Why do men marry ugly people? why men marry ugly women why men marry ugly women

Well, let's take a more neutral option for the name, and see what's wrong here.

Why men marry ugly and stupid? Why men marry scary? I did not want to write this, but it is in such formulations that many girls are looking for the answer to such a burning question.

So, let's look at the direct and indirect reasons why men/ guys / young people often marry seemingly ugly, if not completely scary girls / women.

Reason number 1. Communication with very beautiful girls causes stress in a man.

As we perfectly understand, not all men are hand-written handsome men and Apollo Belvedere.

Most of them are quite ordinary human beings, whose beauty is hidden somewhere in the depths of their soul and does not manifest itself in any way from the outside.

Therefore, a man who objectively sees that he is an “ordinary middle peasant”, and nature, in addition, has not endowed him with a certain reserve of impudence, may well feel uncomfortable when communicating with a beautiful girl.

Moreover, this pattern also applies to rather "cool peppers" - they also often fall into stress and feel very uncomfortable.

And all why? The possibility of being rejected.

Yes, men, on average, are still cowards and are afraid that a mega-beautiful girl will simply blow them off. Yes, and not just, but with a special cynicism to show him who he is and where his place is.

This kind of refusal for a man is the strongest blow below the belt. It does not matter that he, for example, is a very successful comrade in the social or material hierarchy.

The sphere of relationships is another world that needs to be “conquered”, and if a man does not succeed, he feels defeated and worthless.

Reason number 2. Beauty takes a lot of time

Beautiful women are not always naturally beautiful.

Many girls would look much "graier" and more boring if it were not for a bunch of financial and / or time costs for various kinds of manicures, pedicures, peelings, masks, painting, massages, fitness, etc. Events.

Do you agree? Agree.

And now the question is: And where will all the time that is spent on putting oneself in order and bringing it to perfection come from?

It is obvious that it needs to be “torn off” from something. And, most likely, a woman will tear this time away from a man - well, she won’t be able to do a hair mask or manicure right on a date.

From here, the man draws a very simple conclusion: since she is already disappearing to all sorts of salons and beauty centers, or (economy option) spends hours at home, what will change if she becomes his wife?

Never mind. So it will be zealous in the same direction.

And what's wrong with him? Yes, nothing good - either the “always busy” wife at home, or the forever absent, who can hardly devote time to his beloved and run the household.

I'm not talking about raising children, which, in a good way, is a separate "full-time job" ...

Practice shows that "salon beauties" are much less likely to be at home and restore home order and comfort, which so attracts men striving for family life.

Do not confuse beautiful with well-groomed

Many are trying to find a contradiction - they say, how not to be beautiful, because men first of all look at appearance.

Of course they are. Appearance is important. And that is why it is necessary once and for all to draw a clear division in your head: a woman may not be a beauty, but well-groomed. It does not interfere.

It is clear that greasy hair, acne all over the face and untidy clothes do not contribute to attracting men, so you need to take care of yourself.

Well-groomed works wonders even with the so-called "gray mice", while neither the natural nor acquired beauty of a girl can guarantee that a man will give preference to her.

Reason No. 3. Indirect connection "beautifully looks - higher demands"

Not always, but it can also be intimidating. And normal men too. Not only those who are looking for easy ways or make ends meet.

Even if a man is quite wealthy financially, he may consciously not want to deal with a very picky person.

Yes, this is not a problem for him - he can provide a dozen like her.

In his heart, he is looking for a modest, unpretentious girl. This is often the case.

And among poor men, oddly enough, there are also good people who will be excellent husbands and fathers ...

Reason No. 4. Subconscious desire to love imperfection

I thought for a long time how to name this reason, and this formulation seems to me the most accurate and capacious.

A man, without realizing it, feels that it is favorable for his soul to learn to love not so much everything beautiful and ideal, but that which has some flaws.

He feels that love for the beautiful and impeccably beautiful seems to deprive his soul of an incentive to develop - it's the same as eating sweet, sweet cake all the time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Something tells him that, having learned to love the "ugly" or "ugly girl", he will reveal in his life a completely different layer of awareness and understanding of everything that happens.

Something tells him that he will come to an understanding of something really fundamental and important in this life.

This does not mean that a man cannot get the same transformations with a beautiful woman - not at all. He can. It will just be much more difficult.

Reason #5. Beautiful girls are more likely to have a bad temper

It is authentically known that excessively beautiful women in general have a more bad character (at least for the time being) than women with an "average appearance".

Why is this happening? The fact is that beauties tend to use their beauty as a "bribery tool."

Beautiful girls, therefore, more often have to overcome the subconscious conviction in themselves from the “everyone owes me” series and work to improve their character.

"Ugly girls" cannot count on their appearance, and she herself life initially teaches them to focus not on beauty and external attractiveness but on good human qualities, which are highly valued by men.

Considering all this, we come to the conclusion that a woman can certainly be a beauty with a wonderful character, but the statistics, alas, do not speak in her favor. As a consequence, many men will choose not to take risks.

All men like beautiful women, but not everyone will build a serious relationship with them.

Someone is afraid of being rejected.

Someone is only interested in the female body and sex. Women want to take advantage of the beauty and put a tick in their “diary of a hunter”.

Someone is afraid that he will fall into bondage and will not be able to meet the high demands of such a woman (and they are usually still the same).

Someone is afraid to be an “accessory” with such a woman.

And these are far from all the reasons why very beautiful girls find themselves in an ambivalent position.

On the one side, their beauty is an "unfair advantage" over other women.

With another- this is the risk of having a less prosperous fate in the field of relationships and family.


Men do not marry scary, ugly or ugly.

They marry kind, sweet, feminine, modest, sincere, understanding, sympathetic, attentive, faithful girls.

Smart and mature men and guys (there are also those) marry those with whom they want to live their whole lives.

They choose a woman based on well-known sayings: "Do not drink water from the face" and "Do not look for beauty, but look for kindness."

It is wonderful when beauty and favorable character traits are combined in a woman, however when choosing a wife, priority will always be given to spiritual qualities.

Once again, I repeat that this is mature and a reasonable man, and ignoring these principles endangers the future marital union.

Dmitry Olegovich Naumenko,
Love Without Compromises.

The oddities of mating found an explanation

“She is so scary, but he married her, and he just walked with me, a beauty!”, “And she exchanged me for this bully (or despot) who torments her!”. Everyone heard these cries of the soul more than once. And we regularly ask ourselves: really, why??? "MK" figured out the "oddities of choosing a partner" with the help of specialists and is now ready to answer the most painful questions.

Myths about love do not come from nowhere, they are confirmed by numerous stories - a beautiful woman was abandoned for the sake of an ugly woman, and an intelligent manager - for the sake of yesterday's prisoner. And the whole trick is that we see only the tip of the iceberg, and the clue lies at its base. It's just that we all have virtues for which we are loved, and shortcomings that we are forgiven for.

Why do men love "gray mice"?

Here is what 33-year-old Marina told the psychologist: “I grew up in a middle-class family and from childhood I dreamed of marrying a rich man. When my mother tried to teach me how to darn socks or make jam, they say, if you get married, it will come in handy, I snorted: “I won’t need this!” I saw in the mirror that I am beautiful. So there are chances!

A friend took me to work as an adviser. He took me with him to all business meetings, business dinners and other events of this kind. There I met Evgeny Konstantinovich, my Zhenya. Outwardly, he was nothing - glasses, however, expensive, receding hairline, despite the fact that he was a little over thirty, a tummy, skillfully hidden by a jacket made to order in Italy. But he seemed handsome to me - a billionaire! And it started with us ... He did not know how to take care and was a little greedy, but he still bought me jewelry, gave me a car. And how I courted him! In bed, she began with the image of an innocent girl and gradually moved on to the role of a sophisticated lover. What I didn’t come up with to captivate him ... and he was fond of, and how! And two years later, when I already felt like Zhenechka's wife, he told me that he had decided to marry. But not on me! And on some nondescript scum who works for him at a firm in the legal department. He, you see, is calm and comfortable with her. He is sure that she will be a good wife - she knows how to bake pies and ... attention! - darn socks! Billionaire - why does he need darned socks ??? She, therefore, will stay at home, bake pies and give birth to children. And he, if he wants, can afford any beauty-mistress. I wonder what if I immediately played such a hack, hiding, and not emphasizing my beauty? If I darned socks and made jam, would he marry me?”

What's on the surface of the iceberg? From her story, Marina only learned that it is more convenient for a rich man to keep a nondescript “mouse” at home in order to calmly go about his business. And beauties are more suitable for adultery.

What's at the base?“Beauties believe that they are already a prize in themselves,” says psychologist Denis Tokar, “and not too bright girls (sometimes consciously, sometimes not) compensate for external discreetness with emphasized femininity - tenderness, sexuality, delicate taste and other feminine virtues that are pleasant to the male eye . But the main thing is that they are ready to take care of a man, create an aura of peace and comfort around him, make him feel like a hero and give him themselves. They try to listen and hear him, to be sensitive to his interests and needs. This means that they are ready to do their part of the relationship work. And such “mice” win in comparison with beauties who consider themselves valuable in themselves and do not consider it necessary to do anything else for the relationship - except to hand themselves into the hands of a man and entertain him in bed.


On the Oscar red carpet, you will not find a stranger couple than the stately macho Hugh Jackman and his wife. According to many tabloids, the "sexiest man on the planet" could get any beauty, but for the second decade his heart has belonged to the "gray mouse" - his wife Deborra-Lee Furness, who is also older than him by as much as 13 years.

The famous Dr. House, recognized in 2008 as the sexiest doctor in the history of cinema, actor Hugh Laurie is married to theater administrator Jo Green and assures that she is the dearest person to him. Although Jo, to put it mildly, is not at all like the on-screen beloved of Dr. House, Lisa Cuddy.

"Eternal Bond" Pierce Brosnan, even in his 60s, continues to hold the title of a sex symbol ... and be a faithful husband to his fat wife. Agent 007 has always been accompanied by beauties (Halle Berry, Denis Richards and others), but the main place in the life and heart of Pierce for almost two decades has been occupied by TV presenter Keely Shay Smith, who, according to the delicate reviews of eyewitnesses, "is getting bigger every year."

Why do women love despots?

43-year-old Alexander in the office of a specialist asks: is it really true that women need tyrants and despots?

“It happened a year ago, and I'm still in shock. I fell in love with a girl, and soon realized that I could not live without her. I am so arranged that if I really fall in love, I dissolve in a person, I break into a board to please, to do something pleasant. The girl simply bathed in my attention and care, she didn’t know any refusal.

But one day I call her and ask when we will see each other. And she: “Never. I met the man of my dreams... I'm sorry." And that's all ... When I found out from mutual friends what he was, the man of her dreams, I felt bad. He is a personal worker, carries some businessman. He talks to her like this: “Be quiet, woman! Do what I told you! Are you fool? Is there another way to explain it?" And she endures all this with truly slavish obedience! He looks at him with adoration, like a dog at the owner, he won’t say a word across. And, by the way, one of her friends said to me, commenting on this: “You're screwed, dear. We, the women, should be treated like that, we love the brutal ones. And you dissolved snot with her, so you got yours. ” Do women really prefer such people to normal men - loving, gentle, caring? And if so, why? I am struggling with this issue…”

What's on the surface? The rejected Alexander made a superficial conclusion based on Pushkin: “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us ...” He decided that his girlfriend was just waiting for an iron fist and metal in her voice and did not appreciate a good attitude.

What's at the base?“Tyrannical traits never appear in a person from scratch,” explains psychologist Alina Kolesova, “they serve as an addition to a strong character, which women associate with reliability and security. And it causes for a reason: hardly any of the women just like it when they raise their voices at her, order them, take them under tight control and restrict freedom. A despot is not one who bangs his fist on the table at home, but in the rest of his life is weak and weak-willed. This is a man who tends to tightly control the situation around him as a whole, this applies not only to his woman. Vibes of strength, self-confidence, integrity of nature emanate from such a person and inspire a woman with the feeling of a “stone wall”. At the level of unconscious perception of the transmission of power, it is just the external manifestations of brutality - a loud voice, harsh judgments, decisive actions. Of course, such a despotic type is not suitable for every woman, and not everyone will choose such a couple. Rather, a woman with a gentle character will rush into the arms of a tyrant, feeling that she often cannot cope with external problems or with herself, and she needs a “guide”. However, if a darling is a tyrant only in relation to a woman, and if he gives in to difficulties from the outside, hides in the bushes, no one will like it.

Examples. Sonechka Bers, an educated young lady, accustomed to going out into the world, playing the piano and guests, was married at the age of 18 by 34-year-old Leo Tolstoy. The first thing the groom did was to tell the bride about his premarital affairs, and the next morning after the wedding night he wrote in his diary: “Not that!” Nevertheless, the husband locked his "wrong" for 19 years in Yasnaya Polyana and made it so that a well-bred young girl gave birth to a child a year - in total, Sofya Tolstaya gave birth to 13 children, 5 of whom died in childhood. And having learned that his wife was pregnant with her 13th child, her husband accused her of seducing him herself - after all, by that time the count preached complete chastity and sexual abstinence. Due to inflammation of the mammary glands, it was difficult for Sophia to feed, but at the insistence of her husband, she did it anyway, because he did not recognize nurses. And soon Lev Nikolayevich stopped recognizing the work of servants - and the whole economy in the family estate fell on the shoulders of the unfortunate Sophia. She tried and created comfort, which caused even more irritation to her husband. Tolstoy said in his hearts: “It is very difficult in the family. I can't sympathize with them! All the joys of children: the exam, the successes of the world, music, the atmosphere - I consider all this a misfortune and evil for them! And all Sofya Andreevna ... "As we know from the books of Tolstoy himself, it was possible in those days to leave a despot husband who himself does not know what he wants. But Sophia not only did not leave, she also blamed herself when, in her 60s, Tolstoy himself abandoned her. And before that, she managed to raise children and take a very serious part in the work of Lev Nikolaevich - Sophia copied by hand the drafts of his works (thousands of pages), negotiated with publishers, and in response regularly received all new claims. Researchers of the writer's life note that the count contradicted himself on the women's issue: on the one hand, Tolstoy believed that women purposely draw strength and means from a man, but at the same time he was categorically against emancipation as an opportunity for a woman to support herself. Tolstoy liked to publicly express his impartial views on women, but everyone around him understood that his attacks were directed primarily at his own wife. The pity and incomprehension of those around her why she allows herself to be treated this way (together with the indifference of the count-peasant to his own yard girls), led Sofya Andreevna to hysteria, paranoia and repeated suicide attempts. But she still didn’t leave her husband and waited until he left her himself, saying goodbye instead of gratitude: “I don’t blame you ...”

Why do women like "bad guys"?

And here is the problem with which 30-year-old Anton came to the psychologist:

“I work as a programmer, I am always busy at work; I can hardly get along with women, I don’t know how to care. But if I start a relationship, I do it one hundred percent: flowers, gifts, restaurants, trips to the sea. I make good money, but I don't need much for myself. My Nastya grew up in an intelligent family, every weekend we went somewhere together: to an exhibition, to a theater, to a skating rink. After - necessarily a restaurant. I found places where we had not been before: in this way, Nastya and I tried, probably, all the cuisines of the world. It seemed that events were developing according to plan. I was already looking on the Internet for options for a joint summer vacation, and in the fall I thought of making an offer ...

But suddenly Anastasia announced that she was leaving for her former classmate, with whom she had an affair on the social network. I found that guy on the Internet: a gangster face, judging by the statuses on the page, constantly gets into some stories with fisticuffs, doesn’t really work anywhere and drinks hard. And so I think: what did Nastya lack with me that she grabbed such a freak? Or do women like to feel head and shoulders above their man so they can talk down to him?

What's on the surface? Offended, Anton learned from his bitter experience that women are strange creatures who do not appreciate positive men who treat them seriously and with respect. And it is worth becoming (or pretending to be) a hooligan, unpredictable and unreliable, as stupid women lose their heads and rush to “re-educate” and love the unlucky.

What's at the base?“Bad guys are loved not for the bad things they do - no one can fall in love with bad deeds and qualities in themselves,” explains psychologist Alina Kolesova. - They are forgiven for their shortcomings - the ability to get drunk, fight, etc. - because these actions stem from their general "machism". A hooligan has its own charm, but not in hooliganism itself, but in the freedom to go against the rules, against the routine, not to depend on the opinions of others. It is pleasant for everyone to feel like a fragile and adored girl when the first hooligan of the court with loving eyes is nearby. A typical "bad guy" is fearless, unpredictable, reckless, strong, direct, aggressive, independent, with the obvious makings of a leader who knows how to subjugate others. The secret of the "bad guys" is concentrated masculine traits. Next to such a charismatic brutal "bad boy", a positive modest "nerd" looks completely unromantic. Girls fall in love with rebels who have the courage to protest against boring rules and dogmas, imbued with confidence in such a force. The bad guy will save you from any situation - simply because he likes to feel like a hero, he doesn’t give a damn what dad-mom-colleagues-neighbors say. True, most often a love story with a “bad guy” breaks into everyday life, into which the “bad guy” also transfers his indifference and recklessness, only in family life it all looks less attractive. Of course, there is an element of salvation in girls' love for bad guys. And it is good girls who get into this story - after all, they were brought up in such a way that pulling up all sorts of losers is good and noble.

Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie. Photo: frame from the film.

Examples. History, literature and cinema know many examples from the category of "a young lady and a bully." Recall at least the heroine Chulpan Khamatova in the "Country of the Deaf", who pulls the player, earns money at the risk of his life to repay the debt, and he loses everything, and even hides it with his last words. Angelina Jolie for a long time could not part with the charming Billy Bob Thornton - a classic hooligan, drunkard and drug addict. And British moviegoers called Jack Nicholson “bad guy No. 1” - that’s who women loved from childhood to this day. Robert Downey Jr., Mel Gibson, Kiefer Sutherland, Colin Farrell, Jude Law - they all became famous not only for their talent, but also for their excessive drinking, drug addiction, promiscuity, disregard for public morality and enviable inconstancy. However, good girls continue to love them with the same enviable constancy - for decades. But there is one subtlety: these girls never get smaller, but their age remains young. Every normal young lady, focused on a normal happy family life, once there comes a moment when she irrevocably outgrows her bully - and leaves him in the past, no matter how much she loved before.

Video lecture "Civil marriage: how not to get into trouble, and how to get out?"

In this lecture, we will analyze from all sides such an interesting social phenomenon as "civil marriage" (ie, cohabitation).

You will know all his true background and be able to make a meaningful choice.

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Why do men marry ugly people?

Well, let's take a more neutral option for the name, and see what's wrong here.

Why do men marry ugly and stupid people? Why do men marry ugly people? I did not want to write this, but it is in such formulations that many girls are looking for the answer to such a burning question.

So, let's look at the direct and indirect reasons why men / guys / young people often marry seemingly ugly, if not completely scary girls / women.

Reason number 1. Communication with very beautiful girls causes stress in a man.

As we perfectly understand, not all men are hand-written handsome men and Apollo Belvedere.

Most of them are quite ordinary human beings, whose beauty is hidden somewhere in the depths of their soul and does not manifest itself in any way from the outside.

Therefore, a man who objectively sees that he is an “ordinary middle peasant”, and nature, in addition, has not endowed him with a certain reserve of impudence, may well feel uncomfortable when communicating with a beautiful girl.

Moreover, this pattern also applies to rather "cool peppers" - they also often fall into stress and feel very uncomfortable.

And all why? The possibility of being rejected.

Yes, men, on average, are still cowards and are afraid that a mega-beautiful girl will simply blow them off. Yes, and not just, but with a special cynicism to show him who he is and where his place is.

This kind of refusal for a man is the strongest blow below the belt. It does not matter that he, for example, is a very successful comrade in the social or material hierarchy.

The sphere of relationships is another world that needs to be “conquered”, and if a man does not succeed, he feels defeated and worthless.

Reason number 2. Beauty takes a lot of time

Beautiful women are not always naturally beautiful.

Many girls would look much "graier" and more boring if it were not for a bunch of financial and / or time costs for various kinds of manicures, pedicures, peelings, masks, painting, massages, fitness, etc. Events.

Do you agree? Agree.

And now the question is: And where will all the time that is spent on putting oneself in order and bringing it to perfection come from?

It is obvious that it needs to be “torn off” from something. And, most likely, a woman will tear this time away from a man - well, she won’t be able to do a hair mask or manicure right on a date.

From here, the man draws a very simple conclusion: since she is already disappearing to all sorts of salons and beauty centers, or (economy option) spends hours at home, what will change if she becomes his wife?

Never mind. So it will be zealous in the same direction.

And what's wrong with him? Yes, nothing good - either the “always busy” wife at home, or the forever absent, who can hardly devote time to his beloved and run the household.

I'm not talking about raising children, which, in a good way, is a separate "full-time job" ...

Practice shows that "salon beauties" are much less likely to be at home and restore home order and comfort, which so attracts men striving for family life.

Do not confuse beautiful with well-groomed

Many are trying to find a contradiction - they say, how not to be beautiful, because men first of all look at appearance.

Of course they are. Appearance is important. And that is why it is necessary once and for all to draw a clear division in your head: a woman may not be a beauty, but well-groomed. It does not interfere.

It is clear that greasy hair, acne all over the face and untidy clothes do not contribute to attracting men, so you need to take care of yourself.

Well-groomed works wonders even with the so-called "gray mice", while neither the natural nor acquired beauty of a girl can guarantee that a man will give preference to her.

Reason No. 3. Indirect connection "beautifully looks - higher demands"

Not always, but it can also be intimidating. And normal men too. Not only those who are looking for easy ways or make ends meet.

Even if a man is quite wealthy financially, he may consciously not want to deal with a very picky person.

Yes, this is not a problem for him - he can provide a dozen like her.

In his heart, he is looking for a modest, unpretentious girl. This is often the case.

And among poor men, oddly enough, there are also good people who will be excellent husbands and fathers ...

Reason No. 4. Subconscious desire to love imperfection

I thought for a long time how to name this reason, and this formulation seems to me the most accurate and capacious.

A man, without realizing it, feels that it is favorable for his soul to learn to love not so much everything beautiful and ideal, but that which has some flaws.

He feels that love for the beautiful and impeccably beautiful seems to deprive his soul of an incentive to develop - it's the same as eating sweet, sweet cake all the time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Something tells him that, having learned to love the "ugly" or "ugly girl", he will reveal in his life a completely different layer of awareness and understanding of everything that happens.

Something tells him that he will come to an understanding of something really fundamental and important in this life.

This does not mean that a man cannot get the same transformations with a beautiful woman - not at all. He can. It will just be much more difficult.

Reason #5. Beautiful girls are more likely to have a bad temper

It is authentically known that excessively beautiful women in general have a more bad character (at least for the time being) than women with an "average appearance".

Why is this happening? The fact is that beauties tend to use their beauty as a "bribery tool."

Beautiful girls, therefore, more often have to overcome the subconscious conviction in themselves from the “everyone owes me” series and work to improve their character.

"Ugly girls" cannot count on their appearance, and she herself life initially teaches them to focus not on beauty and external attractiveness but on good human qualities, which are highly valued by men.

Considering all this, we come to the conclusion that a woman can certainly be a beauty with a wonderful character, but the statistics, alas, do not speak in her favor. As a consequence, many men will choose not to take risks.

All men like beautiful women, but not everyone will build a serious relationship with them.

Someone is afraid of being rejected.

Someone is only interested in the female body and sex. Women want to take advantage of the beauty and put a tick in their “diary of a hunter”.

Someone is afraid that he will fall into bondage and will not be able to meet the high demands of such a woman (and they are usually still the same).

Someone is afraid to be an “accessory” with such a woman.

And these are far from all the reasons why very beautiful girls find themselves in an ambivalent position.

On the one side, their beauty is an "unfair advantage" over other women.

With another- this is the risk of having a less prosperous fate in the field of relationships and family.


Men do not marry scary, ugly or ugly.

They marry kind, sweet, feminine, modest, sincere, understanding, sympathetic, attentive, faithful girls.

Smart and mature men and guys (there are also those) marry those with whom they want to live their whole lives.

They choose a woman based on well-known sayings: "Do not drink water from the face" and "Do not look for beauty, but look for kindness."

It is wonderful when beauty and favorable character traits are combined in a woman, however when choosing a wife, priority will always be given to spiritual qualities.

I repeat once again that a mature and reasonable man does this, and ignoring these principles by him jeopardizes the future marital union.

Dmitry Olegovich Naumenko,
Love Without Compromises.

If desired, each person finds a mate. Choose someone for beauty, someone for intelligence. Men fall in love with beauties, but marry girls with a rustic appearance, considering them reliable, kind and faithful. Such families live happily, unlike families where the wife is a spoiled beauty.

The beauty and the "ugly girl" have a different attitude to life, they have a different psychology and different behavior in society. One cannot understand the other.

Not a beauty

  • clings to the man who noticed her and chose her;
  • justifies and tolerates male behavior;
  • lives a quiet family life;
  • agrees with his own unattractive appearance;
  • often believes in magic.

If such a girl has not yet been disappointed in life, then often:

  • considers men shy and insecure, and that it is worth taking the initiative on their own;
  • I am sure that if a man paid attention, then this is sincere sympathy;
  • does not believe that she is ugly;
  • I am sure that in life she has the same chances with a beauty.

In general, it is better for such a woman not to rely on love spells, but to work on herself and on herself. By the way, ugly girls sometimes marry very successfully. Why? Just because they know how to develop in themselves the qualities necessary for a man and correctly “apply” them.

They say: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." Beauty is nothing if the girl is stupid, bitchy, rude and does not respect the opinions of others. More often, beauties do not know how to cook and do household chores.

Men in a woman like kindness, intelligence, the ability to cook, the ability to empathize and listen carefully. Both the beauty and the “gray mouse” are able to possess these qualities. It is only necessary that these qualities be noticed.

To get noticed, you need self-confidence. And the main thing here is not beauty. Men pay attention to attractive and interesting women. No wonder there is another saying: "There are no ugly women, there are lazy ones." This is the famous phrase of Coco Chanel,

To do this, it is worth working on the image, creating an individual image. For this purpose, elegant, graceful clothes and proper makeup are used.

A well-chosen wardrobe will hide figure defects and highlight attractive sides so that you get a model, and not a stooped and fat young lady. Do not be afraid to stand out and be different from others.

The habit of looking after

What she, appearance, can be seen only in her youth. With age, what remains is what the girl learned from her youth, what she did for her appearance.

If a woman is accustomed to watching her figure, regularly performs fitness exercises, eats right and takes care of her skin, then preserved youth is an adornment.

And with a full figure, ladies look charming if they don’t buy clothes, but sew them to order from an experienced craftswoman. The fact is that standard clothing does not take into account the features of the figure.

A skilled craftsman will take into account where to reduce, where to add, and where to drape or fold. The main thing is that the outfit looks elegant, elegant and different from standard dresses.

Everyone understands and sees beauty in their own way. So you can't say, "This person is beautiful and this one is ugly." Some like wide eyes, others like small ones. One admires the upturned nose, and the other admires the aquiline nose.

Properly applied makeup will turn your face into what you would like to see. Cosmetics will mask unwanted features and highlight beneficial aspects. In case of inability, it is worth asking for help from makeup artists-stylists.

Girls who are not endowed with beauty are constantly fighting for a "place in the sun." As a result, they get:

  1. Self-discipline, trying to constantly look neat, well-groomed and attractive.
  2. Confidence that they have not lost their beauty with age, because it was not there.
  3. The courage to experiment with your own appearance.
  4. The ability to be different from others.
  5. Strength and fortitude of spirit - they have to learn from school to repulse offenders and not to become discouraged.

Although it happens the other way around - they become angry and do not trust anyone. As a result, it becomes clear why men choose ugly women - if the girl did not sink into the abyss of despondency, but made herself, then she will be able to attract anyone.

Some "ugly girls" are offended by life and do not expect anything good from it. They are always dissatisfied, angry and gloomy, and such men are bypassed. Attractive, regardless of external beauty, satisfied with life and feeling their own dignity.

Cheerful, cheerful, with a mischievous gleam in their eyes and loving themselves for who they are. Men consider such women inaccessible and seek attention.

No man likes it when a woman swears badly, speaks unflatteringly about others, or gets into a squabble with her own kind. A real one who knows how to be gentle and sweet, soft, kind and does not start quarrels.

Each attractive woman is distinguished by individuality, something that others do not have. Not everyone likes it, but a few do.

It is not true that men choose stupid girls. On the contrary, they like smart and versed in business, understanding humor and attentive interlocutors.

Men have their own male interests and habits, which girls often do not understand and do not perceive. You should not try to change the guy, you will have to get along with it and, rather, hide your own discontent.

People are more often drawn to those that radiate happiness and love, this is reflected in the appearance and decorates.

Any woman looks unattractive if she:

  • boasts of intelligence and beauty, humiliating others;
  • shows frank disappointment and despondency;
  • angry;
  • deceives and pretends - it is reflected in the eyes.


And among unhappy ladies there are both. Just like “you can’t order your heart”, they love both of them. Only happiness is achieved by each in its own way.

So, let's sum up. Why do guys choose ugly girls and successful, beautiful men marry ugly women? Because to become attractive to the opposite sex, it is not necessary to be a beauty. You have to be a real woman.

Men fall for external beauty without internal content in several cases:

  • For show
  • Foolishly
  • Out of boredom.

For life, smart, accomplished men choose according to their inner beauty.