Is it possible to sleep with a man with thrush. With a chronic form. Why you should refrain from intimacy

The question that worries most women: is it possible to have sex with thrush?

It has been reliably established that the causative agent of candidiasis (the scientific name of the disease) is the Candida fungus. Once in the body, it lives there for years, waits for the weakening of the immune system, and then actively multiplies, poisoning the microflora of the body.

Thrush occurs for various reasons, many factors can contribute to its appearance, and finding out the cause is quite difficult and is possible only at an appointment with a professional gynecologist:

  • infection through sexual contact;
  • the body's response to a weakened immune system;
  • tight underwear;
  • climate change and more.

However, in order to exclude, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of infection of the body and eliminate it, through a comprehensive treatment established by a gynecologist.

After a clear course of treatment from antifungal drugs is prescribed, it is necessary to follow the treatment plan and not self-medicate, which causes an exacerbation of the pathology. For example, they can only cause the development of a fungus.

The main rule of the course of treatment is a complete ban on sexual relations. At the same time, sex with thrush is prohibited not only during treatment, but also for a couple of weeks after recovery.

The doctor must definitely examine the sexual partner and offer him a similar course of treatment. This will help to get rid of re-infection with the fungus during intercourse.

Of course, sexual intercourse is an obligatory part of our life. And some even prefer not to stop for the duration of the thrush, thinking that the condom is a reliable protector that will help with sex during the treatment of thrush. However, not all so simple.

Some bacteria, including Candida, oral sex and kissing can also cause the disease. The infection perfectly spreads throughout the body from the oral cavity and can be in it for years without showing itself.

Thrush and sex can go together, but remember that even the most reliable condoms are no guarantee.

If you suspect thrush, be sure to send your partner to the doctor to be examined, as he may not even suspect that he is a carrier of the fungus. And a five-minute test is worth it to prevent a dangerous infection in the body.

Having sex, there is a risk of infecting a partner, however, even if this does not happen, the woman still endangers herself, since sexual intercourse accelerates the process of moving the fungus into the bladder. As a result, a possible ban on having sex for a long time due to treatment.

Sex during thrush is accompanied by constant pain in both partners, so sex will not bring any pleasure at all.

What do you need to know?

It is necessary to know certain measures that can lead to relapses and infection or, conversely, prevent them.

Avoiding sex during treatment

With thrush, you can make love, but we still recommend that you abstain for the period of treatment.

Both partners need to be treated comprehensively

If the thrush pursues one of the partners, then the second one can also be a carrier of the fungus, so both need to be treated. At the same time, self-treatment cannot be done, and an experienced doctor should prescribe the course.

A person's personal life can only be complete after treatment without illness, so avoid casual relationships with strangers, thus protecting yourself from thrush fungus.

Candidiasis, which is much more often called thrush, affects both women and men. Yeast fungi Candida may be a natural part of the microflora - according to statistics, they are found in 80% of the world's inhabitants.

However, under certain circumstances, the fungus begins to actively develop and cause many problems. The symptoms that appear in this case are very unpleasant and include itching, burning sensation and abundant light discharge of a curdled consistency. In some cases, there is pain during sexual intercourse or during menstruation. And the question becomes quite natural, what is fraught with sex during thrush, and whether it is possible to do it without the risk of transmitting or getting this unpleasant disease in the course of treatment.

How big is the risk and what rules will help reduce it

It is necessary to treat candidiasis, and most of the victims understand this, faced with unpleasant manifestations of the pathology. However, many infected women and men have no idea that having sex with candidiasis is not recommended. However, if you believe the theoretical calculations, thrush and sex are quite compatible. Accordingly, the partners of the victims are not threatened with dangerous consequences, even without barrier protection, either during or before it.

Such an opinion has a right to exist, because with a very strong immune system and excellent health, it is really impossible to catch thrush during intercourse. Rather, a portion of yeast that has entered the body will not have any negative impact. But how many we know absolutely healthy people? Therefore, when considering the practical side of the matter, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to have sex in the presence of thrush, the answer will be negative. The development of candidiasis after contact with a carrier of a fungal infection becomes possible in the case of:

  • Too weak immune system.
  • When taking certain pharmaceuticals - usually such consequences are possible in the case of the use of antimicrobials, cytostatics, corticosteroids and other substances that affect the state of the microflora.
  • In the presence of pathologies affecting the level of immunity. Among them are diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, and blood pathologies.

Given the above, sex with thrush can be considered a risky activity. Especially if you remember the possible consequences - a neglected one can provoke the formation of chronic inflammation affecting the pelvic organs. Subsequently, adhesions may form, which can sometimes cause infertility. Therefore, when diagnosing thrush, the sexual life of partners must obey certain rules.

First of all, competent treatment involves a complete rejection of sexual contact for the entire period during which antifungal drugs will be taken. But this approach is not enough, because in certain situations, sex with thrush cannot be eliminated even for a relatively short period. In such cases:

  • It is necessary to use condoms when having sex in the treatment of thrush.
  • In the event of pain or discomfort, you should still stop living an intimate life until the end of therapy.
  • Sexual contacts are also contraindicated in the case of chronic candidiasis, accompanied by the flow of infection to the organs of the urinary system.

Important! After thrush, even with normal control test results, sexual activity can be resumed only when the partner is tested and studies confirm that he is not infected with the infection. Accordingly, when diagnosing a disease in one of the partners, both should receive treatment.

Reasons for prohibition of intimacy

When considering whether it is possible to have sex with the presence of thrush, it should be noted that the ban is not based only on the risk of infection of the sexual partner. There are a number of equally important reasons for refusal, and not the least is discomfort and soreness, as well as increased burning sensation, itchy sensations. It is unlikely that such symptoms contribute to further close contacts. But there are other factors to consider:

  • Having sex during thrush means adding microscopic trauma to already damaged and inflamed vaginal walls. As a result, the course of the pathology can be significantly complicated, and the therapeutic period will increase accordingly.
  • With an increased number of microtraumas, the risk of contracting another infection also increases. The danger is especially great when it comes to communication with an unverified partner, which can add trichomoniasis, chlamydia and other equally dangerous sexually transmitted diseases in addition to candidiasis.
  • During sexual intercourse, candidiasis can pass into the urethra, as a result, longer and more serious therapy will be required.
  • An active sex life and sexual intercourse can significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment. Therapy for thrush involves the use of local antifungal drugs - ointments and creams, suppositories, vaginal tablets. After their use, a thin drug film appears on the vaginal walls, which acts on the fungus, but in the process of intercourse, it is destroyed.
  • Local contraceptives and moisturizers also have a negative effect on therapeutic measures.
  • We must not forget about the psychological aspect when trying to understand whether it is possible to have sex with thrush. Already faced with negative signs of pathology, aggravated by sexual contact and increased drying of the mucous layer, with each new intercourse, a woman will expect a burning sensation or itching, preparing in advance for unpleasant sensations. There is no question of any pleasure and desire to deliver it to a partner in such a situation.

Given these factors, you can understand that it is possible to have sex, but it is undesirable to do this even with the use of a condom.

There is another theory about such barrier protection. With candidiasis, the acidity in the vagina increases, which can lead to a break in the condom. Thus, not only the risk of infection increases, the possibility of unwanted pregnancy also arises.

Features of candidiasis in men and other forms of sexual contact

Unfortunately, even with a confirmed diagnosis, the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the refusal of sex are not always heeded. A partner who is overly dependent on the call of the flesh may insist on contact, relying entirely on the protection provided by a condom, or replacing vaginal penetration with anal and oral. But here, too, there are dangers:

  • Saying, "we have anal sex and feel protected," partners are very mistaken - Candida fungi can be transmitted from the carrier during any form of intercourse, because they are able to live in any organ. Yes, and alternate penetration contributes to infection.
  • Anal sex is not the only taboo. It is also contraindicated to have oral sex during the treatment of candidiasis, since the development of the fungus is possible on any mucous surfaces. In this case, it is possible to transfer both from the genitals to the oral cavity, and in the opposite direction. Of particular danger is the often observed absence of obvious signs of pathology in the oral cavity.

Important. So, a condom as a means of barrier contraception becomes necessary for any form of sexual intercourse. In addition to it, it is recommended to use neutral means to moisturize the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer.

Another question that needs clarification is whether it is possible to masturbate in the presence of thrush. Indeed, at first glance, such an exit seems quite safe, but there are subtleties here. There is always the possibility of infection if careful hygiene is not followed. It should also be remembered that the woman's urethra is located near the entrance to the vagina, masturbation can provoke the development of cystitis and pain in the lower abdomen, pain during urination will be added to the already existing symptoms. In addition, by masturbating and inserting fingers into the vagina, a woman risks aggravating the inflammatory process provoked by thrush.

Despite the fact that thrush is considered a “female” disease, it is no less contagious for men, and if they have a bacterial imbalance, susceptibility to infection increases significantly. One of the dangers is the absence in some cases of obvious signs even when a man becomes a carrier of pathology. Not knowing that he has become infected, the victim spreads the infection, especially if he has more than one partner. With thrush in the acute stage, the symptoms become more pronounced, in this case there is:

  • Soreness not only during intercourse, but also at the time of urination.
  • There is a white coating on the head of the penis.
  • There is reddening of the skin on the head of the penis and foreskin.
  • There is a burning sensation, there is severe itching.
  • The secreted mucus has an unpleasant pungent odor.

A more serious consequence in the case of sexual contact with candidiasis can be a rupture of the frenulum of the penis.

How long does it take to treat candidiasis

Having engaged in improving their health, the victims invariably ask themselves the question of how, and for how long, they will have to refrain from sexual contact. Unfortunately, only approximate dates can be given, because the duration of the applied therapeutic methods can vary from several days to months, depending on:

  • Varieties of the Candida fungus that infects the body.
  • Pharmaceuticals selected by a specialist.
  • Features of the course of pathology in each individual patient.
  • The individual response of the body to the treatment.

With a timely visit to the clinic, treatment can take from five to seven days, but the neglected form will take at least 14 days to fix the problem. There are pharmaceutical preparations, when taking which the period of therapy is reduced to 1-3 days, but their use does not guarantee a 100% recovery. Accordingly, it is adjusted how much you can not have sex, for how long to ban contacts without protection. Also, after a certain period of time, an additional course of treatment may be required, especially if the patient is diagnosed with chronic candidiasis.

The complexity of treatment is also important, since the causes of the development of thrush can be different. Effective treatment involves several stages:

  • The main purpose is antifungal drugs, whose task is to eliminate the infectious agent.
  • After the course of treatment, tests are prescribed.
  • In addition to antifungal drugs, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system.
  • It is also necessary to take medications aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora.

Important! Many women are guided not by the results of the tests, but by their own feelings. They stop taking medications based on symptoms after treatment, or rather, their absence, which, however, does not indicate a complete cure. Only the gynecologist determines whether continued therapy is required.

The situation is more complicated with chronic candidiasis - the pathology that has not been completely eliminated worsens after a while, therefore a rather long struggle with the disease will be required. Usually, 14 days after the first course of treatment, a second course is prescribed, after a few months, therapy is recommended to be repeated even in the absence of adverse symptoms.

Is it possible to have sex during thrush - a question that worries many women. To understand such a delicate problem, you need to take into account all the individual characteristics of the human body. A significant role in this matter is played by how the disease proceeds.

Why is sex dangerous during thrush?

Sex is an important part of every adult's life. It is no wonder that even in the presence of thrush, many do not stop actively having sex, hoping that condoms will protect them from all the consequences. Unfortunately, contraceptives are not able to fully protect human health.

Gynecologists name several good reasons why you should not have sex with thrush, namely:

Based on all these factors, it can be argued that having sex during the treatment of thrush is highly undesirable.

To be or not to have sex during candidiasis?

A woman who is undergoing treatment for thrush most often does not have sexual desire, which is due to pain, burning, which do not allow to forget about themselves. And the morale is not tuned to the romantic "station". Ideally, a partner should treat his beloved woman with understanding and not insist on intimacy. Moreover, the treatment time takes no more than 10 days and it is quite possible to suffer. In addition, a doctor for prevention purposes can prescribe treatment for a partner.

Most couples in the process of treating candidiasis are content with oral sex, believing that this kind of intimacy in this situation is absolutely safe. Alas, doctors say otherwise. The fact is that Candida - the fungi that are the culprits of the disease, live and can spread intensively in the oral cavity. Infection of the oral mucosa can cause complications and expand the focus of infection.

If, nevertheless, the partner is unable to withstand the “sexual distance”, then it is worth listening to the recommendations of gynecologists regarding sexual activity during thrush:

How does the thrush "react" after sexual contact?

Often, candidiasis becomes chronic, regularly reminding of itself in the form of periodic exacerbations.

Practice shows that sex is one of the reasons for the spread of the fungus of the genus Candida.

This, as mentioned above, is associated with injury to the vaginal mucosa. In this regard, women in whom thrush is already chronic should be especially careful to live sexually.

A logical question arises: is it possible to have sex in the case of chronic thrush. Given the fact that in this form candidiasis can last for several years, it is difficult to imagine the absence of sex.

In addition, abstinence for such a long period can cause other health problems. Therefore, you can have sex during thrush, the main thing is that it brings pleasure, and does not turn intimate relationships into an unpleasant marital duty.

Sex after thrush treatment: how long to wait?

Couples who consciously approach the treatment of thrush, do not live sexually and do not engage in oral sex with thrush, are concerned about the question of how long it takes to resume sexual life. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer as to how much time this will take. But there are a few suggestions for this:

If the doctor, on the basis of the tests, claims that the patient is healthy, then you can safely make love with your partner.

Thrush and sex are compatible things, if you correctly approach this issue.

Sexual life with thrush is difficult for the reason that during intercourse, itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations may occur. After all, the mucous membrane is affected and is an inflamed surface on which there are ulcers. Of course, intimate life in such conditions will be difficult and may interfere with the normal course of the recovery process.

Sexual intimacy with thrush

In men, all the described processes can be observed on the external genitalia. In a woman, everything is hidden deeper and often she does not understand exactly how intimacy with thrush can slow down recovery.

Why you need to refrain from sexual activity with thrush:

  • The course of the disease may worsen. Various cracks and ulcers will appear.
  • Through the affected mucous membranes, there is a possibility of getting another infection, more dangerous than candidiasis.
  • The effectiveness of medical therapy decreases.

Important! Some are sexually active even with thrush, using a contraceptive such as a condom. But, we emphasize once again that intimacy is prohibited because of the possibility of damaging the mucous membrane and infecting it, and not because candidiasis can be transmitted to a partner. The use of a condom during the treatment period is also fraught with complications such as insufficient secretion, which can lead to various injuries.

Exacerbation of thrush after intimacy

Often, candidiasis is chronic and simply does not manifest itself during periods of remission. But many people with chronic candidiasis note that it can worsen after sexual intercourse. This is due to the mechanical friction exerted on the mucous membranes during intercourse.

The main manifestations of thrush in men after intimacy:

  • Redness of the head of the penis;
  • Pain on movement of the foreskin;
  • The appearance of microcracks on the skin under the head;
  • Microcracks on the inside of the foreskin;

The main manifestations of thrush in women after intimacy:

  • Burning in the vagina;
  • curdled white discharge;
  • The secretions are sour;

Important! During oral sex with thrush, you can bring the infection into the oral cavity, because there is also a mucous membrane.

Rules for sexual life with thrush:

  1. It is best to refuse intimacy during the treatment period.
  2. When avoiding intimacy is not an option, use condoms and extra lubrication.
  3. Both partners should be treated, even if only one partner has symptoms of candidiasis.

So, sexual life with thrush is possible, but highly undesirable. And this, first of all, is not about infecting a partner, but about one's own health and the process of recovery. If you have exacerbated candidiasis, then you need to take specific measures to get rid of the disease. The course of treatment with the right approach and consultation with a specialist is not long and averages 1-2 weeks. So, and this time it is best to refrain from intimacy.

Sexual relationships are an important part of most people's lives. For some, sex is a way of self-expression, for others it is an opportunity to express their deep feelings to a partner, and others perceive it as one of the entertainment options. In any case, periods of forced abstinence do not delight anyone, so they try to either eliminate the cause or ignore it. What if the cause is disease? It is not always possible to quickly eliminate it, but is it not dangerous to ignore it?

Today we will talk about one of the most common female diseases - thrush. So, is it possible to have sex with thrush? Everyone should answer this question for himself, having previously familiarized himself with the possible consequences and weighed the pros and cons.

In general, the medical name for thrush is candidiasis, which directly indicates the cause of the disease - fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi are opportunistic, that is, they cause disease only when certain conditions occur (as a rule, this is a weakening of the immune system). The rest of the time they remain inconspicuous neighbors that do not cause any inconvenience. Candidiasis was called thrush for the abundant white curdled discharge that disturbs patients.

In addition to discharge from thrush, there is redness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and severe itching. There may be pain in the lower abdomen.

A gynecologist diagnoses thrush, he also prescribes a treatment regimen and makes recommendations. As a rule, the treatment of thrush implies a complex effect on the fungus, therefore drugs are prescribed both oral (capsules or tablets) and local (suppositories or ointments).

Why can't you have sex during thrush?

There are several reasons for refraining from intimacy during candidiasis, and it will be very difficult to ignore them all at once:

  • sex increases irritation. The mucous membrane of the vagina and external genital organs is inflamed and edematous, it is highly undesirable to expose it to additional mechanical stress so as not to aggravate the symptoms;
  • during intercourse, you can bring the infection into the urethra, and go to the clinic again - now with fungal urethritis;

  • if the treatment involves the use of local drugs, then their therapeutic effect may suffer. This is due to the fact that suppositories and ointments cover the mucosa with a thin film, continuing to act on the fungus for a long time, and during sexual intercourse this film is erased, and the mucosa remains unprotected. The fungus will not miss the opportunity to attack her again, especially since it grows very quickly;
  • sex with thrush is a risk of transmitting fungi to a partner. It is always nice to share something good with a loved one, but to share a disease - what could be worse. Alternatively, the partner may not get sick, but it is likely that he will become a carrier. And after treatment, the fungus will return to where it was kicked out with such difficulty;
  • discomfort from thrush can intensify during intimacy, causing great discomfort.

What to do if you are not going to abstain?

Of course, you can continue to have sex without taking a break for treatment. But if sex with thrush is inevitable, then you should definitely adopt a few tips. They will help to secure the process of physical intimacy, minimizing the risk of any negative consequences.

  • First, condoms should be used to avoid infecting the partner. Although they do not provide 100% protection against infection transmission, they will significantly reduce this probability.
  • Secondly, do not neglect lubricants. They will help reduce the friction force and prevent the appearance of microtraumas on the mucous membrane.

  • Thirdly, it is necessary to thoroughly wash yourself after sexual intercourse. During sex, the fungus can get into the urethra, where it will begin to multiply, leading to urethritis. Hygiene procedures will help prevent this.
  • Fourth, in no case should oral contact with infected mucous membranes be allowed. The fungus feels great on the oral mucosa, and attacks it also quickly.

How to minimize re-infection from a partner?

If there was unprotected sex during thrush, then the partner should since then be considered as a carrier of the fungus. This means that you need to take care of how not to get infected from it after the course of treatment. It is possible that the partner will also get sick, with all the accompanying symptoms. In this case, he will have to visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, which will make him healthy and the relationship with him safe.

And if there are no visible reasons for concern? We cannot close our eyes to this. A visit to the doctor is necessary: ​​the possibility of relapse should be prevented at all costs. Relapses will lead to the fact that the fungus will gradually become stronger in the body and the thrush will become chronic. This means that periods of calm will alternate with periods of pronounced symptoms, negatively affecting the quality of life.

To protect yourself from the chronic form of the disease, you should by all means protect yourself from the possibility of re-infection.

If candidiasis has become chronic

If the thrush has nevertheless acquired a chronic form, you should not give up. It is curable, it just takes more time. How to recognize the chronic form of thrush?

The first sign is constant relapses. The disease has to be treated again and again, and not only a weakening of the immune system, but simply an increase in sexual activity can become a provoking factor. However, severe symptoms may not always be present. Sometimes only small bells let you know about the disease, which are very easy not to hear:

  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and, as a result, discomfort during sex;
  • sometimes there may be a slight itching in the genital area;
  • discharge periodically becomes atypically abundant and thick, returning after that to its usual form.

In the presence of such symptoms, you should visit a doctor who can recognize the disease even during a visual examination. If clarifications are required, tests will have to be taken.

Obviously, it is still possible to have sex during thrush, but all measures must be taken to minimize the possible risks for yourself and your partner. And even if these measures partially deprive intimacy of romance and fury, they will preserve the health of its participants. The inconvenience is temporary; thrush, which is not taken seriously, is permanent.