Statuses about a son with meaning: about love for the most important. Statuses and quotes about son and mother

Quotes about the son - "An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: this is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother" Guy Maupassant

A spark is born from a flint, a worthy son is born from a worthy man. Chechen proverbs and sayings

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is supportive of what they themselves have created. Aristotle

Hearing people praise her son, the mother rejoices more than on the day she gave birth to him. Thiru-Valluvar

"A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother except with his illness" Confucius

It is no wonder that sons who were raised by a wise father are rich in knowledge. Abulkasim Ferdowsi

A good son can bring only one grief to his parents: grief because he is sick. Confucius.

If your son stands up for his wife - be proud, you raised a real man. And what kind of son you raised - your old age will show.

What the sons have forgotten, the grandchildren try to remember. Eilis Rossi

Do not interfere in the affairs of a husband and wife, do not interfere in the affairs of a father and son. Ancient India, unknown author

I will reveal to you who is the best of men
And who in the world is dearer than all others ...
He is my favorite ... He is my son.
And no one can be dearer.

In times of peace, sons bury their fathers, and in war, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus

If the son outgrows the father, the father wears on the son's old trousers. - Yanina Ipohorskaya

He who spares his rod hates his son; and he who loves, punishes him from childhood. King Solomon

From childhood to 5 years old, you need to take care of your son like a dawn, from five to fifteen years old, like a servant, and all other years, like a friend. Ancient india

Do you know who is the best of men?

And he lives with me in the same apartment ...

And I have many reasons

Man envies everyone, except his son and his disciple. Sages of the Talmud

Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

Your son lives his own life. It's time to love yours.

The only man I will die for will be my son!

The worst thing that can happen to a little man is to be the son of a great father. Austin O'Malley

He is constantly worried about his son,
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana"
And in Avar - "baba" affectionately.

Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually come back pair after pair.

The husband is responsible for the wife, and the son for the mother.

It is not surprising that the son is reasonable, because his father was distinguished by great wisdom. Abulkasim Ferdowsi.

A tiny son came to his father,
Like an angel.
Apparently I found the question again,
Between the life of the lines.

When I have a son, there will be someone better than me.

The father loves his son and the son loves his son. Sages of the Talmud

You are a son, I am a father and such is our tandem,
We are together at the peak of everyday problems.
I'll grab you by the hand
And as a captain, I will take you to the ocean.

First, the father is in everything for his son, then the son is everywhere for the father.

Many little sons would have followed in the footsteps of their fathers if they were not afraid that they would be caught doing this.

If your son likes to paint on walls, ask him where the paint comes from. Perhaps this is ketchup, but if the drawing is brown? - it's scary to think.

In this article you will find relevant, smart, original statuses about your son for contact, Facebook, classmates.

Too obedient sons never achieve much.

A child weighing two megabytes five hundred kilobytes was born in a family of programmers ...

Here it is, happiness - it ran, jumped, burst out laughing, and now it's asleep!

Fatherly and filial feelings are different: the father has love for his son, and the son has love for the memory of the father.

Children are flowers of life! My flower fertilized itself again!

His smile is dearer than anyone else in the world!

If your son likes to paint on walls, ask him where the paint comes from. Perhaps this is ketchup, but if the drawing is brown? - it's scary to think.

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

First, the father is in everything for his son, then the son is everywhere for the father.

Gold is not what glitters, but what runs around the house, does not eat porridge and makes a mess!

When I have a son, there will be someone better than me.

Every day, looking at my son, I ask: God forbid to raise a man!

The husband is responsible for the wife, and the son for the mother.

The only man I will die for will be my son!

My little son was born! A new life has begun! As long as my heart beats! Oh, anyone who touches, hold on ...

Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

It is no wonder that sons are rich in knowledge, Who were raised by a wise father.

He who spares his rod hates his son; and he who loves, punishes him from childhood. King Solomon

To the question "What is love?" my son replied: - Love is mom.

In times of peace, sons bury their fathers, and in war, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus

My great happiness is my little son!

What the sons have forgotten, the grandchildren try to remember. Eilis Rossi

The best and most beloved man is a son.

A good son can bring only one grief to his parents: grief because he is sick. Confucius.

You can only give birth to an ideal man yourself.

In raising children, the main thing is that they do not notice this.

Life makes sense only when you live for someone other than yourself.

Before you start raising your children, test your own behavior. A. S. Makarenko

The only man who can successfully command a woman is his son! Fazil Iskander

For a woman, more than all men - to this world, a son born to her

All the hardships of pregnancy and the pain of childbirth go away as soon as you see this little creature and realize that this is your child.

Boys are an ordeal for human patience, but God knows to deal with girls is incomparably more painful. Louise May Alcott.

The embodiment of greed: this is when my son and I share after washing - where are whose socks ...

Everyone knows how to raise children, except for those who have them.

In the meantime, the baby is just a baby, I enjoy every minute of the most important miracle on the planet. Happiness in life is our children ...

Children do not need teachings, but examples.

The well-being of the entire nation depends on the correct upbringing of children.

Be both a human and a baby yourself in order to teach your child.

Children do not need teachings, but examples. Joseph Joubert

I allow myself to be myself in front of one man, my son.

A miracle walks around the apartment. There is no favorite in the world. Like a lake of saucer-eyes, the Gnome is small from a fairy tale.

For the education of young minds, the most useful is the useless.

Happiness has chubby cheeks, big eyes and a small nose.

It is precisely those who do not need education that lend themselves well to education.

I have an angel, and his name is son! And the son has a guard, and the name of the guard is mom!

If raising boys takes more effort, do more. Margaret Mead

You live in every beat of my heart.

Raising children is about not letting them bend ahead of time.

So, sonny, a little step, another step. Well done! Masha, bring your camera quickly - your son is back from the prom! 🙂

In the name of father and son and good upbringing. Belt.

The best man in the world went to me! He calls me "mom"!

If your son stands up for his wife - be proud, you raised a real man. And what kind of son you raised - your old age will show.

Having a baby is like giving birth to your own heart and carrying it in your arms and in your thoughts all your life.

Do not interfere in the affairs of a husband and wife, do not interfere in the affairs of a father and son.

An SMS came from my son: “Mom I have 19 lessons today, I'll be there in the morning.” - “Okay son, just put the covers on the textbooks.”

If the son outgrows the father, the father wears on the son's old trousers. Yanina Ipohorskaya

Inconvenient - when the son looks like a neighbor!

Man envies everyone, except his son and his disciple. Sages of the Talmud

Nothing can be better than holding a piece of yourself in your arms ...

Your son lives his own life. It's time to love yours.

Parents gave an apartment for their son's birthday: "Dobi is free!"

The worst thing that can happen to a little man is to be the son of a great father. Austin O'Malley

The most expensive bracelet is a rubber tag on which the weight, height and time of birth of your baby are written!

It is not surprising that the son is reasonable, because his father was distinguished by great wisdom. Abulkasim Ferdowsi.

A son was born to everyone's joy - Immediately the house was transformed!

The father loves his son and the son loves his son. Sages of the Talmud

Quietly sniffs with a nose, hugging my mother, here he is, lying side by side, my piece of paradise!

Many little sons would have followed in the footsteps of their fathers if they were not afraid that they would be caught doing this.

You are my last name - and I will give you a son!

My son is a fair-haired ray of light!

My son is growing, he is the most tender lump!

When parents are intelligent and virtuous-modest, so are sons. Sebastian Brunt

Lessons learned! I'm hoarse, my son is deaf ...

So many things that could pass by. But here it is happiness - to be the mother of a son!

I gave my son life, and he gave me its meaning.

I could betray my king, but not my son.

I'm not a model at all, but I won't sweat it over. My sonny told me with tenderness that the mommy is his beauty!

Touching statuses about a son, beautiful short ones from a mother with meaning, about a son and a daughter, about the birth of a son, about a husband and a son, about two sons, about a son's birthday, about an army, an adult and a young son.

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

I found meaning in life when my son gave birth. What a joy to be a dear, beloved mother and wife!

The best sons in the world are their own.

The only one I will run after will shout to me "Catch up, mom!"

If you have a home, do not be afraid of the cold; if you have a son, do not be afraid of need.

My best man, no doubt., The one who says: "Mom, hello!"

No one adorns a woman so much as walking alongside ... son!

The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become.

Son, teach me how to use a computer! - Lord, where have I sinned so ...

Darling, make me the happiest - give me a son ...

The wise mother-in-law answered her son's complaints: “You took a good wife !? Who spoiled it for you? "

The only man for whom I will do things will call me "mom" ...

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is supportive of what they themselves have created.

Son, you have no friends at all because of your computer! - You're wrong! All 10 seasons!

The mother had three sons. Two smart, and the third ... Sportsman.

Mother to son: Each of your antics is another gray hair on my head! The boy, looking at the gray-haired grandmother: I see you in your youth, too, were a little queer.

Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually come back pair after pair.

I have an Angel and his name is Sonny ...

The son was very surprised by the mother's request not to walk along the dark alleys ... It turned out that this was my mother's territory ...

He explained to his son where children come from. A million storks fly out, and only one reaches the cabbage ...

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother only with his illness.

If a man is ready for anything for the sake of a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready for anything for the sake of a man, then this man is her son.

Someday my son will break your daughter's heart.

Among all other men, you are the only ideal! Only you, dear son, are worth the most tender words!


Active sections:

Every young man on this earth is a son. He, one way or another, justifies the hopes of his relatives, friends, and maybe, and vice versa. Did you happen to become a father or a mother? If so, then you are a very happy person. If not, then everything is still ahead. Many spouses often dream of a son. After all, a son is the embodiment of masculinity and courage. How great it must be for a father when he sees how his successor, his heir, grows before his eyes. Day after day, the guy is getting stronger, now there is a kindergarten, then school, then university. The son can spend his time with his parents, loving them and giving warmth and care in return. After all, good parents will support them all their lives and believe in him. When he feels bad, and things don't go as he would like, his parents will help out. Each of the sons has a duty to the Motherland, to society and to himself in the first place. Therefore, you need to grow up to be a worthy person, despite the fact that a guy may be absolutely different from others in his behavior. Conscience and social aspects are interrelated, but there are differences. Today we have prepared beautiful statuses about a son so that you can read them and find some meaning in them. Enjoy your reading.

Cool statuses about son

To the question "What is love?" my son replied: - Love is mom.


I erected a monument to myself ... - bungled my son!


What a good son - even though he is a husband's child.


If a man is ready for anything for the sake of a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready for anything for the sake of a man, then this man is her son.


Today I realized that my son has turned from a boy into a man - in the morning for the first time he asked me a purely masculine question: "Where are my socks?"


The son is a perpetual motion machine, and also a jumper, a jumper, a tight hugger and a tender kisser!


The only one I will run after will shout to me "Catch up, mom!"


My best man, no doubt., The one who says: "Mom, hello!"


20 years ago: "My son is clever - you can't tear yourself away from the computer from morning to night."
Now: "My son is a complete goon - from morning to night you can't tear yourself away from the computer."


I'm not a model at all, but I won't sweat it over. My son told me with tenderness that his mummy is BEAUTIFUL!


You understand that your children have grown up when your daughter starts to smear her lips with lipstick, and your son starts to wipe lipstick from his lips.


My son is a waiter. I can be calm about a glass of water before I die. The main thing is to keep a tip at hand.

If a woman feeds a man, drinks, dresses, waits for him and forgives him everything - he is her son, otherwise it does not happen.


The face is tender, each dash, snub-nosed nose sniffs! Money, career ... all this is unimportant ... Important - sleeping next to each other!


Based on the results of night vigils with a little son: "Night Dojoor"


He explained to his son where children come from. A million storks fly out, and only one reaches the cabbage ...


The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become.


I have an Angel and his name is Sonny ...
Sonny has a guard and his guard - Mom!


When I have a son, there will be someone better than me ...


A mother has made a man out of her son for twenty years, and his girlfriend is capable of making an idiot out of him in twenty minutes.


I want a daughter. She will be the most beautiful in the world! I will dress her like a princess. But first, I will have a son. To guard my princess.


Until the age of five, treat your son like a king, from five to fifteen - like a servant, after fifteen - like a friend.
Ancient indian dictum


I enjoy my son's childhood ...


And on the sea, white sand, made someone yellow, son.


Knowledge is transmitted from father to son through belt transmission.


Prodigal sons return with prodigal wives.


I have the best man in the world!
Every day says how much he loves me
Kisses at every meeting, hugs tight!
One drawback: going to the kindergarten is slow!


Sonny draws a solar circle, the sky around ... A woman's breast, a fire, a brazier ... And it was his dad who helped him!


Ad. A translator from Russian to Elvish is urgently needed. LOSING A SON!


It seems only yesterday she was rocking him in her arms ... And today he is already a year old and he runs away from me when he doesn't want to get dressed!


One day there comes a moment when, walking next to your son, you want to take his hand out of habit, and suddenly you realize that you have to take ... by the arm.


We run home with our son, and there are many dogs ahead. The son asked: "Mom, are you scared?" I say: “No! I'm with a man. " The son is important: "And the man is not afraid - he is with his mother."


I really believe and hope that at the hour when the time comes,
I will say to a grown man: "I am so proud of you, son!"


Yesterday my son showed me another masterpiece on the wallpaper. When asked where the red paint came from, he said it was ketchup. Today there is a brown drawing on the wall - I'm afraid to ask.



It is easier for a father to forgive a prodigal son than for a son to forgive a prodigal father.


A real woman should give birth to a son, raise a husband and build a mother-in-law!


The most expensive scent is not Dior or Chanel ... the most expensive scent is the scent of your child


The embodiment of greed: this is when my son and I share after washing - where are whose socks ...


Happy dad is walking with his son - the son is like dad like two drops.


I will call my son Vkontakty, and my daughter Aska


My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Nice bright light, I love you son!


Perhaps I'll go on a visit ...
I will visit my son my friend


By the time you realize that your parents were right, you will already have a son who will think that you are wrong.


Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually come back pair after pair


Today I went to the parents' meeting, I liked the parting words of my son: "Mom, the main thing is not to trust anyone there!"


The mother raised her son in faith in goodness and justice, that is, already in childhood, he received mental trauma incompatible with life.


Mother to son:
... And mind you, son, I never said a single bad word about any of your rubbish!


For me, gold is not what glitters, but what crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down ...


The son of a Trudovik and a music teacher graduated from school with two A's.


It's easier for a man, of course. He is known to have to do three things: plant a tree, build a house, and raise a son. And it doesn't matter to him at all who then brings up his son all his life, watering the tree and cleaning this house ...


If you want the love of a prince, become a queen and give birth to a son.

*** Funny poems for adults

Son, let life be the goal
Do not give offense to honor, relatives, yourself,
So that everything that they wanted to bend,
We fled from the battlefield from you!

Son my boy dear
Happy birthday to you.
A kind son and a very happy father,
I always dream of seeing you.

For birthday, let yours
Our love, son, will warm you
We are always together, we are with you,
So that light in the soul, health in the body!

Happy birthday, son! We wish you pleasure
From youth, life, from every moment,
We wish you wisdom and important skill
Keep goodness in your soul without misunderstanding!

My son is support and support,
You have become an adult, you have become strong!
You always work hard
So that I achieve a lot in life.

Beloved son, I remember all the moments
Which you give me by communication!
So let the words sound like sentiment:
I love you without measure, happy birthday!

You are very dear to us, our dear son,
Appear more often on your own doorstep
Your birthday to us is the brightest day
Be healthy and happy, God bless the children!

Many years ago I gave birth to you,
And today the whole family came to congratulate.
Be successful and healthy, my beloved son,
Do not meet troubles and enemies on your way!

Son, I congratulate you
You were born for happiness!
I wish you love and joy
So that you keep honor and be strong!

There is no happiness in the world dearer than children -
This is what a great prophet once said.
Trust your mom - you are the best in the world!
Happy birthday to you, my beloved son!

The most important thing, sonny, is to be healthy
So that the spirit of youth is not lost
And he helped in trouble, everywhere and again,
And in life there was a reliable best friend!

My little, my sweet boy
I love to watch when you sleep ...
When you quietly sniff
And next to you is your bear and the bunny ...
You are my best friend!
I love your naughty laugh,
When you play with kids
Beloved, my glorious son!
Flower, my bunny, kitten!
May God keep you from troubles
Be healthy, happy for a hundred years,
My dear, little child!

Mom's sun, so sweet!
The look is impeccably naive, funny.
Daddy's little eyes, with an upper lip,
Eyebrows, hairs ... You are my bunny!
How you smile! You are my dear!
Mother's welcome, dear baby!
The angel who returned home from heaven
A ray of sunshine, my golden one!
The dwarf is cheerful, strong and groovy,
You are my stream, with murmuring water!
A light miracle, a gift from the unearthly,
My gift in life, the biggest!

My son is a fair-haired ray of light!
You don't know yet how big the planet is
You have no idea how beautiful the globe of the earth is
Green in summer, white in winter.
You still do not know how much,
Your road is long and amazing.
Do not rush! - your mother tells you.
You still have time to see!
The kid is cheerful - blue eyes!
I love you so much! With all my heart, very much!
Grow healthy and be happy!
May your path be full of joy!

You grow up and I won't know
Who do you spend your days and even nights with?
But I will still call
You are like in childhood - my dear son.
You will grow up ...
You will accept
Fate blows, I think, with dignity.
And clench your teeth, and clench your fists,
And I won't kiss where it hurts.
And if we can't cope with dad already,
There the faucet leaked or other troubles,
Your voice on the phone will tell me firmly:
"Mom, don't touch anything, I'll come right now"
In the meantime - pajamas in the clouds
And for the night about the elephant and Aibolit.
Your heart is in mom's hands
The soul is still vulnerable and open.
I will try very hard, my dear,
Give what I can and take away bad weather,
So that you remember childhood with a smile,
So that he knew what happiness can be ...

My son is growing
Kind and funny!
As a year old,
Our first tooth has grown:
White, healthy!
Sanka will get up, in the morning, at six,
He will come running to his mother:
"Give me something to eat soon,
Don't lie in bed !! "
I'll make him some soup
I will warm up the kettle,
he will snuggle and whisper:
"I feel sorry for you!"
The heart will tremble and freeze
It will be so nice!
It's good that you live….
here ... with me ... next to ...

Son, angel, my baby,
How I love you dear
I love your naughty laugh
I love your look, your smile
I love your sigh, your teardrop
I love every part
What a happiness to hear mom
From the mouth of his child,
When you lie sick and tired
Runs to you, arms spread
And gives a tender kiss
And mom says quietly
I love you, my dear!

The day begins with happiness
Happiness rose before everyone else!
Happiness smiles at mom
Unfolding a smile into laughter.
Happiness slapped on the floor
Barefoot and no pants
My happiness is naked
It is unintelligent,
Shabbat and undisturbed,
Here it breaks, there it breaks,
Above the lip - a kefir mustache ...
Here it runs to me!

Our son went, in steps still unfaithful,
Our son is coming! And the floor swayed
His steps, listening to the most valuable,
Our son went today for the first time.
The kid is in a hurry and shines with joy,
As if it's the sun itself
He opens his homeland today
And the father's house, which in general is the same.
Let's go our son, cramping his chest with anxiety,
Our hope, joy and love,
Blessed be his road,
What started with today's steps.

"Did I kiss you today?"
"Yes, Mommy, probably a thousand times!"
“What are you, just something? Very little!
We are correcting the situation now! "
“Mom, don't you remember,
What did I forget to tell you - I love you? "
"He spoke ... the flowers wilted in a vase ..."
"It's not fair! I'm catching
Air kiss. Send
There are probably five thousand of them in a day.
And why then do you start?
So, come on, it's all over again:
Mom, don't you remember,
What did I not say about love today? "
"That's what the flowers wilted in the vase ..."
"Substitute the sack, quickly catch
Your beloved kisses!
And now I catch yours too!
Mom ... I love you so much ... "

You are our joy
You are our pride)
You are growing up
Our dear son
You are gaining strength
Like a sprout.
May they be joyful
All your days:
You are hope
And the happiness of the family.
Be healthy
Never hurt
And live
Your life is more fun.

Eyes are opening
Eyes wake up
Heel puffs
Pens and palms,
Sweet kids!
Give me a little elbow
Mom will kiss!
My glorious son!
How I love you!

He quietly sniffs at his side,
Squeezing my finger so trustingly.
And I mentally praise God -
Now I have my boy.
He already says: "Mom!"
And he laughs at me when he sees.
For him I will become the good one,
The most loving mom in the world.
How many restless days were
You can't find a minute for yourself.
But already, how she lived, I forgot
Without him, without my baby.
How many more bad weather there will be
I am not afraid in their anticipation.
After all, happiness is incomparable with anything -
Listen to his breathing at night.

Son! I will knit your life, from a cheerful melange yarn ...
I will bind your life, and then I will give you from the bottom of my heart ...
Where do I get the thread? I will never confess to anyone ...
To bind your life, I secretly dissolve my ...

I love you to the point of shivering
I love you to the thrill
My baby, my good one,
My mark, my mark.
How similar we are with you,
Mirror gaze focuses
You see, with a blue wreath,
Is my blood pulsing in you?
Umbilical cord knot -
Our bud and you are memorable.
Always behind you, son,
My mother's heart follows her.
Flesh of flesh - by God's will
Separated and indivisible.
I love you to the point of pain
My birthmark.

I remember the first cry
With whom my son came into the world,
And the sun that rose at that moment
Though from the night all the fog swirled.
I remember the nurse's hands
Already holding the baby
In the window is a huge sun halo
Over this whole sacred rite
Scream baby, live baby.
Get on your feet quickly.
But, only, I pray you
Become strong, remain gentle.

We will hold him by the hand ...

We'll hold him by the hand

We will give him love forever
And we will give careless happiness.
The three of us are a very friendly family,
We are necessary people for each other.
He will smile at us - parents,
And we are delighted in response to him.
We will walk holding hands.
You are dad, I am mom, He is small.

Simple arithmetic

One child is the sun
Wait all the time.
Two children - two shores,
To scurry among them.
And what about a few children?
Constellation of stars
Where everyone is new to the rest -
Welcome guest.

Who will become who

The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everything in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird
The same as everything in the world.
And the children read
And the children dream
And even their moms and dads don't know
Who the children will become, who will grow up.


I have two good sons.
Two hopes
Two living fires.
Time rushes along the great highway -
I have two youths in reserve.
Life burns in me, is inextinguishable.
I have two eternity -
Two sons.


I kiss every finger of yours
I will touch each wreath with my lips
My beloved and affectionate boy
With amethyst eyes.
Let your palms be childishly warm,
It is immediately obvious that you are a man!
You are growing, my dear, good,
The smartest and most beautiful!

A little lump was born
And now it's not at all time for sleep!
So much care is needed, affection,
And now there is a lot of work,
To make these eyes laugh!
And there is no more beautiful trouble.

Son, one man word, you remember
Once you gave it, even to a scoundrel - hold it,
Cheer up that everything burned out - again
Take the ax and cut through the box!

Son, my soul is salvation,
You illuminate life like the sun!
On a splendid birthday
I wish you happiness, you know!

You are my support, kind of continuation,
Son, let your path through life be a song,
As soon as you started climbing the mountain,
We will take many peaks with you!

You are my pride, dear son,
Smart, good, handsome and strong!
I dream to say on your birthday:
May the days of your life be happy!

Our son is a guy wherever he is, with equipment for you,
Will disassemble everything to the basis for parts and screws,
You should be an astronaut to reach the stars,
And he never gave us a reason for excitement!

The best holiday for us is the birthday of our son!
Let a very kind man grow out of you:
Conquer the whole world with your wisdom, strength,
And let the soul remain kind and sweet!

Swim, son, through life with a good ship,
Through storms and fogs we will find the islands!
The purest lagoons and pearls of the field
That new land will be promised!

My dear son, happy birthday!
I write congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart.
I want to wish you love, care, affection,
So that all your dreams come true like in a fairy tale.
And let life be like a jet plane
Will rush you away swiftly forward!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
My dear son!
Always be in a great mood
I want to wish you everything ...

Still a little bit
My angel, dear.
You have grown a little
Happy birthday, son!

Sonny, a holiday is coming for everyone
You are so desired by your parents
There are many different happy minutes
Let what you dreamed of come true!

How are you, my baby, and hello son,
The birthday party rolls onto the doorstep
Let the violin play, a nightingale with it,
So that a smile bloomed in the faces on this day!

Happy birthday, my beloved son!
May health always be strong
Life is beautiful and unique
Let your wife and children please!

The lot of parents, not to know sleep and peace,
But raising children is a sacred thing,
On your day, son, I congratulate
I wish you well and happiness!

Happy birthday, son, I congratulate you!
I am proud of you - the word of the father.
Don't give up, always go in the front row
May there be no end to success!

Happy birthday, my son,
My happiness is that you are with me.
I wish you only well
Know that I will never offend.

Congratulations son, happy birthday to you
And I want to swim in happiness,
He was rich, famous, always respected,
But the same to remain kind.

We want to have a family
Financial genius!
May everything that is invested in the son
Will return with multiplication!

How quickly time flew by
Recently you were a boy
Now, son, you are smart, strong, brave,
I opened the door to great victories!
Son, I wish you happiness, inspiration
In your next bright birthday!

Son, look for happiness in life,
Do not rush to catch a tit
Prepare the tackle for the crane,
Make haste to make your dream come true!

Health, good luck, true friends,
Success in your career, great happiness.
Beloved son, never hurt!
May everything be perfect on your birthday!

Son, you have already become a man
Adult, strong and big,
So that the road of life is long
And good luck - day and night!