Intarsia method in knitting. Intarsia is a knitting technique. Horizontal stripes. Change thread color along the edge

Good afternoon, my dear readers!

Since not everyone is familiar with this unusually beautiful knitting, today I want to talk about what intarsia knitting is.

Intarsia is a type of multicolor knitting. For some reason, everywhere they write about knitting with knitting needles. Although you can crochet such patterns.

Types of multicolor knitting

The following types of multicolor knitting are known to me:

1st type - plain color knittingwhen the colors change over several rows, horizontal or simple zigzag stripes are obtained depending on the pattern.

Only one tangle participates in each row.

2nd type - missoni technique, complex colored zigzag lines are knitted in it.

3rd type - enterlac, although this technique can be knitted in one color. I'll tell you about it sometime later.

4th type - jacquard knitting, in each row of which two skeins of yarn of different colors are used, usually repeating small fragments are knitted with one yarn or another. In this case, yarn broaches are obtained from the seamy side.

5th type - intarsia technique -very interesting knitting, we will dwell on it in more detail.

Knitting with intarsia technique

In the intarsia technique, you can knit various complex patterns, change the color of the thread not only horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally at different angles.

It turns out a product consisting of blocks of different colors and shapes.

The quality of the product is usually impeccable, because the same pattern is obtained both from the front side and from the wrong side, there are no thread broaches.

In each row, when changing one color of the thread to another, they intersect with each other from the seamy side.

What you need to know when knitting using the intarsia technique

  1. Schemes

Recently I knitted a pillow with knitting needles in this technique, which I already talked about. It has a very simple transition from color to color, always vertically. With this knitting, no special patterns are needed.

But quite often complex intricate patterns are used, which are almost impossible to knit without a diagram.

You can look for a pattern on the Internet, and not necessarily just for knitting intarsia, take any pattern for embroidery.

We have patterns of pillows with floral patterns, you can see them.

And some more patterns for embroidery in the Bargello style and patterns with birds, roses and butterflies are also noteworthy.

I have already knitted a lot of things in this technique, I usually do this: I knitted a row and be sure to mark it on the diagram with a pencil, otherwise you can get confused and get lost with the pattern.

  1. What yarn to use

Multiple glomeruli can be used in one row. To start knitting in a new technique for you, of course, is better with patterns with a small amount of color in one row. Experienced knitters can use up to 20 balls or more in one row.

The yarn should be of the same thickness and make sure it does not fade!

Knitting from large balls is not worth it, it is very inconvenient. Roll up small balls, such as would be enough to knit one color block. In any case, when you finish knitting a block of the same color, the thread will have to be cut off.

  1. How to connect the threads correctly

At the junction of two colors, the threads must be crossed from the seamy side so that the parts turn out tightly to each other, no holes are formed, but without pulling the product.

We shift the "old" ball to the right side of ourselves, so as not to interfere.

We knit the next loop of the product with yarn from the "new" ball, we tighten both threads at the junction and then we knit as usual until the next color.

Having knitted the row completely, I turn the product over and transfer the balls from the right side to the left again, preferably in the same order, one color after another. But this rarely happens, which is not at all scary. You can untangle the desired ball without much difficulty. But of course, the whole knitting process takes a long time.

When knitting diagonal lines, you should take into account the following nuance:

When the line is tilted to the right, the threads should be changed and twisted only in the front row, and when the line is tilted to the left, on the contrary, only in the back row. Otherwise, an ugly crossbar may turn out over the loop.

What patterns are used in intarsia

There is an opinion that intarsia is knitted with knitting needles only with a stocking pattern, i.e. front satin stitch from the face and purl from the wrong side.

Yes, in most drawings, this pattern is appropriate.

But the designers do not stand still and in modern models not only different patterns are used, but also yarns of different texture.

Once I bought a magazine with knitted models from famous German and French designers, in which I discovered such interesting knitting. True, I did not know then that this technique was called that.

The peculiarity of the models presented in this album, in the combination in one product of yarn not only of different shades, but also of different quality (wool, cotton, angora, bouclé), as well as the use of different patterns in one product: both hosiery and shawl knitting, and boucle.

Each color is represented by yarn of a different quality, which creates an additional effect, and the combination of fluffy yarn with smooth or bouclé yarn makes it possible to create an unusual texture of the product, which is possible only with hand knitting.

I was so carried away by this knitting that I knitted several models from the magazine for myself and my sister. You can see my latest works here \u003e\u003e.

With knitting of pullovers with a pattern only on the shelf and part of the sleeves, I coped quite quickly, but I knitted a jacket with a colored pattern on the back and along the entire length of the sleeves for half a year

Several conditions that are required to obtain a quality product:

  • The color scheme must be flawless. Poorly chosen colors can make a piece look clumsy and unattractive.
  • Strictly follow the pattern. This is especially important when knitting sleeves, since the main effect of patterns with patterns lies in the unity of the sleeves and all the details.
  • If you are using not new, but already used yarn, you should avoid stocking knitting, since all defects of the yarn are visible in the smooth fabric.

What can be knitted using the intarsia technique

Intarsia is primarily a work of art. You can knit pullovers, jackets, and even coats! You walk down the street in such a coat and all the men fall in piles, and the women are jealous

I also dream of knitting pictures using the intarsia technique. I just don't know when I'll get to them.

I am interested in intarsia knitting?

See what a beautiful autumn blanket can be knitted using this technique by following the link, here there is a diagram with autumn leaves.

Posted by Administrator: 05 June 2013 Views: 42713

Master class on knitting using the Intarsia technique from Judy Furlong.

Intarsia is a multicolor knitting. Don't let yourself get completely entangled in the spools while knitting using the Intarsia technique!

An expert in elegant designs and the use of sewing techniques in knitwear, designer Judy Furlong shares simple tips in her master class for creating the perfect colored fabric.

For many needlewomen, and perhaps for you, the mention of Intarsia will be greeted with a groan.

Of course, this technique needs a little practice and a little know-how to benefit - here are our basic tips to get you on your way to truly flawless Intarsia, using the Balmoral Plaid as an example.

Yarn selection.

Yarns that allow the stitches to blend well into the fabric - wool, cashmere, camel hair and, to a lesser extent, alpaca - tend to conceal blemishes much more than crisp yarns like cotton, linen and silk.

Choose a design that does not have too a lot of "freaks", and only a few hinges for offset there, here; blocks of the same color or continuous lines much facilitate work.

Check the knitting density in the pattern.

It is necessary to first check your knitting density on a sample made using the Intarsia technique, not believing that it will be the same as for the front surface. In theory, she shouldn't change knitting density, but in practice it is often wrong. If your tied piece is too narrow and needs to be stretched to satisfy correct measurementsthen will be visible intervals between loops - stretching a tight sample will be less successful than loosening a free one.


Examine the design to see how fewer skeins you will need to use to minimize the process of hiding the ends of the threads, and think about how the design will be done.

For example, in a Balmoral jacket pocket, only 3 spools are required for each contrasting color, as opposed to color A. Tartan is done by combining Jacquard (where contrasting colors make up horizontal lines across the entire width of the pattern) and Intarsia (where vertical lines). See the drawing where it is planned where to use coils and where to use skeins of yarn, to facilitate the project.

If we are faced with a circle or U-shaped arc in the diagram, it is advisable to leave a long end so that both ends can be used, one on each side of the circle or arc.

Preparation of yarn for knitting with Intarsia knitting needles.

Once you have decided on your requirements, wind the coils or make butterflies (shown in Figures 1-3).

It is better to wind a little more than too little to avoid unnecessary connections. Each loop on average takes about three times the thickness of the thread used.

Crossing the threads at the junction.

When changing yarn, always lift the new yarn from the bottom of the previous one (fig. 4) and pull slightly to tighten the last loop (fig. 5). When combining Jacquard and Intarsia, the broaches can be wrapped in the following thread (fig. 6).

Always keep the tension.

Try to maintain an even tension. Be especially careful not to tighten the broaches (which are formed when the thread is carried from behind over multiple loops). Check from time to time the smoothness (evenness) of the web on a flat surface.

Observe order.

If you have too many threads, the spools can cross over and become tangled. To reduce these risks, wind the spool as close to knitting as possible after you have used it in this row - how close is a matter of personal preference, but do not roll it too tightly so as not to distort your canvas. For butterflies, just pull out the thread as little as possible.

Be consistent.

Since the Balmoral jacket combines Jacquard and Intarsia to get a really good result, as in any Jacquard knit (for example, rows 3-5), be consistent in the direction of the thread transfer (either with the new thread always over the previous one, or vice versa), otherwise checkered the effect will be broken.

Tidying up the loops.

Straighten the hinges before steaming. From the wrong side of the work, pull up the loose threads, then check from the right side and straighten the loops. Work on both sides until the blade is as even as possible.

Steam will also help align the hinges and even parts of them.

What to do with the ends.

From the wrong side, thread the end of the thread through the tapestry needle, gently pull up to touch up the last stitch. Braid the loops created during the color change, being careful not to weave too many ends into one area. Feel this area to make sure you haven't made it lumpy or knobby. If so, remove the thread and sew it elsewhere.

These ends can also be used to wrap around and stabilize broaches or slack loops.

And one more last moment ...

If you notice a mistake, all is not lost: just sew a buttonhole over the broken buttonhole with the required color with a needle.

Master Class knitting using the Intarsia technique is translated from English.

In the intarsia technique, you can knit real works of art, various complex patterns, change the color of the thread not only horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally at different angles. Moreover, when changing color, both threads cross on the wrong side of the product, and at the same time, the knitted fabric remains as elastic as when knitting it with a regular front satin stitch. How to properly master knitting in this technique will help you figure out this article.

Frequently asked questions that you will have:

How to work according to the scheme?

Each cell of the scheme corresponds to the width of one loop. In the front row, the corresponding row of the pattern is read from right to left, and as many loops are knitted with a thread of the same color, as there are cells in width. In the purl row, the diagram is read from left to right. In order to facilitate the work on the diagram, most often the colored areas of the model are given on the diagram in color.

How many balls of yarn will be needed to complete the product?

If a new colored area starts at the right or left edge, then a new ball is used for that colored area. If, a new color section begins in the middle of the product, then two additional balls should be used, namely, the first - for the "new" color, the second - to continue working on the "old" color.

How to get started with a new ball?

If you start working with a new ball in the middle of the row, then an ugly hole may form in this place, and the first loop of a new color will turn out to be very fragile. Over time, it will definitely bloom! To avoid this, you need both threads (one for intarsia - the other for the background), enter to work in the right place, but a row earlier!

How to cross the threads?

When changing the color, both threads cross on the seamy side of the work, so that holes do not form.
In the front row, knit loops with the first colored thread, put it on top of the second thread and then knit with the second thread.

In the seamy row, the corresponding loops are also knitted with the first colored thread. They put the second thread on top of the first and then knit with the second thread.

If the crossing occurs vertically (either to the right or to the left by one loop), then short uniform sections of threads will form on the seamy side.

If there is a crossing along an oblique (i.e., several loops to the right or left in each row), then the threads pass along the seamy side of the work until the next colored section.

In the process of assembling the product, it is necessary to sew all the ends of the threads on the seamy side in the places where they cross. At the same time, separate holes between the hinges are removed.

How to avoid tangling threads from different tangles?

After each knitted row, turn the yarn alternately, then to the left, then to the right. If we knit a very multi-colored intarsia, then it is more convenient to use a separate unwound ball of yarn for each colored section. It is not necessary to knit from a whole working ball, since due to twisting of the threads, knitting will become impossible or very tedious.

Handicraft stores sell special spools for unwinding a small amount of thread. You can buy several plastic spools and wind the necessary thread on each of them as needed.
You can build your own cardboard spools.

Or you can simulate the coils. To make a kind of coil is as easy as shelling pears: you need to leave the long end of the thread and wrap the required amount of thread with a "figure eight" around your thumb and little finger. Then cut off the thread and use this cut end to intercept the center of the spool with a knot. Pull the thread from the middle of the spool by the long end. As threads are pulled out of the spool, the knot tightened around it loosens, it must be tightened so that the twisted spool does not unwind.

How to knit a pattern symmetrically?

In some cases, it is necessary to knit the pattern on the back symmetrically with the pattern on the front of the product so that when performing shoulder and side seams and subsequent assembly, the colored parts exactly coincide with each other.

To do this, you need to start knitting according to the pattern, adhering to the rule: You have to start working from the front row, but read the 1st row of the pattern - from left to right ..., and the 2nd row (purl) - from right to left.
This way you will achieve the symmetry of the pattern, both on the back of the product and on its front.

Change colors in horizontal and vertical lines

Different blocks of flowers are knitted from separate balls or bobbins. There are no broaches on the seamy side of the canvas. With each color change, the threads are twisted to prevent holes from forming in the knitted fabric.
Using the intarsia technique, you cannot work round, since at the end of the row the threads will be in the wrong position. You will have to cut all the threads and reattach them each time. As a result, many ends of the threads will appear on the seamy side of the fabric.

Changing colors in a vertical line, the threads should be twisted in each row. Changing colors in a diagonal line, the threads should be twisted in every second row. If the diagonal slants to the right, only twist the threads in the front rows. If the diagonal slants to the left, twist the threads only on the wrong rows.

Knitting from several balls

To make this trick "work", the ends of the threads are pulled out from the middle of the balls so that the latter in the bag do not twist.
Balls of different colors are laid out in a bag in accordance with the sequence of use when knitting. As many holes are made in the bag as the balls are used. The ends of the threads of the balls are pulled through the holes. The picture shows a sample tied from three tangles in the bag. The threads from the bag run parallel to each other and do not twist.

Change of color in a vertical line
1. Front row. Leave the thread of the old color at work. Pick up the new color yarn from under the old color yarn and knit with it until the next color change.
2. Purl row. Leave the thread in the old color before working. Pick up the new color yarn from under the old color yarn and knit until the next color change. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
Color change in a diagonal line
1. Sewing diagonally to the right, on the right side, insert the new color over the old color and knit until the next color change.
2. On the wrong side, insert the new color from under the old color and knit until the next color change.
1. Diagonally to the left, on the wrong side, insert the new color over the old color and knit until the next color change.
2. On the right side, thread in the new color from under the old color and knit until the next color change.

Entering a new color

Entering a new color: method 1
1. Grasp the old thread first and then the new thread as for knitting, and knit the first loop with both threads.
2. Leave the old thread. Work the next two stitches with both ends of the new thread.
3. Leave the short end of the new color and continue knitting with one strand. In the next rows, work three double stitches as single stitches.
Entering a new color: method 2
1. Cut off the old thread, leaving about 10 cm. Purl the first two stitches with a new thread * Insert a knitting needle, as for purl knitting, into the loop, put the short ends of the old and new threads on the knitting needle and knit the next loop with the purl under the short ends.
2. Leave the loose ends hanging and purl the next loop over them.
3. Repeat from * until you have braided short ends on the wrong side of the piece.
Entering a new color: method 3
1. Work up to three stitches in front of the new color insertion point. Work these three stitches with a double-folded thread, making sure to do so. that the thread is just enough for three loops.
2. Thread a new thread into the resulting loop from the old thread, leaving the new thread double for about 20 cm. Knit three new loops with the double thread Leave the short end of the new thread and continue knitting with one thread.
3. In the next row, bring the first thread to the wrong side from where it was left in the previous row, and twist it with the second thread. Work double stitches in single stitches.

Horizontal stripes. Change thread color along the edge

Horizontal stripes are one of the easiest color knitting options, as you don't have to pull the threads along the row. You can cut the thread when you finish knitting the strip, but that means you have to weave many ends after finishing the piece. To avoid this, pull along the edge of the blade any threads that are temporarily out of work.
When knitting an ornament in straight and reverse rows, its width should be determined by an even number of rows so that the free ends of the threads are located only to the right of the first loop of the front row. Otherwise, as necessary, the threads will have to be cut and connected from the opposite side.

When knitting a piece in a circle, the number of rows in a strip does not matter, since you always knit front rows.
When you introduce a new color and knit the loops with the purl, a beautiful clear line does not form on the canvas, delimiting the colors. To avoid this, knit the first row with a thread of a different color with the front loops.

Vertical stripes. Loop set

The technique of making a canvas with vertical stripes involves knitting with broaches on the seamy side or without them, when each strip has its own ball.
It is advisable to use the first method for narrow stripes (up to 4 loops), the second - for wide ones.
If you want the stripes to start at the bottom edge of the part, cast on the buttonholes as shown below.

Corrugated elastic

Corrugated two-color elastic band 1 x 1 or 2 x 2 - this is an elastic band in which the front loops are knitted with a thread of one color, and the wrong ones - in another.
The pattern forms a canvas with an interesting texture, which largely loses its elasticity due to the large number of broaches.

1. Front row, change of threads at work. After knitting 2 knit stitches, set the thread aside. From under it, take a working thread and knit 2 purl.
2. Set the thread in front of the knit buttonhole. From under it, take a working thread and knit the next 2 loops with the front ones.
1. Purl row. change of threads before work. After knitting 2 purl, set the thread aside. Take a working thread above it and knit 2 knit loops.
2. Set the thread aside in front of the purl buttonhole. Take a working thread above it and knit the next 2 loops with a purl.

You see what wonderful works can be knitted in this technique, so master and try. I hope that all the peppercorn materials will help you with this. Good luck !!

Date of publication: 14.01.2017

Intarsia is a type of multi-color knitting that is often used in products. The peculiarity of intarsia is the knitting of each color block from a separate ball, when the color blocks are joined, the multi-colored threads cross on the seamy side. Using the intarsia technique, you can knit complex multicolor patterns, changing the color not only horizontally, but also vertically or diagonally.

In other words, the intarsia technique is based on the temporary exclusion of the main background thread from the work, knitting is carried out with a new thread of a different color.

Intarsia features: what you need to know

Previously, it was believed that a product using the "intarsia" technique was knitted only with stockings: the front satin stitch on the front side and purl loops on the seamy side, but modern needlewomen knit not only volumetric patterns, but also use yarns of different texture.

Advice! If the yarn is not new, but used, then when knitting in a satin stitch with intarsia, defects will be visible on the product. To avoid this, it is better either not to use hosiery, or to use only a new thread to create a pattern or pattern using the intarsia technique.

But for novice needlewomen it is better, nevertheless, to adhere to the following rules:

  • intarsia is knitted in rotary rows, it is impossible to knit in a circle, since the threads will remain at the end of the light blocks;
  • yarn for multi-color knitting is selected with the same thickness, ideally if yarn of different colors has one article;
  • the yarn must be resistant to washing, not fading, in order to avoid dyeing neighboring colors;
  • if the colored blocks are small, then for knitting it is better to use short multi-colored threads, rather than large balls, to avoid tangling.

Multicolor knitting pattern

Knitting using the intarsia technique is preferable (and easier) according to the pattern, especially for knitting complex patterns; as a pattern, you can use a pattern for cross stitching. Even experienced needlewomen, when knitting a pattern, make marks on the figure in order not to get confused.

Each cell of the scheme corresponds to the width of one loop. A row of the pattern from the front side is read from right to left, and as many loops of the same color are knitted as there are cells in width.

In the purl row, the diagram is read from left to right. To facilitate the work on the diagram, the colored areas of the model are indicated by their own color. If you are new to intarsia, choose simple patterns with few colors, such as the one presented in the next section, that will look great on a girl's sweater.

Ice cream cone for beginners

In the drawing, only 4 colors are used, and no more than 3 colors are knitted at the same time. The shape of the colored blocks is simple; purl loops are used to give texture to the pattern, and not only the front surface, characteristic of intarsia.

Choose the colors for the ice cream balls to your taste, it is better to make the ice cream cone beige or yellow.

In the diagram, the colored empty cells are the front loops (lp) on the front side (LS) and purl loops (ip) on the seamy side (IS), colored cells with a dot are the purl loops on the LS and the front loops on the IS.

Advice! Tying the line of connecting flowers with a tilt to the right, change and twist the threads only on the front side, and when the line is tilted to the left, change the threads in the purl, if you do not take this nuance into account, you may get a not very beautiful "crossbar" over the border loops.

If you follow the recommendations, the pattern in the "intarsia" technique on the knitted product is the same on the front side and on the wrong side. If you gain some experience, you can knit a real work of art in the form of a pullover, jacket, sweater or coat!

In the intarsia technique, you can knit real works of art, various complex patterns, change the color of the thread not only horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally at different angles. Moreover, when changing color, both threads cross on the wrong side of the product, and at the same time, the knitted fabric remains as elastic as when knitting it with a regular front satin stitch. How to properly master knitting in this technique will help you figure out this article.

Frequently asked questions that you will have:

How to work according to the scheme?

Each cell of the scheme corresponds to the width of one loop. In the front row, the corresponding row of the pattern is read from right to left, and as many loops are knitted with a thread of the same color, as there are cells in width. In the purl row, the diagram is read from left to right. In order to facilitate the work on the diagram, most often the colored areas of the model are given on the diagram in color.

How many balls of yarn will be needed to complete the product?

If a new colored area starts at the right or left edge, then a new ball is used for that colored area. If, a new color section begins in the middle of the product, then two additional balls should be used, namely, the first - for the "new" color, the second - to continue working on the "old" color.

How to get started with a new ball?

If you start working with a new ball in the middle of the row, then an ugly hole may form in this place, and the first loop of a new color will turn out to be very fragile. Over time, it will definitely bloom! To avoid this, you need both threads (one for intarsia - the other for the background), enter to work in the right place, but a row earlier!

How to cross the threads?

When changing the color, both threads cross on the seamy side of the work, so that holes do not form.
In the front row, knit loops with the first colored thread, put it on top of the second thread and then knit with the second thread.

In the seamy row, the corresponding loops are also knitted with the first colored thread. They put the second thread on top of the first and then knit with the second thread.

If the crossing occurs vertically (either to the right or to the left by one loop), then short uniform sections of threads will form on the seamy side.

If there is a crossing along an oblique (i.e., several loops to the right or left in each row), then the threads pass along the seamy side of the work until the next colored section.

In the front row, at each crossing of the threads, the "OLD" thread must be applied to the "new" one.

In the purl row, they do the opposite. At each crossing of the threads - the "NEW" thread is superimposed on the "old" one.

In the process of assembling the product, it is necessary to sew all the ends of the threads on the seamy side in the places where they cross. At the same time, separate holes between the hinges are removed.

How to avoid tangling threads from different tangles?

After each knitted row, turn the yarn alternately, then to the left, then to the right. If we knit a very multi-colored intarsia, then it is more convenient to use a separate unwound ball of yarn for each colored section. It is not necessary to knit from a whole working ball, since due to twisting of the threads, knitting will become impossible or very tedious.

Handicraft stores sell special spools for unwinding a small amount of thread. You can buy several plastic spools and wind the necessary thread on each of them as needed.
You can build your own cardboard spools.

Or you can simulate the coils. To make a kind of coil is as easy as shelling pears: you need to leave the long end of the thread and wrap the required amount of thread with a "figure eight" around your thumb and little finger. Then cut off the thread and use this cut end to intercept the center of the spool with a knot. For the long end, pull the thread from the middle of the spool. As the threads are pulled out of the spool, the knot tightened around it loosens, it must be tightened so that the twisted spool does not unwind.

How to knit a pattern symmetrically?

In some cases, it is necessary to knit the pattern on the back symmetrically with the pattern on the front of the product so that when performing shoulder and side seams and subsequent assembly, the colored parts exactly coincide with each other.

To do this, you need to start knitting according to the pattern, adhering to the rule: You have to start working from the front row, but read the 1st row of the pattern - from left to right ..., and the 2nd row (purl) - from right to left.
This way you will achieve the symmetry of the pattern, both on the back of the product and on its front.

Change colors in horizontal and vertical lines

Different blocks of flowers are knitted from separate balls or bobbins. There are no broaches on the seamy side of the canvas. With each color change, the threads are twisted to prevent holes from forming in the knitted fabric.
Using the intarsia technique, you cannot work round in a circle, since at the end of the row the threads will be in the wrong position. You will have to cut all the threads and reattach them each time. As a result, many ends of the threads will appear on the seamy side of the fabric.

Changing colors in a vertical line, the threads should be twisted in each row. Changing colors in a diagonal line, the threads should be twisted in every second row. If the diagonal slants to the right, only twist the threads in the front rows. If the diagonal slants to the left, twist the threads only on the wrong rows.

Change of color in a vertical line
1. Front row. Leave the thread of the old color at work. Pick up the thread of the new color from under the thread of the old color and knit with it until the next color change.
2. Purl row. Leave the thread in the old color before working. Pick up the new color yarn from under the old color yarn and knit until the next color change. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
Color change in a diagonal line
1. Sewing diagonally to the right, on the right side, insert the new color over the old color and knit until the next color change.
2. On the wrong side, insert the new color from under the old color and knit until the next color change.
1. Diagonally to the left, on the wrong side, insert the new color over the old color and knit until the next color change.
2. On the right side, insert yarn in the new color from under the yarn in the old color and knit until the next color change.

Entering a new color

Entering a new color: method 1
1. Grasp the old thread first and then the new thread as for knitting, and knit the first loop with both threads.
2. Leave the old thread. Work the next two stitches with both ends of the new thread.
3. Leave the short end of the new color and continue knitting with one thread. In the next rows, knit three double stitches as single stitches.
Entering a new color: method 2
1. Cut off the old thread, leaving about 10 cm. Purl the first two stitches with a new thread * Insert a knitting needle, as for purl knitting, into the loop, put the short ends of the old and new threads on the knitting needle and knit the next loop with the purl under the short ends.
2. Leave the loose ends hanging and purl the next loop over them.
3. Repeat from * until you have braided short ends on the wrong side of the piece.
Entering a new color: method 3
1. Work up to three stitches in front of the new color insertion point. Work these three stitches with a double-folded thread, making sure to do so. that the thread is just enough for three loops.
2. Thread a new thread into the resulting loop from the old thread, leaving the new thread double for about 20 cm. Knit three new loops with the double thread Leave the short end of the new thread and continue knitting with one thread.
3. In the next row, bring the first thread over to the wrong side from where it was left in the previous row, and twist it with the second thread. Work double stitches in single stitches.

Horizontal stripes. Change thread color along the edge

Horizontal stripes are one of the easiest color knitting options, as you don't have to pull the threads along the row. You can cut the thread when you finish knitting the strip, but that means you have to weave many ends after finishing the piece. To avoid this, pull along the edge of the blade any threads that are temporarily out of work.
When knitting an ornament in straight and reverse rows, its width should be determined by an even number of rows so that the free ends of the threads are located only to the right of the first loop of the front row. Otherwise, as necessary, the threads will have to be cut and connected from the opposite side.

When knitting a piece in a circle, the number of rows in a strip does not matter, since you always knit front rows.
When you introduce a new color and knit the loops with the purl, a beautiful clear line does not form on the canvas, delimiting the colors. To avoid this, knit the first row with a thread of a different color with the front loops.

1. Knitting in a horizontal strip with a change of thread color every two rows is not difficult. The threads are not cut, but alternated, trying not to tighten the side edge.
2. When knitting wide strips (more than four rows), pull on the old thread until you need it again, crossing it with the working thread every two rows as shown.

Vertical stripes. Loop set

The technique of making a canvas with vertical stripes involves knitting with broaches on the seamy side or without them, when each strip has its own ball.
It is advisable to use the first method for narrow stripes (up to 4 loops), the second - for wide ones.
If you want the stripes to start at the bottom edge of the part, cast on the buttonholes as shown below.

1. Cast on the same color as the number of stitches for the width of the stripe. Cast on the first stitch with a different color of thread. When picking up the second loop, weave the threads.
2. Start your hosiery from the wrong side of the row, intertwining the yarns tightly with each color change.
3. On the next (front) row, continue to interweave with each color change.

Corrugated elastic

Corrugated two-color elastic band 1 x 1 or 2 x 2 - this is an elastic band in which the front loops are knitted with a thread of one color, and the wrong ones - in another.
The pattern forms a canvas with an interesting texture, which largely loses its elasticity due to the large number of broaches.

1. Front row, change of threads at work. After knitting 2 knit stitches, set the thread aside. From under it, take a working thread and knit 2 purl.
2. Set the thread in front of the knit buttonhole. From under it, take a working thread and knit the next 2 loops with the front ones.
1. Purl row. change of threads before work. After knitting 2 purl, set the thread aside. Take a working thread above it and knit 2 knit loops.
2. Set the thread aside in front of the purl buttonhole. Take a working thread above it and knit the next 2 loops with a purl.

You see what wonderful works can be knitted in this technique, so master and try. I hope that all the peppercorn materials will help you with this. Good luck !!