The best natural anti-aging creams. Peeling is an effective remedy against aging of the face. Legumes - nourishment for the skin of the face, producing hyalirunic acid

Once every woman is faced with the problem of wrinkles and skin aging. This causes severe psychological stress to all women without exception. They start visiting beauty salons regularly, stocking up on anti-aging creams and new products from the cosmetics industry for skin care. However, rarely, but there are times when women treat this process philosophically, considering aging inevitable, but still try to find ways to prevent it. In one case or another, this problem leaves no one indifferent. One way or another, the broad masses at all times are available mainly only folk remedies against skin aging.

The most delicate and vulnerable skin around the eyes, it is devoid of muscle tissue and sebaceous glands and therefore undergoes aging the fastest. In this area, the skin of the face is very sensitive. She accounts for a considerable share of the load associated with facial expressions. People who are suffering often squint, laughing, crying and even blinking cause many folds in this area, which turn into chronic wrinkles with age. That is why such wrinkles are called mimic. Such wrinkles can appear from the age of 18 and if you do not respond properly to their appearance, then by the age of 23 they form a mesh, which is also called "crow's feet".

Prevention measures
The process of skin aging itself is irreversible - this is a fact, but there are excellent methods against it. These skin care methods and programs can help stop crow's feet. The simplest method is to prevent the appearance of the latter. And the first "helper" in the fight against the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is to moisturize this area. From a very young age, it is recommended to use moisturizing creams for the skin of the eyelids. It is necessary not to forget to remove cosmetics from the eyelids with special products every evening in order to avoid damage and drying of the skin in this area. It is necessary to choose only proven cosmetics from renowned world manufacturers for eyelids and eyelashes.

In the summer, you just need to use sunscreen. Even if you want a chocolate tan, use them. After all, such funds reflect only the harmful rays of the sun, and the rays, thanks to which melanin is produced, are passed. Be sure to get yourself sunglasses and hats, they will not only help with sun protection, but also highlight your personality.

If you do not want to spend money on expensive new products from cosmetic giants, you can think of folk remedies. Anti-aging masks - can be attributed to the simplest means of preventing their appearance.

Bread mask for the night... To make it, it is necessary to warm up vegetable oil, give preference to olive oil. Soak a small piece of white bread in it. Apply the resulting mass to the skin surrounding the eyes, after 20 minutes, rinse it off with warm water. This mask will help smooth and moisturize fine wrinkles. In general, masks based on vegetable oils are able to fight against crow's feet and dry skin very effectively.
Mask "Cleopatra"... To make this mask, you need to purchase cosmetic clay. Lemon juice, honey and (necessarily) fat-free sour cream are added to it in equal proportions. The mask is kept on the face for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with plain warm water. After the mask is washed off, rinse your face with cold water. This mask is able to whiten, moisturize, smooth out wrinkles and nourish the skin. The secret of the preparation of this mask has come down to our days thanks to Queen Cleopatra, who used it at one time.
Curd mask... Mix half a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon of heavy cream, add a teaspoon of olive oil and half a teaspoon of warm liquid (not sugared) honey. All this must be thoroughly grinded and a tablespoon of warm milk added to the mass. Then the mask is applied to the mimic area for 15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse it off with warm water.

Ice cubes perfectly tone up and restore blood circulation in the skin of the face. You can prepare them like this: one teaspoon of linden blossom and one teaspoon of raspberries are brewed in 400 gr. water. After 30 minutes, the tea leaves are poured into molds and frozen in the freezer. The resulting ice cubes rub the skin in the morning. Within a few days, the skin will become more elastic, elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the skin will acquire a healthy tone.

Essential oils against skin aging are equally effective folk remedies. Rosewood, rose, chamomile, sandalwood, geranium and ylang-ylang oils have a regenerating effect. Check if you are allergic to them before use.

In the modern market of the cosmetic industry, there is a huge variety of cosmetic creams for rejuvenating, increasing skin tone, as well as for getting rid of wrinkles. Such creams are quite high in cost, because they include complex components obtained using the most advanced technologies. Carefully study the packaging of such a product before purchasing. Pay attention to the composition.
* Substances containing tretinoin can affect the structure of the skin. In many countries, these creams are sold by prescription only and are categorized as medicines.
* Products containing alpha-hydroxy acids can injure the epidermis, increase the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin, which will lead to its severe redness.
* Many of the modern anti-aging skincare products contain retinol and pentapeptides. Such substances increase the production of collagen.

The most popular method against age-related changes in such clinics is Botox injections. At the injection site, there is a blockage of nerve endings and, as a result, paralysis of facial muscles. The disadvantage of such injections is that they must be repeated every six months, since during this time the effect of Botox stops. As a result of many statistical studies, cosmetologists have come to a consensus that such injections are absolutely harmless, painless, and most importantly, very effective.

And of course, in order to slow down, stop the aging process for a while, use not only folk remedies, but also a specially developed anti-aging food rich in antioxidants.

* Vitamin C in an amount of 1 gram per day will help to produce protein that maintains the elasticity of the skin.
* Vitamin E - about 400 IU per day will protect cells from free radicals. Together with vitamin C, they prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
* Antioxidant DMEA, consumed in an amount of 50 mg per day, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevents age spots.
* Linoleic acid is even better at dealing with free radicals than the above vitamins. In addition, restore cells. To do this, the body must receive about 50 mg of it per day.

I will list the anti-aging skin products that need to be used together, already using the folk remedies listed above:

* Spinach and cabbage. Consume 55 grams of kale or 110 grams of spinach daily.
* Legumes. Consume 2 tablespoons every day. mashed beans.
* Goya berries. Berries contain vitamin C. It is many times more in 1 g of berries than in a whole orange.
* Turkey contains carnosine, a substance that prevents crow's feet. Therefore, it should be on your table 2 times a week.
* Flax seeds. The omega-3,6 fatty acids contained in them and linseed oil smooth wrinkles.
* Prunes neutralize free radicals. Therefore, eat 5 of its berries every day.
* Beetroot contains anthocyanin, which promotes collagen formation.
* Extra virgin olive oil and olives contain oleic acid, which smoothes wrinkles. Cook salads with butter.
* Chocolate contains antioxidants, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
* Carrots and red peppers work in a similar way to chocolate.

From folk remedies anti aging it is good to wipe the skin of the face with cool saline solution. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of boiled water and stir. Soak a cotton swab in this mixture and rub lightly over your face and neck.
You can also apply hot compresses to your face in the morning after washing. Dip a small towel in hot water, then squeeze and apply to your face, also grabbing the neck for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.

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Rye recipe anti-wrinkle masks : Take 2 tablespoons of rye flour, 1 egg yolk, and 3 tablespoons of warm milk. Whisk all the ingredients in a mixer and apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes, after which rinse with warm water.

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Most often, in the fight against skin aging, yolk-honey-oil masks are used: rub 1 egg yolk thoroughly together with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor, sea buckthorn, peach, apricot, almond or olive oil (if you do not have any of the listed oils, use any other vegetable). Lubricate your face with the resulting mixture, and leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

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Another recipe egg mask from wrinkles: stir 1 egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (instead of oatmeal you can use oat flour). Apply the mass to your face, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.

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Yolk-honey mask for wrinkles: thoroughly rub 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of honey and the same amount of glycerin. Apply the mask in a generous layer to the skin of the face and neck, and after 20 minutes, remove with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

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Stir 1 tablespoon of high fat sour cream with 1 tablespoon of pomegranate juice. In addition to pomegranate juice, in the preparation of this anti-wrinkle mask, you can use carrot juice, or juice squeezed from the pulp of a banana. Apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

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Sour cream and cottage cheese are great for preparing anti-aging face masks: Mix 1 tablespoon of fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of sour cream, and add half a teaspoon of salt. Stir everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is applied to the face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

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Heat 1 tablespoon of beeswax until melted. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of onion juice to it. Stir everything, cool slightly and apply on face. After 10 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with a damp cloth.

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A good cleansing milk against skin aging can be made from almonds: Pour a handful of almonds with hot water and leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the skins from the nuts and rub them through a fine sieve. Take 1 glass of milk, add a teaspoon of honey, and almond gruel to it. Stir, and wipe your face with this milk in the morning and evening.

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Recipe banana mask anti-wrinkle: Rub half a peeled banana on a fine grater. Stir the grated mass well with 1 egg yolk, with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the mixture to your face for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

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Anti-aging birch mask: Grind fresh birch leaves very finely. Stir 2 tablespoons of deciduous gruel with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. Apply the mass on your face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

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To get rid of expression lines, lubricate them with sesame oil overnight. In principle, you can use any vegetable oil, rosehip oil is great.

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Nourishing Anti-Wrinkle Mask: Take 2 tablespoons of chopped aloe vera pulp, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 3 tablespoons of milk powder. Stir all the products well until a homogeneous gruel is formed, apply the bark to your face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with water at room temperature.

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A couple more recipes for aloe anti-wrinkle masks: Mix 1 tablespoon of squeezed aloe juice with 1 teaspoon of the cream you use and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and neck with light patting movements, and after 20-25 minutes, blot your face with a soft tissue.

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Folk remedy for aging: Stir 2 tablespoons of aloe juice with 1 tablespoon of petroleum jelly or lanolin. Lubricate your face with the resulting mixture, and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Anti wrinkle , already appearing on the face, the following mask will help: Stir 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from aloe leaves with 1 tablespoon of honey, preheated. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face and neck, and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
Because aloe is good anti-wrinkle , you can simply apply the gruel from its leaves on the skin for 10-15 minutes, or wipe your face with aloe juice.

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Bananas are great for making masks anti wrinkle : Thoroughly mash half of the peeled banana. Add 2 tablespoons of cream and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. Stir everything until smooth and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.

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Folk remedy for wrinkles: Stir half a glass of fresh grape juice with half a glass of milk. Soak a gauze napkin well in this mixture and apply it to your face. Remove after 15 minutes, rinse face with warm water, and lubricate with moisturizer.

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To smooth out wrinkles on your face, use the following recipe: Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour with 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from the pulp of grapefruit and with the same amount of fresh milk (instead of milk, you can add 1 tablespoon of heavy cream or sour cream). Apply the mask to your face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

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Another recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask from grapefruit: Mix 2 tablespoons of this fruit pulp with 2 tablespoons of carrot juice, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, and 1 tablespoon of rice flour. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in grapefruit juice, then wash with warm water.

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Folk remedy for wrinkles for aging skin: Cook thick semolina porridge in milk. 2 tablespoons of this porridge, while still warm, stir with half a teaspoon of salt, with 1 egg yolk, with 2 teaspoons of honey and with 3 tablespoons of juice squeezed from apricot (if not in season, use banana, carrot or Apple juice). Apply a generous layer on the face and neck skin, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

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Recipe potato mask anti-wrinkle: Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and mash. Stir 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes with milk and sour cream, taken in 1 tablespoon, with 1 teaspoon of glycerin, and with the same amount of vegetable oil. Apply the mass on your face for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

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Folk remedy for wrinkles with oily skin: Mix 1 tablespoon of potato starch with 3 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of salt. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

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For aging skin, use the following mixture: 1 tablespoon of onions, chopped in a meat grinder or grated on a grater, mix with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply the mass on your face for 10-15 minutes, after which rinse with warm water.

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Anti-wrinkle mask recipe for sagging face skin: Stir 1 tablespoon of grated carrots with 1 tablespoon of potato starch and 4 tablespoons of sour milk or yogurt. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and neck, and after 15-20 minutes, wash off with cool water.

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Anti-wrinkle smoothing mask: Boil potatoes and mash them in mashed potatoes. Mix 1 tablespoon of this puree with the same amount of grated carrots, 1 tablespoon of potato starch, 1 egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of milk. Apply on face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

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Folk remedy for nettle wrinkles: Grind the nettle leaves very finely. Mix 2 tablespoons of the resulting gruel with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mass on your face for 15 minutes, after which rinse with water at room temperature.

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Dilute 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast with milk until a thick homogeneous mass is formed. If you have oily skin, use curdled milk instead of milk. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then remove with a damp cotton swab.

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Recipe honey mask anti-wrinkle: Stir 1 tablespoon of honey with the same amount of crushed oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of strong black tea and 2 tablespoons of milk. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with water at room temperature. Instead of oatmeal, you can use oatmeal or rice flour, or oatmeal.

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Honey is very often used in folk remedies for wrinkles: Stir 1 tablespoon of honey with cottage cheese and milk, taken in 2 tablespoons. Rub all ingredients thoroughly until smooth and apply to face. After 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Sad as it may seem, the point is that you are no longer 22 or even 32. Wrinkles, age spots and general bruising are signs of aging on a woman's face (and on a man's too). If we didn’t live in a world where youth has become a fetish, these signs of the times would not be worth worrying about. However, in the real world, willy-nilly, you get worried - lest you seem less valuable at work and less desirable in the bedroom.

This is why the cosmetics industry has developed a giant new product category. medical cosmeticsdesigned to relieve you of the signs of age without a scalpel and needle. This fall, the number of such beauty products reached critical mass - a kind of nod to the aging generation of baby boomers. It should be remembered that these products are included in the gray zone - they are neither medicines nor cosmetics, in other words, no one can guarantee that they will provide the effect they promise. You can buy your anti-aging health care product at a fancy brand store, where it will cost you a week's salary, or at a pharmacy near your home, where prices are much more reasonable.

Dermatologists say that the effectiveness of a cosmetic product and its price is not related in any way, so it is better to get by with cheap reliable brands such as Oil of Olay, Aveeno, Neutrogena or Eucerin. But whatever the price, the main question remains: do these funds help?

The answer depends on what you expect from them. No product you can buy without a prescription will give you the results you can count on with drugs or treatments prescribed by your doctor. (If you are worried about a new mole, it is best to see a dermatologist, because it can be a sign of skin cancer.) In addition, no cosmetic product can neutralize the damage caused by the two worst enemies of healthy skin - the sun and smoking.

Exists two factors of skin aging - internal, which depends on genetics, and external, which is associated with bad habits and environmental influences. Your lifestyle will determine which of these factors is more important. If you were a bad girl, then you will pay for it.

"Sun exposure results in pigmentation and large dark spots and fine lines," said Dr. Ann Kleinsmith of Michigan, a cosmetic dermatologist and spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology. just fine lines. When exposed to sunlight, they turn into wide, coarse wrinkles, like on a farmer's neck. "

Smoking, she says, causes an earthy complexion and makes wrinkles more visible. A 40-year-old smoker looks many years older than his non-smoker peer.

With all this in mind, here are the ingredients you should look out for if you want to solve a specific problem.

Dry skin and loss of elasticity

Moisturize, hydrate and hydrate again. For young women starting to notice their first wrinkles, the most effective are fairly aggressive moisturizers and lotions, says Dr. Mark Rubin, a dermatologist based in Beverly Hills, California. He suggests using cosmetics containing ceramides, triglycerides or cholesterol. "Many have heard that these substances are bad for blood circulation, but they are good for the skin," says Rubin. Products containing retinol can stimulate cell growth, which can also be beneficial.

Age spots

Also called age spots, they are flat, dark colored areas on the skin of the face, neck, chest, and back of the hands. If you have a lot of them, you should see a dermatologist, as this indicates that you have been exposed and your risk of skin cancer is increased. For over-the-counter cosmetics, bleaching preparations containing hydroquinone can help. By combining whitening products with exfoliating agents, as well as creams and lotions with retinol and glycolic acid, you will increase the effect. But you also need to use a strong sunscreen, otherwise all this effect will be reduced to zero.

If there is no improvement in a few months, see your doctor, advises Ron Shelton, professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and director of the New York Center for Aesthetic Medicine. Your dermatologist may prescribe a stronger bleaching agent or peel or other treatments.

Wrinkles and bags under the eyes

Either way, wrinkles look better if hydrated, Shelton says. Again, the most expensive moisturizer is not necessarily the most effective. Retinol, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glycolic Acid help to smooth the skin. Many companies produce special products for the skin around the eyes. It is a moot point whether they are really needed. Doctors say that all cosmetic products for the face are quite gentle, and before throwing money for another tube or jar, you can try your usual cream for the area around the eyes too.

It is more difficult to deal with puffiness under the eyes. If the problem is caused by allergies or lack of sleep, then you need antihistamines or more sleep. Traditional methods of dealing with this scourge, such as cucumber slices, tea bags, or tightening gel, can also help if it is temporary. But in many cases, the cause is a bulging of fatty sacs under or above the eyes. In this case, you will have to go to surgery. Nothing sold at a high-end store or drug store, including hemorrhoid cream, will, despite all assurances, solve the problem, Kleinsmith says.

Nasolabial folds and wrinkles in the corners of the mouth

Commercially available remedies for this problem are not impressive to dermatologists. Shelton recommends a Botox injection, which will remove fine lines that cause lipstick to bleed.

Even if you don't see any of the above in the mirror yet, as you get older, you need to pay more attention to skin care. Dr. Robin Ashinov, director of the cosmetic dermatology department at the University Medical Center in New Jersey, empathizes with patients who complain that they find it difficult to find the right cosmetic product. She says that the standard kit should include sunscreen, which should be used "in winter, spring, summer and fall." As for the sun protection factor: "30 is better than 15". She recommends a sunscreen containing micronized zinc oxide or titanium oxide because they block all kinds of rays.

Dr. Robin Ashinov advises using a mild cleanser or some kind of soft sponge to increase the gap through which the skin is renewed. It is also helpful to apply a foundation under your makeup, especially if you have oily skin. Moisturize any skin that feels dry. And one more tip: although at first glance it has nothing to do with the face, regular physical ones increase the blood flow to the skin, which also decreases with age.

So, the moral is this: take care of your skin before a wrinkled stranger crawls into your mirror.

The skin begins to age not only due to age, often the dermis fades ahead of time due to a lack of vitamins. Unwanted wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes make the face look sad, not fresh. To avoid this and prevent early aging of the dermis, women should take additional supplements. What vitamins to drink against skin aging? Not all nutrients can be obtained from food, some have to be taken additionally.

Ascorbic acid is needed by the body not only for strong immunity. If it is not enough, the aging of the skin begins ahead of time, the dermis becomes flabby, covered with age spots. Another interesting fact is that vitamin C helps to strengthen blood vessels. Some women notice that bruises appear on their skin very quickly - this indicates a lack of ascorbic acid.

Grocery list:

  • parsley
  • citrus
  • rose hip
  • apples
  • cabbage
  • spinach.

Important! If a woman is often nervous, there is an acute shortage of vitamin C in her body. In this case, only the ascorbic acid that comes with food will not be enough. You need to buy vitamin C at the pharmacy and drink it additionally (2 times a day, 2 things).

Vitamin E - the source of youth

The beneficial properties of vitamin E for the skin have been known for a long time. It helps to slow down the aging process of the skin, protect the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, and accelerate cell regeneration. Vitamin E is excellent for wrinkles under the eyes. If it is not enough in the body, other vitamins will be absorbed worse. As a result, the general state of human health deteriorates, skin aging begins earlier than it could.

Grocery list:

  • sprouted wheat grains
  • sunflower seeds
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish.

Vitamin A against skin aging

A person gets most of it with food. With a lack of vitamin A, the skin becomes dry, the process of its early aging starts, the dermis lacks moisture. Such problems may be faced by those people who eat mainly semi-finished products.

Grocery list

  • tomato
  • cabbage
  • zucchini
  • peaches
  • lettuce leaves
  • sour cream and cottage cheese
  • butter.

Vitamin F against dermis aging

Vitamin F is a complex complex that includes many polyunsaturated fatty acids. It enters the body with food, restores the cells of the dermis, makes the face elastic and resilient.

Grocery list:

  • vegetable oils (peanut, sunflower, linseed oil are especially recommended);
  • ordinary seeds (preferably without salt);
  • brown rice
  • nuts
  • oatmeal.

The daily allowance is 12 teaspoons of seeds.

Vitamin K against skin aging

In order for the face to remain young and beautiful, it is very important. Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, fights pigmentation, prevents early aging of the dermis, relieves swelling (bruises and bags under the eyes).

Grocery list:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • rowan
  • green pea
  • soybean oil
  • fish fat.

B vitamins against skin aging

There are a lot of them in nature. You need to eat a variety of foods in order for the body to receive them. These substances can slow down the aging process of the skin and improve the general condition of the face, smooth out unwanted ones.

Grocery list:

  • oat and buckwheat porridge
  • bran
  • chicken liver and eggs
  • brown rice
  • red meat
  • green vegetables.

Vitamin D for beauty and youthfulness of the skin

It is formed under the influence of the sun. Vitamin D is very important for the dermis - it slows down its aging, increases protective functions, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.

Grocery list:

  • fish fat
  • seaweed
  • butter.

In order for the skin to remain young and beautiful as long as possible, you need to give it all the nutrients - this is the only way to slow down the aging process of the dermis. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life does not always give a person the opportunity to eat right. Sometimes it is recommended to drink multivitamin complexes that are sold in a pharmacy.

It is important to pay attention to those preparations that also contain amino acids. You need to drink such complexes 2-3 times a year for 30 days. When the body has enough nutrients, the aging of the skin will not disturb the person ahead of time, moreover, his general health will improve.

All people sooner or later face irreversible aging and skin aging. You can relate to this in different ways. But I am sure that for most women, such processes are unpleasant, and for some, perhaps even catastrophic. Ladies have a natural desire to look younger, more attractive and irresistible. Many greedy male eyes are more often directed to women when they are in their prime, vitality and youth.

When does this unpleasant aging process begin !?

I must say right away that all people have different ways. For some, skin aging occurs after 20 years, for others over 30 years. In my life, I have had the pleasure of communicating with people who have not observed skin aging at all even after 40 years. Many scientists have long proved that the resource of the human body is more than 100 years old.

But our lifestyle, bad ecology, stress have driven life into a very narrow framework, and the quality of this life often leaves much to be desired. To keep your skin young and healthy, you need to apply a whole range of measures to care for it. I will share some secrets and life experiences in this matter and try to explain how people at 40 manage to look 25. Surprising, right ?! In fact, nothing surprising, you just need to have some knowledge and observe the natural laws of nature.

Wrinkles on the face caused by many factors. Among them are natural aging skin aging, lack of nutrients, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and many other reasons. As a rule, the very process of the appearance of wrinkles is associated with a complex of the listed factors. Among the reasons is also the fact that the body secretes little collagen and elastin - building proteins for our skin, it is these enzymes that give the skin velvety and elasticity. One of the main factors in the appearance of wrinkles is insufficient moisture supply, it is this moisture that nourishes and gives youth to the skin. This significant factor should not be underestimated, our body mainly consists of water.

Types of wrinkles:

- mimic wrinkles, occur as a result of muscle contraction on a person's face. If a person often makes grimaces, laughs, is surprised, while the intense work of facial muscles occurs, then he is more prone to the formation of wrinkles on his face;

- m lines around the eyes , and crow's feet can occur as a result of frequent squinting, as well as as a result of the mimicry of muscles;

- frontal wrinkles arise due to the fact that a person often frowns his forehead, especially often these wrinkles appear in a strong half of humanity.

- Wrinkles on the nose, lips and neck these are age-related wrinkles.

Prevention of the appearance of wrinkles:

You should never wait for the appearance of wrinkles, and then frantically try to fight them. It is better to prevent an unwanted process than to try to change its consequences. A set of measures for skin care should be carried out regularly after 20 years. Moreover, cosmetics play a significant role in these processes. anti aging... With proper care and adherence to certain patterns, you will not soon find the first wrinkles on your face.

1. Proper nutrition is a fight against aging of the body.

Human nutrition plays a decisive role in the state of the whole organism as a whole. I will not explain for a long time that our body is arranged naturally - if one organ hurts, it affects the whole body as a whole. Therefore, make it your norm to eat right. Eliminate fast food from your diet, do not eat food "on your knees." Eating should be a kind of ritual and enjoyable. When you eat the writing, concentrate only on it, do not engage in extraneous matters.

Now I will say a little about the diet. Water plays a key role in our body. To keep your skin hydrated and soft, be sure to try drinking a 200 ml glass of cool fresh water in the morning. This is a great way to combat wrinkles. The water should not come from the tap and should not be boiled. Ideal if the water is from a proven clean spring. Remember, there is nothing useful in boiled water, it is dead water, as it has undergone heat treatment. If there is no opportunity to drink water from the spring, then pick up high-quality, but not carbonated, mineral water in the store, it is better that this water be checked by an expert, since most of such products do not contain any useful properties. The water must definitely settle for several hours, run it through the filter, and only after that, you can safely drink. The human body needs to consume about 2-3 liters of water per day, it all depends on body weight.

Water has an extraordinary property of accumulating information. When information acts on water, water acquires a certain molecular structure. If positive information is given to water, then its molecules acquire the correct beautiful molecular structure, and if negative, then the structure is chaotic. Take this carefully and follow the advice. It is not for nothing that I paid so much attention to water.

Include in your diet more fruits and live thermally unprocessed food, breakfast must be light, in the morning the body has not yet fully woken up, so you should not burden the body with digesting food. Let your breakfast consist only of fruits or vegetables, do not mix both together. For lunch, you can eat heavier foods, but without fanaticism. For dinner, a vegetable salad or light porridge is perfect. Be sure to eat 3 hours before bedtime.

2. Lifestyle plays a key role in the aging process.

I'll start with the most important thing, namely bad habits. Smoking has a damaging effect on the skin of the face. Moreover, smoking destroys even the structure of DNA, shrinks blood vessels, which causes their blockage and death. This has been known for a long time, but little attention is paid to it in the press for reasons obvious to me. Eliminate alcoholic beverages from your diet. Remember! there are no beneficial doses of alcohol. Any alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, when alcohol is consumed, alcohol degreases the surface of erythrocytes and they begin to stick together. When a clot of red blood cells approaches a capillary, the access of oxygen and nutrients to this capillary is blocked and it can die off. Therefore, many redness and bloody formations on the skin can be caused by these processes. Lead a measured lifestyle - stress should alternate with rest. If you often get tired, then your skin also gets tired. Be sure to know that your skin needs peace and relaxation. Go in for sports, go to the gym, arrange morning runs. Try to keep a close eye on your emotional state. Don't be nervous, don't be angry. The less stressed you are, the better your chances of maintaining a healthy looking face and skin condition.

3. Application of professional cosmetics and home cosmetic masks.

From my own experience, I can say that a good effect can only be achieved by alternating high-quality cosmetics with the use of home folk skin care methods. When do you use anti-wrinkle masks, anti-aging serums, means for smoothing the skin around the eyes, anti-aging preparations and lotions for cleansing the skin, be careful and attentive, everyone's skin is individual, therefore, if you notice irritation or other negative reaction, it is better to refuse this method of skin care. The use of masks is a priority in slowing down the aging process.

I note right away that I prefer to use "living masks" for face. On the Internet, you will find a huge number of tips for using "dead masks" for face. Having tried both in my life, I turned my attention to live face masks. Living mask - this is such a mask, which contains only ingredients, preferably of vegetable or other origin, which are not subjected to heat treatment. When exposed to temperatures of more than 40 degrees, most of the nutrients are destroyed, and, accordingly, the use of such masks, infusions and decoctions becomes meaningless and useless. Therefore, the first conclusion is that a face mask should include only living trace elements that are not destroyed by heat treatment. The composition of such masks is quite diverse, the question is in the imagination of a person and in the experience of their application.

The process of applying a nourishing mask to the face skin:

  • before the process of applying the mask, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed and cleansed.
  • after that, apply a mask on your face, take a comfortable body position, or you can even take a warm bath and relax thoroughly, feel comfort;
  • then the nourishing mask should be rinsed off with cool water and applied with a moisturizing face lotion if your skin needs such hydration.

Natural nourishing masks.

I alternate professional face masks with homemade masks.

Home masks:

- Zucchini mask. Unfortunately, I have never come across this amazing and simple recipe on the Internet that my grandmother recommended to me - squash mask, this mask is very effective and nourishing, it perfectly smoothes wrinkles and makes the skin velvety and healthy looking. Zucchini juice (get through a juicer or blender), mix with lemon juice, or apply honey (proportions at your discretion) to the skin of the face, and put cucumbers cut into rings on your eyes, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

- Natural honey mask... Take some quality honey. If you have dry skin, take the yolk from the egg, and if you have oily skin, then it is better to take the protein. Mix these ingredients well. Remove dirt and make-up from your skin with lotion or milk. Apply a nutrient solution to your skin. Rinse off after 15 minutes. A wonderful face mask that will give your skin a radiant and healthy look.

- Banana face mask... Take a banana, turn it into a jelly-like mass, add a little natural orange or grape juice. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the mask and rinse your face with warm water.

- Live natural mask. The main building protein is found in greens. Look at elephants and giraffes, they eat exclusively plant foods, but this does not prevent them from being strong and healthy. They are unlikely to experience a lack of building protein from not eating meat. Take parsley, dill, basil, strawberry leaves, or plantain (you can in any combination) put some fresh berries (strawberries, strawberries, currants) in a blender, turn into a jelly-like mass, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse. This is the most effective and nourishing mask, our skin perfectly absorbs natural plant vitamins.

- Aloe Vera Mask, great for combating wrinkles in the eye area. Squeeze out a little aloe vera juice, apply to the skin, maybe even overnight, then thoroughly wipe the skin with cleansers. The result of using such masks is amazing.

Improved professional face masks contain, as a rule, the whole complex of vitamins and nutrients - zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, which are the basic component for regenerating processes and to protect our skin from harmful environmental influences. Modern masks based on 24-carat gold from orogold have an excellent effect on the skin of the face.

Masks holy-land do not need a special introduction, since tens of thousands of people have been using these wonderful drugs for many years. Try combining homemade masks with professional natural face masks.

By the way, for oily and problem skin, you should not abuse the use of cosmetics. A large amount of cosmetics can negatively affect the condition of your skin. There should be an aesthetic and logical component in the use of any cosmetic products.

4. The skin is constantly exposed to the sun, this does not have the best effect on its component

Try to spend less time in direct sunlight. Feel free to wear a lady's hat that will cover your face from the rays. Use professional sun protection. If you have fair skin use a formula up to SPF30. If it is dark, it is better until 15. Do not visit often and do not spend a lot of time in the solarium. This is a direct path to skin aging and dehydration.

5. Now I will give some general advice on protecting your body and, in particular, the skin of the face from aging.

- Visit the bathhouse more often. It is thanks to the effect of hot steam on the body that a lot of toxins and other obscenities come out of us along with sweat. Bathing should be the norm. With the third entry into the steam room, smear the skin with any nourishing mask, you can smear the skin with honey. In the steam room, due to the enlargement of the pores, it is possible to achieve good absorption of natural masks into the pores of the skin. Always try to shower after the steam room.

-Wash your face with purified soft water... If you live in a rural area, try to wash your face with spring water, or melt clean snow.

-Wipe your face with ice, try to do it before bedtime. I have not dealt with this yet, but my friends noted a wonderful positive effect.

If you are a fat woman and want to lose weight, beware of sudden weight loss. In obese women, the skin is stretched, so with significant weight loss, wrinkles and folds are likely to appear. Do this gradually. Better by switching to a fruit and vegetable diet.

Partial or complete missing teeth also negatively affects the face, take care of your teeth and insert dentures. Since, due to problems with the teeth, there are irregular chewing movements and cavities and the outline of the cheekbones appear on the skin of the face.

Regularly perform a gentle gentle self-massage of the face... It helps blood circulation and gives your skin a healthy and beautiful appearance.

I wish you health and success.

Inspire, charm, love ...!

Angela Zhuravleva