Things to do in Easter week. What is strictly forbidden to do on Easter: on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, there can be no question .... Cemetery related signs

Easter is a great Christian holiday celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox Christians. The Orthodox holiday of the Resurrection of the Lord is associated with traditions, omens, prohibitions.

Centuries later, people cherish the ancient customs of their ancestors. Easter is a special day filled with extraordinary energy, calling for following the rules. What can not be done on Easter, and what can you do? What are the signs? What are they doing on the eve of Easter? We will talk about this in the article.

What can you do for Easter

Here's what you can do for Easter:

On Easter one cannot sleep for a long time if a person does not go to service. An old omen says: "Whoever meets the dawn on Easter will attract happiness, joy and good luck."

Advice. The widespread tradition of bathing with gold promises prosperity. Unmarried girls wash themselves with water, in which the krashanka was lying. This will help you look prettier and find your betrothed.

Is it possible to clean up the house or not? You can clean up, but to a minimum. Clean up after guests cooking in the kitchen. But they refuse a general cleaning, because the day is dedicated to the celebration of the Miraculous Resurrection of Christ.

Easter bans

Premature breaking of the fast is prohibited. Many believers are cunning by eating quick food before the end of the morning Passover Liturgy. This cannot be done. On the night of Easter, they refrain from carnal pleasures, drinking alcohol, swearing, loud laughter. Time is spent for cleansing the soul and worshiping God in the church. People who break the ban will live in debt, misery and sorrow.

It is impossible to celebrate Easter in sadness, it is a wonderful time for reconciliation. In order not to face difficulties, receive guests, help those in need.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use foul language, to show greed and aggression towards relatives and strangers.

The ban on visiting cemeteries has been preserved. Tradition says that on Easter day, the souls of the departed meet with God at the same table. Relatives who have come to the cemetery disturb the dead and call them to themselves, after which the souls will not return to heaven. It is worth postponing the commemoration until Bright Week, preferably until the weekend.

Food consecrated in the temple is eaten on a holiday, the remains are not thrown away. Birds are distributed or fed. And the eggshells are burned in the yard, and then buried in a secluded place.

The editorial staff of decided to make a small material where we collected the most popular questions from our forum regarding Easter - what can not be done on this day, and what can be done, and in general how to spend and.

First, let's tell you what it means. The holiday, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the largest Orthodox holiday. Passover as a great day came to us from the Old Testament and is associated with the custom according to which the Jews sacrificed a lamb after the exodus from Egypt. In the Church of the New Testament, the meaning of Easter is that God was made a Sacrifice on the cross of Calvary for all mankind. Thus, he saved human souls from suffering.

As for the question of what eggs mean for Easter, we note that eggs have always been a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, and the cake personifies how Christ ate bread with his disciples so that they believed in his resurrection.

Every year, believers around the world pay tribute to the resurrection of Christ.

What can you eat on Easter after fasting? When it's over, you can be less strict with yourself with him. But we must remember that everything should be in measures so as to be correct and not cause harm to health. As for whether it is possible to drink alcohol on Easter, it is advised not to abuse it. But you can drink a little red wine for such a wonderful event.

For those who are going to spend Easter at home, we will tell you how to do it right at home. The celebration of Easter begins by breaking the fast for

Photo: open sources on the web

Each day of the week after Easter has its own name and meaning, there are certain prohibitions for these days. The week after Easter is called Bright Week or Easter Week, according to folk traditions, it is customary to have fun all these days, visit each other, and relax. Find out what you can and cannot do on these days.

In 2018, Easter is celebrated on April 8, and the whole next week after the Bright Resurrection of Christ - from April 9 to April 15 - has long been called Easter, Bright Week, Hristochka, Gromovitsa, Red Christmastide, Joyful, Velikodenskaya. This week, for a long time, people adhered to

The people spent the whole week from Easter to Krasnaya Gorka (the next Sunday after Easter) cheerfully and joyfully, went to visit each other, gave Easter gifts and rejoiced at the arrival of spring and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

These days, the bridegrooms of the newlyweds began.

Throughout Easter week, it was not customary to grieve and cry for the dead, it was believed that the spirits of ancestors come to life these days and are next to the living.

It is customary to go to the cemetery, to put things in order at the graves.

The joy of the resurrection of Christ lasts 40 days, until Trinity, and all forty days it is customary to greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen", "Truly is Risen!"

On Bright Week it was already allowed to baptize children, but wedding ceremonies were not carried out.

All week after Easter, one should not be angry, angry, swearing, one should try to be kinder to neighbors, to help those in need.

Festive Easter dishes are cooked throughout the entire Bright week, baked pasque,

Watering monday

The first Monday after Easter is popularly called "irrigation" - for a long time the lads poured water on the girls - for happiness and health, and the girls gave them Easter eggs for this.

On this day, it is customary to go to visit their relatives and friends: godchildren - to godparents, grandchildren - to grandparents. Bring : dyes and pasques.

The people believed that a man should be the first to enter the house, this will bring wealth and happiness to the family.

The first Monday is also called the Day of the Virgin, it is customary to give alms to those in need and do good deeds.


The Tuesday of Easter week is called Kupalishcha, it was customary for the people to pour cold water on those who slept through the morning prayers on this day.

Round dance or Thunder Wednesday

From Wednesday week after Easter, youth festivities begin, girls and boys were going to dance in round dances, grooms were looking after brides, older people also gathered "to music", danced, had fun with their families, gathered in taverns to continue celebrating Easter.

Navskiy Thursday

In many places, on the first Thursday after Easter, they go to the cemetery, lay red eggs and commemorate the dead, clean up the graves of their ancestors.

Folk festivities continue, people continue to visit, arrange gatherings, "lead a mare": they put a "tail", "head" on a stick, imitating a horse, a man disguises himself as a cygana and "rides on a mare" all comers.

Forgive friday

On this day, the father-in-law and mother-in-law invited the parents of the son-in-law to visit.
Women and girls had to wash themselves with cold water on this day before dawn - it is believed that this rite gives beauty and youth.

Hail Saturday

On Saturday after Easter, it was customary to call out to the newlyweds, their parents came to visit them.
On Saturday, the young people continued to dance in circles, have fun, and performed a merry ritual "seeing off the mermaids."

The street

Young people gathered in the open air in the evenings and held parties that were paddle and lively, with songs, music, dances, the guys flirted with the girls.

Be sure to find out

Easter is a church holiday during which the Lord and the son of God are glorified. The history of the holiday is striking: in ancient times there was a pharaoh who hated Jews. God's people wanted to leave the borders of the state, but Pharaoh was categorically against it, because he used them as slaves.

With the advent of Moses, the prophet of God, the fate of the Jews changed. He helped lead the Jewish people out, punished the slave owner and gave the Jewish people his homeland, called Jerusalem.

That is why this city is called a holy place. Many years later, a son of God, called Jesus Christ, was born on this holy land. At 33, Jesus was crucified on Mount Calvary. This happened on Friday. The day before, the Son of God organized a last supper, where he gathered parishioners.

After the crucifixion, the body of Jesus was placed in a cave. A few days later, the body was not found. Jesus appeared before the people alive. It is on this day that the resurrection of the son of God, in other words, Jesus, is celebrated. Easter symbolizes deliverance from death, deliverance from sins and grace.

There are many signs and customs associated with the holiday. There are rituals that can and must be performed, and there are those that are strictly prohibited.

What is forbidden to do

On the day of the celebration of Easter, you cannot:

  • Thinking bad.
  • Wish people evil.
  • Swearing with relatives.
  • Use obscene language in the lexicon.
  • Lie.
  • Embroider.
  • Sew.
  • To knit.
  • Clean up the house.
  • Vacuum.
  • Sweep.
  • Chop.
  • Throw away the consecrated food.
  • Get rid of sanctified things.
  • Mock people.
  • Work in the garden, field.
  • Dig.
  • Sow.
  • Lead an intimate life. Sexual life is prohibited throughout the week. Two spouses should give up intimate life. This happens by mutual agreement.
  • Watch TV.
  • Go to entertainment venues.
  • Conduct noisy feasts.
  • Sit at the computer.
  • To take revenge.
  • Cheating on a spouse or spouse.

During Easter week, it is prohibited:

  • Get married. According to tradition, the concluded marriages on this day are not blessed by the Almighty. Marriages are not allowed. These families may not have children.
  • Order memorial services.
  • Mourn.
  • Cry.

It is undesirable to wash the dishes, but if necessary, it's okay. All people are subject to household chores. There is no escape from them and no one will fulfill them for us.

During the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it was believed that it was impossible to visit the cemetery on this day. But the church says otherwise. Nobody forbids visiting deceased relatives, praying for them and remembering them. But Easter is a holiday of kindness, light and rebirth. Therefore, you can visit the dead on the ninth day after the celebration of Easter.


On the bright holiday of Easter, food is consecrated in the church. People visit the sacred house, bring him gifts, receive communion and pray.

Food is sure to be holy. Eating consecrated food after Lent means the cleansing and forgiveness of sins. Consecration of food is an ancient omen and tradition.

All food is put into an Easter basket. It is customary to cover:

  1. Red wine.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Easter cakes.

People come to church, listen to the liturgy, praise God and go home to break their fast. Breaking the fast means eating.

People fast before Easter. On these days, you cannot eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. The strictest fasting falls on Good Friday.

On a holiday it is allowed:

  • Laugh.
  • Have fun.
  • Pray.
  • Visit guests.
  • Invite friends and family to the house.
  • Do charity work.
  • Carry out the work of caring for young children and sick people.
  • Forgive insults.

On a church holiday, it is allowed to drink alcohol in moderation. Drink not to the point of intoxication, preferably red wine - Cahors.

You can work if the situation requires it. But this does not mean work in the garden or field, but at the place of employment. To work or not - the person himself decides.

On this day, people greet each other in a special way: they kiss three times and exclaim “Christ is risen”. In response, you must answer "truly risen."
It is not customary to give gifts on Easter. But this is not prohibited. They give their relatives the necessary gifts, household items, sweets, Easter eggs and decorations.

The symbol of Easter is an egg decorated with drawings. It symbolizes new life. When breaking the fast, people beat and eat eggs.

The festive day is dedicated to relaxation, prayer, family reunification and spiritual solitude.

In the old days, people believed that when a person dies on Easter, God forgives him all his sins. The deceased is given a place in paradise and eternal life. The soul is cleansed of evil and unkind thoughts, and God accepts the deceased in Himself in heaven. Death is a terrible moment, but no one is immune from it.
You cannot throw out the shell of Easter eggs.

Ways to get rid of the shell:

  • It is burnt and buried in a place inaccessible to people. This place does not become then feet.
  • The shell is ground to powder in a coffee grinder and folded into a container. It is added to food during meals.
  • It is ground and released into running water.
  • Refers to the temple. There is a special place in the church where you can put the shells.

Leftover food is given to animals and birds. You cannot throw away crumbs from Easter cakes.

What not to do before Easter

Before a church holiday, you cannot:

  • Eat meat.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • There are sweets.
  • Eat fats and spices.
  • Swimming and housework are not allowed on Good Friday.
  • To perform a wedding ceremony.

Only people who follow the diet are allowed to eat prohibited food. This applies to diabetics and people with special nutritional requirements.

How to celebrate a holiday

Easter meets:

  • With good intentions and joy.
  • In the circle of family and friends. Family reunion brings people closer together, gives positive emotions.
  • Clean. The house is cleaned not on a holiday, but before it.
  • Hosting guests. The celebration should not be noisy.

Easter is a great religious holiday that was established by the Old Testament. The Jewish people wanted to leave the territory of Egypt and return to their homeland. However, the Jews were held captive by the pharaoh, who showed an increased interest in free workers, so he did not let the people go. During this captivity, God sent many times to the Egyptian Pharaoh through the servant Moses so that the people would still be able to return to their homeland. As a result, the Lord commanded the Egyptians, while the Jews were still in captivity, to slay the lamb and use its blood to anoint the doorframes. It was believed that it was then that the destroying angel should have descended and killed all the firstborn of the Egyptians. Moreover, if the destroying angel sees the blood of a lamb on the doorframe, he will spare the baby. Jesus Christ, which is described in the New Testament, just became such a lamb (lamb). It was Jesus Christ who atoned for human sins with his blood.

The word "Easter" is translated as "procession by." This phrase is used in the form of the meaning "march past death." People get the opportunity to receive communion on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ and become anointed with the blood of Jesus Christ, the Angel of God. Easter is dedicated to the victory over worldly destruction, eternal life. This is precisely the basis of a light religious holiday.

People shouldn't frown.

On Easter, which is a bright holiday, one should not frown and get angry. At the same time, you need to remember one important nuance: Easter does not last a day, but at least a whole week - Bright Week (the week after Easter). In the liturgical plan, it is customary to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ for 7 days. This week should be an example of correct behavior in society, which is noted by believers and clergymen.

On Easter, you need to perform only those actions that can please the person and the people around him.

How to perceive the death of a person on Easter: is this event a sign of God's mercy or punishment?

If a believer dies on Easter or on Bright Week, this event should be taken as a sign of God's mercy to the lost person. Based on folk tradition, one can believe that the deceased will definitely go to the Kingdom of Heaven, avoiding the ordeal, the Last Judgment. However, this is "folk theology", because every soul must answer for the sins committed before the Lord.

If an unbeliever dies on holidays, this cannot mean anything. The fact is that he did not perceive Easter as a special holiday, which is a symbol of deliverance from worldly destruction.

Is it allowed to go to the cemetery?

Previously, there was no tradition in the church to go to the cemetery on Easter. It was born and spread only among people. This happened only during the existence of the USSR, when people were removed from spiritual communion, the church. The Soviet government made efforts to fight the church, to deny the existence of God and the afterlife. The fight was fierce. As a result, people could approach the other world, staying in the cemetery on holy days. The authorities could not prohibit visiting relatives at the graves. This led to the emergence of the tradition.

Nowadays, the temples are open, so everyone can go to the Easter service. In this regard, it is best to go to the cemetery to visit deceased people on other days. For example, this can be timed to coincide with Radonitsa, when the church traditionally commemorates all the dead people. You need to come to the cemetery early in the morning, clean up the graves, and then sit down next to you, remember shared stories, pray for the deceased.

What should be the fast before Easter?

The strictest day of fasting falls on Good Friday. According to the Charter of the Church, it is best to refuse any ride on this day. If your health condition allows it, and you are a believer, an attempt should be made. On other days of Holy Week, strict observance of the fast is also expected. Believers should eat only plant foods, refusing to add oil.

How should you break your fast at Easter?

Every person who has been fasting should break the fast at Easter. In this case, you must have time to clean the house and get ready for Easter. Only in this case is there an opportunity to break the fast. It is allowed to do this after 3 am. You do not need to immediately run to the plentiful table in the early morning. It is best to gather your family, congratulate each other, and then sit down and celebrate Easter.

At the same time, you need to know what the Easter table should be like. The main dishes are kulich, Easter, colored eggs. The prepared cake should be fluffy and ruddy, and its taste should be pleasant and harmonious. Eggs are allowed to be painted in any color. Stickers can also be used, but in this case, you need to abandon the images of Jesus Christ and other saints, since all this is thrown away during the cleaning of the eggshell. In fact, you cannot throw away crumbs, shells. It is best to collect this in one bag, and then sprinkle it around the garden or feed it to the birds.

Is alcohol allowed? You can have some alcohol on Sunday.

Can eggs be broken against each other?

The custom of beating Easter eggs against each other is ancient. And it is, of course, allowed. In addition, in order to eat an egg, you need to break it anyway. For this reason, you can organize this process in the form of a game, as our ancestors did.

Why should food be sanctified at Easter?

Consecration of food is a tradition that has existed for a long time. It is believed that this rite allows you to ask for God's blessing for a meal, to dedicate something to God. It is symbolic food that needs to be brought on Easter: Easter cakes, Easter, eggs.

In the villages at the beginning of the 20th century, people brought to the temple everything that they put on the Easter table and blessed their meal. One tenth of these dishes had to go to those in need. Only after that it was possible to break the fast: to eat festive dishes with pleasure.

Why shouldn't food leftovers be thrown away?

It is best to give up even the attempt to throw away the remains of consecrated products, because they can partially get holy water.

Based on tradition, you need to refuse to throw away food that was consecrated in the temple. It is best that you burn it in your garden plot. The ashes should be buried only in a place where people and animals will not trample it with their feet, or lower it into the river. You can also negotiate with the priest and bring the remains of the consecrated food to the temple, leaving them in an "unprotected place."

Are love joys allowed?

In fact, believers should give up love pleasures. It is forbidden to do this during the whole Holy Week. First of all, it is undesirable to do this for couples who have not been married and have not formalized a legal marriage. In married couples, intimate contact can occur only with the consent of both partners.

Is it allowed to work on Easter?

In most cases, the issue related to the possibility of work does not depend on us. Easter Sunday is a day off when you can meet your relatives and congratulate them all. However, usually people are servants of the authorities, so it is necessary to adhere to the work schedule, regardless of the traditions established in religion. In this regard, you do not need to worry about your work.

Obedience must remain obedience. You need to do work with a conscientious attitude. If you work conscientiously, the Lord will surely reward you.

Is it allowed to do house cleaning?

The ban on housework is a blessing for the time to be turned to the Lord, the holiday, and loved ones. In this regard, there is no need to get hung up on the hustle and bustle and everyday issues. The ban on work is a tradition, not a canonical ban. Household chores are an integral part of life, so they can be done even on Easter, but a reasonable approach should be shown. There is no need to plan a general cleaning and constant preparation of holiday dishes for Easter. Sometimes it is better to leave dirty dishes for a while than to get upset about them and quarrel.

May Passover pass with godly intentions and a beneficial effect on the soul.