Calculation of the length of service for a pension at a preferential rate. Preferential pension for military personnel

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides that all individuals who have retired due to reaching a certain age cannot be left without a means of subsistence - the state pays them a specific amount of money. However, the law also establishes that a certain list of civilians can apply for pensions from an earlier age, therefore, it is necessary to understand in detail who is entitled to a seniority pension in 2018 and what is necessary for its registration.

What is seniority pension

The state assigns all citizens of Russia a monthly cash payment as the main source of income when they reach the age limit or due to certain circumstances. It has been established that women go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 55, men - at 60. Until now, this norm has not undergone changes, even in the context of the economic crisis. But a number of people have the right to retire early. For this, the concept of length of service has been introduced - a special length of service with special characteristics of work.

The seniority pension is close to the old-age pension, but the right to receive it comes earlier. She is kind

compensation for those who, due to their professional activities, cannot work for a long time, since increased requirements are imposed on their state of health. Since age-related changes can affect the quality of work performance, it is determined that such persons have the right to retire or continue to work in more favorable conditions. To compensate for the lost earnings, they are assigned such an allowance.

Types of pension payments

According to the law, a seniority pension in 2018 is awarded subject to the following requirements:

  • If, on the day of dismissal, the experience is two decades, the age of the citizen is not taken into account. The amount of payments is 50% of the available earnings, and for each year over 20, an additional 3% is added, but as a result, the total amount should not exceed 85% of the existing income, which includes not only the salary, but also additional incentives for seniority, rank, food compensation, etc.
  • If the total length of service is 25 years or more, while 12.5 years or more of them were given to military service, service in the bodies:
    internal affairs;
    control over the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic drugs;
    fire fighting service;
    the penal system.
    In this case, the monthly supplement to the pension of civil servants for seniority is 50% of earnings and one percent for each year over 25.

Who should be in 2018

In order to understand who has the right to qualify for a seniority pension in 2018 (including in terms of the increase), it is necessary to refer to the federal law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On state pensions in the Russian Federation", where the categories of citizens are clearly defined:

  • federal state and municipal employees. Minimum 15 years, however there are certain exceptions;
  • workers in underground or mining works. Their experience must be at least 25 years, but the amount of payments is 75% of earnings;
  • emergency workers. They have the right to go on a well-deserved rest when working for 15 years, but this rule does not apply to all categories;
  • civil aviation personnel and astronauts. Depends on the type of activity and state of health.
  • teaching staff. You must have worked for at least 25 years.
  • medical workers. There is an additional distinction: for everyone who worked in the city, the requirement for work experience is 30, in rural areas - 25 years.
  • cultural workers. Depending on the position and working conditions, the minimum length of service varies from 15 to 30 years.
  • employees of the river and sea fleet in the fishing industry. Depends on the type of activity, and men go on vacation after 55, and women at the age of 50;
  • military personnel. At least 20 years old.

Retirement retirement - the procedure for registration

According to established practice, all issues of seniority pensions in 2018 (including on special conditions) are dealt with by the personnel services of enterprises and organizations. Certain employees are appointed responsible for this. They prepare pension documents and then submit them to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund. The whole process consists of several sequential stages:

  1. identification and registration of employees whose age is approaching the moment indicated by the legislation;
  2. notification of a citizen about the emergence of his right to a well-deserved rest;
  3. receiving an application for the appointment of a pension;
  4. collection and execution of the necessary documents;
  5. consideration of the submission of prepared papers to the bodies that are engaged in the appointment of pension payments.

What documents are needed

When submitting documents to the Pension Fund on your own, you will need to prepare:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a residence permit for foreigners;
  • a statement drawn up in accordance with all the rules;
  • an extract from the work book;
  • certificate of income for 12 months;
  • papers confirming the state of health (if necessary);
  • documents confirming other circumstances.

In some cases, additional certificates may be required from the applicant due to the specifics of his activities. They can be presented at the place of permanent or temporary registration. It is allowed to do this at the place of actual residence. Papers can be sent by registered mail or with a personal visit to the Pension Fund office. In addition, the Multifunctional Center can also provide a package of documents. When sending papers by mail, the date of receipt will be the date stamped on the envelope, and not the day of actual receipt of the letter.

How service life is determined

Every year, a list of all employees is compiled who have the right to go on a well-deserved rest on a general or preferential basis. For this, personal cards and work books are used, which are considered in chronological order, based on the dates of birth of each citizen. According to the list received, a personnel officer prepares documents for the appointment of pensions to employees.

If corrections and erasures were noted in the work book without a corresponding note, a written request is made to the organization where the entry was made with a request to documentarily confirm the corrected information. If, when calculating the length of service, it is found out that the employee does not have enough experience, he will be notified of this in order to find out if there are any documents available that can confirm the work activity. The organization has the right to request such data from archival sources or organizations specified by the employee.

Terms of appointment

The main condition for receiving a seniority pension in 2018 is reaching the age that gives the right to benefits for old age or disability. In addition, there are other requirements, the observance of which is necessary: \u200b\u200bFor different categories of citizens who have such a right, they will be different, but all of them can be summarized as follows:

  • occupy a position (profession) defined by law;
  • availability of the required experience;
  • dismissal for a good reason, which, for example, may be related to the end of the contract, health conditions, etc.

Determination and calculation procedure

  • general length of service (work);
  • average monthly earnings, which is calculated from the provided certificate with accruals for the last 12 months;
  • increasing or decreasing coefficient;
  • allowances and increases;
  • indexation (payments are indexed when official inflation rises);
  • possible deductions from pension payments.

For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The pension for employees of internal affairs is military, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for calculating and paying it. She is appointed in two cases:

  • If you have 20 years of service;
  • In the presence of 25 years of mixed experience, of which half or more of the time is devoted to service in the authorities. It is important to consider here that the dismissal occurred due to health conditions, under organizational and staff circumstances, or upon reaching the age limit. At the same time, service from the moment of awarding the title is counted in a period of 12 years and 6 months.

For the correct calculation of the experience, you need to refer to the resolution of the Council of Ministers. According to the document, the following are taken into account:

  • military service, participation in hostilities;
  • service in the internal affairs bodies, law enforcement agencies, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  • fire fighting service;
  • training in educational institutions at the rate of 2 months of study - 1 month of service (no more than 5 years);
  • serving a sentence (subject to subsequent rehabilitation).

The amount of the pensioners' allowance depends on several components: the salary assigned for a regular position and valid before dismissal, and the salary for a special rank. The allowance is also taken into account, accrued for seniority and monthly monetary food compensation. The formula can be represented by the following expression:

(OD + OZ + NLV) × 62.12% × (50% + (3% × CL), where

  • OD - salary;
  • ОЗ - salary by rank;
  • NVL - seniority allowance
  • 62.12% - the amount of money allowance established by law (subject to change);
  • CL - the number of years is more than 20.

If a citizen decided to continue his labor activity after dismissal from the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he has the right to do so. The state will continue to pay him for the length of service, but on condition that he will work in a civilian specialty. If the work continues in the Department of Internal Affairs, payments will be suspended.

Municipal employees

Since 2018, there are new rules for increasing the length of service, according to which six months will be added annually to the total amount until the length of service of civil servants reaches 20:

  • 2017 – 15,5;
  • 2018 – 16;
  • 2019 – 16,5;
  • 2020 - 17, etc.

Municipal employees will be able to go on a well-deserved rest when they reach 56 (women) or 61 (men). If after that a person decided to get a job, then pension payments are not canceled and are not subject to recalculation, unless the citizen continues to work in government bodies. The amount of allowance should not be less than the minimum wage, which is valid in the region of residence (registration) of a citizen.

Civil servants' pension for seniority from 2018 can be calculated using the following formula:

PVL \u003d (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St,

  • PVL - the size of pension accruals for seniority;
  • SP - the amount of pension payments for old age (disability);
  • St - over 15 years of experience.

The average wage is calculated by adding the monthly earnings for the year and dividing the result by 12. For the calculation, the following is taken:

  • monthly salary;
  • monthly allowance;
  • cash incentives;
  • monthly and one-time bonuses, etc.

The calculation does not take into account:

  • unpaid leave;
  • being on sick leave due to temporary disability;
  • holiday to care for the child.

The calculations do not take into account:

  • free vacation;
  • maternity leave;
  • temporary disability;
  • holiday to care for the child.

If it was, then the income is divided not by the number of full months, but by the days actually worked, and multiplied by 21 (the average number of working days in a month). The employee at any time after registration of the seniority pension allowance has the right to refuse it and transfer to an old-age pension with receipt of all fixed payments.

For teachers

Workers in the pedagogical sphere have a number of privileges, for example, the possibility of early retirement (if they have accumulated 25 years of experience), regardless of age. The following are entitled to a preferential pension:

  • directors and their deputies in charge of the educational process;
  • head teacher;
  • teachers;
  • educators;
  • psychology teachers;
  • speech therapists;
  • masters of vocational schools;
  • teachers and methodologists who combine the position of an educator;
  • leisure organizers in educational institutions;
  • music school teachers;
  • social educators;
  • trainers-educators.

Separate requirements are imposed on the institution itself, where pedagogical activities are carried out:

  • primary and secondary schools;
  • gymnasium;
  • lyceums;
  • general education schools for certain categories of children;
  • centers for gifted children;
  • paramilitary schools;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • children's homes of all types;
  • kindergartens, including nurseries;
  • correctional and special educational institutions;
  • specialized schools;
  • music, art and similar schools;
  • rehabilitation centers;
  • centers for continuing education.

To calculate the seniority pension in 2018 for the teaching staff, the following periods are taken into account in a calendar order:

  • full-time work in accordance with the established standard hours for each category of teachers (this rule does not work in relation to teachers working in rural schools and primary grades);
  • annual urgent leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half;
  • sick leave;
  • obtaining specialized education and advanced training, if before and after the applicant worked in the pedagogical specialty.

To calculate the amount of payments, it is necessary to take into account the data from the income statement for the last 12 months. A prerequisite for accruals is the presence of an individual pension coefficient, which equals 13.8, with a subsequent annual increase in the lower threshold by 2.4 points until 2025, when it should be equal to 30. When assigning allowance, it is necessary to stop teaching (except for work in private institutions ).

Federal employees

All periods are taken into account in the length of service of the federal civil service, if the total number of years is at least 16. Moreover, this indicator will continue to increase every year. Prior to the appointment of the allowance, the civil servant must have worked continuously for at least 12 months, and the dismissal must occur for the following reasons:

  • the occurrence of health problems that do not make it possible to continue working further;
  • disbandment of a government agency;
  • dismissal due to reaching retirement age;
  • staff reduction.

When a state body is disbanded, the requirement for working out a twelve-month period does not apply. If a civil servant at the time of the onset of the right to retire in 2018 has worked for him for 16 years, the amount of payment will be 45% of the average monthly salary for the position.

For each additional year, 3% is added to the seniority, but in the end it should not exceed 75% in total. When calculating the average salary, it is necessary to take into account the framework established by law, which cannot be exceeded. They are different for each position. The length of service of federal employees does not include:

  • time spent on sick leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • caring for a child up to one and a half years of age;
  • vacation at your own expense.

Financing of seniority pensions is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and is calculated according to the formula:

PVL \u003d (0.45 x SZ - SP) + 0.03 x SZ x St,

  • PVL - the size of the seniority pension;
  • СЗ - average wages;
  • SP - the amount of pension accruals for old age (disability);
  • St - over 15 years of experience.

To health workers

In order for a physician to have the right to seniority allowance, he must have worked in a medical institution for at least 25 years (in rural areas) and at least 30 in the city. When calculating this time, the following are additionally taken into account:

  • urgent vacations;
  • sick leave (provided that there was a deduction to the insurance fund);
  • leave for pregnancy, childbirth and childcare up to one and a half years of age;
  • work as a trainee and doctor-intern.

Training in residency, advanced training, vacation at own expense and work in another position for more than one month throughout the year are not taken into account. The positions that are eligible to qualify for a seniority pension in 2018 include:

  • obstetric staff.
  • doctors of various specialties.
  • junior nursing staff.
  • laboratory staff.
  • forensic experts.
  • sanitation specialists.

In some cases, one year worked in a medical institution is counted towards the length of service with a certain coefficient, which can be 1.5, such as for ambulance workers or 1.9 for surgeons practicing in rural areas. The calculation of payments for employees of medical institutions is made on an individual basis, employees of public and private centers have the right to apply for it.

For military personnel

The right to receive allowance has the military who have given service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the USSR for at least 20 years. With mixed experience, the value should be 25, provided that half or most of it is given to service in the Armed Forces. All pension applicants are entitled to certain allowances. They are paid if a soldier has served at least 24 months, and the service in the internal, border and railway troops is taken into account.

Foreign intelligence officers, the FSB, employees of the state fire service and corrective labor colonies can also count on additional payments. Increasing coefficients are used to calculate allowances for pilots and divers (1.5). The amount of the allowance for former military personnel depends on the length of service, but the allowance is due for a duration of service of 20 years. For at least the last five years, there has been active discussion of increasing the minimum threshold from 20 to 25 years.

From January 2018, you can get an increase according to the following scheme, depending on the length of service:


In some cases, the amount of employee's salary or the time of his retirement is influenced by such a value as the length of service. This is a special experience of a person's professional activity, the presence of which gives him corresponding advantages. We'll talk more about seniority in this article.

General Provisions

The concept under consideration means a period of work in one area, the completion of which gives the employee a certain right, for example, to retire before reaching the generally established deadline or a wage supplement (official salary).

  • service experience - more than twenty years or
  • upon dismissal from service due to age, illness or as a result of organizational and staff activities - reaching the age of forty-five years, total length of service - at least twenty years, of which twelve and a half - length of service;

3) astronauts:

  • length of service for men - at least twenty-five years, for women - at least twenty years, of which ten and seven and a half, respectively, in a flight test unit;
  • upon dismissal due to illness - at least twenty years for men and at least fifteen - for women;

4) test pilots:

  • length of service for men - at least twenty-five years, for women - at least twenty;
  • upon dismissal due to illness - at least twenty years for men and at least fifteen for women.

In any case, when calculating the length of service, it is necessary to study in detail the relevant legislation, which contains a detailed list of positions and areas of activity in which work is the length of service.

Today we will be interested in such a moment as additional payment for seniority. Who is entitled to this privilege? What is this anyway? How is it charged? We have to learn about all this. In any case, we can say for sure: not all categories of citizens have appropriate allowances. And only in some "directions" of work. And in each case, the calculations are made according to separate schemes. Remembering them is not so difficult. Let's see who is entitled to a seniority supplement.

For whom

As already mentioned, our today's topic will not affect all citizens. But only those who work in a certain field of activity. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing exactly who is entitled to additional payments and allowances for length of service.

First, this kind of privilege belongs to all military personnel. It is clear that the more you “give your debt to the Motherland,” the higher you will receive the allowances later. But there are also some restrictions here.

Secondly, state employees can count on at the moment. Employees who work in budgetary and public institutions (for example, hospitals and schools) also have the opportunity to receive appropriate payments in the future.

Third, civil servants. They, along with all the other listed categories of employees, receive additional payments for seniority. Their size, of course, is different, but this is a pretty good incentive to work officially as a civil servant.

Fourth, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They, like the military, can count on support from the state in the future. And the additional payment for seniority here will be similar in terms of calculations. The amount of benefits will be discussed later.

How to calculate

In general, the supplement to the seniority pension itself is calculated on a purely individual basis. There are many factors that affect the amount you receive as a premium. Nevertheless, there are some common features and a calculation system.

Please note that the additional payment for seniority will be calculated as a percentage. And it depends on your activity, seniority, length of service, as well as the salary that you receive or earned earlier. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this at first glance. But practice points to something else. The amount of the seniority supplement is different for each individual category of employees. Therefore, memorizing the entire system as a whole is almost impossible. And people are only interested in those calculations that relate specifically to them. Quite the right decision.

By the way, the calculations also take into account the area in which you live. After all, regional coefficients also affect the premiums for length of service. They, as you might guess, are established by the state in each locality and change from time to time.

Budget workers

Let's start with one of the most common categories of working citizens. We are talking about the so-called state employees. It is for them that our today's allowances play an important role. Indeed, as practice shows, the salary of such people is not too high. This means that you can not count on a good pension.

Of course, the additional payment for the length of service for state employees is charged based on how much citizens have worked. True, this moment is regulated in each institution somehow in its own way. For example, it is no secret to anyone that state employees are entitled to certain bonuses for qualifications and their improvement. But now it's not about that.

The additional payment for the length of service to state employees is provided based on the length of service, as well as the length of service and salary. In the same way as in all other cases. What do we end up with?

If a citizen has a length of service of up to 3 years, then you can only count on a supplement of 10% of the salary. Not too much, but better than nothing at all. In the period from 3 to 5 years, this figure doubles. And in this case, the amount of the additional payment will be 20% of the salary. As soon as the length of service "oversteps" the five-year period, you will receive a 30% bonus. Regardless of how much they worked in excess of the norm.

Civil servants

The next category of citizens is civil servants. Here there are more interesting and non-standard points that relate to payments. For example, a supplement to a civil servant's pension for seniority can reach 200%. An impressive amount, isn't it? But such cases are quite rare. Nevertheless, they have a place to be. It all depends on your position and the place you occupy. For example, the lowest level can count on a bonus of up to 60% of the salary, and the highest one - 200%. In cases where a citizen conducts activities related to some secret or important information, the additional payment for seniority can be from 5 to 75%, and the protection of state-important data is "rewarded" from 10 to 20%. It all depends on your seniority.

However, these are quite rare cases. And civil servants are most often interested in more generalized points. What are the overall allowances? The additional payment for the length of service for civil servants is established on the basis of how much the length of service itself is.

If your work experience in this area does not exceed 5 years, but you have more than 1 year, you can count on only 10% of the total salary. In principle, not so bad. After all, most civil servants receive good wages. In the period up to 10 years of service, this limit increases to 15%. If your "experience" is from 10 to 15 years, according to calculations, 20% of the total salary in the position held will be added to your pension. But that is not all. As soon as you "step over" this bar, that is, you have a length of service of 16 years or more, the surcharge will be 30%. And it will not increase anymore.


In principle, all employees are entitled to some kind of allowances and payments after retirement. Therefore, we must not forget about the "municipalities". They, like all other listed categories of employees, are entitled to future remuneration. To be honest, the additional payment for the length of service for municipal employees is set as a percentage. In the same way as in all other cases.

The following numbers can be seen here. Most likely, they will certainly delight those who have been working as a municipal employee for a long time. The salary of such workers is not so small, so even a small percentage of the bonus is a huge bonus to the pension. So, the additional payment for length of service in this case is set:

  • in the amount of 10% of the salary for "service" from 1 to 5 years;
  • 20% of salary (monthly) for a period of up to 10 years;
  • if you work up to 15 years old, you are supposed to receive a 30% allowance;
  • from 16 years and more - 40%.

As you can see, here the maximum threshold is 40%. Almost half of the total monthly salary. Quite an impressive amount. Yes, it is worth trying for her, but this is really what you need to strive for.

For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Now it's worth talking a little about what payments are due to employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Of course, your position plays an important role here. And the monthly salary too. Nevertheless, as in all past situations, some restrictions and principles of calculations take place.

They will not immediately give you any specifics regarding additional payments for seniority to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is always said that such workers can expect to receive payments in the amount of 5 to 75% of the total salary. It all depends, again, on your position. This also includes some personal achievements and financial situation in general. Most often, a surcharge of 50% is set. Maybe more. This is done to increase the number of employees in this area. Nice welcome to pay attention to.


For the military, the supplement to the seniority pension is perhaps one of the few factors that stimulates to work and serve the Motherland longer. It should be noted right away that the maximum allowance is 40% of the salary. But it is not for everyone, but only for those who have more than 25 years of service.

How is the situation with the military in general developing here? To be honest, the citizens are satisfied. If you have served from 2 to 5 years, as in all previous situations, you can get a 10% surcharge, 15 - if the length of service is up to 10 years. In the period up to 15, a 20% markup is obtained, up to 20 - 25%, up to 25 - 30%, respectively. And then the maximum payment is charged. It has already been said about her.

Military pensions

Special attention should be paid to the pensions of the military as a whole. They have the most interesting and simple calculation. The thing is that the pension itself is calculated for servicemen, as well as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to the scheme: the first 20 years of service are paid at the rate of 50% of the salary. And for each subsequent year of "length of service" you get +3%. In this case, the maximum allowable "rate" of such a markup cannot exceed 85%.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. A similar scheme was invented in order to increase the number of military personnel in Russia. This is a very good solution. In addition to allowances, pensions and surcharges, such employees can also count on certain benefits, as well as housing.


What do we end up with? In almost all cases, supplements to seniority pensions have the same scope and restrictions. The percentage remains almost unchanged. The only difference is that it is nothing more than the salary paid.

One thing is clear - you will have to work for good seniority bonuses. And many citizens say that sometimes you have to "sweat" to be successful. In general, employees, in addition to additional payments, in some cases can obtain certain benefits. And this is also pleasing.

Pension provision for military personnel, as well as their family members, is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 N 4468-1, according to which, at the expense of the federal budget, a serviceman can be assigned a seniority pension, for disability, and his family for the loss of a breadwinner. One of and payment of military pension provides for the abandonment of servicemen of their service (dismissal).

In addition, the law provides for the following provisions:

What pensions can military personnel receive?

The legislation on pension provision for military personnel for this category of citizens established three types of pensions:

  • by length of service;

At the same time, the law stipulates some nuances when obtaining the right to a pension:

  • A seniority pension is assigned and paid to the recipient after his dismissal from service.
  • Granting a disability or survivor's pension does not depend on the length of service of a soldier.
  • The disability pension benefit is established if it occurred during the service or within three months after dismissal, or even later, but arose due to illness or as a result of an injury received during the service.

It is allowed to enter a military pensioner again for military service or service in the internal affairs bodies, or in other services provided for by law. True, in this case, the payment of the pension benefits assigned to him for the duration of the service and will be able to resume at his next dismissal, when he announces the restoration of security to the pension authority.

Conditions for the appointment of a military seniority pension

In accordance with article 13 of the law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 N 4468-1, the right to establish a pension for length of service have the categories of military personnel who, on the day of dismissal from service, have length of service in the amount of not less than 20 years or dismissed from service due to reaching the maximum age limits for staying in the service, for health or as a result of organizational and staff changes.

Pension maintenance for seniority for the second category of military personnel is assigned on the condition that on the day of dismissal they:

  • have reached the age 45 years;
  • have general work experience 25 years and more, of them not less 12 years and six months length of service was military service and (or) service in the bodies and institutions provided for by law.

The procedure for calculating the length of service

When calculating the length of service for the appointment of a military pension, the periods of service are taken into account:

  • military, in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service (including the previous appointment to work in this system for civil defense and emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters);
  • in the bodies that control the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • in the bodies and institutions of the penal system.

For officers and persons from the commanding staff, the length of service can be counted period of their study before entering the service (but not more than 5 years) - one year of study is six months of service. Service under special conditions is counted towards seniority on a preferential basis.

The military experience also includes the time of service:

  • in the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation;
  • in detachments and formations of partisan Soviet;
  • time of work in the bodies of state. authorities and administration, civilian ministries, departments and organizations with the condition of leaving the military service or as part of the above bodies and institutions;
  • the time spent in captivity (if the soldier did not get into it voluntarily and, being there, did not commit a crime against his state);
  • the period of serving a sentence and detention in case of unjustified prosecution or repressed and then rehabilitated.

The amount of pension provision

What will be a serviceman for the length of service depends on several factors: military experience (length of service), position and rank, (DD), the availability of conditions for increase and allowances. The retirement maintenance of a soldier is established in accordance with Art. 14 of the Law of 12.02.1993 N 4468-1:

  • For persons with seniority 20 years the pension is assigned in the amount 50% of the DD amount.
  • Additionally, for each year exceeding 20 years of service, is added 3%, but not more than 85%.

For persons who have 12 years and 6 months of military service and (or) service in other bodies provided for by law, with a total work experience of 25 years or more, a pension benefit is assigned in the amount of 50% of the DD for a total length of service of 25 years plus 1% from the amount of DD for each year over.

In addition, the law defines the following points:

  • For a pensioner who lives in an area where DDs are established odds, for the period of his residence there they are used when calculating pensions, allowances and increases.
  • Pensioners who have served in the Far North and areas equated to it for at least 15 and 20 years, when they move to a place of residence outside these areas, a pension (taking into account allowances and increases) that was assigned using northern coefficients, persists... And for those who live in areas where the coefficient is not established or is applied at a lower rate than at the last place of service, the pension is calculated (including allowances and increases) using the coefficient at the last place of service(size limit 1.5). At the same time, the time of applying for a pension does not depend.

Monetary allowance of the military when calculating a pension

Basic (DD), used to calculate his pension in accordance with the law, consists of the following components:

  • military official salary;
  • salary depending on military or special rank (with the exception of promotion for service in special localities or conditions);
  • monthly or percentage allowance for length of service (length of service), including payments for indexing DD.

Since January 1, 2018, the allowance has been increased by 4%, as a result of which military pensions also increased.

In 2018, when calculating a military pension, DD is taken into account in the amount of 72,23% from the amount of the base DD. The law planned for an annual increase of 2% to reach 100% of the size, but this provision is suspended.

Conditions for increasing the amount of payments

For some categories of pensioners, the amount of payments for length of service is subject to an increase, subject to their relation to one or another group of recipients. Percentage of estimated pension (RRP)established in the amount of social pension (5240.65 rubles from April 1, 2018) the increase is made:

  • disabled as a result of military trauma from 175 to 300% of the RRP;
  • disabled people who participated in the Great Patriotic War and persons who have received the award "Resident of the besieged Leningrad" who have become disabled - from 100 to 250%;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), war veterans; former prisoners (minors) of fascist concentration camps, etc .; persons who have received the award "Inhabitants of besieged Leningrad" (if they do not receive a bonus for disability); disabled people from childhood who were injured or mutilated as a result of hostilities during the Second World War or their consequences - on 32% of the RRP;
  • those who were in military service for at least six months or worked during the Second World War, not including work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or have orders and medals of the USSR for selfless labor and impeccable military service during the Second World War, as well as unreasonably politically repressed, then rehabilitated - 16 percent of the RRS.

In counting from the size of the pension by 15-100%pensions are increased:

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, RF and awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • champions of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympics;
  • persons who received the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees or the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of three degrees.

Persons who have been repeatedly awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, RF, Socialist Labor or Hero of Labor of the RF, the pension allowance is increased accordingly each title received.

Servicemen's seniority allowance

Pension benefits for seniority in certain cases provide for the accrual of allowances... They are determined as a percentage of the estimated size of the pension (RRP). The law establishes allowances for the following recipients:

  • pensioners (to care for them) who have a group 1 disability, or upon reaching the age of 80 - 100% RRP;
  • pensioners who do not work and have dependent family members (disabled), provided that the latter are not paid or a pension:
    • 32% - with one disabled person;
    • 64% - with two disabled;
    • 100% - for three or more.
  • to pensioners who participated in the Great Patriotic War who are not disabled: 32% , and when they reach the age of 80 - 64% ... The supplement is not calculated if the pension has already been calculated using the increase.

Eligibility for a share of an insurance pension

If a military pensioner dismissed from service continues to work in civilian positions, and the employer deducts for him to the pension fund, or the pensioner operates as an individual entrepreneur with the payment of appropriate contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, he may be eligible for a second pension - (except for a fixed payment to her) upon reaching the conditions required by law:

  • Age 60 for men, 55 for women. It is possible to assign an old-age insurance pension for work in special difficult conditions and localities.
  • The minimum is not less than 9 years (if it was not taken into account when). The length of service requirement increases every year by 1 year up to 15 years.

When calculating the length of service, the periods of service that existed before the appointment of the disability pension, or the time of service and other activities that were already taken into account when calculating the amount of the length of service pension, are excluded from it.

Additional requirementsprovided for the appointment of an insurance pension:

  • The minimum size (IPC) is 13.8. The requirement for it increases by 2.4 annually until it rises to 30.
  • The presence of a military pension for seniority or.

The procedure and terms for applying for an appointment

For the appointment of a military seniority pension, you must apply to the bodies of those services in which the recipient of the pension served before dismissal: pension bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments and the FSB of the Russian Federation. When applying, a soldier is required to submit:

  • application for the establishment of a pension;
  • documents (if necessary) confirming the existence of conditions for increasing payments or establishing allowances.

You can contact the pension authority in person or send the application and documents by mail. After checking the submitted documents, if everything is in order with them, within ten days after submitting the application (if the required documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the day they were requested), the appointment of a pension benefit is carried out.

If the application for the appointment of a pension benefit was received late, the pension for the previous period is established from the day when the person acquired the right to it, but not more than in 12 months until the day of treatment.

General procedure for the payment of pension benefits

The legislation defines the procedure for the payment of pension benefits and stipulates some other conditions for its receipt:

  • The payment of the military pension allowance is made through the Savings Bank of Russia by crediting to the recipient's account, or by transferring through postal communication services at the place of residence or stay of the pensioner. In agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation by decision of the federal executive body, the procedure for payment of pension benefits can be changed.
  • A pensioner can receive a retirement benefit on his own, or with the help of a trustee, drawn up in accordance with the law.
  • The payment of a military pension does not depend on whether or not its recipient has earnings under an employment contract or other income. In this case, no dependency and disability allowances are paid.
  • A pension accrued and not received by a pensioner in a timely manner through his fault is subject to payment for the time that has passed, but not more than 3 years before applying for it. If the pension is not received through the fault of the paying authority, the payment is made for the entire past time.

Percentage allowance for seniority and length of service is provided by law for various categories of workers and employees. These include teachers, medical workers, civilian workers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military. Consider the procedure for calculating such an allowance for various categories of workers and employees.

The concept of seniority allowance

An allowance is understood as regular additional payments to an employee in excess of the established wage. Such remuneration is provided for by law for the length of service and length of service.

The main purpose of the introduction of allowances is to stimulate the employee to professional development, to reduce staff turnover. It is quite logical that the work of two specialists working in the same position, but with different length of service and professional experience, is not paid equally.

Upon reaching a certain length of service (service), the employee is entitled to an additional payment to the salary, but not to an increase in the salary itself. The legislation does not establish a clear rate of interest rates for such allowances for the civilian population. They are recorded in the local regulations of the enterprise and in statutory documents. In this case, it does not matter whether the organization is state-owned or does not belong to it.

The procedure for calculating the allowance

The size of the percentage allowance for seniority directly depends on the length of service or service in one particular structure or in different ones. The amount of such an allowance is determined by multiplying the official salary by a specified percentage. In addition to the premium, premiums may be applied, regional coefficients, "northern" premiums, etc. may be applied. Read also the article: → “”. Additional remuneration for seniority is necessarily subject to taxation in accordance with the established procedure (personal income tax).

Seniority allowance in commercial organizations

There are no provisions in labor legislation that oblige management to comply with such allowances. This is more the goodwill of the employer than a duty. The law cannot guarantee the receipt of a salary increase after many years of work in a commercial enterprise.

To understand what specific wage supplements from the employer can be counted on, you should familiarize yourself with the content:

  • labor agreement;
  • collective agreement;
  • provisions on bonuses;
  • other regulations of the enterprise for labor.

The main document containing all bonuses, allowances and compensations due to the employee is the contract concluded upon employment. The seniority bonus for employees of commercial enterprises is determined as a percentage of the salary. If the employee was on a business trip, was ill in other cases, when he retains his seniority, then the bonus is also paid during these periods.

The amount of the monthly remuneration is set by the employer at his own discretion. As a rule, the minimum rate is 5%, and the maximum can be up to 30%.

Rules for calculating the allowance for employees of commercial organizations:

The base for calculating the amount of the seniority bonus is the official salary. No other allowances or bonuses are taken into account. The most common accepted frequency for the seniority premium is 1 month. But it is allowed when, on the initiative of the employer, such payments are made once a year. Even in this case, earnings are adjusted taking into account the time actually worked by the employee in the year.

Work experience to determine the percentage of such an allowance is calculated according to the work book. Sick leave, vacations, business trips are not excluded from the total length of service.

Civilian civil servant allowance

Additional payments for the length of service of this category of workers are regulated by legislation, according to which the following percentage of the premium is established:

In addition to additional payments for seniority, a civil servant receives other allowances for the nature of work and the position held. At the same time, they do not exclude each other, and as a result, the total amount of payments based on the results of work for a month may exceed the established salary several times.

Allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Payments for length of service to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guaranteed by the state. As in previous cases, this allowance is determined as a percentage of the official salary. In addition to additional payments for seniority, they are entitled to other allowances, for example, for special conditions of service.

The following rates of seniority allowances for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are legally established:

  • official salary - 12,000 rubles;
  • title salary - 10,000 rubles;
  • length of service - 20 years 1 month.

Since the service life of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in the range from 20 to 25 years, it means that he is entitled to a seniority bonus of 30%.

The amount of the surcharge:

(12000 + 10000) * 30% \u003d 6600 rubles;

Allowance amount:

6600 + 12000 + 10000 \u003d 28600 rubles.

Salary increase for military personnel

The law enshrines the right of a soldier to receive a seniority bonus, which is paid monthly and amounts to:

The procedure for calculating length of service is also established by regulatory documentation (special rules), which indicates the categories of military personnel, periods of service included in length of service, preferential terms of service and other conditions necessary for the correct determination of the length of service. The procedure for calculating such an allowance coincides with the procedure for calculating a similar payment to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The place of service and its nature may make some adjustments to the procedure for calculating the seniority allowance. For example, military pilots involved in parachute jumping and ejection testing of aircraft and helicopters should count as two months when calculating their service life.

Allowance for employees of the public sector

All public sector employees, including teachers and healthcare workers, are entitled to additional payments for seniority and seniority. This right is guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the regulatory documents of the ministries.

Work experience is determined by the work book, which is drawn up to the employee from the first day of his employment. The length of service includes a certain period of work in the public sector in the relevant positions.

The allowances for employees of public sector organizations depend on many factors. For example, only those employees of the education system who are listed in the List of positions of teaching staff are eligible for such additional payments. The amount of the seniority bonus also depends on the workload of the employee in the education system.

Additional payments for length of service to health care workers are regulated by regulations of the Ministry of Health. The list of employees entitled to receive such an allowance, the length of service taken into account when determining the length of service, the amount of the additional payment is strictly established. For doctors and pharmacists, such an additional payment is made in the case of their part-time employment. The basis for the calculation is the official salary with increases.

Employees of museums, theaters and libraries are also entitled to additional payments for length of service.

Answers to topical questions about the accrual of interest rates

Question number 1. In accordance with the law, a mathematics teacher at a comprehensive school in the village of Ivanovka is entitled to a seniority bonus. Is it necessary to draw up some kind of administrative document?

Yes, in order to accrue and pay the allowance to any employee of the budgetary sphere, the accountant of the organization must have an administrative document. This may be an order (order) of the head of a budgetary institution. Since the amount of this payment depends entirely on the length of service, it would be advisable to entrust the preparation of the order to the personnel department. At the disposal, it is imperative to indicate the employee's salary, the amount of other allowances. Only on the basis of such a document, the accounting department of the organization can charge an additional payment to the teacher for the length of service.

Question number 2. What document is the basis for calculating the additional payment for seniority?

For the civilian population, the main document that gives the right to receive such an allowance is a work book, drawn up in accordance with the established rules. For military personnel, such a document is a military ID.

Question number 3. Do I need to take into account when determining average earnings seniority allowances to determine the amount of vacation pay?

Yes need. Average earnings include all payments made by the employer, regardless of their source. So, when calculating the average wage, one should take into account the salary increments for skill, combination, work with classified data, for the leadership of the brigade and for the length of service.

Question number 4. The length of service in a military unit is 5 years and 7 months. Is a serviceman eligible for a seniority bonus?

According to the law, a soldier is entitled to receive a seniority bonus, which is determined as a percentage of the salary and depends on the length of service. With a period of military service of 5 years 7 months, the amount of the increment will be 15% (from 5 to 10 years).

Question number 5. In the local documentation of the organization that regulates labor and wages, the obligation to make additional payments to the employee for the length of service is not enshrined. Does this relieve the employer of this need?

If the organization does not belong to the budgetary sphere, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a military unit, then the law does not determine the direct obligation of the employer to make a monthly additional payment to the employee for the length of service. In this case, provided that the obligation to pay additional payments is not spelled out in local regulations, the company is exempted from the need to pay a seniority premium.

But if the organization belongs to the above areas, then the obligation of additional payments for length of service is enshrined in the Decrees and Decrees of the Government, the relevant ministries and departments, which are higher in status than the local regulations of the economic entity. In this case, the absence of a fixed obligation on the employer to make payments for seniority in the local documents of the enterprise is a violation and does not exempt from the obligation to make them.