How to pick your things. The perfect basic wardrobe. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl.

Tired of keeping up with fashion trends every season and changing things? If you want to look stylish every day and still be fashionable, use a little trick. It is used by all women of fashion in the world. They form a basic wardrobe that remains unchanged for several seasons, and in order to add freshness to the image and fashion, they acquire a few bright, accent pieces.

Making up the basic wardrobe of a modern woman

Ready to go shopping for new clothes? Take your time, first we will audit your closet. Most likely, it already has several items that will take pride of place in the base set. Otherwise, you will have to “spend” too much, and this is not included in our plans, because we want to pamper ourselves with fashionable novelties and extraordinary accessories.

Remember, the basic set of things in your wardrobe is UNIVERSAL! But for each lady, it is individual and made in a certain stylistic framework.

Don't know where to start? Answer a few questions:

  • What style of clothing do you prefer? Which one suits yours?
  • Do you work in an office? What kind of activity is your specialty related to? What status are you trying to maintain?
  • Do you often have to attend social events, parties and restaurants?
  • What shades and colors suit you?
  • What season of the year do you make the main set of things?

The more accurately you answer these questions, the easier it will be for you to choose things for the basic set. Then it remains to learn how to combine them with each other and form “bows”.

And unique cosmetics based on natural ingredients will help you bring your image to perfection!

Means for the care of eyes, lips, facial skin can work wonders. Moreover, these cosmetics are made on plant extracts, they are suitable for fashionistas with sensitive skin.

What color should the basic wardrobe be?

Do you know what task the set-base things should solve? That's right: they should be suitable for daily wear, in harmony with each other. And how to give the image freshness and originality? Pick up accessories: shoes, scarves, bags, jewelry, straps. Thanks to the bright elements, you will look fresh every day. Therefore, the main rule for choosing clothes is that it should be pastel discreet shades and colors.

Why? Imagine that you have chosen a bright original designer suit as the main one, and you will combine it with different blouses, skirts, trousers. Your costume will be 100% remembered, everyone will notice it, and then in the future, even if you wear blouses of different colors, everyone will get the impression that you are wearing the same costume! And, if it is the other way around: a classic suit combined with bright blouses will be remembered and others will decide that you put on a new outfit every day!

Basic wardrobe items can be made in a palette of 3 shades: classic light dark plus accent bright color.

  • Dark color is the basis of the base wardrobe. This is wet asphalt, black, dark shades of green and blue. The dark color scheme is suitable for a coat, poncho or jacket. The same color can be suits, trousers, skirts. You can add several accessories here: a bag, shoes and a belt.
  • Light shades are designed for blouses, shirts and T-shirts. They are suitable for forming evening dresses, jackets and jumpers.
  • Bright shades. They are used for accessories and things that allow you to focus on the outfit: ties, jackets, scarves, tops, blouses. Bright clothes will give personality to the outfit, and it is also a way to draw attention to yourself and stand out from the crowd. For office and business environments, a bright palette is not suitable; conservative shades are most applicable for them.

All the basic wardrobe for a woman has already been studied, you can begin to form it. What exactly will settle for a long time in the closet of a fashionista? What things will gain the status of basic?

Shall we make a basic wardrobe?

Basic wardrobe, what is it in a nutshell? This is the foundation on which the stylish image of a woman is built. It is like a set of products from which several different dishes are prepared. A well-formed wardrobe will determine your image, it will tell others about the type of your activity, your values ​​and preferences.

According to the designers, 70% of the closet space is occupied by basic, simple things, and the remaining 30 are accentuated, bright items. They will help to make a variety of ensembles, sets, holiday and weekday outfits. So, what does a fashionista have in the closet in the first place? And how to make a basic wardrobe of a woman?

What things form the basic women's wardrobe

The main set of clothes is aimed at a girl, a business or active lifestyle, who strives to be fashionable and stylish. Stick to the above rules and you will look elegant on weekdays, holidays, at a party and on vacation. Have you built a basic wardrobe? It remains to learn how to combine things and make “bows” in order to win the status of an irresistible beauty!

A basic wardrobe is one of the simplest and most ingenious ideas in the fashion world. It allows you to solve the problems of "Nothing to wear" and "I don't even want to think about what to wear" in one fell swoop.

In fact, this is a set of classic (and, as a rule, not at all expensive) things that are combined both with each other and with any clothes.

5 important rules for choosing a basic wardrobe

They will allow you not to spend money on beautiful slag that will settle on the shelves or hangers of your closet for years.

1. Things should fit your lifestyle

The basic wardrobe should first of all be psychologically comfortable. So that you can almost without looking combine clothes and shoes and get a stylish and comfortable look.

If you are an athlete or a young mother, it is unlikely that your basic things will be a tight pencil skirt and stilettos. If you are a business person, it is not at all a fact that you will be comfortable even in the most fashionable torn and sneakers.

In general, do not spend money on something that does not match your attitude.

2. Things should be such that you can wear them right now

If you say to yourself: “What if I am invited to a business meeting and I need this suit? ..” - you are deceiving yourself. If you think: “What if I lose five kilos and these trousers sit on me magically?” You are fooling yourself again.

It's not that there will be no business meetings in your life or that you will never lose weight. Perhaps they will. Perhaps one day you will really be slender with.

The problem is that by then you will have changed. And it’s not at all a fact that magically shrunken trousers will bring you joy.

3. Things should be of a suitable style for you, not fashionable

For a basic wardrobe, this is especially important. Fashion passes, but classic universal things remain.

Buy what looks best on your figure: it emphasizes the necessary, and hides the unnecessary. You can always add a fashionable zest along with the help of.

4. Things must be made of quality materials

A basic wardrobe is something that will last you at least a few seasons. Therefore, pay attention to the fabric: it should be such that it can withstand the most active wear.

5. Each new thing should be combined with at least three old ones.

If you cannot imagine these combinations right away, it is better to refuse the purchase.

11 things for a basic wardrobe

You don't have to buy everything: follow the rules above and don't waste money on something you don't need or won't fit.

But still, it is desirable that at least 7-8 of the items listed below be in your closet. Only in this case will you be able to construct images from them for every day so as not to be repeated at least for a week.

Naturally, the choice of options for women is somewhat wider. If you are a man, so be it, you can refuse a dress and a pencil skirt. Go.,,

Hardly any other thing can compete with it in terms of universality. A white shirt will suit any bottom: at least to a relaxed denim, even to the strictest business one.

White has many shades: alabaster, milk, cream, pearl. No need to focus on white. Match your shirt to the color of your tooth enamel and (optionally) the whites of your eyes. Clothing should not be much whiter, otherwise visually it will make your smileand your eyes slurred.

What to buy:,,

Even a few! These get dirty quickly, so it's good if you have a fresh replacement in your closet.

As for the choice of color, the same recommendation applies here as in the case of a shirt: it should match the color of the teeth and whites.

What to buy:

  • A set of two men's Dsquared Underwear T-shirts, 6,499 rubles →,,

A classic turtleneck is an alternative to a T-shirt on a cool day. Choose natural, breathable materials and neutral colors.

It is important that she is not skin-tight. A tight-fitting model, firstly, may overemphasize the not-so-appetizing features of your shoulders and. Secondly, there will be no room for air under it, which means that on cool days, a turtleneck will not be able to warm you.

What to buy:

Choose any model in which you feel comfortable. But keep in mind: basic jeans should have the most simple cut without pronounced embellishments and accessories.

Ideal colors are classic indigo and blue, as well as any dark shades of blue.

What to buy:,,

Ideal - black or dark gray. They will allow you to create a strict look, even if you choose a relaxed top.

Pants tend to stretch at the knees and buttocks. To prevent this from happening soon, choose high-quality materials with as little elastane as possible.

What to buy:,

The pencil allows you to “draw” a feminine silhouette, emphasizing the curve of the waist and hips and stretching (due to the selection of the landing height) the figure.

Modern of this cut, unlike strict predecessors, are universal. They are often sewn from well-stretching materials. Therefore, even despite the tight fit, they do not hinder movement.

In addition, it is possible to choose from two options: tapered downwards and straight. Straight fit for those who are used to looser clothing.

Cold dark shades are ideal for a base pencil: black, graphite, navi ... They are slimming.

What to buy:,,

Little black has long become a meme and even become boring, but this does not negate its versatility. This model is suitable for the office and for a cocktail party.

Small does not mean ultra-short. The optimal length of such an outfit is approximately to the knee. A little higher or lower - choose based on the characteristics of your figure and personal preferences.

What to buy:,,

Ideal for chilly days. However, even in the most intense it is nice to wrap yourself in something soft and warm.

What to buy:,,

Another important element of the wardrobe for the cool season. Choose a relaxed fit and neutral colors.

Wardrobe full - nothing to wear? :-)

In 90% of cases, this phenomenon is associated with the inability of girls to buy the right basic things.

Almost everyone knows how to dress nice and uncomfortable...

And also comfortable and ugly.

And almost no one understands how to dress beautifully in casual and comfortable clothes.

You may not believe it, but this problem is solved in one minute! You just need to rethink your approach to shopping, get out of your head everything you read about gray and black basic things and find out what a modern “basic wardrobe” is.

How to make a basic wardrobe?

Most girls take a chaotic approach to shaping their wardrobe. Someone flips through fashion glossy magazines every day in search of ideals, someone looks with inspiration at mannequins in shop windows, someone buys only those things that they saw on fashion bloggers and celebrities and copies their bows.

However, it is not enough to “peep” exactly how this blouse or trousers “sit” on a model, blogger or mannequin, it is important to then combine these emotional purchases with something else from the variety of clothes that have accumulated in the closets.

And here the most interesting begins... It turns out that this blouse is ideal only for these trousers... Together they are a true masterpiece! And separately - they do not look at all and are not combined with any things. But this skirt cannot find a pair at all ... And another 10 blouses fit only one pair of trousers, while the other 10 pairs of trousers hang dead weight.

In an incomprehensible way, the wardrobes of young mothers are filled with office sheath dresses, and the wardrobes of office workers are filled with cocktail dresses. And the rest of the girls live in a gray-black "captivity", because they have read stupid articles about the fact that the basic wardrobe consists of things in black and gray ...

We start from scratch!

The variability of your wardrobe largely depends on the number of basic things. They also have a sense of comfort.

Under the basic things, almost all girls understand “gray or black things”, “things of neutral tones”, one of the Clients said: “the base is what I can’t live without - floor-length dresses and heels!” :-)

Of course, each of us has our own preferences, our own already formed views and beliefs.

Let's define the concept of "basic things"!

Basic things are things of a simple cut.

Basic stuff Extra stuff

The key feature of basic things is their versatility. They are perfectly combined with each other. After all, would you also like ALL your things and accessories to be combined with each other? And it's possible :-)

Things that don't fit into the basic format are often very difficult to mix together. These are "raisins" - additional things. They can “shout out” each other with a variety of colors, sparkles, ruffles, complex decor, incongruous styles…

And more and more time is taken by our everyday thinking over the image: “Is it possible ..?”, “But didn’t I go too far?”, “Doesn’t it look too elegant ..?”.

Additional things are difficult to combine with each other due to their originality and decorativeness (complex cut, print, etc.)

Basic things are perfectly combined with each other, due to their simplicity and neutrality.

The base goes well with additional things ("raisins").

Making the usual emotional shopping, we can pass by a simple but well-fitting jumper (“well, for something to pay here ..?!”) and bring home an elegant blouse with three rows of frills (here it’s not a pity for such a then give the beauty of money. :-)

Believe me, we are not unfoundedly asserting this. Proven by 14 years of practice and thousands of wardrobes in which we put things in order and created harmony. When out of an abundance of unusual, boldly decorated items, I draw the Client's attention to an ordinary, at first glance, basic dress, the right sweater or stylish simple trousers, many at first get lost ... and don't understand why I'm giving them a compliment.

Now think about how many times you can "walk" a memorable skirt / blouse / blouse / dress ..? Well, one, two, three, maybe ... And that's all ... Everyone you know remembered the thing and you got tired and you don't want to put it on again and again. Let's go to the store for a new portion of "raisins"! There is NOTHING to wear again!!!

And most of the "highlights" are not used at all, but hang in the closet for years, because the hostess has no idea what to combine these things with! But the "treasure" was bought and added to the home collection #don't know what to wear.

And here comes the time to appreciate the indispensability of basic things. They are neutral, they are comfortable, they are casual. They are 100% compatible with each other, and they also need to be combined with “raisins” so as not to overdo it and not look too elegant in broad daylight. It is the basic wardrobe that will become the basis for many everyday and festive looks! And it will never become outdated or out of fashion and will not become irrelevant and hackneyed in two months. And these are the things you can wear with your eyes closed, in a hurry, on the run, and so on. They always harmoniously complement each other and it is impossible to make a mistake with them.

The right basic things MUST BE COLORED!

In this case, you will have a beautiful and comfortable wardrobe! There is only one problem - most girls do not know how to combine colors and do not allow themselves to buy colored things, because they do not know how to combine them with each other. Let's add more problems with understanding the fit, choosing the cut and styles of things. And also, let's not discount the belief that has taken root in the minds of many that everyday things cannot be beautiful and comfortable at the same time.

A whole bunch of problems turns out! And the result is the same - there is nothing to wear, nothing likes, nothing sits, nothing goes, there is no mood and the money is again wasted :(

And all from what? From ignorance!

Is this a problem? Of course not! After all, you can learn how to combine colors and shades, choose things according to your figure, create a basic wardrobe that suits your name and wear everyday things in style, you can INDIVIDUALLY learn in my online school on the Basic course from anywhere in the world at a convenient time for you :)

All of us, both women and men, periodically ask ourselves how to dress beautifully and correctly. At the same time, you need to create a wardrobe from scratch in such a way that it can be fashionable, businesslike, and at the same time practical. Thoughts such as “Do I look attractive” or similar thoughts often lead us to buy things we don’t really need, which then hang in the closet unnecessarily for years. Some of our inner doubts and insecurities are often an obstacle in choosing the right clothes.

The difference between a basic and capsule wardrobe

How, after all, is it right to make your wardrobe yourself, what to be guided by, what should be taken into account in order to avoid unnecessary purchases and inappropriate costs? That's about it, the most painful for many women, we'll talk today.

Initially, it is necessary to draw a line between two similar but different concepts: basic and capsule types of wardrobe. What are the main differences:

A basic wardrobe is a certain minimum set, usually of a classic cut, with which you can create several (up to ten) different looks for every day.

A capsule wardrobe is also a set of things for creating looks, only in this case the looks are already completed and made up so that things from the “capsule” cannot be used for another look. Therefore, we can conclude that the basic wardrobe is more profitable than the capsule one.

But in the basic wardrobe there may also be one or two capsules, say, evening looks.

Action plan

First of all, it is worth working out a clear plan of your actions. As a result, you will be able to save your time and money. You need to decide on the purpose of purchases, which makes it possible to understand why you actually need this or that new thing. Some reasons can serve as a need to buy a new thing: weight change in one direction or another, a change in job, seasonal purchases, changes in lifestyle, and much more. All this has a huge impact on us, forcing us to make changes in our appearance. If a person gets from one environment of communication to another, respectively, under the influence of a new environment, his tastes, his view of fashion may change. It would be nice to decide on the style that is most preferable for you. But, if this is difficult to do, give preference to the classics or the English style.

The second life of old things

Before going shopping for new clothes, it will not be superfluous to carefully review the filling of your closet, which can help in buying a new thing. By doing this process, you may stumble upon a thing that you have never worn. Realizing that it is of excellent quality, has not yet gone out of fashion, suits you, that it can be combined with other things and enjoy wearing it for a long time, you may refuse to spend extra money.

Turning on fantasy, you can experiment with accessories for it, pick up a handbag, scarf, perhaps something from jewelry. Throw away uncertainty and fantasize, dilute bright colors with calmer ones, combine them with each other, and then your old things will again find a new life and sparkle with new colors. By changing parts of different sets of clothes with each other, you can create a unique image, catching the admiring glances of passers-by. Undoubtedly, any person in the closet has a couple of things that are absolutely unnecessary to him, which only uselessly take up space, and their wear time has long expired. Boldly, without any regret, get rid of them.

We buy new things

Before you buy a new thing, you need to carefully examine yourself in the mirror, objectively assessing the advantages and disadvantages of your figure. A huge rarity when the proportions are perfect. An honest look at yourself will allow you to figure out what is worth emphasizing and what, on the contrary, should be hidden, masking the flaws of your own body. This is where self-esteem plays a big role. For some, it is too low, which makes it difficult to emphasize their attractive sides. People with high self-esteem often tend to overestimate the dignity of their figure, which is a disadvantage in choosing the right clothes.

Another of the important steps in the proper preparation of a wardrobe for a girl is the correct selection of the size. A thing that is not chosen in size can completely spoil the appearance of a person, disfiguring his figure. In the event that the purchased item is not cut to fit and is smaller than your size, then your proportions will not look in the best light.

Too loose clothes can add a couple of extra pounds, looking baggy on you. It is easy to imagine that buying clothes that are not your size is fraught with a lot of disadvantages for you. The question immediately arises about its alteration: sewing, shortening, etc. Why create such problems for yourself? Having chosen the right size clothes for yourself, you will be happy to wear it and not spend extra money on altering it.

Arriving at the store, it is difficult to resist the temptation to buy the item you like, but take your time, you can ask the seller to put it aside so that you can review the contents of the closet again at home in order to understand whether it is worth buying. If the thing is very expensive, think about whether you can wear it next year. Doubts arise during the fitting? Most likely it is not your model. If you didn’t fall in love with this thing at first sight, then it’s better not to buy it at all. What is important to us? Feel stylish, confident and comfortable in the clothes that we choose for ourselves.

An important nuance in choosing things for the wardrobe is the color scheme and pattern. For example, clothes in dark shades will look better on women with a full figure, since dark colors always make you slim, and light colors, on the contrary, give fullness. Fat people should not wear clothes with horizontal stripes, as well as in a cage, but a vertical strip will give harmony.

You can give a few more tips for choosing blouses, jackets and blouses and some other types of clothing. In order to hide a rather voluminous chest, it is necessary to choose blouses with frills running vertically, as well as ruffles, with their help the silhouette becomes more elongated. Flowing material with a simple cut will create the same effect. And in order to visually enlarge small breasts, it is preferable to choose blouses with small folds, draperies, puffy collars, pockets on the chest. The fullness of the arms can be hidden by clothes with sleeves that are extended to the bottom. If you have a full tummy, then give preference to long blouses with a masculine style. Full hips can be hidden under a shirt or blouse that reaches the middle of the thighs; loose-fitting clothes are suitable for this purpose. Those with narrow shoulders are advised to buy clothes with shoulder pads.

This is just a small list of rules that will help you in drawing up a wardrobe, but this is not enough for a proper wardrobe.

A clear understanding of what things you should give up, what and what to combine with what, will do a good job in choosing the right clothes for your wardrobe.

It is also important to know what and where to wear. For example, it is unreasonable for women of age to wear short, tight-fitting tops to the office, from which sagging breasts are visible, jeans in a tight fit (especially torn ones), from which a flabby tummy hangs. It is worth giving up teenage clothes, because not only will they not make you look younger, but they will only put you in an unfavorable light in front of employees.

For going to work, there are many office clothing options. Without a doubt, there are skirts, blouses and jackets in your closet, even if they are not new, but taking into account our advice, you can skillfully combine them with each other using accessories for them.

A must have for any women's wardrobe

These things should be present in the wardrobe of any woman:

Small black dress

Black dresses in the basic wardrobe of many women are present for a reason. A universal black dress of a simple cut, without unnecessary decorations, interspersed with other colors, makes it possible to always go out. If you can only buy one dress, then let it be black. This will provide the ability to create dozens of different images by changing accessories, different combinations with a jacket, cardigans, boleros, stole, fur collars. Even a change of shoes with tights in combination with a black dress will give novelty and freshness to the whole look.

Dress Pants & Jeans

Pants of a classic cut will help out for any occasion, when a skirt or dress cannot be worn. Basic trousers can be gray, beige, but black will be preferable, as they adorn and slim any girl.

Every woman has jeans, but in the basic wardrobe you need to get jeans that will make you look just fine.

Now skinny jeans with a low waist are in fashion, but this style does not decorate everyone, therefore, as the main element of the wardrobe, you need a pair with straight legs, a medium fit. These jeans make it easier to pick up the top.

Dress shirt and top

If you think a white shirt is boring, then imagine the sheer number of wardrobe items you can pair it with! A classic shirt must be in the basic wardrobe of every girl who wants to look stylish and elegant. The main thing is to choose the shirt that will emphasize your strengths, and also will not stick out your flaws.

Every woman in her basic wardrobe should have a versatile top that will look good on its own, take on a respectable look with a jacket and be combined with jeans, a skirt. In such a top, you can hold a business meeting, then come to a family celebration, then take a walk in a nightclub with friends. At the same time, you will look stylish and unsurpassed everywhere.

daily dress

A dress in a neutral color like gray or beige is perfect for a work or casual setting. Having such a dress in your basic wardrobe, you will avoid repeated repetition of the “pants-skirt” cycle at work in the office, as well as endless jeans in everyday life. Wearing it only a couple of times a week, you will experience a pleasant variety.

Skirt and jacket

A feminine skirt is suitable for a variety of situations, it can be flirty or business, so it is also desirable to have it in the basic wardrobe. For example, if you are not an office worker or there is no strict dress code at work, then you can purchase a basic classic denim skirt.

The jacket should be chosen carefully, it should not be masculine or emphasize figure flaws. An incorrectly chosen jacket can visually increase the shoulders. Choose the model that perfectly emphasizes your curves and repeats the waist line. The length of the jacket must be selected individually, it can correct the shortcomings: with a short torso, choose a jacket that will reach the buttocks (this is also suitable for those who have a lower part that is smaller than the upper one), if your waist is not very pronounced, then choose a short fitted jacket . Blazers are a must in any basic wardrobe for the simple reason that they go with trousers, skirts, jeans, dresses, shirts, tops.

Trench coat and cardigan

Trench coat (trench coat) is a double-breasted raincoat that has an average length. Trench coats can be short or maxi-length. This thing must be present in the basic wardrobe, because classic trench coats will never go out of style. It is ideal in the off-season, when the weather is not settled, it can be combined with any clothing. Moreover, the trench coat is a very comfortable and versatile item that you can wear anywhere.

Instead of a trench coat, you can purchase a sweater, everything will depend on your personal preferences, however, every girl should have a similar basic classic, warm, elegant piece of clothing.

It is better to purchase a classic button-down cardigan, which has a medium length, which can be worn over a shirt, top or on its own.

He will be able to help you out in cold weather or on a fresh spring evening.

Classic pumps

These shoes are a must have in your wardrobe. It is desirable that there are two types of it: boats for the evening (black, with high heels made of leather, patent leather or nubuck, which are matched with an evening clutch bag made of the same material) and for every day (preferably beige with low heels with matched under them with accessories, say, a handbag, a scarf, gloves or a belt).

The importance of such shoes cannot be underestimated. They make the leg visually narrower and slimmer, never look massive and fit almost any style of clothing.

Mandatory accessories

Accessories occupy not the last place in the creation of style. These are shoes, and a variety of jewelry, as well as a hairstyle and your mood, which reflects the state of mind. All this together creates a unique image. If you walk in the same strict suit for ten days in a row, but add to it every day, then a new handbag, then a scarf, complement it with different shoes, etc., then others will create the opinion that you are dressed today completely different, not like yesterday, every day - a new outfit.

Do not forget that shoes are a very important part of our wardrobe. She needs to pay special attention, it is not worth saving here. You may be wearing an inexpensive blouse or trousers, but the shoes must be perfect. It is not recommended to wear it for more than four days in a row, because. frequent wear can worsen its condition and adversely affect the health of the legs.

When choosing any clothes for your wardrobe, pay attention to its quality. The fabric should not be stretched and have a faded tint, the seams should be neat and even, flawlessly processed. In order to check the product for defects, you should fold it in half, this will help make sure it is symmetrical.

A joke about women's wardrobe has long been wandering around the Internet: "Sometimes I think that I will need half of the things in case I go crazy." As you know, in every joke there is some truth, and a true woman understands this very well. We constantly run around the malls and shopping centers in search of an "interesting little thing." And the saddest thing is that we find it, bring it home and do not know what to do with it next. Such a disorganized approach to shopping results not only in the loss of money, but also in dissatisfaction with their appearance. How to find a way out of this sad situation? The answer has long been known to stylists - you need to create a basic wardrobe (you will find a photo of the options for things in our article). Purchasing a small amount of necessary things will help to avoid confusion in the closet, save money and allow you to always stay on top.

Basic wardrobe - what is it

A woman of any age strives to look attractive. Quite often, she believes that the brighter and more original her things, the better. Therefore, the phrase "basic wardrobe" makes many longing. Usually the imagination draws black and gray dull things that are more suitable for old women than for bright and active ladies. In fact, this is a delusion, and one's position on this issue should be urgently changed.

A properly selected fashionable wardrobe, despite its modesty, allows you to appear before others in a new look every day. Its main feature is the "three things" rule. This means that each item must match at least three others. For example, a white blouse is easy to pair with a skirt, trousers, and jeans, while a dress looks great with a jacket, shawl, and raincoat. Thus, having only 15 or 20 things at your disposal, you can surprise colleagues and friends with new images.

What to do with old clothes

Every zealous housewife tries to preserve high-quality and expensive clothes, even if they are hopelessly outdated and out of fashion long ago. Mezzanines, pantries and country houses are filled with bales of luggage for years, and their mistresses continue to hope that someday the inheritance will come in handy for someone. Agree, this picture is familiar to many firsthand. How to avoid the development of such a situation?

The “three things” rule comes to the rescue again: after buying a new wardrobe item, you should get rid of three old things. The rule must be strictly observed, and unnecessary rubbish must be mercilessly thrown away.

An audit in the wardrobe must be carried out every season, and it is better to do it in a bad mood - then there will be more chances to free your apartment without turning it into a warehouse of old junk. There is an easy way to understand that an item will never be worn again: if it has not been used for a year, it is unlikely to be needed in the future.

So, when unnecessary rarities begin to leave our lives, it means that it's time to create the basic wardrobe of a modern woman. Let's take a look at what it includes.

The dress

Each new weekend dress results in a pretty penny for its owner. When going to a holiday, a woman usually chooses an outfit that cannot be worn in everyday life. And the original or designer thing is not cheap at all. Add to this the services of a hairdresser, makeup artist, beautician, a trip to a shoe store - and we get an impressive amount spent for one evening. The realization that colleagues at the corporate party watched the triumph of the beauty for no more than ten minutes, as they quickly switched to strong drinks and snacks, does not stop her from repeating the mistake. Why repeat? Yes, because not a single woman will agree to appear in the same dress on the next holidays. And now you have to run to the store again, leaving the old outfit to become obsolete in the closet.

So isn't it better to get a basic dress and use it both in everyday life and at a gala event? Good jewelry, a clutch, a jacket or a stole will change the image of a lady beyond recognition, and with the money saved you can please yourself with more rational things that will decorate everyday life.

Pants and jeans

Should be comfortable and sit perfectly on the female figure. Of course, a classic cut is welcome, but the length can be 7/8 - this is already a matter of taste. There can be many models in the wardrobe, but one pair should match the classic style and be in black or navy blue.


A white blouse is an indispensable thing that can favorably present its owner in any life situation. However, it is worth remembering that boiled white shades should be avoided. This is due to the color of the teeth, which are snow-white only in the advertising of the paste. In life, everything is much more prosaic, and the bright color of the blouse will only emphasize the flaws in the tooth enamel.


The fitted and well-fitting jacket can be combined with a lot of items from the basic wardrobe. It looks great with a dress, skirt and trousers, and also does not contradict the strict office dress code. If you manage to successfully combine a jacket with jeans, you can create a democratic option for Sunday outings in society.


Every modern woman is obliged to think over the basic wardrobe for autumn and winter in order to remain on top in all situations. Therefore, you need to pay attention to a raincoat or trench coat of a classic cut. Classic lines of outerwear will always favorably emphasize any figure. Plus, they never go out of style.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are afraid to show their main feature - femininity. They enjoy watching fashion shows, but are afraid to try on beautiful stylish things. You can often hear from them: "It's too expensive and it's not for me." But such ladies easily buy themselves a bunch of multi-colored T-shirts that do not paint the figure. So maybe it's better to refrain from wasting money and afford one good coat?

All these very different things of the basic wardrobe are united by one feature - the absence of conspicuous details. They should not be decorated with rhinestones, fringes or embroidery. Accessories also should not amaze others with their size or brilliance; jewelry is used for this purpose. Original and designer items that every woman should have in service will help to express her individuality. However, you do not need to buy them on an industrial scale, it is enough if they make up 20-30% of the entire wardrobe.

Woman's age

When buying basic clothing, you must also consider the age of the lady. No need to explain that the basic wardrobe of a woman of 40 will be very different from the basic wardrobe of a schoolgirl. Let's note the main differences.

young girl

She is always on the move - you can meet her in a club, in a park, in a library, and you never know where else! And this means that her clothes should be easily transformed for any occasion. Consider the basic wardrobe of a student girl.

adult lady

The woman has already achieved a lot in life, earned the respect of her colleagues and is in good standing with her superiors. This means that she can afford a fairly expensive basic wardrobe. We will voice only the most necessary things.

Men's basic wardrobe

Every true woman should think not only about her appearance, but also about her life partner. How often men are mistaken, considering the basic wardrobe as a purely female prerogative. And if the husband turned out to be from this category of men, you should take his fashionable transformation into your own hands. Then, perhaps, his career will go up sharply, and with it his income will increase.

What you need to know about the basic wardrobe of a man? Conventionally, it can be divided into two parts: clothes for work and clothes for free time.

Part one - office dress code

  • Shirts - if your job is to communicate with people, then you must always look neat and fresh. Therefore, shirts should not be less than seven and each of them should be correctly sized. Remember: if you want to keep a thing for a long time, do not wear it all the time.
  • Suits - at least two (light and dark), you can also add one more for special occasions. It is important to know that the bottom of the suit wears out faster than the top, so it will be useful to stock up on a pair of identical trousers.
  • Ties - one for each working day. Unfortunately, for men, a tie is one of the few means of self-expression in a strict office life. So, you should take this issue seriously.
  • Bag - maybe one, but look chic. You can not save on accessories, as they demonstrate the status and taste of a man.
  • Outerwear - a raincoat for autumn and a coat for the cold season. These items should be gray or black and have a classic cut.

Part two - clothes for free time

At first glance, it may seem that the basic men's wardrobe is too extensive. However, it fits perfectly, with the exception of outerwear, in a 20-kilogram suitcase. And this means that you can go on a trip fully prepared for any surprises. A woman's basic wardrobe seems even bigger. But this is not at all scary, since the lady does not need to take it with her in full size. No self-respecting female will refuse such entertainment as shopping abroad. And now that she is armed with knowledge of the basic wardrobe, her purchases will be meaningful and bring a lot of joy.