Premature babies - causes and consequences in the future, in adulthood. What is perinatal encephalopathy of the newborn

This one is about what often goes unnoticed. Lack of parental love - how to evaluate if it is or not? When a child has few toys, everything is clear. This can be seen, toys can be touched, touched, estimated their cost and quantity. Parental love, like feelings in general, is immaterial, and only manifests itself in the form of some actions, words, taking different forms.

A parent and their support are very important for a child of every age. Lack at a very young age - forms in the child a feeling of distrust of the world as a whole. Even a little older, the lack of parental love and support turns into dependence, dependence, infantilism.

Even a little older turns into disbelief in their strengths and capabilities, guilt for everything and everyone. In primary school age, it is fraught with an inferiority complex and apathy for study and work. In adolescence, the lack of adequate parental love and support creates difficulties with self-determination and understanding of oneself. After all, in general, the child's general isolation, inner loneliness also has its roots in a lack of parental love.

When I talk about scarcity. I mean exactly the form of parental love. I have no doubt that a parent loves their child. But it is the form in which he expresses this love that may be inappropriate at one stage or another or not correspond to a particular situation. And then the child does not have the opportunity to receive and "absorb" this love. For example, love in the form of shame for the sake of raising a worthy personality or in the form of overprotection in large quantities is very poorly absorbed by children and rather creates a deficit than fills.

In order to replenish emotional hunger and "relieve nervousness" children find some objects (or their parents offer them) as "substitutes" for parental love. Comp. Games, social networks, overeating, smoking, going into fantasies and so on. This forms addictive behavior. When, instead of a living warm, but inaccessible parent (for some reason), the child chooses an inanimate, but quite accessible object.

From how parents love a child, his own attitude towards himself is formed. A boy or girl learns to relate to himself - to love or dislike, to scold himself more often, to feel guilty, to pay no attention to his desires and needs at all, etc.

A child deprived of love, that is, not the one whom they “build” or take care of, but the one who has completely lost hope for warmth from the parents, learns “vice versa dependence”. Those. he is so lonely and painful that he does not let him near him at all, no matter what to be "thrown" again. There is a lot of mistrust and apprehension in him, and at the same time an internal desire to be loved, that in adulthood such children may be a little picky in relationships.

A child who is “abandoned” and does not receive love in the desired form may become angry, protest in a variety of (often incomprehensible to the parent) forms, may feel severe, chronic depression, which in some cases lasts for several years.

It is impossible to make up for the deficit of love that has already happened. What you didn’t give once, you won’t give it now. You can, of course, play situations in your mind and imagine how you would change everything then, or how nice it would be ... but, nevertheless, help is possible only from the “present”.

For example, through awareness of the deficit that exists and understanding how you are filling it now (food, alcohol, workaholism, addicted relationships, etc.). And what about the points that I spoke about at the very beginning - what do you think about yourself, how you treat yourself, what you are depriving. What doesn't suit you in this? What can you change, and where is the dead end and you need help.

By the way, many books have been written about psychological help, but none of them can replace adequate therapy in which you learn to understand yourself and accept yourself, just as none of the toys can replace the mother's or father's presence in the child's life.



        Its 2 main problems:1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to direct his anger outward, restraining it, and with it restraining all warm feelings, make him more and more desperate every year: no matter what he undertakes, it does not get better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that. If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person "burns out at work", loading himself more and more - to complete exhaustion; or his own self will be devastated and impoverished, an unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, in the long term - even from self-hygiene. , energy even for thinking. Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: sleep, metabolism is disturbed ... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about being deprived of possession of someone or something.

        On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is unable to understand what he is deprived of. Lost is his own I. It is unbearably painful and empty for him: and he cannot even put it into words. This is neurotic depression. Everything can be prevented, not brought to such a result.If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things:1. Memorize the following text and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

        • I am entitled to needs. I am, and I am me.
        • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
        • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to pursue what I need.
        • I have the right to crave love and love others.
        • I have the right to a decent life organization.
        • I have the right to complain.
        • I have a right to regret and sympathy.
        • ... by birthright.
        • I might get rejected. I can be alone.
        • I will take care of myself anyway.

        I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning the text” is not an end in itself. Self-training by itself will not give any lasting results. It is important to live each phrase, to feel it, to find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he used to imagine it. That it depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world, how he will live this life. And these phrases are just an excuse for thinking, thinking and searching for their own, new "truths."

        2. Learn to direct aggression at the person to whom it is actually addressed.

        … Then there will be an opportunity to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be presented.


        You can sign up for a consultation at this link:



        You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

        Psychosomatic diseases (so it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological reasons. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (complex) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find a timely, correct expression for a particular person.

        Mental defenses are triggered, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

        Sometimes the call can be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or a symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.

        You can sign up for a consultation at this link:

        The negative impact of stress on the human body, and especially distress, is colossal. Stress and the likelihood of developing disease are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by about 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it’s also good if it’s just colds, but if cancer or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

Lack of parental love - how to evaluate if it is or not? When a child has few toys, everything is clear. This can be seen, toys can be touched, touched, estimated their cost and quantity. Parental love, like feelings in general, is immaterial, and only manifests itself in the form of some actions, words, taking different forms.

A parent and their support are very important for a child of every age. Lack at a very young age - forms in the child a feeling of distrust of the world as a whole.

Even a little older, the lack of parental love and support turns into dependence, dependence, infantilism.

Even a little older turns into disbelief in their strengths and capabilities, guilt for everything and everyone.

In primary school age, it is fraught with an inferiority complex and apathy for study and work.

In adolescence, the lack of adequate parental love and support creates difficulties with self-determination and understanding of oneself. After all, in general, the child's general isolation, inner loneliness also has its roots in a lack of parental love.

When I talk about lack, I mean precisely the form of parental love. I have no doubt that a parent loves their child. But it is the form in which he expresses this love that may be inappropriate at one stage or another or not correspond to a particular situation.

And then the child does not have the opportunity to receive and "absorb" this love. For example, love in the form of shame for the sake of raising a worthy personality or in the form of overprotection in large quantities is very poorly absorbed by children and rather creates a deficit than fills.

In order to replenish emotional hunger and "relieve nervousness", children find some objects (or their parents offer them) as "substitutes" for parental love. Computer games, social networks, overeating, smoking, going into fantasies and more. This forms addictive behavior. When, instead of a living, warm, but inaccessible parent (for some reason), the child chooses an inanimate, but quite accessible object.

From how parents love a child, his own attitude towards himself is formed. A boy or girl learns to relate to himself - to love or dislike, to scold himself more often, to feel guilty, to ignore his desires and needs at all, etc.

A child deprived of love, that is, not the one whom they "build" or take care of, but the one who has completely lost hope for warmth from the parents, learns to "reverse dependence". That is, he is so lonely and painful that he does not let him near him at all, so as not to be "thrown" again. There is a lot of mistrust and apprehension in him, and at the same time an internal desire to be loved, that in adulthood such children may be unscrupulous in relationships.

A child who is "abandoned" and does not receive love in the desired form may become angry, protest in a variety of (often incomprehensible to the parent) forms, may feel severe, chronic depression, which in some cases lasts for several years.

It is impossible to make up for the deficit of love that has already happened. What you didn’t give once, you won’t give it now. You can, of course, play situations in your mind and imagine how you would change everything then, or how nice it would be ... but, nevertheless, help is possible only from the "present".

For example, through realizing the deficit that exists and understanding how you are filling it now (food, alcohol, workaholism, addicted relationships, etc.). And what about the points that I spoke about at the very beginning - what do you think about yourself, how do you feel about yourself, what are you depriving? What does not suit you in this? What can you change, and where is the dead end, and you need help.

By the way, many books have been written about psychological help, but none of them can replace adequate therapy in which you learn to understand yourself and accept yourself, just as none of the toys can replace the mother's or father's presence in the child's life.

What is perinatal encephalopathy: a lifelong sentence or a common treatable disease?

Encephalopathy is organic damage or damage to human brain tissue by various factors.

The perinatal period is the period from 28 weeks of gestation to the seventh day after birth. The perinatal period consists of three parts: antenatal (from the 28th week of pregnancy to childbirth), intrapartum (the period of the birth itself) and postnatal (from birth to the seventh day of life).

Perinatal encephalopathy in children is a serious and very dangerous disease with a huge number of consequences, received by a child in the perinatal period and is a defeat of the most important organ that forms a person's personality - the brain.

The degree of danger of perinatal encephalopathy in newborns depends on the degree and severity of brain tissue damage, as well as on the specific type of affected area. First of all, a serious injury can disrupt the physicomotor and mental functions of the body. The consequences of perinatal encephalopathy: impaired vision, hearing, speech (if the speech center is affected), seizure activity, memory and consciousness disorders, paralysis - complete or partial, general weakness, frequent dizziness and loss of consciousness, delayed psychomotor development, etc. because the concept of encephalopathy is a very generalized term for a huge number of disorders, some of which may not even appear.

Many modern mothers, having heard such a diagnosis, unfortunately, try to terminate a long-awaited pregnancy or abandon their children in the hospital, fearing to get a severely disabled or mentally handicapped child. But with the frequent formulation of such a diagnosis, most children are able to lead an active full-fledged lifestyle, with a timely diagnosis and treatment started.

Do not write off your baby and take the diagnosis as a sentence. All human organs have increased regeneration at an early age, which is especially pronounced in infants, and the consequences of perinatal encephalopathy in adulthood may not even appear, only special treatment, care and a correct lifestyle are needed.

Consequences in adulthood

In adulthood, a disease transferred at an early age can have serious residual consequences:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Violation of any body functions.
  • neuropsychiatric diseases.
  • Vegetative-visceral dysfunction is a malfunction of any internal organs due to incorrect signals sent by the brain.
  • Disorders of memory and consciousness.

But with proper care, possible risks can be minimized:

  • Syndrome of hyperactivity and attention disorder.
  • Headaches and tinnitus, dizziness.
  • Physical weakness, fatigue and increased morbidity.
  • Inactivity and lack of initiative.
  • Narrowed range of interests.
  • Absent-mindedness.
  • Depression tendency.

With minimal lesions or lesions of not too vital parts of the brain and a timely diagnosis, complete recovery from perinatal encephalopathy in newborns is also possible. Almost all sick children in adulthood are quite able-bodied citizens who can take care of themselves.

Probable causes of occurrence

Encephalopathy in newborns can be caused by a wide variety of factors, which explains its widespread prevalence. The intrauterine development of a child and his nervous system is such a fragile process that it is extremely easy to knock him down by any negative influence. The placental barrier, of course, is a great protective force of nature, but, unfortunately, it cannot protect from everything, and even more so from the stupidity of the mother herself. Here is a partial list of the causes of perinatal encephalopathy in children:

  • The most common reason for the diagnosis is the pathology of pregnancy, all kinds of birth injuries caused by a violation of labor or medical error, blows to the abdomen, thermal overload during pregnancy, etc.
  • In second place is toxic encephalopathy in newborns, caused by the penetration of harmful toxins through the placental barrier, most often alcoholic, narcotic, nicotine or drug origin.
  • In third place is encephalopathy in infants caused by fetal hypoxia for various reasons.
  • An autoimmune conflict caused by the difference in the Rh factors of the blood of the mother and the child carries the risk of this disease.
  • Unsuccessful independent attempts to terminate an unwanted pregnancy cause not only perinatal encephalopathy in newborns, but also many other serious abnormalities.
  • Chronic diseases and infectious diseases carried by the mother during pregnancy can be transmitted to the child and destroy the fragile process of fetal formation. So, rubella infection during pregnancy is a factor in its mandatory medical interruption at any time.
  • The borderline age of a woman or man can be the cause of the production of defective germ cells, which, as a result, leads to developmental disorders, including prenatal encephalopathy.
  • The early age of parents, when the reproductive system of the parents is underdeveloped.
  • Stress during pregnancy does not seem to be a serious risk factor for young mothers, however, excess hormones easily penetrate the placental barrier and are transmitted to the baby's nervous system. An excess of adrenaline and cortisol burns neurons in adults, and an unformed children's brain can be seriously damaged, because during a period of intensive development, every cell counts, from which one or another organ or part of the brain is ultimately obtained.

  • The prematurity of the fetus in newborns is expressed in the underdevelopment of its departments. This syndrome may easily disappear during age-related development, or, on the contrary, it may remain if the development of the brain was stopped or disturbed by some factors.
  • Maternal malnutrition is another reason for the appearance of various developmental deviations, which is rarely taken seriously. The fact is that all organs and cells of a child are formed from substances received by the mother's body. If the mother sharply lacks some substance, vitamin or mineral, then the body's self-defense mechanism is activated, which does not allow the baby to pick up the last remnants. Lack of the necessary building material is a violation of the whole process of building a new organism, resulting in both physical deviations, poor quality of immunity and the muscular system, weakness and underdevelopment of internal organs, and deviations in the development of the nervous system, including encephalopathy of the newborn. The periodic desires of the expectant mother for ice cream at three in the morning or potato jam are not a whim caused by hormonal mood swings, but the child's real need for building materials.
  • The disturbed ecological situation around the pregnant mother can be affected by a whole range of reasons that cause disturbances in its natural course. Here and stress, and poisoning with toxins, and hypoxia due to carbon dioxide, and many other factors.

A huge number of traumatic factors surrounding a pregnant mother in the modern world has led to the spread of the diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy in a newborn. In most cases, these are small disorders that pass by the conscious age or do not cause vivid symptoms. Many newborns, without undergoing a special examination, have suffered this syndrome unnoticed by parents and doctors. But there are also reverse cases, when a small deviation does not return to normal over time, but, on the contrary, grows and worsens with development, causing irreparable harm to the child. For timely detection, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe symptoms of encephalopathy in newborns and consult a doctor in time at their first manifestations.

Symptoms of perinatal encephalopathy

It is very difficult to identify the symptoms of encephalopathy in infants in the early stages of development. The fact is that small deviations in the erratic movements and incoherent gagging of a newborn are invisible to the untrained eye and become noticeable only by the age of six months, and mental disorders even later - already in the conscious period.

Perinatal encephalopathy, symptoms in newborns:

  • Absence or weakness of the sucking and or swallowing reflex.
  • Deviations in the muscle tone of the newborn.
  • Too violent reaction or lack thereof to various stimuli.
  • Sleep disturbances. Restless sleep. Sleepless nights with constant crying.
  • Sharp, frequent throwing of arms and legs.
  • Frequent regurgitation.
  • Convulsions and epileptic seizures.
  • High or low blood pressure.

Perinatal encephalopathy in older children can manifest as:

  • Syndrome of hyperexcitability.
  • Convulsive syndrome.
  • Lethargy, inactivity, apathy, lack of any reflexes, suppression of vital functions. Collectively, these symptoms are called "coma syndrome".
  • Increased intracranial pressure caused by the consequence of perinatal encephalopathy - excess fluid in the brain (Hypertensive-hydrocephalus).
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Impaired motor functions, increased awkwardness and inaccuracy.
  • Vegetovascular dysfunction, causing both constant belching, indigestion and stool, and various skin symptoms.
  • Retardation in physical and or mental development.
  • Depression.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Speech disorders.
  • Ambiguity in expressing your thoughts.
  • Migraines and acute headaches.


Perinatal encephalopathy is primarily divided into simple encephalopathy with an established cause and perinatal encephalopathy, unspecified.

Unspecified perinatal encephalopathy - perinatal encephalopathy in newborns caused by uncertain factors (the cause of its occurrence has not been clarified).

Unspecified encephalopathy is a more difficult type of encephalopathy for treatment, since treatment is based only on minimizing the consequences without eliminating the causes of its occurrence, which can result in residual encephalopathy at an older age.

Residual encephalopathy - residual manifestations of the disease or its consequences some time after the disease or brain injury.

Unspecified encephalopathy in children is dangerous due to lack of follow-up treatment and confusion of symptoms with other disorders of the child's nervous system.

Unconfirmed neonatal encephalopathy is a type of disease in which symptoms of encephalopathy appear that are not caused by brain damage.

There are also subtypes of perinatal encephalopathy:

Posthypoxic perinatal - encephalopathy caused by a lack of oxygen.

  • Transient or dyscirculatory - caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain.
  • Hypoxic-ischemic - arising against the background of hypoxia, complicated by circulatory disorders.
  • - caused by the action of toxins.
  • Radiation encephalopathy - developed under the influence of radiation.
  • Ischemic encephalopathy - caused by destructive processes (destruction processes) in certain foci of brain tissue.
  • Encephalopathy of mixed genesis, most often related to unconfirmed encephalopathy in newborns.

This is far from the entire list of encephalopathic subspecies, subdivided according to the causes of occurrence and the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of the disease.

Diagnosis of encephalopathy

The presence of symptoms characteristic of the disease is not yet a basis for making a definitive diagnosis. If you suspect encephalopathy, which is quite easy to confuse with other diseases of the nervous system, a thorough examination is carried out:

  • General tests that detect inflammatory processes, including in the brain, and disruption of the body's systems.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electroneuromyography is a modern method that checks the sensitivity of peripheral nerve fibers.
  • An electroencephalogram that detects epileptic signs by recording the electropotentials of the brain.
  • Neurosonography is an ultrasound scan of a child's brain (ultrasound), which is performed for almost all children as a preventive measure.

Predictions for children who have had the disease

In most cases, even in the absence of obvious symptoms of encephalopathy, an automatic preventive examination is carried out for all risk categories, to which most of the world's population now belongs.

With early diagnosis and not too advanced brain lesions, the child most often recovers and has no future abnormalities. Such cases are the most common, since the plasticity of a growing child's body is very high. Even children with developmental disabilities can become independent, practically healthy people.

  • Epilepsy.
  • Decreased activity.
  • , small mental deviations, etc., which do not poison the life of the patient himself too much and do not interfere with the people around him.

Severe cases, respectively, entail more dire consequences:

  • Paralysis.
  • Mental disability.
  • Disability.
  • Early mortality.
  • Restrictions on life activity (prohibition on certain products, mandatory carrying out of any procedures, etc.)

Severe consequences are quite rare and mainly in the absence of proper treatment and care, which is most often the fault of parents leading an immoral lifestyle (alcoholics, drug addicts) or in low-income or large families, where there is not enough money or time to properly care for the baby, or a cruel decision was made to direct them to normal children, and not to mess with a flawed child. With the right effort, severe injuries can have very moderate consequences.

Child treatment

Self-treatment of perinatal encephalopathy in children is out of the question.

The treatment takes a lot of effort, it is carried out exclusively by medication and physiotherapy methods. It is very long-term with constant supervision by the attending physician.

With mild to moderate symptoms, sick children remain on home treatment, which consists of taking medications, physiotherapy procedures and periodic supervision.

Severe disorders are treated exclusively in a hospital and may even require surgical intervention, for example, with hydroencephalic syndrome or damage caused by various tumors, hematomas, or the death of too large areas.

Treatment is prescribed very differently, depending on the type and causes of damage, and consists of several interrelated blocks:

  • Elimination of the cause of the disease.
  • Treating damaged tissues.
  • Normalization of the nervous system and stabilization of its signals.
  • Restoration of body functions.
  • General rehabilitation therapy.
  • Resistance prevention.

As restorative therapy and additional assistance in treatment, they often resort to procedures from traditional medicine, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. By independently intervening in the course of treatment, parents can cause irreparable harm to their child.

Prevention of the disease in newborns

The diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy, of course, in most cases is not a sentence, however, it is much easier to prevent its development in a baby than to deal with the consequences all his life.

There are times when the mother is powerless to do anything: an accidental blow or impaired labor, but often the disease is simply the wrong way of life or a genetic predisposition.

Modern medicine has already discovered many ways to deceive nature at the genetic level and give birth to an absolutely healthy baby at almost any age and with any genetic pathologies. It is enough to correctly plan a pregnancy and conduct a thorough examination, based on which, choose the correct method of action.

It is also easy to insure against accidents by preparing in advance for pregnancy and preparing for childbirth all 9 months. In order to avoid all kinds of birth injuries, you do not need to give up the caesarean section, which has become a very common and rather easy procedure, if there is even the slightest indication for it, and also choose in advance a good hospital where the birth will take place.

Pregnancy lasts only 9 months and many women only have one or two pregnancies. This is not such a long time in which you can be patient and take care of the child, at the same time saving yourself from big troubles in the future.

Most contemporaries suffering from depression, obsessive fears and complexes tend to look for the causes of their abnormal state in the influence of negative environmental factors. Adults often do not even suspect that the real culprits of today's problems are children's psychological trauma... Indeed, most of the events of the young years have lost their relevance over time, crises and difficulties have lost their topicality, and those transferred in childhood are rather vaguely represented in memory. However, the consequences of childhood psychotraumas, which are not perceived at the conscious level, have become quite firmly rooted in the subconscious, creating a specific “life program” of the personality.

Causes of childhood psychotraumas

The question of what can cause psychological trauma in adolescents and children cannot be answered objectively and unambiguously, since the interpretation and significance of any event for a person has purely individual criteria. However, it can be argued that the fragile psyche of a small person is much more susceptible to the negative effects of the environment. What a mature person would consider an insignificant and surmountable obstacle would be a tremendous catastrophe for a child.

The only objective criterion for assessing unfavorable circumstances that have arisen in a child's life may be a combination of factors: the significance of the event for the child and the strength of the emotional reaction in response to this phenomenon. Childhood trauma is a traumatic event that the child interprets as vital. These are the phenomena about which he is strongly and for a long time worried. Those circumstances that deprive peace of mind, mental balance and require dramatic changes in thinking and behavior.

Research conducted by psychologists among children and adolescents suggests that the most difficult events for a small personality are:

  • moral, physical, sexual abuse;
  • death of a close relative;
  • own illness or illness of the parents;
  • divorce of parents, departure of one of the adults from the family;
  • unexpected disruption of family relationships;
  • sudden alienation of a parent from a child;
  • betrayal, deception, injustice on the part of relatives, authoritative adults and friends;
  • disappointment, dissatisfaction from unfulfilled hopes;
  • education by immoral adults;
  • growing up in an asocial atmosphere, both in the family and in the team;
  • overprotection or lack of parental attention;
  • "Oscillatory" strategy for raising a child, the lack of a unified approach among parents regarding the requirements for the baby;
  • a quarrel with a close friend on his initiative;
  • a situation when a child feels like an outcast of society;
  • conflict in the educational team;
  • unfair treatment, pressure from authoritarian teachers;
  • excessive workload of the child with educational and extracurricular activities.

There is a version that childhood trauma is a frequent consequence of the wrong strategy for raising a child. The result of non-constructive life stereotypes existing in adults, which are passed on to the descendant "by inheritance." According to this point of view, children adopt from their parents on a subconscious level the formed directives regarding the rules of life: how to live, how to behave correctly, how to react in specific situations. Toddlers unconsciously inherit the destructive "rules of the game" established by their parents, and in an aggravated form.

A lot of such negative attitudes have been described that create the basis for childhood psychotraumas and poison the life of a person in adulthood. Here are some of these parental guidelines.

Directive 1. "It would be better if you weren't born."

Parents tirelessly inform the offspring of how many difficulties arose after his birth. They provide evidence of how much energy it takes to grow up. The child's interpretation follows: "I had better die so that my parents would stop suffering."

Adults constantly point out how beautiful, smart, capable other children are, and how talentless and stupid their own child is. This leads to the fact that the little person begins to be ashamed of his individuality, tries to merge with the faceless crowd, runs away from himself, putting on “masks” that are comfortable for adults.

Directive 3. "You are already an adult, and you behave like a child."

Parents say that it's time for their descendant to grow wiser, grow up and give up childishness. They say that he behaves very stupidly, like a baby, and in fact it is time for him to go to school. As a result, the child is deprived of the most beautiful - childhood with age-appropriate desires, needs, games.

Directive 4. "For us, you will always be small."

Such parents are very afraid that their baby will grow up someday and lead an independent life. They all sorts of suppress his attempts to grow up, inhibiting him at the level of development of a preschooler. As a result, a person simply loses the ability to think and act independently.

Directive 5. "Stop dreaming and start acting."

Adults deprive the baby of the natural necessity - to fantasize, dream, make plans. This simply kills the opportunity for the future to consider the problem from different points of view. As a result of one-sided thinking, a person commits a lot of irreparable stupidity.

Directive 6. "Stop whining and become cold-blooded."

The order: "Stop expressing your emotions" is similar to the command: "Stop feeling." As a result, a person drives his feelings and experiences deep into the subconscious, subsequently acquiring various mental problems.

Directive 7. "You can not trust anyone."

Parents give examples that all people around them are deceivers, liars and scammers. A person from an early age is accustomed to the fact that any contact is fraught with fatal consequences. As a result, he closes in on himself, because the world around him is hostile and dangerous.

Why are children's psychological traumas dangerous: the consequences

The psychological trauma of childhood significantly slows down the process of human socialization. It becomes difficult for a child to make friends, make new contacts, and adapt to the conditions of a new team.

From childhood, the soil is formed for the development of obsessive fears, for example: in which the person is simply afraid of the human community. Childhood trauma gives rise to a variety of depressive disorders, in which a global sense of self-guilt destroys a person's entire life. A very common consequence of stress experienced in adolescence is obsessive-compulsive disorder, when a person is possessed by some illogical obsession. and he takes a kind of "defensive" action.

Unresolved problems of childhood lead to the formation of - abnormal addictions, including alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, computer addiction. The psychological trauma of childhood is reflected in adulthood in the form of food abnormalities: binge eating disorder or anorexia nervosa.

In addition to the above, the statement is true: all personality complexes are the result of traumas experienced at a young age. It is in childhood that certain character traits are formed, which, under an unfavorable coincidence of circumstances, reach the size of accentuations and take the form of various personality disorders.

How to help your child cope with trauma: psychological help

The most important advice to all parents is to acquire a decent level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, to choose the correct strategy for raising a descendant, devoid of destructive stereotypes. The task of parents is to create a comfortable ground for the development and formation of the personality, to provide any assistance in the child's competent overcoming of the difficulties that have arisen. Do not ignore the baby's experiences, but become a reliable companion, to whom the child will be able to tell his worries without fear and doubt. Avoid letting go of situations where changes in the child's behavior become apparent.

At the slightest signs of the development of psychological trauma, you should visit a psychologist, and jointly work out an adequate program aimed at restoring mental balance in a small person. To date, many psychotherapeutic measures have been developed for children, which allow them to develop the child's ability to live a full life, eliminate barriers imposed from the outside and put an end to destructive thinking stereotypes inherent in the social environment.

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