Fancy dress congratulations with gifts. Cool funny scenes for holidays and feasts, for anniversary and birthday

Props: 4 men (three disguised as concubines, one sultan). The Sultan has a turban of a towel wound on his head, a cape made of a white sheet, and slates on his bare hairy legs. On "concubines" there are balls instead of breasts, bandages on the hips and breasts, and lace capes on the face, wigs with long hair, or scarves tied in an oriental style.

The first option is the sultan and the translator

Leading: Dear guests!
Here's a glorious anniversary, our ( Lyuba) expensive,
Congratulations were sent for her by the whole globe,
The sultan himself came to our anniversary in a personal persona,
He brought excellent sweets.
Here are bananas and halva, and the freshest persimmon.

The sultan comes out to the music of the song "If I were a Sultan". Next comes a servant with a fan and a basket of fruits and sweets named in the poem,(we made the fan from a mop, which is from rag ribbons - so much cooler)

The Sultan sits down in Turkish on the rug. The servant stands behind him with a fan. The Sultan reads the text on the scroll. The translator translates.

Sultan. Assalam aleykum berdyk Kurds.
Interpreter. Peace be with you, all those present here.
Sultan. Oh, kardybaltyk, mudrybaltyk, surdy Khanume ………………
Interpreter. Oh, the brightest of the brightest, the wisest of the wisest,
the happiest on earth, hero of the day, our beautiful ... Love.
Sultan. Vostok Kerdyk and Sever Kerdyk and both verds ... 45 years old
Interpreter. All the inhabitants of the Middle and Far East under my control
We congratulate you, the most beautiful of the most beautiful, on your 45th birthday.
Sultan. Bokurdon beki, mendo perlo cordon bul

Interpreter. The Holy Scripture says ...
Sultan. And boldon huldy bekmone mozhur berdine ive lyuba hldy beldy Kimovna
Interpreter. And the time will come, and a daughter will be born on earth to a mother, and they will call her ... ... love., After her father Joseph.
Sultan. Bokurdam aek measure yes berds humpty dumpty Vostok kerami Zhireken and also reeds.
Interpreter. After long days of youth and ordeals, she learned from the peoples of the East about the Golden Valley of Zhireken, where she remains to this day.
Sultan. Allah pikhulda head and berdon al-cynar Fakir-zadeh.
Interpreter. And Allah gave her a wise head, golden hands and the gift of great fakirs
Sultan. Goldy Allahkolmnedyr. Karbaltykh Tanya and bashi-bastards Sasha. Zade the Pooh found Katya and come in Vlad's Pooh.
Interpreter. And Allah sent her children Tanya and Sasha, smart, beautiful, who do not forget about her. And also the most beautiful flower on earth, the granddaughter of Katya and the grandson of Vlad.
Sultan. Oh yes der judor Allah. Oh yes for a bird of honey.
Interpreter. May the mercies of Allah descend upon you. May your days last in joy and happiness. Let not your plants ooze worms.
Sultan. Sultan melancholy mehai-bey sheltend byrd pandyr Vostok.
Interpreter. Sultan Tosku mehai-bey sends you, the most beautiful, his respect and presents the modest gifts of the East
Sultan. Pyrimied stout
Interpreter... The Sultan says goodbye to you.

The second option - the sultan himself says the toast

The Sultan sits down in Turkish on the rug. 1 servant stands behind him with a fan, two others begin to dance "belly dance".

Sultan: In my harem, the most beautiful women in the world, (a beauty if you were not married, would also be in my harem),if a woman is married, the sultan persuades her to go with him. Then he praises her beautiful eyes, and velvet voice, figure, etc.

Congratulations and wishing

So that there is always a full bill,

But don't booty! I beg you!

Filled with happiness for centuries!

Be happy(Name) !

Finally, they give gifts and go off to oriental music.

The script is designed for a woman's birthday (anniversary). Congratulations can sound both when spending an evening in a restaurant and at home. In this scenario, birthday greetings are presented by the rulers of different eras, states and even Galaxies. It is worth taking care of the appropriate "outfits" and gifts in advance.

Presenter: Our dear Woman (instead of the word woman, according to the script, the name of the birthday girl is put down)! Today is a special day - the day of your celebration and praise. Today rulers from different states, galaxies and even from various epochs of world history have come to visit us. Accept their congratulations and gifts! And the first to cross the threshold of this hall is Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible!

(Music sounds - languid and majestic, to match the era of tsarist Russia. The "tsar" enters. Obligatory attire - scepter, orb, hat and caftan. Gifts are a wardrobe item that the birthday girl has long dreamed of, for example, a fur coat, a hammer, boots, etc. All the words of the "king" are written on the corresponding parchment in the handwriting inherent for that time).

Tsar: “I, the great Tsar and Prince of All Russia, John Vasilyevich, on this day, I congratulate you, Princess Woman, on your holiday - your birthday. I wish you good health, shine with beauty and overshadow all the servants sitting here, have obedient children, and a hard-working man. Accept, princess, a gift from the royal shoulder! "

Hands over a gift, leaves.

Presenter: And now the ruler of the East has come to us - the sensitive and incomparable Sultan!

(Oriental music sounds. "The Sultan" enters. It is better that the birthday girl's husband congratulates in the Sultan's outfit. Attire - a turban, light trousers - harem pants, a colorful shirt. Gifts - flowers, a chest with a huge amount of 10 kopecks coins, as they are most similar for gold, a box of chocolates in the form of a heart. It is necessary in advance to find the music for the song "If I were a Sultan")

The Sultan sings the song:
If I were a sultan,
I would have had a palace
And in my palace
There would be a hundred rings.
The best would be then
I chose for you -
Gold b, pearls
I would give!

Chorus (2x):
Not so bad
Congratulations to you
Much better -
Giving gifts!
If I were a sultan,
I would be rich
I would give you
There is a whole garden of flowers!
But since I am a husband,
And that's all
I will give you happiness and love!
Chorus (2x)

Gifts are given under the appropriate words. Having performed the song, the Sultan is the whole hero of the occasion and leaves!

Presenter: Rumors about your birthday have reached even the galactically distant planets of our Universe. The Lord of the planet Alpha - Centauri - Gorfield has come to congratulate you.

(Electronic music sounds, better than the "Space" band. An alien enters. In advance, you should take care of the alien's costume, if you can't find it, make a mask on your face in green and put on a shiny cloak. Gifts - a set of CDs with favorite music or films of the birthday girl ).

Alien (lurts like an alien): Oh, Woman! You, as a representative of the human race, would be uniquely suitable for us for experiments thanks to your excellent mind, fortitude and energy. But only because today is such a holiday and because your heart is bright, your soul is kind, and your eyes glow with warmth, we will not touch you. Accept gifts from our planet. Here you can find all the information that is selected according to your taste guidelines and style orientation!

Presenting a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: But not only from the far corners of the Universe, but also from the far corners of the planet, our incomparable Woman, representatives of different nations, are in a hurry to congratulate you. The leader of the African tribe Chingachkuk has also come to us today! Please welcome!

(African motifs sound. The "leader" enters. You can also make a mask or put on a black stocking on your head. Put leaves on your belt. Gifts - a figurine, feng shui money, a "singing wind" - an accessory that is hung over the door and which rings when someone enters in. It is worth taking care of the soundtrack for the song "Chunga-changa" in advance).

The leader sings the song:
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, breeze in hand,
Chunga-changa, and then more,
So that he gave happiness and warmth!
Chorus (2x):
Chunga-changa congratulations,
Chunga-changa and I wish
I wish you happiness, joy
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, a couple of coins,
May they bring good luck
And let the world, the world reign around!
Chorus (x2)

Gives gifts to the corresponding words in the song. Leaves.

Presenter: And Zeus, the Supreme God of Olympus himself, completes our galaxy of congratulations!

(Music from the series "sounds of nature" sounds. Zeus enters, wrapped in a sheet instead of a robe, on his head - a laurel wreath. Gifts - an exclusive bottle of wine, cognac or other alcoholic beverage.)

Zeus: I, as the God of Olympus, not only address the great and loud words of congratulations in your honor, but also honor for the honor of presenting you with a cup of wine, which is not only tasted on Olympus, but also tasted by representatives of the highest castes of the human race. Taste it - clear your thoughts, strive for obedience, be beautiful and healthy! All the most majestic and impetuous!

Presenting a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: For the words of the most prominent representatives of peoples, powers, galaxies, you need to drink and eat. We continue the fun and celebration!

Characters: presenter, astrologer, performer of oriental dances.

(The hall is decorated in oriental style (fruits, organza, oriental lanterns, pillows).

On the wall- a comic collage from a photograph of the wife of the hero of the day in different years and in different images.
The collage is called My Favorite Harem. The presenter comes out to the sounds of A. Ukupnik's song "Petrukha".)

Leading: Good evening friends! I welcome you to today's celebration, which I am pleased to start with poetic lines:

Abode of wisdom and sun
A sprout of great antiquity!
Its mysteries are endless -
I invite everyone to the east!

Dear guests! Today we have a chance to feel the whole flavor of the East, namely: take a trip to the famous oriental bazaar, feel the aromas of various spices, taste outlandish fruits, see the original dance of an oriental beauty, meet the famous Baghdad astrologer and much more! This wonderful gift of fate - to visit a real holiday of oriental life - became possible thanks to the hero of the day, respected ... (name of the hero's patronymic).

And it is to him that I dedicate the first ancient oriental toast: Once a wizard came to the padishah, who became famous for his good deeds, and brought him three priceless gifts. He told him: "My first gift is health! May you be strong and not subject to disease. My second gift is oblivion of fears, sorrows and troubles. Cleanse your soul from these hardships! And the third gift is the gift of intuition, which will tell you in life. the right move. " Let us wish our hero of the day these three gifts: health, oblivion of sorrows and intuition, which would lead through life in a happy way! (A short pause.) Host: Friends! In the previous wise oriental toast, we wished the birthday man to have three priceless gifts in his life: health, oblivion of sorrows and intuition. And now we will ask him to accept three no less valuable gifts purchased at a real oriental bazaar. All three items symbolize wealth, which is also very necessary in our life!
(Three assistants in oriental costumes carry souvenirs on beautiful trays, which are presented to the hero of the day with brief explanations to them.)

1. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a very popular oriental symbol of great luck. The coin in the mouth represents gold. The easiest way to activate monetary energy is to place one toad in each room of the house or place it on the office table. The main thing is to make sure that the toad sits with its back to the door, as if it just jumped into your house.
2. The money tree is the most common symbol of wealth. An old oriental legend tells about him: when a tree is shaken, gold coins, like raindrops, fall to the ground. Hopefully, rain of these coins will literally flood your home. But be careful - don't drown!
3. Oranges and tangerines in a beautiful vase - in the east they symbolize gold and good business. Let a vase with these fruits decorate your home at any time of the year!

Leading: Once in the eastern caravanserai, I overheard wonderful words of wisdom that I want to say in this hall today: the lush foliage of those trees with deep roots. You, of course, guessed that we are talking about the inextricable bond of children with their parents. We bow low to the respected ... (name of the patronymic of the parents of the hero of the day) for their love and patience! After all, they gave the world such a wonderful son! (Congratulations to the parents of the hero of the day.) (A short musical pause.)

The chorus of the song "Eastern Tales" is performed by the group "Brilliant".

Leading: It is known that the East is full of secrets and mysteries. Perhaps the most mysterious and charismatic Eastern personalities are magicians and soothsayers. Meet one of them - the keeper of great secrets, an expert on human destinies, a sage and astrologer from Baghdad, Hussein Huslia!

A stargazer comes out, on his head is a turban, in his hands is a small booklet in velvet cover, on his wrist is a bag of coffee beans.

Astrologer: Oh, honorable ones! Greetings to all of you and especially to the noblest husband who has gathered such a large number of friends! I believe that prosperity and happy summers await everyone present! Let me arrange a small exam on the knowledge of the most ancient oriental science - astrology. So, my friends, attention! The zodiac horoscope divides the year into twelve signs, to which my questions are devoted:

1. What sign of the zodiac carries the royal title? (A lion)
2. What sign can whistle on the mountain? (Cancer)
3. What sign is like itself like two drops of water? (Twins)
4. What sign can lead to flooding? (Aquarius)
5. What sign has sharp horns? (Capricorn)
6. What sign can hit the target accurately? (Sagittarius)
7. What sign does a meek lamb have for a husband? (Aries)
8. What is the most feminine sign? (Virgo)
9. What is the most stubborn sign? (Taurus)
10. What sign would a woman never agree to stand in the presence of a man? (Scales)
11. What sign does a poisonous sting have? (Scorpion)
12. What sign does every angler dream of? (Fishes)

Astrologer: I made sure that you are well versed in the doctrine of the stars, planets and their combinations, but the exam is not over yet! A real magical oriental talisman will be received by the one who names:
- the sign of the zodiac under which the hero of the day was born;
- a symbol of the year when the birthday boy was born.

Guests who have answered these questions correctly are presented with bean and bean necklaces. In the east, beans are considered a love talisman, as well as a strong amulet. To make beads, you need to soak the beans in water, string them on a thin line and let them dry. In parting, the astrologer invites the hero of the day to tell fortunes in the old oriental way - on coffee beans.


The stargazer takes 6 coffee beans from his bag and hands them over to the hero of the day.

The birthday boy, to a calm oriental melody, pouring beans from hand to hand, must imagine how coffee seeds are saturated with his energy. Then he needs to bring his palms to his forehead, close his eyes and focus on the exciting problem. After that, the fortuneteller throws the grains on the table, and the astrologer calculates how many of them fell in a hollow up, and reads out the prediction: when solving a problem that worries you, you will discover a lot of new and useful things. Until then, open a bottle of wine and don't think about anything!

The Astrologer says goodbye and leaves. The 1st verse and chorus of the song "Harem" performed by Irina Allegrova sound.

Leading: Is it possible to imagine the East without beautiful brown-eyed beauties;
without the magic ringing of monist, sparkling beads, flowing chiffon and silk, delicate velvet;
without the glitter of jewelry and the charm of music that turns every woman into a fairytale goddess.
Our holiday will not be complete without a fiery oriental dance. Meet Jamilya - a wonderful representative of the East!

Music sounds, the dancer performs a dance. At the end of her speech, Jamilya silently leaves a mysterious bundle on the table and disappears.

Leading: These are such beautiful women living in the East! Let's see what is inside the package.

The presenter takes out a hookah and an old parchment with an inscription from the package.

Leading(unfolding the parchment): This is an appeal from all oriental women to our hero of the day!

Is reading:
Padishah of a Persian tale!
We ask for condescension.
And from all oriental women,
We will present you a hookah as a gift!
Let in dreams immediately arise
Sensual concubines moan.
And the hookah smoke will give
Sleep and sweet languor.
All of us, women of the East,
We would be glad to get into your harem
Night, moon, hookah and you -
There is no best reward in life!

Signatures: Gulchatay, Zukhra, Zarina, Guzel, Sayda, Hafiza, Leila, Zulfiya and then 18 more female names.

Leading(handing over the hookah to the hero of the day): Unfortunately, we have to upset these 26 lovely women - they have no chance of getting into the harem of the hero of the day! All harem places are occupied by the only and beloved wife ... (name and patronymic of the wife). Sometimes difficult, but happy years have been lived with her, and the wife always in one person perfectly coped with the duties of a wife, mistress, mother, and keeper of the hearth.

(The presenter draws the guests' attention to a comic collage of photos of his wife).

It is no coincidence that the hero of the day, calling this collage "My beloved harem", honored his spouse with the highest title - beloved and only wife!

(Congratulations from the wife of the hero of the day.)

Leading: Let me tell you a secret: keeping a harem is not an easy task! In the East, they tell the following story: the sultan's harem was located five kilometers from the palace. Every day the Sultan sent his servant for the girl. The sultan lived to be one hundred years old, and the servant died at thirty. Moral: it is not women who kill men, but running after them! To be ready to conquer many women, you need to have excellent health, as well as a trained body. I invite men to be the owners of the harem and try to win the hearts of the ladies present here! The presenter chooses two men from among the guests to participate in the competition, and the hero of the day becomes the third participant.


(Competition for men)

Three participants - candidates for the sultan, are given hula hoops and fans.
The one who can spin the hoop at the waist the longest while fanning himself with a fan wins the competition and gets the right to be photographed among the beautiful inhabitants of the “harem”, that is, simultaneously with all the women present at the celebration.

Ladies are encouraged to cheer loudly for potential sultans during the competition. The presenter sums up the results so that the hero of the day becomes the winner. Even if the birthday boy did not cope with the task, it can be declared that the support of his fans was the most active. The birthday boy and the ladies present at the celebration pose for the photographer.

Leading: Eastern wisdom says: “The tongue is one, the ear is two; tell me twice, listen! Especially for the winner of the competition, our dear hero of the day ... (name, patronymic)

everyone's favorite song from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is being performed. The dog sounded "If I were a Sultan", then a dance pause.

Leading: You cannot ignore the famous oriental cuisine, which has recipes for thousands of exquisite dishes that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet. It is known that many spices are used in the preparation of dishes in the East. The prize will go to the one who names the most expensive spice in the world. (Answer: Saffron is the most expensive spice and is more valuable than gold, because the process of its production is very laborious.)

The prize for the correct answer is a set of spices.

Leading: I announce a women's competition for the best connoisseur of oriental sweets! Why female? Because they are the biggest sweet tooth.



The competition is attended by three women who take turns pronouncing the names of oriental sweets. If the word is not named, the participant is eliminated. Possible answers: baklava, shaker, kurabie, churchkhela, candied fruits, Turkish delight, kozinaki, badam, nougat, halva, sherbet, roasted nuts, marshmallows, marshmallow, marmalade. The winner receives a set of oriental delicacies.

Leading: In the East, they say this: you can bring a camel to water, but you cannot make it drink. Men, it's time to test the accuracy of these words!


Three participants (men) distribute roles among themselves: the first neighbor, the second neighbor and a nickel. The presenter reads the text, the players, at the mention of their role, drink a glass of vodka.

Fairy tale: Once two neighbors went to the market to sell wine. On the way, the neighbors sat down to rest and eat.
- It would be nice to have a glass of wine now, - the first neighbor sighed.
- I agree, but we are carrying wine to sell, and you can't waste a drop! - judged the second neighbor.
Then the first neighbor ransacked his pockets, found a copper penny and says to the second neighbor:
- Pour me some wine on a nickle.
The second neighbor poured him one glass, then returned the same penny and asked the first neighbor: - Now you pour me.
So this penny went from hand to hand until the wineskins were empty, and both neighbors snored drunk and happy with the trade.

So let's drink to the good deal!

Game participants and spectators drink.

Leading: Here is such an instructive tale! Our "camels" did not want to drink, but they had to! Now let's do a sobriety test for them. To identify the most sober one, I ask the participants in the game to take turns loudly and clearly pronounce the following simple phrase: the concept of social stratification. The men try to complete the task, the presenter announces the name of "The Most Sober" and invites him to move to the opposite category, that is, to drink a large glass of vodka.

If the player agrees (drinking is optional), then he is awarded the second honorary title "Most Brave".

Leading: Friends! And now I propose a test for collective intelligence! You have to correctly solve the riddle with an oriental twist. I will read the text and ask a question, and at the right moment, together, in unison, give me the correct answer.


Behind the carved lattice of the garden
Among the greenery of the east,
Three tired travelers
We walked peacefully on a moonless night.
The first said: “Where is she?
The light of my eyes is the moon! "
The second answered in the dark:
"May Allah help us!"
Well, the third did this: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
It was an old donkey!
Suddenly broke through the clouds
A bright, full, moonlit circle.
The first one cried out:
"There she is! The light of my eyes is the moon! "
With gratitude in the eyes:
The second said: "O Allah!" (To viewers)

Attention! In chorus of the third man, tell me the words!
Guest answer: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
Leading: Now everyone quickly grab your ears. (Pause) Is everything all right? Nobody's ears enlarged? And then you shouted so naturally ... It was, of course, a joke. And now I will make a serious oriental toast and ask everyone present to support me! In the East, they think this: if you want to be happy for one day - get drunk, if you want to be happy for one week - get sick, if you want to be happy for one month - get married, and if you want to be happy all your life - be healthy! Let's raise our glasses to the health of the hero of the day!


Congratulations to the guests, musical pause. During a musical pause, the presenter stops the music and offers to listen to an instructive oriental story.

Leading: The fool saw a watermelon in the bazaar and asks:
- What it is?
“Donkey's egg,” they answered.

He chose the largest watermelon, put it under his arm and went home. On the way, he dropped a watermelon, and it rolled downhill, hit a stone and cracked. And then the hare jumped out of the bushes and ran away.
- Oh, what a quick donkey hatched, and I missed it! - the fool regretted.

At this point I had to say: so let's drink to the fools, without whom it would be boring to live in the world! However, I prepared a surprise and changed the ending of this story: so let's taste this ripe, aromatic watermelon, and I hope that no one in this room expects a donkey to hatch from it.

Helpers bring out the watermelon, treat the guests. The pause continues. Host: The East has presented mankind with many very useful inventions. I ask you to raise your hands to those who have an “A” or “A” in history in their matriculation certificates. The guests raise their hands. The presenter invites them to go on stage and holds a competition "Great inventions of the East".


(Team competition)

Three teams of 2-3 people participate.
Each team is given three subjects:
- Calendar, a sheet of paper, a pack of tea;
- Chess piece, silk scarf, rice bag;
- Compass, chopsticks, paper figurine (origami).

The task of the teams is to conduct a historical research in 1 minute and determine in which country each of the items was invented.
(Correct answers: calendar - Egypt; chess - India; origami art - Japan; paper, tea, compass, silk, rice, daddies - China.)

The team that gave the most accurate answers gets the right to keep the items as prizes.

Leading: Friends! I propose to look into the eastern Antiquities Shop, where among the coins, weapons, dishes, clothes, household items and other antiques, you can find really old and mysterious objects. An example of such an unusual acquisition can be this vessel.

The presenter demonstrates a bottle of a five-star Armenian brandy made in the form of an amphora.

Leading: Donating this mysterious vessel to our birthday boy, the Antiquities Shop seller told me the following story:
The old vessel was raised
From the waves of the mysterious sea.
And in it - a gray-haired magic gin
Languishing in age-old captivity!
P.S. At the bottom, the vessel was covered with mud,
And the gin was pretty bored.
He was waiting for the cork to be opened
And even a little wild ...
Tear off the seal of the times,
Five stars are like five centuries.
And free the genie in an instant
You are from the bonds that hold you together!
Make a wish only -
And he will perform at the same moment!
After all, the famous school of magicians
He was a capable student.
So that gina mothballs spirit
Didn't seem too gloomy to you,
I just spiced it up a little -
Inserting the spirit into the bottle ... cognac.

Leading(handing the bottle to the hero of the day): Handing over this magic vessel, I want to remind you of the well-known eastern wisdom: make your wishes with caution, for they can come true.

If the hero of the day offers to immediately open the bottle, its contents are poured out to those who wish, and the one whose glass is the last to be filled is considered gin. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the birthday man.

Leading: Friends! You, of course, know from the school curriculum that such a term as the Great Silk Road is closely related to the word East. This caravan trade route was the longest and played the role of a connecting link between countries of different civilizations. I propose to repeat this difficult route right in our hall and deliver some goods to their destination. I will need the help of two men who will play the role of the caravan.

The leader chooses assistants and forms their "caravans" - two teams of 4-5 people.


(Team play)

Team members line up one after another, the caravaneer is in front of everyone. Then they tie all the right legs together, and in the same way all the left legs are tied together. On the start line there are various objects (there should not be a lot of them, otherwise the game will drag on), which must be delivered to the "caravan" to its destination - to the finish line.

To prevent the "caravan" from moving back empty, objects are also placed on the finish line. To the sounds of the song "Uchkuduk" performed by the group "Yalla", the teams begin to move, led by the caravan.

The first team to move all items wins.

The game can be complicated by laying a strip of wallpaper from start to finish, then the participants will need to move strictly along this "caravan route" without going beyond its limits. Players on the winning team receive toy compasses as prizes.

Leading: In the East, there is a great way to preserve age. Days spent with guests are not counted. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, because today, without knowing it, you extended the life of our hero of the day! (Dance program.)

We have.

Scene congratulation for a man's anniversary: ​​"Arab sheikh on his anniversary"

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! Today is an amazing evening, we are all here with you in order to congratulate our dear, beloved and respected by all Vladimir Semyonovich, on his wonderful anniversary. Today he turns 65 years old.

It has long been known that years is wealth, and age is a pedestal. During your 65 years, you have accumulated a lot of good deeds, intelligence, decency, conscience, happy days, friends, relatives and much more. We would like to congratulate you all on your anniversary, honor and respect to you, dear Vladimir Semyonovich! We would like to wish you to relax, enjoy every minute of your life, as well as pass on our experience, our knowledge to your children and grandchildren.

And now we have a surprise for you, we hope you will definitely like it.

So, today a guest from the East has come to your anniversary in order to congratulate you and give you a gift. We meet the Arab Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his wife. (all the guests get up and greeted the Arab sheikh with applause).

Arab Sheikh: (speaking with an accent) Salam Aleikum, dear sirs! I have come to you from the far east, in order to congratulate one respected person! Which I understand today is an anniversary! Dear hero of the day, I have arrived, I congratulate you, my lord, on your date. And want to ask you a question do you al have a wife? (the hero of the day answers yes, there is and points to his wife and provides her). I am very glad to meet you. And these are my best wives (represents his wives in a burqa): Aziza, Batul, Fatina. And the truth is, I have beauties! (the hero of the day nods his head).

Arab Sheikh: I have a gift in the name of Allah ready for you, look at this! Oriental music sounds and the wives of the Arab Sheikh begin to dance a beautiful oriental dance.

Anniversary dear, I am generous, you know. And I brought my wives with me as a gift, but I won't give them all. Choose one wife, just be stricter with her, and next time I'll bring more wives. Be the third wife. It is necessary to dispose of wives so. One wives - crumples your legs; the other is to rub the back; the third is to dance.

Anniversary: ​​(replies that he already has a beloved wife and does not need more).

Arab Sheikh: Oh Allah, how dare you refuse my gift. Perhaps you do not understand me.
It’s bad for you to dance, but dance again. (he orders his wives. The wives take off their burqa and begin to dance a belly dance, spinning around the hero of the day).

Anniversary: ​​(asks to give him all the wives).

Arab Sheikh: Everything is the will of Allah. Want everyone, take it! And give me your wives. (goes up to the wife of the hero of the day and takes her with him and leaves the hall). (and the wives start the following: one massages the back, the other crumples his legs, the third dances a belly dance).

One wife: what more would you like my lord. (the hero of the day asks for any whim, they perform. The hero of the day is satisfied, but suddenly 11 oriental children of different ages run out into the hall).

Another wife: Here is our master (addressing the hero of the day), now they are your children. And you have to support all of us. (all guests laugh).

Presenter: Vladimir Semyonovich, here's a gift for your anniversary.

Anniversary: ​​Please give me back my wife Nadenka. (Arab Sheikh comes with Hope)

Arab Sheikh: Mister Jubilee, return your wives to you, she will not be able to dance. Be four wives to you. Salam Aleikum, Aleikum Asalam. (the Arab sheikh leaves and the hero of the day remains with four wives and 11 children).

Presenter: Anniversary, well, all the gifts are now with you! (the hero of the day is surrounded by his wives and children). You are happy?

Anniversary: ​​(looks at all his wives) Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Presenter: Vladimir Semyonovich, once again I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your anniversary. You are only 65, and you are surrounded by such a large number of relatives. Happiness to you, love, many, many, joys and good!

The scene ends and the Arab sheikh and his wives leave.

Sultan and translator - a scene for the anniversary with the presentation of gifts. Surely everyone is already familiar with the scene "Italian Ambassador". Perhaps you are already fed up with it, although guests can have fun…. I bring to your attention a similar scene, only now there will be an ambassador from the East - the Sultan and the Translator.

(the texts are read from sight, but still it is necessary to give the performers before going out to read - all the same "foreign language")

You can add another retinue - "concubines" of the Sultan - several girls to dress in oriental costumes and make a spectacular appearance of the Sultan with an oriental dance.

This scene is also versatile - you can use it both for an anniversary and for a wedding, by editing a little text

Sultan: Oh, kardybaltyk, mudrobaltyk, khaldy-muldy, soldy-moly courts of Khanume Elena.
Interpreter: Oh, the brightest of the brightest, the wisest of the wisest on earth, the happiest of the happiest, the hero of the day (or the names of the bride and groom), our beautiful …….!
Sultan: Vostok Kerdy, Berdyak of Verda Sever of Kelda and also Verda Bopeni is 50 years old.
Interpreter: All the people of the Near and Far East under my control congratulate you, the most beautiful on your 50th birthday!
Sultan: Bokurdon beki, mendo perlo cordon blvd.
Interpreter: Oh, the most luminous, in the Holy Scripture it says ...
Sultan: And bondon huldy mekmone kundy is a substitute for mozhur berdine ive (name) holdy beldy. ...
Interpreter: and the time will come, and a daughter will be born on earth to a mother, and she will be named (name), after her father …………………… ...
Sultan: Bokurdam aek mere da berdy sholtai-boltai Vostok dor soltor beldy-kerdy ​​(the name of the settlement), where it resides to this day,
Interpreter: After many years of youth and ordeal, she learned from the peoples of the East about the golden valley …………, where she remains to this day.
Sultan: Oh yes der, Judor Allah. Oh yeah fore, judor berda honey. Palda belyard.
Interpreter: May the mercies of Allah descend upon you, may your days last in happiness and joy. May all your cherry wishes come true. Let the worms not ooze the plants in your garden.
Sultan: Soltana Tosku-Laugh-Bey Sheltend Bird Verd. Pendy voper and sholkundy Vostok.
Interpreter: Sultan Tosku-laughter-beat sends you, the most beautiful, his respect and presents you the gifts of the East, near and far.
Sultan: Blotrek "Service" Femen Farms Ethiopian motherfucker.
Interpreter: Kitchen set "Service".
Headsets are in vogue these days
They say now among the people,
The Ethiopian mother gives
Never to take pictures! (apron)
Sultan: My to the holes-teahyr lamur-menzdy almor India.
Interpreter: Cosmetic set "Moidodyr".
The firm of India "Almor" is sending its set. (soap, brush)
Sultan: Yam underneath the jumper's leg. Sun for ku-tsy-bye-syuk. Verdy gortsyuk.
Interpreter: Heating pad "Sunny Bunny"
So that the legs do not hurt
Didn't barely walk
So that the back is straight
The Kuny-maka-shuku company sent you this thing. (Mustard plasters)
Sultan:"Firefly" of the Czech blotrich boper femet murdy.
Interpreter: Chandelier "Firefly" Czech glass chandelier Prague has sent you here.
Sultan: Nudgus-sare, noju-bendirs, allah femeni "Eureka".
Interpreter: Computer "Eureka". So that now your expenses do not exceed your income, Toscu Bey
He sends a typewriter, waiting for accuracy in expenses.
Sultan: Tosku-laugh-bey al-zade almojore kilmojor kerdy ​​(name)
Interpreter: And now the Sultan Tosku-laugh-bey asks all honorable guests to have a bite of the overseas wine for the health of the hero of the day, the most beautiful (name).

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