The difficult choice of a modern woman: a brilliant career or family. Family or career: the choice of a modern woman

Family or career - which is more important? This question is an age-old female problem, because for men everything is much easier if a man is successful in the business sphere, he has an opportunity for self-realization and the choice of life partners becomes wider.

For women, it's much more difficult.

Career success does not guarantee them personal happiness.

Many talented women leaders find it difficult to find a life partner. As a result, children are left to their own devices, as their mother spends all her time at work.

From all of the above, does it mean that the whole stake should be placed on the family?

But here, too, many women face disappointment. The feeling of unfulfillment in the majority forms a large inferiority complex, because the social circle of housewives is limited to the family. Being in search for self-realization, a woman surrounds her husband and children with great care, which eventually develops into mega-control, which destroys many marriages.

So what do you prefer, career or family? Maybe try to combine them?

When solving this complex dilemma, thoughts come to mind: you need to do everything in sequence. First a career, and then a family, or vice versa. It would seem that everything is simple and logical, but there are also many pitfalls here.


Let's try to figure it out and put career first, and then family and children.

Young girls, full of enthusiasm and energy, ready for unexpected actions that often lead to success, are never limited to thoughts that they might fail. They are responsible only for themselves, they are not burdened with children and families, they can devote all their time to work and not worry that later they will have to explain to someone why you were late at work. They do not have to restore themselves after childbirth, because while you give birth and nurse your baby, your knowledge becomes obsolete, your ability to learn is significantly reduced, interesting ideas are thought out and implemented by someone else.

It seems that the advantages of putting a career in the first place are quite significant, but there are also many disadvantages here.

Going deeper into work, many women dull their desire to become a mother. It seems like you want children, but you can’t decide on this act. Once you realize that you are satisfied with your life and do not want to change anything, everything suits you anyway. But what about the maternal instinct?

In many Western countries, women give birth after thirty, as it is considered fashionable. The older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to get pregnant, according to modern doctors - late birth is a very big risk for both the woman and the child.

Is family more important?

Let's try to formulate the question in a different way, and put the family first, and then the career.

This option is not so common, but it also has many of its positive aspects.

Firstly, there is no complex that you do not have a family.

After all, on a subconscious level, every woman dreams of getting married and having a baby, and if she is deprived of this, then, over the years, she develops a complex that interferes with the further creation of normal relationships with people. You calmly give birth, you don’t worry that there is very little time left and it’s time for you to leave maternity leave, and you give your baby a lot of maternal care and affection, which he needs so much.

If a woman has a successful marriage, then her husbands are very supportive in their endeavors, and sometimes they can even provide seed capital for these endeavors. But even here, not everything is so smooth!

One, probably, of the main questions - when can you take up a career?

When will the child go to kindergarten or grow up to school? When will he go to university? After all, at each of these life stages, it will seem to you that your child is still small and needs maternal support.

As they say in the poems of Eduard Asadov, "... children are always children for their mother, even if they are twenty, even thirty years old ...". Based on such reasoning, then career time may not come. Time does not stand still, and while you are giving birth, raising a child to your feet, your enthusiasm, knowledge and skill are lost, and many new promising competitors appear on the labor market, and in a few years you may find yourself far out of the business sphere. Also, not every husband wants to support his wife's initiative to make a career, and it is very difficult to choose between your favorite business and a person dear to you, as well as solving the family or career dilemma.

Combining family and career?

But how to combine family and career? There are a large number of examples in which women successfully fulfill their potential both as business women and as wives and mothers. But how did they do it, and what helped them achieve such results? Firstly, it is the ability to balance between family and career, faith in yourself and in your strengths.

If you want your life to be rich, then you should never choose between a career and a family, but rather try to learn how to combine these two sides of your life!

In the life of a modern woman, the question often arises of what is more important: family or career? You have to choose between family and career. When a woman is young, only on the threshold of family happiness, a child has not yet appeared, then there is no question of a family or a career. The question of choosing a family or career for a woman arises when a child appears. Only very few women in life manage to combine family and career.

Family or career for a modern woman

There are women for whom the creation of a family is not a priority. They say about such women that she married a career. For them, a career and earnings are better than the worries of the family. They are in no way inferior to men in pursuit of a career and success.

And there are those who, on the contrary, give up their careers without regret for the sake of their families and children. Although they could perfectly realize themselves in work ... But there are those who still manage to combine family and career. Such women do not ask themselves what is better: a career or a family? Everything is important to them.

How to make a choice: family or career?

You can argue for a long time about what is more important: family or career? There is no single answer for everyone and there should not be, since we are all different by nature. But one thing can be said for sure: a person needs to be realized both in a couple and in society. In other words, both in the family and in the career. Without it, it is impossible to experience happiness to the fullest. And what is better for a woman, how to make a choice between family and career, is described in detail in the article.

Due to the economic situation in the country, in modern families there is often a situation where both spouses work. Psychologists believe that this is an important factor influencing family life. Women who used to spend all their free time doing household chores began to work quite hard, practically renouncing their former duties. In many couples, the question arises of who and how will deal with household chores, how they will share household chores.

Often, couples who devote themselves to work are most often faced with conflicts in the family. Both men and women get tired of everyday work, monotonous work. Arriving home, tired spouses can “break loose” on each other and, without noticing it, create a conflict. When both spouses are busy promoting their careers, it is quite difficult to get away from conflicts and quarrels. They often do not have enough time either for the family, or for household chores, or for themselves.

What could be the threat? The answer to this question lies on the surface. The marriage may fall apart. Spouses will be doomed to loneliness. They lose family warmth and support of a loved one. And even the results achieved in the work may not bring due pleasure. How to avoid such a fate?

Couples with a similar problem should try to protect their relationship. A marriage that is not fueled by feelings is doomed to the fact that the work will push out thoughts of love and the second half. That is why you should recognize your mistakes in time. Until it's too late. You don't have to choose a career or a family. You just need to learn how to combine them.

For constantly working spouses, it is important to spend free time together, organize joint trips to the cinema, cafes or museums. Joint dinners will warm up the family hearth. At least at home. Trips out of town, to nature, will also have a beneficial effect on relationships. It is important to find at least 15 minutes to just chat with your loved one. Not on everyday topics, but about the feelings and experiences of each other. At such moments, you should carefully listen to your partner, try to give him advice. The main thing is not to forget about each other and not to put a career above the family, because true love is not so easy to find.

Household responsibilities can also drag a married couple down. Do not wait until family chores develop into a conflict. Responsibilities simply need to be agreed in advance and divided between the spouses. Not forgetting to leave the work that the couple can do together. Combining thereby the necessary work around the house with a pleasant pastime with your loved one.

What is more important - family or work? Everyone has the right to decide for himself. But those who value both the first and the second should be able to properly allocate their time so as not to end up with a “broken trough” later.

For many business people today, questions arise: what is more important family or career, how to combine them, and is it even possible to do this? Every accomplished person thinks about this problem at least once a day, but there are as many opinions as there are people.
Is it really possible to combine family and career? In the 21st century, humanity has a completely different concept, both about the family and about a career, than, say, Soviet citizens had. All new trendy foreign words began to pour into the Slavic lexicon, which, in fact, turned the worldview of the younger generation about career and family. Teenagers at school answering teachers' questions "What do you want to become?" they say: oligarchs, oil tycoons, top managers, etc. The priority of young people is to make a career, and the concept of the family fades into the background, but then, after, say, ten years, having not achieved what they wanted in work, that is, without becoming a follower of Donald Trump , Jack Welch, Warren Buffett or Roman Abramovich, a person switches to the second - to a family, and here is also a bummer, for example, your beloved Galka from the 8th grade with whom you wanted to spend your whole life and have at least three children (but, of course, , after reaching the highest rung on the career ladder), suddenly finds herself married to the same son of Donald Trump. And then a person loses both family and career.
You don’t need to be fanatical about your career, that is, leave the house at six in the morning and return at twelve at night with the only desire to collapse into bed and fall asleep. In this way, you can only achieve chronic fatigue, eternal nervousness and, as a result, as a conclusion, divorce and loss of a family. There must be a measure in everything.
You can achieve an idyll by combining family and career, but this combination should be harmonious like yin and yang, I'm talking about the fact that the wife should support her husband, be his adviser and abbess, and in turn, the husband should not forget about the interests of the woman and give opportunities for her self-realization and not be afraid of the possible success or even superiority of her wife. After all, a career largely depends on the well-being of the family, namely, a friendly atmosphere between spouses. After all, when everything is wonderful in the house and you are in a good mood, then there is an enthusiasm to work and earn money in order to spend it on people dear to you.
The family is an integral element of a career, since it is very difficult to succeed alone, and relatives will always sincerely help, prompt and push if necessary. Many famous people in their endless interviews have repeatedly insisted that they owe their success to their wives or husbands who expressed support in everything, for example, former US President Al Gore, former Czech President Vaclav Havel, English millionaire Richard Bergson and also the famous foreign singer Madonna.
Thus, answering such an urgent question in our time, I would like to conclude that when pursuing a career, one should not forget about the family, because these concepts should be interconnected and not interfere with each other. And most importantly, you need to adhere to harmony and know the measure in everything, both in relationships in the family and at work.

Is the speech correct? What changes need to be made?

How to combine career with family?
The eternal question, which is more important?
But if we think for a second, who is more important? For a woman, a man, she or he is married or single. Who are the people who prefer careers to family?

Young Russians consider career more important than family, social media showed. survey. According to a sociological survey, a third of Russian citizens believe that combining raising children with a successful career is chasing two birds with one stone. At the same time, the opinions of Russians under 24 and people of the older generation differ greatly: for young people, a career comes to the fore, according to the portal.

In psychology, the recommended age for starting a family is usually indicated by the age from 18 to 22. There is also an opinion that the best age is 17-19 years. This is explained by the fact that at an earlier age it is easier for a young girl to adapt to a new family life for her. The main thing here is to take into account the degree of moral readiness of a young girl for the role of a young mother. Let's remember our parents, in their time it would be relevant to choose a permanent partner at the age of 17-19, get married and have children. But now all these processes have moved back by 5-10 years, and now the average age when couples begin to think about children is 25-30 years old. And what does it say? Isn't it about redistribution of priorities? Obviously, the priority is given to a career. But to live only one career, not everything works out, as they say, a person does not live by bread alone.
Are children and career compatible? Here is a survey conducted by the Superjob portal. He says that according to many Russians, no. Young people are especially inclined to think this way and consider that either children first, then a career, or first a career, then children, but it’s impossible to have both children and a career in one bottle. True, it must be emphasized that we are talking about a career for a woman. Or, as before, as it was believed before, they do not influence, a man takes, well, such an indirect participation in education and, accordingly, works, works and works.

The question of what is more important should each ask himself. I made a choice for myself, and you?

Watch this video!

At this Canadian mountain resort, I met many parents with young children. “Nothing surprising,” you say. The peculiarity of these meetings was that with small (0-5 years old) children, people actively travel, climb mountains on foot, and go in for active sports. One day we decided to make an ascent, about 2 hours along the forest and mountain paths to the famous place Tea House. We passed amazing beauty, several lakes of different sizes and colors of water, waterfalls.

Snowy peaks, a huge glacier could be seen far away, people made horse rides, forest chipmunks constantly ran under their feet. It got colder every 30 minutes of climbing, several times I regretted wearing shorts and a T-shirt. An hour later, the forces became less, and it was decided to make a halt, I sit and breathe like an old Przewalski's horse (I chose the speed for lifting above average) and then I hear children's voices. A family with children aged about 2.5 and 3.5 years walked past me, smiling. The children walked on their own.

I also sat on my own feet 🙂 But what struck me was that parents, with the advent of children, did not change their hobby, did not stay at home in comfort. They also continued to live, but with children. And it's really great, because. most careerists are afraid to have children or put it off indefinitely. Because they think that this will completely change their lives, their careers will collapse, their businesses will burn out, and in general global warming will start earlier.