Fucked a friend's sister. “I had sex with my brother, but I don’t feel guilty


The complexities sown in childhood by parental miscalculations flourish in our adult life. “Conflicts between siblings are not as acute as those between children and parents,” says the psychologist. Elena Vinogradova... - They are a continuation of educational mistakes made once by adults. Most disagreements are based on jealousy and rivalry, when you need to show that you are better, smarter, more successful. But not to a brother or sister, but to mom and dad. "

The likelihood that the relationship formed by the parents will continue into adulthood is high, but not fatal. “If you take a meaningful attitude to the parental scenario and understand that you want to change it, you will undoubtedly succeed,” the psychologist reassures.

However, even the most ideal moms and dads, with several children, are unable to change the generally accepted order of things: the first-born, as a rule, gets more responsibility, the younger - care and patronage from the elders. In his book “The Modern Child. Encyclopedia of Mutual Understanding " Anna Varga writes that middle children are always masters of compromise, since they had to maneuver between older and younger, parents and siblings. In the same way, the older sister of brothers will always love male society, easily fit into the male team, and in her own family, most likely, lead her husband. Whereas the younger sister of the brothers, accustomed to the custody of men in the parental family, will expect the same in marriage and in friendship - that is, in any relationship with men, seek patronage.

It is hardly worth trying to break this scenario. Each approach has its own pros and cons. Rather, it is important to say that in fulfilling their traditional roles, the elders and the younger should not cross certain boundaries of interference in someone else's life. You need to be able to negotiate about this.


Anna(30) says: “Masha took care of me since childhood - we have a difference of almost ten years, and her parents often left her as their deputy. Now I still can't breathe from her concern. I come home and find that everything is literally turned upside down - that my sister cleaned the apartment, cooked dinner, threw out everything unnecessary from her point of view. For a long time I did not resist such behavior, but now it has become completely unbearable. Sometimes you want to shout at her, although Masha thinks that she is just taking care of her "little sister".

Screaming, of course, is not a panacea in this case. Having splashed out emotions, you will simply let off steam without solving the problem itself. Anger must be preserved and analyzed at leisure. “This is one of the most constructive feelings in the world,” says psychologist Elena Vinogradova. "Anger is the main indicator that caring sisters are crossing the boundaries of your personal space." Exhale and remember point by point what exactly does not suit your sister's concerns. For example, like this: she washes my clothes - minus, asks before the New Year what perfume I prefer - plus, she washes my refrigerator while I'm on vacation - minus and again minus. Next, you should meet and calmly tell her what exactly does not suit you in your relationship. The psychologist strongly recommends the form "I-message". All claims should be expressed only in the first person and talk about personal experiences. “Masha! I'm tired that you think I'm stupid and lazy, and you are also brazenly clambering into my closet and fridge ”is a wrong option, although it is the one that is used most often. Better this way: “Masha! I feel hurt and offended when they make it clear that I am unable to earn my living. I feel uncomfortable when my things are touched. I believe that no one should look into my wardrobe except me. And also, Masha, I am very upset that in my absence my refrigerator was washed! "

The first time, Elena Vinogradova warns, it may not work - and this is normal. If the result cannot be achieved either on the second or on the third attempt, figure out how to organize your life so that your sister does not have the opportunity to strangle you in her arms. For example, change the locks, and tell your sister that you have lost the key. If, in addition to your beloved with a bouquet, your sister is waiting for you at the airport, send her home firmly and politely. And with every intervention in your life, protest resolutely, but calmly. The cry will not be heard or it is interpreted as a kind of encouragement: a weak and incontinent younger is not able to appreciate the love and care of the older one. The main thing is not to be manipulated, not to get turned on and not let your sister bite off a piece of your self-esteem. A calm rebuff will work: the sister will start caring for her own family. Or get a cat.


However, sometimes the issue of seniority is not age-specific: in childhood, the parents appointed someone “for the elder”, the role took root, everyone is accustomed to the fact that the more responsible younger takes care of the unlucky “elder”.

Sasha(34) recalls: “I have always been responsible for my sister, although she is three years older. It was from me that my parents expected A's, help with the housework, and in general any useful activity, including looking after Alina. It was immediately clear about her: this creature is not adapted to life. It somehow happened that when we began to live separately from our parents, I still had to take care of my sister. She needed to be helped by consolation, advice, money, business connections and again money when the next job turned out to be unsuitable. In the end, I just wanted to tell her "enough!"

The desire is quite understandable - you are not children for a long time, and I want you to stop expecting eternal parental support from you. Every time her phone is highlighted on the screen, complex feelings overwhelm: I would be glad to help my sister, and she is used to doing it, but when will she learn to deal with at least something in her life on her own! Elena Vinogradova recommends using the magical method of self-communication here as well. Do not immediately reject any help to your sister - learn to distinguish when this help is needed, and when it is not needed and even harmful. “If you always give a person money, he will not learn how to earn or spend - obviously, such“ charity ”is only harmful. If you refuse, explain it to your sister. " If your little sister has a few pity tricks in store before the phone rings again, remember: what is she pushing on? More often than not, manipulators play on feelings of guilt. Perhaps when you were seven and she was five, you stuck out your tongue or begged your mom. If you really are to blame, apologize, but do not let yourself be used every time.

The main criterion is still the same - anger. Give yourself time, don't make immediate decisions. Take a time-out to think over any request - for an hour, two, a day. "Of course, this is a disgrace, but how can you refuse your sister?" - if just such a thought came to mind, the verdict is unambiguous: refuse. Calmly, motivated, without the right to further discussion. When a sister's request causes distinct irritation, it means only one thing: she is using you. Personal feelings are the best indicator here, says Elena Vinogradova. Refusing decisively, sweeten the pill with assurances of friendship, love, and willingness to help when needed.


Sometimes, unspoken childhood grievances remain between siblings, which the parties to the conflict themselves do not really remember. So that they do not poison further relationships, they simply need to be detected and expressed. Children can spoil each other's toys, tattle on a brother or sister to their parents, share something. As a rule, these are mere trifles. However, already quite adult people are often unable to forgive and forget even these trifling offenses on their own. Simply because, for some reason, we were unable to respond to them in time. And now, when they have grown up for a long time, it does not occur to talk about it.

“A cocktail of feelings is involved in such offenses. And we must not be afraid to express everything in the face of the opponent. Most often it turns out that everything was not done out of malice, and the "villain" himself, being still quite small himself, simply did not understand what was happening. A frank conversation will help to reevaluate the event and send it to the past, where it belongs, ”says Elena Vinogradova.

Adel Faber in the book "In the Circle of Brothers and Sisters" gives an example of such a childish, but not forgotten, offense. The younger sister, who always cherished the friendship with her older brother, was looking forward to when he came home for the holidays. When this finally happened, the brother called his sister for a walk. However, beyond the threshold, he thrust a coin into her hand and asked to cover it: he was going to secretly meet with the girl from his parents - there was no talk of any walk with his sister. When, many years later, the girl reminded him of this incident, it turned out that his brother had forgotten not only this failed walk, but even the name of the girl to whom he then ran away on a date. This helped the "offended" sister to assess the true scale of the incident and get it out of her head forever.

Children's grievances, of course, can make you suffer, but only their actions in adulthood, committed without regard to family feelings, can truly break the relationship between sisters and brothers.

TEXT: Olga Tsybulskaya

Greetingz, All!

Brother and sister
Our parents did not even notice how my sister and I reached
the age at which it begins to pull towards the opposite field.
We often played different games together: "Doctor", "B
Photograph of Playboy "and others. My favorite was exactly
photograph, for the same y I had a camera and it did
play more close to real life.
It was an ordinary day. Father went fishing, mother was
at work. Petty and I were already grown up and we were left at home
some. We played cards and I offered pairs. If she
is playing, then we will play the photo, she will be mine
model. If I play, then I have to do
cleaning in her room. In fact, Petty agreed with my
proposal, and I could not play, because she also liked
be a model. The game was good and ended very quickly.
As expected, I won.
Parents were not at home, no one could stop us,
suddenly bursting in. I jumped from the bed to the floor and ran into
my room behind the camera. Returning, I introduced myself
Photograph of Playboy, and the game began. She should have
position the way I told her, but insisted that I not
touched her intimate parts.
Then I took her to the parents' room and asked
make yourself comfortable. She sat on the couch while
attached flash and lenses. She didn't want to be
real photos, and when I showed that there was no
films, filming began.
I started photographing in that place and in that position in
which she was. Then he asked to get up and take off
pybashy. She got up and unfastened her glowing
blazky. Taking it off, she provided my eyes with gorgeous
maiden chests, quite large for her age. She had
really big chests, regardless of her age. But bye
they were still hidden in a thin bra
nipples protruded.
My cock rose instantly. I asked Petty
relax, enter the role. I turned on the music and asked
dance a little, gradually undressing. Petty
danced a minute with her back to me, unbuttoned her bra and,
turning to me, she freed her magnificent, tight
balls. She shook her chest a little while
a flash brightly illuminated the room. It seemed to me that she
really got into the role and enjoyed it. I went
around her, saying how sexy she is and how
really looks like a real model.
She continued to dance. I photographed her chest.
Then the side. My cock was on full alert and
Petty noticed this. This spurred her to
shake your chest. According to the script, I had to remind her
take off the rest of your clothes. But this time everything was different.
Her arms smoothly glided over the body to the lower abdomen, to the buttons
on jeans. She unbuttoned them and turned her hips,
unfastened the lock. She started to move on camera, and jeans
fell slowly from young thighs. She danced unintentionally
in front of me, dressed in some little panties.
She danced, smoothly shaking her hips, gradually
clinging to the corner. Shyness still in her
was already barely noticeable. I put her pyky on the table, and the second
on the edge of the sofa, completely opening her chest for me and the camera.
I moved the camera as close as possible to this magnificent
chest. I took a photo of her top, belly and thighs and
asked to take off his panties. She laughed, grabbed the narrow
strip and lowered them to the knees. She overdrew through
them, hooked up with her foot and threw them through the whole room.
This sexy was not typical of Petty. I AM
photographed over and over again, filming her girlish freshness and
pretty. Looking for a more graceful frame, I asked her to turn
face me. She seemed to me so vulnerable, defenseless,
standing naked in front of the photograph at this moment. But she
enjoyed it, giving herself a confident, sexy
a woman.
I asked her to spread her legs, and slowly, she spread them
parties, presenting their treasure to my camera and me. When
it happened, I saw a thin puff on her soft thighs
and the pubis. Increasing the application and saw a pink hole. Her
the clitoris looked big, but I needed a new shot. She
was very young and could get out as she wanted. And when I
asked her to spread her legs as wide as she only
could, she gladly did it by providing my
explode your beautiful, mysterious cave.
Introducing myself as a photograph of Hustler, I asked her
touch to svoyuy mound. Her hand went down, and Penny
began to caress herself to the beat of the music. This is me extraordinary
excited, I wanted to take part in this action. I AM
saw that the clitoris and the hole were wet, and asked if I could
give yourself pleasure and enjoy them. Obviously,
forgetting where we are and what state we are in, she
immediately gave her permission. Licking my finger, I touched
her, looking through the cameras. So it went on for some
time, then I took out the camera and just looked at
the action unfolding in front of me.
Petty's hips moved to the beat of the music as she
she masturbated. She sighed, threw her head, eyes
were closed. I moved closer to her. She felt mine
closeness, perhaps even the beating of my heart at that moment, and
two hands rubbed their small lips. I took it as
invitation, moved closer and reached the clitoris with his tongue. She
ohnula, and I began to lick her adjacency. After some
time, my neck went numb since we were still on the couch and I
asked her to move to the parents' bed.
She quickly threw her legs to the floor and ran into
another room. I followed her, carrying a camera, although I knew
that I hardly need it. I found her lying on
belly on the bed. Oh, how beautiful that ass was. I threw
a few glances at this treasure and put a few
pads under her thighs, thereby lifting her bed. I asked
spread your legs and play with yourself again. This position gave
I can see her vagina, and at the same time
see her anys. The game we played has long been forgotten.
I climbed onto the bed, positioned between Petty's legs and
replaced her pyky with his own. I started with gentle curving movements
caress her bulge. She was wet and her wet
the hole sparkled. I bent over to smell her.
Inspired, I was just drunk. Then I inserted my tongue into
hole. Petty groaned with pleasure. After several
movements, my tongue moved higher, to the sensitive area
between the holes, and a finger replaced it. Petty was shaking
from excitement. My nose reached her top hole. He
finding no smell, I decided that it was time to learn the secret
such sex. The shrunken ring of her sphincter relaxed
when my tongue licked the skin around him.
With my hands I spread my ass cheeks wider and tried
her little hole at the tip. It was so narrow. One
my finger moved into the vagina, the second caressed the clitoris. She
as if I was moaning and shaking in pain, and I liked
this is. I was all a love machine. My pikes and language were moving in
unison to drive my sister mad. Wet spot
happened on my jeans. Petty fought and twisted in
ecstasy. She wanted me and I wanted her. I unbuttoned my jeans
and released his penis. I got up and Petty saw
my dick jabbing like a stick. We haven't played yet.
I caressed her cool, pleasant hole and knew that she
will do it for me too. She raised her head, my dick was twitching
in front of her face. She smiled a malicious smile. I never
have not seen her like this. She was beautiful, sexy. She
got up on her elbow, grabbed my penis with a hand and directed
in my mouth. It was delicious. I only dreamed of such
caresses. I flinched when her teeth touched lightly
heads. She laughed, lowered her head and completely
swallowed my cock.
As far as I knew, it was the first time she caressed anyone.
It was better than my dreams. At first she is slightly
touched her tongue and lips to the head, then began to suck it
and, in the end, completely immersed my cock in her
potic. She floundered when my cock reached her throat. I AM
did not want to vomit and instinctively leaned back,
pulling out your dick. But she pulled me back by the balls. I'm with
joyfully put his cock in her mouth and grabbed her head
pykami, moving it forward - backward. She moaned as before,
although a little blundering.
I didn't want to cum in her mouth, so I pulled out my dick and
directed him to the side. We were near and could at the same time
fondle each other. I sat over her, lowering my head to
her beautiful flower. She was uncomfortable caressing my dick, and
we had to change our position. We lay down on our side. She raised
one leg, and her vagina was in my full
at disposal. They were the most comfortable police. I could lick
her clitoris, vagina and anus, while she could suck
my dick.
Moistening my index finger, I slowly inserted it into her
ass. She also licked her finger and pointed it in
me. This double stimulation could not last long.
This quickly led us to an organism. Continuing to caress her
fingers, began to rub her vagina with his tongue. My
her chin dug into her clit, and Petty began violently
rub about it. We lay on the bed of our parents, brother and
sister, with fingers in the ass of each other, our mouths
hugged our intimate places.
She started to cum and I felt myself pulling her
the sphincter when the orgasm was triggered. With that my muscles
strained and the sperma began to pour out in a large stream.
The amount of my semen surprised my sister, she did not ripen
swallow it. She was very pretty at this moment, and I wanted
so that the sperma does not stop pouring out of me in a continuous stream.
After a dozen shots, it was all over.
Our intimate places were all tense as well. We
teased each other a little by nibbling and sucking on the burning
the fire of the place. But, feeling some pain,
freed each other from each other and lay satisfied, deciding
rest a little and then continue. I told her how I
I love her because she caressed me and allowed me to pour out into
her sweet mouth. She also gave me words of gratitude,
remembering how I caressed her. I lost track of what we are
got up with her that day then. Much that we have conceived
then, we use it now, becoming an adult. M yes ...

With best wishes, Eugene. Email: [email protected]
... Mathematicians have to PROVE they can do it
--- GoldED / W32 3.00.Beta2 +
* Origin: The Dark Side of the Moon. (2: 5063/41)

The brother and sister sat silently on the couch in the room, in the dark, and did not dare to leave

his hiding place to his parents, with whom there was a painful explanation. Volodya

hugged his sister Ira,

quiet sobs on the girl's back. Painfully worried, he recalled those events

leading to this terrible day.

It all started from the day when the elder sister, twenty-year-old Tanya, brought

Mikhail's apartment. She announced to her parents that he would be her husband from that day on

Michael will live with her. Parents had no choice but to agree.

Until then, Volodya had his own room in a three-room apartment.

parents. Small, but its own. In another, in the largest room of the living room, they slept

parents, and Tanya and another sister, Ira, slept in the middle. But on this day comfort

Volodya is over. Parents by rearranging furniture and purchasing additional

ottoman, moved sister Ira to her brother's room, giving up her place next to Tanya

Michael. Volodya and Ira were twins. They, having lived together for sixteen years in

one apartment and after studying for almost ten years in the same class, they did not become

friends. Volodya had his own interests - friends, games, sports, rock, Ira had her own -

girlfriends, dances, outfits, stage, cavaliers. And now Volodya had to live in

one cramped room with Ira. And although he had nothing against his sister and

treated her well, Volodya was very unhappy with this situation. Only

he was reassured by the fact that through Ira it would be easier for him to establish contact with her best

friend Julia, with whom Volodya had been secretly in love for almost two years. Already with

the first evening that brother and sister spent together in the room, for the first time

they got close in a close way, talking almost until midnight. Volodya was nice

surprised to learn that Ira is a very interesting conversationalist, sociable, with a good

sense of humor. After that, they became not only close relatives, but also

friends. But the most important thing is what Volodya discovered and what he hadn't paid attention to before

attention that his sister is a very beautiful girl. Volodya discovered this in the first

morning as he watched his sister dress up through half-closed eyelids. Ira,

Thinking that her brother was sleeping, she dressed calmly, suspecting nothing. Volodya,

Opening his eyes, I saw how standing sideways to him in a nightie short to thighs, Ira

put on white panties and took off her nightie. Volodya saw it so close for the first time

almost naked girl. Under the blanket he took his breath away from harmony and beauty

the body of his sister. She was only in thin panties two meters from

he and he could clearly see her slender chiseled legs, thin waist over

round thighs and delightful slightly upturned filled with leaden ripeness

female breasts, which Volodya did not have time to admire, as Ira soon put on

yourself a bra. But these flashed two girlish breasts loomed in consciousness for a long time

young men. During the lessons at school, Volodya kept glancing in the direction of his sister. He

before he looked in her direction, but then he looked only at the one sitting next to

her friend Julia. But now he was looking at both of them. Comparing them, Volodya

I saw that Ira was as beautiful in face as her friend. Volodya always amazed

the beauty of Julia's face, her laughing brown eyes, dimples on her slightly cheekbones,

full sensitive lips-bows, chiseled chin and naughty thick

long shoulder-length brown hair. But on this day he saw that they were short,

Ira's blonde hair, like him, her huge black eyes, slightly

the snub nose over her pretty mouth was no worse than her friend's.

Volodya, knowing that he and Ira are very similar, could consider himself beautiful too

boyfriend. Ira and Julia, noticing Volodya's constant attention, whispered about something and

laughed loudly, which caused the teacher's remark. Late in the evening Volodya and Ira

again they talked for a long time. Finally they fell silent, enveloped in a veil of sleep.

Suddenly, incomprehensible sounds coming through the wall of the elder sister's room interrupted

their dream. "What are they doing there?" - Volodya asked his sister. "What are you not

do you know what else they can do? Fuck, of course! "- answered with a smile

Ira. "Couldn't it be quieter?" - Volodya did not calm down. "It is possible, but they are more so

I like it. ”The sounds from behind the wall were getting louder.

“Hey, Volodya, let's go and see how they do it,” Ira suggested recklessly.

"Yes, you, what!" - Volodya began to object: "Suddenly they will see, and the door probably

locked. ”“ Don't be afraid, ”Ira said resolutely, already getting out of bed:

"At this moment they do not notice anything around, and I still have left from their door

my key. ”Seeing that Ira would not abandon her intentions, Volodya got out of bed and

in his underpants, he stepped into the corridor after his sister. In the twilight of the corridor, they

quietly approached the door of Tanya's room. Ira bent forward to face the key

well, and her nightgown, which was already too shortened, crawled upward,

exposing the round buttocks. Volodya stared at the legs completely naked from the hips

sisters. But what he saw when Ira, turning her key in the well,

silently opened the door, instantly tore his gaze from her feet. Throwing his hands behind

loose black curls of the head, flexibly wriggling like a big fish caught in

fishing nets, the older sister's back was moving up and down. Under her spherical

wagging buttocks blackened the member lying on his back under her Michael. Volodya and

Ira, straining her eyes in the dark, saw how Misha's cock under loud moans

pleasure entered his partner. From the volume of the screams, it was clear that

it comes to orgasm. Tanya's back and bottom moved even more, their moans and

oohs merged into a constant sound of different tones, reminiscent of the screams of fans

on the football field. Tanya's body broke in a strong impulse and she, pressing against

the man's chest thrashed in violent convulsions. As soon as moans of pleasure

began to subside, Ira quietly closed the door and went to her room. Volodya,

crushed by what he saw, he trudged after her. In the room, the brother and sister climbed under

your blankets. They tried to talk, but the impression they made on

them the spied moment of intercourse did not dispose to conversation. They are silent

tried to sleep. But there was no sleep. Volodya, tossing and turning in his bed, tried

to drive away the picture of Tanya and Misha's orgasm standing in his thoughts, but all attempts

mentally switch failed. His reflections all the time back

returned to them. He was very horny and his cock under the soft jersey

with the cloth of panties was aroused to an erection and demanded attention to himself than

more exciting the thoughts of a young man. Volodya realized that until the excitement eroded, he

can't just fall asleep. He slipped his hand under the blanket and ran it under the

the tight elastic of his panties. His hand found a bloodshot cock. From caressing him

pleasant nervous waves went through his hands and he felt better at once. Volodya in

lately he often had to resort to masturbation, but this time he was

especially nice. Fantasizing that he was lying instead of Misha under Tanya, then instead of

Tanya turned out to be Julia, then Ira. After a few sweet moments, he twitched under

a blanket all over his body, dousing his palm with copious hot semen. After that

Volodya felt better at once. Nerves calmed down, weakness reigned throughout my body

eyes began to stick together. After wiping his penis and hand on the edge of the sheet, Volodya quickly

fell asleep. Ira that night, too, had no time for sleep. She was extremely

excited. Her thoughts switched to what she saw in her older sister's room, then

what happened to her at the end of the last summer. It happened two months

back. His name was Yura. They met at a dance in a summer park, where Ira was

together with her friend Julia. Yura was three years older than Ira and he had a father's

the car, in which after dancing they rode a cheerful company on a sleeping

the city. That evening they agreed with Yura to meet tomorrow. The next

day Ira, smoking imported cigarettes, which Yura had treated, was sitting in the front

the seat of the "Lada" rushing along the wet asphalt shining from the rain and enjoying

music, speed and attention, sitting next to her at the wheel of a pretty Yura.

Although they were unlucky with the weather and it was raining heavily, Ira still liked everything.

Speed, music and a confident young man are what she has more

I liked everything. Soon Yura slowed down and slowed down, turned off the road.

The car drove into a spacious, bumpy field that had recently been mown. Turning off

engine and muffling the music, Yura with the words: "Damn rain!

have a picnic in the car "- took out a bag from the back seat and stood out of it

take out the supplies you have taken with you. There were not many products: a few apples,

a bottle of Pepsi Cola, a bar of chocolate and a small flask. Yura unscrewed the plug and

a fragrant strong aroma spread throughout the cabin. “Is this cognac?” Ira guessed. "Not

just cognac, but French! I poured it from daddy's bar "- handed Yura a flask

Ira. Although Ira has already tried cognac more than once in a cafe with girls and this

She liked the drink, for the sake of decency she began to refuse. "You shouldn't refuse" -

Yura persuaded her: “The less you drink, the more I will have to drink.

driving. If I drink everything, then I cannot vouch for the safety of our precious lives. "

After such a weighty argument, Ira had no choice but to take a flask and

sip from it. Ira did not like to pretend at all and almost always did what

she wanted to. The cognac burned Ira inside, leaving a pleasant taste in the mouth. Yura too

took a sip and broke off a piece of chocolate. After taking a bite, he held out the flask again

girl. Sitting in the car and listening to music, Yura and Ira passed to each other

flask until it is almost empty. Yura, moving closer to Ira, hugged her for

shoulders and, throwing her head over the back of the seat, kissed the girl firmly on the lips.

Ira loved to kiss and, as a rule, kissed always and with everyone who was from her

I liked the guys at least a little. But this time, either from cognac, or from a kiss,

she was very dizzy. She tried to shake herself and, removing

Yura, who was reaching for her, opened the car door. Fresh air flow slightly

sobered the girl. Ira saw that the rain had already ended. Fragrant smell

the mowed grass beckoned to the open space. Ira jumped out of the car and, throwing her hands behind

head stretched strongly. "Yura, how good it is! Come out, let's go for a walk" - with these

in words, Ira took off her sandals and walked barefoot on the damp grass. Yura, not though,

got out of the car, took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his jeans to his knees and went after

behind the receding Ira, who swayed slightly from the hops. Ira, seeing that her

catching up with Yura, giggling fervently, began to run away from him. Yura rushed to catch up with her.

Running from each other, laughing loudly, Ira and Yura did not notice how calm before

the rain ended. A torrent of rainstorm fell from the sky. Before the car was not

far, a hundred meters, but this was enough that when they reached the car, they strongly

soaked. At first Ira was cheerful, but soon it became cold to the point of chills. Yura included

the engine and warm air went into the cabin. The car windows are fogged up with steam

coming from their wet clothes, but Ira could not get warm. Yura gave to the girl

finish off the rest of the cognac. The drink warmed a little, but in wet clothes it felt

not comfortable. Yura took off his shirt and, having survived it, began to take off his jeans. "Take off your clothes"

He said to Ira: "As long as the clothes are wet, we will not get warm." "How cunning! So I

I will undress. "

swimming trunks, Yura said calmly. "And the truth is that to be ashamed" - said the one who did not know how

to cheat Ira and began to unbutton her skirt. She was even interested in this

situation. She took off her wet skirt and blouse, leaving only in neat

white panties and bra. Yura admired the girl sitting next to him. Baby

innocent face with bright big eyes and Ira's young body, her rounded hips

and, tightly pulled by a bra, breasts filled with heavy elasticity, called into consciousness

young men strong passion. He hugged Ira, slightly shivering from the cold, and again

kissed her on the lips. Pressing herself against the warm man's chest, Ira felt how

warmth returns to her. She immediately felt more comfortable and better. She's like a bird

opened her mouth, exposing it for a kiss. Yura kissed masterfully. Straightaway

felt his experience, not like with the guys of the same age, with whom before

Ira had to kiss. Under the hail of his caresses, Ira did not immediately notice how Yura

deftly pressed the special levers and the back of the car's seats sank down,

bringing them to a supine position. Yura pressed tightly to the desired body of the girl,

hugging and kissing her tightly. Ira felt dizzy again from his caresses. She

I felt so good it couldn't be better. It already seemed to her that Yura was the most

beloved and best. When Ira felt Yura's quick fingers cleverly

unbuttoned the fastener of her bra, and he sprung, slid down, exposing her elastic

well-formed breasts, she tried to resist, but the young man was already crumpled and

kissing her breasts. His kisses and especially tender nibbles on her strong nipples

a sharp, pleasant echo echoed down her relaxed nerves. Ira felt some

a new hitherto unknown state of her body. I wish this game was

endless. Ira already had cases when the boys, during kissing in secluded

places it was possible to unbutton her bra, but beyond that she did not allow them.

When Yura began to pull her last robe off her hips, she did only

a feeble attempt to hold them back, but she failed. Yura served as a priest. He

gently and affectionately stroked a completely naked girl with his slightly rough

palms, exciting her erogenous points. And when Ira felt that his

fingers caress her untouched vagina, a hurricane of desire immediately flared up in her. Her

it seemed that there in her vagina is the place that has long longed for affection

and finally that moment came. Ira perceived what was happening as in a dream. She

did not think about the consequences and did not feel fear. Cognac and Yura's experienced caresses

did their job. The girl did not resist. Yura, lowering his swimming trunks,

spread her legs and lay down with his body on her, pressing Ira to the woolen upholstery

seating. Yura, not knowing that he was a virgin, did not stand on ceremony with her,

confidently found with his strong penis the opening of the vagina and in a big way

introduced it to its full length. From the sharp unexpected pain, Ira shuddered all over. She,

gritting her teeth, howled softly. Only at that moment did Ira fully realize that with

it happened. Mentally she was surprised that this did not terrify her, but only annoyance,

that everything happened so casually and quickly. Yura, not noticing Ira's condition, did

translational movements, experiencing great pleasure. Ira realizing that already

nothing to fix and there is no point in blaming Yura and herself, she tried to learn

why all this happened. Severe burning, persistent pain during movement

the male member inside her vagina was drowned out by the remnants of the former arousal. Yura

sniffed loudly and worked harder with his hips. Ira, remembering that she knew about

this state of a man and, what happens at the same time, pushed off with her legs

from the front panel of the car and gave way up. Jura's cock slipped out

from her vagina. At this moment, Yura moaned loudly and his penis splashed out a trickle

sperm, pouring over the delicate skin of the girl's inner thigh. When Yura got off Ira's body,

he found his cock covered in blood. "What's your first time?" - asked in surprise

Yura. She gave herself too easily to him. "And you, what does it matter!" She replied rudely

disgruntled Ira: "Take me home." Yura tried to caress the girl, but Ira

She pushed him away sharply and, holding back tears, began to put on her still damp clothes.

After that day, Yura tried to meet Ira again, but she avoided him.

meetings. Ira herself did not understand why, but she did not want to see Yura, although about him

recalled often. Soon she learned that Yura entered the institute and left


* * *

The next day was Saturday and the school was off. The whole family gathered for

dining table. Eating the delicious dumplings that Mom was famous for, the twins

exchanged glances among themselves, eloquently looking sideways at their older sister and Mikhail,

appetizingly absorbing delicious food. Ira and Volodya all day did not find a place for themselves

in anticipation of something incomprehensible. Only at night, when the whole family went to bed,

they realized that they had been looking forward all day. Without undressing, they are quiet

sat on the couch until familiar sounds were heard from behind the wall. Not

conspiring, they got up in silence and quietly went out into the corridor. Ira is as silent as

yesterday, she opened the door with her key and opened it a little. They unexpectedly

lucky. This time, Tanya and Misha enjoyed love without turning off the lamp, which

stood on the bedside table and rose in pink through the red cloth

perfectly illuminated what was happening. The game was at the very beginning. Misha and Tanya lay in

embracing on the bed completely naked. Their naked bodies turned pink

tints due to lighting. Volodya for the first time saw so close completely naked

a woman and this woman was his twenty-year-old sister. He noticed long ago that his

the older sister is very pretty. But now he has an opportunity

admire it to your heart's content. Slightly plump legs, plump round buttocks and

large heavy breasts combined with a thin waist, narrow sloping shoulders and

high slender neck captivated the eye with its harmonious femininity. Misha, by

compared to her beauty, with his long legs, with thin breasts and ribbed

sides, seemed ugly. Only his upturned long cock was worthy

attention, especially from Tanya herself. She, hugging Mikhail, did not let go of her hand with

his member. Tanya, then gently crumpled his ovary, then squeezed his penis at the base, then

grasping the movable skin at the head, making a hand sliding up and down

movement. With frequent kisses on the chest of a man lying on his back, Tanya went down

facing his stomach, then his cock. Admiring Misha's dick like a beloved

a child, the girl began to play with him, gently kissing and licking all over

its magnitude. After playing with him, Tanya swallowed a red sticking out

the head of the penis and began to suck hard. Misha, spreading his arms and legs, perceived

this affection, as usual and due, but Volodya and Ira, seeing that they were doing them

older sister, perceived more sharply than, probably, Misha himself. Brother and sister, with

with sinking hearts, looked at the revelation played out before them. From

of excitement, Volodya's legs were trembling. He quietly knelt down on top of him

she leaned on her body, looking attentively into the crack Ira. She was still horny

stronger than her brother, because she knew in life more than him. Misha, meanwhile, also

excited by Tanya's actions, pulled on the girl's body and, laying her on top

jack, so that her buttocks were above his head, and her vagina in front of his

face. He, pressing the girl's buttocks to him with his hands, began to lick the vagina with his tongue.

Tanya, continuing to suck his penis, fidgeted with pleasure. So they fondled

A couple of minutes. Volodya and Ira were still waiting for the partners to interrupt this affection and

will proceed to the act itself. But Tanya and Misha were not going to break away from this

classes and brought the matter to the end in this way. At the moment of orgasm, Tanya jerked

his legs and body, and Misha leaned forward, arching into a low

acrobatic bridge, groaning loudly with pleasure. Tanya, not letting go of her mouth

his penis, sucked in all the juices, enjoying rumbling like a kitten. In my

In the room, Volodya and Ira were silent for a long time, experiencing what they saw. They were so strong

excited that they could not even talk. Turning off the lights and undressing in

darkness, the twins lay down under their blankets. Volodya tried to force himself

fall asleep, but the tensely protruding member brought his thoughts back to his room

older sister. He understood that if he didn’t again calm his excited

flesh, you will not fall asleep. Volodya began to masturbate his penis under the covers. Ira in

the bed ached all over from the strongest excitement. She was in such a state that

she felt like she was going crazy. Suddenly Ira heard rustling in her brother's bed.

Peering into the darkness, she saw movement under his blanket. She understood what

he is engaged. And then a crazy thought came to her, from which she immediately tried

to get rid of, but this terrible thought did not let her go. And Ira could not stand it. "Volodya" -

Ira called softly. "What?" - Stopping movement under the covers, he asked. "Lie down to

me "." Why? "- Volodya did not understand." So it is necessary, please! "

his panties lowered and, covering the panties fabric bulging over a member of the

to your sister's ottoman. Ira threw back the blanket and moved away, giving way. How

as soon as his brother lay down beside him, the girl clung to him, dousing him with her warmth. Here

only Volodya fully realized what would happen now. From this thought he

jerked convulsively. In an instant he remembered how he had admired the last morning

dressing up Ira. He remembered her body, breasts and legs, and completely forgot that

Ira is his own sister, that he loves Julia, that there are parents and a school. Feeling in

her embrace, the beautiful young body of a girl, feeling under her thin night

shirt tight breasts, pressing his cock to her bare because of the upturned

nighties to the thighs, the young man blazed with passionate fire. Volodya felt like Ira

with an impatient movement, she lowered his panties and, clasping his firm

trunk, crawled under it. Volodya, caught between her widely spaced legs,

pressed my body forward. His cock just found the hole in her vagina, tightly entering

slippery flesh. Making forward movements, the young man was in seventh heaven from

pleasure and from the consciousness that he is finally becoming a man. Ira, feeling

as a member of her brother enters her, froze in anticipation of pain. But there was no pain, only

waves of pleasure emanated from the place where the male and female organs met.

Having made only about ten forward movements, Volodya felt the beginning

orgasm. The pleasure was joined by annoyance that everything would end so quickly, but

For the extremely excited Ira, that was enough. She, moaning softly, feeling

as inside her brother's cock spews a hot stream of sperm. She also began

the first real orgasm in my life. She didn't even expect it to be so nice

and sharp. After catching their breath and turning to themselves, the brother and sister realized what they had done

something terrible. Volodya felt especially uncomfortable. He considered himself in

everyone to blame, but the memory of Yulia, with whom he was in love and who, as he

thought, now betrayed, completely ruined his mood. He silently laid down on his

ottoman. Although he was at odds with his conscience, Volodya instantly fell asleep. Ira

also tormented by remorse, but the pleasure that she knew

Incest at all times was considered one of the most serious sins. Nevertheless, since the time of King Oedipus, who was not well set up by Providence, manifestations of unrelated love of close relatives for each other have been encountered quite often.

The other day Germany was agitated by an extraordinary event: it became known that a brother and sister from Saxony had three children.

Susan, 20, sits in her two-room apartment in Bourne, crying incessantly. Her three children were taken away from her and handed over to other people's families. Her brother-husband is in jail for a broken window pane. "I miss him so much," the girl says, "in recent years we have not spent a single night without each other."

After 30 days in prison for hooliganism, 27-year-old Patrick will not be free for long. He faces 10 months in prison for conceiving his daughter Sarah from his own sister. Punishment may not escape the mother of three children. When the last child was conceived, she was already over 18 years old. Prosecutor Axel Wahl says the girl faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison.

Susan's two children are mentally retarded. The three-year-old boy cannot walk or speak yet. Time will tell whether a three-month-old girl will suffer the same fate.

"There is no natural instinct that leads to incest," says Alice Miller, a psychoanalyst from Switzerland. "A brother's normal love for a sister does not lead to incest. Healthy people do not need this," says 46-year-old Ulrika Dirkes. She herself was born as a result of incest and currently heads the organization MELINA, which brings together children born as a result of family ties. “My father is also my grandfather, and my mother is my sister. This is an unnatural form of life,” says Ulrika.

The German public asks the question: how did it even become possible that after the birth of the first child, a brother and sister acquired two more?

Thomas Pfeiffer, head of child and youth services, says: "We helped initiate criminal proceedings when we learned that the child's father is his mother's brother. However, we could not interfere with this relationship. We could not get between them."

Incest expert Ulrika Dirkes: "Officials are helpless in this case. The problem is not solved only by sending children to foster families." A couple from Saxony hardly imagined that their children could be born with disabilities. Thank God Susan and Patrick don't want a fourth child. However, not at all because of prudence. Susan says, "They'll take him away from us as well."

The British newspaper The Times published on July 15 an article-confession of a woman who for many years had an intimate relationship with her brother, fondly recalls this period of her life and truly regrets only that such a natural relationship disgusts many people. The publication generated a lot of lively comments.

The heroine of the publication, hiding under the pseudonym Joan McFadden, reports that she decided on public recognition under the impression of the confession of her friend, who once in a student club, "heated up by booze," talked about what kind of close people brothers and sisters can be, then said she was sure that many of them engage in sexual experiments with each other when they begin to grow up, and then simply outgrow this period.

“I honestly think she was right. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does to some, and I don't want to be made to feel guilty about it. Incest is talked about just as often and with the same connotation as rape, but if the age difference between you and your partner is small, and in terms of the degree of relationship you are an equal, then this is a completely different matter, ”writes McFadden.

Her brother Daniel is only a year older, and they were always close: “I adored him as long as I can remember, and my parents were always pleased with our closeness when we were little. We had mutual friends, and we happily moved in the same social circles, so I could never understand the girls who did not get along with their brothers. "

The situation got worse when she was 14 years old and he was 15: “It's a shaky age when you try to come to terms with your growing body and endlessly worry about how you look, so his exclamation of admiration was very pleasant to me; he put his arms around me. "

“I lay in utter confusion. The head was spinning, and the body was completely agitated. All the sex education I had back then said it was wrong, that it was a crime and incest. But it didn’t seem wrong, and it definitely didn’t feel like I was being forced into anything. Rather, I felt like Daniel stopped long before I wanted to. Only a few hours later, I finally fell asleep, being sure of two things: that I really liked it and that I still admire my brother, ”the author admits.

McFadden reports that they had sexual encounters every six months after that for the next few years, and each time they went further until she turned 17 and they finally made love for real.

According to her, this continued until her brother graduated from university and met a girl whom he decided to marry. "After several hours of deliberation, we agreed that it was time for us to stop making love, and we also decided that we should not tell anyone about our relationship, and then parted in tears."

“I know Daniel loves Alison, but she is very suspicious of me,” the author of the article notes. “I’m pretty sure she doesn’t see me as a sexual threat, but as an emotional rival, and I think she’s right.”

“Once I asked myself - will there ever come a time when I will look back at our relationship with disgust? I think no. Daniel has a unique place in the world of my feelings, as I do in his, and that will never change. "

“As someone with a scientific inclination, I have a habit of drawing logical conclusions. I like to contemplate the subject of reflection and the solution for it, so I am seriously annoyed that a phenomenon that seems so pleasant and natural to me will cause disgust in most people, ”Joan McFadden concludes his confession.

In the days since it was published, this article has garnered thousands of comments across dozens of pages on The Times, from people around the world in a lively discussion.

What do you think on this topic, dear Russian-speaking readers? Have you had a similar experience or at least thoughts about it? Do you consider such a relationship possible or, on the contrary, completely unacceptable?