Proverbs, sayings, riddles. Their ideological focus and thematic meaning. Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about summer.

The author of the collection: Elena Aleksandrovna Khvostikova, teacher-organizer of the yard club "Ak Zhelken" DDT in Aksu, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work description: Riddles, proverbs and sayings about summer for children of primary and secondary school age. The material will be useful for teachers of additional education, primary school teachers for organizing interesting leisure activities for children.
Target: develop attention, logic, ingenuity, quick thinking, imagination; Expand words knowledge.

Proverbs and sayings

In June, the sun is high, and from morning to evening it is far away.
White nights are long days.
There is nothing to eat in June, but life is fun: the flowers are blooming and the nightingales are singing.
June with a scythe passed through the meadows, and July ran through the bread with a sickle.
In July, the yard is empty, and the field is thick.
August prepares pickles for the winter table.
In August, summer skips towards autumn.
In August, winter struggles with summer.
What you collect in August, you will spend the winter with that.
In August, before lunchtime - summer, after lunch - autumn.
What is born in summer will come in handy in winter.
Summer day over winter week.
Red summer - green mowing.
Put on a berry, pick up a box.
Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter.
Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.
Summer is a gathering, winter is a trip.
People are happy to fly, bees are happy to bloom.
Winter is terrible with wolves, and summer with flies and mosquitoes.
A rainy summer is worse than autumn.
In the summertime, dawn and dawn converge.

The singing of mosquitoes can be heard, Time of berries and mushrooms, The lake is warm, Everyone calls to swim ... (summer)
The sun is baking, the linden is in bloom, butterflies are flying, when does this happen? (summer)
I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me. I warm rivers, "Kupa
be! "- I invite you. And for this you all love me. I - ... (summer)
From his loud words and from laughter, an echo wanders through the woods between the trunks. Where spring can catch a cold, she is not afraid to take shells from the bottom! (summer)

In the morning I always fall - not a rain, not a star - and sparkle in burdocks at the edge and in the meadows. (dew)
Someone cried all night in the meadow, how many tears I cannot count. (dew)
In the morning, the beads sparkled, we plugged all the grass with ourselves, and went to look for them in the afternoon, we are looking, we are looking - we will not find. (dew)
Dawn-charger, red maiden, walked through the forest, dropped the keys, saw a month, did not say, the sun saw - raised. (dew)
Here are the diamonds on the leaves, Along the paths and on the bumps - What are these miracles? Glitters in the morning ... (dew)

The sun goes down in the evening, In the sky with a brush holds. He does not want to leave in vain. A trace remains - ... (dawn)
As soon as the rain receded, a bridge appeared in the sky, arched brightly, like a golden belt. (Rainbow)
What a miracle - beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way, you cannot enter, do not enter! (Rainbow)
Who hung a colored scarf above the ground, as for drying. (Rainbow)
The gates have risen, the whole world is beautiful. (Rainbow)
The painted rocker hung over the river. (Rainbow)

Warm, long, long day, at noon - a tiny shadow. An ear blooms in the field, a grasshopper gives a voice, strawberries ripen. What a month, tell me? (June)
Peonies bloomed in the garden, slopes in the strawberries - hills. The breeze, the coolness of the blow, so that it is not hot ... (June)
Linden tea is aromatic! We could dry even a whole sack of her colors! Come soon, ... (July)
A hot, sultry, sultry day, even chickens are looking for shade. The mowing of bread began, the time of berries and mushrooms. His days are the peak of summer. What, tell me, is this in a month? (July)
Maple leaves turned yellow, swift-winged swifts flew to the countries of the south. What a month, tell me! (August)
This hot summer month gives everyone its gifts: plums, apples and pears. Cook fruits, dry fruits. He is the last month of summer, autumn is near, close somewhere. (August)

They are waiting for him, they will not wait, but when they see, they will scatter. (rain)
He will cry over the gardens - the garden will be filled with fruits. Even the dusty plantain is happy to wash in the summer ... (rain)
She approached, rumbled, threw arrows to the ground, it seemed to us that she was in trouble, it turned out that it was with water. Passed and spilled, plenty of arable land spilled. (rain cloud)
A bag of water flew over me, over you, it caught on the forest, leaked out and disappeared. (rain cloud)
The sparkling threads could not resist in the sieve and, jumping out into the wild, walked with a cloud across the field. (rain)
The sun is shaded by clouds, the thunder laughs loudly. A streak in the sky of lightning means that it has begun ... (storm)

Lies on the road - you get your feet wet in it. (puddle)

Sister and brother live, everyone sees but does not hear, hears but does not see. (Thunder and lightning)
It sparkles, blinks, shoots fire arrows. (lightning.)

I look like peas. Where I go - a commotion. (hail)
There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky. Nina ate six peas, she now has a sore throat. (hail)
Ices flew from the sky, they wanted to beat the spikelets. (hail)
Peas are falling from the clouds, jumping to our doorstep. He rolls off the roof into the garden. What? It - ... (hail)

And in June, the white snow again delighted us all - like a swarm of lazy flies flying off the poplars ... (fluff)
A hot ball shines in the sky. Anyone will notice this ball. In the morning he looks at us in the window, beaming with joy, ... (Sun)
A snake rushes along the hills, carrying moisture to the trees. Washing the shores, flows through the fields ... (river)
They are light, like cotton wool, floating in the sky somewhere. The caravels keep their way from afar ... (clouds)

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Plan: Definition of the genre. Collection, publication and study. Subject and content. Artistic features. Literature: Lazutin S.G. "Metaphor in riddles", M., 1981. Mitrofanova V.V. "Russian folk riddles", L., 1978. "Russian folklore", M., "Fiction", 1985 "Children's literature" Key words: content, artistic form, allegorical character, mythology, folk science, genre, poetic style, personification, juxtaposition, metaphor, rhythm, rhyme , epics, fairy tales, handwritten editions.

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Riddles belong to small genres of Russian folklore. Riddles have a lot in common with proverbs and sayings in content and in artistic form. However, they also have specific features and represent an independent genre of folklore. The term "riddle" is of ancient origin. In the Old Russian language, the word fortune-telling meant "to think, to reflect." This is where the word "riddle" comes from. In the riddle, a substantive description of some phenomenon is given, for the recognition of which a lot of thought is required.

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Most often, riddles are allegorical in nature. The enigmatic object, as a rule, is not named, but its metaphorical equivalent is given instead. To compose a riddle means to give a metaphorical form of expression to ordinary thoughts and objects. And vice versa, to solve the riddle, replace its metaphorical images with real images. they are not green half-hams, but green leaves.

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A riddle is not just a metaphorically asked question, a very cleverly formulated question. The riddle is not just a metaphor, but some kind of extraordinary, amazing metaphor. So, we are surprised by the hint of a creature that “Without arms, without legs, but can draw” (Frost). It is hard to imagine how it can be "In one barrel - two varieties of wine" (egg), etc. A small number of riddles are found in the works of ancient Russian literature (chronicles, everyday literature, "The Tale of Peter and Theophanes").

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The first records of riddles date back to the 17th century. In the seventeenth century. until the 70s of the 18th century. riddles, together with proverbs and sayings, were included in various handwritten collections. In the last third of the eighteenth century. printed collections appear, in which, together with riddles of literary origin, folk riddles are placed in a directional form.

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A systematic collection of Russian folk riddles begins in the 30s of the 19th century. In 1841 I.P. Sakharov published more than 200 riddles in his "Tales". In 1861, a collection of folklorist-democrat I.A. Khudyakova "Great Russian riddles". Riddles in it are arranged in alphabetical order according to the answers, there are 731 riddles in total. Using all the previously collected materials, D.N. Sadovnikov in 1876 published a large collection of "Mysteries of the Russian People", which included more than 3500 riddles. The location of the material is based on the subject-thematic principle.

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In 1961, the collection "Proverbs, Sayings and Riddles in Handwritten Collections of the 18th-19th Centuries" was published, in which more than 1000 riddles were published, extracted from handwritten collections. In 1968, the Academy of Sciences publishes a collection of riddles, in which 5517 issues of this genre are published, taken from previous publications and archival sources. The material in the collection is arranged according to the subject-thematic principle. Notes make it possible to set the time and place of recording, as well as the place of publication or storage of options.

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I.A. Khudyakov also believed that the most ancient Russian folk riddles contain features of mythology. However, the majority of those who reached the 19th century. Riddles, in his opinion, are the result of a kind of reflection of the historical life of the people. Riddles, according to Khudyakov's definition, are "folk science" about physical phenomena, about subjects of natural history and folk life. In the article "The meaning of riddles in folk life and poetry", preceded by the publication of the material, I.A. Khudyakov points to various types of riddles, speaking about their connection with other genres of folklore, dwells on the conditions of their existence and functions.

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Each riddle is inherently a tricky question. However, this questioningness of hers may have an external form of expression and not have it. Riddles can be formulated directly as a question. For example: "What is more beautiful than white light?" (Sun); "What do we have more often than forests?" (stars). However, most often in riddles the question is not outwardly expressed and they have a metaphorical and descriptive character. For example: "A plate floats across the blue sea" (Month); “There were three brothers: one loves winter, the other summer, and the third doesn't care” (sleigh, cart, man).

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Riddles, like all genres of folklore, are created on the basis of a lively spoken language. The language of riddles, like: the language of all folklore genres, is distinguished by accuracy, color and expressiveness. They widely use common folk epithets like "damp earth", "open field", "dark forest", "green garden", "good fellow", "red maiden", "own mother", etc., as well as some general folklore comparisons, tautological expressions, etc.

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However, the poetic style of riddles also has its own pronounced genre specificity; riddles are characterized by a high degree of metaphor, which pervades all of its stylistic means. Here are examples of metaphorical (mysterious) epithets "blue field" (sky), "water bridge" (ice), "golden stump" (thimble), etc. Sometimes, the riddle is built on metaphorical epithets. For example: “A steel horse, a linen tail” (a needle with an eye), “Meat oven, iron attacks” (horseshoes). "Angelic flowers, and devil's marigolds" (rose hips). Most often, riddles contain their own metaphors, when the comparison of two objects or phenomena does not have an external, grammatical form of expression. For example: “Between two stars I am in the middle one” (nose), “Under the floor, under the floor walks with a stake” (mouse).

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metaphorically compared with living beings and vice versa, living beings - with objects and phenomena of everyday life and nature. This is primarily due to the desire of the riddle to make it as difficult as possible to guess. The widespread use of metaphors in riddles is also explained by aesthetic considerations. This is especially evident in cases when in riddles objects of the inanimate world are compared with living beings and we are dealing with the method of personification. Based on the principle of impersonation, the riddles compare the buckets with two brothers who went to the river to swim, a washbasin with a pike whose body is in the water and its tail outward, a canoe with a duck that dived and lost its tail, etc.

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Incarnation, animating and spiritualizing the inanimate world, brings it even closer to man, gives the riddle a special poetry, creates vivid images and pictures in it. For example, a poetic riddle of this kind is created about teeth, "A complete gorenka of geese and swans" (teeth). In riddles, oats are represented as a slender, beautiful girl (“As in a field, a girl with earrings is standing on a mound”). In turn, the girl's earrings are compared with dancing swans: “Behind the dark forests, two swans danced” (earrings), etc.

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Comparing the objects made up with objects that perform the functions of a metaphor, the riddle always enlarges the plan of the image, enhances the tone or other sign of some real object, makes it more convex and significant. To draw attention to the fact that the firefly will check at night (and this light is weak, it may not be noticed!), The riddle compares it (albeit in a negative form) with the sun “Not the sun, not fire, but shines”.

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Many fairy tales are created on the basis of fairy-tale images: For example: "Baba Yaga, short leg" (plow), "The horse runs - the earth trembles" (thunder), "An eagle bird flies, carries fire in its teeth, in the middle of it human death" (lightning ). And here is a riddle using a saying: "On the sea, on the ocean, there is an oak with deaths, damn sprouts, leaves of suitcase" (burr).

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In turn, riddles are often included in fairy tales. Let's give just one example. There is a riddle about a boiled goose, in which the objects to be guessed and guessed begin with the same letters "In Pechorsk, in Gorshevsk, Kurlyn Kurlynovich sits near Krynsky." This riddle is variably used in a humorous everyday tale about a greedy old woman ("The Soldier's Riddle").

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Lazubin S.G. "Rhythm, lyrics and rhymes of proverbs." In his book: Poetics of Russian Folklore. M., 1981, str148-6З Mitropol'skaya N.K. "Russian proverbs as a small genre of folklore." Vilnius, 1973 Morozova L.A. "Artistic forms of proverbs". In the collection Questions of genres of Russian folklore, M. 1972, pp. 3-7. "Children's Literature", edited by A.V. Ternovsky, 1977, pp. 19-21.

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A proverb is a small genre of oral folk art, a form of dictum that has entered into speech circulation, which fits into one static and logically complete sentence, often rhythmized and supported by rhyme. She is characterized by the utmost brevity and simplicity. Despite this, it is notable for its content, it is a clear judgment, a clear expression of a certain thought, a generalization, a conclusion from life observations, a conclusion from life observations and the socio-historical experience of the people: "Peace and harmony is a great treasure", "What you sow, then you will reap ". The form of the proverb is perfected and polished. The expression of thought in it, as a rule, is unusual, peculiar: "They treat the bitter, and cripple the sweet", "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song."

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The set of proverbs is much wider than any other genre, it covers the most diverse aspects of reality, while other genres have a certain subject of depiction: epics and historical songs relate to the past, the history of the people, love and family songs - personal relationships of people, etc. Even fairy tales, although they include several genre varieties (fairy tales about animals, magic, family and everyday life) are much more limited thematically than proverbs.

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The total amount of folklore - traditionality - is also expressed differently in proverbs. They are more stable in their text, they vary less than other genres, although, of course, they obey the general law of connection between oral folk art and life, they change, but their changes are very limited. The people are well aware of the antiquity and tradition of the proverbs: "The old proverb will never break." The basis for the stability of proverbs is the inherent fidelity of life observations, the importance of the thoughts expressed in them, therefore the people appreciate and cherish them. An important reason for the stability of proverbs is the expressiveness and severity of their form, thanks to which they are easy to remember. The stability of proverbs is confirmed by the fact that their texts in the vast majority of cases are registered without any changes in collections of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

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Thanks to the specific expression of the general, the proverb can be applied to many of the same type of phenomena. This way of generalization provides a basis for the use of proverbs in a figurative sense. The allegorical nature of proverbs is their characteristic feature. In proverbs, the direct meaning is combined with the figurative: "Let the goat into the garden, he will rip off all the cabbage."

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The collection of proverbs began long ago, but their handwritten collections have come down to us only from the 17th century. The first such collection is "Stories or proverbs of the whole people in alphabetical order." It includes about two thousand eight hundred texts from earlier collections. Peter I read handwritten collections of proverbs at the beginning of the 18th century. From the middle of the eighteenth century. proverbs began to be published in magazines, and then printed collections appeared. N. Kurganov in 1769 published the book "Russian Universal Grammar or General Writing", where he placed about 1000 (thousand) proverbs.

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In 1770, the "Collection of 4221 ancient Russian proverbs" was published, which, according to researchers' assumptions, was compiled by Professor of Moscow University A.A. Barsov. It included, in addition to proverbs, jokes and sayings. The collection of proverbs was carried out by Professor of Moscow University I.M. Snegirev. He published two collections: "Russian folk proverbs and parables" (1848) and "New collection of Russian proverbs and parables" (1857). F.I. Buslaev in the "Archive of historical and legal information relating to Russia" (1654). "Russian proverbs and sayings."

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On the basis of the Dalevo collection, popular collections of proverbs and sayings were later compiled. Collections of special topics were published: agricultural, legal. I.I. In 1940 Iliustov published in Kiev the book “The life of the Russian people in its proverbs and sayings”. It contains rich material that fairly objectively illuminates the views of the people, and provides a detailed bibliography. The study of proverbs should be conducted from M.V. Lomonosov, who collected proverbs and studied them in connection with classes in the Russian language ("Russian grammar", "Rhetoric"). At the beginning of the XIX century. A.Kh. East. In 1816 A.F. Richter published Two Experiences in Literature. Reasoning about Russian proverbs ”, he showed the connection of proverbs with life, the reflection of the views of the people in them.

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For many years, proverbs were studied by I.M. Snegirev. In 1823 he published "Discourse on Russian Proverbs", in 1829 he published an article "Remarks on Russian Proverbs Similar to Greek and Roman", in 1831-1834. published the book “Russians in their proverbs. Reasoning and Research on Russian Proverbs and Sayings ”. In the middle of the 19th century. proverbs were studied by A.N. Afanasyev and F.I. Buslaev. In 1854 F.I. Buslaev published an article "Russian life and Russian proverbs." It contained many observations on the relationship between proverbs and folk life. However, N.A. Dobrolyubov in his article "Notes and additions to the collection of proverbs by Mr. Buslaev" criticized the collection for insufficient disclosure of popular views, for not distinguishing proverbs and sayings, for the mythological interpretation of proverbs and their separation from popular life.

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At the end of the XIX century. the study of proverbs has received a new direction: scientists have taken up the history of proverbs, the formation of their composition, as well as their linguistic research. I. Timoshenko published in 1897 the book “Literary primary sources and prototypes of three hundred Russian proverbs”. In the modern period, research has begun to study the problems of proverbs. Considerable attention is paid to the definition of the genre, the correlation of proverbs and sayings, aphorisms and proverbs, the specifics of proverbs as a small genre (A.N. Kozhin, V.S.Gudkov, L.A. Morozov). Researchers have devoted many works to considering the syntax of proverbs, vocabulary features, proper names, numbers. They covered the issues of reflecting history (V.P. Anikin, A.M. Zhigeliev, L.N. Pushkarev).

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The cognitive value of proverbs is determined primarily by the variety of information that they convey. On the whole, a broad picture of Russian life is created, reflected realistically. Proverbs give an idea of ​​the views and views of the people, about their understanding of the phenomena of reality. The cognitive meaning of proverbs is that they typify phenomena, i.e. single out the most revealing among them and note the most significant features in them. So, speaking about the situation of the peasants in tsarist Russia, they will talk about his poverty, and about his landlessness, and about his lack of livestock, and about his debt to pay for land rent. You get a fairly complete and accurate picture.

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The cognitive value of proverbs is reflected in the generalization of the rich life experience of the masses. Observations on nature are exceptionally rich and true: "Mother earth - gives treasure", "Siberia is a gold mine", "A willow will not give birth to pears", "Where there is a flower, there is honey." In addition, proverbs often have, as noted, an expansive meaning, which is emphasized by the generalizing words: "everywhere", "always."

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Proverbs are a philosophical genre. They contain many important general conclusions about the laws of the development of nature and society: "Time does not sleep", "The old grows old, the young grows", "You cannot catch up yesterday, but you cannot leave tomorrow", "Without a reason and boil will not sit down", "Where there was no beginning, there will be no end." Proverbs serve to educate positive ideals - courage, honesty, a sense of friendship, set an example of highly moral behavior, operate with the concepts of good and evil, honor and dishonor. Teachings and advice are often presented in the form of ridicule of the negative qualities of people.

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There are a lot of proverbs with a pronounced morality: "Take care of honor from a young age", "Sow a lie will not grow rye", "Human labor feeds, but laziness spoils", "To love someone else's husband - to ruin yourself", "Take it together, it will not be overweight", "Without studying, you can't weave a bast shoe." The aesthetic value of proverbs is manifested in many ways. A proverb is a phenomenon of high skill. It embodies the aesthetic principles that are highly valued in art for simplicity, brevity, meaningfulness, expressiveness. The people ironically speak about the verbosity "There are many words, but no stock."

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A proverb, like any genre, is a meaningful form, a structure, the main difference of which is internal artistic unity. In the proverb, this is expressed with surprising clarity. There is a lot of meaning in one sentence. In addition, the proverb reveals its purposefulness. All elements are subordinated to the task - to reveal the thought more accurately, to express it more clearly, due to which the concentration of thought is achieved. The inner unity of a proverb is also determined by its monotony, focusing on one fact or phenomenon. For a proverb, two main forms of construction are characteristic: one-part and two-part. Both forms are bonded according to the rules of communication and coordination the sentence: "Every pine tree makes noise in its forest", "An empty mill grinds uselessly", and the second is distinguished by the inextricable connection of two parts of a complex sentence: "White light is not a outskirts, and empty speech is not a proverb" ...

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Finally, the peculiar difference of the proverb is that it completely coincides in form with the stylistic means used in it - comparison and antithesis. In a song, a fairy tale, an epic, these means are only small elements of the structure, and in the proverb they become the basis of her composition: "Behind the old head, like behind a stone wall", "Happiness is crazy, - a full of holes", "Business is time - fun - hour "," Bird - wings, man - mind. " In the examples given, it is important to point out that the use of the comparison of antithesis, metonomy in them, on the one hand, serves to convey a certain thought, and on the other hand, preserves the integrity of the proverb.

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As already noted, proverbs generalize the observations, thoughts of the people about the social structure and humanity, refer not to one, but to many objects and phenomena. Proverbs speak about a person's place on earth (“Water for fishes, air for birds, and all earth for a person”), his attitude to other people (“A man is worth a man”), give a person moral recommendations (“Take care of honor from a young age”). Proverbs are widely used in literature lessons. They help students to better understand the general principles of verbal art, comment on works of Russian literature that are similar in theme. In the lessons of the Russian language, proverbs and sayings are the basis of lexical and phraseological work with students, material for the study of various linguistic phenomena.

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Sayings belong to small genres of folklore. In most cases, they are even more concise than proverbs. Like proverbs, sayings are not specially performed (not sung, not told), but are used in live speech for the occasion, by the way. At the same time, sayings differ significantly from proverbs in the nature of their content, in form, and in the functions performed in speech. Sayings have their own specific genre characteristics. If the role of a proverb is expressed in the fact that it draws certain conclusions in speech, then the purpose of the proverb is to decorate this speech, to make it figurative. By its structure, a proverb is simpler than a proverb. Sayings are used only in connection with certain persons and their actions, they have a very specific content. According to A.A. Potebni, the saying is "an allegorical image of a single, quality, action."

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Depending on which particular person or action in speech the saying refers to, the sentence in which it is quoted also changes. By virtue of what has been said, a proverb, unlike a proverb, does not and cannot compose a complete, complete sentence in speech, but is a part of it. The scientific approach to sayings, as well as to proverbs, first appeared in the articles of I.M. Snegirev, published in the 20-30s of the XIX century. In the works of V.I. Dahl and A.A. Potebnya, a short but deep definition of the genre specificity of sayings is given, their relationship with proverbs is established.

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Of greatest interest is the article by M.A. Rybnikova "Russian proverb", which reveals the content and forms of sayings. According to Rybnikova's correct definition, the main purpose of sayings (as opposed to proverbs) is that they serve as a figurative and emotional characteristic of a person and his actions. The study of the genre specificity of sayings is also devoted to the works of V.P. Anikina, G.S. Gavrina, A.N. Kozhina and others. The overwhelming majority of sayings represent a figurative and emotional characteristic of people. Moreover, this characteristic of people is very multifaceted, and in a speech context it is always concretized and individualized. According to the conclusion of the proverb, in the folk speech “There is a saying for every Yegorka”.

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The artistic functions of sayings are quite diverse. First of all, through proverbs, vivid external portraits of people are created. Portrait characteristics can be positive and negative. An example of a positive portrait: "As red as poppies." Negative portrait: "Oborist like a cow on ice." However, sayings draw not only the external features of people, but also figuratively speak of his inner state of mind. So, about a person who is in a joyful mood, they say: "He walks a mocker, jumps like a goat." About a person experiencing a deep experience, fear, irritation, etc., the proverb says: "The colony reached the white", "Climbs on the wall."

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Sayings figuratively convey certain qualities of a person, features of his character. About a simple, open person: "Soul wide open." About a secretive and hypocritical person: "There is ice on the face of the honey, on the heart." About a soulful, soft person: "Soft as wax." About a callous, soulless man: "Not a soul, but only a handle from a ladle." Sayings give an emotional assessment of various actions and deeds of people: "Not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye", "Pour from empty to empty." In proverbs we find a social characteristic: "He has money, chickens do not peck"

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The main purpose of sayings is to give coloration and imagery to colloquial speech. Sayings also enhance emotional expression. In the sayings, the figurative means of a lively spoken language are very widely used: comparisons ("Goal like a falcon, but sharp as a razor", "Turns like a squirrel in a wheel") metaphors ("Add fuel to the fire", "Stay at a broken trough" ). Sayings, being a figurative expression of lively colloquial speech, often turn into fairy tales.

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A harmless and cheerful verbal game of older children is the rapid repetition of difficult to pronounce rhymes and phrases. This is a tongue twister. It combines one-root or consonant words: "There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass", "The cap is not sewn in Kolpakov style, it is necessary to repack it and repack it." It is difficult to decide who is the creator of these tongue twisters - children or adults. At least some of them (namely those with an immodest meaning) are hardly created by children. Prokop came, dill boils, And under Prokop dill boils, And Prokop left, dill boils, And without Prokop dill boils.

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Literature Grechina O.N., Osorina M.V. Modern folklore prose of children // Russian folklore. Issue 20. - L., 1981. - S.96-106. Osorina M.V. "The black sheet flies through the city", or Why do children tell scary stories? // Knowledge is power. - 1986. - No. 10. - S.43-45. Mamontova G.I. Cultural-historical and psychological foundations of the genre of horror stories // Siberian folklore. - Novosibirsk, 1981. Loiter S.M. Children's mythological stories / Loiter S.M. Russian children's folklore and children's mythology. - Petrozavodsk: KSPU, 2001. - S. 84-104. Cherednikova M.P. Contemporary Russian mythology in the context of the facts of traditional culture and child psychology. - Ulyanovsk, 1995.

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M. Osorina: horror stories - stories "aimed at causing an experience of fear, which in a knowingly protected and safe situation gives a kind of pleasure, leads to emotional catharsis." Melnikov MN: horror stories - "children's oral stories of a conditionally realistic or fantastic orientation, which, as a rule, have an attitude towards reliability." Loiter S.M.:, “Children's scary stories - one of the genres of the narrative tradition of children: mythological stories about the terrible and terrible (death first of all), which come at the will of creatures, objects and phenomena endowed with supernatural properties and elevated to the rank of demonological powers ; they have a stable structure and are intended to cause the experience of fear, which is necessary for the self-affirmation of the individual. " Loiter S.M. (P.87): "The main characteristic feature of children's scary stories, which are a story with the same plot collisions and denouement, is that those mysterious and inexplicable events that occur in them are the result of the action of supernatural forces, objects, things." ... A similar situation (i.e., belief in supernatural powers) is observed in the past and bylichs.

Slide 44

CM. Leuter divides all pests into 2 groups: But these characters function in adult and children's folklore in different ways. In adults, a story about a meeting with a demonic power is necessary to convince the listener of the reliability of this power. Other archetypal motives and characters: werewolf, aspen stake and cross as amulets, violation of the prohibition, vampirism, chopping, revival, spatial movement, etc.

Slide 45

The horror story as a genre is distinguished by its artistic design and completeness. Its beginning often repeats the fabulous beginning (“Once upon a time there was a woman, and she had children: a girl and a boy,” “Once a girl lived with her parents,” etc.). The impetus for action is often a violation of the prohibition following the "absence". Under the influence of a fairy tale, horror stories gained clarity of compositional structure: warning / prohibition - violation - retribution / punishment. The plot-compositional rhythm is based on the repetition of the same actions (at night the voice consistently says first to dad, then to mom, then to the girl: "Get up!") Or the cumulative principle of stringing ("In a black-black forest there is a black-black house, in a black-black house is a black-black table ... ")

Slide 46

Other features of poetics: a small amount of text, elementary plot, stable vocabulary, repetitions of linguistic elements, frequency of verbs. The performing manner of telling horror stories, like a ritual, dictates a number of external conditions: it must be evening, a secluded place, without adults, appropriate intonations, shouts and unexpected grabbing of the listener's hand.

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The proverb says not to the wind.
A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye.
The proverb will never break.
The speech is red with a proverb.
(Russian proverbs)

... Proverbs are short, and the mind and feelings are invested in them for whole books.
(M. Gorky)

Riddles, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms are also phraseological phrases and serve as expressive means of speech, enrich speech, make it bright and well-marked. They belong to small genres of folklore.


The word "riddle" is derived from the verb "to guess" - to offer a question that requires an answer, that is, clues. In this question, the object or phenomenon that needs to be recognized is not described directly, but allegorically, therefore, in order to solve the riddle, you need to see the similarity between the objects hidden and the description given in riddles.
Riddle is a kind of oral folk art (folklore). The riddle contains an allegorical description of an object or phenomenon that needs to be learned (solved). Riddles are a collection of people's knowledge and concepts about the world and about themselves.
But it is also important to see something else: depicting the world, the people poeticized it. Each riddle is a small piece of art. When guessing riddles, you have to see in the usual poetic, to understand with the help of what artistic means riddles are "made". There are a lot of riddles in Russian folklore: riddles - allegories, riddles - descriptions, riddles - questions, riddles - jokes, riddles with numbers, etc. This is a very ancient genre of folklore. Many riddles are created using sound writing. Sound writing includes assonance, alliteration and onomatopoeia. These expressive means of phonetics are widely used in proverbs, sayings and riddles.
1. Give examples of riddles created by comparison, riddles based on antithesis, created by negation. Guess the riddle and tell us how you guessed it.

I will look out the window
I will spread my matting
I'll sow peas
I'll put a crust of bread.
Everyone sees
Yes, not everyone can smell it.
To whom it is light
To whom it is dark
And I'm blue.

2. In works of oral folk art, words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes are often used. Guess the riddles below. Write out words with diminutive suffixes from them and label them.
1) Small, pot-bellied, protects the whole house. 2) The little black dog, curled up, lies, does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. 3) Little red boots in the ground and in a basket. 4) Little black, little, cute to the whole world. 5) Four brothers under one hat. 6) One-handed little thing, steel nose, and linen tail. 7) Under a pine tree in the forest there is an old man, a little red cap. 8) There is a heap, in front of a pitchfork, behind a broom. 9) Two brothers went to the river to swim, one is swimming, the other is lying on the bank. 10) Every boy has a closet. Five young men are sitting in five wells.

In addition to riddles, proverbs and sayings belong to small forms of folklore. The explanatory dictionary of VI Dal says that a proverb is "a short-shadowed parable ... This is a judgment, a sentence, a lesson, expressed bluntly and put into circulation under the coinage of the nationality." A proverb is a short, stable in speech, figurative folk saying. In relation to its literal meaning, it is used in a figurative meaning.
1. Remember and write down a few proverbs about teaching and science, about work, about friendship and love. Compose a short story that is appropriate to end with one of the proverbs below. Title your oral composition. Write down one of the stories.
1) Where a straight path is visible, do not drive in a curve. 2) Where power rules, there is no place for the mind. 3) The good one cries from sorrow, and the evil one cries from joy. 4) If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. 5) The nightingale is not fed with fables. 6) There was not a penny, but suddenly altyn.

2. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the following proverbs. What does the book compare to?

1) If you read books, you will know everything. 2) In the book, look not for letters, but for thoughts. 3) A book beautifies in happiness, and comforts in unhappiness. 4) A book for the mind that warm rain for seedlings. 5) The book is small, but it gave me intelligence. 6) The book is like water: the road will break through everywhere. 7) A mind without a book is like a bird without wings. 8) Read, Thomas, gain your mind. 9) Read without thinking what to eat without chewing. 10) Reading is the best teaching.

Proverbs, as a rule, represent whole sentences expressing a more or less complete thought: "He who forgets old friends does not make new ones." Or aphorisms: "Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight." The exceptions are sayings, which usually do not represent whole sentences: to sip jelly for seven miles; not worth a damn. A proverb is a short saying referring to different occasions in life. The proverb is very close to the proverb, but unlike it, it does not express a complete judgment, but only hints at it. "To rake in the heat with someone else's hands" is a proverb, but if we add the word "easy" to it, it will turn into a proverb. In the first case, a hint, in the second - a conclusion.
SPEECH is a figurative expression that aptly defines any phenomenon of life. Unlike a proverb, a saying is grammatically or logically incomplete and devoid of a generalizing instructive meaning.
Why do we say "not every bast in the line"? This proverb means that one cannot blame or reproach any, even an insignificant mistake. But what has a bast to do with this? In the old days in Russia, bast shoes, baskets and other crafts were woven from bast. The strips of bast for weaving were called strings. To make the work neat, the master did not use every bast in the line, discarding the stripes with irregularities, holes from knots. So the saying was created, acquiring a broader and even opposite meaning: you should not find fault with every trifle. "Like water off a duck's back". This proverb is part of an ancient spell, which was pronounced by healers over the sick or by parents bathing their children: "Water off a duck's back, and thinness (illness) from our child." People believed that in this case the disease would disappear as completely as water from a duck's back. We say: "According to Senka and a hat," that is, to each his own, what he deserves is what he received. And in old Russia it was easy to establish the nobility of the family by the height of fur hats. The higher such a hat rose over the head of the nobleman, the more noble he was. The common people did not have the right and the means to wear high hats made of marten, beaver or sable fur. Hence the saying was born: "According to Senka and a hat." And how was the proverb born: "To slurp jelly for seven miles?" In ancient times, the number 7 was given a magical, miraculous meaning. The "miraculous" number 7 also left a big imprint on Russian proverbs. A fickle person who often changes his mind is said to have seven Fridays a week. An intelligent person is said to be "seven inches in the forehead." About a man who came back from afar with nothing, they say: "For seven miles I went to slurp jelly." A guilty person, making another offense, says: "Seven troubles - one answer." If several people have been entrusted with the same task, but they have not done it, they say: "Seven nannies have a child without an eye." The expression is often used: "Seven do not wait for one." About a large family, in which only one works, they say: "One with a bipod, seven with a spoon." They say about a very distant relative: "The seventh water on jelly." During the Great Patriotic War, the proverb was in use: "Seven deaths will never happen, but one cannot be avoided."
1. Complete the data below the proverb. Explain in which situations they apply. For one of them, come up with a story and write it down.
1) To be afraid of wolves ... 2) No smoke ... 3) Strike iron ... 4) At no fish ... 5) Do not be proud of the title, ... 6) The cat knows, ... 7) The cat scratches ... 8) What is the spinner, ... 9) There was none a penny, ... 10) Under a lying stone ... 11) I grabbed a tug, ... 12) An elbow is close, ... 13) An old friend ... 14) What are you sowing, ... 15) Having taken off your head, ... 16) Do not spit in the well, ... 17) Everything well, ... 18) To whom much has been given, ... 19) One can see a bird ... 20) Try it on seven times, ... 21) Prepare the sleigh in the summer, ... 22) Don't dig a hole for another, ... 23) Better late, ... 24) Don't say " gop ", ... 25) Friendship is friendship, ... 26) Do you like to ride, ... 27) Butter of porridge ... 28) Patience and work ... 29) The road is a spoon ... 30) Sewing in a bag ... 31) Mind is good, ... 32) What is written with a pen, ... 33) In a hurry - ... 34) After a fight ... 35) Into someone else's mouth ... 36) Someone who hurts, ... 37) Horseradish radish ... 38) With the world in nit-ke ... 39) They meet by clothes, ... 40) Business time, ... 41) In secret ... 42) A gift horse ...

2. About whom the proverbs-riddles speak:
1) He handed in a pen, but substituted a leg. 2) Legs with approach, hands with a tray, heart with submission, head with bow. 3) My grief-arrow in me, someone else's grief-arrow in the stump. 4) He imagines himself above the roof, but his head is spinning from the porch. 5) I ate and was tired, slept and worn out. 6) Tongue without bones: what he wants, he babbles.

3. From which fables of I. Krylov the following phraseological units are taken:
And nothing has changed. I didn't even notice the elephant. Even though the eye sees, but the tooth doesn’t. And Vaska listens and eats. The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the baking of the pies, and the baker starts the boots. An obliging fool is more dangerous than the enemy. With him there was such a cheat.
4. What Russian playwright used Russian folk proverbs and sayings as the titles of many of his works? What are some of his plays?
5. From what works of A.S. Pushkin the phraseological units given here were included in our speech: 1) From the ship to the ball; With a learned air of a connoisseur; What is the coming day for me? You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails. 2) The affairs of bygone days, the traditions of deep antiquity; There is a Russian spirit ... there is a smell of Russia. 3) Science shortens our experiences of fast-flowing life; Yes, the one in whom the conscience is not clear is pitiful; One more, the last saying - and my chronicle is over. 4) Burn the hearts of people with a verb?

6. From what works of A.M. Gorky took these phraseological combinations: 1) Born to crawl cannot fly. We sing a song to the madness of the brave. 2) Let the storm break out stronger! 3) Man - it sounds proudly. You can't go anywhere in the carriage of the past. 4) Lead abominations of life?

Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles

Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles

Tatiana Vladimirovna Lagutina

T. V. Lagutina

Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles


For every person, in whatever country he was born, to whatever nation he belongs, it is important to know his native word, to feel and understand it. After all, it is through words, through our native language that we learn to understand and love the life that surrounds nature and people. And nothing helps us in this so much as folk art: songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, jokes, tongue twisters and riddles, omens, fairy tales.

This book contains a unique, incomparable experience of the Russian people in the upbringing of the younger generation.

If you want your children to grow up spiritually developed, respect your people and your country, instill in them a love of oral folk art. And it is better to start doing this from the cradle, from early childhood, when babies are open to perceiving new information, listen with pleasure and repeat what adults tell them.

Sing songs and ditties to the child, lead round dances with him, learn simple and complex tongue twisters together, play riddles, explain life events, using various folk proverbs that you will find on the pages of this publication.

Thus, you will teach your child to actively perceive the environment, master it creatively, constantly move and develop, train memory and speech, and quickly find non-standard solutions to complex problems.

One cannot deny the educational role inherent in folklore works. Performing any of them with your children, you instill in them a sense of justice, teach goodness, love, care, honesty, independence, and form a positive emotional and mental state in them.

You cannot speak all tongue twisters, you cannot re-articulate

Tongue twisters

Lilac skirt with overwrap.

I see a hill with a sack on it.

I went up the hill and took a sack.

Returned from the hill with a kule.

The cardinals of Carvolan were crowned at the carnival.

The dwarf doctor Karl stole the corals from the dwarf Clara. And the dwarf stealing Clara from the dwarf doctor Karl stole the clarinet. If the dwarf doctor Karl hadn't stolen corals from the dwarf Klara-stole, but the dwarf who stole Klara from the dwarf doctor Karl would not have stolen the clarinet.

White rams were beating drums.

White snow. White chalk.

White sugar is also white.

But the squirrel is not white.

She wasn't even white.

There was a white-winged ram,

He over-winged all the rams.

The bull is blunt, the bull has a blunt lip.

The bombardier bombarded Brandenburg.

The bomber bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

Got a bean bean.

The baker baked the loaf, the loaf, the donut early in the morning.

Baba Vakul shod, and Baba Vakula also shod.

Verzila Vavila cheerfully turned the pitchfork.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system.

Open the gates, Varvara, if it is not the enemy outside the gates, but the enemy and the enemy from the Varvara gates - a turn.

I am driving along the road from vyboenka to vyboenka. On the right is a vyboenka, on the left is a vyboenka - what a beaten track!

Around the courtyard in good health.

Open the gates, Uvar, firewood on the grass near the yard.

The sorcerer was in the barn with the magi.

Where are the mountains in the city of Gagra?

Grandfather Dodon played the tune,

Dimka's grandfather touched a pipe.

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

In the yard there is firewood, behind the yard there is firewood, under the yard there is firewood, above the yard there is firewood, firewood along the yard, firewood in breadth.

I caught burbot, overfished, caught burbot, caught it but never caught it.

Buy a kippah, Peak.

The Turk smokes a pipe, the Turk bites the crumbs.

Our river is as wide as the Oka.

As the Oka, our river is wide.

Just like the Oka, our river is wide.

Bells near the stake.

I sat at Oka, ate apples.

Mow, scythe, while the dew is.

Down with dew - and we are home.

Klava put the bow on the shelf,

Nikolka called to her.

Konstantin stated.

Jackdaw sat on the fence

The Rook started a conversation with her.

The galley messenger burned out.

There is a goat with a scythe goat,

There is a goat with a barefoot goat,

There is a goat with a slanting goat,

There is a goat with a barefoot goat.

The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable.

A dove, a goose and a jackdaw - that's the whole counting room.

If not for profits and not for losses.

The ear was not bad, the ear was not bad.

Good ear if Oka is near.

Things are good - try some fish soup by the Oka River.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered and fluttered.

Crested chickens are good.

He sat down and ate everything.

Bells near the stake.

Where there is jelly, there I ate it.

The tree has pins for splitting.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

A prickly needle.

The woodpecker was sitting on the tree and hammering cracks.

If Kolya is about a collie,

Every now and then a collie near Kolya.

He lay, lay - melted, ran away.

Klim threw a bow into Luka.

Malanya-chatterbox chattered milk,

She chatted, chatted and blabbed everything out.

We caught burbot when we were aground.

Lena barely ate, she did not want to eat out of laziness.

Alyona sat down in a corner, Alyonka has a lot to do.

Needle-needle, you are sharp and sharp.

A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

The cap is sewn, but not in Kolpakov style.

The bell is poured, but not in a bell style.

There are pigeons in the dovecote, and acorns on the oak.

Grandfather Philip got angry -

Sticky glue stuck to it.

Our Polkan from Baikal was lapping.

Polkan lapped - Baikal was not shallow.

Fox cubs went to visit the fox.

We ate, ate molts by the spruce.

They barely ate the molts at the spruce.

They saw, prick, prick, saw Filya and Kolya, Kolya and Filya.

Klim, stab it in one wedge.

Didn't you, dear, pray for love?

And in the fogs of estuaries beckoned me?

We were lazily catching burbots when we were aground,

And you exchanged burbot for tench for me.

- Tell us about your purchases.

- About what purchases?

- About purchases, about purchases,

About your purchases.

Prokop came - dill is boiling,

Prokop is gone - dill is boiling.

And under Prokop dill boils,

And without Prokop dill boils.

The parrot says to the parrot:

"I'll parrot you, a parrot."

The parrot answers him:

"Parrot me, parrot!"

Quail and quail have five quails.

There is a pop on the heap, the cap on the priest, the heap under the butt, the pop under the hood.

The baker baked pies in the oven.

Fields went to weed in the field.

Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a piglet bird; carried it around the market, asked for half a dollar, served a penny, and he sold it like that.

The quail hid the quail from the guys.

Peter baked cookies in the oven and baked all the pastries.

The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and the surety, about the second lieutenant and about the sub-surety, about the warrant officer and the warrant officer, about the warrant officer, but he was silent about the lieutenant.

They talked about Prokopovich. About what about Pro-kopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

The cap is not sewn in a Kolpakov style, it is necessary to re-cap, over-cap, over-cap, over-cap.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

There were three priests, three Procopius the priest, three Prokopyevichs. They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest, about Prokopievich.

Three crows at the gate

Three magpies on the doorstep

Three trees, three black grouse.

A ferry makes its way across the river

Jumping tongue twisters

Like steam in a skillet.

He reported, but did not report it, but began to report it, reported it.

Once upon a time there were crayfish, bully crayfish.

The crayfish lived noisily, started fights.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters

In the courtyard, firewood is chopped with axes.

Thirty-three carriages in a row

They chatter, chatter.

Three trumpeters blew their trumpets.

Large red grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

There is a trail on the grass, grass on the trail.

An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle.

Three paths, three fellings.

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, grandfather Yegor is riding.

Shot on quail and black grouse.

A crow missed by a crow.

Yegor walked through the yard,

Carrying an ax to mend the fence.

The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.

The queen with the cavalier in the caravel departed.

Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Peter Petrov, nicknamed Perov, caught a quail bird.

Marina pickled mushrooms.

Pyotr Petrovich Prygunov arrived from Perm to Rostov.

Polycarp's catch is three crucian carp, three carp.

In the aquarium, Khariton has four crayfish and three newts.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,

Margarita lost her daisies on the grass.

Behind a cockroach with a drum, behind a chest of drawers with an ax.

Greek rode across the river,

He sees the Greek - there is a cancer in the river.

He put his hand in the river,

Cancer on his hand - DAC!

Let go of the red paint to be painted.

I paint the roofs red with red paint.

Axes are sharp for the time being, for the time being axes are sharp.

He brought Pro Egor to the yard of the firewood mountain.

I was at Frol's - I lied to Frol about Lavra,

I'll go to the Lavra - Lavra about Frol navra.

Carried ship caramel, ran aground ship.

And the sailors ate caramel for two weeks on the rocks.

Pharaoh's favorite was replaced by jade with sapphire.

A young man of good looks -

Thirty-three miles in circumference.

Andrey and Arina have dahlias growing.

Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

Our sexton cannot be overpriced.

Kirill-Kirill measured the garden for a long time.

Meryl, measured, stopped, lay down under a tree - tired.

The crab made a rake to the crab.

Crab handed a rake to the crab:

- Rake hay, crab.

In the meadow under the hill

Lay cheese

With a beautiful red crust.

Forty forty in a short time

We ate the cheese.

Pankrat forgot the jack at home.

And Pankrat without a jack

Do not lift the tractor on the tractor.

The chicken is fast, colorful,

The toe duck is flat.

Tara-tara, ta-ra-ra!

Grass grows by the porch.

Ay, tari-tari-tari,

Buy Paradise litari.

Salted Terenty mushrooms -

Thirty-three barrels at once.

Terenty ate mushrooms -

Thirty-three barrels at once.

On the mountain by the river

Buckwheat was born.

The cook Daria has an accident all day.

A quitter stands at the gate, his mouth wide open.

And no one can tell where the gate is and where the mouth is.

The courier was overtaken by the courier into the quarry.

Three lumberjacks

Three woodbreakers,

Three woodcutters

We talked about Larya,

They talked about Larka,

They talked about Larkin's wife.

A rook walks with a black rook in the garden on the ridge.

Trosh weaves, rubs a pot with a rag.

The sled overturned at the little Sled.

On a pine-pine tree, mushrooms have grown.

There is a lot of mowing on a sharp scythe.

There would be mowing, but frost came.

Seine all would sleep in the hay.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

In seven sleighs, seven in a sleigh sat themselves.

In the field - everything, everything, everything. In the field - sowing, sowing, sowing.

Oh, how damp, damp, damp with dew, dew, dew.

Our gas went out - our gas went out.

The mouse sat in the corner,

I ate a piece of the donut.

Eating pussy soup from a bowl.

The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.

A rose bush grew in the garden - a rose bush grew in the garden.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.

A sparrow was sitting on a pine tree.

I fell asleep - and fell in my sleep.

If he hadn't fallen asleep,

I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

There was fat, there was soap.

Sasha knocked a bump with his hat.

The pig bluntly dug the whole yard, dug it, dug it, didn’t reach the hole.

The falcon sat on the head of the trunk.

For seven days and forty I tried, hurried, sewed rawhide boots for myself.

Senka-lucky, take the woman on a sled.

Sled skok, Senka in the forehead.

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawls.

A black grouse was sitting on a tree, and a grouse with black grouses on a branch.

A turner in a short-sleeved shirt cut a clap.

To interpret plainly, but to misinterpret it uselessly.

Finally the blacksmith ate the Varenets.

From a nearby well, water pours all day.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

Ruffs are good in Sheken, pikes are also good.

I was walking along the highway with a road and heard the noise of the chassis.

Our chess player of your chess player will over-chess, over-chess.

Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.

Six mice rustle in the hut.

You are welcome to our hut.

Mom gave Romasha whey from the curdled milk.

Near the pit, three needles are sluggish; I'll stand for the conifers, I'll get the conifers.

Three needles twine around the stake.

All lal, white diamond, green emerald.

How will we somehow stand before the Antichrist?

I will lead the filly along the strap, along the log sideways.

Pull the stripe out from under the cochedron, the stripe from under the cochidoc.

Those seven red-hot arrows, a monster.

Seven sleds, seven sleds.

On the street with bast shoes, with nine - we have no time for bast shoes, not up to nine.

From sour milk, from yogurt.

I will cut the circle, I will lead the mother, I will take out the sister.

White-lipped cucumbers, good fellows white-belly.

Half a quarter of four peas without a wormhole.

There is a pile on the window, not pronounced, not revealed. Grip came to show; expressed and revealed.

Hood goes uphill, thin goes downhill; thin to thin: you are thin, I am thin; sit thin on thin; chase the thin thin, with an iron bar.

In our courtyard, the weather is sluggish.

From the Kostroma region there were four peasants; they talked about auctions and about purchases, about cereals and about sub-pieces.

The fellow ate thirty-three pies and pie, and all with cottage cheese.

The crested giggles laughed with laughter: ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Ivan the fool talked milk, but did not.

Hello, father, brother, sister, buddy, friend - say a bow to the petition: sorry, father, mother, grandfather, father, brother, sister, bird, chicken.

Brother Arkady killed a borax cow on the Ararat mountains.

It is no wonder for a half-brother to say about Polycarp.

The fox is running six by one: lick, fox sand!

Forty mice walked, carried forty pennies, two plain mice carried two pennies.

Three birds fly through three empty huts.

My duck, my darling, do not fly across the river, do not peck the sand, do not dull your sock!

A cat is running across the sky, I will catch up and catch.

Kubra cooked cabbage soup for kubra, came bukar, and sipped it.

Not for what, for something else, like something else

Russian folk jokes

Alyosha is three pennies: a penny neck, an altyn head, three money each leg - that's the whole price for him.

Amen, don't go alone!

Oh you, Sashki, my kanashki, change my papers!

Baiushki-baiu - I give a mallet.

Will you walk on a thread with me.

You will remember my friendship.

It was (will be) a wolf at the withers.

There was a king Dodon, he built up a bone house; they took bones from all over the kingdom, they began to wet them - they soaked them; began to dry - the bones were dry, wet again, and when they get wet, then I will finish.

There was a man Yashka (Sashka), he was wearing a gray earmuff, a buckle on the back of his head, a rag on his neck, a hat on his head - is my fairy tale good? (An annoying tale.)

Vaska is a little pig, a thin pig, legs are shaking, intestines are dragged.

- How much is the guts?

- Three money each.

I will squeeze it in one fist, so the spit will not remain wet.

Take someone in hand. Take (accept) in a tight knit.

I'll take it by the tail and throw it over the bridge.

Here's to you: don't go alone, go with your mother!

Here's one, another grandmother will give. And here's a nut on nuts.

Is everything all right? - All thanks to God; only your favorite raven overeats fell. - But where did he find her? - Yes, the black stallion fell. - How so? - And as the estate burned, they carried water on it, but they drove it. - Why did the fire start? - Yes, as your mother was buried with lights, they accidentally set fire to it.

Wash someone's head. Lather (powder) your head.

Swung high, but lashed low.

Raised high, but lowered low.

Stupid Avdey's neck was nailed.

Geese in a harp, ducks in pipes, crows in boxes, cockroaches in drums, a goat in a gray sarafan, a cow in a mat, the most expensive of all.

Give someone a race, a haircut. Ask fefer, pepper, etc.

Give someone a slap. Give catching up, straining, etc.

He should be put in the cold.

He needs to get cold.

You can't eat troy, it will live on nausea, and grumble at it (you don't eat for three days, it will nauseate on your stomach, and grumble on your belly).

Sorry for the fist, but hitting the fool.

Sorry for the fists, but they beat the fools.

Once upon a time there lived an eldress alone in a village; it went badly - again from the end. (An annoying tale.)

Once upon a time there was a crane with a crane, they set up a stack of senets - shouldn't I say it again from the end? (An annoying tale.)

For whiskey and in a vice (in jerks).

For stubbornness - in the strap.

I will drive it where the raven will not bring bones.

Ask someone a task, a bashing, a skating rink. Set the inverted beam.

You scratch your head. You will scratch the back of my head.

Potions that cure a hangover.

There is a horned goat following the little guys: whoever sucks a tit, butts him with a horn (he butts, butts).

As I grab, you will sing the sura with the interception.

As I kick you, you will carry you seven years with bootlegs.

If the bayonet is not enough, then we will give the butt.

- Cat Eustathius, have you cut your hair? - I got my hair cut. - And you screwed up? - And he screwed up. - Can I walk past you? - Can. The mouse ran, and the cat was her hoe. - Oscoromish, cat Eustathius! - To whom soon, but to our health.

I took it abruptly, got it in the wrong place.

Where the goblin bitches will not go. (Game of bitches.)

Where Makar does not drive calves.

I'll put it on my palm, tap it with the other (fist) - it will only be wet.

A bullet flies, buzzes; I am in the side - she is behind me, I in the other - she is behind me; I fell into a bush - she grabbed me in the forehead; I dashed with my hand - but this is a beetle!

The man is gray, a tall caftan, axes on his bare feet, bast shoes in his belt, a blush under his nose, and on the whole cheek - what's in the nose.

Feed someone with birch porridge.

The peasant mowed a senz, put in the middle of the Polish, shouldn't I say it again from the end? (An annoying tale.)

He sang (strained) him on a crooked spindle.

Fiction in faces, found in old loft rooms, wrapped in black rags.

I have not seen fists, so take pity on your sides.

Not for company, but for the sake of pleasure.

Not for anything else, other things, but for a single unity and friendly company.

Not sorry for the back, but sorry for the club.

- Is there a louse, is there a flea? - One worm, and even that golden one: to beat or to let go? (Play of nannies.)

Whistling around me; I go there - whistle, I here - whistle; trouble, I think, climbed on a birch, I sit - whistling, but it's in my nose.

He just grins at him and looks.

He sharpens his nails (teeth) on me. He has been biting his nails for a long time.

He sat down (leaned, piled) on him and oppression oppression.

I have it in my hands. It's in my hands.

They reckoned with him. Wait, we will settle accounts.

Saddle (bridle) someone. Ride someone on horseback.

The stick is red - they beat in vain; the stick is white - they beat for the cause.

Come to my mortar, I will smooth you with a pestle.

I'll go wide open and beat in sweep.

Full of the cat to drag out of the cup.

The mare liked (liked) the belt whip.

You will get to me under a wool bow.

Got bugs in the pens (in the boyar pens).

They cleaned his buckle. Fished out the sides.

I went to bast to tear up a mountain; I saw the lake floating on the ducks. I knocked three sticks: one spruce, the other

Birch, third rowan; threw a spruce tree - did not give up, threw a birch tree - threw it; threw rowanberry - pleased; the lake fluttered, flew, and the ducks remained.

He called the pop cat in the middle of the post: go, cat, take the pie in your mouth; and the cat brought with him a cat, and sat down with her in the stove.

Get hold of someone. Tidy (bend) to the nail.

Pick someone with a fraction (rods).

Himself on a mare, a wife on a cow, guys on calves, servants on dogs, cats on baskets.

Today is a holiday, the husband's wife teases, climbs on the stove, the fig seems: on you, hubby, a sweet pie, with an onion, with a bowl, with a pepper!

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window! Your children are crying, they are chopping up sulfur (larch resin), they don't give us a spoon, a black bear, we don't have a crumb! (Children's joke in Eastern Siberia.)

The magpie-crow cooked porridge, galloped to the threshold, called the guests: she gave it (on the fingers), gave it to this, but this did not get it (shish on the head).

We began to think and scratch in our head.

You will begin to dance on my tune.

It would be necessary to scrape off the scales from this bream.

I will give such a zaushin that it will ring in my head for three days.

My hand is light - the neck would be strong (thick).

Four birch clubs, a fifth whip, ordered by the retinue.

An eccentric dead man: he died on Tuesday, to bury on Wednesday, and he was looking out the window (and he went to harrow).

Freak deceased: died on Tuesday; they began to hew the coffin, and he jumped up, and well, dance.

A peasant walked, and three peasants met him: sun, wind and frost. The man bowed to the wind. The sun said, "I'll burn you." And the wind: "I won't let you in." Frost said: "I will freeze you." And the wind: "I will give you."

This is only one deposit, and the matter is ahead.

I'll take it in two brushes. I will knock out the dust (fleas) from you.

I'll slap a burdock into his beard.

I'll give him a scratch. I'll comb it my way.

I'll make fun of him, I'll save a nursery rhyme.

I'll fix his hair.

I'll put his nose in the morning. I'll poke him into a pile with my snout.

I'll stick you a bristle.

I'll put a flea in your ear.

I'll put some cabbage soup for you on a spoon.

I'll get you a hut, wait a minute!

I'll sew your tongue below your heels.

I'll click you on the nail - it will only get wet.

Sing along, my dear, I don't sing ...

Russian folk ditties

Comic ditties

Vanka sits at the gate

Opening my mouth wide

And the people will not understand

Where is the gate, and where is the mouth.

I don't know about you,

And here in Yakutia

The sooner the bananas ripen,

Than the frosts are fiercer.

The blue sea cannot be filled -

It's very deep

You can't feed all the bourgeois -

They have a big belly.

The garbage flew across the sky

Silver metal.

A lot these days

Unidentified bullshit.

Listen, girls,

I will sing out of place:

A pig grazes on an oak tree

A bear is steaming in the bath.

My dukhani

Everything is in a new fashion:

Cups, spoons in the barn,

Chickens are in the chest of drawers.

A hare is sitting on a birch

With galoshes, with watches.

I asked: - What time is it?

He replied: - Three hours.

Kolya, Kolya, have you split off?

Kolya is from America.

What are you driving, Kolya?

On a green broom.

In the swamp, in the snow,

A mosquito bit a flea.

A hare is sitting on a birch

Dies with laughter.

Yes on my head

The cow is calving.

Awesome question:

How fit?

My millenko

Bad filly.

She stood by the mountain

Mosquitoes seized her.

I'm from a high fence

I'll fall right into the water

Well, who cares

Where will the spray go!

The footcloths were unraveled,

The greatcoat was widened,

The cap was disguised,

The belt is unloaded.

The telephone pole got married

Took the heifer from the priest.

Pop got mad for it

And he killed the samovar.

I sewed boots from a shirt,

And a shirt made of boots

I put the house out of sawdust,

A nice little house came out.

I'll harness the cat into a droshky

And the kitten in the tarantass.

I'll take my good

To all the people for show.

Singing songs - legs are crooked

I would go to my mother-in-law,

I don’t know where he lives.

I was told at the bazaar:

The fish walks in a sundress.

Full bragging, full of lies:

How will she walk?

There is a cart in the yard,

And gnaws sunflowers,

And the cow's lips are blowing:

Nobody gets married!

My father amused me:

I sewed boots with a pocket,

And a jacket - with heels,

So that the girls do not jump.

Between heaven and earth

Piglet curled

And by accident the tail

He clung to the sky.

I'm on a little sled

On an oak horse

A sheepskin coat on a bare foot,

Unbuttoned boots.

Harness a mosquito

Fly on the side

And I will go to those parts

Himself to look for a cutie.

A bird flew in, sat down

Right at the cock's nose.

The rooster felt offended,

He began to sing: ku-ka-re-ku!

How I grew up and bloomed

Until seventeen,

And at seventeen at a party

I was left without teeth.

Oh, Too-Town,

Restless me

Restless me

Calm me down.

What are you dear, what are you dear,

Halberd on the shoulder, -

Broke well

And the shoulder was not injured.

A new jacket was torn,

And they gave me a club in the eye

Don't scold us, daddy,

That hid behind you.

Oh you macho, macho, macho,

Chaperon over your shoulder!

I'm a good girl

Not kissed yet.


Play, Vasya, play, dear,

You are our favorite accordion player.

What are you girls not singing?

Or are you waiting for the good guys?

Don't shake my hand tightly -

Not a legal spouse.

Are not your eyebrows black

Have you brought us to love?

Oh dear, knock on the wall

I’ll go out to those, I’ll put you in.

Separated our friendship:

Milka - get married, I'm on - to the service.

You are the receiver, fat, smooth,

Don't leave your wife as a soldier.

Do not suffer, girls, for nothing:

All suffering with deceit.

Why are you crying, wetting your handkerchief,

Lured - don't you want to love?

You play the draft

For the heart of the sick.

What are you, my dear, gloomy?

I will not give up - you do not think.

Where are you, my dear, grew,

Did you get beauty for yourself?

Don't play, accordion, that's enough

"Suffering" hurts the heart.

Milka is sleeping, breathing softly.

I kiss - he does not hear.

From suffering, from dashing

There is no medicine

Yes, you flow, a river, a trickle

Come, dear, in the evening.

I spent - got angry,

And then I missed him.

Eh, dry up, Klyazma-river,

Stop hurting your heart.

Zaletochka, where have you been?

At dawn you go and play!

It's good to suffer on the stove:

Legs in a warm place.

Oh, the ring is gold, gold,

I feel sorry for my brother.

Oh you darling, where are you tama?

The path is overgrown with moss,

On which he walked, groaned.

To see from window to window -

And then you can suffer.

I go to bed - I close my eyes,

Oh, love does not give peace.

Remember, dear, where you sat -

A lilac bush blossomed there.

It's good to suffer in the spring

Under the green pine.

The moon shines, the edge shines.

Let's go, honey, let's take a walk.

Come on, darling, shall we order a coffin?

Let us cuddle - we will lie down together.

Goodbye forest, goodbye hazel

Goodbye, my dear, mocker.

It's good to suffer with Katya,

When the sun is at sunset.

Bondage brought me in

On someone else's field to suffer.

Don't go girls get married

For Suvorov shooters,

They hurt my heart

Fourteen steps away.

I'll walk quietly past the house.

Rose is asleep, but the heart is dashing.

Clouds are walking over the mountain

A thunderstorm is gathering.

And to our house a wreck

Eyes would not look.

They say our club is bad

My friend and I like it!

We will cover up the businessman,

Let him get hurt.

How they will hit you with a club -

You will involuntarily cry out.

Hit once, hit twice

And then you will get used to it.

Where do you go to kiss

With such a small growth?

You are not twenty years old,

And fifty dollars with a tail!

My dear to my window

I got in but didn't break.

I saw the computer, sat down ...

Didn't get up anymore.

They started up in the garden

Colorado beetles.

Let's live without potatoes -

There would only be men.

My dear little falcon

Let's sit under the pear.

Sing ditties

And I will listen to you!

Sing along, my dear,

I don't sing

I turned back from the platform

The mouth does not open.

The river flows, the edge splashes.

Sweetheart will come and caress.

Lyas ditties

I'm going to dance

With your gray eyes

I'll start luring.

Oh, I was young

Oh, I was frisky,

And through the window behind the accordion

I climbed to the accordion!

When I hear the accordion,

Blood will play with a key.

I was carried away by the accordion player,

And the accordion has nothing to do with it!

Who sits not having fun

Doesn't dance, doesn't sing -

Don't be offended at us:

In the form of a fine - the ruble gives!

On my sundress

Clubfoot roosters;

I'm not a clubfoot myself -

Clubfoot grooms.

Who has some cute

I have a craft:

I gave my shoes to sew -

Sewed birch beetle.

Walk, hut, walk, hut,

Walk, chicken, crested,

Walk, canopy and threshold,

And sour cream and cottage cheese.

Oh, cat, scatter!

Do not sit on the threshold:

And then darling will go

If he stumbles, he falls.

Oh, stomp, foot,

Do not feel sorry for the boot

Tyatka will sew new

Or these will fit.

If only, if only, if only

Mushrooms grew on the nose,

We would have boiled ourselves

Yes, and rolled into the mouth.

In the yard across the meadow

Ducklings are running.

And I'm barefoot from the stove -

I thought: guys!

She drank tea,


She broke all the dishes -


My dear and I were walking

Near our pond.

The frogs scared us -

Let's not go there anymore!

I'm not a tyatkin

I'm not mamkin -

I grew up on the street

The chicken took me away.

I walked in the village - the girls were sleeping,

Played an accordion - got up,

We got up, woke up,

The windows were open.

Baby, what, baby, what?

Darling angry at what?

Or what people said

Did he notice that himself?

I'm going to dance -

There is nothing to bite at home:

Rusks and crusts -

On the legs support.

Mother sent me

Drive the gander

And I went out the gate -

And let's dance!

I was sitting at the window

My dear rode on a cat,

I began to drive up to the window -

Couldn't hold the cat.

Gnaws a young man,

Underwater snake:

In our club, the whole squad -

Eight girls, one me.

Girls dance entourage,

Four girls in a row.

I was told: this is a complex,

And I thought: an outfit.

About family, love and separation

And my dear gave me

Your faithful love

And I gave him

Its dimensionless.

Outside the woods,

And beyond the forest there is a river.

Where do you go my friend

Heart worn out.

I fell in love with him

He is a boy nothing.

Well, of course, not forever -

For two evenings in total!

I don't need a pound of peas

And one pea

I don't need a lot of girls

And one good one!

Why did you come here

An unfamiliar boy?

Dried up my heart

Like a cracker on the stove.

I loved the falcon

I darned his socks.

And he, the damned crocodile,

With other tricks he started.

There are two flowers on the hillock,

Blue and scarlet.

I will never change

you, my dear.

I'm given to another

And I will be faithful to him forever,

How faithful was Mumu

To his Gerasim.

I do not want to drink tea,

I don't want to brew

I do not want to love you

And even talk!

My darling is fumes

Aki the serpent is on fire.

Stabs it in the face with a fist -

Loves, welcomes.

You, my dear, leave your wife,

Go to the station.

Hand over your wife in the trunk

And lose your receipt.

I'm walking, the window is closed

With a blue curtain.

I congratulate you honey

With a new boyfriend!

Why did you lure

When I'm not nice to you?

You would say from the fall

I would not go in the winter.

Darling, you will lose happiness -

You won't marry me.

I'll cry one day -

You will be lost forever.

I stood behind the porch

And they said: with a fine fellow.

I took out a handkerchief,

And they said: kissed.

Well what is it to become

To carry buckets up the mountain?

I'll go get married there,

Where is the water under the window.

My darling is good

Looks like a teacher.

And put on a jacket -

A real fool.

I will buy myself a ring

With gold breakdown.

If they don't get married,

I'll try anyway!

There is fog in the yard.

The diaper is drying.

All your love is a lie

Beside the child.

Darling, don't knock

Pretty, don’t bother

Under the middle window

Scratch gently.

For high mansions,

Daddy, don't give:

A man is dearer than home -

Choose a person.

Get up mamma early

Wash the burner with sand

Drolechka will go to get married -

I will pay with my voice.

Don't scold me mother

Do not scold, dear:

She was young herself

She came late.

It's okay that I'm small

She took off the star from the sky.

I sat one evening

The boy drove him crazy.

She sewed a pouch for a sweetheart,

And the mitten came out.

Sweetheart came, praised:

- What a craftswoman!

Mommy is not native

The stew is cold

If only you were dear

She poured some hot cabbage soup.

Oh, mountain, mountain,

And under the mountain there is a stream.

Walked me off

I myself do not know whose.

It would be nice to have shoes

On a light run

So that mama doesn't hear

When I go home.

Soon I will become a mistress

At the sweetheart in the house:

Will sit down for supper

By my order.

They came to woo me

With a gilded arc.

While she was powdered, she blushed,

We left for another.

Dear in the fall

Said a secret word:

- Save, sardushka,

Wedding ring.

Curtained windows

Thin white linen.

Know, got married a girlfriend,

Sits crying under the window.

Is it really not enough for the forest -

I'm chopping a birch tree.

Are there really few children -

I love a married man.

Everyone was invited to the wedding

All relatives gathered,

They gave a lot of money

And the "iron horse".

The guests gave us

A mortar, a chock and a trestle bed,

Nothing strange here

After all, a wedding is made of wood!

An asterisk fell from the sky

On a straight line.

Darling translates me

In your last name.

Bitten by a big bulldog

Mother-in-law's skinny leg.

I immediately died from the bite -

Poisoned by my mother-in-law.

We have a bride wherever,

Beautiful Elenka,

Here's a miracle:

She used to prop up the wall in the club.

I have a daughter-in-law N

that is, to be beautiful,

But the mother-in-law is anywhere,

Stately and cute.

My darling is fear of the night

Ears - ten of mine ...

But if you drink, there is something

Hang her noodles!

Tell me friends

How can I be, I don’t know?

Or should I risk getting married

Or drown right away? ...

Water is pouring from the well

Bubbles, foams.

Let a friend from you

Will not go anywhere.

Do not take from your mother-in-law in a barrel

You are salty mushrooms.

So that with a smile on your lips

Do not sit in the bushes afterwards.

Baby, what are you, baby, what are you

Leaned on your shoulder?

And I, dear, do not -

fell in love passionately.


I ask the player to play funny

I, girls, will sing "Semyonovna".

As Semyonovna sits on the ladder.

Yes, songs are sung about Semyonovna.

There are four forks on the table.

Will bring love to the grave.

Eh, Semyonovna, where are you hanging around,

You don't come home at night.

Oh, cucumber, tomatoes!

What the boyfriends have done!

You, Semyonovna, Russian woman:

The chest is high, the jacket is narrow.

Eh, love, love, how harmful -

She was rosy, but became pale.

My mother saws me for Semyonovna:

Don't sing, daughter, my head hurts.

I walk, I walk - the grass is stumped, stuck.

Guys are cunning, and we are cunning than them.

If girls were fish

The boys jumped into the water after them.

Here is Semyonovna eating jam.

So it fights for acceleration.

You are a mountain, a mountain, a cozy mountain.

The guys have five-minute love.

Oh, Semyon, Semyon, you are green like a meadow.

And I'm Semyonovna - the grass is green.

There is semolina porridge on the table.

Do not believe, girls, deceitful love.

Oh, Semyonovna, leather skirt,

You, Semyonovna, are foldable.

Oh, Semyonovna, striped skirt.

Yes, Semyonovna has no voice.

Yes, I came to you, but under the window.

You, Semyonovna, how lively,

Probably drank a glass of bitter.

The plane flew all the way behind the cloud.

I love one, torture the other.

So always keep your line

And you will remain a heroine! ...

I pick an apple, another falls.

I like to beat off - I like it.

I'll put on a dress, put on a white one.

Ah, war, war, what have you done!

Oh, Semyonovna, a fashionable girl:

I bought a watch, myself - hungry.

Why did you bloom, cornflower, in the rye?

Why did you come, my dear, tell me?

Today she cried from morning to evening:

Changed the talker, but there is nothing to do.

The accordion player sits that there is color in the field.

I love him, but there is no date with him.

Eh, Semyonovna, I like you

Kiss me, you won't get poisoned.

And continuation:

Eh, Semyonovna, you are my baby,

Yes, I came to you and under the window.

Kissed, did not poison myself,

I became infected with Senina's love.

I walk, I walk, two paths apart.

Love the good one, throw me the thin one.

There is a large building on the mountain.

There is no happiness in love - only suffering.

There is an answer for every riddle

Russian folk riddles

Riddles about plants

They beat me with sticks, rub me with stones,

They burn me with fire, cut me with a knife.

And for that they ruin me so that everyone loves me.

A house grew up in a field,

The house is full of grain

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up.

The house is shaking

On the trunk in gold.

Golden sieve

There are a lot of black houses.

How many black houses

So many white tenants.


Round, but not the moon,

Green, but not oak grove,

With a tail, but not a mouse.

Two walked, stopped, one asks the other:

- Is it black?

- No, it's red.

- Why is she white?

- Because it's green.

What were they talking about?

(Red currant)

My caftan is green

And the heart is like kumach,

It tastes like sugar, sweet

And he himself looks like a ball.

I'm sitting in a tree

Round like a ball

Tasty like honey

Red as blood.

There is an oak full of groats,

Covered with a patch.

An old man stands above the water

Shakes his beard.


No windows, no doors

The room is full of people.

Blue tunic,

Yellow lining,

And in the middle it's sweet.

Hat on one side,

He hid behind a stump.

Who passes close

Bows low.

Not the sea, not the river, but worried.

(Field with ears)

The mountains of gold grow in the summer.

He threw one and took a whole handful.

Riddles about animals

White as snow

Inflated like fur

She walks on shovels.

Even though I'm not a hammer -

I knock on wood:

Every corner is in it

I want to examine.

I walk in a red hat

And the acrobat is beautiful.

The brothers got up on stilts,

Looking for food along the way.

Whether on the run or on the move

They can't get off the stilts.


Walks on the ground

Doesn't see the sky

Nothing hurts,

And everything groans.

They always call me blind

But this is not a problem at all.

I built a house underground

All pantries are full in it.

There is a shock: In front of the pitchfork,

There is a broom in the back.

The beast is afraid of my branches,

Birds will not build nests in them.

There is my beauty and power in the branches,

Tell me quickly, who am I?

There are wings, but it does not fly,

No legs, but you can't catch up.

In a cramped hut

Old woman's canvas is woven.

Who is in the forest without axes

Builds a hut without corners?


Flies - howls

Sits down - digs the ground.

Who can go out into the open field,

Without leaving your home?

Crying in the swamp

But it does not come from the swamp.

Born twice

One dies.

Front tab,

Behind the wilze,

Below is a towel.


With a beard will be born,

Nobody is surprised.

The fur is soft

Yes, the claw is sharp.

Lies in the hay

Itself does not eat

And it does not give to others.

Fear drags warmly

And the "guard" screams warmly.

(Wolf and ram)

Not a tree, but a chop.

Not a cat, but mice are afraid.

Walks in the summer

And in the winter he rests.


A brawler and a bully,

Lives in water.

Claws on the back -

And the pike will not swallow.

Who wears the forest?

A huge cat will flicker behind the trunks

Golden eyes and ears with tassels,

But this is not a cat, look, beware

The insidious goes hunting ...

Who in the world walks

In a stone shirt?

In a stone shirt

They walk ...


And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,

You will always find us everywhere:

In the clearing, on the edge,

We are green ...


I dig a hole day and night,

I don't know the sun at all

Who will find my longest move

He will tell right away - this is ...

Instead of a nose - a patch,

Instead of a ponytail - a hook

My voice is screeching and a call

I'm funny…


A giant is sailing across the ocean

And the mustache in the mouth hides.

I am in any bad weather

I respect water very much.

I protect myself from the mud

Clean gray ...

There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter everyone dies out

They jump, buzz over the ear.

What are they called?

Under the bark of pine and spruce

Sharpens complex tunnels.

Only to the woodpecker for lunch

It hits ...

Helps us on the farm

And willingly populates

Wooden palace

Dark bronze ...


All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Run up and down the arable land,

And the bird is called ...

Riddles about man

I have worn them for many years

I don’t know the account.

Who walks in the morning on four legs,

In the afternoon for two,

And in the evening for three?


One says

Two are looking

Yes, two are listening.

(Tongue, eyes, ears)

My brother lives behind the mountain,

May he not meet with me.

If it weren't for him,

I wouldn't say anything.

All their lives they have been overtaking

Yes, they cannot overtake each other.

Always in your mouth

You can't swallow it.

The wood is lucky

The knuckle cuts

Wet Martin wraps up.

(Spoon, teeth, tongue)

Two are walking

Two are watching

Two are helping

One leads and orders.

(Human legs, eyes, arms and head)

Riddles about natural phenomena

He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes.

I have sleeves, although I don't have hands.

And even though I'm not made of glass

I am like a mirror, bright.

Who am I? Give an answer!

On the silver road

We went hiking.

Let's stop to rest

And she goes for herself.

Don't take me and lift me

Do not cut with a saw

Do not cut out and do not drive away,

Don't sweep it out with a broom

But only the time will come for me -

I'll leave the yard myself.

One walks, the other drinks,

And the third is eating.

(Rain, earth and grass)

Curls around the nose

And in the hands is not given.

What happened tomorrow

Will it be yesterday?


I wander in the mountains for you

I will answer any call.

Everyone heard me, but

Nobody has seen it yet.

No matter how much you eat,

It will never be full.

What's going on without moving?

The edge is visible, but you won't get there.


The fur coat is new, and there is a hole in the hem.

(Ice hole)

You follow her, she is from you.

You are from her, she is after you.

What is growing down with the top?


It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.

Himself without hands, without eyes,

And he knows how to draw.

No arms, no legs

And climbs into the hut.

The red rocker hung over the river.

Not water and not dry.

You cannot swim away on a boat and you cannot pass with your feet.

The gray cloth stretches out the window.

(Steam, fog)

They often ask me, wait,

And as soon as I appear, they will begin to hide.

Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind,

No legs, but walking.

No eyes, but crying.

He will not knock, he will not blur, but he will come himself.

We do not know grief, but we cry bitterly.

They beat me, turn, cut me,

And I am silent and cry all the best.

An ox roared a hundred villages, a hundred rivers.

What can't you lock in a chest?

(Ray of sunshine)

The blue sheet covers the whole world.

Sister goes to visit brother,

And he is hiding from her.

(Moon and sun)

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

I painted the window without asking.

But who is this?

Here is the question!

All this does ...

Tall and strict

He walks without touching the floor.

Whoever comes out or comes in,

She will always shake the handle.

What a smart old man

Eighty eight legs,

Everyone shuffles on the floor

It's hot at work.

She will be born in the water

But a strange fate

She's afraid of water

And always dies in it.

The wind blows - I don't blow

He does not blow - I blow.

But as soon as I win

The wind blows from me.

It looks like a wedge,

And you will unfold - damn it.

I'm sitting on horseback

I don’t know who.

Meeting acquaintance -

I'll jump off, I'll bring you.

Barely breathed in winter

They are now always with you.

Two sisters will warm you

Their name is ...


White as snow

In honor of everyone

I got it in my mouth -

He disappeared there.

Sits on a spoon, legs dangling.

No arms, no legs

And climbs up the hill.

Five fingers,

No bones, no meat, no nails.


Bone ponytail

And on the back there are bristles.


I was born on the field

It was brewed at the factory,

He dissolved on the table.

With legs, but without arms,

With sides, but without ribs,

With a back, but without a head.

Two abdomens, four ears.

What it is?


The dog does not bark

But he won't let him into the house.

Four brothers live under one roof.

The tail is in the yard, the nose is in the kennel.

Whoever turns his tail will enter the house.

(Key in the lock)

Steep mountain

Every step is a hole.


That the house is freezing in winter

Isn't it on the street?

(Window glass)

They always see each other, but do not converge together.

(Floor and ceiling)

He walks, walks, but does not enter the hut.

Stands across the entrance.

One hand in the hut

Another on the street.

Riddles about technology and labor

Himself thin, and the head with poods.


I am a river and friend and brother,

I am glad to work for people.

I'm built by machines

I can shorten the paths.

And from the drought, like a warrior,

Forest and field on the shore!

A rolling pin walks along the road,

Heavy, huge.

And now we have a road

Like a ruler, straight.

(Road roller)

He walks and eats the earth -

Hundreds of tons in one sitting.

He cuts the steppe into pieces,

And behind him the river flows.


I'm not alive, but I'm walking

I help to dig the earth.

Instead of a thousand shovels

I'm glad to work alone.


The big-eyed beetle hummed,

I went around a green meadow,

Crumpled feather grass by the road

And he left, kicking up dust.


A cow walks in a pole -

Fat tongue.

A cow cuts the grass

Right under the spine.

We are glad to overtake each other.

Look, my friend, do not fall!

The word is silver and silence is gold

Russian folk proverbs

About a woman and a woman's share

Woman's fees - goose age.

Baba is not a dough: she got up and went.

Baba's road - from the stove to the threshold.

Where there are two women, there we put it (diet, gathering), and where there are three, there is sodom.

Where a woman is, there is a market; where there are two, there is a bazaar.

Three women are a bazaar, and seven are a fair.

Babe even have a stake on his head.

Baba has seven Fridays a week.

Step the woman along, she measures across.

Women’s crafts, which are wrong thoughts.

Between women, yes and no, you can't put needles.

The hair is long, but the mind is short.

The hair is long and the tongue is longer.

Women's minds are like Tatar soums (swept over).

Baba is like an earthen pot: take it out of the oven, it hisses more.

The good godfather lives and is crazy.

What is the shame of the grandfather, the laughter of that woman.

There is no guesser for a woman's disposition.

Let the woman go to paradise: she leads the cow with her.

Women's custom is to help trouble with tears.

Women and drunks have cheap tears.

A chicken is not a bird, and a woman is not a man.

A hen cannot be a rooster, and a woman cannot be a man.

We cannot expect good from our rib.

About thrift and prodigality

We lived in glory, but died - a strange shroud.

Flaunt from a young age, and die of hunger in old age.

We live early and sow late.

He eats nuts, and there are holes on the zipun.

There is silk on the belly, but there is a crack in the belly.

Fel in your stockings on your pantaloons.

Well done, he wasted on a bare bone.

Let's have a drink? - Let's have a drink. - Where's the money? - And what do you have a hat for?

A penny to God and a quarter to a tavern.

I dress smartly and get drunk.

They scattered sticks on other people's jackdaws.

And the money was great, but all went out.

Everything passed as if it was burned by fire.

Everything has failed.

We live dusty, we smoke smoky; there are cigarette butts, but no cigarettes.

I got to the mud, lived to the bast.

It was in my hands, but it drifted down my fingers.

The father saved up, and the son was frightened.

Any rag (fiction) will come in handy in three years.

He who lives sparingly saves money.

The kopeck of the ruble protects, and the ruble guards the head.

Fluff to fluff - and the perinka will come out.

About faith in God

To live is to serve God.

God is not in power, but in truth. God is not in power, but in truth.

God is not wretched; God has much mercy.

God has many things. Everything is possible with God.

God is merciful, but I, by his mercy, am not squalid.

Wait in time: God has something to give.

God's water runs on God's earth.

God's dew sprinkles God's earth.

Not a father before children, like God before people.

Everyone is about himself, but the Lord is about everyone.

The Lord is merciful not for our sins.

God will give the day, God will give food.

God took care of the length and breadth.

God has plenty of room for the righteous.

If you go with God, you will reach goodness (you will find a good path, you will find a good path).

You will rely on God, you will not lean.

Man walks, God leads.

God loves - and they lead to people.

God will fall behind, good people will also leave.

The horse is not lucky, God carries.

He who is to God, to that and God.

He who loves God will receive much good.

Lovers and God loves.

He does not lose heart who trusts in God.

Everything in the world is created not by our mind, but by God's judgment.

There is God's wisdom on human stupidity.

Not according to our will, but according to God's will.

You walk under God - you bear God's will. God imposes a cross according to power.

Without faith, the Lord will not deliver, without righteousness, the Lord will not correct.

To refuse God - to stick to Satan.

As faith is, so is God.

To change faith is not to change your shirt.

To change faith is to change conscience.

The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the foot.

About trouble, sorrow and joy

At the age of seven, seventy-seven troubles were overwhelmed.

We live - we cough, we walk - we limp.

That day is joy, but tears never diminish.

With longing we do not see a free light.

We live - we don't chew bread, if we swallow - we choke.

Sleep in anguish, on bare boards.

Wear a dress, don't fold it; endure grief, do not tell!

Not sleeping, but I slept in trouble.

Trouble will come and knock you off your feet.

Trouble piled up, crushed the peasant completely.

Grief-bitter: even bitter, but get drunk.

Woe is belted with bast.

Lost like a cabbage worm.

I didn't think, I didn't wonder how I got into trouble.

The nail got stuck - the whole bird is gone.

Lost for a penny. They ruined him not for a penny.

Like into a cesspool (like into water, into fire, etc.).

Peeled off like sticky. They were robbed like a raspberry.

Life was quiet, but people were dashing.

To offend the poor - not wanting good for yourself (looking for death).

I’ll scout someone else’s trouble with beans, but I don’t apply my mind to mine.

Someone else's trouble is laughter; its own trouble is sin.

Someone else's grief half-effort grieve.

His grief is a great nodule; someone else's sore - scratching.

Death is red in the world.

It shakes overhead, and it will touch us.

The farther grief is, there are fewer tears.

Trouble has come - wait for another.

One misfortune did not die away, the other caught fire.

Who did the parable not come true? Over whom did the trouble not crumble?

Neither eternal joy nor endless sorrow.

One problem is not a problem.

One misfortune will not bother you, but will bore you, so it will teach you a lesson.

Troubles teach, victories torment.

Distant farewell - extra tears.

Time paints, and timelessness blackens.

Curls curl with joy, split in sorrow.

Lay it down, Lord, with a stone, raise a feather.

With joy, the old men and women also looked younger.

Need (misfortune, grief) crushed seven, but only one got joy.

It is not the comb that groom (scratches), but time.

Our century is short: it will not be long.

The mind gives birth to a good life, a bad one to lose.

At the time with the mind, without a pore with a bag.

The trouble of stupidity is a neighbor. The trouble is crazy.

Good is ashamed, but poor is not loving.

From a good life they get fat, from a bad life they lose weight.

The day fades at night, and the man grows sad.

Kruchina will knock you off your feet, need will bite at all.

No bottom, no tires, no respite from trouble.

I got drunk with troubles, I got drunk with tears.

A share in time lives, an empty space in timelessness.

Cries like a bachelorette party.

The evil one cries with envy, the good one with joy.

Sadness will not kill you, but will knock you off your feet.

They do not die with sorrow, but dry.

Woe for years: he makes furrows.

Sadness will not decorate a person.

Sadness does not color, grief does not bloom.

Years do not grow old, but grief.

Rust eats iron (crushes), and sorrow eats the heart.

From the sorrows of weakness, from weakness, death.

Any disease to the heart.

Woe that the arrow strikes.

And without pepper it will reach the heart.

As rust in the swamp ate white snow, so the kruchinushka crushed the good fellow.

Moth eats clothes, but sorrow eats the heart (of a person).

Anything is dashingly controversial: it will not pass soon.

Grief is quick: you will come true, but not soon.

You won't get over the grief soon.

Thin is quick, you will not live (will not die) soon.

The trouble is not good: after playing, you will not throw.

The trouble is not good: you don’t know how to play, but you don’t dare to leave.

At least raise your hands to the sky.

Oh, God knows about what made the stomach dry.

Joy is straight, twist is hook.

Happiness puffs up, trouble hooks.

With sadness, the neck is equal to the shoulders.

Nowhere will they give a place to heat

From the excess of the mouth they speak.

I hung the little head on the right side.

You can't drive through a steep field.

You can't saturate people with brutality.

You can't fill the sea with a tear.

We are shedding burning tears.

And a liquid tear, but a caustic one.

As a worm in a nut, there is sorrow in the heart.

Troubles and sorrows were downloaded from their feet.

Trouble and sorrow at the post office rushed.

You can't wash off the chill of your heart.

The winds do not open the gorges.

To live in grievances that with a lion in ditches.

Bitter trouble has no sweet food.

Sadness is visible on clear eyes, a grief on a white face.

Drive with your hand, and wipe your tears with the other.

Eyes on a fist, and tears on a stick (on a tourniquet).

Eyes will pour in as a tear breaks through.

I would be glad not to cry, but tears are pouring themselves.

I am not crying, but a tear runs.

It is not a pen that writes, not an ink-ink - it writes with a burning tear.

The more you cry, the less you ride.

Ours cry, and yours do not jump.

If trouble comes, food will not come to mind.

Timelessness will come - you will forget the walk.

Not before washing, if the pig has spilled lye. To those who have an ailment, ours is also a good thing to do (that is, abuse).

Take hunger - a voice will appear.

If trouble comes, a tear will penetrate (break through).

Grief will not be silent.

Let's go, whimper - and the floors were plugged.

For this, the blind cries, which he does not see.

There are tears - there is also a conscience.

A feast in heaven when the sinner cries.

Hungry and caring debt mass (debt week).

Everywhere they jump, but we cry.

About hospitality

We ask for the hut: a red place for the red guest.

An unexpected guest is better than an expected two.

Uninvited people go to feasts and brothers.

The invited guest is unprofitable. It is necessary to please the invited guest.

Guest for guest is joy for the host.

God grant a good guest, but with a bad mind (unintelligible).

A good guest is honored to the host.

The host is glad to see a good guest.

Wherever I went, I did not pass by.

Was driving past, but turned in the smoke.

Treat to regale, and captivity is not involuntary. Honor to the guest, if there is a will.

A guest is in the house, and God is in the house.

God is on the wall, bread is on the table.

Although he is not rich, he is glad to have guests.

Do not be reserved for the guest, but be glad to him.

What is in the oven, all swords are on the table.

The guest to the host is not a pointer.

Do not judge in someone else's house!

What they put, then eat, and listen to the owner in the house!

Eat - do not crumble, but eat - do not ask (and do not ask any more).

Beckon to the yard, but don't let it out of the yard.

There is not even a spoon for the intruder.

The guest is not a bone, you can't throw it out the door.

Put on the threshold, but in the neck to the gate.

About study and literacy, sense and stupidity

Literacy will always come in handy (forward).

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Without a warehouse in warehouses, to no avail in sense.

The paper suffers, the pen writes.

The pen creaks, the paper is silent.

Written with a pen, do not cut down and with an ax.

Read, do not turn, and what is written, do not be angry.

You can't say better than print. Speaks like a book.

It is not good to read, if only tops are enough.

He reads the code, but does not know the case.

Looks at the book, but sees a fig.

Read a little, but a lot (and more) minds!

The letter is like chickens roaming around.

The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.

Let's go for the fool, but follow yourself!

I didn’t drive, I didn’t drive with a whip.

I didn’t drive the way, I drove me with my fist: wherever he went, he wouldn’t reach seven miles.

I went to see Thomas, and stopped by the godfather.

I went to Kazan and stopped in Ryazan.

You give him spoons, and he gives you bowls.

One lied, the other did not make out, the third twisted in its own way.

You are on the steelyard, and he is with an yardstick.

You're closer to the point, but he's about a white goat.

You are along to him, and he is across.

The more you pull, the more likely it will burst.

I cut it off at the end, but left nothing in the middle.

I pulled it from the ends with my teeth, burst in the middle.

The flea drowned the bathhouse, the louse steamed, hit the shelf.

The cat in the basket sews its fly, the cat pounds crackers on the stove.

I rode as a summer worker, but turned off to the winter road.

I drove along the road, but whirled entirely.

No sleigh, nothing to hide, nowhere to go, but let's go.

Let's go with nuts, they will come with nothing.

The godfather was driving, but no one knows where.

I went to the Crimea for cabbage.

Shy away from evil, but buy a goat!

In winter with a harrow, and in summer in a carriage.

Mountain - water, forest - sail.

Milks a lot, but the milk is liquid.

Neither hums nor calves.

No beginning, no end, walk around the ring.

Neither crawls, nor climbs, nor does it get there.

Neither from the box, nor into the box.

Does not fit into the box, does not come out of the box and does not give the box.

One about Thomas, the other about Erema.

Do not threaten, Kuzma, the tavern is not trembling.

The side hurts for the ninth year, I don't know which place.

Standing on a bench, but head on the floor.

The peasant guessed, he put a hut on the stove.

Get lost in the groin, with the pantalik, confused.

Topsy-turvy, out on the rattle.

He smacks a fever. Carried. He took a bite at the bit.

That mad cat rushes about.

Beats out of business, teaches out of mind.

The concoction has gone, the sleeves have been shaken off.

The husband forges, the wife blows, something will happen.

He forges himself, his wife blows, but God knows what will happen.

Hisses and blows, something will happen.

Take your time to weave, look at the thigh!

It’s a stupid village, so it’s not worth it.

When rye, then measure.

Do not hope for happiness: do not buy a lame horse!

Don't buy for a hundred, buy for a become!

On the case and the advice is kept.

A wild dog barks in the wind.

The dog and the lord are free to breach.

The mallet behind the church gallops: people can't see it, and in honor of God.

The woman jumps back and forth, and business goes on as usual.

This is not a reason: from the guard to the garrison.

Not about what the question is, that the guilty is flogged, but about what is where he is.

Not about that they say that they eat a lot, but about the fact that they ate the crumb and where to put the crust.

Not about that they say that they eat a lot, but about where the crumbs (leftovers) are put.

Not about what they say, what they ate, but about what they did, what they didn't finish.

End of introductory snippet.

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Table of contents [Show]

Section "Riddles, Proverbs, Sayings and Poems"

The work of any preschooler teacher is closely related to a variety of literary and folklore heritage: fairy tales, riddles, proverbs and sayings, nursery rhymes, games and many other types of written and oral creativity of different peoples of the world. The competent use of such materials not only positively affects the development of children's speech, broadens their horizons and positively affects the development of logical thinking, but also forms a general idea of ​​the world and culture of the peoples of the world in preschool children.

Riddles, as one of the types of folklore genre, have existed since ancient times and, in one way or another, are present in the cultures of almost all peoples of the world. In ancient times, complex riddles were used as a kind of military-diplomatic language, an echo of which can be found in ancient fairy tales, where the rulers set tasks for the hero to solve various and very difficult riddles.

Riddles for children are very often used by educators in their daily work: in integrated classes, classes to familiarize themselves with others or to develop speech. As a rule, children's riddles are very characteristic of a kind of poetics, which is very useful for a more complete immersion in culture and listening to poetic works by children.

It makes sense to use logic riddles (usually not very difficult) in mathematics classes in senior and preparatory groups. Correctly selected logic puzzles force children to form their own logical chains in the process of finding answers to the questions posed.

A huge number of the most diverse mysteries are devoted to natural phenomena and certain types of flora and fauna. Riddles about nature, riddles about natural phenomena are excellent material for classes to familiarize preschoolers with the world and nature, natural material and proven by more than one generation of both teachers and children.

Proverbs and riddles about books

Proverbs and sayings about the book

  • A book beautifies in happiness, and comforts in misfortune.
  • Whoever knows more will have books in hand.
  • The book is the best friend.
  • The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.
  • From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
  • It is not good for a book to read when only tops are enough in them.
  • I owe everything good in me to books (M. Gorky).
  • Love a book - a source of knowledge (M. Gorky).
  • Book a book, but move your mind too.
  • The book is good, but the teachers are bad.
  • Books do not speak, they tell the truth.
  • Read your books, but don't forget your business.
  • To read books is not to play nice.
  • If you read books, you will know everything.
  • Choose a book the way you choose a friend.
  • The book is for the mind, that warm rain for the seedlings.
  • Books do not like when they are honored, but love when they are read.
  • The book is like water: the road will break through everywhere.
  • The book will help you in your work, it will help you out in trouble.
  • One good book is better than any treasure.
  • A good book is a sincere friend.
  • A good book shines brighter than an asterisk.
  • The book is the food of the mind.
  • The book is your friend, without it as without hands.
  • The book is two sheets, and the middle is empty.
  • The book is the book - strife: one teaches, the other torments.
  • The book is not an airplane, but it will take you far away.
  • The book is not a hat, but choose by the head.
  • In a book, look not for letters, but for thoughts.
  • Behind the book - move your mind.
  • Another book enriches, and another - perverts from the path.
  • Another book of mind will add, another and the last one will knock it off.
  • He leads the book with a different eye, but his mind walks away from him.
  • To whom is the book - entertainment, and to whom - teaching.
  • Whoever knows the words and beeches, that and books in hand.
  • It is wasted labor to fish without a hook and study without a book.
  • One book teaches a thousand people.
  • To know with books is to gain some mind.
  • To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.
  • With the book you will lead - you will gain intelligence.
  • A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
  • You can't say smarter than a book.
  • Different from books, different from valleys.
  • In the house, not a single book - the owner's kids are bad.

Riddles about books

Russian riddles about the book:

She is small
and gave me a mind.

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.

Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a plant, but with a root,
Not a man, but with reason.

Who speaks silently?

Quest from The world around us, workbook, grade 4, part 2, answers, Perspective

The daughter-in-law is standing and spread her legs: the world feeds, she does not eat (plow).

Potap stands about four paws, from year to year he drinks water (nursery).

Bows, bows - comes home, stretches out (ax).

Kochet ankles, bow much (the same).

Toil, toil - he comes home, stretches out (the same).

The beauty lies with her face in the podlavitsa (the same).

He walks into the forest, looks home; he walks out of the woods, looks into the woods (he is, behind his belt).

Soon he eats and chews finely, she does not swallow and does not give to others (saw).

Pig and flax are dragged through a horse and a cow (the rocking of boots).

A pig walked through a bull on an iron track, a tar tail (the same).

Himself naked (naked), and the shirt in the bosom (candle and lamp).

Day sleeps, night looks, dies in the morning, another replaces (candle).

Who is neither baptized nor born, but lives by the truth? (Steelyard).

Blackie, ogarysh, where are you going? - Be quiet, you dug, and you will be there (beer cauldron and vat).

Borovishche in a black barn (tar in a barrel).

I walk around the field, hammer on one pole (stuffing hoops).

In the hut as a raven, out of the hut as a swan (lutoshka).

Dry Friday gnaws bones (comb, comb).

The woman's craft was overgrown with brushwood (yarn tip).

Under the front, the front is a gentleman with a beard (comb with a lobe).

I sit on an aspen (linden), I look through a maple, I shake a birch (spinning).

Five, five sheep eat up the embryo; five, five lambs (or: the sixth lamb) run away (the same).

Five, five sheep eat up the embryo; five, five sheep pick up dust (the same).

Five brothers are running along the road, but they are dry; five brothers stand under the odon, but are wet (fingers of both hands while yarn).

Five eat up and five adjust (fingers and yarn).

Four sisters are chasing around; one will not catch up with the other (sparrows, reel).

Whether to fill those riddles - throw them over the garden bed, over the fence, over the master's yard (crest, lobe).

Small, round, but do not lift by the tail (ball).

I trample with my foot, press with my stomach, sniff with my hand, twice the column and start again (weaving).

I rub it with my belly, legs with a prue, where it opens, and here I will weave (weaving).

A blind pig crawls near the tynu (shuttle).

Wooden legs, at least stand all summer (weaving mill).

Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are carnations (scissors).

Little blue, little one gallops around the city, paints all people (a needle).

Little, little blue, cute to the whole world (the same).

Small, light, the whole world dresses (the same).

The blue titmouse has dressed all the white light (the same).

A pig of gold, a bristle, a linen tail, gallops around the world, paints the whole world (or: dresses. A needle and thread).

The animal is about one inch, and the tail is seven miles (the same).

Iron itself, and tailor's tail (needle and thread).

The goby is forged, and the tail is stolen (the same).

Steel horse, linen tail (same).

Iron horse, sloping tail (same).

Iron bull, towed tail (same).

Iron wolf, hemp tail (same).

Sniffing under the gate, leaning beard (same).

A pig is running from St. Petersburg, all pitted (thimble).

On a pit, a pit, a hundred pits with a pit (thimble).

In the fossa, in the fossa, there are one hundred pits with a pit (the same).

The tipyak (picktel) beats, the revyak (millstone) roars, the pipes (wheels) crackle, the waters splash (the mill).

Caps fly and say: our mother has a heart of stone, an iron breast (the same).

Horses flooded in Kirilovskoye field, a dog barked in Muromskoye, a bear roared in Ivanovsky (Romanovsky) (horses - mill pests; dog - flutter; bear - millstone).

Behind the spruce forest, behind the birch grove, the filly neighs, the foal is waiting (the mill).

In the field, the field was trampled by horses, a bear roared at the fair (the same).

A woman is sitting on a yura, her legs dangling into the river (the same).

The Justice Bird looks at the wind, waves its quails, does not move itself (the same).

Without arms, without legs, he crumbles noodles (the same).

Takh-tararah, there is a house on the mountains, water splashes, the beard is shaking (the same).

Knocking, strumming, a hundred end runs: what is in the neighborhood, he will eat all the bread (same).

The whole world feeds, she does not eat (the same).

A monk lies in the steep mountains; will come out, feed the faithful and the unfaithful (millstones).

Two hogs are fighting, foam falls between them (the same).

The bull grumbles, the old man knocks; the bull will run, the foam will tumble down (millstones).

In a dark hut, the bear roars (the same).

Brother's brother rubs, white blood flows (same).

One says - let's run, the other says - we'll lie down, the third says - we'll swing (water, millstone, wheel).

Awl, the reel walked under the hull, spoke German (crane).

Seven Semionov, one Matryona (pestles and mortar in the mill).

Knocking, strumming, spinning, not afraid of the fear of God (crush).

Quickly without legs, without living strong, without reason cunningly (mill).

I will go into the stamp, look into the laborer, there is a bubble with a trinket (forge).

The headless (brace) ground up.

Dry Martin spits far away (gun).

The black one wants to bark (the gun).

Dudka-duda, there is a hole on the pipe; the duda crackles, the dog runs (the gun).

An eagle flies, fire in its mouth, human death (a gun) at the end of the tail.

A raven is flying, its nose is bound: where it pokes, the ore sinks (the gun).

In the field-polische they carry a bootleg: in this bootleg tar, lightness and death are not far off (a gun).

On the mountain-mountain lies the bootleg: in that boot there is tar, lightness and death not far away (a gun on the shoulder).

A thin bird flies, feathers are red and yellow, at the end of its human death (gun, shot).

An owl flew from a red village, an owl sat on four pillars (shot).

In the stove there are three lumps, three geese, three ducks, three apples (a rifle charge).

The grouse flew in the evening, not now, fell into a swan - and now I won't find (bullet).

A small bird rolls across the field, is not afraid of anyone (rifle bullet).

There is a pig from the swamp, all the spoilage (nonsense).

The legs are made of stone, the head is wooden, and he himself is in shabur and walks in the water (lack of a hem).

The yard is full of holes, people say, but they won't let you go out (muzzle).

I didn’t ride with a horse, I didn’t drive with a whip, I didn’t burn a stick, I didn’t hit the jackdaw, I cooked it, I didn’t cut it off (to fish for a splinter).

Thieves (fishermen) came, the owners stole (fish), and the house went through the windows (water into the cells of the net).

I went along here-tukhtu, took a tav-tavta with me, found it on a snoring ottoman; If it weren't tav-tavta, the snoring-ottoman would eat me (went after the horse, took the dog with him and found it on the bear).

I walked along tyukh-tyukhtyu, ours is currency-tyukhtyu; If this was not a currency-tyukhtya, it would have eaten me with a tyukh-tyukhtya (a man, an ax and a bear).

It grew up in the forest, carried it out of the forest, cries in its arms, and is jumping on the floor (balalaika).

In the forest, something is tyap-tyap, at home it is a blooper, if you take it on your knees, it will cry (balalaika).

He grew up in the forest, hung on the wall, cries in his arms, whoever listens jumps (beep).

Whatever one may say, but the human brain is so perfect that sometimes you wonder - where can it get so many non-standard solutions from? Here is the science of numbers - that's understandable. But when these same numbers are involved in sayings, puzzles, games and scanwords, then there is clearly not so much a scientific as a creative path. It turns out that such folklore has existed since the days of Ancient Egypt. Even then, the pharaohs practiced numerical riddles, learning from the sages. And today, proverbs, poems and puzzles with numbers are a panacea that almost everyone, from small to old, is addicted to.

Unique puzzles and riddles

Let's take a look at such an interesting direction as digital charades. First, let's find out what are the riddles with numbers:

  • Mathematical tricks.
  • Solvers with numbers, fractions, even and odd digits.
  • Digital puzzles with cards, dice, dominoes, matches and other board entertainment.
  • Developing memos and educational puzzles.
  • Riddles-couplets (verses).
  • Stanzas with numbers from 1 to 10.
  • Rebus games, scanwords.
  • Riddles-fairy tales for children.
  • Active counting rhymes and puzzle games with numbers in groups.
  • Single ingenuity - "count in your mind."

Solving riddles-tasks and game simulators, we improve and develop. This is a very rewarding activity, especially when numbers are involved in the puzzles.

What are number riddles for?

Answering the question why or for whom such interesting wisdom as riddles with numbers is needed, you can answer this way: "For everyone." Today, when science and education are developed, everyone should know any numerical values, combinations and operations with them, starting with the multiplication table and reaching the level of high school mathematics. This is enough to be in the stream of modern life. But someone does not stop there and comprehend the heights of higher algebra, geometry and physics. And riddles with numbers improve the development of memory and observation. By studying numbers, people become smarter and wiser, more educated and more perfect. Therefore, we will move on directly to the numerical riddles.

Sayings and riddles with numbers

Oh you, riddles-riddles, how sweet you can be ... Having set themselves the goal of solving such puzzles, the subjects plunge headlong into such an exciting lesson. Let's take an example of how clever such puzzles are.

Let's write some riddles with numbers without answers:

  1. How many birthdays does a 100-year-old grandfather have in his entire life?
  2. 7 gas burners burned, 3 burners were turned off. How many hotplates are left?
  3. A braid winds up to the wind, and in the middle of the back is a strip.
  4. How many ends do five rods have?
  5. Long neck with a hook ... Loves loafers, loafers are her - no!
  6. Five lads have one job - to the point of crunching.
  7. If it stands on the head, it will increase by three.
  8. There are six legs, there is wool, two heads and one tail. Who is this?
  9. Seven brothers: the same in years, but different names.
  10. Will somersault a chapter, and decrease by three.

Now let's give riddles with numbers and answers:

  1. There are 33 sparrows on the pages of the alphabet. And every kid knows the same sparrows at school. (Letters)
  2. 12 brothers are doing different things, replacing each other in one common business. (Months of the year)
  3. One hundred pine warriors stand side by side in a chain. Day and night and all year round they protect the garden. (Fence)
  4. Two mothers have five sons each, and they all have the same name. (Fingers)
  5. Brothers all live together and always in only one book. These ten brothers are smart and count everything in the world. (Numbers)
  6. The turtle has two hind legs, two front legs, besides, two right and two left. How many legs does a turtle have in total? (Four)
  7. Eight handles as many legs, loves to embroider around. The master knows a lot about silk. Flies rush all on silk! (Spider)
  8. There is one hat and four legs. Needed at lunchtime for family council. (Table)
  9. Four ears and two belly. (Pillow)
  10. One hundred clothes sit without fasteners, whoever takes them off sheds tears. (Onion)

Riddles with logical thinking

Logic riddles with numbers are very attractive. Let's consider examples of their solution:

  • Valentina's chain weighs 5.5 grams. Think and tell me how many tons weigh a million such chains. (Answer: A million jewelry weighs 5.5 tons.)
  • Seven diggers dig out 7 meters of the ditch in 7 hours. How many diggers will dig 1000 meters of a ditch in 1000 hours? (Answer: 7 diggers.)
  • The clock strikes three times in 3 seconds. How long will it take until the walkers beat seven. (Answer: 9 seconds.)
  • One hundred walnuts must be divided among 25 buyers so that no one has an even number of walnuts. How to do it? You can't eat nuts. (Answer: Problem without solution.)
  • Three friends - Zina, Martha and Pelageya - sat down on a bench in a row. How many techniques could they use to sit down? (Answer: Girlfriends could be accommodated in 6 ways: Zina - Martha - Pelageya; Zina - Pelageya - Martha; Martha - Zina - Pelageya; Martha - Pelageya - Zina; Pelageya - Zina - Martha; Pelageya - Martha - Zina.)
  • What number should stand instead of A in the solution: 9A: 1A = A. (Answer: Number 6.)
  • Three dozen oranges cost the same as they sell for 16 rubles. How much are twelve oranges if the dozen is 12? (Answer: Twelve oranges cost 8 rubles.)
  • The tourist bought a suitcase, boots and a tie and paid 140 rubles for all the goods. The suitcase cost 90 rubles more than the boots, and the boots and the suitcase together cost 120 rubles more than a tie. How much does each item cost separately? (Answer: A tie costs 10 rubles, boots - 20 rubles, a suitcase - 110 rubles.)

Sayings and riddles with the number 7

Tongue twisters and rebuses with specific numbers deserve special attention. A lot of proverbs and problems have been invented for each figure. Humanity is fascinated by the sophistication and severity of mathematical games.

Number 7 riddles:

  • The braid is twisted to the wind, and there is a strip among the back. (Answer: Seven.)
  • Six of the squirrel friends sat down on a soft spruce. Suddenly the sister rushed to them - She was hiding from the dogs. All fur in a row is warm. How many squirrels are there in the needles? (Answer: Seven.)
  • I belong to the kind of numbers, which is less than 10. It's easy to recognize me. With me next to the letter "I" will unite us all - father, brother, mother, me ... (Answer: Seven.)
  • Seven tomboys on the ladder squealed songs. (Answer: Sheet music.)
  • How many steps can sparrows take in seven years? (Answer: None, the sparrow does not walk, but jumps.)
  • The bridge stretches for 7 versts, and on the edge of the bridge is a red verst. (Answer: Week.)
  • I said to my sister: stop, seven-colored arc bridge! But only a cloud will hide the light - the bridge will fall, but there are no chips. (Answer: Rainbow.)

Sayings with the number 7:

  • Measure seven times and cut one.
  • One eccentric is not expected in seven ways.
  • There are seven Fridays in the week.
  • There is a sacrament behind seven locks.
  • With a spoon, seven, and with a bipod, one.
  • A child without an eye and seven nannies.
  • On jelly and seventh water.
  • We will protect, if we are seven, and not one.
  • From seven ailment garlic and onion.
  • With one stroke of seven like a chopping block.
  • There are seven spans in the forehead.
  • One answer and seven troubles.
  • Small village, but seven governors.
  • For a mad dog, seven miles is not a strip.
  • One shepherd has seven sheep.
  • The soup is very cool, since it is made of seven cereals.
  • Don't be afraid of seven deaths, but wait for one.

Riddles for kids with numbers

Well, for the smallest, there are interesting short excerpts. They are informative and instructive. And if above we have cited sayings and riddles with the number 7 in the form of quotes and aphorisms, then others look in the style of artistic solvers. It is these puzzles that kids love to solve in kindergartens and at home with their mothers and fathers. They repeat every word after their parents, learn to think and develop quickly.

Let's give an example of 5 riddles with numbers and answers for children:

  1. Little Alena is crazy about animals. She has six turtles, four puppies, two rabbits and seven hamsters at home. How many legs do all the inhabitants of the room have, together with Alena? (Answer: Two legs, because animals have legs.)
  2. Three hedgehogs went to bed, each in his own burrow, and fell asleep at different times. The first hedgehog fell asleep on December 17, the second on January 15, and the third on December 20. When will each of the hedgehogs wake up? (Answer: In the spring.)
  3. Seven quails sat on a branch. One of them was shot by a hunter. How many birds are left to sit? (Answer: None, the rest, frightened, flew away.)
  4. Write the words "dry grass" in four letters. (Answer: Hay.)
  5. Which word starts with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "I"? (Answer: Trigonometry.)

Number puzzles with intrigue

In addition to the fact that there are riddles with numbers, there are also tricky puzzles that are very easy, but in fact, they can put any professor into a stupor the first time. These are the so-called riddles with intrigue, and their whole essence lies not so much in solving as in the usual concentration of attention, for example:

  • Where does the water stick out in the pole? (Answer: In a glass or test tube.)
  • What is more - if all the numbers from 0 to 9 are multiplied or re-added? (Answer: If you reverse the plus, since when multiplied by 0 all digits will be 0.)
  • When is the owner left without a head in the house? (Answer: When he pokes his head out the window.)
  • How many chicken eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Answer: One. The rest will already be eaten not on an empty stomach.)
  • The tallest mountain before the discovery of Everest? (Answer: Everest was, but no one knew him then.)
  • Which one letter should be removed from the seven-letter word "Primer" so that only 2 letters remain? (Answer: "Letter".)
  • What bowls do they not eat from? (Answer: From the empty ones.)
  • How to see last year's snow? (Answer: After midnight from December 31 to January 1, go outside.)
  • 2 mansions caught fire. One is a rich man, the other is a poor man. Which house will be the first to extinguish when the police arrive at the scene of the emergency? (Answer: None. The police don't put out fires.)
  • What is the correct way to jump off a 30-meter ladder and not get hurt? (Answer: You can jump from a recumbent ladder or from a standing ladder, but only from the first step.)

Number games and solvers

One of the most important factors in the creation of the world, where riddles with numbers participate, are games that are developing in different countries and so captivate their fans that they are ready to train memory and observation for days. These are such famous puzzles as Sudoku and Tetris, games from the "guess the number" series and digital scanwords, sea battle and many other logic and mathematical solutions.

All riddles are good if we solve from the heart

And finally, I would like to say thanks to those authors who come up with such wonderful sayings and couplets, riddles and rebuses, puzzles and charades, tasks and counting rhymes. All of them bring benefits, both mental and spiritual. Because people, guessing riddles, become kinder and more attentive not only to their loved ones, but also to those around them.