How to spend the first date with a girl? Date - how to make it unforgettable and romantic

The girl is a very responsible event, since further relations depend on it. So what to do to like the girl, how to dress, what to say, where to invite the selected? This will be discussed in the article.

The question that arises from the young business is to go with a girl on the first date. In principle, you can go to any institution, but the choice will depend on many factors: your finance, the lifestyle of the girl, season and free time. For the first date it is better to choose calm places that will allow you to talk. To invite the girl immediately to the club is not worth it. It is best to stop the choice in the park, movie and many other places.

It is also important to take into account the degree of own freeness. If you are usually shy in the presence of a girl, then the trip to the restaurant can become a real torture. And the date will be doomed to failure. In this case, the cafe is better to leave to complete the meeting, when the contact will be well established.

The selection of the place will depend on your chosen preferences. If she prefers fun, then hike in the opera is likely to be appreciated. On the contrary, if your girl is very calm and read, and also does not like noisy parties, karaoke bar can upset her and spoil her mood. Other options for the first date can be attractions, circus, festival, skating rink, horseback riding, zoo and even a picnic. If you choose it's very difficult, ask where to go your companion.

If you are going to the first date with a girl, much attention should be paid to appearance. It follows from where the date will go. A classic triple is suitable for the restaurant. You can also confine ourselves to pants and shirt to feel more comfortable. In any case, the jacket should be unbuttoned, since the wardrobe element speaks about the openness of the person. If you chose a picnic in the park, then jeans will be appropriate, but everything should be neat and clean. Clothes are best choosing calm and dark tones, which will act on the girl soothing. In addition, many girls do not like bright shirts.

From you on a date it should be easy to smell perfume. In no case should not smoke before a date, since many girls do not put the smell of tobacco. The fragrance of perfume should also be only slightly catchy.

And, going to the first date with a girl, do not forget about the flowers. Collective colors will depend on the age of your chosen. But remember that if you plan to a long walk, the bouquet should not be very large. And you should immediately purchase small water tanks that are put on flowers. They are almost invisible, but will allow you to save a bouquet.

There are also several uncomplicated rules related to behavior. In no case can only be late for girls. It is equally important to try to be yourself and calm down. It is clear that you will be worried, but remember that if the girl agreed to date, everything is very good for you. To behave friendly and calmly. Best of all, if the first date from a young man will proceed with energy from both each other, and not at all from the lustful male.

Many young people are worried about what should be told on a date. If you know something about your girlfriend, it is worth talking on her interests. At the same time, try to brag about your own achievements as much as possible. So that the first date with the girl was successful, it is necessary to pay more attention to her, her interests, do not forget to make subtle compliments to your companion, but it should not be frankly flattered to her.

After completion, the date is required to hold a girl to the house. Of course, if she is not against such a gesture. And remember that calling a girl is not in a week, but the next day to ask how she is doing and even invite to the second date, because now you know how to spend the first date with a girl. And you will definitely not refuse the next meeting.

Usually most dates pass according to the standard scenario - a walk through the streets of the city, a trip to the cinema, a visit to the cafe. At the very beginning of relations, even such meetings bring a lot of emotions and impressions, but over time they are getting used to them and there is no trace of feelings. If this happened and with your pair or if you want to impress a new acquaintance, it's time to organize an unusual date that you cannot forget about for a long time.

First date

One of the main problems of any first date is a feeling of stiffness. When people completely or absolutely do not know each other, overcome it is very difficult. It is hard to choose a common topic for conversation, find the right line of behavior. Certain a properly organized first date will help to cope with such a problem. If you all think well and plan so that the question did not arise what to do on a date - your meeting will surely go well.

First of all, it is necessary to refuse to visit places in which you have nothing to do. These include such ideal, but only at first glance, places for dates as a cafe and restaurant. Think what you will do there? You will have to talk about something constantly. Of course, if you are with a man's delicate souls and you have a lot of common, it's not a problem interesting for two themes. However, this happens not so often. In most cases, when conversing unfamiliar people, especially if they are worried, the conversations go to a dead end, there are many embarrassing pauses.

Then where to invite to the first date, the person liked? In fact, the choice is not so small. For example, you can go bowling. This game likes almost everyone, but even newcomers will be able to master it pretty quickly. In addition, the bowling club is a public institution, so you do not have to stay alone with an unfamiliar person, which can sometimes be unsafe.

Another good idea for a date - visiting master class. Joint work very brings together people, and this is one of your goals. Master classes can pick up a wide variety. The manufacture of chocolate chocolates will be a good choice. Such a meeting will be held not only dynamically and fun, but also quite romantic.

You can also spend a date in the amusement park, dolphinariums, on Rollerrome. And for the meeting really managed and liked both, if it is possible, you should learn about the hobbies and preferences of your opponent.

How to arrange a romantic date

Sometimes I want to do a pleasant surprise for your second half. You definitely do not lose if you select a romantic date as it. It will make something new to your relationship, will help resume the former passion or add even more fire to only the flames of love.

It is not so difficult to organize a romantic date. It should be done with the preferences of your second half, because your ideas about romantics may well differ. For example, recommended by many glossy magazines, a roof dinner may be hopelessly spoiled if it turns out that your partner is afraid of heights. There are a lot of options, how to spend a romantic date. The ideas of some of them are extremely simple and will not require many effort from you. For the organization of others will have to thoroughly prepare and think over every little thing. Consider some interesting options:

  • Picnic in nature.You can spend it on the edge of the forest, the river bank and even in the field next to the hay. Beautiful landscapes and birds singing create an excellent romantic atmosphere and configure heart conversations.
  • Walk on the boat. Such a date can turn into a real romantic adventure. When it is planned, it will be necessary to take care of light snacks and fault.
  • Extreme date. Perfect option for active people. It can be an equestrian walk, cycling or skis, playing paintball, bungee-jumping, diving.
  • Karaoke club. If you have a good vocal data, prepare a music number (for this it is worth picking up a beautiful romantic song), then invite a partner to the karaoke club and spoil for him. Your efforts will certainly be assessed by merit.
  • Bath adoption. Perhaps someone such an idea of \u200b\u200ba date will seem banal, however, the adoption of the bath in the appropriate setting, has a magical impact on lovers. To spend such a date on the highest category, beware of candles, foam for bathtubs, a bottle of good wine or champagne, as well as fruit. In addition, rose petals and essential oils can be useful.
  • Sauna. If the girl suggests a date in the sauna, for a guy, it will probably become a very pleasant surprise.

In the creation of a romantic mood, the role is played by many, at first glance, minor trifles and even how to invite on a date. You can do this in different ways. For example, send a favorite beautiful postcard with an indication of the time in it and the meeting place. At the same time, it is not necessary to write it that it expects a romantic date at all, let him still be in the unknown, the surprise will be even more pleasant from this. You can notify an encounter using an intriguing SMS or email letters.

A good option is to just meet your half after work and under the pretext that you need help or support in any difficult matter (visit the sick aunt, to walk the dog's girlfriend, etc.) Take it to the place of date.

It is much more difficult to invite a person with whom you have little familiar. Here options are not so much. It is best to do this personally or using social networks. If you doubt that a person can answer your offer, try to raise the question in such a way that he cannot tell you unequivocally "no." For example, the phrase can be formulated like this: "I want to go with you in a cafe, make me a company." This question will have to give a more detailed answer than simply "no".

How to impress

Everyone wants on a date, and especially on the first, make the best impression. The way you will be perceived, depends right away from several factors - the appearance, behavior and ability to negotiate.

The folk wisdom, which stshes that they meet by clothes, no one canceled. Therefore, think carefully. Even if you are familiar with the partner for a long time and plan a date of the house, you do not need to meet it in Stopanted sneakers and a stated T-shirt. In this case, sexy clothes and erotic lingerie will be more appropriate. For meetings in public places, try to pick a beautiful and comfortable outfit. In addition, he must comply with the place of date. If it is planned, for example, in nature, stiletto shoes and the mini skirt will not be the best choice. And do not forget that in addition to the outfit, all the other components of the image should be in order -, makeup ,.

How often we hear from girls very unpleasant remarks to the men: "Where the real men were played, where romance, these men need only one ..." And everything in such a spirit.

Admit to honestly, young people, you have not yet been tired of it? Or maybe you yourself miss romance? In any case, you will have to take the initiative to your hands and organize a real ideal date!

We will give several effective useful tips on organizing a great date. We recommend that they adhere to not to get to see and take another step towards a real understanding of the romance and thinking girls.

True way

There is one truly true way to do everything as it should. Just imagine that you have moved at a time when the differences between a man and a woman were just colossal.

The difference in the floors was so great that neither a man nor a woman even tried to understand each other, but simply put up with the oddities of their second half. And then the morals were then much more stricter than now.

40, 50, 60 years ago ceremonies were a prerequisite for the beginning of the relationship. How could it be in love with a couple without them?

And the first step will simply invite a girl on a date. And it should be a date in the full sense of the word. This is not just a party, not just dinner together.

You must show that all your intentions are very serious, but at the same time clean. And the invitation, your first step, should already create the right mood of the upcoming event.

Important moments

When organizing a date, there is no smallest things, and the details are just happening. It is worth paying attention to not to disappoint your choices to any of your own or in a word.


Each date is a real holiday. And the first date is generally of paramount importance!

How do you dress for a holiday? It should be beautiful, stylish clothes. Sport or classic suit, jeans and a T-shirt - all this is not suitable. The question of its appearance costs to take care much more seriously.

Remember what they meet by clothes? So your chosen one will make primary analysis in your appearance already in the first three seconds of your meeting.

It is necessary to say that you have to do everything so that the girl puts you to evaluate "excellent" for the appearance. This also includes your nonsense, sweat smell, hairstyle, the presence of glasses and so on. You must think through your appearance.


Appointed time and place? Forget. The time must be: "Always ready," and the place: "At her house." You must call her.

But it does not mean that you have to get a car somewhere, rent it or ask for friends if it is not. You can limit the simple taxis. Naturally, it is worth paying attention to the image. The car should look presentable.

Arrival to her house will be accurately appreciated by the chosen. It is much better invited to the cafe, where you will wait for her battles half an hour no longer in a very sober state of boredom, and beat angry messages by phone. It is better to wait until it prepares for a date will make up, put your hair, even ate it will take a battle hour.

It is important to seem to her parents or neighbors and to meet a little. It will be enough to achieve the level of communication when they just recognize you on the street.

Bouquet of flowers

Modern young people belong to the colors very ambiguously. Nature lovers protest in every way, and ordinary men begin to scratch their heads in search of truth. Therefore, the best solution to pre-ask, what a girl loves flowers.

It may happen that she is generally against such gifts. And imagine how it would be nice when you bring her a small bouquet of her favorite colors.

To all this will be quite good to buy a small gift. This may be something completely insignificant, but romantic. So the girl will understand that you really matters this date. She is nice - it is useful for you. In addition, all purchased better leave at home when you send it. Drawing around the city with all this - not the best undertaking.


Do you know how to dance? No, we are not talking about a semi-seater, a stuffy and dirty basement or a club, where the intellectual music of the "Clea-Umka" is playing, so that the walls are walked. In your case, everything is much more complicated. Dance is not so difficult. Just spin enough, keeping at each other. But on the first date between you there must be a distance of decency.

At first glance, the idea seems to be failed. And if you start sailing at the stop to the music, sounding from the phone, well ... Maximum you will call laughter, and the girl will think that you just want to cheer it up. Not that effect, right? And therefore, find the place in the city where there is always a pleasant music and pairs are circling. Searches are not always crowned with success, but it will be a big plus for you.

Good boy

Be sure to ask permission to do something. With one reservation. If you want to drag your choices in bed, you don't need to ask her about it. This is generally a separate topic for conversation, leave it for later. But everything else will have to ask: "Can I kiss you?", "I'll call you tomorrow?", "Let's meet again?" etc.

Thus, you show that for you her opinion is very important, and at the same time you express my desires. Kill two hare in one shot!


The creative abilities of each person are unequal. And it is still gently told. Someone is not used to do something with their own hands. But in the case of a girl, any creativity will become an excellent tool for your convergence.

Do you write poems? Excellent! Write about it, and read in the evening before parting. Do you play musical instruments? Better! Any street musician for a modest fee will allow you to take advantage of your tool.

And here the borders are practically no. It is only important to show what you are distinguished from all the others than you deserve a special attitude towards yourself. Even if you do not own anything, the origami is suitable. The main thing is that your creation goes from the heart.

No distractions!

No mobile phones, tablets, laptops. All of this for a date you need to forget. Nothing should distract from her gaze, from her words and movements. If you flip the tape on a date, you have less chances for success. All this applies to conversations about work, about relationships with mom, dad, problems, and so on. In general, the whole negative will have to leave at home when you go on a date.

Talk about relationships

It is better to do this at the final stage of a date. Just ask if she wants relationships. So you formally fasten for yourself and for her the status of the "Love Couple". And it will not work so that she thinks you are visiting, and you just sleep with her from time to time.

Forget about sex

So we returned to this issue. Do not remember that sex should be on the first or third date. All this conventions. You get closer only when the time comes. If your goal is just to drag a beautiful girl in bed, then there is social networks, dating sites and other ways to do it quickly.


No matter how sad it is to admit it, but the romance really begins to be lost in modern fuss.

We forget about ordinary feelings, giving the main role simple mechanics, affairs, work and so indefinitely.

Maybe it's time to stop, look back and at least try to restore something beautiful in your heart?

Each romantic story is unique and beautiful in its own way. No and there can be no recommendations that would come to everyone without exception to pairs. But! It will never be superfluous to listen to the advice of the experienced and make something useful for themselves from someone else's experience. And even more so, if we are talking about such a trembling thing as the first date with a girl.

How to invite a girl on a date

Before thinking about what to do with a girl on need it, it is for started to organize. And this sometimes is the most difficult - because if the girl likes to truly, then the guy may interfere with such "swung enemies", like constraints, stiffness and fear. What if he refuses? It will be offended ... make fun ... This and other questions are able to weaken the most advanced macho, the heart of which is struck by the Amur arrow.

It is impossible to succumb. You need to dial more air in the chest and decide on the jump. True, it is not necessary to jump into the pool with heads at all and not even desirable. It is better to act gently and thoughtfully.

If the girl has already been posing in the soul, it means, most likely, the fact of acquaintance with her already had a place. Perhaps communicated in the company or in social networks, or even the subject of rehabilitation is a neighbor on the party at school. And this is a big plus. It would be much more difficult to invite a stranger on a date. And so it will only be necessary to translate the already established relationships to a new level.

Inviting a girl on a date, it is advisable to avoid the official. Questions: "Do you agree on a date with me?" Or "Will you be my bride?" It is better to leave the heroes of cheap films and old-fashioned novels. A modern young man during the usual conversation over the Internet or the phone will simply offer a familiar girl walking together. You can right now, and you can tomorrow - when it is more convenient.

Well, when there is any reason. For example: "There are two tickets for a concert or in a movie"; "I want to spend a veteran - you will go with me?"; "A new attraction opened in the park - let's try it together." And so on, and the like - options mass!

Such a soft offer will not embarrass the girl. And if the guy does not cause her negative feelings, she most likely agrees.

Getting ready for a date moral

When consent is received, it's time to think seriously about what to do with a girl for 1 date. Where to go (if, of course, it was not stipulated in advance), what to wear, what to say about what to surprise ... It goes without saying, it will not be possible to plan a date - this is not a control in mathematics to write. But certain "notes" are desirable.

The only thing that should not be done is to idealize the upcoming meeting and impose too much hopes on it. Rainbow expectations are rarely justified. Therefore, the advice of the experienced: "In order not to disappoint, it is better not to fascinate in advance." The wiser will put yourself a task-maximum - to study at least a little man liked and try to please him.

Where to go?

The place of date depends largely on personal preferences and from where they live. It is advisable to discuss the options in advance. What can they be?

  • A park.

Many people think what to do with a girl on the first date in the park absolutely nothing. That the park is old fashioned and uninteresting. And they are mistaken. After all, the purpose of the first date is to get to know each other, which means that there should be conditions for calm communication. The shop in the park is the perfect option. And beautiful alleys, rustling of leaves, chirping birds will create, will allow us to abstract from everyday problems and tune in to each other. In addition, modern parks are usually equipped with cafes, attractions and other entertainment facilities. Therefore, if you wish and the availability of features, a date program can be diversified.

  • Urban streets.

The guys from large cities are much easier to come up with what to do on the first date with a girl than their provincial "colleagues." After all, in the megalopolis so much interesting! You can just walk along the central streets, visit the souvenir shops, have a snack in the cafe, to participate in some street action, look into the museum, etc. Such a pastime, of course, leaves few opportunities for intimate conversations, but guarantees a lot of memories that will be Gray soul and make dream of a new meeting.

  • Date in a cafe.

Some guys do not want to especially bother with a question about what to do with a girl on the first date, IPLY invited Vkafe. An option, of course, interesting. It is possible to impress. Plus ready romantic environment (music, interior, wine glass, etc.). You can slightly hug a girl during slow dance ... But there are also cons. The same music will not give the opportunity to communicate normally. There may be misunderstandings on who will pay the "banquet" and so on. In addition, the campaign in the cafe obliges to a certain dress code, and one already can cause stiffness - especially among the representatives of the fine sex.

What to do on the first date with a girl in winter? Some Soviets

This item flows smoothly from the previous one and is a continuation. After all, in fact, options for a romantic meeting are very dependent on the season. And the problem is to do what to do on the first (1) date with a girl, in the cold season begins. And truth - you don't see much on the streets, you will not sit on the bench in the park ... so where to go?

Today, even small cities acquired entertainment centers, where you can sit in the cafe, and play bowling, and in general it is interesting to spend time, especially without having a question, what to do with a girl on the first date.

And in regional centers, the soul will definitely be found where to roast. An excellent option for active people - a rink or an artificial ski resort, which is no longer uncommon in many modern megalopolis. If there are no such facilities within reach, you can simply go skiing outside the city. And quite affordable, but at the same time a very romantic and fun pastime - skating on sledding, a game in snowballs, a joint smear of a snowman ... It will not be boring for sure, and touching memories of childhood greatly brings people.

In addition to such exclusively winter options in the cold season, universal: visit the cinema or theater, museum or exhibition, restaurant or nightclub.

You can simply invite a girl to spend time in your company. But only if there are other ladies there. In a purely men's team with beer, fish and football, a beautiful lady is most likely comes.

What to do on the first date with a teenage girl? Recommendations

As you know, love all ages are submissive. And not only in Shakespeare's times she overtook adolescents. If the selected is not even 16, inviting her to the first date, you need to take into account some nuances.

First of all, it should be remembered that it is about still in fact a child. And the children love everything bright and unusual. Therefore, when organizing a date, a creative approach should be in priority. This also applies to the meeting place, and its circumstances, and "CIDS", and everything else.

Most likely, no walking through the park, no evening in a cafe will make a special impression on a teenage girl, which, although I want to look like an adult, but more fun and entertainment in the depths of the soul, I want even more.

Various events are perfect for the first date as a place for the first date - the sensational exhibition, a presentation of a fashionable film, a concert of the favorite group and the like.

In general, on the first date with a very young girl it is better not to create conditions under which the couple would remain alone. It can cause a teen embarrassment, timidity and fear. And here the crowded places are suitable for everything.

As for other nuances, it is likely that the girl will appreciate a gift in the form of a homemade toy or a bouquet of wildflowers, because youth - it's time for romance. Funny "Prikid", creative hairstyle, etc. Also will also come.

Those who want to know what to do on the first date with a girl, and what to avoid, the tips of the experienced cavaliers will help:

  • Think about whether things are stupid or not look actions in the eyes of the companion, no need. Maximum discharge and naturalness.
  • Grey humor welcomes.
  • Sincere attention to the person's person - this is the right way to her heart.
  • Do not remember former passions. Especially in negative light.
  • Politeness - the trait of kings. Will be appreciated.
  • Each person loves when it is called by name. The more often the girl's name will sound from the mouth of the guy on the first date, the more pleasant it will be.
  • The compliments "porridge" will not spoil. Do not save on this "seasoning." It is only desirable that the compliments are not beaten, and praise - contrived. In general, than sincere behavior, the better.
  • If the girl does not apply to the "detachment" of the harmonious feminists, she will appreciate and served as her hand when descending from some exaltation, and an open door in advance, and a gallant-pudded chair in a cafe.

The biggest mistakes

A lot depends on the first date, because it is not for nothing that they say that they are met by clothes. Therefore, the guy needs to beware in his behavior of gross mistakes, which can produce an extremely unfavorable impression on a companion and to complete something that began so well.

  • Guys are not made of iron. They also have to worry and worry. And often there are situations when a young man, completely exhausted about what needs to be done on 1 date with a girl, loses control and over himself, and on the date itself, and on the situation at all. Attracting alcohol to the Allies, he hopes to get rid of the timidity, and in fact it acquires the reputation of drunkard in the eyes of the object. Therefore, with alcohol you need to be careful.
  • Another misconception: "It is better to chew than to talk." Yes, in some cases it is really better. But not on the first date. If you just sit and consider the girl, she might think that something is wrong with her. And if you are silent and turn away ... She will also think that it's not all right with her. He will be offended and leave. So it is better to talk about trifles than to be silent.
  • Well, and, perhaps, the widespread mistake of novice macho itself. Wanting to make a pleasant impression, they only say about themselves without silent. Listing all the achievements, starting with the "pot" age. It is unacceptable you can earn a reputation of Narcissus. And secondly, each person loves, first of all, himself. This is the law of psychology. The girl also want to tell about his life. It is necessary not to just give her such an opportunity, but in every way to stimulate. So, in a pleasant conversation consisting of two people's memories, a meeting will easily pass. And the problem is to do what to do on the first date with the girl will disappear.

Should be the first kiss on the first date?

This question is worried about the overwhelming part of newcomers in the amournal male affairs. After all, the initiative in such affairs traditionally must come from the guy. Is it worth maning it?

Of course, if the purpose of the meeting with the girl is only sex (that in the modern world the phenomenon is frequent), then it is better enough to say it. Perhaps she also does not want a serious relationship. Then the question loses relevance. Well, if I want to "seriously and for a long time?" Then it is better not to rush with kisses.

That's what you need to do on the first date with a girl, so it is to establish sensual contact. Take the hand when moving the road, to easily enjoy the waist, get closer as close as possible to enjoy the flavor of the spirits ... especially advanced Casanov say that it will not be superfluous. You can, of course, but only carefully. If you create a joking situation around this action and beat everything well, most likely the girl will not be offended, but smile.

In general, the more jokes, the better. The female heart in front of humor is almost defenseless. Complete the first date can be an innocent kiss in the cheek.

Date without money

So this world is arranged that money playing an important role in it ... an important, but not decisive! And that guy who considers an empty wallet to sentence to loneliness, not right.

What to do on the first date with a girl, if there is no delegate them very little? Answers to this question exist, and their many:

  • You can walk around the city and enjoy it with beauty.
  • If there is a river or other reservoir in the reach zone, you can start launching paper ships.
  • You can run in the sky balloons.
  • Beautiful occupation is a joint feeding of pigeons or other feathered.
  • Ride a swing in random "open" for yourself the yard is also an option.
  • The journey to the roof will enjoy romantic.
  • And the voyage of the hitchhiking in some locality will impress extreme entertainment amateurs.
  • Hike to the forest for mushrooms and berries - a fascinating occupation. In the same place, in the forest, you can, get a bouquet for your chosen. Or even weave wreath.
  • If there is a camera, you can arrange a photo session with a girl. And thus kill two hares. And from the complex position to get out, and create a reason for new meetings - after all, pictures need to be processed, print and give the next date.

Will there be the following?

Will the "banquet" continue, depends on whether young people like each other. But not only. The perseverance and determination of the guy also play a role. It is not necessary to wait that immediately after the first meeting, Lady will take everything into their hands and itself organizes the second.

Questions of the organization will have to join the gentleman again. And if he came up with what to do with a girl on the first date, and achieved her location, most likely, can count on further success. The main thing is to kill iron while hot. And saying goodbye, negotiate the next meeting. And in the interval - to call and write to your chosen. Not too often, but not rare.

Well, if the girl did not like her soul, it is advisable to give her to understand that there would be no more dates, immediately. Politely say goodbye and wish success in search of the narrowed. It is not necessary to fear: better bitter truth than false hopes.

It is very important to solveWhere to go to the first date with a girl. There must be a clear understanding of where to spend it.

Choose the location where you like first

You need to know the very locations and places where you will be cool to spend time with it. It should be cool first, And your condition will be transferred to the girl. Because everything you feel, she feels.

And she will not be able to refuse

Having a clear idea where to goon the first date and what will you do there, You will have confidence in yourself.

Even when you call her and call, for example, jump from Tarzanka, she will feel yours passion and emotionality in what you say. Because you like it.

Your incentive rushing go on a date with you will be sent to a girl. You both will have a zeal and pleasant anticipation before the meeting.

Good meeting places

Foolly beach

I love to spend a date on a deserted beach with a girl Volga. There are almost no people there and there is a small beach. I take something with me in advance what you can lie on.

We hug and lie there with a girl, look at the waves, on the birds, on the boats. We look at each other, make a massage, communicate. In warm weather, you can sunbathe together.

Amusement park

Other My favorite place for dates is a summer park. There I fill me with children's memories. There are large attractions, after which you both have a high emotional lift.

I do not say ride on the American roller trees. Attractions will give emotions and drive, will help you get closer, Create a certain story between you.

I walked in this park in childhood, I always liked him and therefore for me he is the more special. If I like in this park, the girl will like a priori there.

Carting in a supermarket

Great place where you can invite on a date - It is to ride a supermarket trolleys. When I am with a girl, I squeeze her.

We can choose products, and we can just enjoy the trip.

The route by hypermarket is always spontaneous and funny. It gives you kids pleasant feelings of fun.

In one supermarket, I already know me well. I received a couple of light warnings, but it does not stop me

Together go choose products

I had a date with a girl who lives close to my house. On the first date we went with her in supermarket buy cookies. This is also a good reason to see.

When changing locations and moving with a girl you have a specific relationship history, a special connection is created. Therefore, it is very important not to sit and do not lick in one place.


Will be stupid to go to the cafe, sit down opposite each other and do somethingb No one will hug anyone, some conversations and food. Sit down always beside.

Do together engage in your favorite sport

There were girls who called me to jump with parachute. They know that I am an adventurous and love to challenge the fear.

You can call the girl to engage in your favorite sport. For instance, make a run Together in the evening.

Someone like rope jumping, skates, swimming or just sit in a cafe and drink tea together. To each his own.

The place where you like and where you are comfortable, is the best place to date.

Touch her from the very beginning

Touch the girl from the very beginning more Your meeting. This is what needs to be done on the first date from the very beginning.

If you're hugging with her initially, then she gets used to it and it will be fine for her. She will think: " Yes, with this guy normally hug and touch. There is nothing like that" We naturally behave. This is the most behavior of a man you need.

How to behave on the first date with a girl:

If you made a mistake - I did not touch and did not hug a girl from the very beginning, then it will be somehow strange and embarrassing for both of you. From her part there will be resistance! Therefore, simplify the rapprochement with the girl, touch and hug it from the very beginning. Touch her because you want, and not to like it.

If you do everything as I described in the article, it will no longer be questions about how to behave on the first date with a girl.

Top 5 super rules for dating a beautiful girl.

Forget about the ideality of a date

Know that smooth and perfect first date with a girl will never be. There will always be any elements of chance.

There will always be something that is limited to control. You can't calculate everything. therefore Do not bother about ideality.

Throw out waiting: everything will happen by itself

Give everything to happen. An ideal date is what happens by itself. No need to make anything, expect. Spontaneity - Your best friend.

Do not know what to say is normal. Never strive to spend the perfect date. Let it work out as it turns out.

You feel like when you want to try good luck. If you do not put such a goal - any negative reactions do not concern you.

When a date is too perfect and even - this is very boring and uninteresting.

Do not buy flowers

I have never been buying flowers for my life for my life with a girl!

If you give flowers to the first date, you spoil everything yourself, because:

  • it will be more difficult to touch it;
  • she will behave arrogant in relation to you;
  • it will not be open you;
  • you yourself put her on the pedestal, above yourself.

Understand that on the first date you can just spend time with it and this is enough. No gifts or flowers are needed.

Video with my approach

In the next video, I made an approach to the girl who originally spoke to someone by phone.

I interrupted her communication and led. I did not wait until she quit the phone.

The way the guy touches the girl, confidently or dominantly touches her - is not particularly important. In my video I advise you to pay attention to other subtle moments.

By the way, many guys would wait for the girl to negotiate. But so it's not interesting. All details of my dating see this video.

If she says buy me this, buy me

You say: "Do not wait. I like you! I'm not going to pay for you. I like you, I want you, I can give you a lot of pleasure! But this does not mean that I am your sponsor! I am honest with you. "

And all, she immediately understands: " Oh, that's what a man. Everything is now clear. "

It will not require gifts and other things.

You gave her to understand who you are.

And that's it. This is a great start to any relationship, where everything is built on sincerity.

The beginning of relations without lies, where a woman is not trying to suck a man from a manAnd the man does not try to buy a woman.

I am not ready my behaviorTo maintain a 22-year-old beauty attraction to me!

On the first date - a detailed article.

: How to hug a girl correctly.

To the first kiss, sucking without words + video as a guy passionately kisses a girl.

Right approach to date

Advanced guys never say that they go to the "date with a girl."

The word "date" really limits your perception of a meeting with her: As if there is something official type of dinner with candles, rose petals, fireworks and other heresy. This will all be fought and disturbing you. Why limit yourself?

Say yourself: I'm not going on a date, but "see the girl", "spend time with a girl", "enjoy communication with a girl." You go to meet and "find out if you come to each other or not."

Exactly this type of thinking will allow you to be ourselves and liberate. You will not feel the greatest responsibility and importance of the meeting.

You are already self-sufficient and no reason for the opposite

Men have a problem with understanding that, who are now they are now enough.

There is no reason to have uncertainty.

You are - this is enough.

All these knowledge will give you an understanding of how to spend the first date with the girl best and get the result.

Call a girl and apply all new things that you learned from the article, in practice.

Other secrets of seduction of women and dating with them you can also get by posting me on individual training.