When to introduce complementary foods to an artificial person. Meat and fish purees. Notes on the introduction of complementary foods


Complementary feeding table for children under one year old. Complementary feeding by months.
Young mothers are at a loss, the older generation advises to introduce carrot juice drop by drop at 4 months, friends say "you need to eat meat at 6 months", there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet. The nutrition of a child under one year old should be balanced and correct. Modern mothers introduce complementary foods during breastfeeding and artificial feeding, adhering to the WHO recommendations for children under one year old. Our daily chart based on the recommendations of our pediatrician for infants.

“Exclusive breastfeeding fully meets the nutritional needs of most infants up to about 6 months of age.
However, as the baby gets older, bigger and more active, the nutritional needs can no longer be met by breast milk alone. To fill the gap between what breast milk provides and the total nutritional needs of the infant, special transitional feeding is needed - complementary foods specifically designed to meet the specific nutritional and physiological needs of the infant.

Introducing transitional feeding does not mean stopping breastfeeding or formula feeding. Conversely, in the first year of life, breast milk or formula should remain one of the main sources of food, and it is desirable that by the end of the first year it provides from one third to one half of the average total energy intake.

The purpose of complementary foods is to provide additional energy and nutrients, but ideally, they should not displace breast milk during the first 12 months!

Children are physically able to consume foods from the family table by the age of 1 year, after which these foods no longer need to be modified to meet the special needs of an infant.

To ensure that the energy and nutrient needs of growing children are met, they need to offer a wide range of high nutritional products.value. In addition, it is possible that when children are offered a more varied diet, it improves their appetite. "

When to start introducing complementary foods

  1. Age 5-6 months (better still at 6, not earlier and not later).
  2. Doubling your birth weight.
  3. The child knows how to sit. He can lean towards the spoon or turn away from it, confidently turns his head.
  4. The child firmly holds a small thing in his fist and can deliberately put it in his mouth.
  5. The child shows great interest in the nutrition of the parents and asks to try it.
  6. Teething of the first teeth.
  7. The disappearance of the protective reflex of "pushing" the tongue of solid food particles. This reflex weakens by 6 months. In some children, it can last up to a year or even up to three years.
  8. Complementary foods are offered only to a healthy child. Contraindications to the introduction of complementary foods are: allergic manifestations, preparation for vaccinations and the period after vaccinations, intestinal diseases, the recovery period after gastrointestinal diseases.

Where to start introducing complementary foods

According to indications, when a child is not gaining weight well or there is a tendency to change the frequency and consistency of stools, doctors recommend introducing porridge as the first complementary food, and then vegetable puree. I think, first of all, it is worthwhile to figure out the reasons for the underweight, porridge is unlikely to solve the problem!

It is best to start introducing complementary foods into the daytime feed to monitor the baby's response throughout the day.
I advise you to have an approximate schedule and feedings, namely, certain intervals between feedings (normally 4 hours). It will be easier for you to navigate the preparation of food and the baby will feel hungry for the next feeding. How to introduce the correct daily routine for children under one year old.

Table (diagram) of the introduction of complementary foods by months according to WHO recommendations up to 3 years

As it turned out, there are a lot of interpretations of the WHO schemes on the Internet, there is no single scheme, there are recommendations in the WHO manual in Chapter 8 (link at the end of the post). Based on the needs and preferences and characteristics of her child, each mother adheres to her own scheme.
The main recommendations of our pediatrician and a modern view of the introduction of complementary foods are: the first to introduce white and green vegetables, then cereals, meat, vegetable and butter, then fruit purees - this is the base, after which we begin to add orange vegetables, potatoes to the diet, try cottage cheese and sour-milk products closer to the year.
It all depends on your child, Maxim loves to eat with me, the products were introduced gradually and according to the scheme, there are no problems with nutrition. When the portion volume reached 150-180 grams, breastfeeding was removed.
Our scheme with Maksimka is as follows:

6 months -Vegetables(add zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli) from 5-100 gr

The goal in this initial phase is to teach the infant to spoon-feed. Initially, only a small amount of food is needed (about one or two teaspoons) and should be given at the tip of a clean teaspoon or finger. It may take your child some time to learn how to use the lips to scoop food off the spoon and move food ready to be swallowed into the back of the mouth. Part of the food can flow down the chin, spit out. This is to be expected from the start, and it is
does not mean that the child does not like the food.

Week - new product

12-13.00 (conditionally lunch) finish with breast milk or a mixture

I - zucchini
1 day - 0.5 - 1 tsp vegetable puree (zucchini)
2 day - 2 tsp vegetable puree (zucchini), etc.

We increase to 50-60 gr 1 tsp. without slide = 5 gr.

II - cauliflower
1 day - 1 tsp vegetable puree (cauliflower) + 50 g zucchini
2 day - 2 tsp vegetable puree (cauliflower) + 45 g zucchini, etc.
(i.e. we reduce the amount of the second vegetable by the size of the first)
Day 6 - 60 gr vegetable puree (cauliflower) + 20 gr zucchini
7 day - 80 gr vegetable puree (cauliflower)

By quantity, be guided by the child, the table shows the approximate volumes!

III - broccoli
1 day - 1 tsp vegetable puree (broccoli) + 80 g zucchini
2 day - 2 tsp vegetable puree (broccoli) + 70 g of cauliflower, etc.
6 day - 80 gr vegetable puree (cauliflower) + 20 gr zucchini
7 day - 100 gr vegetable puree (cauliflower)

We always offer a new product first, then choose one of the previously introduced ones. We bring the total volume to 100g.

IV 1 day - 50 g broccoli + 50 g zucchini
Day 2 - 50 g cauliflower + 50 g zucchini, etc.
Day 7 - 50 gr broccoli + 50 gr cauliflower

Do not mix more than 3 vegetables.

Result: Maxim eats vegetables with pleasure about 100 grams, breast milk in about an hour. If I give it right away, it spits up a lot.

7 months- Vegetables (100-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g we start adding oil when the serving volume exceeds 100 g!). Pumpkin. Dairy-free porridge gluten-free (rice, buckwheat or corn) 100 gr.

Which manufacturer of baby cereals to choose.
Week - new product Breakfast 9.00 - 10.00 Lunch 13.00-14.00
I - rice porridge 1 day - 0.5 - 1 tsp rice porrige
2 day - 2 tsp rice porridge, etc.

We increase to 50-60 gr.

1-7 days - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower of your choice (100-150 gr) + vegetable oil (1-3 gr)
II - buckwheat porridge 1 day - 1 tsp buckwheat porridge + 50 g rice porridge
2 day - 2 tsp buckwheat porridge (cauliflower) + 45 g rice porridge, etc.
(i.e. we reduce the amount of the second product by the size of the first)
Day 6 - 80 g buckwheat porridge + 20 g rice porridge + 1 tsp. butter (when the volume exceeds 70 g)
7 day - 100 gr buckwheat porridge

First we offer buckwheat porridge, then rice. We bring the total volume to 100g.

III - corn porridge 1 day - 1 tsp corn porridge + 95 g rice porridge + 1 tsp. butter
2 day - 2 tsp corn porridge (cauliflower) + 90 g buckwheat porridge + 1 tsp. butter, etc.
Day 6 - 80 g corn porridge + 20 g buckwheat porridge + 1 tsp. butter
Day 7 - 100 gr corn porridge + 1 tsp. butter
1-7 days - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower of your choice (100-150 gr) + vegetable oil (1-3 gr)
IV - pumpkin 1 day - 100 gr corn porridge + 1 tsp. butter
Day 2 - 100 gr buckwheat porridge + 1 tsp. butter
Day 3 - 100 grams of rice porridge + 1 tsp. butter, etc
1 day - 1 tsp vegetable puree (pumpkin) + 145 gr zucchini
2 day - 2 tsp vegetable puree (pumpkin) + 140 gr of cauliflower, etc.
Day 6 - 100 g of vegetable puree (pumpkin) + 50 g of broccoli
Day 7 - 150 gr vegetable puree (pumpkin)

Result: we continue to eat vegetables, we liked rice porridge the most, buckwheat is not very good, corn is eaten calmly. Breastfeeding indinner replace whether for complementary foods.

8 months - Meat(turkey, rabbit) 5-50 gr. If a child is prone to allergies, we first introduce it for breakfast in addition to porridge, monitor the reaction, and a week later - for lunch with vegetables. Crackers, biscuits, drying (optional, at your discretion).

Week - new product

Breakfast 9.00-10.00

Lunch 13.00-14.00

I - rabbit 1 day - 100g of porridge of your choice + 1 tsp. butter
Day 2 - 110g of porridge of your choice + 1 tsp. butter
Day 3 - 130g of porridge of your choice + 1 tsp. butter, etc.
Day 7 - 150g of porridge of your choice + 1 tsp. butter, etc.
We increase the porridge to 150 gr.
1 day - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + rabbit meat (1 tsp)
Day 2 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + rabbit meat (2 tsp)
Day 3 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + rabbit meat (4 tsp), etc.

Day 7 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + rabbit meat (10 tsp)

Increase to 50-60 g (1 tsp-5 g).

II - Turkey 1-7 days - 150g of porridge of your choice + 1 tsp. butter, etc. Day 1 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + turkey meat (1 tsp)
Day 2 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + turkey meat (2 tsp)
Day 3 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + turkey meat (4 tsp), etc.

Day 7 - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + turkey meat (10 tsp)

Lactationon breakfast replacewhether for complementary foods. Early morning feeding at 5.00-6.00 is left.

8-9 months- Apple, pear, banana, prunes (5-50 gr). Meat (rabbit, turkey, veal).

Week - new product Breakfast9.00-10.00 Lunch 13.00 - 14.00
I - apple 1 day - 0.5 - 1 tsp fruit puree (apple) + 110 g rice porridge + 1 tsp. butter
2 day - 2 tsp fruit puree (apple) + 120 gr buckwheat porridge + 1 tsp. butter
Day 3 - 4 tsp fruit puree (apple) + 130 gr corn porridge + 1 tsp. butter, etc.

We increase fruit puree (apple) up to 50 gr., Porridge up to 150 gr.

II - pear 1 day - 0.5 - 1 tsp fruit puree (pear) + 150 gr rice porridge + 1 tsp. butter
2 day - 2 tsp fruit puree (pear) + 150 gr buckwheat porridge + 1 tsp. butter
Day 3 - 4 tsp fruit puree (pear) + 150 gr corn porridge + 1 tsp. butter, etc.

We increase the fruit puree (pear) to 50 gr.

1-7 days - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + meat of your choice (50 g)
III - prunes 1 day - 0.5 - 1 tsp fruit puree (prunes) + 150 gr rice porridge + 1 tsp. butter
2 day - 2 tsp fruit puree (prunes) + 150 gr buckwheat porridge + 1 tsp. butter
Day 3 - 4 tsp fruit puree (prunes) + 150 gr corn porridge + 1 tsp. butter, etc.

We increase the fruit puree (prunes) to 50 gr.

1-7 days - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + meat of your choice (50 g)
IV - veal
50-60 gr fruit puree (optional) + 150 gr porridge (optional) + 1 tsp butter
1-7 days - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin - a mixture of your choice (130-150 g) + vegetable oil (1-3 g) + veal (5-50 g)
Result: On the recommendation of the pediatrician, we began to introduce meat at 8 months, before fruit purees due to poor weight gain and to increase hemoglobin.

Vegetables, cereals, oil, meat and fruits are the basis, then we begin to expand the diet and in the same way introduce a new product in small portions, we monitor the child's reaction. The following is an approximate list of product entry by month, perhaps you will enter something earlier.

As a drink, give your child clean water, not juices! Juices according to WHO, they are a product with low energy value and high sugar content. If he refuses to drink at all, cook dried fruit compotes without sugar, you can give baby tea closer to the year.

Aged 9-12 months gradually replacing evening feeding supper... Previously introduced cereals and vegetables are best suited; you should not give heavy foods such as cottage cheese, eggs and meat. This is suitable for toddlers and children who eat at night. My child requires a full dinner, so most often I cook lunch and divide it into 2 parts, about 200 grams each (lunch and dinner).

Dinner will be at about 19-20.00 after the walk.

9- 10 months- Potato. Carrot. Beet.

10 months- Cottage cheese, fermented milk products from the dairy kitchen (if there is no allergy to cow's milk).

Week - new product


Lunch 13.00 - 14.00

Afternoon snack 16.00-17.00

Dinner 19.00-20.00

I - tvorg vegetable puree (200 g) + vegetable oil + meat (30 g) or soup in vegetable broth
1 day - cottage cheese (1 tsp) + 100 g of fruit puree
Day 2 - cottage cheese (3 tsp) + 100 g of fruit puree
Day 3 - cottage cheese (4 tsp) + 100 g of fruit puree
Day 7 - cottage cheese (50 g) + 100 g of fruit puree
II - yogurt porridge (180 gr) + 1 tsp. butter, if desired, you can add a little fruit puree to the porridge 1 day - yogurt (50gr)
Day 2 - yogurt (100gr)
Day 7 - yogurt (200gr)
vegetable puree (150 gr) + vegetable oil + meat (30 gr) or porridge with meat
III - biolact porridge (180 gr) + 1 tsp. butter, if desired, you can add a little fruit puree to the porridge vegetable puree (200 g) + vegetable oil + meat (30 g) or soup with vegetable broth 1 day - biolact (50gr)
Day 2 - biolact (100gr)
7 day - biolact (200gr)
vegetable puree (150 gr) + vegetable oil + meat (30 gr) or porridge with meat
IV - kefir
porridge (180 gr) + 1 tsp. butter, if desired, you can add a little fruit puree to the porridge
vegetable puree (200 g) + vegetable oil + meat (30 g) or soup with vegetable broth 1 day - kefir (50gr)
Day 2 - kefir (100gr)
Day 7 - kefir (200gr)
vegetable puree (150 gr) + vegetable oil + meat (30 gr) or porridge with meat

Maxim loves to eat very much, so our dinner is quite hearty, light fruit purees are also suitable for little ones.

Lactationfor dinner replacewhether for complementary foods. Remained early morning feeding at 5.00-6.00 and before bedtime.

11 months- Fish (not fatty varieties, hake, pollock, pike perch, haddock) for lunch 2 times a week.

12 months- Cucumber, Brussels sprouts. Milk porridge... Beef. Hen. Gluten porridge (oat and wheat). Egg. Peach, nectarine, apricot. Bread. Adapted baby milk. Blueberry.

14 months- Legumes. Pasta. White cabbage. Cheese(not greasy, not salty, no mold, quality manufacturer, add a little to food).

18 months- Green bean. Pork.

24 months- Tomatoes. Sour cream (10-15% fat). Raspberries, strawberries (a couple of berries per season, not jam, but a couple of berries !!!).

36 months- Citrus fruits. Melon watermelon. By-products (liver, kidneys, tongue. Salt (iodized, fluorinated), sugar.


products, gr

Age, months

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Vegetable puree 5-100 150 170 180 200 200 200
Fruit puree

5-40 50-60 70-80 80-90 100

Porridge 50-100 100-150 150 150-180 180-200 200
Cottage cheese

50 50
Dairy products

Meat puree 5-30 50 50 60-70 60-70
Fish puree

Bread (wheat) 3-5 5 5 5-10 10
Rusks, biscuits, drying 3-5 5 5 5-10 10
Vegetable oil 1-3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter 1-4 4 4 5 5

And remember! The only innate preference in humans is a preference for sweet tastes, and even newborn babies are greedy for sugary substances. This can be a problem as children develop a preference for the frequency of exposure to a particular taste. Avoiding all foods other than sugary foods will limit the variety of foods and nutrients your child eats.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will definitely answer!

Children grow up so fast! Their nature and needs are changing rapidly. Breastmilk is ideal food, but it can’t saturate a one-year-old baby, and even infant formula isn’t satisfying. When to introduce the first complementary foods with artificial feeding, are there any peculiarities and nuances? We will answer these questions in our article.

How many months to introduce complementary foods with artificial feeding

The mixtures are not able to adapt to the needs of the baby, to change their fat content and nutritional value. Even the best formula cannot replace breast milk. Therefore, the question of when to introduce complementary foods arises for mothers with a baby on artificial feeding a little earlier than for mothers who only breastfeed. In the latter case, you don't have to worry about mashed potatoes and porridges for up to six months.

The earliest age when you can try to give your baby "adult" food is 3-4 months. Earlier, the baby will not be able to digest and assimilate new foods.

The optimal age is 6 months, when the baby's nervous, digestive and excretory systems are sufficiently strengthened, and the need for energy has increased significantly (at this age, most children begin or already sit confidently, perform many difficult actions for them, begin to try to crawl, show the first communication skills , "Gagging" becomes quite meaningful, turns into an attempt at verbal interaction with adults).

All pediatricians agree: the timing of the introduction and the mode of complementary feeding are determined by the condition of the baby.

The child himself will make it clear when he needs more dense, satisfying food, which foods are suitable for him and in what volume he needs them. Parents need attention, patience and knowledge of the basic rules for introducing complementary foods, which will be discussed below.

How do you know if your baby needs more satisfying food? The signal will be the frequent hunger of the baby. If the baby wanted to eat, he is unlikely to be silent, so he will inform his mother about his desires. Sometimes children show miracles of patience - then the weight and cheeks will tell that the child is not eating enough. If the baby receives the mixture by age, but does not gain weight, loses weight, becomes lethargic, does not wake up well - the first thing to think about is expanding the diet.

In addition to weight, you need to carefully monitor that the child has enough vitamins and other nutrients. Bumps on the forehead, a bald spot on the back of the head, peeling under the hair can be signs of rickets and a lack of calcium, vitamins D and A. It is necessary to consult a specialist. Most likely, you will be recommended vitamin drops, cottage cheese and carrot puree.

A is a fat-soluble vitamin, so if you are making carrot puree at home, be sure to add some butter. Such a dish will be quite heavy, but it will not harm the baby - you just need to limit the volume to 30-50 grams, completing the feeding with the formula.

Parents will learn which foods are suitable again by their cheeks: the wrong foods will cause diathesis. Of course, you need to start with light meals. If you buy cereals and mashed potatoes in a store, be sure to look at the age limit on the label. Manufacturers must indicate at how many months a child can eat this or that dish.

Another important indicator is stool and urination. If, after a new product, constipation, diarrhea, signs of an undigested product in the feces, urinary retention (this leads to edema and other negative consequences) appear, then such a dish must be excluded either partially or completely.

As a rule, there is no need to worry about what portion is sufficient for the baby. Young children rarely eat more than they need, and are unlikely to refuse to continue the banquet if they are not yet full. The only thing to remember is that all new products are introduced gradually.

Basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods

So, the baby signals with all his might that he wants to eat more varied and satisfying. Where to start, and how not to harm the baby? Fundamental rules:

  1. Complementary feeding begins earlier than 3 months of age.
  2. Dishes should be liquid or mushy (semi-liquid mashed potatoes and cereals), without lumps and pieces.
  3. It is better to give a baby "adult" food right away from a spoon - this is how the chewing skill begins to form. Later, it will become the main one and displace the sucking reflex, so training will not interfere.
  4. Complementary foods, as a mixture, should be warm, but not scalding, approximately 37-40 ° C.
  5. New dishes are introduced one at a time, without mixing. It can be milk porridge made from one type of cereal or one-component puree.
  6. In no case should the baby's diet contain sugar, salt or other spices. Honey is also highly discouraged because is a strong allergen.
  7. The interval between tasting experiments should be quite long. Pediatricians recommend introducing a new dish no more than once every 7-12 days.
  8. Any new product is given to a baby in a very small volume, literally, at the tip of a teaspoon, once a day. The maximum tasting portion is one coffee spoon or a special baby spoon.
  9. Having given a new dish, you need to carefully monitor the child's reaction. If diathesis, bloating, colic, diarrhea or constipation appear, it is better to postpone the introduction of the product for a month or two. If the test passed without complications, the next day the portion can be slightly increased, gradually bringing to 100-180 g.
  10. The diet is not expanded if the baby is sick or weak. As a rule, on such days it is better to switch to the mixture completely in order to reduce the load on the digestive tract and the nervous system. In any case, only proven products should be on the menu.
  11. You shouldn't try new dishes on the day of your vaccinations. This is an aggressive combination of factors that is difficult for the baby's body.
  12. It is advisable to feed the child in the first half of the day, in the second or third meal. First, it makes it easier to track the reaction of a small organism. Secondly, the baby will need energy during the day, not at night. Thirdly, if complementary foods cause gas formation, it can pass unnoticed during the day. While the baby is sitting, actively playing, crawling, spinning, the gazes will naturally and easily be diverted. But during sleep, they will cause colic, bloating and, as a result, anxiety and crying.
  13. Another basic rule is complementary foods first, then mixture. The kid can abandon the innovation if he has already satisfied the first, most active hunger. In addition, the complementary food is more satisfying than the mixture, it will need the maximum portion of gastric juice. And she will be just at the beginning of feeding, when the baby is especially hungry. It is no less important that both mashed potatoes and porridge are unusually thick for an infant, so it will be helpful to wash them down with a mixture.
  14. Having switched to complementary foods, you need to give your baby more to drink. It can be water, one-component hypoallergenic compotes and juices, herbal teas - drinks can be prepared at home or purchased in a store.

Complementary feeding on artificial feeding - features

Are there any differences between bottle-fed and bottle-fed complementary foods? Yes. There are features. With HB, complementary foods begin with the mother expanding her diet. The baby tries new products indirectly, the reaction to them is smoothed out, and the baby's body is gradually preparing for the transition to more serious food. But if the baby received only a mixture for up to three months? Then parents will have to be as attentive and careful as possible. It is necessary to strictly follow the feeding rules set out in the previous paragraph, as well as strictly follow the scheme for introducing products, which will be discussed a little later.

If the baby receives a specialized (fermented milk, hypoallergenic, etc.) mixture, before introducing new products, you need to consult a supervising pediatrician. Complementary foods should be combined with the child's main food.

Formula is not 100% breast milk. It always increases the risk of allergic reactions, colic or bloating to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the baby's menu extremely carefully, starting with the safest and lightest products, it is quite possible that the baby's tummy will not be able to cope even with one-component vegetable puree. Try it, watch the reaction. The kid himself will tell you what is good for him and what is bad. You may have to postpone complementary foods for up to 6-7 months, but in the meantime, fill the nutritional gap with more frequent feeding with formula.

There is also the opposite feature. Despite the fact that modern infant formula is rich in vitamins and minerals, their volume may be insufficient for a rapidly developing organism. Complementary feeding can be introduced on the direct recommendation of a pediatrician - there is no need to worry, this is a preventive measure, it does not mean health problems.

Complementary feeding scheme

Below is a table approved in Russia within the framework of the National Program for Optimizing Feeding of Infants in the First Year of Life in 2009.

Products, dishesAllowed volume, ml, g
4-6 months7 months8 months9-12 months
Vegetable puree10-150 170 180 200
Milk porridge10-150 150 180 200
Fruit puree5-60 70 80 90-100
Fruit juice5-60 70 80 90-100
Cottage cheesenot earlier than 6 months, 6-4040 40 50
Yolk, pcs.- 0,25 0,5 0,5
Meat pureenot earlier than 6 months, 5-3030 50 60-70
Fish puree- - 5-30 30-60
Kefir and other nonadapter. k / mol drinks.- - 200 200
Rusks, biscuits- 3-5 5 10-15
Wheat bread- - 5 10
Vegetable oil1-3 5 5 6
Butter1-4 4 5 6

Complementary feeding scheme from three months

The basis of the diet is still the mixture. A new product can replace one daily feed by 4 months.

Porridge - a liquid consistency so that the child does not need to chew or rub with a tongue. Bottle feeding is allowed - up to 100 ml per day.

For the first feeding, a baby on IV should choose buckwheat and other gluten-free cereals, for example, corn. Rice is also gluten-free, but it requires a lot of water, swells up a lot in the stomach, so this is a rather heavy food, it is better to save it for a later age, from 6 months.

Cereals should be crushed until semolina, then boiled. After cooking, the corn must be left to "reach" so that it is absolutely soft. In stores, you can buy ready-made cereals that do not require cooking, it is enough to dilute them in warm water. When buying a semi-finished product, carefully read on the packaging the age from which it is recommended. Give preference to well-known mid and high price brands.

Fruit puree - apple, pear (with caution) - up to 60 g per day.

Juices - in between feedings, up to 30 ml per day.

Scheme from 4-5 months

Porridge and vegetable or fruit puree are added to the mixture. By 6 months, they can replace two feedings. The following order is recommended:

  • mixture;
  • porridge;
  • mixture;
  • vegetable / fruit puree;
  • mixture.

Porridge - buckwheat, corn (if there is no tendency to strong gas formation), rice (with caution) and oatmeal, or oat semolina - up to 150 ml.

Vegetable purees - broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin (from 5 months), carrots - up to 150 g.

Fruit purees - pear, apple-pear, peach, apple-peach, apple-apricot, prunes - up to 60 g.

Fruit juices - up to 50 ml.

Butter and vegetable oil- up to 4 g.

Scheme from 6-9 months

At this age, the baby gradually switches to "adult" nutrition. Up to 8-12 months, the scheme can be as follows:

  • mixture;
  • complementary foods - 3 feedings;
  • mixture.

Porridge - the whole range of cereals, you can enter multicomponent cereals (millet-rice, corn-rice). It is allowed to mix porridge with vegetables (for example, pumpkin-rice-milk) and meat purees - up to 200 ml.

Dairy products- cottage cheese (5% fat), yogurt (no more than 3-5% fat) - up to 100 g.

Yolk - up to 0.5 pcs. It is allowed to use chicken eggs, but it is better to give preference to quail: they are less allergenic and cannot be a carrier of salmonella.

So that the yolk comes to the baby's taste and does not get stuck on the tongue, the delicacy can be crushed with a mixture or water, to the state of gruel.

Vegetable purees - you can add zucchini-milk to previously tested ones - up to 180 g.

Fruit and berry purees - you can try apple-strawberry, apple-banana, banana, sweet cherry and even cherry, plum, wild berries. Also, from 6 months old, mashed potatoes with cream, for example, apple-cream, are allowed.

Although by six months the baby looks stronger, behind the infant colic and diathesis for any new smell or taste, you need to be extremely careful when introducing sweet (fruit, berry, cream) purees. They can be both rash and addictive. Your toddler may become naughty, demanding sweets instead of mixtures, vegetables, or meat.

Meat purees - veal, beef, turkey, rabbit, they are also with cereals and / or vegetables, even with chopped spaghetti - up to 50 g.

Scheme from 9 months

Starting from 9-10 months, the baby can be tried to give adult, not grated food. As a rule, by this age, the child already has teeth and can chew. These should be soft, hypoallergenic foods, crushed, but not to the state of gruel. Pediatricians recommend not to delay the introduction of solid foods. This is due not only to the fact that the child needs to learn to chew, but also with the prevention of bruxism (involuntary and regular squeaking of the teeth), the formation of a bite and the formation of digestion.

Introduce new products into the children's diet carefully, and the baby will thank you with a happy smile and good health.

Before any mother raising a baby, sooner or a little later, the question arises: "When and how to start feeding a baby?" In this article I will talk about the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding.

We, artisans, have everything in our own way.

When to start?

There is no specific timeframe for when to start introducing other foods. Only rough recommendations can be given.

All doctors agree that artificial people should introduce the first complementary foods a little earlier than babies receiving mother's milk.

This is due to the fact that babies receive all the necessary substances from their mother's milk. And the artificial ventricle is accustomed to receiving someone else's, not maternal, milk, therefore it is easier to tolerate the introduction of other food.

Why do we start complementary feeding before six months?

It is better to introduce solid food into the child's diet before he reaches six months of age. Why?

Your pediatrician, taking into account the baby's appetite and the readiness of his digestive system, decides when to start feeding. If the baby's stool is constantly watery, it is better to wait with the update of the diet.

The doctor knows where to start feeding the little patient.

Complementary feeding scheme

This complementary feeding table will help you consistently, in compliance with the norms, introduce new foods into the baby's diet by month.

Products Baby's age, months
0 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — 12
Milk mixture, ml 550 — 850 750 — 850 850 — 900 850 — 900 650 450 350 — 450 300 — 350 250 250
Juice or compote, ml 5 — 40 50 — 60 60 — 70 70 80 90 100
Fruit puree *, ml 5 — 40 50 — 60 60 70 80 90 100
Vegetable puree, g 10 — 50 50 -150 150 180 200 200
Whole milk porridge, g 50 — 150 150 150 170 200
Curd, g 10 — 40 40 40 40 50
Yolk, pcs 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Butter, g 1 — 4 4 4 5 6
Meat puree, g 5 – 30 50 50 60 70
Whole milk (for cereals), ml 100 200 200 200 200
Fish puree, g 5 — 30 30 — 60 70
Cookies, g 5 5 5 10 10 15
Kefir, other fermented milk products, ml 200 — 250 250 — 300 350 — 400 400
Vegetable oil, g 3 3 5 5 6 6
* Introduced two weeks after juices

Rules for the introduction of new products

  1. Start with half a teaspoon, gradually bringing the dose up to normal.
  2. You can introduce new food only if the baby is healthy.
  3. I am healthy and cheerful, which means you can try something new!

  4. Observe your child's reaction to a new product carefully. If digestion is disturbed, remove it from the baby's menu until normal stomach function is restored.
  5. Keep a food diary, where you will enter the newly introduced foods, the baby's body reaction to them. This will help you and your doctor if any of the foods cause an unwanted reaction (upset stomach, allergies).
  6. It is best to give the new product before milk or formula.
  7. It is not recommended to give two new products, unusual to the baby, at the same time.
  8. The baby should sit while feeding puree and other foods.
  9. Food is absorbed better when the child is sitting.

  10. At the beginning of complementary foods, all food should be puree-like. Only after the child develops a chewing reflex, you can move on to thicker dishes.
  11. You can start complementary foods with either vegetable or fruit puree - which is better for the baby. For vegetables, it is good to start with courgettes, cauliflower, or potatoes. Add some vegetable oil to it. For fruits, start with applesauce.
  12. The child's body is able to assimilate only liquid and puree foods.

  13. Between feedings it is necessary to give the baby boiled water to drink.
  14. The next type of food is introduced only after complete getting used to the previous one.

How best to introduce new food

Introducing new foods into the child's diet

Getting used to fruit

You can give mashed potatoes from them at any feeding. Better to boil or bake them first (except for bananas). Start with an apple, gradually introduce pears, peaches, apricots, pineapples.

Observe how your child's body reacts to each new fruit. If all goes well, fruit puree can be given twice a day.

Add vegetables

Eggs in baby food

Egg yolk can be fed from six months of age.

Raising hemoglobin with yolks!

  • The yolk contains iron, which is essential for the formation of red blood cells (hemoglobin).
  • The yolk is not as allergenic as the protein. Protein is best given to a child after a year.
  • Boil the egg for at least 20 minutes. After all, the longer you cook any product, the less allergenic it becomes.
  • The yolk can be diluted with milk and given separately, or crumbled into any puree.

Many children who attend the nursery suffer from. If you notice acne on the child's body, he began to often get sore throat and tonsillitis, it's time to sound the alarm. According to statistics, 100% are diagnosed with staphylococcus, but the microbes remain passive. If the conditions are favorable (for example, ARVI), the disease can take on an aggressive form.

The first crisis in the life of a newborn baby is the crisis of the first teeth. The baby is constantly haunted by unpleasant painful sensations, which he signals with strong crying. He will tell you how to help your child.

Cottage cheese - calcium supplier

A healthy baby's body needs calcium to grow and strengthen its bones. Therefore, along with milk from 5.5-6 months, we introduce it into the diet - no more than the specified norm. Otherwise, a strong protein load on the baby's kidneys may occur.

All kids love this dish!


While the child does not yet have enough teeth, we also give it in a rubbed or scrolled form in a meat grinder.

Meat compensates for the lack of vitamins that are not found in plant foods.

  • They enter it from seven months. When the child already eats porridge and vegetable purees well.
  • At the age of eight months, meatballs can be given. By the age of one, the artificial people are already getting steamed cutlets.
  • Meat broth is currently not recommended by doctors for children under one year old.... Not having great nutritional value, at the same time it can act as a strong allergen.

The scalp of newborns is very delicate and thin. The sweat glands are not able to work at full strength, while the sebaceous glands, on the contrary, work too actively. This leads to the appearance. Crusts are a fungus that must be treated in a timely manner so that this does not turn into a serious problem.

Did you know that tight swaddling is a thing of the past long ago? Now doctors recommend dressing children in loose clothing that does not hinder movement. Improper tight clothing can lead to development in newborns. How to prevent the disease, and what to do if dysplasia was detected, experts will tell.

What if your baby has hiccups? The reasons for hiccups and how to deal with it are described on this page.

A fish

At the age of eight months, start giving your baby lean white fish such as cod, sea bass, and hake. You can replace meat with it in one feeding. Fish is rich in B vitamins. It is better absorbed than meat food.

Fish cakes with heat, with heat!

Fermented milk products, kefir and whole milk

Include kefir and dairy products in your diet from six to seven months. If there is milk intolerance, then earlier. Use whole milk up to one year old only in cereals and purees.

Fermented milk products are not loved by all babies.

Why is it necessary to introduce solid foods on time?

What is your best indicator that you are doing everything right? This is a monthly increase in a bottle-fed baby in height and weight according to the norms. As well as a healthy, cheerful, harmoniously developing child.

Hello, dear Evgeny Olegovich! With great pleasure I read your book "Child's Health" ... In addition to the mass of useful information, I would like to note the ease of "storytelling" and an excellent sense of humor. To be honest, we are all tired of dry "academic" must-don’t, must-don’t. For the 101st time I want to ask a question about complementary foods. Your book says in sufficient detail and convincingly that complementary foods (mashed potatoes and cereals) should be started as late as possible, in my opinion, when the first teeth appear. With natural scientists, everything is clear - there are breasts to the bitter end, i.e. to the teeth, but as for the artificial, to which we also belong ... After all, artificial is artificial, even if it is highly adapted, NAN, as we have. Yes, there are all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, but if an adult is fed with vitamins in capsules alone, then if he lives, then not for long, and it’s not for me to tell you that there is, for example, iron and iron - in apples it is one, in beef it is different. What do I mean by all this: not at all doubting your competence and trusting you as a doctor, I still read articles on other sites in which the uncles-academics advise early complementary foods for artificial people, while noting the general tendency now to give complementary foods as late as possible , at 4 months :)))). Yes, and our doctor aunt also says that it is high time (we are 4 months old), they say, not only is milk in the child, and the stomach must be taught to produce enzymes for digesting "adult" food. I very much ask you to take upon yourself the thankless but noble work to explain to me (and not only me - our name is legion, that's for sure) the following: why, after all, it is recommended for artificial people to start giving complementary foods earlier, what is the difference if a good mixture is as close as possible to breast milk? what about "live" vitamins, or all vitamins are the same and this is another fairy tale for adults? I really hope for a detailed answer, because the topic is already very burning, and there are too many opinions, often diametrically opposite. I would like to be convincing so that, after analyzing, I would like to choose something right for myself. It is clear that there are parents who are unconditional adherents of early feeding and, accordingly, there are those who are ready to feed only with milk in a year, but the overwhelming majority of people like me who do not have a definite opinion on this matter, and from the abundance of opinions, their brains simply boil ... Thanks in advance for your answer, Regards, Ira

Ira, hello! Well, let's dot the i's for the 101st time (although, in my mail, for the 1001st ...). What is the philosophical essence of nutrition - to provide the body with everything necessary for mental and physical activity, and in relation to children - also growth and development. Micro- and macroelements, vitamins, of course, are very necessary, although the basis of nutrition is, nevertheless, not they, but the notorious proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Scientists professors-academicians for many years tried to determine how much protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals a person should receive at certain stages of his life, so that this amount meets the needs of the body. Answers to the main questions in this direction have been received. The data are quite reliable, for each element that makes up the diet, norms have been established that are defined by the term "physiological need". That is, it is quite clearly established how much carbohydrates, calcium or, for example, folic acid should be received by the human body of a given age, so that it does not lead to the development of diseases associated with a lack of a particular element. For a child of the first year of life, physiological needs change every month, and only breast milk can adequately change in accordance with these needs - this is an axiom and the most important argument in favor of natural feeding. But ... We have no milk. We are trying to find a reasonable alternative. We find: an adapted mixture. Moreover, it turns out that scientists working in the field of baby food and formula manufacturers are aware that without correcting the composition of the mixtures during the first year of life, it is impossible to satisfy changing physiological needs - there will certainly be an oversupply of an element. ... The development of serious diseases is unlikely, but why risk it ... Taking this into account, mixtures are created that successively replace each other. Foreign manufacturers basically followed the path that divides food into 2 stages - before and after 6 months. The standard mixture, the same "Nan", and the subsequent formula "Nan-2" - for those over 6. It is obvious that in the second "Nan" the corresponding correction of the composition was carried out. Domestic producers took a slightly different path, for me, - so quite rational: "Baby" - up to 2 months, "Baby" - after 2 months. So we are 4 months old. And the child is very, very sorry, because it eats one "thin mixture". It doesn't matter that the child grows and develops normally, that he does not have any special problems. I just really want to be like everyone else ... What can we offer better than a mixture? Shall we give kefir, or vegetable soup, or oatmeal in milk? But any of the listed products will not contain everything that is in the adapted mixture - this is absolutely unambiguous. Consequently, we will replace several feedings, plus we will start feeding the child with vitamins in order to eliminate the deficiency - which vitamin, how pronounced the deficiency - we will not know, but we will give. It is not surprising in this regard that in my daily practice, hypervitaminosis occurs much more often than hypovitaminosis. Why, after all, the thought constantly occurs to us that something must be added to the mixture (!). Firstly, because, as you write, "yes, there are all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but if an adult is fed with vitamins alone in capsules, then if he does not live long ...". But we have already noted that the MAIN THING is still not vitamins, but proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Secondly, the belief that a varied diet is a wholesome and healthy diet is firmly rooted in our minds. And, according to this logic, one cannot be healthy by consuming one mixture. This is an enormous delusion. The whale, which weighs 100 tons, eats one plankton, the diet of most species is very narrow, and humans are no exception. Thirdly, all these numerous beautiful, beautiful jars-bags-boxes allow us to materially realize our love, because we do not feel sorry for anything for a child. And finally, fourthly, we constantly hear about the need for juices, mashed potatoes, a variety of food, and we cannot understand that all the aforementioned jars-boxes are a multi-billion dollar business. What is there to comment on? I have observed more than a hundred children to whom their parents could not give anything except an adapted mixture for up to a year - everything else caused allergies. It was mainly the parents who suffered, since this did not completely affect the growth and development of the child, and it could not, because if parents can afford to purchase a high-quality adapted mixture for their child, then they (the parents) should be aware of the fact that that this mixture is certainly better, healthier, safer than any soup, any porridge, any puree. And to answer the question "why is it still recommended for artificial people to start giving complementary foods earlier, what is the difference if a good mixture is as close as possible to mother's milk? "I cannot, because I completely disagree with this point of view. It would be better if we reasoned like this: the child does not see normal food - mother's milk. He receives a kind of surrogate, supposedly replacing milk, but this is the BEST that we can offer him. let's give him only one good mixture for a longer time, so as not to aggravate the "abnormality" of the diet with experiments. And "living vitamins" are not a fairy tale, fairy tales are kind. on my own conscience, buying in boxes first "live vitamins", then lineks-bactisubtiles, a little later tavegils-suprastins, etc. All the best. I really hope that my argumentation will seem convincing to you. Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich.