Methods of termination of pregnancy and the optimal timing for this. Up to how many weeks can an abortion be made without harm to health

According to the federal law of the Russian Federation "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", abortions are classified into three types: voluntary, social and for medical reasons. Each of them has its own deadline, up to which it is permissible to make its artificial interruption.

According to statistics, 2.5 million abortions are performed in Russia every year. As a result of abortions and genital infections, 17% of married couples cannot have children.

An abortion at the request of a woman can be performed no later than 12 weeks of pregnancy. For up to 7 weeks and at 11-12 weeks, the procedure should be carried out no earlier than 48 hours after treatment. If the gestation period is 8-10 weeks inclusive, it is done only 7 days after the woman has expressed a desire. This time is given to the pregnant woman to establish herself in her desire to get rid of the fetus or change her mind.

Abortions for social reasons are possible up to 22 weeks of pregnancy. The social factor in this case is pregnancy resulting from rape. For such a woman must provide documents confirming the fact of forced sex.

In 1920, the RSFSR became the first state in the world to legalize abortion. They were re-criminalized between 1936 and 1955. This boosted demographics dramatically.

Abortions for medical reasons are possible at any stage of pregnancy. Late abortion can be carried out as a result of the detection of a disease incompatible with life, serious genetic abnormalities, or when the mother's life is threatened. All these cases are described in Russian legislation.

In late abortions, abortion is often replaced by a procedure. This saves the life of the child and the mother. Modern medicine is capable of leaving a baby born after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a special incubator.

Abortion is included in the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation. This means that in public medical institutions this service should be free of charge.

Types of abortion

There are 3 types of abortion: medical and surgical. Medical abortion refers to a non-surgical type of abortion and is performed early in pregnancy, up to 5 weeks. Mini abortion is also performed early. It is done using a vacuum pump under strict ultrasound guidance.

The record number of legal abortions in Russia was performed in 1964 - 5.6 million operations. During the period when illegal abortions were banned, their number grew annually from 568 thousand abortions from 1937 to 807 thousand in 1940.
The whole process lasts no more than seven minutes, and the healing process takes place quite quickly. Surgical abortion is performed at 5 to 12 weeks of gestation. It is applied during the procedure. This type of abortion is dangerous for the female body; the ovum is scraped out. If during the operation, pieces of embryonic tissue remain in the uterine cavity, this can lead to serious complications.

Pregnancy does not always proceed happily and cloudlessly, as we would like, there are often cases when it needs to be interrupted for a long time. It should be noted that no one will have an abortion at a later date simply by "wanting". According to existing legislation, pregnancies longer than twelve weeks can only be terminated for medical or social reasons.

Termination of pregnancy beyond 20 weeks is accompanied by an extremely high risk to the health and life of the mother. On the other hand, an abortion at such a time can be equated with murder, since the fetus is viable by this time. In such situations, a woman must have very strong arguments in order to decide on such a step.

Indications for late abortion.
Medical and social reasons can serve as the basis for a decision to terminate a pregnancy at a later date. The first group of indications includes a serious deterioration in the general health of the mother against the background of complications of diabetes mellitus, existing serious diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels, the central nervous system, and various kinds of tumors that require immediate therapy. In addition, the indication for a late abortion is the detection of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, developmental defects that interfere with its further normal development or provoke its death, as well as in the presence of a risk of genetic diseases. I must say that some infectious diseases can lead to abortion. In these situations, abortion is the only salvation for mother and child from future suffering.

In order to obtain documentary permission to conduct a surgical operation to terminate the intrauterine development of the fetus in the late stages of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist at the place of observation, who will issue it after the examination and analysis, as well as after excluding any contraindications to its conduct. Based on the results of the analyzes, the general health of the woman and the degree of fetal developmental abnormalities are assessed.

It also happens that a woman, due to physiology, did not immediately determine that she was pregnant, or made a mistake when calculating the gestational age (sometimes it happens that a pregnant woman continues to have menstruation for several months after fertilization), or she did not immediately tell this news to her lover or loved ones, therefore, the decision to interrupt is made at a later date. It is for such cases that there is a second group of indications for abortion - social. This group of reasons should also include extremely unpleasant situations when the husband or father of the unborn baby suddenly dies in a pregnant woman, when this pregnancy is the result of rape, or when the expectant mother is in "places not so remote." Deprivation or restriction of parental rights, as well as disability of the first and second groups, can also serve as a serious reason for carrying out artificial termination of pregnancy at a later date. In each specific case, a special commission of doctors at the place of observation of the pregnant woman is considering the issue.

It should be noted that, despite the presence of a significant social or medical indication for a late abortion, in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, acute inflammatory processes and acute infectious diseases, such a surgical intervention is not permissible.

Pre-abortion examination.
Before the operation to terminate pregnancy, an ultrasound scan of the fetus and uterus is prescribed, the blood group and Rh factor are determined, a blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, hemostasiogram, biochemical blood test, urine, smears from the urethra, cervical canal and vagina are determined, antibodies are determined to hepatitis C, X-ray examination of the chest organs, as well as an examination by a therapist and other specialists, if necessary.

In the case of existing social or medical reasons for termination of pregnancy, the woman is issued a certified conclusion stating the complete clinical diagnosis with the signatures of specialists and the seal of the institution. If a woman is diagnosed with mental and venereal diseases, the documents are transferred to the obstetric and gynecological institution. In the absence of medical contraindications, the woman is given a referral to a medical and prophylactic institution, where the gestational age, examination results, the conclusion of the commission (diagnosis) and social indications are indicated.

Since late abortion is associated with many risks, this operation is performed with the use of painkillers in a hospital setting and only by specialists with special training. At the end of the surgery, an ultrasound scan is performed to accurately assess the result (check whether all parts of the fetus and placenta have been removed).

Late pregnancy termination techniques.
Taking into account the gestational age, the doctor selects the appropriate method of abortion. The smallest number of complications is given by termination of pregnancy at a period not exceeding 21-22 weeks, and in general, abortion is possible up to 27 weeks.

Dilation of the cervix and fetal extraction are performed between 12-20 weeks of pregnancy. A vacuum aspirator is introduced into the uterus, through which the fetus and fetal membrane are extracted in parts. With this technique, there is a high risk of injury to the uterine wall, which results in severe bleeding, often resulting in death.

Another method used to terminate a pregnancy at 20-28 weeks is vaginal administration of fluids (one of the methods of artificial childbirth). Having expanded the cervix, a small amount of fetal fluid is sucked out of the fetal bladder using special instruments, after which the same volume of a highly concentrated solution of salts and glucose is injected into the uterus. As a result, the fetus dies, and after a day or a half, the woman begins to have contractions, and the dead fetus is rejected by the body (a kind of miscarriage happens). On average, such an abortion occurs within thirty hours.

In rare cases, kelp sticks are injected into the cervical canal to induce labor. If in this case the contractions do not begin, special substances are introduced that stimulate labor (prostaglandins, oxytocin, lubricants).

Very rarely, but if there are medical contraindications with a simultaneous medical or social indication for a late abortion, a small cesarean section is performed. During such an operation, surgeons open the anterior abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the uterus, then the fetus and surrounding tissues are removed from the uterus, and the uterine wall is scraped out. As a result of using this technique, the fetus may be alive, but no resuscitation actions are applied to it, and it dies.

Complications after late abortion.

  • Incomplete cleansing of the uterine cavity from fragments and parts of the fetus with the addition of an infection.
  • Placental polyp.
  • Hematometer.
  • Ruptured cervix.
  • Perforation of the uterus.
  • Diseases of a purulent-inflammatory course.
The period of a woman's stay in the hospital after a late termination of pregnancy is established exclusively by a doctor, while she is given a sick leave for no more than three days. After an abortion, a woman, together with her gynecologist, selects the most acceptable contraception option for her, and also undergoes the necessary rehabilitation procedures in an outpatient clinic.

Medical termination of pregnancy is also called non-surgical or pill abortion. This is a modern medical procedure that allows you to terminate a woman's pregnancy at an early stage. Surgical intervention is not applied in this case.

Intervention in the work of the body is carried out with the help of special drugs with an antigestogenic effect.

Early medical abortion can be considered a relatively safe method.

The drug stimulates the process of exfoliation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. With abortive exposure, the embryo independently separates from the uterine mucosa and goes out. This is the so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

How long can you do it?

If a medical termination of pregnancy is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early stages, no later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last menstruation).

When asked how long a medical termination of pregnancy can be done, it should be borne in mind that the term in this case is set only based on the results of an ultrasound examination using the transvaginal method.


For the procedure, doctors use the following drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mifolian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block the production of progesterone in a woman's body. It is this process that is involved in the development of pregnancy. Taking the drug provokes the exfoliation of the membranes of the embryo from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

Asking the question up to how many weeks drug abortion is done, it should be borne in mind that the above drugs are not freely available in pharmacies.

How is the procedure carried out?

Carrying out a pharmaceutical abortion requires a number of permits from the doctor.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnostics of pregnancy, etc. Regular and ultrasound is performed using a transvaginal sensor. The embryo must be excluded.
  2. The patient's signature of documents for consent to the procedure.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, the woman is given to take the drug in the doctor's office. Here she spends at least 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary so that in case of complications, the patient is provided with emergency assistance.
  4. After the necessary time, the woman can go home. During the period of stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually contracts and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after the medical abortion, you must visit the doctor again and undergo the procedure. This is necessary and necessary in order to exclude the presence of remnants of the ovum in the uterine cavity.

The question of the painfulness of the procedure is often asked. As for the pain, it is more intense than with regular menstruation. After taking the drug procedure, a woman may feel pulsation in the lower abdomen, as well as cramping pains. You can consult a doctor and take pain relievers.


There are a number of contraindications for drug interruption. The absolute, when it is prohibited to do the procedure, include the following:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • gestational age more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver.

There are also relative contraindications to pharmacist, in the presence of which the patient may be denied the procedure (the issue is decided by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • poor blood count (low hemoglobin, clotting problems);
  • smoking within the past five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • long-term use of drugs with antithrombotic action.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after a drug abortion, a woman feels almost the same as with a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure, you may observe:

  • cramps, pain in the lower abdomen and painful uterine contractions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding that can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmaceutical abortion can cause consequences in the form of the development of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammation, cervical erosion, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To exclude such consequences, it is necessary to undergo a prescribed examination before and after interruption, adherence to hygiene rules and all recommendations of a gynecologist.

The following complications are also possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. The most common complication after artificial termination. Normally, spotting should be. But their abundance, intensity and too long duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and death as a result. An alarming symptom when a woman has to use more than two pads (5 drops) in one hour.
  • Incomplete abortion. Means the partial release of the uterus from the ovum. The danger in the development of purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an ultrasound examination after the procedure is mandatory. If there are residues, the uterus is cleaned or vacuum aspirated.
  • Hematometer. This is the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which further leads to purulent processes and sepsis. Alarming symptom: increasing pain in the lower abdomen after taking the pills and no bleeding.

The effectiveness of medical abortion, the likelihood of negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • professionalism of the doctor;
  • responsibility of a woman;
  • implementation of recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interruption, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Only have the procedure performed by a qualified doctor. Performing an artificial interruption on your own is dangerous.
  • Refuse medabort if there are contraindications and choose another method.
  • In the recovery period, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, monitor your well-being. It is not recommended to use tampons, it is better to use pads.
  • Abstain from sexual activity for two to three weeks after the procedure. This can cause bleeding and inflammation.
  • For two weeks, heavy physical activity, physical activity, alcohol intake, thermal procedures (bath, sauna, etc.) are prohibited.
  • It is recommended to take hormonal contraceptives for at least 6 months after the pharmacist. This will help restore hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent unwanted pregnancies.
  • If you feel unwell after the procedure, if you have odorless discharge, or if your body temperature rises, you should immediately visit the doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of carrying out the procedure for medical termination of pregnancy, it cannot be used as a method of emergency contraception.

Pharmabort is a compulsory measure, and if it cannot be avoided, it is better that it be a one-off measure in a woman's life.

In the video about interruption

Pregnancy is not desirable for every woman. Some, after an unplanned conception, decide to keep the child, but for some it seems impossible. Modern medicine has various methods of abortion. But it should be remembered that such a procedure does not pass without leaving a trace for the body and is an extreme measure.

Terms for artificial termination of pregnancy

The time allowed for an abortion is regulated by orders from the Ministry of Health. At the request of the woman, pregnancy termination is carried out up to 12 weeks. This is due to the fact that the placenta begins to form later and its separation from the walls of the uterus is accompanied by massive bleeding.

For social reasons, pregnancy is terminated up to 22 weeks. Previously, these included the presence of the mother in prison, the disability of a husband or woman, and others. But according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2012 N98, of all the testimonies, only rape was retained.

For medical reasons, a pregnancy can be terminated at any time. The list of diseases in which carrying is impossible is determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It includes various infectious pathologies, somatic, genetic and oncological diseases. The decision to perform the manipulation with the informed consent of the woman is made by a special council of doctors.

What methods of interruption are used for a short period of time?

Early abortion methods differ from later ones. Developments in this area are increasingly seeking to reduce injuries and consequences. The earlier a woman decides to carry out the procedure, the better it is for her: the walls of the uterus are not yet so stretched, hormonal shifts have not reached the maximum level.

There are three main methods:

  1. Vacuum aspiration.
  2. Abortion (curettage of the uterine cavity).
  3. Medication interruption.

None of them can guarantee the absence of hormonal pathologies after getting rid of pregnancy.

Regardless of which methods of termination of pregnancy are used, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination.

The list of mandatory methods includes:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • examination in mirrors and two-handed research;
  • smear on the degree of cleanliness of the vagina;
  • , hepatitis B, C;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood group and rhesus factor;
  • small pelvis.

It is also necessary to consult a therapist in order to take into account common diseases that may affect the procedure. It is recommended that you talk to a psychologist to try to dissuade the woman or provide mental support.

Vacuum aspiration

Short term abortion methods are safer in terms of the development of complications after them. In a antenatal clinic without hospitalization, you can perform vacuum aspiration. It is carried out for up to 5 weeks of gestation, which is established by the date of the last menstruation and according to ultrasound data.

If you take into account the days of delay, then you can have a mini-abortion up to 21 days with a regular cycle. The optimal period is considered to be 14 days. Before this time, the vacuum is not performed: the ovum is very small and may not enter the catheter. Delaying aspiration can lead to complications.

The manipulation is carried out without anesthesia. On the gynecological chair, the vulva and the vestibule of the vagina are treated with an antiseptic, mirrors are inserted. The cervix is \u200b\u200bgrasped with bullet forceps, the uterine cavity is probed with a metal probe. The cervical canal is not dilated, but a plastic catheter, a tube connected to an aspirator, is immediately inserted. Suction of the contents of the uterine cavity is carried out within 3-5 minutes. This is accompanied by unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Vacuum aspiration

After the manipulation, the patient is placed on the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle with ice, offered to lie on the couch for an hour. After that, she can go home.

At home, it is recommended to take antibiotics for 3-5 days, for example, Macropen, Doxycycline. This is especially true for women with a low degree of vaginal cleanliness. To restore hormonal levels, you can start taking combined oral contraceptives the next day. It is impractical to install an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion: under the influence of contraction of the uterus, its prolapse may occur.

During the month, sexual rest is observed, visits to the bath, sauna, solarium, weight lifting are contraindicated. The menstrual cycle is restored within 3-4 months.

If, after vacuum aspiration, after a few days the temperature rises, there is a pain in the abdomen, worries about increasing bleeding, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Complications can be:

  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • placental polyp;
  • unsuccessful attempt at abortion;
  • hormonal disorders.

For control, a pelvic ultrasound should be performed in a few days. Compliance with the doctor's recommendations increases the chances of a successful outcome.


This method is approved for use up to 12 weeks of gestation. The woman is preliminarily examined in a antenatal clinic, after which she is hospitalized in a hospital.

Abortion is a curettage of the uterine cavity and removal of the endometrium along with the embryo. This manipulation is performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, before the operation, the anesthesiologist talks to the patient in order to exclude contraindications for the administration of narcotic anesthetic substances.

In the morning on the day of the event, you should not eat. Before the operation, you need to empty the bowels and bladder, take a shower and shave the hair in the perineum.

The woman is lying in the gynecological chair. After giving anesthesia, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina, grabs the cervix and probes its cavity. With the help of Gegar's dilators, the cervical canal is gradually dilated. Then they start scraping. Curettes of various sizes are used, the endometrium is gradually exfoliated, which flows down the spoon of the lower mirror. They start from the walls of the uterus and end with the corners. Gradually, when scraping, a crunch appears, which indicates the complete separation of the ovum and membrane. The bleeding should decrease, the uterus should contract.

Blood loss during curettage is up to 150 ml. Some clinics perform ultrasound-guided manipulations to avoid complications.

The patient is awakened from anesthesia and transported to the ward. Those with Rh-negative blood are immunized with anti-Rh D immunoglobulin in the postoperative period. This is necessary to avoid conflict between the mother's and baby's blood systems in subsequent pregnancies.

An intravenous drip of Oxytocin is also prescribed to improve uterine contractions, antibiotics to prevent inflammatory processes. The length of stay in the hospital is individual and depends on the condition.

After surgical interruption, sexual rest, limitation of physical activity and overheating for a month is also necessary. From the next day, you can start taking hormonal contraceptives to help restore your menstrual cycle.

Bloody discharge lasts for several days, gradually brightens, becomes mucous-bloody. If red blood intensifies or appears, consult a doctor.

Medication interruption

Methods of artificial termination of pregnancy using medication have been developed. They are used for gestational age up to 49 days, or 7 weeks, if counted from the day of the last menstruation. This method is safer than surgical, complications develop only in 3% of cases. It can be:

  • incomplete abortion;
  • bleeding.

The best results can be achieved within 3-4 weeks, when the fertilized egg is not yet firmly attached to the wall of the uterus. Medical abortion is less traumatic and does not pose a risk of infection. It is recommended for use in Rh-negative women to exclude fetal antibody immunization.

The drugs used have a range of contraindications, therefore, the pharmaceutical method is not used in the following conditions:

  • more than 8 weeks of pregnancy;
  • acute infections of the genital organs;
  • after prolonged treatment with corticosteroids or with adrenal insufficiency;
  • severe form of bronchial asthma;
  • a tendency to thrombosis.

Women who smoke, especially over 35 years of age and with heart disease, have a high risk of blood clotting disorders and thrombosis. Therefore, they use this method of termination of pregnancy with caution.

Before the procedure, a woman undergoes a standard examination and consults a psychologist. Medical abortion is performed in a gynecologist's office, hospital or private clinic. Hospitalization is not required for him. But after taking the medicine, it is recommended that a doctor be observed for 2 hours.

In the presence of a doctor, the patient drinks 200 mg of Mifepristone. It is a hormonal drug that binds to receptors and blocks its action. The endometrium stops growing, the fetus dies. At the same time, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, the uterus begins to contract and reject the embryo. After 48 hours, take oral misoprostol or vaginal Gemeprostol. These are analogs of prostaglandins, which enhance the contractions of the uterus and expel the rejected ovum. In this case, the endometrium is not injured.

Normally, after taking the drug, bleeding begins. It doesn't have to be very strong. If a woman has to change the pad every 30 minutes, this is a reason to see a doctor urgently. The absence of discharge within 2 days indicates an unsuccessful attempt to interrupt.

The following conditions are pathological:

  • temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  • intense pain in the abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back;
  • offensive odor of discharge.

After 2 days, the result is assessed using ultrasound. With the preservation of the ovum and incomplete interruption, vacuum aspiration or curettage is done. If everything went well, then after 10-14 days the woman needs to come for an examination to her doctor.

Menstruation should begin 5-6 weeks after taking the pills. But you should worry about contraception with a cut after a medical abortion, you can get pregnant again within a few days after the end of the bleeding. To normalize the hormonal background, it is optimal to use combined oral contraceptives during this period. They will reliably protect against conception and help establish a cycle.

Interruption in the 2nd trimester

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, a screening ultrasound scan is performed, which allows you to identify severe malformations of the child, calculate the risk of Down syndrome and other pathologies. Some congenital deformities can be corrected after childbirth, and some of them are incompatible with life. Even Down's syndrome, in addition to mental retardation, causes disturbances in the formation of the heart, which lead to congenital heart failure. Therefore, if developmental anomalies are suspected at 17 weeks, an additional ultrasound scan is performed, after which a decision can be made about the need to terminate the pregnancy.

In the second trimester, the following methods are used:

  • the introduction of prostaglandins;
  • replacement of amniotic fluid with 20% sodium chloride solution;
  • hysterotomy;
  • a combination of several ways.

Artificial abortion in the late term is accompanied by a high risk of complications, and also severely traumatizes the psyche. After it, you need a long recovery period, during which you can not get pregnant. It is optimal to wait 1-2 years, undergo examination and preparation for subsequent conception in order to exclude the causes that led to the pathology of pregnancy for the first time.

How to prevent dangerous manipulations?

If unprotected intercourse has occurred, use means, for example, Postinor. It is drunk within 24 hours after intercourse in order to induce hormonal changes that will prevent pregnancy from developing. But this remedy knocks down the hormonal rhythm, so you cannot resort to it more than once a year.

Special attention should be paid to folk methods of terminating pregnancy at 1 week and at a later date. Some women use them in the hope of hiding their position from others or to save money on going to the doctor. This approach can backfire in the form of incomplete abortion, massive bleeding, or infection. In most cases, such manipulations are accompanied by the development of infertility.

Women should remember that abortion is not a way of planning a pregnancy. This is an emergency method that is used in exceptional cases. It is better to wisely approach the choice of a method of protection at a young age than to regret later about your mistakes.

You cannot predict in advance what tomorrow will be like. Today's prosperity can end in complete collapse. Therefore, there are frequent cases of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy with the help of abortion. In our article we will talk about how long it is possible to terminate a pregnancy.

According to the current legislation, a woman of her own free will can arbitrarily terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks, starting from the date of conception. In official documentation, it is customary to use the concept of obstetric term, which is calculated based on 1 day of the last menstruation.

The current gestational age is usually 2 weeks less than the obstetric one. Obstetric time was popular before the use of ultrasound, since the approximate date of birth was calculated based on the date of the beginning of the last period. Since the day of conception is difficult to find out, but almost every girl remembers the date of the onset of menstruation.

Minimally invasive methods of abortion, which include abortion with medication and vacuum, are allowed to be used up to 8 weeks of pregnancy. According to the WHO, medical abortion must be performed before day 63, starting from the day of conception.

8 week of pregnancy is the last date during which a pregnancy can be terminated using medication. It is advisable to perform this procedure at 4-5 weeks from conception or 10 days from the delay.

The possibility of getting complications after an abortion largely depends on how long the procedure was performed. The longer the period, the higher the likelihood of complications in the form of severe bleeding, the remainder of the ovum or parts of the body of an unborn baby.

Pros and cons of medical abortion

Often, women who have recently learned about conception immediately rush to the gynecologist to find out by what time the pregnancy can be terminated. If she chooses to terminate the pregnancy with pills, then in this case you need to know:

  1. The main advantage of this type of abortion is the possibility of terminating pregnancy without the use of surgical instruments, which does not give the possibility of complications in most cases.
  2. With medical abortion, a woman does not need pain relievers, as she experiences sensations similar to painful menstruation, so she can almost easily endure them.
  3. Psychological trauma after drug abortion is extremely rare, so it is easier for a woman to tune in to a new pregnancy in the future.
  4. Before having an abortion, it is necessary to pass certain tests, as well as a smear to determine the pathogenic flora.
  5. A woman does not need inpatient observation before an abortion. At the next appointment in the antenatal clinic, the doctor gives her pills, after which the woman has a miscarriage. In a few days she will have to visit the gynecologist to make sure that the abortion did not entail any complications. In case of complications, additional drugs are prescribed.

This type of abortion has contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to the composition of medicines used for medical abortion.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Problems in the work of the adrenal glands are considered especially dangerous. Also, abortion is prohibited for people suffering from severe bronchial asthma.
  • Suspected ectopic pregnancy. Before prescribing a medical abortion for a pregnant woman, the gynecologist should send her for an ultrasound scan to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this method of terminating the pregnancy may pose a threat to the woman's life.
  • Various diseases associated with blood clotting pathologies.
  • Certain hereditary diseases that affect the production of hemoglobin.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Inflammatory, infectious and venereal diseases.

Also, the drug method of getting rid of the fetus in the womb is contraindicated for nursing mothers, since the substances that make up the drug can affect the composition of breast milk. Women who have gone through a caesarean section should use this method of abortion with caution; abortion should be performed in a hospital for up to 4 weeks.

Another method of terminating a pregnancy is cleaning, which is a surgical operation. The cervix is \u200b\u200bexpanded with a special device, after which an instrument is inserted into it, which scrapes its cavity. This procedure is performed by a doctor almost by touch, therefore complications are possible after it.

Remember, any termination of pregnancy will remain in your memory for a long time. Perhaps in the future you will regret your act, you will try to forget about it, but your memory will periodically return you to the day when you came to the gynecologist and asked him to terminate your pregnancy.

Therefore, think a few times before committing the legalized murder of your baby in the womb. After all, the problems that exist today may end tomorrow, and you cannot return the child.

Video: Medical termination of pregnancy