Dresses for pregnant women spring summer. Features of carrying pregnancy in the summer. Hoodies and sweatshirts

Light, soft fabrics, loose fit, thanks to which the clothes adapt to the growth of the abdomen and are convenient to put on, take off, wear - this is what the expectant mother needs.

Jeans for pregnant womenespecially loved for their practicality. Models of jeans for pregnant women are offered both with a low fit under the belly and with a high one: the knitted insert gently fits and covers the tummy without squeezing. A wide bandage tape sewn into the belt will comfortably support the stomach, and by re-fastening the Velcro (buttons, buttons) to a comfortable position, you can adjust the girth of the jeans if they become tight. Comfortable style for walking - classic straight jeans and loose boyfriend jeans (this is a model with a low waist and groin area). They do not press or rub in the crotch.

Overalls for pregnant women - one more clothes popular among expectant mothers. Adjustments at the waist and shoulder straps allow the maternity jumpsuit to grow with the woman's belly and breast - this is, of course, comfortable. But when choosing overalls for pregnant women, it is worth considering that it will not be so easy to go to the toilet in it, especially if you are wearing a jacket or a jacket on top. And during pregnancy, you have to use the toilet outside the house quite often.

Lightweight stretch jersey sweatpants and leggings - the optimal solution for hiking in the warm season. Wide cuffs at the waist, soft elastic, drawstring with a drawstring, fit under the belly - the expectant mother will be comfortable.

Combine jeans, sweatpants, breeches, shorts, leggings, overalls with T-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, tunics.

Fashion trends for pregnant women

In trend this season style oversized - bulky loose clothing.

How do you define this style?

  • lowered shoulder line,
  • wide sleeve with low armhole,
  • wide flared hem

Pros: in clothes of this style, the body is free, a pregnant woman sweats less, and if it becomes hot, then sweat stains under the armpits will not be noticeable.

And for those who loves things to fit , - tight-fitting T-shirts for pregnant women and elongated tunics made of highly stretchable cotton jersey. Funny inscriptions and drawings on T-shirts for pregnant women will delight the expectant mother and cause a kind smile from those around them.

Moving on to skirts and dresses

If you like dresses, sundresses and skirts more, then simple flying styles, knee-length or below, are suitable for walking. Delicate, calm or, conversely, bright colors and prints, cotton, linen, viscose, chiffon, silk - everything for your summer romantic look.

For cooler days and evening walks, wear something warmer on top: a cozy jacket, sweatshirt, sweatshirt, windbreaker or jeans. A summer down jacket (jacket or vest) is another useful purchase for walking at temperatures from +5 to +15 ° С. The thinnest down layer makes it warm, but not hot, and if it rains, the water-repellent fabric in combination with the hood will protect you from bad weather. The down jacket is folded into a compact roll and stowed away in a cover - in this form, it will take up no more space in the bag than a folding umbrella.

Maternity clothes: comfort in every detail

When updating your wardrobe, do not forget about maternity lingerie. Buy several pairs of high-rise or low-rise comfy panties to match your outfit. For the comfort of expectant mothers - a cut that takes into account the growth of the abdomen, flat seams or their absence, delicate elastic material, cotton gusset.

While waiting for the baby, the woman's breasts also increase, so it is important that the maternity bra comfortably supports the mammary glands, but does not squeeze them or rub them. Maternity bras take into account all these nuances. Seamless patterns, cups that "grow" due to elastic material and design features, no underwire, multi-level fasteners to adjust the volume of the bra and the length of the straps, cotton in the fabric - everything to make the expectant mother feel comfortable.

By the end of the second trimester, when the belly has become noticeably rounded, it is advisable to wear maternity bandage... He will provide the necessary support, relieve the back. Choose the model that suits you best. An elastic bandage and bandage briefs are the best option for the summer (not hot, does not stand out under clothes). The bandage belt is more dense, but it is versatile, it can be used after childbirth: the wide part of the belt, which supports the back during pregnancy, is now applied to the abdomen in order to quickly return it to shape.

If there is a lot of weight gain, there is a tendency to varicose veins and edema, compression hosiery will help ease the condition of the legs while walking. Before buying, consult a doctor, he will select the degree of compression of pantyhose or stockings individually for you.

Maternity shoes: flying gait and comfort

The duration of the walk also largely depends on how comfortable the shoes of the pregnant woman are.


Shoes, ankle boots and heeled sandalsnot only uncomfortable in your position, but also dangerous, as an additional load is created on the spine, muscles, joints and blood vessels of the legs, and the risk of stumbling increases. To walk longer without feeling tired and heavy in your legs, choose a pair of maternity shoes that are suitable for walking.

IN light shoes with wide solid soles or with a small (2–4 cm) stable heel, with a soft comfortable bed for the foot, walking is a pleasure. Breathable materials and ventilation slots ensure constant air exchange and moisture transfer - your feet won't sweat. Antibacterial impregnation of the insole will prevent unpleasant odors. A flexible, resilient outsole cushions as you walk, cushioning every step.

Sports shoes meet these criteria: sneakers, trekking lightweight boots and sandals, sneakers, slip-on sneakers (slip-on sneakers with thick rubber soles), sneakers (sneakers with an internal stable wedge heel). Keep in mind that as your belly grows, it becomes more difficult to button up your shoes. To help the expectant mother - models with zippers and Velcro, and for sneakers and boots - a quick lacing system, which allows you to quickly, literally with one movement, tighten or loosen the laces. To do this, you just need to press a button or turn the lock wheel.

A comfortable urban style of clothing will be complemented by ballet flats, espadrilles, sandals or loafers (women's model of soft loafers without a fastener). It is worth noting that your favorite soft and light ballet flats, but on a thin solid sole, are not quite suitable for hiking - the expectant mother will feel every unevenness, and due to the lack of cushioning, the legs and back will get tired faster. The problem of such shoes for pregnant women can be solved by embedded orthopedic insoles with gel pads or insoles made of foam "with memory". They will create the correct relief for the foot, soften the impacts when walking, the unevenness of the road will be felt less, which means that walking in your favorite shoes will become more comfortable. Walking shoes should be loose so that your feet are not cramped. Swelling, fatigue, hot weather - and by evening, new shoes or sneakers may be small. Consider this when trying on in the store.

Take with you for a walk

When going for a walk, take with you small bagthat can be carried over the shoulder, or a lightweight backpack: it is important that your hands remain free and that it is not difficult to walk. Do not take anything superfluous, only the essentials.

Documents - carry with you throughout pregnancy, and always in the last months. Even if you just decided to walk to a nearby store, have a passport, medical policy, compulsory pension insurance card (SNILS), an exchange card for a pregnant woman, a birth certificate (issued from the 30th week of pregnancy).

Drink- A small bottle of still water, fruit drink, juice, cool tea with lemon will always come in handy for a walk. It is convenient to carry a drink with you in a sports sippy bottle. It is very light, has a comfortable grip, does not slip out of the hand, it is convenient to drink from it, when closed it reliably locks the liquid inside - not a drop will spill from the bottle and will not wet things in the bag.

Remedies for toxicosis- for example, peppermint or lemon lozenges, which will help relieve the onset of nausea, which is not uncommon in the first trimester.

Hygiene products - packaging of wet wipes, disposable toilet covers, for sure, will be useful to the expectant mother outside the home.

Magazine, tablet, headphones - it's nice to sit and read, listen to your favorite music in the fresh air. Walk and relax with pleasure!

Everyone knows that every season of the year is beautiful in its own way. Summer beckons and attracts us with the burning sun, warm air and azure water. However, during pregnancy, from this time of the year, one should approach with all responsibility and take into account some points related to the peculiarity of the summer season.

For example, let's talk about the sun. The sun is a source of good mood for every person. It's no secret that the sun promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, which is so necessary for the expectant mother and baby. However, one should also take into account the fact that the bright and burning sun can harm both mother and baby. So, excessive exposure to the sun in a pregnant woman can be manifested by the formation of age spots on the skin, and other, more serious diseases. To minimize the risk of sun damage, remember that the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation is most active from 10 am to 5 pm. Therefore, try to be under the sun as little as possible at this time, or simply hide in the shade. Also, do not forget about special sunscreens. They, of course, do not protect 100%, but they still protect from severe burns. You should also remember about protecting your eyes: they must be hidden under protective glasses. And in general, expectant mothers, we strongly recommend that you refuse to stay on the beach during active hours in the summertime, and if you are unbearable, then reduce the time spent in the open sun to a few minutes. Further - be sure to go into the shade!

The next issue that we would like to discuss is summer heat and pregnancy. Considering that during pregnancy, the expectant mother already experiences an increased load, which is directly related to the need to remove the waste products of two organisms, then in the summer this load increases significantly. Sweating increases, which is a normal reaction to high air temperatures. In order not to become a victim of heatstroke and to avoid overheating of the body, try to consume as much liquid as possible and do not embarrass yourself with tight clothing. Choose clothes that are loose fit and preferably made from natural fabrics.

The role of water procedures in the summer increases even during pregnancy. Agree that each of us just wants to plunge into the reservoir when the air temperature exceeds 30C. Note that an outdoor shower and wiping with a damp towel will help cool the body and it will be easier for the expectant mother to endure the heat. But pregnant women should be careful when swimming in open water. Why? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, swimming in lakes, rivers and other bodies of water can cause many skin and intestinal infections. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of E. coli, you should swim only in those places where it is allowed. In addition, we advise you not to immerse yourself in water in order to prevent water (and possibly infection) from getting into the nasopharynx. In addition, pregnant women from the departed to swim in reservoirs is strictly prohibited, due to the possible penetration of various kinds of microbes into the uterus.

Also, it should be remembered that the minimum water temperature in an open reservoir for a pregnant woman is 20C. At the same time, while bathing, a pregnant woman should clearly listen to her feelings. If you feel the slightest discomfort, get out of the water immediately. Do not allow hypothermia of the body - this is fraught with consequences, both for you and for the unborn baby.

In conclusion, we note that if you correctly dose your stay in the sun, protect yourself and your baby from overheating and be careful when bathing, then pregnancy in the summer will proceed without complications and will be remembered as the happiest time!

I wish you health and easy delivery!

Specially for - Ira Romaniy

In the modern world, being pregnant is not a shame, because a woman is especially beautiful when she is in an interesting position. The issue of correct and comfortable clothing for a pregnant woman is extremely important. Although expectant mothers in the early stages want to hide the signs of pregnancy, at the later stages of bearing a baby - wear clothes that provide maximum comfort for themselves and the baby. This does not mean at all that the outfits should be wide and shapeless. An interesting position of a woman has a special charm and attractiveness, and properly selected clothes will only emphasize the charm of this wonderful period.

For spring and summer, Fashion Houses release very interesting and beautiful lines of clothing for pregnant women. They are developed by specialists taking into account the peculiarities of the figure of the future mother, and such outfits only emphasize the beauty of the new image and make a woman stylish and irresistible during this period. What spring and summer maternity outfits will match fashion trends?

Fashion trends for pregnant women spring-summer 2018

Spring and summer 2018 is divided into casual and festive. There are outfits for cool weather, and there are outfits for a hot day.

Dresses and skirts.A dress with a special cut will look great on a lady "in position", emphasizing her femininity. An A-line dress looks very attractive, where the belt is located under the bust, and then there is a flared skirt. In summer, expectant mothers will be able to wear a shirt dress with a straight cut, which does not hinder movement at all and allows the body to breathe freely.

For everyday wear, you can choose a wide, high-waisted skirt combined with a spacious blouse. Fabrics for models will be lightweight, in which it is not hot even in the summer heat.

Tunics.A tunic is a very necessary thing in a pregnant woman's wardrobe. The loose fit of the models is very comfortable to wear at any stage of pregnancy and is perfect for both business style and for walks in nature. It goes well with skirts and trousers.

Blouses, shirts and tops.Despite the fact that some things may completely disappear from the wardrobe of the expectant mother, blouses, shirts and tops will not lose their relevance. Elongated free-cut models made of natural materials in combination with lace or floral prints are in fashion. For special occasions, models made of silk or chiffon are suitable.

Shorts, trousers and jeans.Pants with special inserts made from natural fabrics will be in fashion for pregnant women for the spring and summer of 2018. The collections of designers include traditional classic models and bell bottoms, as well as models that are narrowed at the bottom and with a low waist.

Footwear for expectant mothers should be comfortable. Of course, the hairpin looks very feminine, but it is categorically not recommended for pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to select universal shoes that would fit well both trousers and a dress - ballet flats, wedge shoes, sneakers. All this can be worn in spring and summer without worrying about your health and the future baby.

Fashionable dresses for pregnant women spring-summer 2018

In spring and summer, the expectant mother cannot do without light and comfortable dresses that do not hinder movement and at the same time are stylish and feminine. In the spring, when the weather is not stable yet, preference can be given to knitted dresses with long sleeves. The softness and elasticity of the material is the best fit for a growing tummy.

Summer models of dresses should be made exclusively from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe freely.

The collection of dresses for pregnant women for spring includes short shirt dresses made from natural cotton. This thing will last until the very birth, it does not constrain breathing at all and hides the tummy well. Models for everyday wear are saturated with bright prints, while for work, on the contrary, they are modest and sophisticated.

For unstable spring weather, knitted dresses made of wool are ideal, which stretch well, providing complete comfort when carrying a baby.

The spring and summer wardrobe of a girl "in position" should include romantic models of a-line dresses made of light, airy fabrics, as well as A-line dresses with a high waist and a belt located under the bust.

The expectant mother is not at all prohibited from going out, and a wide variety of models allows her to choose for herself a very stylish and beautiful thing that will provide her with a great mood during a friendly party. A pregnant girl looks especially stylish and attractive. Short dresses gently frame the tummy, revealing slender legs, but at the same time hiding wide hips.

In a variety of models for ladies in an interesting position, there are interesting design solutions - lace inserts, models in the Greek style, draperies and pleating. Long dresses with a wrap or high waist look unusually interesting. As for the color palette, in the new season, fashion designers preferred classic colors - black and white, as well as rich purple, coral, chocolate.

In everyday life, the expectant mother can wear a variety of skirts. Elongated skirts with an elastic band or drawstring, with a straight or asymmetrical cut are in fashion for pregnant women. They can be paired with blouses and crop tops.

Fashionable tunics for pregnant women spring-summer 2018

Spring and summer are a great excuse for walking, meeting friends and numerous parties. There is nothing more comfortable and beautiful for a wide variety of occasions than a tunic dress. A girl in position, wearing a tunic dress, will create a light and flirtatious image, despite the presence of a tummy. For this model, it is better to use silk and chiffon, which drape beautifully, and the materials themselves have a wonderful look and feel. Whatever model of a tunic dress may be, be it a simple straight silhouette or with a small drapery, in this version summer tunics will in any case become a wonderful outfit for pregnant women to go out.

Tunics, as an independent element of a pregnant woman's wardrobe, can be worn with jeans, leggings or shorts. Fabrics can be varied - from chiffon and knitwear to natural cotton.

Fashionable blouses, shirts and tops for pregnant women spring-summer 2018

Another very feminine thing that should be present in the expectant mother is a loose and light cut blouse. Blouses look especially stylish in a snow-white version. Any other color will also be relevant, but designers recommend sticking to monochromatic models. To add sophistication, you can purchase a model decorated with embroidery and lace.

Designers have developed blouse models, where they took into account the fact of a growing tummy - they have a flared cut from the chest, while the models do not look baggy, but look stylish. The fashion collections feature strict models with side slits. In the spring-summer collections, exquisite and elegant blouses are made only from natural materials. Cotton and linen blouses are full of bright prints and interesting décor. They are perfect for warm summer days and walks outside the city.

For everyday wear, a shirt-cut blouse or straight tops in bright colors would be an excellent option. The color choice can be absolutely any and depend only on the preferences of the future mother.

Fashionable shorts, pants and jeans for pregnant women spring-summer 2018

Many expectant mothers, even during pregnancy, do not want to part with trousers or jeans. In an "interesting" position, a woman should, first of all, think about the comfort in the abdomen and waist. In modern models of pants for pregnant women, special belly-supporting inserts are provided that provide maximum comfort for the growing waist. It is an elastic band with fasteners that allows you to adjust the volume of the top of your trousers.

In the spring and summer of 2018, trousers and jeans of a special cut, of a variety of styles - classic and bell bottoms, styles that are narrowed down and models with a low waist will be fashionable. Black classic trousers look quite stylish and elegant. This versatile model is suitable even for social events. Maternity jeans look great with a tunic or loose-fitting blouse and will be a great option for walking. Trousers made of micro-corduroy or wool are suitable for cool spring evenings, and made of light cotton or linen for a warm summer day.

Pregnant girls in hot summer can wear trendy and stylish shorts, which are perfect for city walks and outside the city. Maternity shorts have a special feature - a special elastic insert to support the abdomen. The elastic stretches well and fits the tummy. Maternity shorts are short, elongated and breeches. Short shorts "under the belly" can be worn up to seven months of pregnancy, models with large inserts (front, sides and back) are designed to be worn at a later date, when the belly is already large enough. Fashion collections for pregnant women include shorts made of satin, cotton, denim, linen and even lace. They go well with any blouses, shirts, tops and T-shirts.

Fashionable swimwear for pregnant women 2018

If the pregnancy takes place in the summer, then the expectant mother does not have to stay at home on hot days, but go to a river, lake or sea. This will only benefit her and the baby. For expectant mothers, designers have developed special clothes so that a woman in a position feels free and at ease. These are one-piece swimsuits, swimwear-dresses, a tankini swimsuit, a two-piece swimsuit with a bodice that fastens at the back and low-rise panties. Swimwear for pregnant women is equipped with an elastic insert in the abdominal area, which creates a good fit on the body.

The pregnant woman's breasts are supported by flexible bones located in the bodice of the swimsuit.

Fashionable shoes for pregnant women spring-summer-2018

Shoes for pregnant women should be comfortable. This is an axiom. The main requirement for shoes for pregnant women is the minimum heel height. The feeling of comfort for the woman's legs in the position should be constant, and the possibility of losing balance should be completely excluded. But apart from the safety and convenience of young women, they are still interested in the fashion of shoes.

The main trend of the spring and summer season for footwear has become shoes and sandals with "tractor" soles, which have recently become fashionable. Ballet flats and wedge and low-heeled shoes remained relevant. Fashion trends of recent seasons allow you to combine sneakers and sneakers with dresses and tunics, and this makes such shoes almost universal.

Pregnancy for every woman is a special time, because a new life is being born in her. During this period, nothing should upset a woman, she should flutter on the wings of love and glow with happiness, look feminine and stylish.

A woman should always remain fashionable and stylish, including during pregnancy. Forget about shapeless and baggy clothes. The current fashion trends allow expectant mothers to look amazing every month of pregnancy. The tummy should not be hidden, it must be carefully emphasized. A pregnant woman in an elegant outfit is the peak of perfection. Look even at the stars: they are proud of their position. What's stopping you from looking the same? Nobody says that you need to pay the same astronomical sums for outfits; you can find excellent clothes on the shelves of stores for pregnant women for much less money. Many women, having become pregnant, immediately give themselves the installation that for the next 9 months you can completely ignore your appearance and what others think of them, but this is wrong. To make you look attractive during this period of life, today we will talk about how to dress for pregnant women.

There are a lot of stores for pregnant women now, so everyone can choose clothes for themselves. But all the same, most girls have various questions: what to wear for pregnant women, when to go to the store, what quality clothes should be, what style, size, etc. Haven't you asked these questions yet? It means that you still have ahead.

When to go to the store?

Future moms have a lot of problems and worries, and therefore they very often forget about changing their wardrobe and run to the store at the very last moment.

I already have a tummy. I have nothing to wear. How do I get out on the street? The girl's head is filled with various negative thoughts and experiences. Do not drive yourself to such a state, buy a few loose things before the belly appears.

Switching from regular clothes to clothes for pregnant women takes about at the beginning of the second trimester, but for all women, everything is strictly individual. You yourself will feel when you feel cramped in your everyday clothes. This is a sure sign that it's time to put on more loose things.

Don't buy all the clothes at once. You don't know what you will look like at 15, 20 or 28 weeks. Buy a loose blouse and pants to start with, or limit yourself to a maternity dress. Remember that you will only need these clothes for 5-6 months, so you shouldn't hang them all over your closet.

Which style should you choose?

During pregnancy, you can completely keep your clothing styleby only slightly correcting it. There is no need to radically change your wardrobe. The modern clothing market offers pregnant women a variety of different outfits for all occasions.

Have you always liked jeans and T-shirts? You can wear them during pregnancy too. Do you like dresses? You are welcome! Do you like the classic style? Pregnant women can also afford it. Still plagued by the question of how to dress during pregnancy? Go to any store for expectant mothers, and the question itself will disappear. A wide variety of maternity clothes, different styles and models, have been on the shelves for a long time. And if you don’t find anything there, then welcome to the Internet - everything is there.

Clothes for pregnant women

We have found out that there are many outfits for pregnant women, and this is understandable. But still, let's talk in more detail about the different clothing options so that the question of how to dress for pregnant women no longer bothers you.

Pants & Jeans

Like wearing pants and jeans? There is no reason to give them up during pregnancy either. In the early months, you can also afford to wear casual low-waisted jeans.

As for the jeans for pregnant women, they come with and without an elastic insert. Landing is high, under the belly and on the belly. The most convenient and versatile option is perhaps elasticated belly jeans... In a sense, a wide belt will also serve as a bandage. They can also be worn during postpartum recovery.

In most cases, jeans without an elastic insert should be worn up to 6-7 months of pregnancy, as at a later date, you can begin to experience discomfort in them. Jeans with an elastic insert and a fit under the belly are similar in design to the previous version, but due to the insert they are much more comfortable and are designed for the entire period of pregnancy. They can also be worn after childbirth, as the elastic insert will look just like a regular belt.

In winter, jeans with an elasticated insert and a high rise are best, in summer they will be hot in them. In the first months of pregnancy and after childbirth, such jeans can no longer be worn because of the very wide insert designed for a large belly.

Trousers and jeans are chosen according to the same principle. The most important criterion is comfort... In no case should the trousers put pressure anywhere, especially on the stomach. To do this, before buying, try to sit in them on a chair. Has it become even a little uncomfortable? If so, then this model is not suitable for you. The legs should also not be too tight on the legs, they are already under heavy stress during this period. Pay attention to the material as well. It must be natural: wool, cotton, linen.

Many girls are also interested in the question of how to do diy maternity jeans ... Every woman has jeans or pants that she hasn't worn for a long time. So why not transform them into maternity jeans? This is very easy to do.

To get started, pick from your wardrobe some desirable unnecessary pants or jeans that fit well on your hips. There are such? Now find an old jersey T-shirt or sweater, if possible, to match the color of your jeans. You can also buy jersey fabric at the store.

First, try on jeans, then use chalk or dry soap to mark the area you want to replace with a knitted insert. Done? Now take your scissors and cut off the unnecessary part. Also carefully remove the zipper. You should end up with something like this:

The fly will have to be sewn a little, by 2-3 cm. If it is not left at all, it's okay. Next, you should try on a piece of knitted fabric on the tummy, fold it over and finish the edges.

After that, pin the fabric to the jeans, sew a little with a thread and measure them again. Everything suits me? Then sew jeans on a typewriter.

You should end up with something similar:

A pair of jeans will be enough for you throughout your pregnancy. You can, of course, stock up on a large quantity, the more you can now make jeans for pregnant women with your own hands, but does it make sense? Always remember that you will never wear these clothes again. But I will not dissuade you. If you want a lot of jeans, then go to the store!

In overalls, expectant mothers feel very comfortable and cozy. They can be worn at any stage of pregnancy, but it is better not to buy a jumpsuit in the very first months, since it is difficult to predict what size your belly will be later.

Dresses, dresses and more dresses

Is there such a period in a woman's life when a dress may not fit? Of course not! It is also very suitable for pregnant women. When choosing a dress, again, pay more attention to convenience. It is better to bypass tight models. The fabric must be natural. In summer it can be cotton, in winter wool or knitwear. Most pregnant women prefer long dresses, as they are able to hide the swelling of the legs. But if this moment bypassed your legs, then you can buy dresses just above the knees. The emphasis when wearing dresses is best done on the chest.

You don't have to worry about what to wear during pregnancy. Now on the shelves of stores for expectant mothers there is absolutely everything. Blouses, shirts and T-shirts are no exception. In terms of the number of models and styles, they are in no way inferior to those things that you are used to wearing in everyday life. As a rule, pregnant girls give preference to blouses, flared from the chest, which very often go in a set with a belt. By the way, they can be worn even after childbirth.

As for maternity T-shirts, there are also a great variety of them. It doesn't even make sense to list all the available models. Take a look in your closet. What T-shirts did you see there? These are the exact same ones that expectant mothers can afford. Recently, T-shirts with pictures, inscriptions and gags have become very popular among pregnant women. What can I say, girls want to look modern and bright at all times. And it is right!

Sweatshirts and jumpers for pregnant women

Sweatshirts and jumpers for pregnant women are always in fashion and always relevant. In them, expectant mothers feel very comfortable, regardless of the gestational age.

Outerwear for expectant mothers

Well, is it possible to completely abandon jackets for several months? And there is no need for this. After all, jackets are not only comfortable, but also stylish. Designers agree with this, and therefore have developed many different models for expectant mothers.

Trapezoidal coats still do not go out of fashion, in which, moreover, they are very comfortable. You should also pay attention to models without buttons with a belt. Knitted coats look very nice and modern.

Shoes for pregnant women

When choosing shoes for pregnant women, the same criteria are taken into account as in clothes. Shoes should be comfortable and made from natural materials. Forget high heels. Shoes should have a raised sole and a wide, stable heel. For a while, give up on tight shoes, giving preference to loose models. In case of severe leg swelling, you may need larger shoes. Remember to wear shoes while sitting, or even better ask your husband about it.

Pregnant girls, especially in the later stages, spend most of their time at home. But this is not a reason to completely stop caring for yourself and start dressing in just about anything. On the contrary, dress at home in bright and beautiful outfits. Let your reflection in the mirror only make you happy, because positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

Of course, things should be comfortable first of all, but this does not mean that you need to wear elongated T-shirts, shapeless dresses and robes several sizes larger. Freedom should be only in the abdomen, while the rest of your body, if it has not changed much during pregnancy, can be emphasized with something more tight-fitting and tight, but the most important thing is that such clothes do not cause you discomfort. Remember that your husband is watching you every day. Naturally, he understands that you are now going through a very crucial period, but at the same time he remains a man who wants to see his woman beautiful and well-groomed absolutely always. As sad as the statistics are, some husbands cheat on their wives during pregnancy, as they cease to see their former sexuality in them.

Believe me, if you dress beautifully, your pregnancy will go much faster and more carefree, as your mood will rise every time you look in the mirror. Don't forget about the quality of your clothes. It should be made of natural fabrics: cotton, wool, linen.

You can walk at home both in light, comfortable dresses, and in dressing gowns and suits. The main thing is that the clothes do not put pressure on the stomach.

Underwear for pregnant women

It is very important to choose the right underwear for pregnant women. First, it should be comfortable: it should not press, press or drag. Secondly, linen should be practical: easy to wash, not to lose its appearance, and most importantly not to lose its basic functions and properties. Thirdly, it must be safe: allow air to pass through, do not interfere with sub-separation, and do not irritate the skin.

The first step in choosing underwear is to pay attention to the material. Linen should be made of "breathable" fabrics: cotton is best, with a minimum of silk and no synthetics.

Naturally, the changes will affect your breasts first. It will begin to grow noticeably in size, and therefore you will need maternity bra... Many moms-to-be make the mistake of buying a regular, oversized bra: it won't provide the breast support it needs. Bras for pregnant women have wider and softer straps and are made, as a rule, "without underwire", that is, without various rigid inserts. This ensures the tone of the pectoral muscles, reduces the load on the shoulders and prevents the formation of stretch marks. A bra for nursing mothers, in addition to the above requirements, should also be simple and convenient to use, so that you can bare your breasts with one movement of your hand.

Don't forget about the bra pads, too. They can be disposable and reusable. The inserts trap and absorb the escaping milk. The earbuds should be changed every 3-4 hours.

As for the panties, they should also be as comfortable as possible and made from natural materials. The elastic should not press in any way.

There are two types of tights for pregnant women: preventive and therapeutic (compression). Prophylactic tights are usually made from cotton and microfibers. They should be selected based on your usual size, since the reserve for a growing belly is already laid in them. Healing tights provide the necessary pressure on various parts of the legs, preventing swelling and reducing the risk of varicose veins.

Pajamas for pregnant women are not much different from the usual. The most important thing is not to create pressure on the abdomen. It can be pants or shorts combined with a T-shirt or a nightgown. Pajamas for nursing mothers should be free of various laces, frills and ruffles, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.

As you can see, maternity clothes are just full, so don't be afraid that you will look unattractive during this period of your life. All in your hands. I want to remind you once again that comfort and convenience in clothes for expectant mothers above all. But don't forget about beauty. Believe me, current fashion trends take into account both. Well, if during pregnancy you gained extra pounds that do not want to leave in any way, then I advise you to read an article about how you will learn a lot of useful things. Well, future moms, do you want to look fashionable and stylish? Then go shopping!

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful conditions for a woman. Many men claim that during pregnancy a woman becomes especially beautiful, touching and tender. Naturally, only we women know what we have to experience at the moment when a baby is born, grows and develops in us. But you must admit, even in this not always easy period of life, you want to be beautiful, keep up with fashion, give smiles and receive compliments from others. That is why stylists do not forget about expectant mothers, including fashion tips for pregnant women in their recommendations for the season.

Before considering in detail what the fashion for pregnant women will be in 2019, it is worth finding out the main advice of stylists for expectant mothers: Pregnancy is not at all a reason to wear something that fits. Leave your mother's dresses and skirts to your mother, your husband's sweaters to your husband, and your wardrobe before pregnancy until the baby is born.

After all, there is nothing worse than a woman dressed from someone else's shoulder, out of size, uncomfortable and incompatible with each other. Believe me, today you can buy things that can be worn even after the appearance of the baby, you just have to choose them correctly.

It is difficult for women in a position at any time to endure the heat. The question of what to wear when the thermometer scares you with terrible numbers, and you need to go out, will never lose its relevance.

A hot period awaits us - summer! Stylists and doctors advise giving preference to lightweight natural fabrics such as cotton, viscose, denim and chiffon.

Femininity is in trend, so it will not be difficult for pregnant women to choose a wardrobe - dresses will come to your aid. Lightweight cotton products with a fluffy skirt, high waist and a loose top are very relevant and comfortable when the tummy is already rounded.

With regards to the print, the fashion for a background completely clogged with large flowers is receding. The large flower remains as a single asymmetrically placed pattern, for example, on the hem and bodice. On the contrary, a small floral pattern takes its toll - fabric designers offer it as an alternative to large peas. The main thing is that the background color is clearly visible. This season it is better to give preference to calm pastel colors. Blue and lavender remain in favor, but in very soft, pastel shades.

Clothes made from natural linen are not very practical, but linen color is becoming popular - from deep unbleached linen to delicate cream. This color is proposed to be combined with a Venetian-style monogram print.

Lovers of lace and chiffon will like the color of powder in little dales. On a girl in a position, such an outfit will look extremely romantic, the main thing is not to overdo it with transparency, so that in the end it does not look vulgar. Here accessories will come to the rescue - light straw hats, bags with a minimum of decor, low-speed shoes.

Another trend is oversized dresses. The main principle is that it should sit on the shoulders. For the summer, you can choose a dress of this cut from lightweight denim. In this outfit, you can avoid the heat, while looking stylish and not feel constrained in movement.

The decor is lightly worn and artificial pearls, which are used mainly for the bodice. In denim dresses, the upper part of the bodice can be combined with chiffon or lace, which will provide additional breathability and help to escape the heat.

Dress-shirts are perfect for keeping a business style. Now they are at the peak of popularity and, oddly enough, stylists also offer them to ladies in position. Maternity models have wider front shelves and a high waist. The belt is supposed to be tied under the bust. A shirt dress made of natural cotton in a calm or even strict color is perfect for an office.

Shirts with a high chest line and a wide front hem, can be combined with skirts and pants for pregnant women. Stylists suggest giving preference to cotton and light colors that fit into the dress code. T-shirts and T-shirts suggest wearing an adjacent silhouette, but it is better to forget all sorts of raffle and hoodies - they do not make the figure feminine, turning a woman into a kolobok.

Skirts and pants for pregnant women should be as comfortable as possible. It is worth noting that the classic cut migrated into fashion for pregnant women, having undergone some changes in the drawstring part, which, of course, is made of soft knitwear or elastane. You can safely choose an image in a classic style, even in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Outerwear for the summer is not grandma's sweaters. Cropped denim jackets, blazers made from lightweight fabrics in a classic style or jackets made from soft wool should all have a fitted silhouette from the back. Yes, even pregnant women have a waist, do not forget about it! They suggest wearing such things unbuttoned. some models suggest an asymmetric top button closure.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing shoes at a low speed, but if the weight and posture allow, you can afford boats with not too high heels for going out. Sandals with tractor soles can make your look heavier, but a neat low wedge heel will give your legs harmony and will evenly distribute the load on the spine.

Fashion for pregnant women for fall-spring 2019

Cool seasons are also not a reason to lose your femininity during pregnancy. Fashion for pregnant women for spring-autumn 2019 assumes soft fabrics that are pleasant to the body, calm colors and clear lines.

Maternity dresses made of wool and knitwear are offered in several main directions:

  • length above the knee
  • popular midi dresses
  • maxi dresses.

Above the knee maternity dresses are offered in an oversized cut - a loose silhouette with welt pockets. They fit the belly freely and for pregnant women the cut provides for a slightly elongated hem in front so that the bottom of the dress, even with a large belly, has a straight line and does not bulge up. The decor is provided in the form of a ribbon under the chest, folds at a rounded neckline, or a complete lack of decor. The colors are calm, warm from light to dark. The check print is still popular, but even it is increasingly giving way to monochromaticity.

Tight midi dresses are also in vogue for ladies in position. It is worth giving preference to jerseys that stretch well on the stomach. True, it is worth making sure that the fabric is not enlightened and is dense enough to stretch only where necessary. Very popular models with a collar under the throat and a collar-collar, which can be worn lowered on the shoulders. All shades of gray and beige are in fashion, and bottle and burgundy are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Maxi dresses with a tie or drawstring under the bust, a long wide skirt and rich prints, stylists advise for tall ladies in position. If your height is less than the model one, then it is better not to choose such a dress - you will get lost in it and for a long time you will look ridiculous in such a long dress. With regards to drawings - flowers and a cage fade into the background, they are replaced by designers with Venetian motifs. Ladies in a position should choose the most calm and muted options.

Spring-autumn requires darker shades than summer, but if you really want to, then the image can be set off with bright accents of accessories - a handbag or shoes.

Skirts and trousers for spring-autumn are also offered in a classic style. Fabric - wool, jersey or suit. With regards to such a favorite piece of clothing for all pregnant women as jeans, they are perfect for walking and meeting friends, but not for going to the office. It is worth noting that the designers have removed boyfriend jeans from the maternity collections, and instead offer tight-fitting trousers with high elasticity. If the dress code of your workplace allows you to wear jeans, then it is better to give preference to the black color, which successfully slims your legs.

Warm maternity shirts and sweaters complete the look with a skirt or pants. In this case, pay special attention to the combination of fabrics - they should be combined in texture.

The golden rule, which has not yet been canceled, is that the top fabric should be lighter than the bottom fabric. An exception is a skirt made of stretch chiffon or lace, but pregnant women should not include them in their wardrobe.

With regards to outerwear, today's fashion gives pregnant women all the cards in their hands. Oversized wool coats, oversized raincoats with padding polyester, short “blankets” jackets - all this seems to be created for ladies in position. The choice of colors is yours - here stylists recommend not to restrain yourself and choose bright colors, the only advice is to avoid neon colors.

Tractor-soled shoes will look great in combination with trousers, but all kinds of loafers and oxfords can squeeze your leg too much, because during pregnancy, the likelihood of edema increases. When buying demi-season shoes during pregnancy, pay attention to their softness and the presence of an orthopedic insole, try to give preference to shoes and lace-up boots, which can be loosened at any time.

Fashion for pregnant women for winter 2019

Winter fashion for pregnant women 2019 is not much different in recommendations from the autumn one. But there are still some nuances.

Winter is always stressful for pregnant women. Fortunately, knitted midi dresses and knitted tunics have come into fashion. When choosing, give preference to a tight knit, which, when stretched, will not enlighten on the stomach. Natural colors and materials - gray is in favor, as is angora. But mohair and natural wool are not for you. Yarn that is too prickly and irritating to the skin is not the best choice when you are in position. An alternative to natural yarn is bamboo or cotton yarn with added synthetic fibers. It is soft, keeps its shape well and does not wrinkle. A dress, sweater or tunic made of such material will look gorgeous, warm and protect you from colds.

Dresses and knee-highs made of jersey, as well as skirts made of this material, are especially relevant in winter 2019. Soft dense jersey will not squeeze the stomach, but at the same time will provide reliable support for the figure. Warm sweatshirts and dresses made of fabric with stitching are a novelty of fashion for pregnant women. The print in the form of bright pictures, ethno-motifs and colors retains its relevance in them, and this winter will still be in vogue.

But they suggest replacing the pants with warmed leggings on fleece or fur. They can be successfully combined with tunics or short dresses, but not with sweaters, otherwise you risk getting the effect of tights.

Outerwear is down jackets. The so-called "Blankets" came into fashion last season, and for pregnant women they will also be relevant this year. They do not squeeze the stomach, do not interfere with walking, moreover, they are soft and protect from jolts and bruises in public transport. For shoes - give preference to ugg boots or soft boots on a low run.

Not only doctors, but also stylists do not recommend wearing heels for pregnant women this year.

Stylish images of pregnant women 2019

Choose soft pumps with comfortable heels for your outfit, and effortlessly you are ready to go to a restaurant or to a formal event.

1. Tight-fitting midi dress with short sleeves complement with soft matching loafers and a cropped denim vest. A small shoulder bag and a straw hat with a ribbon matching the color of one of the garments - a stylish look for a summer evening is ready.

2. Complement the knitted skirt with a light chiffon blouse for release. Throw over a thick cotton jacket. Complete the look with a stylish handbag and pointed toe ballet flats - isn't it a dress code for the office?

3. Jeans in combination with a T-shirt of an adjacent silhouette, complement with sneakers or canvas moccasins. Throw a puffy vest or jacket on top, depending on the weather - in such an outfit you can go both to the supermarket and for a walk.

4. Dress oversized, complement with modest jewelry (string of pearls or discreet beads), keeping minimalism in the image.