Passage of doctors in 1 year. Clinical examination of children of the first year of life: what is this procedure

The first year of life is the most crucial period not only for the baby, but also for the parents. Indeed, at this time, the child may manifest various deviations that are easiest to correct at the earliest stage of development. If you are interested in which doctors you need to go to at 1 month old for a newborn, then this article will answer this question.

Of course, scheduled medical examinations must pass. After all, this will help to see various deviations and pathologies in time and prescribe treatment. Which will help to fix this or that problem almost without a trace.

The state of health of the baby begins to be monitored from birth, even in the hospital.

As soon as the baby is born, the neonatologist evaluates the health of the baby according to Apgar score.

Further, during the stay in the maternity hospital, each doctor examines the baby and prescribes various studies. If the baby was born healthy, then discharged after 4-5 days home with mom.

Otherwise, the baby is transferred to another department for treatment or sent to a children's hospital.

After the baby and mother are at home, during the first month of the baby's life, patronage is carried out at home. That is, a pediatrician and a nurse come to your home. doctor examining a child, and the nurse gives recommendations on caring for the baby and answers all your questions. You can also find out from the pediatrician which doctors you need to go to in 1 month for a newborn.

When your baby is a month old, it's time for first visit to the children's clinic in order to pass the inspection of all specialists. What doctors need to go in 1 month for a newborn:

  1. Pediatrician.
  2. Neurologist.
  3. Surgeon.
  4. Orthopedist.
  5. Oculist (ophthalmologist).
  6. Otolaryngologist (ENT).

At the pediatrician's appointment measure the height and weight of the child, the circumference of the head, and also examine the lungs.

You can also ask any questions regarding your baby, his regimen, nutrition, etc. Such inspections should be done every month.

An examination by a neurologist takes place, perhaps, with more excitement than other doctors. Every mother worries that her baby does not have any neurological problems. The neurologist draws attention to physical development, reflexes, muscle tone, head shape, fontanel and other factors.

Also, a neurologist can prescribe an ultrasound of the brain, for someone this study will be the first time, and for someone again. It depends on which maternity hospital the baby was born in, since not all maternity hospitals have acquired an ultrasound machine yet.

The task of the surgeon is examination of the internal organs of the baby, but he may prescribe an ultrasound examination. To be sure that the condition of the internal organs is within the normal range.

The orthopedist must examine baby's lower limbs and neck. Usually he makes sure that the folds on the baby's body are symmetrical. And also, so that there are no signs of clubfoot, dislocation of the hip and torticollis. Also, if necessary, he can give a referral for an ultrasound of the hip joints.

An ophthalmologist examines a child of one month of age fundus and a tendency to strabismus.

ENT conducts audio screening needed to test your baby's hearing. But if his results do not correspond to the norm, then the doctor issues a referral for further examination.

At the age of 2 months, the baby also needs to visit the clinic, but here the list of doctors is much smaller, or rather, it does not exist at all. You only need visit the pediatrician for a checkup and measure height and weight. The doctor will ask you about your baby's developmental progress and behavior throughout the day. You may be offered to do certain preventive vaccinations if they were not done at the hospital and if the baby is completely healthy. By the way, we note that vaccination is allowed only if the child is healthy not only at the time of the examination, but also during the last month. If the baby is sick, then usually doctors write out a medical exemption from vaccinations for a month.

What doctors need to go to 3 months for a newborn

What doctors pass in 3 months? The baby must again undergo an examination by a pediatrician, pass all the necessary tests, and also re-pass appointment with a neurologist and orthopedist. At this age, the baby should already have certain skills. And doctors will be able to assess whether the development of the crumbs meets the established standards. If abnormalities are found, prescribe medication or give recommendations. But if at the examination in 1 month, specialists have already prescribed certain procedures or treatment to eliminate certain health problems, then they evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, and, if necessary, write out a further plan of action.

When a child turns six months old, he is already more active than before. He begins to explore the world around him. Many children at six months are already well turned over in different directions, and someone is already sitting and crawling. Therefore, it is very important for parents to maintain the cleanliness of the room in which the child is located. As well as wash toys thoroughly before giving them to a child. Indeed, at this age, the baby actively pulls everything into his mouth.

At this age, it is also necessary to undergo a routine examination by a pediatrician and specialist doctors. So, the child should be shown to the following doctors:

All these doctors should check the child's health, development and compliance of skills and abilities with the norms. As for the neurologist and orthopedist, here, as in 3 months, they trace child development dynamics after the prescribed treatment and may prescribe additional studies.

Also at this age, blood, feces and urine tests should be taken.

The baby, who is one year old, again has to visit many doctors. So that parents can make sure that he is completely healthy and his development is age-appropriate. In a year the list of doctors is the most extensive. It includes: pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, ENT and dentist.

As you can see, the list of doctors has been supplemented dentist. It is very important to take your child to this specialist. Since even at this age, caries or other oral problems can occur. Especially if you are already giving sweets to your baby.

This list of doctors is enough for a boy, but it’s better for a girl too see a pediatric gynecologist. Parents should not be embarrassed by such an early age of the baby, because the gynecologist evaluates the genitals only from the outside. Why is this needed? In order to make sure that the intimate hygiene of the girl is observed correctly. And if something is wrong, then the gynecologist will select the appropriate treatment.

It is worth noting that the responsibility for the health of your child lies with you. And therefore, we recommend not to miss scheduled examinations by specialist doctors, which will allow you to correct certain problems in time.

We examined which doctors you need to go to in 1 month for a newborn. And they also tried to develop the topic further - at 2 months, at 3 or 6. And who will have to pass in a year ... Have you forgotten anyone? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

On January 1, 2018, a new order “On preventive medical examinations of minors” No. 514n dated August 10, 2017 came into force. It replaced the order of 2012, in which, for each age of the child, a list of doctors and additional studies was prescribed that should be done free of charge to the child. Today we compare the tables with these data from two orders and pay attention to the differences between them and innovations.

The first examination of a newborn is a traditional examination of the baby by a pediatrician. Important: screenings are “timed” for this examination: neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome, cystic fibrosis and galactosemia, as well as audiological screening. All these screenings are usually performed on the baby in the hospital. If they were not made in the maternity hospital, then neonatal screening for five hereditary syndromes should be done within 1 month of the baby's life, audiological - in the first three months.

V 1 month the child should be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, ophthalmologist earlier. Now an examination by a pediatric dentist has been added to this list. The list of studies remained unchanged, it includes ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, heart, hip joints and neurosonography.

V 2 months the baby is examined by a pediatrician (this has not changed). Now, at this age, the clinic will still do a general blood and urine test - these are innovations in 2018.

V 3 months now there is no obligatory consultation of a neurologist (but a pediatrician and an orthopedic traumatologist remained). A general blood and urine test was also excluded - they were transferred to the second month of the child's life.

V 4 and 5 months both according to the old and the new standards, the baby is obligatory examined only by a pediatrician.

Now the pediatrician will be the only one to examine children also in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months. Consultations of a pediatric surgeon and a neurologist at 6 months, general blood and urine tests at 6 and 9 months from this year are excluded as mandatory.

V 1 year Previously, children were examined by a whole team of specialists: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric surgeon, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist. Starting this year, consultations with a dentist, an ophthalmologist and a psychiatrist for a year are not required, but an orthopedic traumatologist has been added to the mandatory list of doctors. The list of studies included general blood and urine tests, ECG. Glucose testing as mandatory from 2018 is excluded.

V 1 year 3 months examination only by a pediatrician is obligatory (nothing has changed here).

V 1 year 6 months- Also, the baby is examined only by a pediatrician. A complete blood and urine test has become optional.

V 1 year 9 months From 2018, children will not undergo preventive examinations at all.

V 2 years the list of examinations includes: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist and a child psychiatrist. Also, the child gives a general analysis of blood and urine.

V 2 years 6 months screenings have also been cancelled.

V 3 years children are again examined by a team of doctors: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric surgeon, a pediatric dentist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a urologist or a gynecologist. Seeing a child psychiatrist at this age is now out of the question. Among the studies: general blood and urine tests remained, and glucose level tests are no longer on the mandatory list.

V 4 years children used to be examined by a pediatrician and a surgeon, now the surgeon has been replaced by a pediatric dentist and general blood and urine tests have been ruled out.

V 5 years the child will also be examined only by a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist, and he will not take any tests.

V 6 years- future schoolchildren will be examined by just a huge team of specialists: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a surgeon, a dentist, an orthopedic traumatologist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a psychiatrist, a gynecologist or a urologist. Half of these professionals are new for 2018. Almost the entire spectrum of ultrasound was added to those studies that 6-year-olds passed earlier (general blood and urine tests): abdominal organs, kidneys and heart. An ECG was also added, and the study of glucose levels, on the contrary, was excluded from this year.

V 7 years On the contrary, the number of specialists has decreased. Now the children will be examined by a pediatrician, a neurologist, a dentist, an ophthalmologist and an ENT doctor. Among the studies: the general analysis of blood and urine remained, all ultrasound and ECG will be done a year earlier.

V 8 and 9 years old medical examination now includes only a consultation with a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist. There will be no other examinations and consultations at this age.

V 10 years the child will be examined by: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric dentist, an endocrinologist, an orthopedic traumatologist and an ophthalmologist. Consultations of an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist "gone", as well as an ECG and a study of blood glucose levels. All that was left was a complete blood and urine test.

V 11 and 12 years old only a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist are waiting for children for a check-up. All analyzes from the physical examination at this age were also excluded.

V 13 years old Previously, children were only seen by pediatricians. Now consultations of children's dentists and ophthalmologists have been added to them. All analyzes, on the contrary, were excluded.

V 14 years Previously, a team of doctors during a professional examination included 8 specialists. Now there are 4 left: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist, a urologist or gynecologist, and an adolescent psychiatrist. All analyzes and studies, including ultrasound, are now canceled at the age of 14 during prophylactic examinations.

V 15, 16 and 17 years old children will be examined by a full list of specialists, which has not changed much compared to previous years. This is a pediatrician, surgeon, dentist, urologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor and adolescent psychiatrist. Only the number of studies has changed. At the age of 15: general blood and urine tests, as well as EC, to which were added ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys. At the age of 16: only general blood and urine tests remained, at the age of 17 - the same plus an ECG without testing the glucose level, which was done before.

Summing up the material, we noted that now the medical examinations of children are even more “concentrated” in certain years, much more attention will be paid to dental problems in the development of babies, and children will be less likely to take tests for preventive purposes.

  • Which doctors do you need to see per month?
  • Why do you need to see different specialists? What can they find in a baby?
  • Can I miss an examination if my child is sick?
  • Why would such a small child need an ultrasound of the brain and hip joints, as well as the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract?

The plan for examining and monitoring your baby is determined by the pediatrician. First of all, the doctor will establish a health group and a risk group for your child in the newborn period. The health status of the baby, heredity, the course of your pregnancy and childbirth, as well as adaptation in the first week of life are taken into account. Also, a pediatrician and a visiting nurse are required to know the living conditions, material security and lifestyle of your family. Depending on this, examinations by a pediatrician and specialist doctors are planned. For the first time, a healthy child is invited to the children's polyclinic for an appointment with a pediatrician at the age of 1 month. Then the baby will be examined by specialist doctors.
A pediatric neurologist is a specialist who carefully monitors the development and maturation of the child's nervous system. Upon examination, he will determine whether the neuropsychic development of your baby corresponds to his age: he will evaluate the formed reactions to light, sound, as well as motor and psycho-emotional activity. The neurologist pays attention to the appearance of a month-old baby, the shape and size of the skull, facial expression, posture, skin color. Some diseases of the nervous system do not manifest themselves clinically for a long time, but their timely detection and treatment contribute to a favorable prognosis. For early diagnosis of brain lesions, neurosonography (NSG) is performed. Neurosonography is an absolutely safe and reliable method that allows you to see changes in the structure of the brain and signs of increased intracranial pressure through the fontanelles.
Preventive examination of the surgeon allows you to identify congenital surgical diseases. In infants, malformations of the anterior abdominal wall are most common: inguinal, inguinal-scrotal, umbilical, paraumbilical hernias; communicating dropsy of the testicles, cryptorchidism and others.
Also, the baby must be examined by an orthopedic doctor. This is done for timely diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment of the pathology of the child's musculoskeletal system. Some disorders may not appear for a long time and not bother the baby, his parents, and even the pediatrician. But a serious disease is gradually formed, in some cases leading to disability. First of all, this applies to hip dysplasia and congenital dislocation of the hip. Ultrasound of the hip joints helps to detect dislocation, subluxation, dysplasia and physiological developmental delay of the hip joints. Currently, this research method is carried out for all children, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of the disease.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed in order to exclude congenital malformations and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
The consultations and examinations listed above are screening, that is, mass. They are carried out for all children aged 1-2 months for a more accurate and timely assessment of their health status. Based on the results of the examination, the baby will be recommended health and preventive measures. Also, you must understand that the treatment of timely detected diseases is more effective than the treatment of advanced forms. Therefore, it is possible to postpone a preventive examination and examination if the child is ill, but then it should be carried out.

Your baby was born and, if everything is in order, on the third day he can go home with you - it is at this time that discharge from the hospital usually occurs after an uncomplicated birth. Within three days after discharge, your district pediatrician will visit you and your baby. Visits by specialists - a doctor and a nurse - will be carried out approximately once a week during the entire first month of a child's life.

During each patronage visit, specialists will carefully examine the newborn in order not to miss any congenital pathologies, as well as assess how the child is adapting to new living conditions outside the mother's womb. During such visits, they will explain to you how to properly care for the baby: how to treat the umbilical wound, how to bathe the newborn, how to feed and swaddle, and, if necessary, give recommendations for correcting feeding.

After the baby is 1 month old, they are already waiting for you at the clinic. In any children's clinic there is a "baby day" - certain days and hours set aside so that mothers with healthy babies up to a year old can undergo a scheduled examination by doctors. At this time, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist and an orthopedic traumatologist work together with a pediatrician - these are the specialists who need to show the baby when he turns one month old. Now your baby has overcome the milestone of 1 month - examinations are now also important, but they need to be done a little less often. It is now possible to show the baby to specialists less often, and after examination by all doctors, the pediatrician will mainly monitor the development of the baby.

Why visit doctors so often? The answer is simple - in the first year of life, most of the congenital pathologies appear, which must be diagnosed and corrected in a timely manner. In addition to examinations, the baby will need to undergo a series of studies and analyzes. They reveal those features of the child's development that are not visible during a routine examination. Here's what they're for:

  • Neonatal screening of newborns is a diagnostic study that allows you to identify babies at risk for various congenital diseases
  • Audiological screening - detects abnormalities in the development of the hearing organs
  • Ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) - reveals malformations of the brain, measures intracranial pressure and blood flow velocity in the hemispheres
  • Ultrasound of the heart - reveals the pathology of the development of the cardiovascular system
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs - reveals the pathology of the development of the abdominal organs
  • Ultrasound of the hip joints - diagnoses congenital dysplasia, dislocations and subluxations of the hip
  • Complete blood count - detects diseases of the hematopoietic organs and other pathologies
  • General analysis of urine - reveals abnormalities in the work of the urinary organs; urine test for sugar reveals a child's predisposition to diabetes
  • Fecal analysis - detects diseases of the digestive system, infections and other disorders; analysis of feces for carbohydrates diagnoses lactase deficiency

Remembering when and which doctors you need to visit is not at all necessary - experienced specialists will remind you every time when you and your baby need to appear next time. However, it is still worth getting acquainted with the Calendar of visits to the doctor * - this will help you not to worry about your baby and feel confident.

Child's ageExaminations by medical specialistsLaboratory, functional
and other studies
NewbornPediatricianNeonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism,
phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome,
cystic fibrosis and galactosemia;
Audiological screening
1 monthPediatrician
pediatric surgeon
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs
cavity, heart, hip joints
Audiological screening
2 monthsPediatrician
3 monthsPediatrician
General blood analysis
General urine analysis
Audiological screening
4 monthsPediatrician
5 monthsPediatrician
6 monthsPediatrician
pediatric surgeon
General blood analysis
General urine analysis
7 monthsPediatrician
8 monthsPediatrician
9 monthsPediatricianGeneral blood analysis
General urine analysis
10 monthsPediatrician
11 monthsPediatrician
12 monthsPediatrician
pediatric surgeon
Children's dentist
Psychiatrist for children
General blood analysis
General urine analysis
Blood glucose test

Immediately after the birth of the baby, he is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. This is a must for all kids. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the reflexes and skills of the crumbs. After discharge from the maternity ward, all documents for your child are transferred to the children's clinic. It is here that over the next years the baby will be monitored. Many mothers are concerned about the question of which doctors newborns undergo at 1 month. After all, it is at this age that the first trip to a medical institution is carried out.

This article will tell you about how the physical examination takes place in the 1st month. Which doctors to undergo - will be described later. You will also learn the basic nuances of such medical manipulations.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

Which doctors to go to 1 is always told by the patronage nurse. Before going to the clinic, the baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. After 2-3 weeks, a nurse visits. It is she who talks about the need to go through certain doctors.

It is worth noting that both paramedics must examine the child. The doctor listens to the lungs and heart with a stethoscope. The nurse examines the skin, reflexes and skills of the crumbs. In addition, patronage notes the living conditions in which the child resides. If new parents have any questions, the doctors always give answers and help with advice.

What doctors need to be seen in 1 month?

So, your baby has gone the fifth week from birth. It's time to show some experts. For starters, you should visit a pediatrician or go to a nurse. She will write you the necessary directions for the examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of obtaining them in advance.

Which doctors you need to go to in 1 month, depends entirely on your baby. For a healthy child, this will be a neurologist, an ophthalmologist and a pediatrician. You will also have to take tests and visit the vaccination room. When the crumbs have congenital pathologies, the list of specialists can expand. Let's try to figure out how a child goes in the first month of life.

Surgical office

Which doctors pass in 1 month? One of the first in the list of specialists is the surgeon. The doctor always examines the undressed child. That is why it is necessary to take a diaper with you to the consultation.

The doctor examines the skin. They must be clean. After that, the surgeon probes the baby's lymph nodes in the armpits, in the groin area, on the neck and the back of the head. There should be no increase in these areas. Next, the abdomen is palpated. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic. This is noted in the map, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.


Which doctors pass in 1 month? The child must be shown to the orthopedist. The doctor also prescribes to all babies. Depending on the work of the clinic, the diagnosis can be carried out directly by an orthopedist or another specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor's appointment already with the result of the study.

The orthopedist examines the legs and pelvis of the baby. The limbs must be the same length. The feet are also evaluated in the setting. However, at this age, this indicator is not focused on. An orthopedic examination is necessary in order to exclude hip dysplasia. It is this pathology that is often found in newborn children.

Neurological cabinet

Which doctors pass in 1 month yet? Not the last place in this list is occupied by a neurologist. Before going to the doctor you need a head, which is called neurosonography. This study allows you to assess the blood flow of the brain and note possible pathologies.

The neurologist evaluates the motor activity of the baby. The doctor also checks reflexes. Quite often, neurologists prescribe a kind of treatment for children. Some kids really need it. Do not refuse correction, because the lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in the future.


What other doctors pass in 1 month? The obligatory list includes an oculist. Of course, the baby will not yet be able to name the letters and thereby show his vision. However, the doctor can measure the baby's eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

Some babies develop eye problems after birth. There are pathologies such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, and so on. It is these diseases that the doctor can identify at an early stage of development. Timely correction will help to avoid vision problems in the future.

Vaccination room and the first vaccine in the clinic

If your child was vaccinated in the maternity hospital, then another one is necessary in one month. It's a hepatitis vaccine. The drug is injected into the baby's muscle. For this, the lower leg is mainly selected.

Remember that before vaccination, you must visit a pediatrician and obtain permission. The doctor should take the temperature of the baby, examine his throat and listen to the lungs. Vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

What specialists still need to go through with a monthly baby? All children need to have their ears checked. For this, a special ultrasonic device is used. The instrument is directed into the baby's ear and receives a reflection from the eardrum. Such a device allows you to detect deafness in a baby in the first month of life.

Also, the crumbs in one month need to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. It will allow you to evaluate the work of organs and exclude possible pathologies. diagnosis is made strictly on an empty stomach. Before the study, you can not feed the child for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the result will be distorted.

Blood and urine tests are also performed at one month of age. In this case, you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning one. Remember that the crumbs need to be washed before taking the material. Use a urinal for convenience. You can also donate blood after meals. Surely a child at this age eats exclusively breast milk or an adapted mixture.


You became aware of which doctors you need to go through with your baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and begin their correction as early as possible. Never refuse a trip to the children's clinic. Regularly undergo examinations and follow the recommendations received. Also, try to stick to the established vaccination dates. This approach will help you avoid health problems in your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and proper development!