How to get rid of flaky nails. Protection from the external environment. How to protect nails from delamination

Are your nails peeling and breaking? Is it impossible to make a beautiful manicure? To cure nails and return them to an attractive appearance, we recommend that you make baths according to the recipes given in this article.

For a modern woman, taking care of herself is in the order of things. And she can start to really panic if her nails begin to exfoliate and break. Obviously, this problem is complex, in order to solve it, one visit to the nail salon will not be enough.

Why do nails peel?

If the nail plates become brittle and exfoliate, it will be very difficult to make a beautiful manicure. But this is not the biggest problem that a woman should worry about. Skin, hair and nails are an indication of the internal state of the body. Therefore, if the nails ceased to be strong, faded, changed color, or spots appeared on them, you should think about your health and lifestyle.

The causes of cosmetic defects of the nail plates can be as follows:

  1. Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter period or early spring can affect the appearance
  2. If the nails exfoliate, which vitamin is lacking? Delamination, tarnishing, slow growth of the nail plate speaks of a deficiency in the body of vitamins A, D and E
  3. Malnutrition. A strict diet can negatively affect the condition of the nail plates. For their health and normal growth, a person needs a balanced diet, within which he will receive all macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals (especially calcium, silicon, magnesium and phosphorus), amino acids and other useful substances
  4. fungal diseases. Delamination and fragility are signs of onychomycosis
  5. Diseases of the internal organs. If the nails turn yellow and exfoliate, there may be liver problems. The yellowish tint of the nail plates can also acquire in the presence of any endocrine disease, for example, diabetes mellitus. If the work of the thyroid gland is disrupted, the plates become brittle.
  6. Bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol affects the appearance of a person literally from the top of his head to his fingertips.
  7. Wrong way of life. Lack of sports, physical inactivity, lack of sleep lead to metabolic disorders in the body and poor blood circulation. The nail bed is not nourished enough, the nail grows thin and brittle.
  8. stress. Exfoliating nails on the thumbs can be the result of nervous shocks and frequent experiences.
  9. External damaging factors. Contacts with household chemicals, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, frost or wind are harmful to the skin of hands and nails, etc.
  10. Wrong care. The frequent use of varnishes thins and weakens the nail plate, especially if the quality is questionable, acetone-based liquids for their removal. Inept actions during the hygienic manicure procedure (cuticle cutting, filing and grinding) can also disrupt its structure.

IMPORTANT: If the child's toenails exfoliate, you need to check if his shoes are tight.

Nails turn yellow and peel. Treatment of exfoliating nails

Care for exfoliating nails is not limited to the procedure of hygienic manicure in a beauty salon. It should be comprehensive and include:

  • rejection of bad habits
  • medical examination to detect internal diseases, their treatment
    a visit to a dermatologist or mycologist to exclude onychomycosis;
  • normalization of the daily routine and nutrition (inclusion of vitamin-containing foods in the diet)
  • increased stress resistance
  • intake of vitamin and mineral complexes
  • use of gloves when working with cleaners and detergents
  • conducting a course of caring procedures in a nail salon or at home - masks, baths, massage

Tip: Nails Are Peeling What To Do
To strengthen the nail plate, you need to purchase vitamins for nails, skin and hair at the pharmacy, and not a general strengthening complex. Special preparations contain exactly the balance of nutrients that is necessary for beautiful and healthy nails.

How to strengthen exfoliating nails at home?

Damaged, brittle, dull, exfoliating nails need to be replenished with vitamins and other useful substances, not only from the inside, but also from the outside. You can organize it at home by making masks and nail baths.

Video: How to strengthen nails and get rid of nail delamination

For the preparation of caring, restorative and therapeutic home preparations, inexpensive and accessible substances and products are used: essential and vegetable oils, honey, gelatin, decoctions and infusions of herbs, sea salt and cosmetic clay.

Baths for nails. Care for split nails

Home baths require some preparation:

  • remove old varnish from the nail plate
  • for the purpose of degreasing and removing excess moisture, a dehydrator or alcohol is used
  • do a chemical or hardware hygienic manicure
  • do massage of hands, fingers, directly nail plates

Tip: Nails peel and break. What to do? Home baths will help! Depending on the components used, they treat onychomycosis, strengthen the nail plate, restore its structure, nourish with vitamins and minerals, improve the color of the nail and accelerate its growth.

RECIPE #1. Strengthening vitamin bath with olive oil.

Components for a home remedy: olive oil - 100 ml, citrus or bergamot ether - 5 drops, lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon; liquid vitamins A and E - 2 drops each.
Olive oil is heated to the temperature of the human body, enriched in turn with other active ingredients. Fingertips are dipped into the mixture for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, fingers are rinsed with a decoction of chamomile.

IMPORTANT: The oil bath moisturizes the nails and makes them more elastic, as it stimulates the production of keratin, the main structural component of the nail plate.

RECIPE #2. Honey bath for delamination of nails

Components for home preparation: fresh, liquid honey - 2 tablespoons, chicken egg - 1 piece, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
Honey is slightly melted, the egg is beaten into foam. Mix, add lemon juice to the mixture. The drug is applied to the nail plates, put on polyethylene gloves. After 10-15 minutes, wash off with water with the addition of citric acid.

IMPORTANT: The effect of a honey bath is nutrition, hydration and treatment of marigolds.

RECIPE #3. Anti-inflammatory and restorative bath with chamomile

Ingredients for home remedy : chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons, horsetail - 1 tablespoon, string - 1 tablespoon, water - 1 liter, liquid vitamins A and E - 3 drops each.
Chamomile, string and field horsetail are poured into a glass dish, poured with boiling water and infused until the water cools down to 40 ° C. Dip your hands in a water infusion of herbs for 20 minutes. After the procedure, you can not wash your hands, just wipe them with a napkin made of natural matter.

IMPORTANT: Chamomile is a strong antiseptic. It can also be used to treat fungal diseases.

RECIPE #4. Baths from the leaves of plantain against the foliation of nails.

Components for a home remedy: fresh or dry plantain leaves - 5 pieces, milk - 250 ml.
Milk is brought to a boil, but not allowed to boil, dry plantain leaves crushed into powder or gruel from fresh leaves are added to it. The bath should be infused for about half an hour. She is being filtered. The duration of the procedure itself is 20 minutes. After not, the hands are rinsed with water or herbal decoction.

IMPORTANT: Fatty warm milk improves the absorption of nutrients contained in plantain leaves.

RECIPE No. 5. Cleansing and strengthening soda bath

Components for a home remedy: water - 500 ml, soda - 1 tablespoon, salt - 1/2 tablespoon, iodine - 5 drops.
Soda, salt and iodine are added to boiled and cooled water. Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 10 minutes. Wash off with acidified water or a decoction of herbs.

IMPORTANT: Soda crystals gently clean the surface of the nails without injuring them. They become stronger and more elastic.

RECIPE #6. Bath with gelatin

Components for a home preparation: food gelatin - 1 package, essential oils of rose, ylang ylang and patchouli - 3 drops each, liquid vitamins A and E - 3 drops each.
Gelatin is prepared according to the instructions on the package, heated and cooled, oils and vitamins are added to it. The nails are dipped in the bath for 15 minutes, after which the drug is washed off with a decoction of chamomile and coltsfoot.

IMPORTANT: Gelatin envelops the nail plate and creates a laminating effect.

RECIPE No. 7. Bath with egg and castor oil to strengthen nails

Components for a home remedy: egg yolk - 1 piece, castor oil - 1 tablespoon, apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon, glycerin - 1 teaspoon.
The yolk is beaten separately, then with castor oil, vinegar and glycerin are added to the mixture. Dip the nails in the mixture for 10 minutes, after which the hands are washed with acidified water.

IMPORTANT: Castor oil saturates the nail plate with fatty acids, thereby restoring its structure.

It is necessary to make baths from brittleness and delamination every three to four days until the condition of the nails improves. Decorative manicure at this time is undesirable. The exception is gel polish for exfoliating nails, which has a strengthening and healing effect.

Baths made from natural ingredients that strengthen nails and improve their appearance are very easy to prepare. According to many women, the effect of them is no worse than that of expensive salon procedures.

Video: Baths for nails. How to quickly strengthen nails

Splitting nails is one of the most annoying things that can happen to them. Calcium deficiency is the most common cause of this phenomenon. That is why some folk remedies intended for the treatment of stratification of nails suggest saturation of the body with various microelements that contribute to the normal absorption of calcium. A complete supply of vitamin D is considered especially important, because it is he who allows the most successful absorption of calcium. Calcium itself is absorbed by the body with difficulty, so foods rich in vitamin D, such as cabbage, fish, nuts, and cheese, are very important in the human diet.

In addition, folk remedies that have long been used to treat splitting nails help replenish another essential component for nail health - silicon. The composition of a variety of potions and decoctions includes ingredients that help the body absorb this substance. Silicon itself is found in large quantities in greens, meat, legumes, egg yolk, and liver. There are a lot of folk methods and means, but in order to avoid delamination of nails, one should not forget about some elementary rules for caring for nails. First of all, this is the observance of hygiene measures, the processing of nail plates with a soft nail file, their regular and accurate cutting, the use of personal protective equipment when working with household chemicals and sharp objects, the absence of minor injuries. It is very useful to periodically nourish the nails with a variety of compositions, including those based on folk recipes. These are not medicinal methods, but folk cosmetics that allow you to keep your nails beautiful and well-groomed.

Alternative methods of treatment of stratification of nails:

1. If the problem is of a regular nature, it is necessary to constantly add finely crushed, powdered eggshells to food. A few weeks are enough to notice an improvement, especially if you take fish oil along with the shell.

2. Sea salt for nails is extremely beneficial. Thanks to her, the nails stop breaking and exfoliating, they begin to grow rapidly. Therefore, sea baths at home should become an integral part of nail care.
Baths for nails with sea salt

Buy sea salt for baths at a pharmacy - this is just an option from the "cheap and cheerful" series.

A tablespoon of sea salt should be diluted in a glass of warm water (37-40 degrees), pour the resulting liquid into a bowl or plate of medium depth and lower your fingertips there so that the nails are completely immersed in the prepared solution.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, blot your hands with a napkin, lubricate them with a nourishing hand and nail cream.

Essential oil can be added to the salt bath for nails (lemon oil will be especially effective for nails). To do this, 2-3 drops of essential oil must first be dropped on a piece of sea salt, which is diluted in water.
Baths for nails with table salt

If you don’t have sea salt at hand, it’s too late to go to the pharmacy or you’re just too lazy, you can use ordinary table salt, which you will definitely find in your household. For brittle nails, its benefits are almost as high as when using sea salt. The recipe is the same: a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

In such a bath, you can add a few drops of iodine for greater effectiveness. An excellent component in baths to strengthen nails will be lemon or orange juice. Vitamins A and E, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of oily solutions, will also be useful.

Keep your nails in a salt bath for 10-15 minutes, then repeat the same procedures as in the version with sea salt baths.
salt baths for nails
How often do salt baths for nails?

If you are making homemade nail baths solely to prevent their fragility, then once a week will be quite enough. If your goal is to strengthen brittle and exfoliating nails, then you need a course of salt baths 10 days long. A month later, this course should be repeated, thus consolidating the result.

Salt baths will have a beneficial effect on your nails, making them strong and healthy, accelerating their growth.

3. Red pepper will help strengthen nails and prevent delamination. To prepare the product, you need to take a baby cream and mix with pepper at a rate of 4: 1. Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to warm it up for a couple, then treat the nail plates and hold for 15 minutes. You can not abuse this procedure, it is enough to carry it out once a month.

4. Take olive oil (0.5 tsp), which will become the basis of the remedy for roughness and delamination of nails. You need to add lemon juice (3 drops) to it, mix, and then apply on the surface of the nails. It is advisable to steam your hands in salted water before starting the procedure. After processing, put on gloves or cotton gloves. Keep 0.5-2 hours or apply overnight. If such masks are made for 1-2 months, the nails will stop exfoliating, it is especially effective if such a remedy is alternated with any other.

5. Burnt alum powder in the amount of 1 tsp. mix with water (2 tbsp) and glycerin (1 tsp). In the resulting mixture, you need to soak a swab or cotton pad, apply over the nail plate, hold for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash your hands in warm water and treat with hand cream.

6. Curdled milk is a very useful product for nails, if you make baths from it. Take yogurt at room temperature, immerse your hands in it, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The same yogurt is not used twice.

7. Treat the nail plates with a 3% iodine solution with a small brush or cotton swab to clean the ears.

Each person is very worried if he has such a problem as delamination of nails. You can say goodbye to a beautiful manicure. In addition, such a pathology may indicate violations in the body. Therefore, women strive in all ways. But not everyone knows how to deal with stratification of nails. Before starting treatment, you should find out and eliminate the cause of this process. It is most dangerous if the nails of a child break.

Main reasons

Many factors can influence. The main one is avitaminosis. It is the lack of vitamins that affects the condition of the plates. They begin to weaken, and then break and exfoliate.

There are other reasons as well.

  1. Chemical (household) means.
  2. Wrong manicure.
  3. Poor quality nail care products.
  4. Hormonal disbalance.
  5. Frequent presence of hands in water.

The most dangerous cause is a fungal infection, here you can no longer do without visiting a dermatologist who selects the right treatment.

Stratification of the nail plate is more common in women. Since they are in contact with water and household chemicals for more time, which negatively affect the condition of the nails. Men suffer from this problem less often, because, unlike women, they do not expose their nails to additional influence of negative factors.


First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that until the cause of the disease is eliminated, no treatment will give a lasting result. After a while, the nails will begin to exfoliate again. It is possible to eliminate problems with the nail plates only with an integrated approach and the use of several methods.

  1. Taking medication.
  2. Application of funds for external use.
  3. Folk remedies.
  4. Proper nutrition.

With the right approach to the treatment of delamination of nails, the process can be prevented in two weeks. But in order to prevent, it is necessary to continue treatment for a month.

Taking medication

It is necessary to treat nails from the main thing - this is the restoration of the vitamin balance of the body. To do this, you should consult with your doctor about a suitable vitamin complex. In most cases, when splitting nails, a deficiency of vitamins A, D and E, as well as trace elements such as silicon and calcium, is diagnosed.

There are a number of drugs that are designed specifically to prevent brittleness and delamination of nails.

All of them have certain contraindications, so it is not advisable to purchase drugs without consulting a specialist.

The most careful approach is to approach the occurrence of such a problem in a child. Since most often the nails of a child break in the presence of beriberi. Vitamins for a child can only be prescribed by a doctor.

To eliminate the infection, the patient may be recommended anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. They should be taken strictly according to the prescription, otherwise it will not be possible to cure the nail or a relapse will definitely occur.

External use

In most cases, if the nails break and begin to exfoliate, then an ointment, serum or varnish is used for treatment. The most effective remedy is nail polish against brittle nails. The varnish is very easy to use. However, it is necessary to choose a quality tool that will give a result.

It is necessary to apply varnish only on the treated, clean and dry surface of the nail plate. The duration of treatment can be delayed for several months, but if the use of the drug does not give absolutely no results after two weeks, then you should consult a doctor to pick up something else. You can use varnish to eliminate pathology in a child only when he reaches the age of three.

Against brittle nails contains in its composition substances that penetrate deep into the plate and act on it. The nail is strengthened, yellowing stops, and the plate acquires the correct shape. The most popular varnishes:

  • Smart enamel;
  • Durable diamond.

With nail fungus, medical varnish is used:




Folk remedies

You can treat the bundle of nails with the help of the simplest folk recipes. The greatest effect is known and legs with the addition of various components. Also, baths should be done before varnish is applied to the plate.

Needed before bed. Simple baths with warm water will not be effective, so substances are added to them that strengthen and disinfect the nail. You can achieve a positive result against the fragility of the plate if you make baths with the following components:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • citrus essential oils;
  • iodine.

All these funds contain vitamins that are in short supply in the body during the destruction of nails. If the cause is a fungal infection, then it is worth doing baths with the addition of:

soap solution;

oak bark;

potassium permanganate;

tea tree oil;


Bathing is recommended at least three times a week. They have a significant positive effect, moreover, they have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the component that will be added. Therefore, the best option for how to treat a child’s nail delamination is just baths.

Proper nutrition

A healthy diet is important to prevent splitting and brittle nails.

If there is a deficiency of vitamins in the human body, then the nail plates begin to gradually weaken.

To avoid such pathological processes, it is worth eating right. With food, the body must receive all the vitamins necessary for it (A, D and E).

You can diversify the diet with the following foods containing vitamin A: tomatoes, apricots, lettuce, caviar, carrots.

The healing process will contribute to seaweed, walnuts and honey. They contain a large amount of iodine, which is not enough when the nail plate is destroyed.

Bananas, currants, green beans and parsley contain a large amount of silicon. But vitamin D can be compensated by eating fish, cheeses or young cabbage.

In order to correctly compose a diet, it is better to undergo a diagnosis. The specialist will be able to determine which vitamins are required by the body, and will help to make the right diet. If a child has problems with nails, then a visit to the doctor should be mandatory.


Preventive measures for conservation consist in the exclusion of factors that can cause a violation.

  1. First of all, you should take care of hand hygiene. It is also necessary to teach the child to this.
  2. Avoid frequent contact with water without the use of gloves.
  3. Work with household chemicals should only be done with gloves.
  4. Take a foot bath from time to time.
  5. Food must be complete.

Violation of the structure of the nail plate in an adult or a child indicates that it is worth paying attention to the state of health. The reasons may be minor, but it is possible that the body reports the presence of some kind of disease. Therefore, it is best to contact a medical institution, undergo an examination and identify the cause.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands largely determine the opinion that develops about their owner. Every woman wants her nails to be strong, even and shiny, and her skin to be young, without age spots and wrinkles. However, it does not always work out the way you want, and the appearance can be easily spoiled by some small flaws. So one of the most common problems among women of different ages is the foliation of the nails. Let's try to figure out the reasons for the development of such a nuisance, and also discuss the most effective methods for its elimination using alternative medicine techniques.

Why does nail peeling begin? Causes

There are many factors that can cause flaking and, as a result, brittle nails. Most often, this problem is the result of an insufficiently correct and balanced diet, which causes a lack of various minerals and vitamins in the body.

In addition, other pathological factors can also provoke lamination, including overdrying of nails with various detergents and systematic exposure to a humid and wet environment. Also, a manicure specialist says that the cause of such a nuisance can be poor-quality nail processing in the salon or with your own hands.

However, it must be emphasized once again that the most common cause of lamination is a failure in the metabolic processes of the body.

What to do when the foliation of nails begins? Treatment with folk remedies

If you are faced with a constant layering of nails, first try to determine what exactly causes such an unpleasant phenomenon, and take care of eliminating this factor. Also use folk remedies for nail foliation.

Sea salt bath

Such a tool is considered one of the simplest, budgetary and at the same time effective methods for strengthening nails at home. To prepare the medicinal composition, you just need to dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in half a liter of warm water. Dip your hands in a container with this composition for about a quarter of an hour, then wipe them dry and apply a nourishing cream on them. Repeat this procedure daily for one and a half weeks, then take a break for one month and, if necessary, repeat.

Olive oil with iodine

Another fairly effective remedy for strengthening nails at home is considered to be olive oil. It should be borne in mind that unrefined oil has maximum efficiency and at the same time a significant content of nutrients, and it should be used for the preparation of this medicinal composition. A tablespoon of such a remedy should be heated in a water bath and combined with a few drops of iodine. Mix well the resulting composition and rub it very carefully into the nails, as well as into the skin that surrounds them.

Then put on thin cotton gloves. Carry out the procedure shortly before a night's rest, and remove gloves in the morning, after waking up. This method of treating delamination of nails helps to eliminate excessive dryness of the nail plate. In addition, the oil is applied to the cuticles, which makes the growth zone healthier, significantly improves its breathing, and also makes the nail strong and elastic.

Olive oil with lemon

Such a medicinal composition is prepared according to the same principle as the previous one, but it is worth applying oil with a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice on the nails. The mask should also be left on all night.

Red pepper

In order to accelerate the growth of nails, as well as to strengthen them as much as possible, it is worth using ground red pepper. Combine half a teaspoon of such a substance with a small amount of nourishing hand cream. Apply the resulting composition to the nails in a rather thick layer and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water. Experts say that such a mask should not be done very often - once a month.


Lemon contains a huge amount of useful elements that can help in the treatment of nail problems. So you can just cut this fruit in half and stick your fingers into its flesh. Continue this procedure for ten minutes, after which do not wash off the lemon juice, but simply let it dry. You can also lubricate your nails with lemon juice, carrying out each subsequent lubrication after the previous layer has dried.


Such a natural substance is also an excellent source of a number of highly beneficial elements. To strengthen the nails and stop delamination, it is worth warming it up in a water bath, then dipping the nails into the resulting mass for half an hour or an hour.

fruit juices

An excellent effect is provided not only by lemon juice, but also by other similar compounds. So you can strengthen your nails using cranberries, black and red currants. Rub the berries and their juice on your fingers and nails, and pretty soon you'll be done with the flakiness problem.


Take a glass of boiling water and dissolve one tablespoon of gelatin in it. After the mixture has cooled slightly, dip your fingers into it and leave for a quarter of an hour. Repeat this procedure two to three times a week.

beer and juice

Combine one glass of slightly warmed beer with the same amount of fresh apple juice. Use the resulting composition as a bath for hands and nails. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands using warm water without soap.

Nail care is often associated with certain problems. Under the influence of a number of negative factors, external damage can form on the plate that spoil the beauty of women's hands. Medicinal nail polish will help fix the problem - the tool helps to strengthen, restore, healthy growth, and fight fungal infections. Properly selected useful cosmetics are easy to use and effective.

What is medicated nail polish

Many women who want to preserve the beauty and health of natural nails face problems when caring for them. Insufficient amount of nutrients, mechanical damage, stress can lead to the fact that the nail plate begins to exfoliate, becomes brittle and thin, loses its shine. Special medical varnishes will help to take care of the condition of the nail plates.

The products are used as a base for manicure or as an independent coating. Vitamins, minerals, medicinal oils and other components of the preparations penetrate deep into the structure of cells, providing nutrition, hydration, and protection from aggressive external factors. You should purchase high-quality cosmetic products after consulting a dermatologist to reduce the risk of side effects.


When choosing a cosmetic product designed to solve problems with the nail plate, special attention should be paid to its composition. Experts recognize water-based coatings as the safest. A high-quality remedy is distinguished by the absence of nitrocellulose, formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate among the ingredients, however, some manufacturers claim that these components help improve nail immunity.

The most common cause of brittleness, delamination and tarnishing of the plate is the lack of sufficient nutrition, the frequent use of decorative coatings, extensions, and constant contact with aggressive household chemicals. Compositions that contain the following components will help ensure health and beauty to the hands:

  • minerals (calcium, silicon, sodium, potassium, iodine);
  • vitamins (A, E, F, D, group B);
  • plant extracts;
  • oils (olive, argan, jojoba);
  • fruit acids;
  • proteins.


The correct manicure procedure should include the application of a colorless base coat before a decorative one. The use of therapeutic nail polish in this capacity helps protect the plate from harmful substances and the negative effects of the external environment. It is necessary to select a remedy in accordance with the cause of the lesion, therefore, before using a particular drug, it is necessary to consult a specialist. There are several types of medicinal compositions on the modern cosmetic market:

  • The main hardener - gives a healthy and well-groomed appearance, levels the surface, protects from harmful influences. It is necessary to apply such a preparation in 2-3 layers.
  • Revitalizing base - the main function of a transparent varnish is regeneration. The healing properties of such cosmetics are provided by the composition, which includes many vitamins, healthy oils.
  • Complex strengthening nail polish - penetrates deep into the structure of the plate, preventing pigmentation and healing. Apply the drug in 2 layers, making small five-minute breaks. This tool has a comprehensive effect, improving the condition of damaged nails.
  • Conditioning varnish with a strengthening effect - nourishes well, provides protection against breakage, promotes regeneration. It must be used as a base for the treatment of flexible soft plates, applying in 1 layer.
  • Therapeutic conditioner - promotes growth stimulation, moisturizing, strengthening and increasing strength. You can use the drug as an independent coating or as a base for colored varnish, applying in 1-3 layers.
  • Antifungal - are used as directed by a doctor when infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms become the cause of brittle and exfoliating nails. Apply drugs to the affected areas in accordance with the instructions. Such medical professional products are not used in conjunction with a decorative coating.


Medicinal varnishes can have a narrow or complex effect, which depends on the type of product. Unlike decorative ones, such preparations, penetrating deep into the structure, provide the necessary nutrition, hydration, and protection from aggressive factors. The action of therapeutic varnishes is aimed at eliminating the causes that cause damage, and not at masking problems.

Caring for the health of the nail plate is a complex therapy. To improve the effectiveness of special coatings, you need to take vitamins and medications that will help you cope with negative factors from the inside. Contact with household chemicals should be avoided by doing the usual housework with rubber gloves. Approximately once a week, special hand baths are required.

The best nail strengthener

The modern beauty industry offers consumers a wide range of therapeutic agents. Manufacturers produce preparations containing minerals, vitamins and other substances that can give the plate strength, correct irregularities, and get rid of delamination. There is no universal healing basis for manicure; choose the best healing nail polishes, focusing on the individual characteristics of a woman's body. The most famous brands that have earned the trust of consumers are:

  • Eveline;
  • Trind;
  • Sally Hansen;
  • Zinger;
  • Frenchi.

Strengthening varnish

The therapeutic cosmetic brand Frenchi Smart enamel contains vitamins and other useful components. This composition moisturizes the nail plate, restores its structure, promotes growth. The treatment course of using the coating is 4 weeks:

  • Name: Frenchi Smart enamel.
  • Characteristics: the composition of the strengthening gel is calcium, vitamins E, B5, A, silk proteins, collagen, butyl acetate, nitrocellulose, keratin, ethyl acetate, phthalaldehyde, glycol copolymer, acetyl tributyl quotation. The volume of the bottle is 11 ml, the weight of the varnish is 50 g.
  • Pros: effectiveness, gives elasticity, eliminates dry nails, high availability in pharmacies.
  • Cons: Thickens quickly, requires frequent reapplying when used as a standalone coating.

Sally Hansen products take care of your nails, gently strengthening them. Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear is water-based and contains ingredients to help strengthen the plate. The remedy is available in different shades, can be used as a decorative coating:

  • Title: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear.
  • Characteristics: composition - water, cosmetic base, titanium, calcium, bioactive glass. Bottle capacity - 11.8 ml.
  • Pros: high efficiency for long-term use, a variety of shades, reasonable cost.
  • Cons: rapid tarnishing of the coating, the formation of cracks and chips, difficulties in application.

For nail growth

IQ Beauty natural-based healing varnish is designed for weakened and fragile plates. Its formula helps accelerate the growth of the plate, making it strong. It can be used as a stand-alone coating or as a base for colored varnish:

  • Name: IQ Beauty Hi-Speed ​​Hardener.
  • Characteristics: composition - water, cosmetic base containing silicic acid, young bamboo extract, mineral salts, vitamins, amino acids, natural dyes.
  • Pros: covers the nail surface well, hides flaws, strengthens, effectively accelerates growth, dries quickly, lasts a long time.
  • Cons: Contains formaldehyde.

Zinger Nail Strengthening and Healthy Growth Lacquer forms a smooth, even coating on the surface of the plate. The product contains a special complex with vitamins. Strengthening varnish reconstructs nails, makes them thicker, accelerates growth:

  • Name: Zinger Nail Repair.
  • Characteristics: ingredients - vitamin E, calcium pantothenate, silicon, natural musk rose oil, nitrocellulose, butyl acetate, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, water.
  • Pros: contains many natural ingredients, activates nail growth, has a pleasant color.
  • Cons: None found.

For nail restoration

Trind's medical nail cosmetics are popular in the market. Caring Color is enriched with nourishing oils, firming agents and vitamins. Nail restoration lacquer helps to heal the exfoliating, brittle plate, eliminate pigmentation:

  • Name: Trind Nail Caring Color.
  • Characteristics: the composition is represented by strengthening components, natural nourishing oils, vitamins. The volume of the bottle is 9 ml. The varnish has a rich color palette.
  • Pros: efficiency, restores nails, prevents delamination, can be used as a decorative coating.
  • Cons: contains formaldehyde, the product is difficult to find in ordinary pharmacies.

Orly produces an effective restorative nail polish. The tool makes them strong and smooth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use cuticle oil from this company:

  • Name: Orly Tough Cookie.
  • Characteristics: the composition of the cosmetic product is isopropyl, nitrocellulose, okoume resin extract, camphor, acetyl tributyl citrate, ethocrylene, ethyl acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, butyl acetate.
  • Pros: good healing effect, easy application, durability of the coating.
  • Cons: May feel dry.

From nail foliation

The Polish brand Evelyn offers its customers a product rich in vitamins. Cosmetic products from the Nail Therapy Professional series prevent delamination, protect nails from the harmful effects of the external environment:

  • Name: Eveline 8 in 1Nail Therapy Professional Vitamin Booster.
  • Characteristics: bottle capacity - 12 ml. Ingredients - water, hydrolyzed soy protein, panthenol, propylene glycol, methyl paraben, natural argan and sunflower oils, triethanolamine, paraffin.
  • Pros: fast and effective restoration of brittle nails, prolongs the durability of colored manicure, optimal price-quality ratio.
  • Cons: None found.

The Lambre brand product is designed for soft, exfoliating and bending nails. The composition helps to make the plate elastic and elastic:

  • Name: Lambre No. 17 Strengthening Conditioner With Silk.
  • Characteristics: contains natural silk protein, powerful plasticizers, citric acid for whitening.
  • Pros: promotes effective regeneration, protection against delamination, improves the stability of decorative varnish, nourishes the nail plate.
  • Cons: None found.

Antifungal varnishes

Fungal infections can lead to nail problems. The treatment coating Loceryl will help to cope with the disease:

  • Title: Loceryl.
  • Characteristics: the active ingredient - amorolfine, is available in bottles of 2.5 ml, 5 ml.
  • Pros: effective up to 10 days after application, is active against dermatophytes, yeasts and molds.
  • Cons: can not be used in case of individual intolerance, side effects are possible, high price.

Oflomil-lacquer is a medicine intended for the treatment of fungus. Qualitative changes in the state of the plate can be detected after the first application:

  • Name: Oflomil-lacquer.
  • Characteristics: therapeutic coating that destroys fungal infections of the nail leaf due to the action of amorolfine. The volume of the bottle is 2.5 ml.
  • Pros: rapid penetration of medicinal substances into the nail structure, low price, no need for frequent application, used for preventive purposes.
  • Cons: Side effects can rarely occur.

The price of medical nail polish

A manicure base with healing properties can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered in an online store (free delivery is often provided in Moscow and St. Petersburg). The cost of a medical basis depends on its qualities and the manufacturer. Prices for bases for strengthening and restoring the nail sheet vary from 200 to 500 rubles. Specialized drugs designed to treat fungal infections will cost more. Such medicines cost from 800 to 2000 rubles.

How to choose medicated nail polish

Before you buy a drug that has a therapeutic effect, you need to read the information on the label, which indicates the expiration date and composition. The choice should be made based on the specific problem that needs to be eliminated. Experts give the following recommendations:

  • Coating with calcium is suitable for giving strength to soft nails. It is important to remember that in using such a foundation, you need to take short breaks.
  • If the nail sheet exfoliates, give preference to strengthening bases with proteins, camphor, plant extracts (wheat, calendula).
  • Varnishes with vitamins E, C, A, group B will help to cope with brittleness and tarnishing. A plus is the presence of healing oils of orange, olive, jojoba.
  • If irregularities are found on the nail plate, purchase coatings containing talc, silk proteins. These components will help fill in the damage.
  • Look for products with narrow spectrum labels. Experts believe that specialized coatings will do their job better than universal ones.
  • Only a doctor can prescribe antifungal varnishes, since it is important to take into account the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen.
