How to Recognize Perfect Compatibility and Spiritual Marriage? Spiritual marriage (G. Kvasha, Structural horoscope)

Marriage implies unity on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. An ideal marriage is the communion of two souls. If partners are not spiritually in tune, they cannot be completely happy.

What is Spiritual Union

Spiritual marriage comes from the original spiritual law. It is a union between people who are attracted to each other by divine magnetism. Sometimes in such a marriage, the spouses live without engaging in sexual activity. It is known in many cultures as a bond between a man and a woman based on spiritual and emotional closeness and is built on the desire to achieve the highest realization in the family. The relationship between husband and wife is that each partner helps the other in developing love and spirituality.

Physical marriage, as practiced in the modern world, is designed to:

  • reproduction and helping in the study of love;
  • loyalty;
  • talent;
  • communication.

Spouses learn from the marriage partnership, learn to combine feelings and minds.

Spiritual connection presupposes harmony of spirit and body. Two people linking lives to help each other in divine awareness create marriage on the right basis: unconditional friendship and equality. If each demands fulfillment from the other, and the demand is not met, the spouses become enemies. A long and happy partnership in most cases is impossible without spirituality, but for such a union you need to mature.

The purpose of family life is to expand your consciousness through the cultivation of purifying divine love and friendship that is not driven by sexual or selfish motivation. Friendship is very important in a marriage relationship. Alliances built only on sex break down very quickly. If sex becomes the most important part of marriage, the couple loses interest and the initial luster of satisfaction fades. Those who do not distinguish between true love and sensual attraction are disappointed again and again.


Celibacy is a state of voluntarily refusing to marry, mainly for religious reasons. In a narrow sense, the term is applied to those for whom celibacy is the result of a sacred vow, act of renunciation, or religious belief. In a broader sense, it refers only to abstinence from sexual activity.

Celibation has existed in one form or another throughout history in the major religions of the world, and views on it have changed.

Protestantism saw a reversal of this trend in the West, and the Eastern Orthodox Church never accepted it. Islam, too, has always been bad about celibacy.

Classical Hindu culture encouraged asceticism and celibacy in the later stages of life, after a person had fulfilled their social obligations.

Celibacy in the concept of the Catholic clergy presupposes the observance of chastity. Priests are not allowed to marry or be in a relationship. Violation of these laws amounts to sacrilege.

Positive and negative sides of emotional union

Benefits of Spiritual Marriage:

  • long-term relationship. Both spouses accept each other's shortcomings and advantages, do not compete and value the family;
  • comfortable cohabitation. Home comfort and understanding create a favorable atmosphere. In such a union, a man and a woman receive positive energy;
  • fidelity. Devotion and closeness contribute to the fact that neither of the spouses even thinks about betrayal.


  • misunderstanding due to everyday problems. Sometimes one of the spouses takes on all the responsibilities and duties, which is why conflicts occur;
  • one of the partners ceases to like life in an emotional union, he prefers to distance himself.

Physical attraction, external beauty of a partner, financial reasons for marriage are directed on the wrong path. Sin is to tie destiny to the wrong person based on social custom or physical instinct. People should marry only when they feel the unity of the soul. If they are united by sacred vows, they must remain together, be devoted to each other.

The right union fosters true love at the highest level. Husband and wife should be mutually loyal and strive to be happy in all respects. A spiritual wife should not leave a spiritless husband, and a husband should not leave a spiritless wife; they must try to influence each other.

Before getting married, people must learn to control their emotions. Loyalty and understanding between husband and wife gradually liberates the mind from the restrictions associated with sexual desire and raises it to the level of divine love. It sublimates the desire for sex into a wonderful human relationship. Without true love, the heart will remain empty.

Why does treason happen

Cheating, both physical and spiritual, occurs when trust disappears between two people and a moral conflict arises, romantic relationships become dull, and interest in a partner disappears.

Emotional betrayal is one of the most painful experiences, emotional trauma. Infidelity leaves deep emotional scars by activating the same areas of the brain as physical pain.

Betrayal often becomes unexpected and makes a person powerless. First, people experience:

  • negation;
  • mistrust.

During this time, there is a rapid emotional transition from intense anger and rage to deep despair and sadness. The person tries to understand what happened, but at the same time feels a sense of loss.

Physical cheating involves sexual, bodily contact with another partner. Men and women perceive this type of betrayal differently. For a woman, emotional and spiritual fidelity is more important as an integral part of relationships and marriage. For a man, it is necessary to be sure that he is raising his children, therefore, the physical fidelity of his wife from a man's point of view is most important.

Spiritual betrayal consists in emotional betrayal, when one of the partners with all his soul and thoughts strives for another person, physically remaining faithful to his wife or husband

The reasons for infidelity can be:

  • lack of spiritual support and understanding in the family and the need to find this energy on the side;
  • lack of sex or dissatisfaction;
  • differences in characters.

Recovering from a betrayal takes a long time. Often, a person who has experienced the pain of cheating withdraws from communication and isolates to protect against a possible repetition of the situation.

In order not to suffer from infidelity, be sure to find a kindred spirit, next to which you will develop and grow spiritually.

Spiritual marriage

(bridging marriage)

Represents such unions as:

1. Husband - Dog, Horse, Tiger. Wife - Goat, Hare, Boar.
2. Husband - Dragon, Rat, Monkey. Wife - Ox, Rooster, Snake.
4. Husband - Goat, Hare, Boar. Wife - Dog, Horse, Tiger.

The main task of the spouses spiritual marriage will find understanding in each other and try to accept reality. As soon as possible, you need to adapt to the regime, behavior, habits of your companion, since they cannot be changed.

Of course, this difficult path does not all go along the path to the end, since there is too much to overcome. Not everyone can withstand constant detailed work on themselves. However, a person in such a union is transformed, he can suddenly open in himself unknown qualities to him. Aspirations of his aspirations can also change.

Parting can be fatal to spiritual marriage. Exclusively together, holding hands tightly, you need to take on any business, adding as much live communication as possible to the relationship. As a last resort, correspondence can also go, but complete and mutually interesting. This marriage, like no other union, needs a common cause that engulfs both spouses.
However, at the same time, unity should be combined with a clear, reasonable sense of proportion - we are talking about the separation of spheres of influence. The husband and wife, figuratively speaking, do not say the same word together, as in a marriage of equal partners, but pronounce it as if syllables: one starts, the other continues.

Children will never shield the common cause from their parents, if they will not shield themselves from each other. This parental continuity, their love will greatly contribute to the child's being brought up as a person.
Spiritual marriage has the following options:

1. Husband - Tiger, Horse, Dog. Wife - Boar, Hare, Goat.
Such a marriage is based on mutual reverence and respect. The will of the husband is very strong, but his love is no less strong, therefore, the attachment to his wife, in a strong-willed plan, which, perhaps, is weaker, but she does not take independence.
Thus, it will be very good if an already strong alliance begins to boil down to a stupid struggle for power, which is absolutely hopeless and will always proceed with alternating success, never revealing a winner. Therefore, temper your pride and your ardor, try to restrain ambitions that can accidentally ruin your well-being.

2. Husband - Dragon, Rat, Monkey. Wife - Rooster, Snake, Bull.
This kind of marriage is one of the most harmonious. The husband has the advantage in love, and the wife has a stronger will. Harmony and peace are brought about by such mutual compensation in and their union. All the understanding open love of the husband and the romantic love of the wife are in perfect proportion.
The position of a husband is preferable as long as love reigns in this family. However, over time, family life passes into the domestic sphere, and then the wife gets the headship. This is done, as a rule, painlessly and gently.
Do not forget that the will is a very powerful weapon, which must be used carefully. Jealousy is also worth guarding against. In this marriage, it can arise (moreover, it is more likely in the wife).

3. Husband - Bull, Rooster, Snake. Wife - Dragon, Rat, Monkey.
The efficiency and practicality of a husband and a keen outlook on the life of a realistic wife, her ability to clearly follow common sense, always make economically accurate decisions, can contribute to the creation of a strong, good home.
At the same time, it is necessary to restrain one's own passions: the wife - to tame the emotional outbursts, the husband - to humble the excessive militancy. The wife's behavior, her voice, mannerisms are the mysterious language of love. For a husband who craves self-affirmation, this love language means a lot. But stormy passions, unfortunately, can suddenly dry up. Then a dull mutual disappointment will take their place.
Paying close attention to the important side of life - household - will help relieve stress.

4. Husband - Boar, Hare, Goat. Wife - Dog, Horse, Tiger.
The realism of the husband is perfectly combined with the energy and practicality of the wife. In such an atmosphere, a wife will have an even greater craving for family and home. And the husband will receive the peace he needs so much. This marriage is based on peace in a warm home sphere.

However, there is something to be afraid of: driven by a thirst for self-affirmation and power, the wife can go too far, thereby forcing her husband to rebel. She should be calm about her husband's passivity in hectic household chores, because the husband will just as calmly react to her female fuss.


So: only that union in which the types of thinking of the spouses complement each other can be called a spiritual marriage. So will is complemented by mysticism, and logic is complemented by realism. Rat - Rooster, Rat - Ox, Rat - Snake, Monkey - Rooster, Monkey - Bull, Dragon - Rooster, Dragon - Bull, Dragon - Snake. In this half, one marriage is missing, it went under the vector (Monkey - Snake). There are more holes in the other half. Horse - Cat, Horse - Goat, Tiger - Cat, Tiger - Boar, Dog - Cat, Dog - Boar, Dog - Goat. In this half, two marriages are missing (Horse - Boar and Tiger - Goat), it is clear that these are vector exceptions. Any other marriage, no matter how many spiritual insights, UFO flights, psychic breakthroughs and poltergeists, cannot be called a spiritual marriage.

The commandments are as follows: Crave to find an eternal friend, forget about the rest, love complexity, stop loving simplicity communicate infinitely, intrigue each other, lead two separate careers, shake them up, but do not mix them, be liberated, think less about social institutions, communicate with God directly , build life in a spiral and be above circumstances. Now a little more detail.

a) The ideal situation for entering into spiritual marriage is feeling unbearable loneliness. Only the one who carries within himself the fear of the end of youth, the fear of the loss of friends and loved ones, the fear that children will grow up and flee, fear of the darkness and the abyss into which one cannot step without holding hands with at least someone, only he was finally ripe for spiritual marriage.

b) Protecting themselves from loneliness and foreseeing the betrayal of friends, colleagues and other citizens, confessors must strike a preemptive blow and be the first to turn away from the human world. You can greet, talk, poison jokes, but at the same time be aware that people are just a subject of decoration, and there are only two real characters in the play of life - spiritually interacting spouses. Therefore, it is so easy to communicate with other people, because they are just spectators and listeners, or maybe readers, but they cannot influence the real action, there are only two people who decide everything.

c) Be wise, deep, do not look for simple ways and easy truths. Complicate where it is simple, muddy where it is transparent, pile up where it was spacious. This is your destiny. You are called to difficult routes, leave simple paths to other people, your path is not trivial. Hence the very style of your communication, go from the opposite, want to say “Yes!”, Say “No!”, Look for black in white, look for black in the villain, look for where he is good, in the hero look for where he is mean. This is how Stanislavsky taught us.

d) Communicate limitlessly. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of turning any topic into a subject of great philosophizing and philosophical research. Learn to listen to an opinion that is unpleasant and incomprehensible to you, find a symmetrical answer to it and enter into a long contact of tangential blows. But head-on collisions should be avoided. Spiritual marriage is in no hurry, it does not run anywhere, and therefore quick decisions, truths born in heated disputes, are not needed here. Take your time, do not collide with your heads, the truth is not needed in spiritual marriage, but only the search for it, the joint path to this truth. And hence the favorite style of communication - one talks about one thing, the other about another. Questions remain unanswered, effects change with causes, top becomes bottom, right to left, and so on. The main thing is that such a style should not anger the interlocutors, but amuse them.

e) Hence, the main criterion for the vitality of a spiritual union is that the spouses should be extremely interesting to each other. They are like strange animals, like aliens. Unseen, incomprehensible, bewitching. Hence the conclusion - disguise yourself, do not help reveal you to the end, keep secrets, muddy the waters, cover your tracks. A transparent and clear person in a spiritual marriage will not last long. The ideal option for mutual aliens is great skill in exactly what the spouse is most mediocre in. Mastery in something that is beyond the comprehension of a partner is the path to maximum delight. And the state of creative enthusiasm in spiritual marriage is a good thing, a necessary thing.

f) The unique skills of the spouses inevitably give rise to a system of two careers. But the trick is that each of the two careers does not happen on its own, but for the sake of an eternal friend. This is the uniqueness of a spiritual career, it is disinterested, because its achievement is the delight and satisfaction of the only person for whom it is worth living and creating. So from one tandem, four are already born. It is not so much two people who interact with each other, and even not so much two careers, as each of the spouses with someone else's career. They seem to pull each other, speaking in a modern way, they become producers for each other. This would be ideal.

g) The fear of spiritual marriage as a kind of mental hospital, a shelter for the insane, a forge of all kinds of deviations and pathologies is completely unjustified. This is a marriage of the highest spiritual ascent, an experiment of pure and selfless penetration beyond the horizon, beyond the boundary separating the temporary world from the eternal world. Well, if someone is not yet ripe to understand the depths of the universe, then these are his problems. No one has yet proved that humanity must stop in its development, therefore, it is necessary to go forward, and only he is ahead, an unselfish, quiet and deep spiritual union, no matter how abnormal it may seem now, when viewed from the world of greed, aggression and cult individual achievements.

h) Those who have already decided for themselves that spiritual marriage is a meeting of angels with wings, that everyone in it walks in soft slippers, and speaks only in a whisper, the author is forced to disappoint. Participants in a spiritual union are too wise and too deep to slide on the surface of sanctimonious stereotypes, to abide by the rules of morality imposed on plebeians. Confessors can do everything that their personal conscience allows them, not borrowed from the prescriptions of legalists and dogmatists, but suffered through endless struggles of spirit and flesh. By the way, there was always enough flesh in a spiritual marriage, this is not some kind of disembodied romantic union for you. This is the paradox of compensation. While the flesh is strong, it strives for romantic heights, but the almost disembodied spirit clings to the flesh with both hands.

i) Spiritual marriage, in its ideal form, should perform a miracle - to reveal the line of really useful interaction of the sexes. Flying through the romance of the surface layer of external differences, wading through the palisade of the patriarchal-economic expediency of the division of labor, and finally, slipping through the war of the sexes, the spiritual sign demonstrates the main difference between the sexes. A man is a brilliant creator, a woman is an equally brilliant perceiver. Male creativity is always too independent, too unjustified, too arbitrary. A woman walks a longer, ornate path, compares and assimilates someone else's better and more objectively. In this sense, they are the perfect couple.

j) Marriage is strong in its accomplishments. In spirit marriage, these accomplishments lie in a unique way of coexisting two careers. No one will ever come up with such perfect co-authorship as in a spiritual marriage. If there is at least something in the world that exists at the junction of two sciences, two arts, or two sides of being, then the highest success should be achieved there by a man and a woman intertwined either with their bodies, or with their minds, or with their souls. A dark and dense male soul, a light and loose female soul.

k) By strengthening their individuality in spiritual marriage, spouses receive complete emancipation in relation to society. Thus, this marriage is inherently antisocial. A romantic marriage must give its beauty to society, a patriarchal marriage must give its children to society, an equal marriage must give society its energy and its aggression. Spiritual marriage owes nothing to society - it is the foundation of the future anarchist-individualistic society. In the meantime, a bright future has not come, do not hesitate to pay less attention to politicians, officials, governments, presidents, states of all types, all kinds of parties, scientific gatherings, societies, communities, academies, and so on and so forth ...

m) Remember the tale of the "white bull". Here is a spiritual marriage about that. There is movement in marriage, but this movement goes in a spiral, with endless visits to the same circles. Such a movement is in harmony with the essence of marriage, in which nothing is ever agreed to the end, where everything is confused, it is not clear where not a single period is put down, and the commas are almost invisible. Therefore, forward - to what is behind or back - to what is in front. Therefore, never give up, there are no reasons that prohibit, in the event of a discrepancy, to go one more circle, then another, another and another ... So: the romantic is always unchanged, the equal always changes, the patriarchal is in a gradual deterioration, but the spiritual , due to its spiral rise, should always improve. This is what the spiral is for. Every theme of marriage should be revised from time to time, improved and strengthened. Only without haste, without hurrying anywhere.

m) Spiritual marriage is the only one in equilibrium (vector does not count), in which a person "floats" away from his sign. The one who possessed a strong-willed type of thinking is gradually shifting towards the mystical perception of the world. The mystic, thanks to whom this advance took place, in turn, is promoted to the element of will. The interaction between the logical and realistic elements is similar. So a person, due to unstoppable work and powerful marriage interaction, not only changes his fate, but also transforms what was given to him from birth - his sign.

n) At some stage, spiritual marriage apparently requires constant communication. However, if the "capture" of souls has occurred, then it really matters whether the spouse is nearby or not. In this, like many others, spiritual marriage is the arithmetic mean of romantic and equal unions. The romantic demanded constant separation, the equal demanded constant contact, therefore, the spiritual requires something in between. For example, constant contact in conditions of separation, or contactless being around. Most likely, we are talking about a continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approach and distance. Spiritual marriage must be shaken.

o) Spiritual marriage is called spiritual because, in spite of its antisocial and antisocial character, it is as close as possible to the religious understanding of marriage. There is no chatter about eternal love, no ascetic service, no battle for the Lord's cause. But there is a real presence of divine forces, which, in fact, stand out at the moment of the descent of signs from their places. The sign is like a cork closing a bottle. The less the cork is ground in, the faster the gin (spirit) living in the bottle begins to evaporate. In a vector marriage, the bottle opens like champagne, with a crash and foam. In a spiritual marriage, the cork is slowly removed.

p) Spiritual marriage is less antagonistic to other marriages than others. He looks favorably at all other marriages from his height. For him, all these are games, but quite funny. It's funny to play romance, it's funny to play patriarchal relationships, you can, however, arrange a fight and socialist competition in the manner of an equal union. Well, when all this gets tired, you can return to spiritual union. In this sense, spiritual marriage is the only synthetic one.

To summarize: spiritual marriage, although the most difficult to implement, is not strict in its execution. Therefore, the very concept of commandments is not entirely appropriate here. Rather, it is about wishes.

Spiritual marriage

Paramahansa Yogananda

Friendship is the purest form of love

Friendship is the purest form of God's love, as it is born of the free choice of the heart and is not imposed on us by family instinct. ideal friends are never apart; nothing can break their brotherly friendship. I have never lost a true friend. Although two of those to whom I gave my sincere love became hostile to me, I still remain their friend. To be a true, unconditional friend, your love must be anchored in divine love. Your life with God is the inspiration behind true divine friendship with everyone. True friends promote mutual progress.

The guru-disciple relationship is the ultimate expression of friendship, as it is based on unconditional divine love and wisdom. It is the highest and most intimate of all relationship types. Christ and his disciples were one in spirit, just as my master and I and those who are in tune with me because they are bound by the divine love of God. Drinking His love together from the cup of sincere hearts is the unifying mystery of these relationships.

Familiarity must be excluded from human friendship, otherwise friends may soon start using each other. But in divine friendship there is increasing respect; each thinks only of the highest welfare of the other. This is the nature of divine friendship between guru and disciple. One who has such a relationship is on the path to wisdom and freedom.

When I talk to others, as in these services, one image appears before me: my Guru. His influence on my life is enormous. And now, when he is no longer on the earthly plane, he is always with me.

Spiritual ideals for a successful marriage

If you are looking for the Only Friend behind all friends, then true friendship can be achieved in all your relationships: family, brotherly, marital and spiritual.

Friendship is vital to a marital relationship. Sex alone will not bring a couple closer; in fact, he will divorce them very soon, if the higher instinct of true love and friendship is not dominated. When sex is made the most important part of marriage, the couple loses interest in each other when the initial outburst of sensual pleasure fades. Those who do not distinguish between true love and sex drive become discouraged over and over again.

People who want to get married should first learn to manage their emotions. Two people, placed in the arena of marriage without such skill, fight better than opponents in the World War! Over time, wars end; but there are married couples who fight throughout their lives. It is natural to think that in a civilized society people should know how to behave, but very few people are familiar with this art. Marriage must be nurtured on lofty ideals and the guilt of inspiration from God; then it will be a happy and mutually beneficial union.

Once in Boston, I was invited to perform at a silver wedding of a supposedly perfectly happy married couple. As soon as I entered their house, I felt that something was wrong. I asked two reliable students to watch the couple discreetly during the evening. They told me that in public the husband and wife smiled and addressed each other affectionately: "Yes, dear," "Of course, Darling," but when they thought they were alone in the kitchen or pantry, they quarreled with might and main.

So I spoke to them, "Why are you behaving this way? I feel a lot of disharmony in this house. There is a lot of iron in your silver wedding." At first they were offended. But I continued. "What do you get by fighting all the time?" I gave them a good word. Later they came up to me and apologized. I told them: "You stay together simply because of your reputation as an ideal couple, but I wish you to live that way, in the name of your happiness."

A person's ideals should live in his behavior, thoughts, words. If two people agree with the wrong sentiments, they become insincere towards each other. When a lie pervades a marriage, it "runs aground." Why pretend? Such mistakes should be avoided from the outset.

Balancing the feminine and masculine

It seems that there has always been a rivalry between a man and a woman. But they are equal; none of them are superior. Be proud of what you are in this life. You are a soul that in past incarnations had both male and female bodies. If you are now a woman and are jealous of men, you will have to incarnate as a man someday. And be careful: if you are now a man and feel superior to women, you may have to be born a woman. The man proves that the woman is emotional and cannot reason; and the woman complains that the man cannot feel. Both are wrong. A woman can reason, but feeling prevails in her nature; and a man can feel, but reason prevails in him. It would be ideal to balance reason and feeling in one nature. Those who are too feminine do not find spiritual freedom, just as those who are too masculine do not find it. Each sex should strive for balance, learning from each other through friendship and understanding. In the great saints we see a combination of ideal masculine and feminine qualities. That was Jesus; all the masters were like that. When you achieve that perfect balance of reason and feeling, you will learn one of the main lessons for which you were sent here.

The purpose of life is in God-realization. Don't live one-sidedly materialistically. Have self-control, be the master of your sensations, act with wisdom, conquer life and find freedom. The average life expectancy is seventy years of schooling. If by the time of death you have not completed your studies, you will have to return to school until you find God and receive His wisdom and express all His blessings in your life.

Embark on this path of learning with zeal. Immerse yourself in God from the beginning. Love Him more than His gifts. He has everything except your love. He created us so that we might use His gift of free will to seek Him. We are only here to find God and return to Him. Love God first and make your body the temple of God. Do everything with the thought of Him. Follow the Highest Happiness and share It with others. Improve your love in the love of God, and embrace all of humanity with your love.

If you have children, educate them on correct ideals so that it is easier to bring them back to God. Each of you has a great job to do: to turn others to God by your own spiritual example. Helping others find God is the highest gift you are capable of.

So remember, God comes first! Start today, not tomorrow. "And if your hand defiles you, cut it in." (Mark 9:43) To be successful, you need willpower and the right leadership. Exercise your will, guided by the wisdom of the guru, and you will overcome all obstacles in your path.

Reason and feeling in man and woman

Only by developing pure reason and pure feelings can you attain God and truth. In an ordinary man, reason prevails and feelings are hidden; in the average woman, feelings prevail, and reason is hidden. If there is too much feeling in you, it becomes emotion; it draws you into the web of matter; and too much reason becomes rationalism, which also draws you into illusory matter. When you balance the mind and the senses with meditation, you will come to God and the perception of truth. By exchanging these qualities, a man and a woman can help each other balance pure reason and pure feeling, thus helping each other on the path to union with God. But marriage is not the only way. Through successful meditation, a person achieves this balance within himself, since he is already there, hidden in the soul.

Learn to manage your emotions

Practice kind speech. Never gossip or speak ill of others. Engage in changing yourself. Don't be grumpy; if your husband or wife is angry and makes you angry, take a walk and cool off before answering. If he or she speaks harshly, do not respond in kind. Better to remain calm until the passions subside. Avoid being stubborn or condescending, and at the same time, do not get involved in an argument. Wait until both of you have a calm mind. Never let anyone steal your inner peace; and do not steal the world of others by saying inappropriate things. Inappropriate use of speech is one of the most damaging weapons. You can, in a fit of feeling or anger, say what you do not think and regret later, but the other will remember these words for twenty years or more. (In this regard, memory is a bad thing. The ability to remember is a blessing when used correctly, but harmful when it is a repository of all the bad things that have been done to us.) If your wife screams and you scream back, you will suffer doubly - firstly, from her harsh words, and secondly - from her own. First of all, you harm yourself. In the end, you will feel that there is nothing left of you. This is why there are so many divorces.

Honestly, people shouldn't get married until they learn to manage their emotions to some extent. Schools should teach children this art and how to develop calmness and concentration. The American home is falling apart because these things are not taught, not at school, not at home. How can two people, accustomed to nervous behavior, live together without driving each other almost to the point of destruction by their nervousness? At the beginning of a marriage, the bride and groom are driven by feelings of excitement and passion. But over time, when they inevitably subside, the characters of the couple come out, and quarrels and disappointments begin.

The heart requires true love, friendship and, above all, peace. When the world is destroyed by emotions, the bodily temple is defiled. The organs of the body and senses are kept in proper shape by a healthy nervous system. And in order to maintain a healthy nervous system, it is important to remain free of such exhausting emotions as fear, anger, greed, and jealousy.

Drop fear. Why be afraid? Even a mild fear, such as a senseless fear of the dark or anxiety about what might happen, affects the nerves more than you might imagine. What is terrible even about death? God allows this to happen to everyone, so it can't be bad. It is very comforting to hold on to this thought. Death is like a refreshing sleep; and you are not afraid of sleep, are you? Death is complete rest. God gives you death to free you from all the worries here, and then gives you the opportunity to start with fresh forces in a new incarnation.

To be captured by emotion is to forget God

To be caught up in fear, anger, greed, or any other strong or impulsive emotion means forgetting God. If your senses governing your emotions are under your control, then you are a saint. No one knows better than you yourself whether you are the master of your feelings, or their slave. Remember, anything that overcomes your self-control leads your nervous system to destruction. Eats both the greedy person and the person of self-control. But one eats for the welfare of his body, and the other overeats for sense gratification. If love is centered more on God and less on sensation, then all sensual abuse will be overcome. During the temptation, pray to the Lord: "Become a greater temptation than all my temptations. Lord, no matter how you test me, I will be faithful to you." When your nervous system is filled with peaceful, loving thoughts of God, your nerves will be filled with His power. Krishna said: "When the senses (chitta) are completely subservient and calmly abide in the I (soul), the yogi, who has got rid of all attachments to sensations, is called one with God." (Bhagavad Gita VI: 18)

What is "Spiritual Marriage"

Spiritual marriage means union with God, Soul and Spirit. Marriage is not a human-given law. It is established by God. Man is insulting to the ultimate goal of marriage. Marriage means union on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. If you attract a person with spiritual magnetism, you will meet your soul mate. Marriage is a union of halves-souls. We find the highest union in God. If love is not spiritualized, it will be an ulcer in your soul. If you and your partner are not spiritually minded, you can never be happy.

Spiritual marriage means combining your soul with the eternal love of God. Without God, no marriage can be successful. The purpose of Marriage is to know God, to be with God, but this is forgotten.

Do not try to attract people of the opposite sex through physical desires, but only through spiritual qualities. You cannot attract the spirit soul with animal magnetism. If you live too much sexually, your health and happiness will fizzle out. If you have formed a great friendship with a person that nothing can destroy, completely devoid of coercion, then you have found a true partner.

In a woman, first of all, feeling is expressed, and in a man - reason. In marriage, they extract the hidden feeling and reason of each other, thus becoming more perfect. Any man or woman who looked for a substitute for spiritual qualities in the sex instinct was disappointed. Reason and feeling must be balanced in man and woman. They are divine qualities, like the tenderness of colors and the strength of steel.

God is all the love of all lovers who have ever loved. If you learn the highest forms of meditation, then you can have a spiritual marriage, or union with God, the most beautiful of all love. Remember, no marriage can achieve its true purpose if husband and wife do not seek God first together. In marriage, love also grows through serving one another. When a husband and wife serve one another with the eternal inspiration of God, then it is a spiritual marriage.

Those who rise above the physical plane and constantly increase the love of their souls find their unity in God. When the love of two burns with a single flame, above the physical plane, then there are intoxicating spiritual qualities in it. A marriage of self-control and intense spiritual work becomes liberated.

Man and woman should know that they themselves contain the seed of the Infinite. If you can't find your soul mate, don't get married. Once you have found God, you no longer need a soul mate. Better to be single than wrong marriage. Transform conjugal love into divine love and bring your consciousness back from the sexual level to the level of paradise.

You can combine your feeling and reason, giving yourself to humanity. Having a large family, you have the right not to start a smaller, limited family. For those who are not married and wish to remain so, the greatest responsibility of life is to serve humanity. If you do not marry physically, you must do it spiritually; otherwise you cannot become liberated. If you don't have children of your own, start foster children, or teach someone else's children, live an ideal life and infuse your spiritual qualities into them. What you plant in their souls is indestructible. Everything you have done that perpetuates your life is, to a certain extent, your child. So fulfill your true purpose in life.

Marriage as an opportunity for altruism

Marriage is a lesson in altruism. Two individuals learn to share with each other. Then the children appear and the parents share with them. But marriage becomes selfish again if they think only of their little family: "There are four of us and no one else." In time, our loved ones will be taken away; it is a reminder that the goal of human relationships is to expand consciousness by sacrificing for others and sharing with others.

There is so much joy in being an altruist. ...

Soul Mate Law and Spiritual Marriage

The law and the prophets (were) before John; from this time on, the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone enters into it by effort. But rather heaven and earth will pass away than one of the features of the law will disappear.

Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and everyone who marries a woman who is divorced from her husband commits adultery. (Luke 16: 16-18.)

Divine laws were proclaimed by prophets and given to the world before John. From that time on, they began to speak openly about the kingdom of God consciousness, and every righteous person tried to enter it. I tell you that the earth and the sky will sooner cease to exist than even a particle of divine law will not be able to confirm its reality.

What is adultery

According to the divine law, if a soul, under the influence of temptation, leaves its soul - a spiritual partner, and marries another to satisfy lust, then it commits an act of adultery, or sexual sin. And a man who marries this divorced woman to satisfy lust, and does not try to find and marry his own soul - a partner, commits an act of adultery.

With the above words, Jesus proclaims the immutable law of spiritual love, which should be the motive for all forms of marriage. Jesus automatically assumes that any relationship between a man and a woman called marriage must be based primarily on the spiritual law of divine union, according to which an inappropriate union is not a real marriage. Jesus meant that marriage is a divine institution for procreation, and that any marriage that is not based on spiritual life is not a true marriage, but an animal, or an accidental animal union, as in the animal kingdom. Animals reproduce in a random way, and non-discriminatory reproduction gives quite good offspring and continues the race, but the institution of marriage was given on the basis of the spiritual love of the Divine Father. Therefore, marriage without spiritual love is an animal union and cannot be called true marriage.

God is reason, feeling and cosmic energy. He created man in His own image. Therefore, man also consists of reason, feeling and cosmic energy. And in order to create a difference between a man and a woman, God played a joke. In creating a man, He used reason, feeling and cosmic energy, making reason prevailing in a man. This is why masculine traits exhibit a cold mind. God created woman using feeling, reason and cosmic energy. Because God has made feeling prevalent in a woman's life, her features express and evoke feeling. By virtue of the law of relativity, God had to divide himself into man and woman. But when God discovered that man and woman, created in his image, were essentially equivalent, he created superficial differences in their bodies and minds. Reason, being aggressive, made the man positive with positive sexual activity, and the woman, with her deep feelings, was negative and thus formed sexual passivity.

Man and woman

God created these physiological and mental differences to make a difference between a man and a woman. In an ideal spiritual union, the man was instructed to awaken the hidden reason in the woman, and the woman could help the man to reveal his hidden feelings. In doing so, man and woman help each other develop perfect reason and feeling, pure spiritual qualities. Having achieved this, man and woman become free, being one at first with each other, and then, later, plunging into God.

When God separated souls from Himself, positive and negative souls, or souls filled with reason and feeling, or male and female souls, came out into creation as half souls. For every male soul there is a corresponding female soul. When two such souls unite in perfect marriage, they become free. This is why wrong marriages increase sex drive, and disunity in love and in souls leads to suffering. But in a proper marriage, when the halves of souls become one and finally unite with the Spirit of God, their union is called the marriage of kindred souls.

Such a marriage is recognized by the fact that the husband and wife no longer live on the sexual plane, being together in perfect love, becoming one with God alone. Any so-called soul mate who has not extinguished sex drive are not soul mates at all. A very harmonious marriage, but without realizing God, can be a moral marriage, but it cannot be called a spiritual marriage between kindred spirits, which ends in liberation in God.

But it must be remembered that although usually the halves of souls must meet their missing halves, that is, the ideal man must meet the ideal woman and through spiritual marriage find freedom in God alone, still every man or woman seeking contact with the perfection of God through meditation and ecstasy , can find unity and freedom in God without meeting their soul mate. This method of cultivation and marriage with God is the most holy marriage between soul and Spirit, when God is the Divine Beloved, positive and masculine, and all human souls are negative, beloved spouses of God.

It is true that essentially the soul has no gender; the union and union of the soul with the Spirit is a true spiritual marriage. Only on the plane of creation can the soul be seen as male or female - or half souls. Behind the manifested worlds, in which the law of relativity prevails, lies the spiritual world, free from sex and duality.

Divine beloved

God, as the Divine Beloved, is constantly in marriage with every soul and never leaves the soul, even if it leaves Him, wandering in the slums of ignorance. God, as the Divine Beloved, follows every soul through incarnations until it returns to Him.

This is why Jesus points out that the highest ideal of marriage is the union of kindred souls in God. Therefore, if a soul mate leaves his true soul mate to gratify lust, he violates the law of holy union in God and is thrown into the underworld of depravity. Debauchery means that a man and a woman live together primarily for the satisfaction of lust. Most modern marriages that are sexually born are depraved, and end in some form of physical or mental separation when sexual desires dry up. Most modern marriages are depraved, which is why they fail.

Jesus meant that marriage was given by God in order to provide ideal soul mates with deliverance from the material world in the spirit world. But when the purpose of marriage is to satisfy sexual needs, it becomes debauchery. A depraved union, being the gratification of lust, is diametrically opposed to the divine union of kindred spirits in spirit marriage, in which sex may or may not be used to bear children, and the only purpose of which is to become one with God, gradually rising above all sexual urges.

According to Jesus, all marriages that are not spirit marriages between soul mates, in which sexual permissiveness is the goal, are depraved. But Jesus never meant that if a spirit husband leaves his mistakenly chosen wife and marries his soul mate, he is committing debauchery; on the contrary, Jesus would have dissolved a dissolute marriage in the name of a spiritual marriage.

Famous lady

I know a famous lady who was forced by her parents to marry a lustful husband in her youth. He squandered all her money and never lived by vows of marriage. One day he went too far and swung a chair at her. In her spiritual innocence, she suddenly penetrated with a spiritual gaze into the soul of her evil husband and for the first time realized who he was and that she had contacted an immoral soul. She said in a firm voice: "Now I recognize you; get out." The hands of the wicked husband seemed to be frozen; he dropped his chair and ran out of the house in utter horror, and never came back. The evil soul could not withstand the penetrating electrical vibrations of the spirit wife.

Subsequently, this lady developed significantly spiritually and attracted her real soul mate. From my long observations, their marriage is a true union of kindred spirits. After living on the sexual plane for some time, they lived for many years on the plane of love and spiritual fellowship, with no sexual relationship at all. Every day they wait to be able to see each other, as if they had just got married, and by seeing each other, they can feel their oneness with God. And I know now that Jesus would not consider this divorced woman and her second husband to be libertines.

Ordinary souls may have to go through the process of choosing a mate through mistaken marriages until they become spiritual and through suffering in trials find their soul mates for correct spiritual marriage and become liberated in God. It is only when kindred souls come together in a spiritual marriage - in the first marriage or after the experience of erroneous marriages - if they divorce as a result of sexual temptation, then commit adultery and interfere with the goal of any spiritual marriage - liberation in God in a true conjugal union.

It should be noted that when a man and a woman copulate primarily for the satisfaction of sexual instincts, this is debauchery. In depravity, the minds of those involved are completely focused on the physical use of the life force, and thus fall out of the divine joy of spiritual union. The stronger the sexual union, the stronger the disunity in the Spirit.

Who are our soul mates?

When Partner Souls unite in Spirit and love, they discover the eternally new joy of God in the breath of their being. The more they become one in the Spirit, the less they concentrate on sex life. The minds of soul partners in perfect marriage - even if there is sexual union for the birth of spirit children, to attract good souls to earth - are involved and absorbed in the perfect love of God. Therefore, they are free from adultery.

Thus, marriage in itself does not exempt from adultery, but spiritual marriage can exempt from adultery and from violating the main purpose of marriage, which is the divine means of liberating the soul in God in the right union.

Again, it should be remembered that man and woman can achieve perfection by uniting with God in meditation alone, without going through the process of spiritual marriage. This method that Jesus followed is better than freeing souls through ideal marriages.

Animal souls with uncontrollable sexual attraction always attract sexual partners to themselves. This is the main reason for the failure of modern marriages. Advanced souls, for whom God is the only goal, can call their soul mates on the plane of dreams or visions and so unite their souls in God. They do so with divine permission to formally obey the divine law concerning male and female souls. In this way, ideal soul mates can meet on the plane of dreams and visions and be liberated.

Soul mates living in different parts of the earth or even on different planets can unite in dreams or visions and become liberated. It must be firmly remembered that the ideal man or woman who meditates and does not live on the sexual plane develops spiritual magnetism by which he or she can attract the correct soul mate on the earthly plane or on the plane of conscious visions that are observed in deep meditation.

Jesus' words can only be understood by those who meditate deeply and focus on the Christ consciousness that Jesus possessed. Others misinterpret His words, which, moreover, have undergone changes due to an incorrect translation from Aramaic.

The path of spouses to each other in such an alliance is the most difficult. But those who decide on such a marriage and can do the inner work in search of community will be rewarded.

1. Absolute marriage (husband - Rat, Monkey, Dragon; wife - Rooster, Snake, Ox)
2. Intellectual marriage (husband - Cat, Boar, Goat; wife - Horse, Tiger, Dog)
3. Philosophical marriage (husband - Horse, Tiger, Dog; wife - Cat, Boar, Goat)
4. Passionate marriage (husband - Rooster, Snake, Ox; wife - Rat, Monkey, Dragon)

The down-to-earth will of a woman in such a union has a beneficial effect on a mystically-minded man.
Rat - Rooster:the sociability of the spouses and their desire to make the whole world happy should not go to the detriment of family values.
Rat - Snake: to maintain the union, the husband must abandon too many friendships.
Rat - Ox: you should not enter into a long confrontation - during this time spiritual contact may disappear.

Monkey - Rooster:it is better for the spouse to forget about her own career if she wants to save the family. A huge circle of acquaintances can only get in the way.
Monkey - Snake: vector relationships in which the depth of spiritual search can deprive you of vitality.
Monkey - Bull: family happiness depends on whether the wife will be able to discern his loving soul behind the external strangeness of her husband.
Dragon - Rooster: the most important thing for such a couple is to maintain reasonable control over their raging emotions.
Dragon - Snake:do not clip your wings with excessive attention to material values. Think about more spiritual things.
Dragon - Bull:this is one of the most successful marriages for a woman of this sign, since the husband calmly reacts to her straightforwardness and stubbornness. But it's still better to soften your tough temper.

In such a union, the creativity of one complements the creativity of the other.
Cat - Horse:the husband in this pair is the most contemplative type and must help his wife with the housework.
Cat - Tiger: excessive daydreaming prevents the couple from building a solid material foundation. Everyday life can destroy relationships.
Cat dog:a woman needs to relax, calm down and not grab onto everything at once. Delegate responsibilities and don't be afraid to talk to each other sincerely.
Boar - Horse: vector marriage. Oddly enough, but it is the wife-"mistress" who can not stand all this round dance.
Boar - Tiger: for such a man, communication with his wife is more important than her cooking.
Boar - Dog: The guiding thread in such a marriage will be the wife's wisdom and tolerance.
Goat - Horse: this man does not need a family nest, but spiritual unity, therefore communication and joint pastime should come first.
Goat - Tiger:marriage vector ring. Partners need to be condescending to each other, otherwise mutual claims and isolation from everyday issues will not keep the relationship for a long time.
Goat - Dog:do not lower the level of your relations by going into everyday life: improve your soul, develop together, unite efforts on spiritual practices.

The strength of this marriage is in unity. If it disappears. spouses can become enemies.
Horse - Cat: the husband should bear in mind that the wife will never devote herself entirely to the kitchen - do not demand this from her.
Horse - Boar: vector ring. An energetic and focused husband will try to remake his wife. How long can she endure it?
Horse - Goat: quarrels violate the spiritual unity of the couple, but in such a marriage all difficulties are completely surmountable due to the desire to find a compromise in any situation.
Tiger - Cat: neither husband nor wife likes to do housework, and each tries to shift these responsibilities onto the shoulders of the other. Better to do everything together.
Tiger - Boar: It is important that the priority of one's own achievements does not prevail over mutual understanding and unity.
Tiger - Goat: and again a vector connection. Husband pressure can be excessive - a sensitive wife is unlikely to take it.
Dog - Cat: The wise position and the invisible help of the wife will greatly facilitate the spiritual searches of the spouse, for which he will be overly grateful to her.
Dog - Boar: the wife's optimism will prevail over the husband's habit of being bored. The spouse will finally get down to business.
Dog - Goat: it is important not to overdo it with housekeeping, otherwise one fine moment you will notice that there is everyday life, but families - no.

The spirituality of this union is born in constant struggle. The kind of fight itself is not important.
Rooster - Rat: the representative of this sign cannot do without fans, and the man will win her back from the whole world. It is important not to lose your head in this process.
Rooster - Monkey:the wisdom and benevolence of a woman is a guarantee that the marriage will not be overwhelmed by passions and the path of spiritual unity will be traversed to the end.
Rooster - Dragon: a lot of work is required from the wife in such an alliance: adopt from the husband the broad outlook on any problem.
Snake - Rat:a coldish man is not easy to win, but such a woman will succeed. Remember that your partner has a sensitive soul.
Snake - Monkey:Vector union. If the wife takes all the hardships of life upon herself, then the marriage can last quite a long time.
Snake - Dragon: the wife should pay more attention to the inner world of her husband and take into account his capricious and picky character.
Ox - Rat: struggle in such an alliance is undesirable: prolonged confrontation will completely destroy the relationship, since a stubborn wife will not be able to overcome her pride.
Ox - Monkey: a man must realize that his wife is not so unpretentious as he is, and that she needs to create comfortable living conditions.
Ox - Dragon:a woman should not forget that her husband should be constantly consulted. Relationships are built on compromises, and stubbornness can ruin everything.