.
  • Melissa lemon - Bright aphrodisiac. Significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Enhances the potency in men, awakens activity. He brings some novelty to the relationship and slightly "drives crazy." Women are becoming more liberated, confident. Melissa lemon removes the Complexation, reveals sensuality.
  • Myrrh. In the ancient Judea, ointments from Mirra were used to rejuvenate and sexual attractiveness. Mirra affects balsamic, magical property. It strengthens the body, protects it from diseases, prevents infection, including venereal.
  • Aroma Mirta Fills passion and power. Helps solve problems with erectile dysfunction. Eliminates the complexes of inferiority, intensify confidence in their forces and masculinity. Prolongs orgasm, increases the time of sexual intercourse.
  • Juniper Very energetic, toning flavor. It has a positive effect on the potency and in the overall condition of the body as men and women. Juniper smell is considered a strong aphrodisiac.
  • Carrot Soft afodisiac. It is believed that the flavor of carrots activates the function of the genual glands and improves spermatogenesis. It prepares to conceive, improves blood, cleanses the body. Possessing a soft flower aroma, carrot essential oil is well suited for erotic compositions.
  • Nutmeg - Bright aphrodisiac. The oil stimulates blood circulation, restores the erectile function. Enhances, exacerbates sensuality. It makes sensations bright, enchanting. Leads to a stormy and long-lasting orgasm. Promotes the "marathon" sexual intercourse, lengthens its duration. Helps restore forces after a stormy marriage.
  • Muscat sage - undoubted aphrodisiac. He exacerbate sensuality, in sites Euphoria, relaxes. Promotes a childbearing function. Makes a partner more confident. Suitable for both men and women. In ancient Egypt, the priests forced women to drink brazers from Sage, for fertility. This allowed to restore the population after wars and epidemics.
  • Peppermint - Soft aphrodisiac. Suitable more for men. In ancient Greece, the soldiers were forbidden to use mint that nothing could distract them from military tasks. This plant enters the recipes of many love affairs. It gives male power, energy, excites and contributes to a fervent passion. At the same time, the mint clarifies the mind and causes a sense of mind, and not a frivolous solution of blurred consciousness. This fragrance allows a man to make men's actions. It comes to take and be responsible for relationships with a woman.
  • Neroli - Opens the door to the magical and mysterious world of all-consuming passion, strengthens the potency and sensitivity, allows you to feel a long-term pleasure by orgasm. Legendary aphrodisiac! It is part of the brightest plume erotic perfume compositions. Thanks to the chemical elements - indole and jasmon, the neuro oil has an incredible attractive force and a unique erotic fragrance. The aroma of neroli is a symbol of the revival of passion. He is able to awaken sensuality and affect the libido in adulthood. Solves the problems of erectile function in men, eliminates frigidity in women. Significantly increases libido. Exciting, opens new horizons, causes tender feelings to a partner. About the magic of this fragrance can be said: "... and he saw the earth, and she is the sky ..."
  • Palmaroza - Drinking fragrance. Soft aphrodisiac. It has erotic effects. It is believed that this smell is more suitable women.Palmarozoa Natural vegetable estrogen. It consists of the state of women in the menopausal period. Palma-like has a soft effect on the sensual sphere. It helps to relax, reveal in the arms of men. PalmaRoz prolongs a woman sexy longevity. Palmaroza is called to treat and protect. This is love amulet. Palma-like is influenced by Venus. It is used in magic love rituals. Palma-like will help protect what you have. She will keep your love, family, your home, your children from evil eyes and encroachments.
  • Patchouli - Patchouli essential oil is a miraculous aphrodisiac. Ancient oriental erotic fragrance, awakening enthusiasm and erotic generosity. It actively affects the sexual relations of partners. Stimulates sexual attraction, enhances the potency in men and eliminates frigidity in women. Patchouli rejuvenates the body, improves the work of the endocrine system. A woman feels a fragrance of Patchouli from a man and cannot resist the temptation to spend time with him in an intimate setting. Not in vain, most of the perfume compositions for men contain this essential oil patchouli. This is a low dense note, as a mannicon attracts sexual energy, connects it in a tight knot, which is difficult to unravel over long marriage years.
  • Petitgrin.Very strong and exotic aroma - aphrodisiac. Enhances sexual attraction. Restores the potency in men, gives energy, cheerfulness. Extensions intercourse time. Helps to achieve sexual discharge. A woman relaxes, makes more feminine, attractive and young in the eyes of a man. Strengthens a desire and allows you to trust a man, to reveal completely. Petitgreine is often used for the manufacture of erotic perfume. It is often combined with ylang-ylang, rose, neroli. This is a divine fragrance to attract love passion and gentle trepidate love. He strengthens married relationships. A woman who escair to this aroma of her husband securely keeps him near him for many years.
  • Parsley. Not considered straightforward, but in minor doses parsley can work wonders. Love magic claims that Parsley causes passion and love, contributes to childbirth. It restores the hormonal background in women. Cares about male health. The aroma is designed to eliminate the stagnation of fluid in the body. Petrushka "Wash" diseases from the organs of the sexual sphere, drows out stagnant fluids. She can cause unwanted miscarriage. Petrushka in the old days was scared called poison, so that young girls would avoid this plant and did not make stupid things. In antiquity it was believed that if you are in love, then cut the plant - bad sign. Love will leave you.
  • Siberian fir.Not direct aphrodisiac. But! ... Fir Siberian remarkably restores strength, eliminates overwork. Massage with the fir will relax the muscles of the back, and will lead partners in order after a rapid passionate night.
  • Rose flower.The aroma of roses is the aroma of revival and happiness. Very ... very strong aphrodisiac. This fragrance helps to conceive a child to mature people. He creates wonders. Revitalies the impoverished flesh and revives life. It is believed that the aroma is more for the female . Although, it is a rose that stimulates the formation of spermatozoa and makes them very active. This smell is capable of lifting life everywhere, fill the world around you with love, joy and trepidation. In his power, decorate with bright emotions and gentle feelings as soon as nascent and mature relationships. The delightful refinement of feelings blooms under the influence of rose oil. Improves understanding and gives a reverent attitude to the partner. Ideal for young shameful natures. The fabulous blow of this fragrance makes naturalness, comfort and charm of the first night or the first meeting.
  • Pink tree - Very strong aphrodisiac. Its smell intoxicates, elevates, raises sensuality. The fragrance is considered male, often used for the manufacture of perfume for men. Helps with sex impotence, impotence. Women often use rosewood essential oil to eliminate incompleteness complexes. This fragrance helps to eliminate shyness, devastates shame paint on the face, allows you to liberate and relax. The smell of pink tree attracts men like a bee on a flower. He relaxes, soothes, improves the mood.
  • Rosemary - Bright aphrodisiac. "Sprinter Aroma" - contributes to a very long-term love act. Rosemary is able to influence both the body and on the soul of lovers. It helps men eliminate sexual impotence. Makes them active, energetic. Heats the body, makes it more hardy. The fragrance has a strong exciting property for both men and women. He regulates the fluctuations in the female mood, due to the "hormonal surfing". Rosemary helps to sort out feelings. Allows you to distinguish light love from deep feeling. Returns to the real world, eliminates dreams, eliminates errors in the relationships of partners, but at the same time inspires for romantic deeds. It wakes, heats, enhances susceptibility, spiritually evolving, allows you to open the most beautiful parties to the soul, contributes to the repetition of erotic contacts, increasing their duration and saturation. Makes more sensual relationships.
  • Chamomile. It is not direct aphrodisiac, but it is capable of facilitating physical and emotional inconvenience. Removes pain in women, eliminates migraine and headache. Balances emotional bursts. Soothes too excited organism. Promotes relaxation and rest after love joy.
  • Sandal.Aphrodisiac, and what else! Sandal is also suitable for women and for men. This is a powerful love stimulator. He is able to wake up the male beginning, literally on scratch. Give enough energy for victories on a marriage bed. Woman from the smell of the sandalwood, becomes more sensual. It flares up the desire of proximity. It is liberated, becomes desirable for a partner. This oil allows you to achieve orgasm. And ... if you make an aromatic sandalwood oil and apply it before proximity to the "current bodies", then you will notice that the dimensions increase significantly (there is a tide of blood to genital). The oil exacerbates the sensory properties of the individual, opening the most intimate motivations of the partner, strengthens the fantasy, gives an erotic contact with a funeral, sophistication, gives a sexual blues rhythm game and bright excitability from slow, gentle affection. Increases potency. Preserves the health of the child bodies for many years.
  • Pine - oil for men. It helps from sexlessness. Promotes the birth of a healthy offspring. Makes men more energetic, courageous, decisive. Gives a tide of energy, diversified erotic gestures. It helps to gain confidence in their abilities, increases the duration of sexual contacts, saturating them with fire and recklessness. Women pine helps to feel comfort and protection in the arms of the partner.
  • Thyme- The oil is not direct aphrodisiac. It indirectly eliminates personal problems associated with the pressure, complexes, insecurity. Men helps to cope with premature ejaculation, women become more sensual, helps to cope with frigidity during menopause. The fragrance helps to reveal the insecure in itself, nervous agents, restores the strength and awakens emotions, increases the potency, facilitates the erotic revelations of partners.
  • Tuya - Aphrodisiac. It restores forces, gives sexual energy, contributes to mutual understanding between partners. Prevents the transfer of infectious venereal diseases. Suitable for both women and for men. Eliminates sexual impotence, contributes to the development of sensuality in women.
  • Yarrow Not direct aphrodisiac. It is intended to protect the body, especially female. Promotes to purify sexual energy, cleans fluid flows in the body, supports health, improves reproduction. Displays the relationship of lovers to a higher level. Protecting relations, protects the Union.
  • Dill from seeds. The fragrance of dill is more female than male. It allows a woman to be more liberated in proximity to a man, to become himself. Includes its feminine start, leads women's energy to normal. Allows her to disclose to the chosen one, see him his best .
  • Fennel. Active aphrodisiac. Fits both men and women, but a significant effect gives women, as it contains vegetable estrogen in large quantities. Fennel allows you to extend a sexy life to a woman, provokes femininity. Makes her attractive in the eyes of a man. Movement smooth, and the character of the stopped. It helps to increase the lactation of those who have enough milk to feed the baby.
  • Citronella. Bright aphrodisiac. Significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Enhances the potency in men, awakens activity. He brings some novelty to the relationship and slightly "drives crazy." Women are becoming more liberated, confident in themselves, removes the complexity, reveals sensuality.
  • Chabret - Awakes sexual energy. Extends the act of love. Wakes up in a woman passion, ability to reproduce. Makes a pair of harmonious and active. Restores the power of lovers.
  • Black pepper - Active aphrodisiac. Black pepper gives sexual energy for many years. Stimulates sexual activity. Awakens passion and desire. Prolvious intercourse time. Useful both for women and for men. Equally effectively eliminates frigidity and impotence. Erotic oil causing euphoria.
  • Sage medicinal Aphrodisiac - exacerbates sensuality. Causes Euphoria, relaxes. Promotes a childbearing function. Makes a partner more confident. Suitable for both men and women. In ancient Egypt, the priests forced women to drink brazers from Sage, for fertility. This allowed to restore the population after wars and epidemics.
  • Eucalyptus - Soft aphrodisiac. Increases sexual energy, make sure the strength gives force, restores the lost energy.

Material prepared Olga Sharov

formen I. women

What are they, the fragrances of love - aphrodisiac essential oils?

Bergamot - Manit and relaxes, worries and wakes up fantasy.

Carnation - Makes the body sensitive capable of bright and long-term orgasm.

Geranium - mainly female oil, for an adult and experienced woman, tired of routine relations.

Jasmine - Magnificent female oil, allowing a woman to feel his attractiveness and experience enjoyability.

Ylang-Ilang. - traditional erotic oil, makes it possible to guess and execute the most intimate desires of the partner; Increases the potency of men and susceptibility of a woman.

Ginger - Male oil, reinforcing potency, warms, excites, gives decisiveness and confidence in their forces.

Cedar - gives freshness relationship, prolongs the time of the love game.

Cypress - Toning oil for elderly men, gives a sense of endurance, enhances sensitivity.

Cinnamon - Wonderful erotic oil, many times increases the supply of energy, warms, makes a fantasy into relationship, gives you to feel the magic of touches, also increases potency.

Marjoram - Male oil that helps a man be tactful and skillful, feeling its partner, enhances the flexibility of the spine and the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Myrrh - Female oil that helps a woman get rid of egoism and can be able to bring herself as a gift that so uncensno men.

Muscat - Strengthens the desires and sensations of people, helps to feel better to feel each other.

Juniper - Makes relationships natural, strengthens men's strength, allows multiple sexual contacts.

Neroli - Passionate oil, strengthens potency and sensuality, allows you to feel a long pleasure.

Patchouli - Ancient erotic oil, enhances potency and sensitivity, makes it possible to enjoy every minute, contributes to rejuvenation and disclosure in a love game.

Fir - Toning, a woman helps to feel the protection in the hands of a man, and to a man to gain confidence in their abilities.

rose flower - Butter for young and inexperienced, gives a reverent attitude to the partner, maybe the first night oil, which will be remembered for life.

Rosemary - tones, enhances susceptibility, attracts and helps to repeat erotic contacts.

Sandal - Men's oil that increases the potency from which women go crazy, increases sensitivity, makes a man irresistible, and the woman is the most desirable.

Too heavy or sweet smell of erotic oils (ylang-ylang, patchouli, muscat, ginger) can be softened with essential oils with more fresh aroma - lemon, mandarin, lavender.

Compared to clean essential oils, the aromaessentials from the oil mixture have even more pronounced properties that help strengthen sensuality and potency, extend the time of the love game and bodily contact, make feelings unique.

Several recipes for aromatic mixtures that will enhance the feeling will enrich the love game.

The number of essential oils is given at the rate of 30 ml of base oil (almond, apricot, avocado oil). Apply on the skin in the same places where the spirits usually apply about half an hour before the designated date.

During this time, the aroma of essential oils will open, mixes with its own unique skin smell, and will sound the most harmonious.

The mixture that enhances the desire of a man:

  • 6 drops of sandal
  • 4 drops of cedar,
  • 2 drops of Ylang-Ilanga,
  • 2 drops of patchouli.

The mixture that increases the sensitivity of a woman:

  • 4 drops of jasmine,
  • 4 drops of roses
  • 2 drops of sandal
  • 2 drops of Bergamot.

Aphrodite mixture:

  • 3 drops of Ilang-Ilanga,
  • 3 drops of roses
  • 2 drops of sandal
  • 2 drops of muscat.

A mixture of the winner:

  • 3 drops of ginger,
  • 3 drops of patchouli,
  • 3 drops of Bergamot,
  • 2 drops of cinnamon.

Toning mix:

  • 3 drops of juniper,
  • 2 drops of cedar,
  • 2 drops of major.

Mix of tender feelings:

  • 4 drops of neroli,
  • 3 drops of sandal
  • 2 drops of Bergamot,
  • 2 drops of mint.

Methods of use of oils and aromatic essences.

The aromatic components that are part of the essential oils-aphrodisiacs can be administered in the body in two ways:

through the respiratory system and through the skin, falling into blood and lymphotok.

Depending on which effect is expected to apply specific essential oils, the right way is selected by which essential oils come to our body.

To create an intimate aroma indoors, an aroma lamp is used. In addition, it satisfies the room with a light weightless smell, she helps and visual perception, looks very romantic. Sponge of candles by itself creates a magic atmosphere. The good method of aromatization of air indoors is ozonation. Take an ordinary sprayer, type water, add 3-5 drops of essential oil, pre-diluted with a half teaspoon alcohol and spray the room. In addition to the attitudes of the flavor, it is also very useful, because the air in urban apartments with central heating, as a rule, dry, with a suits of dust, - it will start, do not forget!

Bed linen can be aromatic: pave underwear in cabinets with paper napkins, which drop a few drops of pure undiluted essential oil. Epiphany, essential oil will give its aroma laundry.


It is great, of course, to soak in a warm tender bath, which envelops you by the Neho and charming flavors. But far in all houses there are such baths, but to be squeezed together in the standard creation of plumbing designers - the case, how to say, to an amateur. In turn, take the bath, "charging" by sexual power, is also not the best - your partner will be bored at this time and lose the mood. It is better to take a bath for half an hour bye (the aroma on the skin will be saved for a long time), and to share the essential oils, choose another method.

Aromas massage.

The top of the art of erotic prelude.

Aromatic essences have special wellness properties. The aroma of erotic essential oils has a very strong psychological impact. Therefore, it is necessary to apply these oils very carefully, accurately following the rules and ratios. The fragrance should be easy, otherwise oppressed by the psyche. Instead of the desired result, it is possible to get the opposite directly, and a single "failure" is still Polbie. An aromatic blow to the perception centers may be caused by a partner unconscious fear and even disgust. Aromatic failure on the first date may generally lead to a complete cessation of relationships.

In order not to risk, carefully follow the quality of the oil. The composition of essential oils that do not relate to natural, there are always chemically synthesized components, fragrances, synthetic bases. The smell of such oils is sharper and noticeably different from similar natural flavors. Essential oils are very expensive, and therefore there is always a temptation to dissolve them using a chemical analogue. Buy only tested oils. It's one thing - to use unsuccessful oil yourself (just a shame), and if you spoil a romantic date not good butter?

When applied to the body, unnecessary essential oils cannot be used, even exactly measured by the recipe 3 drops. The fragrance should be present around, create aura, and not concentrate, for example, only behind ears or ankle. The strong smell of the essential oil is able to push out rather than charm and closer.

When applied to the skin, essential oils and mixtures (flavoring, massage), it is necessary to add to the basic basis. Ideal for erotic objects of almond oil, avocado, grape bones, jojoba, wheat sprouts. You can also use natural-based creams if there are no mineral oils in their composition, which will not give etheric oils into the skin. By the way, therefore it is not worth the basis for massage to use such a favorite baby oil Johnson Baby!


Do not forget that there are some contraindications to the use of essential oils.

Carnation oil is not advised to apply with increased nervous excitability, fir oil and juniper - with kidney disease (contact use), lemon oil can lower pressure, and therefore for hypotonists its use is fraught with headache and weakness, mint oil can respond to those who suffer Allergic runny nose.

In addition, there is a risk of individual intolerance.

If suddenly, contrary to all the plans, during the rich aroma of essential oils of a romantic meeting with your partner, such a trouble will happen, this indicates his intolerance to at least one of the components of Aromaessen.

Symptoms of intolerance:

difficult breathing, suffocation, headache, dizziness, ears noise, pulse, arrhythmia; Allergic skin lesions - rash, itching, burning.

In this case, you need to immediately ventilate the room and exit fresh air (if you used the aroma). Take a shower (if the essential oils were applied to the skin). If the well-being does not allow, just erase the leather traces of an aromatic oil with a cotton swab, moistened with alcohol or tonic.

In general, it is better not to risk too much, to start mastering aroma aromatics from individual oils, and not with complex mixtures, no matter what they are involved.

* The number of essential oils for massage is used in 10 ml of base oil.

* The number of essential oils for aroma lamps is designed for a room of 16 sq.m.

If your bedroom is less, reduce the number of droplets so as not to create a stuffy heavy atmosphere. In the larger room, the number of drops can be increased, but not necessarily, and do it not immediately, first try the specified quantity.

Name Massage, applying to the skin Oil burner Aromashanes
Bergamot 5 drops 7 drops 5 drops
Carnation 3 drops 3 drops 3 drops
Geranium 3 drops 4 drops 4 drops
Jasmine 3 drops 5 drops 5 drops
Ylang-Ilang. 5 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Ginger 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
Cedar 4 drops 6 drops 4 drops
Cypress 3 drops 4 drops 3 drops
Cinnamon 1 drop Not applicable 3 drops
Marjoram 3 drops 5 drops 5 drops
Myrrh 5 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Muscat 3 drops Not applicable 5 drops
Juniper 3 drops 3 drops 3 drops
Neroli 4 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Patchouli 5 drops 6 drops 7 drops
Fir 4 drops 5 drops 5 drops
rose flower 5 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Rosemary 3 drops 4 drops 4 drops
Sandal 5 drops 7 drops 5 drops
Lemon, Lavender, Mandarin + 2 drops + 3 drops + 3 drops

Tatyana Litvinova

From a long time, people have generalized the concepts of "love" and "fragrance." It is known not one case when the famous perfumers tried to create the fragrance of love, incense, which would ignite the passion between two opposing sexes. However, "guess", what smell like a person is impossible.

Nowadays, not so much spirits as such "flavors" are as such as such "flavors", how many Aphrodisiac essential oils that give rise to attraction with their wondrous pheromones. Which of them are the most effective?

Scientists have identified a close and harmonious relationship between smells and deposition. A woman knows more acute, she clearly divides pleasant smells from unpleasant. The men in this sphere "sniff" are different, distinguishing, first of all, the smell of the body of the beloved woman in the state of excitement, and in normal condition. An important role is played by the fragrance itself, the successful choice of which can radically change the relationship between a woman and a man.

What are the essential oils of aphrodisiacs are most effective?

It should be remembered that the "work" of Aphrodisiac is built on subconscious factors, that is, at the level of "memorization": if a man is like a fragrance, he will remember him and will always "hear" him in the appearance of a woman.

Rose and Sandal . Back in ancient Rome, a rich female afternoon took baths with pink petals. Rose essential oil is a strongest pathogen for a man, as well as lavender flavors, patchouli, sandalwood. Mixtures of these essential oils in a certain proportion are able to wake up the strongest passion in a partner.

All aphrodisiacs are excellent skinny skin, against aging - means No. 1 by naturalness and excellent results.

Ylang-Ilang. . It is considered the most universal exciting essential oil - amazing and frantic "low" aroma, which is able to drive crazy. It is added to almost all compositions, of course, if he likes to partners. To give freshness to deep aroma, citrus is added to it.

Orange . Forces partners to trust each other.

Ginger . Gives new and new sensations, with him the love of tirelessness, inexorably, like a thunderstorm cloud.

Cedar . It has sensuality, power, piquancy.

Try to mix to increase male power And the attraction of a woman:

- 3k lemon;

- 3k Bergamot;

- 2k patchouli;

- 2K Sandala;

- 1K roses;

- 2K Ilanga.

And these exciting essential oils will make your man trembling from passion: 2k patchouli, 2K Ilanga, 4K Kedar, 6k Sandal. Add them to - a stunning effect provided!

If a date with a glass of good wine is planned, pre-buy a bottle of red 0.7l, and add a mixture of 2K Bergamot into it, 1k jasmine, 2K ginger, 3k cinnamon, give the wine to breed seven days. - This is, besides the above, Ilang Ylang, Sandal, Bergamot.

Do not forget to buy a beautiful spring dress, because the flavors will not fully be able to satisfy the aesthetic pleasure of a man. An excellent alternative for those who have no time to wanted a beautiful spring dress, is online clothing store. Here you can purchase the necessary things in a short time and much cheaper than in the usual store.

To exacerbate the sensuality of both partners, make the following mixture: 3k

Recent studies have shown that some components of essential oils are similar to hormones in their structure, this allows them to gently interfere in the various psychophysical functions of the body.

For example, essential oils can affect the functions of the pituitary gland, contributing to the formation of endorphins. It is these hormones that make sexual desires, besides, they possess an anesthetic effect and cause Euphoria. Natural aphrodisiacs do not simply have an exciting effect, they also finely adjust the work of endocrine and nervous systems, igniting vital energy and output toxins.

Often the lack of sexual attraction is explained by the protracted depression and fatigue. To get rid of these alarming symptoms, it is not necessary to resort to the exciting properties of essential oils, it suffices to use those that are effectively struggling with depression.

Bergamot essential oil is one of the most effective Aphrodisiacs. It accelerates blood circulation, eliminates depression and nervous tension. This oil is very effective in erotic massage, because it wakes up fantasy and imagination and enhances skin sensitivity. For erotic massage, several drops of this oil you need to just add to cream or butter, which are usually used for these purposes.

For men and women

Ginger oil needs men, it enhances potency and significantly increases the duration of sexual activity. It is essential oil, heats, attach confidence in the power. It is enough to light in the bedroom aromalamp with this oil so that it makes its effect on the male organism.

Classic Aphrodisiac is an Ilang-Ilanga oil. Its fragrance stimulates the pituitary gland, accelerating the generation of endorphine, this leads to a feeling of euphoria. Ilang-Ilanga essential oil helps a woman get rid of indecision. The bright, unusual fragrance of this plant will paint erotic communication in unique colors, it helps more openly express their sexual desires, which ultimately goes to favor a love act. Ylang-Ilanga oil significantly enhances the sensitivity of the woman and the potency of a man, which allows them to get an unforgettable impressions during a love game.

The cedar essential oil contributes to the rapid restoration of male strength. It eliminates discomfort and stiffness, enhances sensitivity. The scent of cedar is truly male, strong and spicy. That is why it is so widely represented in male perfumery products.