How to remove oily shine from the face forever. Arm yourself with a pore-shrinking drug. How to remove oily shine from your face at home

As always, I greet you, dear friends. In this article, I will show you how to remove glitter from a face in Photoshop using a couple of easy ways. Recently I was looking at photos from one event, and looking at the faces I thought: “How does the greasy shine spoil the photo”. Do you agree? But, thank God, this is all very easy to fix. Our favorite graphic editor will help us with this. Well, as Gagarin said: “Let's go!”.

How to remove oily shine on your face with a Healing Brush

As you probably know, there are two types of Healing Brush - Spot and Regular. Both of them are needed in order to hide any defects. These two types differ only in that for a regular instrument you need to look for the donor area yourself, and the point one does everything automatically. Therefore, let's start with the automatic method.

If you don't like the way a precise Healing Brush works, then try using the regular brush by selecting it all in the same group on the toolbar.

Only now you have to first select the area from which you will take the area and structure of the skin. To do this, hold down the Alt key so that your cursor changes to the crosshair icon, and click on an area of ​​normal skin.

I am sure that after completing this procedure, you will be satisfied.


Also, a pretty good way to remove glitter from a face in Photoshop is to use the familiar Patch tool.

Gaussian blur

Here is another interesting way that will not take much of your time, and the effect, I am sure, will please you. True, this method is unlikely to cope with a strong oily sheen.

The method, of course, is interesting, but in fact it is far from always suitable, and it will be much more effective to use one of the above methods.

Stamp tool

Also, in this difficult matter, the "Stamp" tool, which we used when removing an unnecessary object in Photoshop, may come in handy. If you already know how to use it, then you yourself will guess what needs to be done, but for those who do not know, I give detailed instructions.

In my opinion, everything is nowhere easier. Don't you think so? And at the same time, Angelina was put in order, otherwise it shines like no one knows who). And by the way, immediately the question: What method did you like more? Or maybe you know some other interesting method? I'll gladly have a look.

Well, in general, if you want to master Photoshop in the shortest possible time and be good at using it (even if you haven't used it at all), then I certainly recommend that you look cool video course... Today, in my opinion, this is the best Photoshop course for beginners. Everything is described in detail, without water and in a language understandable to humans. Looks literally in one breath.

I hope that now you will not have any questions about how to remove oily shine from the face in a photo in a photoshoot, so in any such delicate situation you can fix everything yourself.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

How often many of us are faced with the problem of shiny skin! It seems that they have just washed their face, and this unpleasant shine is already on the face again. This phenomenon can only say one thing - you have oily skin.

On the one hand, this is good to some extent. This dermis retains its youth much longer. At least when compared to dry skin. But on the other hand, the increased performance of the sebaceous glands can deliver very unpleasant sensations. What to do? How to get rid of oily shine on your face?

Determining the type of skin

Do you really have oily skin? Or are you just a suspicious person and trying to find flaws in yourself? It's very easy to find out, just analyze how your face looks. Here are the most common signs that indicate oily skin:

  1. You often see blackheads or blackheads on your face.
  2. Enlarged pores can be seen in the frontal area, as well as on the nose and chin.
  3. Your makeup disappears without a trace.
  4. And, of course, oily shine, which appears just a couple of hours after washing.

If all this looks like what you see in the mirror every day, then you have really oily skin.

What is a sebaceous gland?

Before wondering how to get rid of oily shine on your face, it would be nice to know about the reasons for its appearance.

The fact is that sebaceous glands are located all over the surface of our skin. The only exceptions are soles and palms. In some places they are found in large numbers. For example, scalp, back, chin, forehead.

If the sebaceous glands are working properly, then you are unlikely to have a question about how to get rid of the oily shine on your face. In this case, sebum is produced in an optimal amount and does not cause any inconvenience. In fact, it is indispensable for our body because it prevents moisture loss and protects the skin.

Where does the oily shine come from?

But there are other situations as well. The glands produce increased amounts of fat. That's when we are trying to figure out how to get rid of the oily shine on the face forever. Why is this happening? What affects the sebaceous glands?

Experts say that several factors can be the reason for the increased production of fat and, as a result, an unpleasant shine:

  • For example, individual characteristics, the same genetic predisposition.
  • The increased activity of the sebaceous glands can be associated with internal diseases.
  • Improper care. Our skin suffers the most from this. Rough cleaning, deforming the epithelium, or overdrying of the skin as a result of intensive use of alcohol-containing products.
  • There is one more reason - hormonal disorders. For example, during pregnancy or lactation. Growing up of the body or menopause also lead to an imbalance of hormones. It is important to establish the cause of the failure here.

Restless hormones

Especially the hormonal imbalance is typical for men.

How to get rid of oily shine on your face? Reviews of dermatologists reveal to us the secrets of physiology. Androgen can be called the culprit of the shiny face. This male hormone stimulates the enlargement of the sebaceous glands. Sebocyte (this is how the sebaceous gland is called in professional medical language) accumulates sebum, and then breaks down and splashes it out.

Perhaps the problem is in another hormone - testosterone. Its production peaks between the ages of 16 and 35. Then men's skin becomes drier.

Down with the greasy shine!

Many of us are trying to find out how to get rid of oily shine on our face during the day.

Modern cosmetics provide such an opportunity, but they will not solve the problem. Only comprehensive care will help you.

But still, let's see what tricks women sometimes resort to.

Masking the flaws

It would seem that the easiest way is to hide the oily sheen under a layer of makeup. But it has several disadvantages.

  • First, sebum can still show through through makeup. In this case, you will get the effect of dirty skin.
  • Secondly, the sebum will not find a way out and thereby clog the pores. This is already threatening big trouble. For example, the appearance of acne or inflammation.

It is better to use special cosmetics marked "matt". It has a light texture. There are also powders created specifically for oily skin. They include starches, clay, polymers. But again, they will not give a lasting result.

If you just need to look your best today, and you do not know how to get rid of oily shine on your face during the day, use special matting napkins. They are inexpensive, and the effect is tangible. True, short-term.

What a delight these napkins are!

Indeed, this is one of the best achievements in cosmetology at the moment. They are a kind of ambulance. Just don't confuse them with regular paper or wet wipes.

These products are of several types, on which their purpose depends.

  • Linseed quickly absorbs sweat and excess oil, leaving a natural make-up.
  • With absorbents or powder. These substances absorb sebum for a while, preventing the appearance of shine.
  • Polymeric. They resemble thin tracing paper and perfectly absorb fat. At the same time, cosmetics are not washed. The maximum that can remain on them is a little foundation.

Our skin is in our hands

The listed remedies are good, but provide a temporary respite. How to get rid of oily shine from a guarantee for a long time? The answer is simple: you need to take good care of your skin.

Your task is to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and tighten the pores. Stick to basic rules and your problem will be solved.

  • You need to wash yourself in the morning and in the evening. Cool water is desirable. You can add lemon juice to it. Washing with soap and salt helps very well. To do this, it is enough to moisten a cotton swab and lather it. Sprinkle with salt on top. It should be carried out over the face carefully, without injuring the skin. When the film dries, it needs to be washed off.
  • It is better to refuse nourishing creams. They can be replaced with special fat-free gels.
  • Scrubs with salicylic acid help a lot. It not only exfoliates dead cells, but also gets inside, positively affecting the work of the sebaceous glands. In general, peels and scrubs should not be abused. After all, their frequent use makes the skin vulnerable to all kinds of infections. Once a week is enough. And one more nuance: choose exfoliating products based on mud or fruit.
  • Pay attention to the clay as well. Masks with her are especially good. It perfectly absorbs sebum and does not injure the skin at all. Just choose clay without all kinds of fragrances.

Beauty secrets from mother nature

You still don't know how to get rid of oily shine on your face with folk remedies? Now we will fix this annoying little thing. Nature's pantry is generous with gifts for us.

  • You can easily replace a purchased foam for washing with whey or sour milk.
  • Also for this purpose, you can use a decoction of nettle or linden, yarrow or calendula. You yourself will notice that the face will stop shining.
  • Try a cucumber or tomato pulp mask. You can also use rolled oats soaked in milk.

All of these products are easy to prepare and use, but the results are amazing.

Male secrets

Everything is more complicated for our supermen, you can't hide flaws with decorative cosmetics. How to get rid of oily shine on the face of men?

You need to adhere to 3 rules:

Today, there are enough male cosmetics that can solve this problem. It has a special mark - "for men". Men are especially worried about acne. If you don't want to go to a beauty salon, then you should at least look at the pharmacy. They sell a huge number of lotions and creams that fight acne.

It's time to take care of yourself and fight back the oily sheen!

Cleansing according to the rules

One of the main ingredients in oily skin care is salicylic acid. It should be contained in cleansers in at least two percent concentration, then there will be an effect. This component dries the skin slightly, without leaving it dehydrated, and thereby relieves it of oily sheen. Use salicylic acid gels and toners for your morning wash to keep your face shiny throughout the day.

Basic care

A heavy, dense cream is not the best choice for those with oily skin. Care with its help will only intensify the manifestation of such a problem as oily sheen: such products are often rich in oils that nourish the skin, but at the same time provoke the appearance of an oil film. So instead of rich creams for daily care, use a moisturizing gel or, for example, a light serum that absorbs quickly without leaving any marks on the skin.

Matting primer

Complementing the proper care is worth applying a matting primer. Such as Shine Killer from NYX Professional Makeup, does not make makeup heavier, lays on the skin in a thin, weightless layer and solves the main problem - removes oily sheen. Having become matte, the skin thanks to this tool stays that way for a long time - and along with it, the makeup retains a flawless look. By the way, these primers also tighten the pores.

When you need to get rid of oily sheen, the main thing is not to use a foundation containing oils in the composition. Another mistake is to powder your face harder in the hope that it will remain matte all day: the greasy shine will still show through the layer of powder. The most correct thing is to choose for your cosmetic bags for tone correction: they do not clog the pores and, for this reason, do not contribute to the skin secreting more sebum.

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Matte finish

However, even if the foundation does not contain oils, oily or combination skin may still appear. Therefore, complete the tone correction with a translucent mattifying powder. For this purpose, for example, De-Slick from Urban Decay is suitable. Its peculiarity is that the product not only instantly mattifies the skin, but also absorbs the sebum that is released during the day. All thanks to the content of rice powder, which can absorb fat.

Looking at night

To wake up without a greasy film on your face, you need to pay special attention to night skin care. Before bed, use a daily formula exfoliator and mask to help regulate sebum production.

Matting napkins

A package of matting wipes is what you should always have with you if your skin becomes covered with an oily film during the day. They can get your skin wet at any time - and it will immediately become matte again, and at the same time well-groomed and beautiful.

Proper nutrition

Not only cosmetics helps in solving problems such as oily sheen. Pay attention to your diet: the diet should contain more foods with vitamin A, which slows down the secretion of sebum. These include, for example, carrots and spinach. But spicy and fatty foods should be avoided.

How to remove oily shine from your face

Oily skin is a problem for its owner. One of the troubles is an oily sheen that can ruin your makeup and appearance. However, there are ways to get rid of it.

Oily skin is often accompanied by acne, comedones, enlarged pores and other troubles. But sometimes even clean skin secretes too much subcutaneous fat, which makes it shine. Most often, a greasy sheen appears in the T-zone, i.e. in the chin, nose and central forehead. The skin on the cheeks and cheekbones is usually quite dry. This suggests that the problem must be dealt with locally, i.e. eliminate fat where it appears, rather than doing it all over the face.

The common myth that oily skin needs to be washed more often only exacerbates the problem. Oily skin really needs to be cleansed, especially in summer, but as soon as you wash off the fat layer, the sebaceous glands produce a new portion of fat instead. In addition, we often wash with foam or gel, which dry out the skin.

What to do?
- Wash your face in the morning and evening with water at room temperature or warm, but not hot, because under the influence of high temperature, the pores open, and the sebaceous glands work even more actively. And in the evening, be sure to use a cleanser, and in the morning it is enough to wash off the fat from the face with water.
- Use mild, low pH cleansers and makeup removers. The alkaline environment is aggressive to the skin and dries it out too much.
- Use a non-alcohol toner.
- Anti-inflammatories containing alcohol should be used locally, only in those places where the skin is more oily and where inflammation has appeared.

Excess oil is secreted by the skin exactly when it lacks sufficient hydration. First of all, from the inside, i.e. when you do not drink enough liquid, as well as outside.

What do you need?
- Apply a light moisturizer to the entire face every night. In this case, do not overdo it, because more than necessary, the skin will not absorb. Then the remains of the cream will simply clog the pores, and the skin will not be able to "breathe" normally.
- Do not torment the skin with alcohol solutions. Alcohol is quite aggressive and dries the skin quickly. And the more we dry it, the more moisture it needs.
- Once every one to two weeks, make moisturizing masks based on low-fat kefir or yogurt, egg yolk. It is advisable to alternate these masks with masks made of white or blue clay, egg white, which regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and help get rid of oily shine on the face. You can add a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oils to clay masks. They perfectly regulate fat metabolism and relieve inflammation.
- Drink plenty of fluids, in particular pure water or green tea.

Nutritionists will never tire of repeating that our nutrition is the basis of everything: the healthy functioning of the system of internal organs, the condition of the skin and hair, teeth, nails and many other factors. Each time you grab onto a bun or a fatty piece of meat, remember that all the previous procedures will be only half effective if you do not change your diet.

- Limit yourself in fatty and flour products, hot spices (fried, yeast dough, smoked meats, sausages, chocolate, etc.). This does not mean that you need to put yourself on an unplanned diet, but it is important to remember that all these foods provoke increased production of subcutaneous fat and red inflammation.
- Go to healthy food: stew, boiled or baked meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy and dairy products.
- Refuse "junk food" with food additives (from sugary carbonated drinks, chips, crackers and other "evil spirits").

Unfortunately, girls with a fatty type of face need to be very selective in the choice of decorative cosmetics, because the wrong choice will lead to the same clogging of pores. Together with the accumulated fat, particles of foundation, powder, concealer, blush, highlighter, etc. will get into the pores.

What do you need?
- Use a loose matte powder or foundation with a very light texture.
- Apply powder, foundation, blush and corrective products with a fluffy brush, and not with the sponge that comes with the product. In this way, you will apply a minimal amount of the product, but it will be enough to hide the shine.
- If necessary, use matting wipes against oily shine on the face. It is desirable that they do not contain alcohol. This is especially necessary in the summer in the daytime, when the skin quickly becomes oily and dirty, and there is practically no makeup on the face.

Taking care of oily skin is a real challenge, and we know about it firsthand. And who promised that the path to beauty is simple and short? Most importantly, remember that if you treat your skin with love, then it will definitely answer you in the same way, and then your face will shine only with happiness!

Smooth, matte skin of the face, as if glowing from the inside - what woman does not dream about it? Even with such natural beauty, efforts are needed to preserve it. But what if the skin on the face shines with an oily sheen? How many troubles and even suffering this type of skin delivers, but you can fix the situation. This article will show you how to deal with this problem.

Why the skin on the face shines

Undesirable shine mainly appears due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, while secreting a lot of sebum. There are many reasons for their activity:

  1. Failure at the hormonal level. You cannot cope with this problem without a doctor, cosmetic products will help only temporarily, and the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications for you.
  2. Dermatological diseases that prevent the outflow of sebum. Oftentimes, skin shine is accompanied by acne. You should definitely contact a dermatologist, only he knows how to help you.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins. To eliminate this cause, eat right, eat fruits and vegetables, cereals, take bifidobacteria for a while.
  4. Excessive emotionality, a state of constant stress, hidden experiences - all these psychological problems can also become the reasons for the activation of the glands responsible for the production of subcutaneous fat. Try to pull yourself together, do not let emotions prevail over common sense. Take soothing herbs.
  5. Naturally oily or combination skin. The forehead, chin, nose shine.

How to tell if your skin is oily

If you have any doubts about your skin type, then test it as follows:

  • cleanse your face;
  • take a sheet of tissue paper and lightly press it against your nose, forehead and chin;
  • look at the paper, if there are stains on it, then the skin is oily.

There is also a positive point in this: you will have wrinkles later than your friend with dry skin.

Problem prevention

In order for such a problem as a greasy shine on the face not to make itself felt, it is necessary to properly care for your skin:

  1. Clean your face regularly and choose your cosmetics responsibly. Oily skin requires special products that do not interfere with the skin's breathing. These include rapidly absorbing foams, gels, emulsions.
  2. Make it a rule to cleanse every night, be sure to remove makeup using products that have a light texture. During the day, use special wet wipes, they are sold in pharmacies and are good at removing oily sheen. If you buy a cream, then pay attention to what kind of base it has, water is suitable for you, and foundation and powder are necessarily mineral-based.
  3. Use toners and lotions in the mornings and evenings, but only in tandem with cleansing.
  4. When you have the opportunity, visit salons to cleanse your face, and if not, use peels for deep cleansing. Gels-scrubs with nettle in their composition are effective. It will remove the shine and prevent inflammation. Apply the cleanser with a special soft brush.

Traditional methods of getting rid of oily sheen

Self-made natural cosmetics are effective and inexpensive. Here are some recipes:

  1. A good result is given by washing with fermented milk products, for example, yogurt, kefir, acidophilus. The face is first cleansed, for 15 minutes. apply any of the listed products, then wash off. If there is irritation, then kefir is mixed with oatmeal chopped in a meat grinder, chamomile is added.
  2. When you wash your face with milk or whey instead of water every other day, the oily sheen will gradually disappear.
  3. A good remedy is egg white whipped into foam with lemon zest, but it is used once every 10 days.
  4. A good result from a mask of yeast diluted with warm water. Apply it for 20 minutes and then wash off.
  5. Give your face a 10-minute saunas twice a month with herbs such as sage, chamomile, and calendula. After the procedure, blot the skin with a gauze pad and wipe with lotion or water with a few drops of lemon juice.