A memorable gift for a friend. What is the best gift to give to a friend?

A woman, no matter how old she is - 15 or 80 - is a subtle and sensitive creature. Yes, someone is softer by nature, and someone is bitchy, but we can definitely say that in terms of choosing gifts, a woman is simply ideal. After all, choosing a suitable present for her is usually much easier than for a man.

But what if you have known each other for a long time, you are good friends and during the time of friendship you managed to give away almost everything, and a holiday is on the nose. It is this topic that we will discuss: what can be given to a friend for laziness of birth to please her.

Consider different interests and age limits, as well as universal gifts that can help out in any situation.

birthday gifts for girlfriend

Let's talk about what should and should not be gifts for a friend. What you need to consider in order to choose a present that will really please your girlfriend? There are certain rules for this.

Selection rules

If the purchase of another gift caught you by surprise, and you do not know how to make your beloved friend happy, then consider the following recommendations:

  1. Consider age. Of course, you can be best friends at 25 and 50 years old. But not always a gift that a young girl likes will suit a mature woman. This factor must be taken into account and gifts should be made wisely.
  2. Remember the dream. Fulfillment of cherished desires is the best gift. Surely you know the secret dream of your girlfriend, the implementation of which she did not dare. So why not help her?
  3. Avoid platitudes. Of course, it is much easier to buy another trinket than to spend more than one week choosing an excellent gift. But you would like to receive the last option as a gift! So your friend deserves the same!

By the way, there is also a list of prohibited gifts. What to do so that there is no feeling of an unpleasant aftertaste and awkwardness, even if the gift seems useful to you? What not to give:

  • domestic animals (dogs, kittens, hamsters) - does she have the ability and desire to take care of them?
  • artificial flowers and even indoor ones, if you are not sure that the girl is not allergic to this plant;
  • gifts with a tactless hint - the “How to lose weight” disc, acne lotion, etc., even if you are sure that the girl’s problem is obvious;
  • an imposed yoga or foreign language course, if you are not sure that the birthday girl is dreaming of him;
  • knives and forks symbolize enmity;
  • spirits, sweets, cakes - you can take them to the festive table, but they are not presented as a gift.

Talking for a long time on various topics, you have already studied the tastes, habits and desires of your girlfriend. In this sense, the task is greatly simplified, and the list of recommendations becomes minimal:

  1. Start thinking about gift ideas in advance, don't put it off until later. Two or three days before a special date, it will be very difficult for you to navigate the choice. If you see the right thing in the store, get it right away, let it wait in the wings in your closet. The product has a property to be sold, and you may not have enough of it. And this entails new troubles.
  2. When choosing a gift for a friend, consider her personality traits. Think about what interests her the most at the moment.
  3. Surely your girlfriend has some kind of hobby. Any hobby requires the purchase of certain items, and this is a good opportunity to make a truly valuable gift. So, if a friend is engaged in quilling in her free time, she will be delighted with a set of special paper or a machine for cutting paper fringe. Even tweezers for fixing paper parts will be more to her heart than, for example, the tenth vase or figurine.
  4. Assess the lifestyle your girlfriend leads. If she works or studies a lot, give her a pool or spa membership where she can relax and unwind.
  5. It also matters how a girl relates to her work or study, with inspiration, or simply serving her duty. If your friend is dedicated to her work, you can give her an item that she will use at work or in the classroom.
  6. There is nothing reprehensible in asking a girl what she would like to receive on her birthday. In this case, you will have no doubts about the choice and there will be confidence that you will definitely not disappoint your girlfriend.
  7. Of course, do not forget about the age category of the girl. For example, under the age of 18 there is no need to visit the spa and a subscription to this institution is not useful, but to the pool it will be very useful.

Gifts by age categories

Of course, every age has its own gifts. Let's look at the main categories.

14-18 years old

Blooming youth with delight and gratitude will accept as a gift:

  • jewelry (what she prefers: a bracelet, earrings, a ring, or maybe a chain on her leg);
  • cosmetic set (with shades of her favorite colors);
  • if your girlfriend loves ballet - present her a ticket to the premiere, if she is a fan of any group - give her a ticket to a concert;
  • Unusually shaped USB drive;
  • headphones in the form of bananas (mushrooms, arrows, batteries), speakers for a computer, a case or pendant for a mobile phone;
  • an item of dishes, a pillow or a T-shirt with her photo or name;
  • beautiful photo frame
  • a plush toy (if she loves them and is not allergic to faux fur);
  • if a girl likes to solve puzzles, give her a 3D puzzle;
  • you can make a gift with your own hands, for example, a notebook.

In addition, a girl of this age will certainly be pleased with a beautiful themed photo session, which can be pre-ordered.

18-25 years old

The simplest:

  1. Choose the best of your joint photos and insert it into a frame made by yourself. Such a gift will remind the girl of your friendship and that you put your soul into making it.
  2. It will also be good to present any device for storing jewelry. It can be an original box, a tree for rings, and even something completely exclusive, made by yourself.
  3. Romantic natures love flowers. A floor vase that harmoniously fits into the interior will not be superfluous.
  4. Get a photo session certificate from a good photographer. Posing against different backgrounds will make your friend feel like a star.
  5. Items in oriental style will add romance to the atmosphere of the house: a twisted candlestick, a lamp with an ornament, a “dream catcher”.
  6. An aromatic lamp will fill the room with a pleasant smell (if the girlfriend is not allergic).
  7. A romantic girl will be pleased with a live gift: a cute kitten, an affectionate puppy, a funny parrot.

If your friend is businesslike and practical, a gift that has practical value is best for her, for example:

  • means and accessories for body care and make-up, perfumery;
  • devices for permanent use: hair dryer, epilator, webcam, organizer;
  • a set of kitchen towels, bright and comfortable potholders;
  • purse, cover for documents made of genuine leather;
  • painting reproduction, wall clock, table lamp;
  • if your friend cares about maintaining physical fitness, give her dumbbells, a hula hoop, a gym ball, a subscription to a fitness center as a gift;
  • perhaps your friend wants to master some kind of skill, then she will need a certificate for training in the relevant courses (computer, culinary, painting, knitting, weaving, etc.);
  • remember, when you went to a certain store together, maybe the girl noticed some thing and said that it would be useful to her, run and buy.

Your girlfriend is a girl of 18-25 years old who loves extreme sports. Present her with the opportunity to tickle her nerves and get a dose of adrenaline, namely:

  • a parachute jump certificate or an aircraft control course;
  • a ticket to visit a skating rink or a dizzying attraction, a certificate for renting an ATV or a jet ski, an excursion tour to the mountains or caves;
  • go hiking with a friend.

Advice! Be sure to ask if the girl has any contraindications regarding her health in relation to such fun.

Your girlfriend is a girl of 18-25 years old with an excellent sense of humor. Such a person will appreciate:

  • runaway alarm clock, this gift will be not only original, but will also help you get up in the morning;
  • ugg boots or soft slippers with a funny pattern, they will warm your girlfriend and become a manifestation of care;
  • talking book;
  • a set of teas or coffees that the girl has not tried yet;
  • unusual keyboard, for example, soft or transparent;
  • a rotating photo frame in the form of a geometric figure;
  • a magic ball like the one consulted by the protagonist of the film Route 60.

25 - 35 years old

Having crossed the 25-year mark, a woman usually already has a family, has an established position, is confident and serious. And a birthday present should be chosen in terms of seriousness and practical value.

  1. Subscription to the spa, fitness center, swimming pool.
  2. A service with an original design (if your girlfriend likes to drink tea, then the service should be presented as a tea service, if coffee, respectively, coffee);
  3. Make a collage of photos of your joint activities. These can be photographs of different years, looking at them, a friend will remember happy moments.
  4. Care products for skin, hair, nails, etc., appropriate for the woman's age category.
  5. If your friend loves indoor flowers, give her a beautiful potted plant.
  6. A practical gift would be a bed linen set made of natural material and calm (or avant-garde) colors.
  7. If a girl is fond of reading, ask what book she likes the most or what she would like to read. Bookstores offer a wide range of books of various formats and quality. Pick up a hardcover copy with rich artwork.
  8. It would be a good idea to give your friend tickets to the dolphinarium, to the exhibition, to the tour. Any of these activities will help her break out of the routine of household chores and official duties for a while.
  9. For lovers of humor and everything piquant, a gift from a sex shop is suitable.

32 - 34 years old is a wonderful age when a lot has already been experienced, but even more is ahead. This is the time when a woman strives to look bright, beautiful, stylish. She prefers quality items of good brands, expensive cosmetics and accessories. Gift options for her:

  1. Only ... her girlfriend can give jewelry to a friend. It is better for men not to think about this topic, your lot is jewelry. But as a gift from a girlfriend, a cool bright bracelet or a set of pendant + earrings will be quite appropriate.
  2. The house for a girl, a woman of this age, is not just a place where she spends her evenings. This is her nest, in which she strives to create comfort with all her might. Here she enjoys relaxing after work, enjoying the atmosphere in which everything is done the way she likes it. Therefore, she will almost certainly be happy with gifts for home comfort, if they are chosen taking into account her tastes.
  3. Set of skin care products. Collect or buy a ready-made kit for a specific skin type. At this age, day and night cream, eye serum, various masks, micellar water, tonic, foam are needed. Choose products for skin with the first signs of aging.
  4. Handmade soap. A cute box of handmade soap will be a great gift for a girl.
  5. Bath products. You can put soap bombs, foam, petals, bath pearls in one basket or box and tie the package with a beautiful bow.
  6. A set of scented candles. Buy 5-7 candles of different sizes with a pleasant aroma. They will serve as a beautiful decor and will be useful for relaxation in the bathroom. Well, for romantic dinners with your loved one.
  7. Bag, backpack, clutch. There are not many ladies' accessories. If a girlfriend is a well-known fashionista, she will never refuse such a new thing.
  8. Leather gloves. Nice and useful present. To choose, you need to know the exact size.
  9. Wrist watch. You can present a watch with an elegant strap, a sports watch or an accessory in vintage style.
  10. Stylish umbrella. An umbrella with a cool print will be a great addition to a lady's wardrobe.

Do not forget that your girlfriend has hobbies and dreams. Even if she is completely mired in work / home routine, this does not mean that she sometimes does not want to escape from the monotonous everyday life. So, be sure to consider such an option as gifts for the soul.

Here's what they can be:

  1. Everything for the hobby. The hobby is not at all professional, but if it is an outlet for your girlfriend, she will be very pleased to receive as a gift one of the accessories for her favorite business.
  2. Concert ticket. Go to it together, unwind and relax. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time and will give a lot of pleasant emotions. You can even just invite a girlfriend to the cinema: as before, when you were very young and carefree. Sit with popcorn, watch a new horror movie or melodrama.
  3. Photoshoot. Every woman wants to look chic not only in life, but also in the photo - and a photo session provides such an opportunity. A good photographer will take such shots that will decorate the birthday girl's family album.
  4. Certificate for teaching something interesting. Photography, vocal or drawing courses: the main thing is that a friend likes this activity and wants to improve her skills.
  5. Wireless microphone for karaoke. Karaoke is a fun activity in a fun company or just in a family circle. If a girl likes to spend time like this, she will definitely like the microphone.
  6. Subscription to the gym or everything for sports. New yoga mat, running shoes or fitness band, massage ball hoop, dumbbells, etc. It is appropriate to give such gifts if a friend is fond of sports, and is not just going to do it “from Monday”.
  7. Book. Some interesting publication, gift - for example, on her hobby, or a guide to some country, a book on the psychology of family relationships or parenting. You can gift a subscription to her favorite magazine.

Unlike men, women always pay attention to the little things and strive to surround themselves with beautiful little things. If the budget does not allow you to buy something expensive, choose an inexpensive but good gift for a girlfriend for 31-32-33-34 years. It can be:

  1. Jewelry box. Small or multi-tiered - to your taste and budget. For storing rings and earrings, any one is useful.
  2. Cosmetic mirror. You can buy a thing for a handbag or for a dressing table. A mirror inlaid with stones or strewn with glitter looks beautiful and stylish.
  3. Hook for handbag. A small but very useful thing that will come in handy on the road, at work, in a cafe.
  4. Scarf or stole. A desirable and fashionable souvenir for a true fashionista.
  5. Road beautician. A compact cosmetic bag with several compartments and a hook is useful for travel and business trips.
  6. Mini perfume. If there is not enough money for the full volume, you can present a mini version that fits perfectly in a purse or cosmetic bag.
  7. Hair accessories set. It may include different combs, comb hairpins, elastic bands and other accessories.
  8. Graceful strap. A thin leather strap will suit both your favorite trousers and a skirt. Choose stylish designs and vibrant colors. Your friend will be delighted.
  9. Set of photo frames. Cute photo frames will decorate the wall in the bedroom or office, complement the interior, become worthy of decorating your favorite photos.
  10. Home robe. You can buy a soft terry dressing gown for winter evenings or a light playful satin dressing gown. Both that, and another girlfriend will appreciate.
  11. Slippers with pompom. It can be presented in addition to a robe or as a gift on its own.

40 years and older

What to choose as a gift for a woman for 40 years is a difficult question. You can just go shopping and buy something for show, or you can take the issue more seriously and consciously and give a woman a really wonderful surprise on her birthday. After all, she deserves attention on her holiday!

This means that it is worth spending a little time to find the perfect gift that will please her and remain for a long time. There are helpful tips and great 40th birthday gift ideas that would suit any birthday girl.

Important! 40 years is a big date, and the birthday girl is no longer the girl who adored everything bright and shiny, strove to stand out from the crowd and possess everything that glitters beautifully.

At 40, she has developed a taste and impeccable style, she knows what she needs and what she doesn’t, and she doesn’t blindly run after brands. This suggests that she needs to choose a gift for her birthday very carefully, choose something original, one of a kind.

It is these things - exclusive and unusual - that ladies of this age like, and an original, worthy gift can truly please her.

  1. An excellent option is a stylish and high-quality travel bag. If a woman periodically travels or often travels for work, then a bag is an indispensable thing for her. And she certainly will not refuse a new bag, especially she will like a large, comfortable, beautiful and very high quality, in the original design. This is an expensive and very stylish present, which should be chosen carefully, and then the woman will like it!
  2. You can give any woman a beautiful beauty case for her birthday. This is the same cosmetic bag, only very cool, in the form of a large case with a special design, with many drawers, compartments and various secrets. Just a dream of a woman at any age! An ideal present for 40 years, which will not only please the hero of the day, but also come in handy. Using such a case is a real pleasure, so the lady will remember you more than once with a smile and gratitude!
  3. A beautiful and useful accessory for every modern woman is a notebook. At any age, and at the age of 40, ladies adore beautiful and original notebooks and love to make notes. He definitely won’t be superfluous, because every woman will find and figure out for what purposes to get him. Buy her a beautiful, exclusive and very feminine notebook as a birthday present, try to find an unusual and original design. And ideally, order a handmade notebook, it will be the most successful and most valuable birthday present you can think of.

At this age, the lady already loves to equip her homely cozy nest, and has learned to be a skilled hostess. She wants to live in beauty and comfort, to surround herself with modern technology and beautiful accessories, everything that makes home life easy, pleasant and comfortable. Give something for the home!

  1. A very original choice for a birthday is a sandwich maker. An ingenious invention that will delight! This machine allows you to easily and conveniently prepare several dishes at once, and not only sandwiches, but also many other things. Every day, without difficulty and hassle, you can indulge yourself with excellent breakfasts and lunches, do not waste time and effort on complex cooking, eat right. She will love this present!
  2. If the birthday girl still does not have a juicer in the house, you should definitely present this irreplaceable thing to her. Benefit and pleasure - what could be better? Drinking natural, freshly squeezed juices of your favorite fruits and vegetables every day, being in a great mood and feeling good, having good health is affordable and easy. The best present for the one you want to take care of!
  3. And for beauty and aesthetic pleasure, you can present a set of beautiful and original glasses to the hero of the occasion. This will decorate her holidays and home celebrations, cheer up and bring a lot of joy. Find a beautiful and very unusual set of glasses, and present it on a holiday - this is a good idea!

On a round date, it is customary to choose special presents: as a symbol of well-being and fullness of life, success in undertakings and significance for others. The classic assortment for the 50th, 51st or 52nd anniversary of a woman is an almost win-win option if you pay attention to quality, brand, colors and style to the taste of the hero of the day.

  1. Services - ceremonial dishes made of porcelain with gold and silver trim as an anniversary present smoothly migrated from the Soviet past and do not give up positions, because time is nothing to it. The dining room for 6-12 people is the most expensive and solemn, tea or coffee is more democratic. Find out in advance the need to come to the court.
  2. Cutlery sets - like the porcelain table setting, a set of forks, knives and spoons is akin to a mandatory puzzle from the picture of a successful life. A woman born half a century ago knows well what kind of serving is suitable for an anniversary, and will gratefully accept a valuable gift.
  3. Pictures - help create a unique home world or stylize a study. Depending on the purpose, they select watercolors with bouquets or oil landscapes, author's photographs and gallery collages. A warm palette, positive stories are a must.
  4. Vases - for such an occasion, crystal craftsmen and glassblowers work on bulky and at the same time airy products. Thousands of facets and glass repeatedly reflect well-being, promise the house and beyond - a full bowl.
  5. Watches - golden wristwatches, with decorative elements, inscriptions, as well as wall, fireplace chronometers symbolize a clear and long passage of time. You should not rely only on your own taste, you can go shopping with the hero of the day in advance and inadvertently show her the selected copy.
  6. Trays - painted gestural, embossed, carved wooden, complete with a portable tea table, steel or cupronickel: designed to hold delicious food and gather pleasant people for refreshments. That's why they were added to the gift list.

What to give a pregnant friend?

  1. Decorations. Like any normal woman, a woman in position loves everything beautiful, especially jewelry, they do not have to be jewelry, expensive jewelry is also suitable. From jewelry, choose as a gift, chains, pendants, earrings, bracelets, but you should not take rings, because during pregnancy your fingers often swell, and it is very difficult to guess the size of a ring or ring.
  2. Cloth. During pregnancy, all the usual clothes gradually become small, so any expectant mother will be very happy if her "pregnant" wardrobe is replenished with a new outfit. It can be an elegant dress, a sundress or original t-shirts and t-shirts for pregnant women with inscriptions. . .
  3. Photoshoot. Every pregnant woman feels the most beautiful and desirable, to capture these wonderful moments for a lifetime, give the expectant mother an unforgettable photo session.
  4. A set of cosmetics for a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, a woman's skin, nails, and hair require special care, so a set of special cosmetics for pregnant women will definitely come in handy for a future mother.
  5. Interesting literature about the period of pregnancy and childbirth. Being in an interesting position, every woman is interested in a large number of issues related to pregnancy, childbirth, as well as further care for the newborn. To give a complete answer, all this will help the special illustrated literature.
  6. Phonograph. In order for the expectant mother to be in close contact with her baby, give her a special phonograph that will allow the pregnant woman to hear the baby's heartbeat, as well as how he hiccups and eats.
  7. Comfortable shoes. Just like clothes, during pregnancy, often, familiar shoes become uncomfortable or unacceptable to wear, so a pair of brand new ballet shoes on a flat course is sure to cheer up the expectant mother.
  8. Certificate for a beauty salon. To make the expectant mother look perfect on her birthday, give her a certificate to a beauty salon or spa.
  9. Pillow for pregnant women. To help a pregnant woman sit comfortably on the bed and sleep well, a special pillow for pregnant women can, which in the future will also come in handy for convenient feeding of the newborn.
  10. Courses for pregnant women. One of the best gifts from a husband to a pregnant wife is an invitation to a joint attendance of courses for pregnant women, where future parents can learn in detail about preparing for childbirth, childbirth and further care for the baby.

With the birth of a baby, from the very day of his birth, a completely different life begins for a woman, full of troubles and worries. Gifts such as:

  • double boiler;
  • multicooker;
  • blender;
  • juicer (so that there is always fresh, tasty and, most importantly, healthy juice on the table);
  • bread maker;
  • yogurt maker.

Important! The only thing that will have to be taken into account here is the superstition of the expectant mother. The thing is that some people tend to believe in signs and traditions.

One of them says that before the baby's birthday, he should not buy any things so as not to jinx it. To believe in it or not is everyone's business. However, if you are going to visit a pregnant friend, it is better to ask her opinion and then choose a gift for the unborn child or for herself.

DIY gift for a friend's birthday

If you are limited in funds and do not have the opportunity to buy an expensive birthday present for your best friend, it does not matter! There are many opportunities to give a girl an unusual handmade gift for her birthday:

  • color t-shirt collage;
  • a candy or money bouquet (can also be made from small soft toys or balls);
  • wall clock application (can be made on the basis of the old mechanism);
  • handmade bag;
  • original bookmark and more.

If you are interested in one of these options, on YouTube you can find a lot of video clips with a step-by-step description of the technique.

It can also be:

  • various crafts using the decoupage technique (unnecessary bottles, boxes or vases can be turned into a work of art);
  • a picture embroidered with beads or threads, a knitted toy or flowerpot using the macrame technique;
  • an original still life of coffee beans or a very small garden in a pot;
  • unusual jewelry or soap, homemade, made with imagination will turn into a joyful exclusive;
  • a delicious gift prepared and interestingly designed (homemade pie or royal cake) will leave an indelible impression not only on the birthday girl, but also on the envy of the invited guests.

Universal gifts

Of course, one cannot but mention the universal gifts that most women like:

  1. Cosmetic store certificate. Almost all women use cosmetics or perfumes, so such a gift will be very necessary. Moreover, there is no risk of making a mistake with the aroma of perfume or the type of face cream, because the birthday girl has the opportunity to choose the necessary means for herself.
  2. Subscription to a beauty salon for pedicure, manicure, massage or spa treatments. Even the busiest woman devotes part of her time to caring for herself. And when a professional does it and you can relax and get distracted, devoting time to your beauty, it is doubly pleasant.
  3. A ticket to a concert of your favorite artist. This should be done only if there is confidence in the musical tastes of the birthday girl. Then the gift will definitely be to your liking.
  4. A handmade gift. Your friend will be pleased that you made a unique and exclusive gift especially for her. It can be a pillow with an embroidered name, a photo frame with your photo together, a topiary, an arrangement of dried or fresh flowers, etc.
  5. Certificate for a photo session with a professional photographer. Beautiful photos that a friend will receive as a result of such an unusual gift will remind her of you for many years.
  6. A set of beautiful towels. Such a gift is practical and will surely find application in the house of the birthday girl. You can find unusual towels with interesting inscriptions or drawings.
  7. Indoor plant. Unlike cut flowers, such a gift will stand for a long time and remind the hostess of the person who gave it. An orchid, dracaena, or a small palm tree are great choices.
  8. Book of memories. What if you write a book specifically for the birthday girl? You will need joint photos, stories and memories of your friendship, which must be placed on the pages of the book. You can write why you are so glad to have such a wonderful friend and how much she means in your life. Such a gift will not leave indifferent any girlfriend!

Original gift

The desire to make an unusual present for your best friend is very commendable, but at the same time you need to remember that the gift should be extraordinary, maybe even playful, but appropriate and not beyond the bounds of decency.

For example, order a stripper performance for a holiday. This invitation can even become a provocative gift, but if the girlfriend is married, then the risk of giving a grandiose scandal is very high.

A spectacular gift will be a paid photo shoot, extraordinary shoes that a friend has long dreamed of, even an ordinary bathrobe will become original if the name of the hero of the occasion is embroidered on it. Maybe a friend will be happy with an unusual talking housekeeper who responds if you clap your hands.

Amazing packaging for a gift to a friend. The main thing is to figure out how interesting, with fiction to present such a gift. You can make, for example, a bright box with a double bottom, putting some trifle on top - a tube of toothpaste, lipstick, a fountain pen.

Or make an unpretentious tree using a houseplant for this, hanging it with leaves with banal wishes. Among them, the name of the true gift should also be written. Delight will be genuine when a friend gets to the bottom of it.

Is your friend going to celebrate her birthday? It's time to think about a gift. And you need to approach the issue with all seriousness, because you want to please her with something special. Do not buy a present in a hurry, go shopping, rummage through the Internet, look at the assortment of boutiques and, of course, delve into your own memory. Perhaps something will come to mind that a friend has long dreamed of or let slip by accident. And you, once, and make a surprise! If nothing comes to mind, and you absolutely do not know what to present, we offer 45 ideas of what to give a friend for her birthday. The article has different options. We hope they help you make your choice!

What can you give a friend so as not to spoil her birthday?

  1. Cosmetics. If you want to make a good birthday present for your friend, buy her favorite beauty products. Preferably in large quantities. You can collect a set of creams or decorators. Put in a basket or a beautiful box, tie with a ribbon.
  2. Perfumes. A favorite perfume or a novelty in the perfume industry, widely advertised on glossy covers or on TV, is also a great option.
  3. Event tickets. Do you know what kind of actors, singers a friend is fond of? Or maybe she is an avid football fan? Then tickets for a concert, performance or match are the right idea for a present!
  4. Shopping certificate. If you are not sure that you will choose the right products, then it is better to pay for the certificate in her favorite store. Let the girlfriend buy whatever she likes and enjoy shopping.
  5. Subscription to a spa or beauty salon. It can also be considered as a suitable gift. Choose an original treatment, such as a chocolate wrap or a stone massage. Let your friend have a pleasant and memorable day.
  6. Garra Ruffa fish pedicure. Another variation on the topic of care procedures. Fish pedicure is an original birthday present for a friend. This is a pleasant, useful and fun procedure that gives pleasure and gives a good mood.
  7. Set of home textiles. If a friend loves bedding, terry towels, potholders and other home comfort items, she will love beautiful textiles. Choose according to the design and color scheme of the interior.
  8. Scarf or scarf around the neck. Stylish accessories with an original print or trendy ornament are a nice gift for a friend. Ladies who love all kinds of accessories and stylish little things will like it. A flat box or a kraft paper bag will do as a package.
  9. Selfie stick. Girlfriend "lives" in social networks, loves to be photographed? Then a functional selfie stick is suitable as a gift, which will help you take bright and high-quality pictures of yourself.
  10. Beach mat. Now you can find very original, unusual beach mats: in the form of a snowflake, bagel, burger, etc.
  11. Organizer "Woman". This is the perfect gift for every lady. A convenient and stylish organizer for a dressing table, in which there is a place for everything that a beauty should have at hand: brushes, combs, mirrors, cosmetics and other small things.
  12. A set of leather accessories. Also good gift options for a friend. You can give a bag, wallet, purse, key holder, business card holder or a whole set in the same style.
  13. City backpack. Fans of a free and sporty style will like not a classic bag, but a light urban backpack.
  14. Chocolate set "iPad". If you want to make an inexpensive birthday present for a friend, you can buy something sweet and tasty.
  15. Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies. A similar option. The choice depends on what the girlfriend likes more: cookies or chocolate. Original, tasty, unusual and inexpensive.
  16. Ecocube Such a present will appeal to girls and women who are fond of breeding home plants. Buy an eco-cube with a seed of some exotic plant. She will be glad.
  17. Florarium. Also unusual and original. Florarium can be made independently or ordered in a flower shop. This is a cool gift that will decorate the interior and bring a lot of emotions.
  18. Wish card- goal visualization board. You can give such an unusual present to your girlfriend for her birthday. A wish board will help you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. Psychologists say that visualization is a powerful driving force.
  19. Shopping bag. Every woman should have such a bag. Firstly, it is in trend, and secondly, it is comfortable and roomy.
  20. A set of creative covers for documents. You can choose covers with funny pictures, ornaments, characters, etc. Passport, driver's license and other "serious" documents in such covers look unusual and cheer up.
  21. Windproof umbrella. Another practical and original gift option. You can buy a classic umbrella in a discreet color or an original bright accessory with a funny pattern.
  22. Travel case. If a girl travels a lot, you can safely include a travel case, suitcases, travel bags, luggage tags, etc. in birthday gift ideas for your best friend.
  23. Road beautician. It will also come in handy when traveling. It will fit everything you might need on the road: cosmetics, toiletries, napkins and other little things.
  24. Heated lunchbox. A gift for a car lady who spends a lot of time behind the wheel. The compact and convenient container with heating from the cigarette lighter will be a wonderful gift.
  25. Gift set for relaxation. It can be anything: scented candles, bath bombs, lavender foam. A set of masks and scrubs for body care. Or, for example, a sleep mask and a silk robe.
  26. Funny slippers. Warm funny slippers are on the list of the best birthday gifts for a friend. They will warm and remind you that you love and care for her.
  27. Car phone holder. A smartphone holder is a thing that a modern person needs. Present a holder in a cool design or in the color of a car body.
  28. Bouquet of sweets and soft toys. A cute and cute present for a friend who loves such things. Cute toys and delicious sweets are a great gift for a girl aged 8-14.
  29. Powerbank "Smile". This gift is suitable for anyone who uses gadgets. A cute emoticon will cheer you up every day and keep your smartphone or tablet in working condition.
  30. Wall clock stickers. Original, modern, stylish interior decoration. And, inexpensive. Choose the option according to the interior design.
  31. Flash drive "Handbag". Everyone who has a computer or laptop must have a flash drive. But not ordinary and boring, but creative and truly feminine. For girls, you can choose a drive in the form of a strawberry or a cat, and for older girlfriends - a handbag, lipstick, a flower with rhinestones.
  32. Stand for jewelry. Another irreplaceable thing on the ladies table. Stand in the form of a female figurine, hand, tree, etc. - this is what a lover of jewelry and all kinds of jewelry needs.
  33. Jewelry box. For a friend's birthday, you can give not a stand, but a multi-tiered box. It will fit not only jewelry, but also watches, hairpins. The gift looks very solid, it will decorate the dressing table and give joy.
  34. A set of pots or planters for plants. A gift for a flower lover. If a friend is trying to turn the house into a green oasis, you can give your best friend a set of beautiful planters or pots of different sizes, but in the same style.
  35. Pet accessories. Yes, yes, this is a really good gift for a girlfriend. If she loves her Chihuahua or Brit, she will gladly accept a house, a new collar with rhinestones, a set of pet care cosmetics, a carrying bag, etc.
  36. Bachelorette party in the sauna. Organize a bachelorette party in the sauna. It's nice, and fun, and useful. There will be a great surprise from friends. Do not forget to present a basket with oils, masks, scrubs and a cool hat for the steam room.
  37. Visiting the quest room. If the choice of an interesting gift for a friend is not limited to cosmetics and perfumes, and you want to make an unusual surprise, then gather a company and invite everyone to the quest room. You can agree with the workers so that at the end of the quest the birthday girl finds the main gift.
  38. Set of coffee, tea, alcohol. If you are afraid not to guess with things or cosmetics, you can present something tasty to your friend for her birthday. Gourmets will appreciate elite tea/coffee or an alcoholic drink in a gift box. You can buy delicious liquor, champagne, martini, etc. Choose what your girlfriend likes.
  39. Handmade soap "To my beloved friend". Soap looks great in the form of flowers, cookies, chocolates, folded into a beautiful hat box with ribbons. Such a composition with different aromas and natural ingredients will be a pleasant and useful gift.
  40. Handmade jewelry. What can you give a friend? Of course, decorations! You can buy ready-made or you can make your own. Today, things in the technique of hand made are in great demand and belong to fashion trends.
  41. Panel of your favorite photos. Select the most memorable and favorite pictures that reflect the history of your friendship over the years. Make a creative panel out of them, frame them, present them as a gift. It is both decoration and memory.
  42. Word portrait. Do you know what presents are usually given to a friend? Of course, those that evoke emotions and warm feelings! For example, her portrait, composed of pleasant wishes and words, will cause stormy delight, tenderness, touches to the depths of the soul. Great gift!
  43. Autodial for autolady. If your friend loves to drive, she'll love this practical car lady kit packed in a cute pink case.
  44. Makeup mirror. A large stylish mirror on a stand with a magnifying effect can be a good gift. But only if a friend does not complement about wrinkles. Otherwise, she will hate him.
  45. Extreme entertainment. Confused and absolutely do not know what to give a friend for her birthday? Book a skydiving or extreme driving lesson! She will never forget such a gift!

Remember that the main thing in a gift is not the cost, but originality and individuality. Who, if not the best friend knows everything about tastes and interests. Women who have been friends for many years can give quite personal items. Think about what you can give your friend for her birthday and what will please her more: a new peignoir or a rare gift-bound book? And when choosing a gift, take into account her tastes and preferences. If you are a fan of bright style, and she prefers restrained classics, it is better to buy a simpler thing. First of all, the gift should please HER, and you, of course, too. After all, a gift chosen with a soul is the best gift!

Many girls worry about their friend's birthday no less than before their own anniversary. Finding a suitable gift often becomes a difficult task, especially if you want not only to express attention, but also to bring joy to your friend. To make a successful choice of a present, you need to know only 3 things: what kind of hobby does your girlfriend have, what does she like and what kind of vacation does she prefer. A gift that meets her interests is guaranteed to please the birthday girl. And since the search for the perfect gift takes a lot of time, you should take care of acquiring it in advance.

Ideas for original gifts for a girlfriend for her birthday

What gift to give a friend for her birthday? Each girl is an individual, so there is no one universal recipe that everyone would like. However, there is a list of rules, following which you can choose an unforgettable present for your girlfriend:

  1. To decide on the choice of a birthday gift, remember the interests of a friend, take into account the characteristics of her personality and character.
  2. The present may correspond to the birthday girl's hobby. If she is a creative person, then give her a set of paints for drawing, thread and knitting needles, or a potter's wheel. A sports beauty should present a new racket, ballet flats or a sports bag, and one who loves photography should present a new frame.
  3. Focus on the girl's lifestyle. If she devotes a lot of time to work, then a certificate for a trip to the spa or a relaxing massage session will serve as a suitable gift.
  4. Giving stationery or other work attributes should only be done if a friend loves her profession.
  5. Consider the age of the birthday girl. So, a certificate for a parachute jump is unlikely to please a mature lady, while for a brave 20-year-old girl, such a gift will be the most memorable. But sweets will always be appropriate.
  6. If you still doubt the correct choice of a birthday present, then it is better to ask your friend directly what she would like to receive. Then she will surely be satisfied.

Choose a gift for a friend well before her birthday, as a hasty choice will most likely not be very successful. To truly surprise a loved one and give him joy, you should devote a lot of your personal time and effort to the search. Below are interesting gift ideas that you can give your girlfriend.

Creative pillow with photos

Why not add some humor and fun to a present for a friend? A pillow with the image of her loved one or your joint cool photos will appeal to the hero of the occasion. Such a thing is sure to cheer up the birthday girl and become a stylish accessory in her room. You can safely make a collage from a selection of her favorite actors or cartoon characters - such a gift will please any girl.

T-shirt with funny inscription

If the birthday girl has a good sense of humor, then the present should be funny. To do this, it is not necessary to arrange a crazy prank, a T-shirt with a funny inscription or a picture will be a great solution. Print a comic phrase on the fabric, a funny photo of a friend or a successful montage of her with her favorite idol - the birthday girl will surely like this thing.

Blanket with sleeves

Despite the fact that practical gifts are often given to women of age, even young girls will like a cozy plaid with sleeves. This unusual gift will warm the owner on winter evenings, because it is so nice to watch TV or read with a cup of tea in your hands. Original, stylish colors will make the present really pleasant.


How to present to a friend to surprise her? If you want to arrange an unexpected surprise for a friend, give her an impression gift on her birthday. You can choose from thousands of options and give your friend a skydiving session, a salsa pass, a certificate for a chocolate wrap, or a week-long Thai massage course. It is possible to choose a coupon that provides for several alternative pastime options, from which the birthday girl herself will be able to choose the most desired one.

Digital photo frame

With the advent of the electronic photo frame, ordinary frames and frames receded into the background. In addition to making this type of photo frame a desirable and fashionable gift, this device for storing a huge number of photos will also serve as a stylish interior decoration. For your friend's birthday, you can choose a model equipped with additional functions - an MP3 player, a clock, slide show support, a calendar, etc. Your photo will always be in front of her eyes.

Inexpensive and fun gift options

For a birthday, a friend who loves pranks and fun should give some funny, original gift. In the future, this thing will cheer up and evoke pleasant memories in the girl. Cool and inexpensive presentations will be:

  • , balls or soft toys.
  • Runaway alarm clock (suitable for those birthday girls who hardly get themselves out of bed in the morning).
  • A computer keyboard with an unusual shape or color.
  • An oil portrait or a funny caricature.
  • Origami or a bouquet of banknotes.
  • A song ordered on the radio and congratulations from the presenters.
  • Home slippers-uggs with a funny pattern or in the shape of an animal's face.
  • A coffee or tea set containing drinks that a friend has not tried yet.
  • Pajamas with a cute panda pattern or printed photo.
  • A magic ball that gives answers to all questions.
  • A set for carving, with which a girl can beautifully decorate festive dishes with different stars and flowers carved from fruits or vegetables.
  • A fondue set that will be such a nice addition to your girly get-togethers.
  • A spinning cube-shaped photo frame where your girlfriend can place your shared photos.
  • The sushi set will appeal to lovers of Japanese cuisine.
  • A massage cape or massager that a girl can use after a hard day.
  • A facial cleanser will not hurt, even if the skin looks healthy - every girl needs periodic face cleaning.

What a gift to make your best friend with your own hands

Creative individuals may abandon the idea of ​​finding the right thing in stores and make a homemade gift for a friend. Perhaps you decide to draw or embroider a beautiful picture for her, a napkin, or maybe create a mini-garden in a pot. A handmade gift for your best friend's birthday will not leave her indifferent. To facilitate the process of creating a presentation, it is worth buying special ready-made schemes or kits that help the creation process.

Those who are short of money can, for a friend, beautifully decorate an ordinary purchased frame or weave a colorful bedside rug using multi-colored shreds of fabric. Beautiful things are obtained using the decoupage technique: using this idea, you can turn simple things into unusual, original gifts. And if you don’t have skills in needlework, then you should try to bake a delicious cake for your friend’s birthday or make homemade sweets, fragrant handmade soap.

Homemade beaded jewelry

If your hobby is beading, then why not make original homemade jewelry for your friend's birthday? Turn on your imagination and create beautiful earrings, brooch, bracelet or necklace for her using shiny beads, pins and quality fittings. If your imagination fails you, you can look for interesting, unusual weaving patterns on the Internet.

Paper topiary

- easy to perform, but very beautiful decoration of the room. There are a lot of techniques for creating an artificial tree, so you can choose one or more options. The easiest way is to attach paper flowers or coffee beans to a foam ball with glue. Next, the ball is mounted on a stick, which is inserted into a pot filled with plaster until it hardens. The base should be decorated with artificial greenery or confetti.

Sweet candy gift

Sweets are the basis of a sweet bouquet that will surely please any girl. Having received such a birthday present, a friend will appreciate not only the appearance of the bouquet, but also its contents. If you know what sweets the birthday girl likes, you should buy them, otherwise, choose sweets to your taste. In honor of the holiday, it is better to buy more expensive sweets, and in order not to miscalculate, choose different types. An excellent gift will be a composition of marmalade, caramel and chocolates.

photo collage

For the birthday of a friend, I want to choose and prepare a special gift (not sweets). Why not present her with your pleasant memories together? If the friendship has been around for many years and you have accumulated a lot of joint photos, order either a large-format postcard with your common pictures from the printing house. Choose for the collage photos taken during school years, during the period of students and joint trips.

chocolates poster

Ideal - a poster with chocolates. Its charm lies in the fact that it is possible to create such a present with your own hands, and it will take only an hour to create a sweet wall newspaper with sweets. Choose the most delicious sweets in the store, place them on a poster, write a lot of warm words and wishes in the free places, stick photos - that's the original, and most importantly, delicious present for your girlfriend's birthday.

Video: what to give a girlfriend for her birthday

They share all the secrets with a friend, because she will always listen and help, have fun with her, she understands us better than others. Therefore, when choosing a gift for her birthday, you should follow some important rules so that the present is desirable, useful and preferably unique. The most important thing is that it must be given sincerely and with all my heart, then the birthday girl will be satisfied with the gift (candy, joint photos), and the girl who presented it will see a happy smile on the face of a dear person.

The birthday of a dear friend is a great occasion to get together and have fun. But before you go to the party, you need to pick up a good gift. It can be something necessary and useful or just beautiful. If you can’t decide what to give your girlfriend for her birthday, the list of ideas on our website will help solve this issue.

How to choose a good present?

It is not easy to choose a gift that the recipient would like and definitely come in handy for her. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various facts about a friend, and analyze her features:

  • Interests and hobbies;
  • Lifestyle;
  • Age;
  • Family status;
  • Character features.

For example, not all girls will like an extreme adventure. It may also be too difficult physically. A girlfriend may love bright handmade jewelry or classic jewelry, traveling or working out at the gym to the point of exhaustion. Presents to girls of different age categories will also be very different. This must be remembered and try to take into account all the nuances.

Best Friend Gift Ideas

The best friend is often the closest person, because it is with her that they share all the secrets. Therefore, it is not necessary to give something as a keepsake, you will not forget each other anyway. Try to create history and present not an object, but an event that will become one of the diamonds in the treasury of your memories, for example:

  • Throw an unforgettable party in an original place;
  • Rent a limousine and drive around the city at night;
  • Go to the rides together;
  • Take a trip;
  • Ride on horseback or quad bikes.

But, before releasing fantasy and starting organizing a stunning adventure, it is necessary to clarify what kind of gift the girlfriend expects. Among close friends, a discussion of this topic is allowed and will even be very useful. By the way, there are much more acceptable gift options between best girlfriends than in other situations. This is due to the fact that there are practically no restrictions - you can even give cosmetics, clothes and underwear.

If you have been friends for a very long time and, as they say, have something to remember, give your girlfriend a photo album with the funniest shared photos, a large photo collage or a video about your life.

TOP 10 Birthday Gift Ideas for a Girlfriend

  1. engraved decoration
  2. Party or Adventure
  3. Visiting a SPA or beauty salon
  4. Personal care devices
  5. Stylish accessories
  6. hobby item
  7. Items for decorating the interior, for example, a panel or a doll
  8. Gym membership or sports equipment for home
  9. Portrait from photo or photo collage
  10. Master class visit

What can I give a girlfriend for beauty - a list of ideas

Almost all girls want to look good and use a lot of means for this. Usually, women are not recommended to give cosmetics and some other gifts designed to improve their appearance. But close friends can offer anything, even cellulite cream, especially if you are aware of each other's little problems and want to help deal with them. Best Beauty Gift Ideas:

  • SPA set for home use for hair or body;
  • Massage certificate;
  • Device for hardware manicure and pedicure;
  • Certificate for visiting a SPA or beauty salon;
  • A good device for removing unwanted hair, for example, a modern photoepilator;
  • Subscription to a gym or fitness club;
  • Set for home aromatherapy.

Gift Ideas for a Creative Girlfriend

If your friend is a creative person, loves art, likes to try her hand at different types of needlework, or just likes everything beautiful, choose a gift that will help you join the beautiful. List of relevant ideas:

  • Visiting an art museum or an exhibition of a contemporary author;
  • Clay modeling or pottery workshop;
  • Lesson of Chinese painting or batik;
  • Henna tattoo or real, at the request of a girlfriend;
  • A portrait painted from a photo, as an option - a cartoon;
  • Set for soap making, perfume making or beadwork;
  • Ticket to a concert or theatrical premiere.

Bright creative personalities often love non-trivial things. A girlfriend will surely be delighted if she receives a handmade jewelry, a batik-painted scarf, an interior doll or a hand-painted vase for her birthday. Be sure to visit the hand-made store, in reality or on the Internet. There you can often find real works of art at very affordable prices.

Novice craftsmen often sell their products only to recoup the cost of materials, so there is a chance to get an excellent gift inexpensively.

Useful Birthday Gift Ideas for a Girlfriend

Very often, when you want to choose a useful present, your imagination runs out, and only standard options such as towels and potholders come to mind. But there are many useful and interesting gift ideas that will definitely please a girlfriend, for example:

  • Unusual umbrella, for example, neon, heart-shaped or with ears;
  • Designer panel for home decoration;
  • A book on Feng Shui will appeal to a girlfriend who loves to arrange her home;
  • Stylish clutch, you can choose an original handmade product;
  • An old Turk will appeal to a coffee lover;
  • Glasses made of silver or cupronickel;
  • Box for jewelry or needlework;
  • Double-sided mirror, decorated with rhinestones and / or engraved;
  • Money tree made of metal with coins or beads;
  • Beautiful and convenient case for glasses;
  • Wallet.

Also, a useful gift can be picked up, taking into account the interests of a girlfriend. For example, a needlewoman will be happy to receive any supplies for her work. If a friend is fond of cooking, she will need various convenient kitchen appliances. Many girls love houseplants. If your friend is one of them, give her a new pet or a beautiful flower pot.

Avoid gifts that can bring trouble to the recipient. For example, she dreams of a kitten and sometimes even plans to get one. By giving a cat, you, of course, will please your girlfriend, but suddenly she is not ready for this yet. In addition, the maintenance of the animal requires material costs.

Gift ideas for a girlfriend by age

When choosing a gift, be sure to take into account the age of the birthday girl. The specifics of the presentation largely depend on it. In different periods, girls differ in interesting and tastes change over the years. A sample list of gift ideas by age:

  • Up to 18 years old. If the girlfriend is very young, you can give her cute soft toys, cosmetics, gadget accessories, photo frames and decorative candles. At this age, a girl will surely be glad to receive a beautiful hairpin or a photo album with several common photos with her friends. And for the 18th birthday, it is advisable to pick up something memorable, for example, a pendant or an engraved bracelet. Also a good gift would be a visit to a party or SPA-salon.
  • 18-25 years old. At this age, girls are already starting to take care of their skin, so a certificate to a beauty salon will be relevant. You can also give an extreme adventure or an invitation to a stunning party. A good gift would be a fashion accessory or a photo session. If you are afraid to miscalculate, give a certificate from a perfume or cosmetic store.
  • 25-30 years old. The girlfriend is probably already earning herself and can buy herself the most necessary things. At this age, she will be happy to get something stylish for her look or for decorating the house. You can also present a hair care product, such as a styler or yoga mat. Many girls at this age have small children and are on maternity leave. If your girlfriend is one of them, give her a gym or pool membership. This will help her improve her health and periodically run away from home under a plausible pretext. And also invite a friend to dinner at an interesting place, she probably lacks communication.
  • 30-40 years old. Your girlfriend is already a fully established woman, she will be happy with beautiful interior items and accessories. You can give beautiful lingerie or a visit to a beauty salon. Adventures are still relevant, as well as master classes - it's never too late to learn. You can also pick up some business gifts, such as a beautiful notebook or a road pen. And if a friend loves to cook, then various cool kitchen appliances will be the best surprise for her.
  • 40-55 years old. Surely, a friend has already done a lot, and now she has a little more time for herself. A great idea is relaxation gifts, such as a rock garden, a home fountain or a table pendulum. You can buy something useful, for example, a jewelry box or a set of stylishly modern dishes, a beautiful tippet or a scarf.

Try to please your girlfriend and please her with a present. But do not be afraid to make a mistake, the main thing is to present something from the heart, with the best wishes.

If you have a real girlfriend, you are lucky! Appreciate friendships and do everything to make them develop and become stronger. When a loved one has a holiday, be sure to congratulate him in an original way and choose a good present. In the absence of a lot of money, buy something cheap, but of high quality and unusual. We have prepared an interesting article. From it you will learn what to give a girlfriend for her birthday inexpensively.

What to consider when choosing a presentation

Each person is an individual. Therefore, before making a purchase, you need to think about what will suit your friend and what she will like. This is the only way to predict the reaction of the birthday girl to the presented present.

There are many gift options for a friend. When choosing a thing, you need to take into account age, hobbies and personality traits. For example, a travel lover will not be happy with stationery. She can be presented with a compass, a backpack and even a flashlight. If a girl loves beautiful products and is a real fashionista, she obviously will not be happy with travel accessories. In this case, you need to purchase an original, but unusual accessory. With a strong desire, you will definitely find what you need, since the assortment in stores is huge.

Traditional Presents

When you do not want to invent anything, you can go the easy way. For this, it is necessary to give preference to the universal option. You can give your friend the following items:

  • mug- buy a cup with a humorous picture or with a person's name. Its cost is inexpensive. A mug is always useful in the household;
  • small box- The fair sex has a lot of jewelry. They need to be stored somewhere. The box for this purpose is ideal;
  • statuette- Many girls like all kinds of figures. On sale there are figurines made in the form of angels, animals, elves, mythical creatures. Such decorative items look original. They can be placed in the bedroom, in the living room;
  • bijouterie- jewelry made from inexpensive materials. In stores you can buy accessories made of colored glass, ceramics, metal. The choice of jewelry is multifaceted: earrings, pendants, hairpins, brooches;
  • stylish accessory- Another inexpensive birthday present for a friend. It can be a scarf, a small handbag, a shawl. When buying an accessory, consider the tastes of the girl and think about what clothes the chosen product will suit;
  • cute little thing Girls like everything beautiful. Therefore, a girlfriend can be handed a handbag holder, an original notebook, a key chain, a key holder or a pen in the form of a lipstick;
  • Frame- A great gift for a friend. It is meant to hold memories. A friend will be able to frame a photo of a loved one, child, parents;
  • T-shirt with an interesting inscription or a thematic pattern- the choice of solutions is huge. You can choose a T-shirt with the words "Best friend", "Crazy but cool", "That bastard is my friend". If the girl has a good sense of humor, buy a product with a cool pattern.

Inexpensive for a friend’s holiday, you can buy nuts with wishes, made in the form of emoticons. Each nut contains a prediction, a good wish or friendly advice. You need to unfold it and read what is written.

Gifts up to 500 rubles

A true friend will gratefully accept any donated item. If she appreciates friendly relations, money goes by the wayside. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the fact that you have purchased a cheap product.

We offer gift ideas for a girlfriend, the cost of which does not exceed 500 rubles:

  • Cool apron "Super-woman".
  • Sleep mask "Pink flowers".
  • A small painting by numbers.
  • Chocolate set "To my friend".
  • Passport cover.
  • Volumetric 3D postcard "Blossoming tree".
  • Chewing marmalade "Sweet antidepressants".
  • A set for growing daisies in a tin.
  • Antistress coloring book.
  • Selfie remote.

Choosing a good gift for a friend is easy. If you want to surprise the birthday girl, there are many options. It can be a toothbrush holder, a pizza plate, aromatic soap, a deck chair for your phone.

Original presents

An inexpensive gift chosen for a friend should not be banal. No need to buy what caught your eye. Check out the catalogs of stores that sell cheap products. Give preference to a subject that is non-standard. Then the birthday girl will like the present and will always remind you of friendly relations.

We know what an unusual present for a friend you can buy:

  • emotional bookmarks- a great solution for a cheerful and cheerful girlfriend. Bookmarks are designed in the form of fingers. Each product depicts a certain emotion. For example, joy, surprise, love, sadness;
  • jump rope with electronic jump counter- the perfect gift for a girl who leads an active lifestyle. A special counter is built into the rope handle. With the help of such a product, you can maintain good physical shape and lose extra pounds;
  • dryer for nails "Monkey"- a cute animal diligently blows on the nails and speeds up the drying process of the varnish. You just need to put your finger on a special stand. With such a simple device, a girl will paint her nails quickly and without problems;
  • rose mini lamp- a wonderful gift for a friend who loves everything beautiful. The lamp is very realistic. It shimmers in different colors. Therefore, a unique spectacle is created in the room;
  • set of metal molds for frying eggs- a set for a real hostess. It includes four different shapes: heart, daisy, star and circle. With the help of such products, a friend will be able to cook beautiful dishes for her loved ones. Unusual scrambled eggs will please the kids;
  • souvenir "Tree of happiness"- An original present for your best friend. With proper care, the gift turns into a dracaena. This is a plant that is a symbol of happiness. It creates coziness and harmony in the house;
  • electronic candle- a great alternative to the traditional product. The candle is battery operated. It is designed to create a magical atmosphere in the house. The electronic candle is absolutely safe;
  • stylish jewelry holder- an essential attribute for girls. With it, you can conveniently store rings, earrings, bracelets. The collections include holders in the form of angels, owls, elephants.

Spend more than one minute choosing a present for a friend, but a sufficient amount of time. Buy something that the hero of the occasion will definitely like.

List of best cheap birthday gifts for girlfriend

So that you do not bother with buying a gift, we offer ready-made options. We have great ideas for girls:

  • Aroma lamp.
  • A spinning photo frame made in the shape of a cube.
  • Magic ball that gives answers to all questions.
  • Pink computer mouse.
  • Flash drive: ballpoint pen, credit card.
  • Name calendar.
  • Photo print pillow.
  • Cover for smartphone.
  • Order for devoted friendship.
  • Kitchenware for a friend who loves to cook.

Original handmade gift

This option is suitable for those who do not yet earn money or just want to show their skills. What can you do for a friend's birthday? We offer to make paper topiary. This is a great gift that will always have a place in the house.

To work, you will need multi-colored corrugated paper, glue, a foam ball, a stick, plaster and a pot. First, flowers are made, which are subsequently glued to the ball. Then the ball is mounted on a stick. Gypsum is diluted in a container (in a certain proportion). The mixture is poured into a pot. A stick with a ball is inserted into the solution. The pot is decorated with confetti or artificial greenery. After hardening, the paper flower topiary will be ready. It's fairly easy to make and looks amazing!

To make your friend like everything, treat the choice of a gift with great responsibility. Think over absolutely everything: what you will give, what words you will say, whatever you wish. All moments are important. With the right approach to business, you can easily surprise and delight your girlfriend, making her holiday unforgettable!