Children's tulle skirt. How to sew a fluffy tulle or organza tutu skirt for a child and an adult with your own hands step by step: patterns and diagrams with photo and video tutorials. Fashionable images with a tutu skirt

Does your daughter dream of getting into a fairy tale about princesses, evil witches and handsome princes? In reality, it is impossible to arrange such a meeting, but with the help of clothes you can give the baby a piece of magic. To do this, use the instructions and create a tulle skirt with your own hands. For a girl, this will be a great gift, and you practically don’t have to sew!

Good material for a skirt of a little lady

Tulle is a synthetic fabric that is widely used in tailoring wedding and dance dresses. Thanks to the fashion for ballet wardrobe items over the past few years, tulle has entered the category of comfortable and practical fabrics for sewing casual clothes. This material has become a full member of it, because:

  • does not wrinkle;
  • drapes well (which is especially important, as beautiful folds are always expected from tulle);
  • easy to use (does not crumble);
  • looks nice and elegant.

Great properties that will also come in handy for creating princess clothes!

A fluffy tulle skirt for a girl is made in just a couple of hours. And, although the process does not require professional possession of a needle, you still need to have certain tools:

  • tulle itself;
  • sharp stationery scissors;
  • ruler and measuring tape;
  • needle, thread;
  • sewing machine with a zigzag stitch or overlock for processing tulle.

If you opted for a model made of pieces of material fixed around the belt, then for ease of assembly you will need a chair with a high back, on which an elastic band is pulled.

One of the easiest ways to make a girl's tutu is to secure strips of fabric around an elastic band. This is how a skirt with the funny name "tutu" is created.


  • tulle (cut width should be 3 m)
  • elastic band (optimal width - 3 cm, length - approximately 40 cm)
  • satin ribbon for trim
  • needle, thread;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter and ruler;
  • tailor's chalk.


For this model, it is very important to choose the color of the tape. After all, this detail can become the original finish of the product.

Despite the fact that this model is sewn on a case, the pattern of a tulle skirt is not made on paper, but directly on the fabric.


  • 1 m mesh fabric (when 1.5 m wide)
  • 1 m of fabric for the cover (it is better to take a satin)
  • 50 cm wide elastic band
  • a strip of adhesive interlining;
  • about 8-10 m of inlay oblique
  • ruler
  • thread, needle, pins


  1. We fold the tulle cut across and draw it into strips of 15 cm each (this is for a skirt 20 cm long).
  2. We sew the narrow sides of the strips so that we get a long ribbon.
  3. We grind one edge of the mesh with an inlay.
  4. We sew the second edge with two rows of wide stitches.
  5. We tighten the threads so that the girl's hips pass into the ring of the skirt.
  6. We fold the atlas in four.
  7. We draw with chalk a semicircle from the corner at the bend with a radius equal to ¼ of the waist circumference.
  8. We mark from this line 20 cm +2 cm for the filing and again draw a semicircle. We cut the part along the lines and lay it out - we get a sun skirt.
  9. We bend along the bottom 2 cm, hem.
  10. We cut out a belt 55-60 cm long, 14 cm wide.
  11. From non-woven fabric we cut a ribbon 55-60 cm long, 7 cm wide.
  12. We glue the lining on the belt and stitch it.
  13. We grind the lower part of the belt with a cover.
  14. We impose a tulle skirt, we sew the upper side of the belt. The item is ready.

The fastener on such a skirt can be done in several ways: sew on Velcro, a button, a hook, or pull in an elastic band.

Read also:

Considering different options describing how to sew a tulle skirt, pay attention to the model with ruffles. In this outfit, the baby will definitely become the star of any matinee!


  • 2.5 m mesh fabric
  • 0.5 m stretch material
  • a piece of elastic band 2-2.5 cm wide
  • scissors
  • threads in the tone of tulle.


  1. On the tulle along the oblique we draw strips 10 cm wide.
  2. We cut the ribbons and trim with a zigzag stitch.
  3. From the stretch we cut out a rectangle equal to the length of the skirt and the girth of the girl's hips, we hem one of the long sides.
  4. We adjust the strips of tulle on the front side, make sure that the line runs along the center of the tape. Don't forget to crease.
  5. We smooth the ruffle to one side.
  6. We adjust the last row so that 4-5 cm of fabric remains free.
  7. We bend the allowance and retract the elastic band. The outfit for the girl is ready.

Teenage girls are also happy to try on tulle skirts. Only the model for them is better to choose a multi-layer, and not a pack.


  • tulle (with a width of 1.5 m we take 3 lengths)
  • stretch for cover
  • elastic band 2.5 cm wide
  • scissors
  • threads.


  1. We cut the tulle into 3 strips (the length of each is 10 cm shorter than the previous one, the first is equal to the length of the finished skirt).
  2. From the stretch, cut out a rectangle with a width equal to the girth of the hips and a length equal to the shortest tulle strip.
  3. We hem the bottom.
  4. We trim the tulle with a “zigzag”, we pick it up.
  5. We retreat from the long side of the cover blank 6 cm and adjust all 3 layers.
  6. We bend the allowance in half, attach it, leaving a hole for the elastic band.
  7. Draw in the elastic band. Wardrobe addition is ready.

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Have you noticed how popular the fluffy tulle skirt has recently gained? A stylish tulle skirt has ceased to be an outfit intended only for ballerinas and little dancers. Wear it to parties, for walks with friends and even work. This outfit is combined with summer tops and warm sweaters, t-shirts, shirts and sweatshirts. A tutu skirt is worn with sneakers, ballet flats and pumps.

An amazing tulle skirt can have several layers, petticoats and frills. Long puffy tutu skirts are in fashion today and miniature skirts made of colorful tulle stripes. In this article, we will teach you how to make this wonderful outfit with your own hands, show photos and videos of this entertaining process, and also talk about the varieties of tulle skirts.

How to sew a tulle skirt: varieties of models

Tulle skirts are different:

  • tutu skirt;
  • American skirt;
  • Pettiskirts-style skirt with tails;
  • long skirt to the floor;
  • layered tulle skirt;
  • midi skirt;
  • skirt with train;
  • elastic skirt, which can be made without sewing.

Such a variety of lush flying models is impressive. With what to wear delicate and weightless tulle skirts, we have already told a little. It remains to figure out the styles and models, which ones are more suitable for whom and which top is better to wear under the flying tulle beauty.

It can be bright knitted T-shirts and raglans, as well as plain tops and sweaters.

Perfect for petite girls fluffy skirt pattern, which is better to wear with high heels and plain tops.

Children's skirt usually resembles a magnificent dance tutu, but adult girls prefer more modest models. While a long tulle skirt will be your companion at a cocktail party or a ceremonial meeting, a short mischievous model can be safely worn at the stadium or at friendly gatherings.

Tutu skirt- this is the dream of every little and big princess, which can be realized even without sewing.

Black skirt has nothing to do with bad mood or mourning. This is a bright outfit that can be complemented with sophisticated tops and accessories.

midi model suitable for almost all girls, whose image is associated with lightness and romance.

Tulle model floor length skirts- extravagance and luxury in one outfit.

Tulle skirt with train- Are you sure you're not a fairy from a fairy tale?

Tulle tutu skirt: master class step by step

Do-it-yourself tulle skirt, which we offer you to sew with us, is classic tulle chopin skirt sun style. We sew a skirt for an adult, so the pattern and fabric consumption will be appropriate.

Please prepare everything for work:

  • tulle. For our model, 55 cm long, the material consumption will be as follows: 5 m fabric, 3 m wide.
  • Since the skirt is multi-layered (in our case, 8 layers), it can be made without lining. We will sew a skirt with a lining from a material matched exactly to the tone of the tulle for the skirt.
  • Cutting knife, thread, marking pencil, pins.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Iron, mannequin(for sample).

Let's move on to the MK for the manufacture of a fluffy tulle skirt

1 step. For cutting the upper and lower layers, you should use 2 patterns, then your skirtchopinka will look more magnificent. The top 4 layers will be ruffled at the waist, so the radius is doubled.

2 step. How much fabric is needed, we have already found out in preparation. Let's see how we will use it. We fold 2 times along a three-meter piece of fabric and get 4 layers with two folds- On the one side. And with one fold and two cuts - on the other.

3 step. We sew (grind) along the lower details of the skirt, leaving allowances up to 5 mm. The second seam is not completely sewn in detail to leave a connector for a zipper (length 18cm).

4 step. The top 4 parts of the skirt are folded together and we lay the landing line with wide stitches. We tighten the lines to the size of the waist circumference.

5 step. Fold the 4 bottom pieces of the skirt together, lining up the seams. We chop the parts together and grind along the waist. 4 layers of zipper allowance are also sewn.

6 step. We sweep the seam allowances under the zipper and go through them with a warm iron. We draw lightning. Unzip it and we sew a zipper into 4 layers of fabric.

7 step. We connect 4 layers of the lower with the four upper layers of fabric at the waist.

8 step. We throw and then go through the line of the typewriter.

step 9. We cut the upper layers in the place where the zipper is sewn in.

10 step. We turn the edges of the cut over the zipper and pin.

11 step. Sewn by hand with a hidden seam.

12 step. We make a lining using the half-sun model. We take the fabric to match the tulle. The radius of the part is equal to the circumference of the waist / 3.

13 step. We connect the parts of the lining, leaving a connector for the zipper. Smooth out allowances or process cuts.

14 step. We apply the lining to the skirt from the inside to the wrong side and sweep, and then sew along the waist.

15 step. We prick the lining at a distance of 5 mm from zipper cloves and hem with secret stitches.

16 step. To process the upper cut of the chopin skirt, we cut out a strip of the lining, 10 cm wide, fold it in half and iron it.

step 17. Sew the belt with two cuts to the top of the skirt. To the left of lightning leave 1 cm, on the right - 3 cm.

18 step. We iron the belt up, fold the front sides to each other and sew the ends.

step 19. We turn the ends of the belt inside out, we prick the fold from the inside of the skirt over the seam. We hem the fold of the belt from the inside by hand or on a typewriter.

20 step. Sew hooks or buttons on the ends of the belt.

21 steps. The finished chopin skirt must be allowed to hang, and then cut all layers of tulle at the same level.

step 22. The lining can be sewn with a machine.

How to sew a tulle skirt: a long model for a girl

We told you how to sew a tulle skirt for an adult. And right now we want to demonstrate a master class on how how to make a floor length skirt for girls.

This model can also be tried on for yourself. After all, light and airy tulle skirts are suitable for almost everyone: a fluffy sun skirt looks beautiful on thin girls, strict midi suits for girls with shapes, and a long floor-length skirt suits absolutely everyone.

To sew a skirt, you need to prepare:

  • tulle;
  • light fabric of which the petticoat will consist;
  • elastic band for the belt.

Determine the size of the future product

  1. We measure the length for the future skirt and petticoat from the waist line to the floor down. Fashion 2017 also offers skirts with a train, in addition, the petticoat can be of medium length, and the skirt itself can be maxi length.
  2. In our case, the length of the skirt will be 60 cm. If you are going to sew a similar thing for yourself, then the main female the formula for calculating the length of a skirt to the floor is as follows: height * 0.62.
  3. Thus, after measuring the length, we can calculate the fabric consumption. Multiply the length by 3.
  4. We need 60 cm of fabric for the petticoat (subject to a length of 60) and tulle - 180 cm.

Let's move on to tailoring

We can’t do without sewing, so let’s get started.

A tulle skirt is truly a universal thing.. Such a moderately fluffy long skirt is suitable for prom, and for a friendly party with a disco or beach adventures.

Complete the look with jewelry, and you can already go on a date.

With sneakers, a tulle skirt looks very modern and stylish., so it will be an ideal option for clothing for daytime walks.

A white tulle skirt is, perhaps, a classic that every little ballerina dreams of. At the same time, the underskirt can be fluffy, or maybe just straight.

Tulle skirt for girls without sewing

The heroine of our next master class will be a do-it-yourself tulle skirt for a girl. This fluffy attribute of a little princess gained such popularity in 2017 that we simply cannot help but show how to make a tulle skirt with our own hands. This time we won't need a sewing machine, because we will make a skirt without a single seam.

Prepare for work:

Completing of the work:

  1. We fold the tulle fabric in 10-15 layers and cut into 60-70 strips, measuring 20 cm by 50 cm.
  2. We take the gum from the calculation - child's waist minus 4 cm and make a circle. We fix the elastic on the back or leg of the chair and begin to tie the tulle strips.
  3. Fold the strip in half, fix around the elastic band and tie into 2 knots. Don't overtighten it so that the elastic band is not too tight. Further, according to the same scheme, we continue to tie other ribbons.
  4. To make your tulle skirt look more neat and elegant, decorate it with a satin ribbon, which must be folded in half along the length and stretched through all the formed nodules. The ribbon can be matched to match, or maybe in a contrasting color. For example, a red ribbon on a white skirt or pink on a blue one.
  5. So that all tiers of the skirt are even, fold them into a lush ponytail and cut evenly.

Video: do-it-yourself tulle skirt

A tutu skirt is a fluffy skirt with a belt or elastic band. Usually, thin and light fabrics are used for its manufacture, while keeping their shape well. Such a skirt can be sewn for a girl to create an elegant, magical look. And since the mid-90s, this piece of clothing has won the love of adult fashionistas. With proper selection of the rest of the clothes, a tutu skirt can be worn almost anywhere.
And we will help you in making such a skirt with your own hands. In this article, 3 step-by-step master classes with photos are waiting for you.

Master class number 1: seamless tutu

This is a very simple model made of tulle or stiff mesh tulle.

You will need about 6 m of fabric and a regular elastic band.

1. Measure the waist of the person you are making the tutu for. Cut a piece of elastic to the appropriate length + 2cm for overlapping.

2. Sew the ends of the elastic.

3. Decide on the length of the skirt, multiply it by 2 and add 5-7 cm.

4. Cut the tulle or tulle into strips, the length of which corresponds to the value obtained (see step 3). The width of the stripes can be any, to your taste, but the wider they are, the more magnificent the skirt will be.

5. Take two strips of fabric and tie them around the elastic band as follows:
- one simple knot

- another simple knot

Don't tighten the knots too tight or the elastic won't stretch.

6. Pull both ends of the fabric down.

7. Repeat steps 5-6 with the rest of the strips until you cover the entire elastic band.

If, in your opinion, the skirt does not have enough volume, tie additional ribbons under the first layer of fabric, at the very knots, then you will get a very lush model.

Decorate the pack with ribbons or other decorative elements:

You can decorate the skirt with pieces of tulle in a contrasting color:

Perhaps a video lesson on making a skirt in the above way will help you figure it out better:

Instruction number 2: a pack with a train

Make a regular tutu as described above. Then cut ribbons of different lengths, stack them on top of each other in layers (place the longest at the bottom) and bast, stepping back a few centimeters from the top edge of the stack. Next, stitch the entire stack to a wide ribbon, then sew the ribbon itself to the knots on the base pack. From the ends of the ribbon, you can tie a beautiful bow in front or on the side.

You can use a rubber band instead of a ribbon. Cut long ribbons, but do not fill the entire circle with them, but only half. This "half" skirt can be worn over or under the main skirt.

Lesson #3: classic tutu

There are two ways to turn a soft tutu skirt into a real classic tutu:

  1. Insert a thin plastic or metal hoop between the layers of fabric (they can be bought at a workshop where wedding dresses and corsets are sewn or made from a piece of thin wire).
  2. Quilt through the skirt with ordinary thread or H-shaped plastic rivets (you will need a special “gun” for this).

But, first, you need to sew the skirt itself, taking into account some details.

"Real" packs can consist of 12-16 layers of corrugated fabric, but for an amateur version, 4-6 layers of tulle or mesh tulle will be enough. You don't have to cut circles, they are sewn from rectangular strips of fabric. The diameter of each subsequent layer (strip width), starting from the second, should be 2.5 cm less than the previous one.

For the skirt you will need:

  • top layer (largest) = 37.5 cm wide
  • second layer = 35cm
  • third layer = 32.5 cm
  • fourth layer = 30cm

The total length of the fabric must be at least 6 m.

In addition, you will need 4 m of double-sided satin ribbon about 3 cm wide and a small piece of elastic.


1. Lay the roll on a table and cut 4 strips of fabric 37.5 cm wide each.

2. Sew them into one long ribbon.

3. Run a basting stitch along one of its longitudinal edges (use heavy sewing thread). Fasten the thread in the corner of the tape.

4. Pull the knot at the beginning of the seam to gather the tape. The folds must be very tight, which is why you need a very strong thread that can withstand tension.

When the length of the gathered edge is equal to the girth of your waist, secure the loose end of the thread with a knot.

5. Do the same with the rest of the ribbons (layers 2-4).

6. Attach each layer to a separate piece of tape.

In the classic tutu, the layers are sewn onto special tight-fitting high-waisted shorts. Ribbons are located at the level of the hips, and a bodysuit is sewn to the top of the shorts. However, you can get by with the usual wide belt-belt, on which all the details will be attached.
Pay attention at what level and how exactly the layers of the skirt are located. It is very important! This arrangement of the fabric allows you to achieve greater rigidity of the entire structure, which means that the folds bristle better.

Dealing with creases can be a little tricky, but with some effort, you can sew them right.

Back side of the skirt:

Skirt front:

Lay the finished skirt face up on the table and gently press the pleats together to form a classic tutu. Sew the layers with large stitches through and through in several rows at even intervals.

If you like, you can insert the hoop into one of the circular "sections" between the rows of stitches.

But even without a hoop, the pack is so rigid that it can easily be hung like this.

There are several ways to make a tutu skirt with your own hands. Based on your needlework experience, you can do it in a simple way with little or no sewing, or make a more labor-intensive multi-tiered product such as a pack with a train.

Whether it's just an "American" skirt or a tutu tutu skirt - they are all made of translucent, airy fabric that keeps its shape and does not wrinkle. Either light mesh fabric - tulle, or organza is suitable for you. The advantage of these materials is that the cut does not “pour”, i.e. edges can be left without additional processing. The result will look very light and airy. However, the raw edge of tulle has a big minus - it can cling, the "layers" will tangle with each other. If you decide to process the hem without using decorative elements, it is better to sew with zigzag seams, they are less noticeable due to the mesh structure of the fabric.

No cut method

So, what will be required:

  • wide dense elastic band for a belt, not less than 5 cm. Length - a little more than the waist, about 2 cm, so that it can be easily removed from the hip.
  • material. For a girl with a waist size of 60-70 cm, you will need 12-15 m of fabric. A little girl will need from 2 to 6 m.

Operating procedure

  1. First, we decide how long the product we need. We multiply the resulting figure by 2, add another 2 cm to the result.
  2. From the fabric we cut strips 5-10 cm wide and the length determined above.
  3. We sew the ends of the future belt.
  4. Fold the ribbons in half. We tie them on an elastic band. At the same time, the knots do not need to be tightened too much - the base will twist ugly, and we also make sure that the edges of the strips after tying are at the same level.
  5. We continue to tie until the entire space is covered with fabric. The more stripes, the more magnificent the "American" will be!

Ribbons can be tied with a knot on their own, or you can tie them with a braid, emphasizing the waist line: the strip is thrown over an elastic band, and instead of a knot, it is tied with a braid, which should form one line on the finished product.

This is how easy it was to make a beautiful tutu for a girl with your own hands. It can be decorated with satin ribbons, rhinestones. Such skirts are worn either with an opaque petticoat, or with tight leggings, leggings.

Tulle tutu skirt: video master class

Sewing method requiring cutting

In this case, models of the cut "sun", "semi-sun", as well as a rectangle can be used. It is important to note that tulle is an excellent material for cutting along the bias, it retains its shape due to its lightness.

What will be required:

  • an elastic band for a belt from 5 cm wide, taking into account that the finished product can be easily removed through the bottom.
  • tulle, or other suitable fabric. We calculate the amount of material. You need to know the length of the finished product and find the waist radius. We add 5 cm to the first digit. We measure the waist, divide by 3.14, multiply the resulting number by 2. Add both values. With a result of less than 27, 6 m of tulle is enough, with a width of 1.7 m. If more than 27, then 10-12 m will be required.

Operating procedure

Sewing from rectangles will differ only in a pattern, where instead of “suns” from tulle, rectangles are cut. In this case, the height is equal to the length of the intended product, and the width is equal to how fluffy the skirt you want.

Product decoration

A tutu of tulle can be decorated on the bottom with a wide satin ribbon to match the main color, darker, lighter, or in a contrasting shade. The sewing stitches should run in the middle of the tape.

Beautiful waves along the hem are obtained using a fishing line of medium diameter, which is sewn in in a zigzag, sewing machine mode 2 or 3. It is important here that the size of the stitches fits the size of the fishing line and holds it. In this way, the effect of large waves, or a small "lamb" is achieved.

The original addition to the "American" is a train. It is used either as a separate item of clothing: for this it is tied under the base. Or it is part of the whole, if the train is attached to the belt.

  • Only soft tulle is used.
  • Strips of different sizes are cut out, which depends only on your desire.
  • The stripes are piling up.
  • First, long stripes are sewn onto a satin ribbon or other belt, then in descending order to the shortest ones.

How effective the tutu skirt is when creating an image, it is so easy to manufacture.

Make an exclusive model for your own wardrobe that will emphasize your femininity, as well as your good taste and sense of style.

Tulle skirt with elastic band: video MK

Before you purchase material and start work, you will need to use the girl's old skirt to take the necessary measurements - you will need the length of the product and the waist circumference.

About the measurements taken, cut out 4 pieces of ordinary tulle, as well as one more - shiny. On the sewing machine, set the longest stitch, given a seam of 1 cm. Each piece should be sewn separately along the top edge.

Pull gently on the stitching thread from the edge to pick up the fabric. Continue pulling the threads, carefully straighten the resulting folds. Pull the threads until the length of the girth of the skirt is equal to the girth of the waist. Tighten the knots on both sides of the stitching, cut off the excess threads. Do similar manipulations with all tulle cuts. The resulting folds should certainly be fixed - to do this, set the average stitch length on the sewing machine and sew each cut along the existing stitch line.

Take 5 pieces of shiny tulle and attach them with the outside to each other (you should find the middle of each piece and fasten them together with pins). Sew the entire tulle on a sewing machine along the top line.

Fold one and a half meters of satin ribbon (it will be needed for the belt) in half and iron it with an iron (set the unit to a low temperature). Spread the ribbon on the skirt so that it covers all the seams, then sew it along the bottom edge. Here it is ready, it will be easily tied at the waist due to the free ends of the ribbon-belt.

Use our tips for sewing a beautiful tutu skirt, which will be 25-28 cm wide and 28 cm long.

Take a wide chess rubber band (at least 4 cm wide) and wrap it around the book to keep it taut, so it will be much easier for you to work. Cut 10 strips of tulle 56 cm long (if this amount is not enough, you can always cut more). Fold the fabric strip in half and thread it into the second row from the bottom. Please note that if you work with the bottom row, you will end up with a fragile product. Tighten the knot tightly - it should tighten evenly and firmly. Tie the remaining 9 ribbons in the second bottom row, after which we can state that you have made the first layer of the pack. Well, in order for the product to acquire greater splendor and volume, you can always make a second layer. To facilitate the work, prepare a handle - you should move it as you tie knots in a row.

So, move to the third row and tie knots in the same way as you did before. Do not forget to straighten and pull the stripes down so that the result of your efforts is beautiful and lush. This is how easy and fast you can make a beautiful one.

How to sew a tulle skirt with an elastic band

Now that you have read about how to sew a tulle tutu skirt, then by all means sew and tutu. Instructions for making a tutu skirt will also be very simple - be sure to please your daughter with a new thing.

First of all, measure the girl’s waist and cut the resulting measurement from a wide elastic band with a width of 1.5 cm. Also, you should definitely subtract about 5 cm from the obtained value, maybe a little less.

Lay one end of the elastic on the second overlap (the overlap should be 0.7-0.8 cm). Sew the ends.

How to measure the length of the fabric? It is necessary to set aside the desired length from the belt, the resulting number should be doubled, and then 2.5 cm should be added to it. If you purchased a whole piece, then you should cut it into pieces 7.5 cm wide.

The ribbon should be fixed on the back of the chair, fold the tulle strip in half and tie in a knot with an elastic band. Make another 3-4 knots side by side, and then squeeze them tightly and move them towards each other. It should be noted that it is convenient to work and shift with just such an amount. In total, you will need to tie about 90 knots.

How to sew a tulle skirt for a girl

A great garment would be a long, lined skirt. In order to find out the amount of airy and light fabric for the lining, you should measure the length of the future new thing from the waist to the floor. Multiply the resulting number by three - this will allow you to calculate the amount of tulle. Cut the calculated amount into 3 parts, each of which must fit the required width. Cut the lining material in the same way.

Fold each piece in half, align the edges and form. Sew the edges of each piece together. Press the seam to one side and overcast, taking the threads of the desired color. As a result, you will get four blanks. Note that you should look at the fabric edge of the lining - if it unravels, then this edge should also be overcast. However, it will be possible to cut off a couple of centimeters, and then the lining will not reach the main length.

Fold four pieces together (one inside the other) and straighten them out on the right side. Make sure all seams match. Place the lining inside the fabric layers.

Check the alignment of the seams and bottom edges. If you wish, you can cut off the front upper part of the material slightly. Overcast the top edge of the skirt around the perimeter (where the belt will be located). Use large, light stitches to sew the seam. Divide the upper part of the product into quarters (hide the seams inside) and mark with pins.

Measure your child's waist. Cut off a piece of elastic for the belt - it should be 4-5 cm less than the waist circumference. Connect the edges of the elastic and sew them with zigzag stitches.

Pull the bobbin thread to straighten the product. Try to make the folds as even and neat as possible. When the elastic is placed, then tuck all the seams and irregularities into the belt.

Starting with a zigzag stitch, you will need to sew the waistband to the skirt, stretching it out a little. Well, now it remains only to inspect the product and remove all unnecessary stitches and threads. As you can see, even a novice seamstress can make such a long airy skirt.

How to sew a tulle skirt - a master class

As a result of sewing, you will get a very nice new dress with frills. Sew the base first. Cut a rectangle, for which take a meter of well-stretched fabric, for example, it can be stretch satin. One side of the part should be slightly less than the length of your future skirt, while the length of the other should be equal to the volume of the hips with the addition of a couple of centimeters for allowances. Sew the ends of the rectangle.

For sewing ruffles, you will need 4 m of tulle fabric, cut into oblique strips 12-15 cm long, their edges should be processed in a zigzag, while the material should not be pulled together very much. In the case of the right actions, you can enjoy the attractive spectacle of beautiful tulle waves.

Now you need to sew ready-made folds onto the base. Measure ten centimeters from the top and sew the first ruffle. To make the future product more magnificent, it is necessary to make folds while sewing on ruffles. Leave 5-7 cm between the bottom and the last crease.

The fabric that remains on top will need to be tucked and stitched, after which the coquette will be ready. Make a couple of holes in the middle and insert a string into them. Well, in order for the new thing to look unsurpassed, it remains only to steam the folds.

Your daughter will definitely love it.

How to sew a fluffy tulle skirt

Surely every woman, while watching television series, paid attention to the original puffy skirt of Kerry Bradshaw. You can easily sew the same one with your own hands if you follow the instructions of our master class. Please note that the entire footage is for size 44-46.

The first step is to make a satin petticoat - it will take one and a half meters of elastic satin to make it. Cut off a piece of satin, guided by your parameters, sew the ends of the part together.

To cut out the ruffles, cut the tulle material into strips 15-20 cm wide. Sew the fabric from one edge, while it should be slightly gathered. The stitch should be straight and long.

Step back from the top of the base 2 cm and stitch the frills in a zigzag. The distance between the rows should be approximately 10-12 cm. Sew several frills in a row together, because the more there are, the more fluffy the skirt will turn out.

After this stage, a two-meter satin ribbon should be sewn to the belt - it will act as a belt, while the ends of the ribbon should remain free, tie them with a bow. If there is something you don't understand, you can always look "how to sew a tulle skirt" video- in it you will surely find answers to all questions. Well, now it remains only to choose the right "accompaniment" to the Kerry Bradshaw skirt in the form of a tight-fitting top and beautiful shoes.

How to sew a tulle skirt step by step

An airy and romantic chopin skirt can create a truly romantic look, and it is sewn quite easily.

Take 5 meters of tulle and cut them, while each subsequent cut (and there should be 4-5 in total) should be wider than the previous one. Trimmings should fit the volume of the hips. Then fasten the pieces of fabric in the place where the belt will be located. Collect 0.5 m of lining fabric on a thread and manually sew it to the tulle.

To sew a belt, fold a meter of elastic fabric in half, measure 2 cm along the edges, sew the belt, placing an elastic band inside.

Attach the belt to the chopin skirt in such a way as to disguise the attachment point of the lining, now it remains only to sew the belt along the bottom. As a decor for the belt, you can use a beautiful bow.

How to sew a tulle skirt - photo:

So - you can easily and simply sew a new thing for yourself and for your daughter, if you use the tips of our master classes.