How to make a paper spinner. Waiting for a fresh breeze: how to make a paper pinwheel

Today we will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself paper spinner using the modular origami technique. Our master class with an assembly diagram will make your work easier. Such a paper spinner is created in a matter of minutes, but it will bring joy to your baby for many hours!

Tools and materials Time: 20 minutes Difficulty: 4/10

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors and ruler;
  • threads and beads (optional).

A do-it-yourself paper spinner made using the modular origami technique is a great way to take your mind off sad thoughts! Put things aside for now and create an amazingly fun craft with the kids!

Our step-by-step master class with photos will tell you how to make a paper spinner quickly and correctly!

Step by step instructions with photo

So, we decide on the color of paper for crafts and start creating a simple but fun toy. Be sure, the paper spinner will cause great delight in the kids.

Step 1: cut out the square

Take sheets of double-sided colored paper and cut out squares from them. We cut out 9 cm x 9 cm squares. This is enough to make a medium-sized turntable.

To make one turntable using the modular origami technique, you will need 6 of these squares.

Step 2: fold

Fold the square diagonally on both sides. Then, in the same direction, fold the paper in a horizontal direction, and then in a vertical direction.

Take the craft in your hands and press its two opposite corners to the center inward (see photo).

Step 3: do all the details

Align all the corners on the paper in the form of a 4-pointed star.

Using the same technique, make 5 more of these stars (you need 6 in total).

Step 3: Insert the Stars

Take one star: this will be the basis.

Alternately take the other 4 stars and insert them with either end into the first base star.

Once you have inserted all four stars, you may find it difficult to hold them together. To prevent this from happening, wrap the corners of the stars into each other. This will make it easier for you to work when holding the ends of the corners together.

Then take the sixth, last star. In the same way that you inserted the corners into the lower base star, insert the upper corners of all four stars that you have in the middle into it.

A funny do-it-yourself paper spinner made using the modular origami technique is ready!

These cute crafts, in addition to their main purpose, are perfect as a fun designer for kids. To do this, you can take many pieces of paper of various shades and make many pinwheels out of them.

The art of origami has long been used by most needlewomen. From beautifully folded sheets, original decorations for the holiday are obtained. Turntables are no exception. They turn the science of paper folding into naughty fun. Making a paper weather vane at home is easy. This article will help you with a detailed master class and a visual video.

How to make a turntable out of paper - manufacturing features

The process of making a paper pinwheel is so easy that you can make it with your kids. But at the same time, there are a number of features of its manufacture that are important to consider. Otherwise, the device will not be able to rotate in the wind.

  • The traditional number of blades for a turntable is four. But you can make six, eight or more. The more complex the version of the weather vane, the stronger the mount needed to rotate it.
  • Choose paper for the turntable that is thicker and more elastic. A good option for the base is photo paper with a glossy surface.
  • The blades of the toy cannot be glued. To connect them, you must use a metal base, for example, a button or a stationery carnation.
  • Instead of glue, use double-sided tape, so your hands will remain clean and the surfaces will quickly connect to each other.
  • To ensure that the parts of the paper weather vane rotate freely, do not tighten them too much.
  • Strong boiler tubes, wooden skewers and even a simple pencil are suitable for the base of the structure.
  • When placing the paper structure on the base, it is important that the blades do not touch it. Therefore, you will need a long sewing needle with a limiter or wire.

How to make a paper spinner - progress of work

To create a paper spinner, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a sheet of thick paper;
  • simple pencils with an eraser at the top;
  • metal ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • sewing needles;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

  • Step 1. From a sheet of cardboard, make a blank in the shape of a square. The best size for a turntable is 15 by 15 centimeters. Instead of a clerical knife, you can use scissors.

  • Step 2. On the reverse side of the workpiece, draw a pattern for cutting the blades. To do this, first mark the center on the square with a cross, then draw the diagonals. But do not connect them in the middle, finish the line 2 cm before the mark in the center. Also put four dots on the corners of the future blades, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 3. According to the stencil, cut the paper along the solid lines. In total, you will have four cuts along the diagonal of the workpiece.

  • Step 4. Take the triangle at the intended point and bend it to the center. In the same way, strictly in a circle, assemble the remaining blades of the turntable. Fold the paper carefully to avoid creases and wrinkles.

  • Step 5 Lay the pencil vertically. Hold the folded workpiece with your hand and pierce it with a sewing needle with a limiter. At the same time, its tip on the reverse side should pass through the eraser on the pencil. Do this step yourself so that the children cannot get hurt.

  • Step 6. Place the needle at the required distance between the pinwheel and the pencil grater.

  • Step 7. To fix the connecting rod and protect your fingers from a possible needle prick, apply a drop of hot glue on the back.

  • The simplest paper spinner is ready to play.

How to make a paper spinner - difficult options

  • Weathercocks made of paper with a large number of blades look much more interesting.

  • For a five-blade spinner, you will need this template.

  • The edges are also wrapped to the center and fixed with a metal base.

  • A brighter turntable can be made on paper with a metallic tint.

  • For an eight-piece weather vane, you will need to cut out two blanks with four edges, as shown in the image.

  • Position them together, but move them a little so that the corners of the shapes do not lie on top of each other.

Doing crafts with your own hands is a very exciting activity, especially if you work with children. Creating a bright turntable with your own hands is very simple, the main thing is to follow this master class and then your crafts will become an original toy for kids!

A more complex version of creating a paper turntable, see the video:

Now the stores are filled with a variety of trinkets for children of all ages. In addition, kids learn to manage gadgets while still sitting in a stroller. So, maybe they should be interested in something that they will create with their own hands? For example, a paper spinner.

The classic version of the "breeze"

The spinner is otherwise called a “breeze” or a mini-weather vane, because it spins under the influence of the wind. To make it, you will need the simplest things:

  • scissors,
  • simple pencil,
  • cardboard,
  • ruler,
  • PVA glue,
  • little carnation,
  • wooden stick,
  • hammer.

First you need to cut an even square. If it does not come out as such, then the weather vane will not spin. What do they do next?

  1. Bend diagonally to one side and the other to mark the places of the future incision.
  2. From the intersection of these lines, it is necessary to measure 1-2 cm with a ruler, depending on the size of the product, make a note with a pencil.
  3. Cut along the folds with scissors to a note.
  4. It turned out 4 interconnected triangles.
  5. Glue the upper left edge of each triangle to the center.

When all the corners are in the center, you need to pierce the product with a carnation in the middle and nail the carnation to the edge of the piece of wood (you can take a tree branch, long pencils, even a sushi stick). Just not close, otherwise the mini-weather vane will not spin.

This is the easiest way to make a paper spinner. To make it bright on both sides, you can glue two different colors together: on the one hand - plain, and on the other - with a pattern. So the "breeze" will look more voluminous.

round fan

The classic "four-blade" mini-weather vane is easy to make. However, there is a more complex option, when the material for the weather vane is folded like an accordion. For the fan you will need:

  • thick paper (but not cardboard),
  • glue gun,
  • scissors,
  • carnation with a decorative hat,
  • hammer,
  • stick.

Several of these fans of different colors and sizes look especially beautiful at once, so you can color the finished products by adding decor, for example, in the form of sparkles:

  1. Bend 4 rectangles into an accordion along the long side.
  2. Bend the accordions in half.
  3. Glue the edges so that each accordion becomes a quarter of a circle.
  4. Glue the quarters together to end up with a circle.
  5. Insert a nail into the center of the circle and nail it to what the “fan” will hold on to.

It is important that the head of the carnation is larger than the hole that will remain in the middle of the circle. It is not necessary to nail the nail to the end so that the fan can spin. Do-it-yourself paper spinner is ready, you can decorate the fence of a suburban area or the interior of a house with it.

Without scissors

Surprisingly, the "breeze" can be made without using scissors. This, of course, will be more difficult, and a little more time will be spent:

  1. Take whatman paper, cut out a square (paint it in the desired color).
  2. Fold it in half, connecting the corners.
  3. Expand - in the middle there will be a trace of the fold.
  4. To this trace, tuck the edges again on both sides - you get an elongated figure in the form of a “door” fold.
  5. This rectangle is folded in half so that the edges of the "door" are inside.
  6. Expand back. Fold the edges of the figure to the fold line formed in the middle - you get a square in the form of a “door” fold.
  7. Expand again - you can see that 2 small squares have formed at the ends.
  8. Each bend diagonally corners to the crease "door". Expand again.
  9. According to the already existing fold, fold the workpiece in half into a square, divided by the traces of bending into four parts.
  10. Open the workpiece and take the inner corner, pull it outward - the “breeze” blade will come out, as a result, all the corners should be directed in one direction.

A paper spinner created using the origami technique is attached to a wooden stick in exactly the same way as any other.


The rainbow pinwheel is made using 7 different colors, which is why it has such a name. To make it, you need to stock up on such shades:

  • red,
  • orange,
  • yellow,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • blue
  • purple.

You will also need scissors, a needle, a hammer, paper clips, glue, a stick and a nail with a decorative hat. The principle of attachment for the "rainbow" is the same as for other "breezes", but the blades are made according to a different principle:

  1. Cut out triangles of all available shades.
  2. Triangles must be exactly the same: obtuse, isosceles.
  3. Place the triangle base up.
  4. Attach the left corner to the top, which is below, fix with a paper clip.
  5. Do this for all triangles.
  6. The places where the paper clips are located, connect, glue and pierce with a nail.
  7. Nail to stick.

While this multi-colored "breeze" will spin, it will become like a rainbow.

When a kid makes a paper spinner for the first time with his own hands, a photo of it should definitely be saved. After all, this is not the most durable material, and, most likely, after a while the toy will break. But if the child has a picture, he will be able to repeat the product and even improve it.

Turntables. These uncomplicated toys on wooden sticks with bright blades spinning at the slightest breath of wind are very popular with adults and children. It's hard to explain why people are so interested in watching these, to tell the truth, disposable gizmos. But if you dream up a little, then children's imagination easily turns home-made turntables into a Carlson propeller or a rotorcraft, romantic youth into a decoration for a wedding celebration, and a practical adult generation into a scarecrow for birds and moles.

A small digression from the topic, or Why you need to involve your offspring in the creation of a turntable

The windmill is a wonderful example of a toy that parents can make with their children. The manufacturing process will not take much time, but the turntable (made with your own hands, all the more so) will become a source of pride for the child, bring him closer to his parents, make him feel that he is on the same team with adults and can independently create even a simple, but miracle.

The benefits of such joint creativity will be undeniable for everyone: the child will learn the basics of three-dimensional modeling in a playful way, and his mentor-parent will be distracted from his adult activities and rest his soul.

Paper spinner making

A paper spinner is made from 2 multi-colored square sheets of paper (20 x 20 cm). You will also need:

  • scissors;
  • ruler with a pencil;
  • awl;
  • carnation or plastic push pin;
  • a piece of polyethylene measuring 20 x 20 cm;
  • iron;
  • wooden stick.

To make the spinner durable and attractive, it is desirable to make it two-color. To do this, take 2 sheets of bright paper of a contrasting color, put a piece of polyethylene of the same size between them and iron the entire three-layer “sandwich” with a hot iron - the polyethylene will melt and securely fasten the sheets of paper together.

As mentioned earlier, a do-it-yourself spinner is made on the basis of a square sheet of paper measuring 20 x 20 cm, but this is not so important. The main thing is to find and designate the intersection point of the diagonals of the square, thereby dividing it into 4 triangles. From the point of intersection on each diagonal measure a segment 1.5 cm long and put a mark. Armed with scissors, the sheet is cut diagonally to the mark line. Then, at each left corner of all 4 triangles, retreating about 0.7 mm, a hole is pierced with an awl. The same hole is made at the intersection of the diagonals.

It remains to successively lay all the triangular fragments on top of each other so that all the holes made earlier coincide, and fix the turntable on a wooden stick with a button with a plastic head (or a nail with a wide hat).

If everything is done correctly, then you get something like this turntable. With your own hands, it turns out, you can make a toy that looks no worse than a purchased one.

Making spinners from plastic bottles

Craftsmen actively use plastic bottles to make various crafts. Now the arsenal of their products has been replenished with another useful novelty - a turntable.

Bottle turntables will decorate the garden plot and scare away uninvited birds who want to feast on the grown products.

It is not difficult to make such wonderful flashlights-turntables. A plastic bottle is cut into narrow strips that are bent at a certain angle. Then a hole is drilled in the cork of the bottle and the windmill is mounted on a wire, through which the spinner will be attached to the support.

Afterword, or How to make life even more beautiful

As can be seen from the description, a do-it-yourself turntable is made quickly. The Craftsman does not require exotic materials. The remnants of wallpaper, cardboard juice boxes, plastic bottles are used - in general, materials that are often sent as unnecessary to waste. But the scope of this craft may be the most unexpected. A spinner made of paper or plastic can serve not only as a familiar toy.

It has become fashionable to decorate celebrations and weddings, decorate garden plots. Turntables are used during photo shoots, with their help they create unusual swaying panels for the holidays. A seemingly simple trifle can bring a sense of celebration into our lives, cheer up and make any event unforgettable. Isn't it a miracle?!

We offer you to make original toys and great gifts - turntables for children over 5 years old.

To make turntables you will need:

Plastic sticks (tubes). Instead of plastic straws, you can use wooden sticks (skewers);

colored paper;


Wood beads;


Rubber thin tubes.

Attention! Separate stages should be helped by an adult.

Turntable assembly step by step instructions

Spinner "Rainbow". Master Class

Template for the spinner "Rainbow"

Step 1. Cut out the detail of the "Rainbow" turntable according to the template.

Step 2 Bend the corners of the part along the dotted lines, get the "rays".

We take a plastic tube and wire, on which we first make a loop.

Step 3. Place the "Rainbow" part on a soft surface and carefully "drill" a hole with the end of the wire (or an awl) in the place indicated by a dot (.).

Step 4. Put a medium bead on the wire, then the "Rainbow" part with bent rays to the bead, then - large, medium and small beads. In order not to bend the wire, carefully screw it into the hole on the stick. Gently put, slightly twisting, on the end of the wire a rubber tube - "cambric" to secure the parts. Slide all the parts tightly to each other.

Spinner is ready

Spinner "Sky". Master Class

Template for the turntable "Sky" and an additional detail - the middle

Step 1. Cut out the details of the turntable according to the templates. We cut the four corners of the part along solid lines to the marks. Cut out along the contour an additional detail of the "Sky" turntable.

Step 2. Place the "Sky" parts on a soft surface and carefully "drill" holes with the end of the wire (or an awl) in the places indicated by a dot (.).

Step 3. Put the middle bead on the wire, the middle part of the pinwheel “Sky”, then put 4 wings of the part of the pinwheel “Sky” on the wire in series, then thread the wire into the middle of the part, then put on successively large, medium and small beads.

Attention! Do not move the parts close to each other, leave a free distance (2 cm) between the wings and the middle of the turntable part. In order not to bend the wire, carefully screw it into the hole on the stick.

Gently put, slightly twisting, a rubber tube - "cambric" on the end of the wire to secure the parts

Spinner is ready

Spinner "Sun". Master Class

Template for making a turntable "Sun" and an additional part - the middle