Do it yourself different flowers from fabric. Master class blue roses from ribbons. Simple decorative ribbon flowers

Fabric flowers will never go out of style. On the contrary, the popularity of such flowers is growing every year. Young girls wear headbands with flowers or hairpins, decorate shoes with flowers. Women pin brooches made of fabric flowers to their outfits, wear hats decorated with flowers. And of course, flowers in the interior look unusually fresh and cheerful, creating coziness and sunny warmth in the house.

Poppies ... It is impossible to explain why women all over the planet are so partial to these colors. And even those who claim that they love roses more than anything in the world, when they see poppies, come to an extraordinary delight and do not see anything else around, and only want poppies, and all at once, even if there are gorgeous roses nearby. What is the reason for such a mysterious popularity of poppies? Perhaps everything is simple: their scarlet color attracts the eye, and each woman inside is a fatal "girl in red", who lacks only a scarlet poppy to complete her image? But I don’t think that the riddle of poppies is so easy to solve ...

Making flowers from fabric with your own hands is not easy. But with the desire and diligence, you will definitely learn how to make real masterpieces. In this workshop we will make Poppy Field. You can make a whole bouquet of poppies and put it in a vase, or you can make wonderful poppy shoes or a poppy headband, or maybe a poppy brooch? It's up to you, my dear fatal beauties.

Master class overview

01. Cut out the patterns of the future flower from cardboard.

02. For one flower, from a thin satin treated with gelatin (100% silk) we cut 2 corollas of the flower. We apply the pattern along the oblique. We do not cut the petals to the center yet, but simply cut along the contour of the pattern. When cutting, we carefully make sure that there are no marks from the handle on the parts. We do not cut out the leaves of the future poppy. For them, you need to prepare a piece of satin treated with gelatin measuring 10 * 10 cm.

03. We prepare a newspaper, a palette, batik paints (green, red, scarlet, yellow), brushes, a jar of water. We breed 2 shades of red of different saturation using colors from the palette. Moisten the flower part (poppy corolla) with water from a jar. With a lighter color, we begin to paint the petals with a movement "from edge to center". Towards the center, the color saturation will decrease.

04. We put accents on the edges of the petals with a more saturated color.

05. Color both parts of the flower in this way. Put the parts on a dry newspaper to dry out a little.

06. Prepare black paint and a smaller brush. On the slightly damp parts on the front (satin) side in the center of the flower, carefully place 4 black spots with black paint. Do not overdo it, the stains will spread themselves over time and become larger. Place the parts on dry newspaper until dry.

07. We dilute the green color of the desired shades. Wet a piece of satin 10 * 10 cm with water. Apply different shades of green with spots, blurring the border.

08. We put the fabric to dry on a dry newspaper.

09. Cut a strip 0.5 cm wide from a roll of corrugated paper.

10. Take the wire in your right hand. Put a drop of PVA glue at the end of the wire. Take a strip of paper in your left hand. Place a strip of paper against the wire at a 45-degree angle.

11. Begin to roll the wire between the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, with your left hand holding the paper taut and with the index finger of your left hand firmly press the bottom of the paper against the wire.

12. Continue to roll the wire, making sure that the paper is at a 45 degree angle to the wire and taut. Gradually move your fingers below, rolling the paper along the entire length of the wire.

13. When you reach the end of the wire, cut the paper, leaving a small tip.

14. Place a drop of glue on the tip of the paper.

15. Attach the end of the paper to the wire.

16. Moisten your index finger with PVA glue and coat the wire along the entire length and lay to dry. Prepare, in this way, 5 wires 30 cm long.

17. Cut 2 small and 2 large leaves from the satin painted green.

18. Using a wire cutter, divide one wire into several parts by eye.

19. Glue the leaves to the wire from the wrong side with PVA glue. Leave to dry.

20. Cut the corolla into petals.

21. With a 20mm bullet on a soft pillow, fill the base of the petals from the front side.

22. Curl the edges of the petals with a 5-8mm bullet on a soft or medium pillow, then from the face, then from the inside out, imitating the natural bruises of the petal, and without touching the folds.

23. Block the center of the whisk.

24. With a double knife on the front side, draw a central vein from the wire to the edge of the petal.

25. Using a single knife on the front side, draw additional veins on the petals.

26. Bulk 3-5 mm, from the seamy side, from the edge to the center, between the veins, fill small bumps on the petals, give them volume.

27. Prepare 2 long wires and a cotton strip. At the end of the 2 wires, bend the end with thin-nose pliers. Begin to form a cotton ball at the end of the wire by twisting a strip of cotton wool.

28. Lubricate the end of the cotton with glue and secure. Squeeze the cotton to form a ball.

29. Cut a small square from the crepe paper.

30. Gently pull the paper over the ball and secure with thread under the ball.

31. Cut off excess paper.

32. Wrap the streaks on the ball with threads, fasten the threads by tying them in a knot under the ball.

33. Corollas, leaves and box are ready.

34. Prepare the glue. Semolina or crushed coal. Black or green threads.

35. Wind the threads around 4 fingers.

Do you have a free evening and some scraps of satin, chiffon, linen, jeans or organza? We offer you to learn how to make flowers from fabric with your own hands! Following our master classes, you will master the art of flower making, which will give you the opportunity to independently:

  • Wrapping gifts beautifully;
  • Renew home furnishings, such as lamp shades, curtains or pillow covers;
  • Transform clothes, bags, shoes;
  • Make accessories for interior decoration, for example, artificial flowers, wreaths,;
  • Making hair ornaments (hairpins, headbands, etc.);
  • Make jewelry: brooches, rings, earrings, necklaces;
  • Decorate table setting and arrange any holidays, for example, birthdays and even weddings;
  • Make presentations for teachers and educators of the child;
  • Make exclusive gifts for loved ones;
  • Design diaries, covers, albums and notebooks.

In addition to step-by-step instructions for beginners, here you will find a selection of photos for inspiration, as well as helpful videos.

Master class 1. Simple roses from fabric in country style

If you like, or rustic, then this master class is for you. Below are examples of work that you can do by mastering the technique of rolling fabric roses.

You will need:

  • The cloth;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue gun.

How to make a rose from fabric:

Step 1. Cut the fabric into ribbons. To create one rose, you need one strip 50-70 cm long and about 3-5 cm wide. However, you can choose other sizes if you want to make the rose larger or smaller than in this project.

Step 2. Fold your strip in half and drip a 1/2-inch bead of glue onto the tip (see right photo above).

Step 3. Begin to roll the strip into a roll in a few turns.

Step 4. When the roll becomes dense and strong enough, start forming the first "petals": fold the ribbon obliquely towards the outside as shown in the top photo on the right and wrap the center of the rose.

Step 5. Continue to form the petals in the same order: fold the tape obliquely to the outside - wrap the workpiece - fold the tape obliquely to the outside - wrap the workpiece - and so on. One row of petals should have about 3-5 folds of the tape. From time to time, layers of fabric need to be fixed with hot glue. As a result, you should have a rose similar to the one in these photos.

Experiment with the number of folds of the flower and the density of the fold of the fabric to achieve a more casual or neat look of your flower.

Step 6. Once the rose has reached the desired diameter, lower the remaining tail of the tape down and glue it to the base.

In this project, the reverse side of the craft was covered with the remaining tail of the fabric.

Step 8. Make the number of flowers you need in different sizes - small, medium and large.

This video presents a master class on how to make roses out of denim with your own hands.

Master class 2. Artificial flowers from satin fabric or organza

Looking at these flowers made of satin fabric, it seems that they were created by a real master of flower making, but in fact, even a beginner can make the same realistic peonies / roses.

You will need:

  • Candle;
  • Satin, silk, chiffon or organza made from 100% polyester. For the manufacture of peonies, white and pink matter (all shades) is suitable;
  • Scissors;
  • Yellow floss threads (for stamens);
  • Needle.


Step 1. Cut 5 circles out of the fabric: 4 circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm and 1 circle with a diameter of about 5-8 cm. You can cut it roughly and by eye, any inaccuracies and irregularities do not matter.

Step 2. Light a candle and start processing the first round workpiece: carefully bring its edge close to the flame and start rotating around its axis so that all the edges of the circle are melted and twisted. Be careful, keep a glass of water ready, and most importantly, do not bring the workpiece too close to the fire. Be aware that if you overdo it, the edges will turn black, which is not always desirable. However, sometimes it is the blackened edges that give the homemade colors realism or originality. Repeat this process with all remaining circles.

Step 3. Now, using scissors, make 4 cuts on each workpiece as shown in the diagram and photo below. The main thing here is to leave the center of the circle intact.

Step 4. Back to working with the candle again. This time, we melt the just obtained cuts, pushing the sections apart with both hands. Repeat the process with all five petals.

Step 5. Set the 2 large and 1 smallest pieces aside. We will return to them later, but for now let's deal with the 2 remaining blanks, that is, the middle layers of the peony petals. They need to be cut again according to the following scheme.

As a result, there will be twice as many petals.

Step 6. Burn the new cuts with a candle and set the blanks aside.

Step 7. It's time to make the peony stamens in the form of a small pom-pom made of yellow floss threads. For this:

  • Wind a whole thread of floss tightly around your folded index and middle fingers. You should have about 8 turns.
  • Now tie tightly with the same yellow thread the middle of the resulting skein (between two fingers).
  • Cut two loops, straighten the threads and trim the pompom if necessary.

Step 8. We proceed to "assembling" the flower. Fold two large blanks on top of each other, which have only 4 petals, then put two blanks with 8 petals on them and, finally, complement the bud with the smallest blank with 4 petals.

Step 9. Hooray, the flower is almost ready! It remains only to sew a yellow pompom to its center, at the same time stitching all 5 layers of petals together.

If desired, glue / sew on the back of the bud with the necessary accessories, for example, a pin, to make a brooch out of a flower.

By changing the shape, color, size of the petals, their number and the principle of gluing, you can make not only peonies and roses, but also poppies (pictured), ranunculus, lilies and tulips.

And here is an example of flowers made by their organza.

Master class 3. Ruffle flower in 5 minutes

Don't have hot glue, but have a needle and thread? Or do you suddenly need to make flowers from fabric as quickly as possible? Then we is in a hurry to acquaint you with the technique of making flowers from frills.

You will need:

  • The cloth;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle with thread to match the fabric;
  • Iron (optional)

Step 1. Cut the fabric into strips about 30 cm long and about 7-8 cm wide. You can choose other sizes to make the flowers smaller or larger.

Step 2. Fold the strip in half lengthways and iron the fold.

Step 3. Baste the workpiece with wide stitches at the bottom as shown in the photo below.

Step 4. Assemble the workpiece into an accordion, slowly pulling the thread. Do not pull on the thread too hard to break it.

Step 5. Close the circle by joining the two ends of the ribbon and making a few stitches (tie a knot on the back).

Step 6. Glue / sew on beads, rhinestones or buttons in the center of the flower. Done!

This method can be changed slightly if you want to make a more layered flower with raw cuts, for example, from linen or jeans. Cut out a wide, long strip of fabric, sweep it in the middle from start to finish, accord it up, roll one edge of the strip into a roll, and then start rolling the ribbon around it. Periodically, layers of fabric need to be fixed with glue or stitches. Below in the photo slider is a master class in pictures on making a flower from flax (scroll the photo to the right).

If you have a large length of fabric, you can make a flower with a large diameter, for example, to decorate a pillow cover. To gather such a long ribbon, the easiest way is to use a sewing machine.

To make such large flowers, you need strips of fabric with a length of 2.5-3 m

These potted flowers are made from old cotton T-shirts.

Master class 4. Volumetric pompom flower

This master class is good in cases where you need a fabric flower to be voluminous and lush.

You will need:

  • Any soft fabric of the desired color;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Scissors;
  • Felt.


Step 1. Cut out from the fabric about 20-30 circles with a diameter of about 4 cm. All these circles in the future will become petals. You can cut the blanks by eye, the correctness of the shape does not matter.

  • To cut multiple circles at once, simply fold the fabric 3-4 times.

Step 2. Now cut a circle out of felt about 4 cm in diameter. This circle will become the base of your flower.

Step 3. Take one of your petal circles and fold it to make a bag like in the photo below.

Step 4. Glue your blank with the tip to the center of the felt base.

Step 5. Continue to glue your blanks, one by one, to the felt base until it is completely covered with petals. Voila! The flower is ready!

If you wish, you can make the flower not lush, but flat and supplement it with bead stamens. To do this, fold the petals as follows: bend the circle in half, then bend the right and left parts of the resulting semicircle to its center to make a quarter. Next, you just have to glue the petals in a circle on the felt base, and then sew / glue the beads into the center.

And a few more ideas that you can implement by following our master class.

And finally, we suggest watching another video master class on how to make flowers from fabric with your own hands.

If you think that fabric flowers are something from the category of children's homemade products, then you just know little about them! In this article, we will show you how stylish and cute such decor can be, and also teach you how to create this beauty with your own hands.

Where to use textile flowers?

Elegant, original and quite durable, these fabric flowers are perfect for:

  • decor for clothes, shoes and bags;
  • decoration of gifts, notebooks and photo albums;
  • creating hair ornaments and jewelry;
  • interior decor - lampshades, cushions, blankets, curtains, paintings, wreaths, topiary, flower arrangements.

Fabric flowers for decor

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What is the best fabric for creating flowers?

Flowers can be created from a wide variety of fabrics, which makes them so diverse in style and mood.

Most often, chiffon, organza, silk, chintz are used in flower making. Original flowers are obtained from jeans and velvet, and from burlap and linen - surprisingly delicate!

Chiffon flowers

Chiffon is a pleasant, lightweight, flowing fabric that allows you to create stunningly realistic flowers for decorating clothes, hairstyles, and compositions. Translucent petals look alive - delicate and fragile. But at the same time, the fabric itself is quite durable, which makes chiffon flowers durable.

Try to create such a simple and feminine flower from the photo instructions for beginners.

Delicate chiffon flower

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Organza flowers

Organza is very popular among needlewomen due to its affordability and beauty. Particularly interesting are the rainbow organza flowers and "chameleon", thanks to the delicate overflows of the fabric.

But even from a plain canvas, an elegant and elegant flower can come out - for example, such a poppy.

Organza poppy

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Silk flowers

Natural, "expensive" silk is the height of the art of flower making. Silk petals shimmer, sparkle and play with colors in the rays of the sun. A thin canvas amazingly retains its shape, making the flowers delicate and "alive". Silk flowers will decorate even a bride's outfit with dignity.

How to properly prepare fabric

To make the flowers more accurate, and to make it more convenient for you to work, the fabric must be properly processed.

  • When working with silk, gelatin is used. To do this, pour a spoonful of gelatin with a glass of cold water and leave to swell for an hour. Then, stirring continuously, the solution is heated until the gelatin dissolves.
  • For cotton fabrics and velvet, take potato starch. A tablespoon of starch is diluted in a small amount of cold water, and then, stirring constantly, pour a glass of boiling water.

The fabric must be moistened in a hot solution, wrung out slightly and dried on clothespins. Correctly prepared material rustles like paper.

Velvet must be starch so that the solution does not soak onto the front side. To do this, lubricate the seamy side with a tampon. It is convenient to use the hoop when applying the solution and drying the velvet.

  • it is better to use fabrics no larger than 50x30 cm;
  • the thinner the fabric, the more it must be starch;
  • if the fabric is very dry, put it between two damp towels and iron;
  • stamens for flowers can be made from starched threads. To give them a golden color, you can add bronze paint to the starch;
  • to make the flower look more natural, make it not monochromatic. To do this, choose a fabric of several shades or dye your material. For painting, aniline paints, batik paints, ink, powder, blush and even eye shadow are suitable. dye the fabric before starching!

Inspirational workshops for beginners and beyond!

We've put together a few ideas for you to create creative and vibrant fabric colors in a variety of styles that highlight the beauty of your look or interior.

Six ways to create a simple and stylish flower in 5 minutes

If you want to add originality to your outfit, decorate the gift wrapping, and maybe even compose a flower panel for the interior - this video master class is for you! He will teach you how to create flowers from different fabrics and in different techniques - quickly and easily!

Roses in country style and provence

Such simple and such charming roses can be a wonderful decor for interior items and emphasize country, rustic and Provence style.

Working in the same technique, you can change the textures and colors of the fabric and, as a result, get flowers with different moods. Great for such roses - cotton fabric, jeans and, of course, burlap and lace, whose combination simply personifies the romance and tenderness characteristic of these directions.

Country style fabric roses, provence, rustic

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To create such a rose, we need:

  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • fabric of your choice.

1. Cut the fabric into strips 5 cm wide and half a meter long (length and width may vary depending on the size of the flower you need).

2. Fold the strip in half and grease the end with glue (slide the strip a little more than a centimeter to fix the middle of the rose).

3. Form the middle. To do this, fold the end of the fabric greased with glue into a small but dense roll.

4. We continue to twist the strip, but with the petals - bend the tape obliquely outward and continue to wrap.

Try to have about 5 folds per layer of petals. Fix the fabric periodically with glue.

The type of flower depends on the number of folds of the fabric -

it can be neat or deliberately sloppy.

5. When your rose reaches the desired size, wrap the remaining end of the tape and glue to the back side.

6. Make a few more of these flowers of different sizes and shades and arrange them in the composition.

Tilde fabric tulips

Among the huge variety of fabric flowers, tilde-style flowers are probably the sweetest and most delicate in spring. Soft, bright, cozy, they will decorate your home and cheer you up even in gloomy autumn.

Tilda style fabric flowers

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Tilde tulips are especially popular. Their juicy buds allow you to make charming bouquets that you just want to smell and snug. And most importantly, it's so easy to sew them yourself!

We need:

  • fabric - green for leaves and stems and colored for buds. The fabric is essential for tilde colors. Against the background of the simplest patterns, it is the fabric that creates the style and mood of the composition. Give preference to natural materials - cotton, linen, bike. But the colors can be very different - polka dots, checkered, flower, the warmest and rainbow shades.
  • filler - cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber;
  • bamboo stick or stalk wire;
  • thread, needle, scissors, pencil.

1. Let's prepare the details for the patterns.

2. Sew the parts with the right side inward.

3. Turn out and iron all the details.

4. We fill the buds and the stem, having previously inserted a wire or a bamboo stick into it.

5. Sew the bud with small stitches, slightly stepping back from the edge. Pull off the thread, tucking the edges inward.

6. Insert the stem into the opening of the bud and tighten the thread tightly. We sew the stem and bud with a blind seam, fix it with several through stitches for reliability.

7. Sew up the hole in the sheet and sew the sheet to the stem. You can use a glue gun instead of thread.

8. One flower is ready. Make a few more of these tulips and make a cute and cozy interior bouquet.

9. That's what beauty you can get!

Peony in the style of shabby chic - graceful, gentle, simple!

Shabby chic is the very embodiment of tenderness and romance. Therefore, it is the flowers that can best emphasize this style.

Unlike tilde colors, for this direction it is better to use artificial fabric, which you can process over a flame. Organza or satin will look impressive and sophisticated, while working with them will be quick and easy.

Fabric peonies for decoration

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1. Let's prepare everything you need.

2. Cut out 5 circles from the fabric: 4 parts with a diameter of 10 cm and 1 part with a diameter of 8 cm.

3. Continuously rotating, process the edges of each part over the candle flame.

4. Now carefully make cuts on the blanks along the dotted lines, leaving the middle intact.

5. The cut lines are melted again.

6. Cut two large blanks (these will be the middle layers of the petals) again according to the scheme and process new edges above the fire.

7. Making the stamens. To do this, wind the thread tightly around two fingers. Drag the middle and cut the loops. It turns out a small pompom.

8. Now we collect the flower. We put it in a pile - two large blanks with four petals, then two blanks with eight petals and at the end the smallest blank.

9. And finally, we sew our stamens into the middle, at the same time stitching together all the details of the flower.

The adorable peony is ready!

Beautiful, delicate and varied fabric flowers delight and inspire! Create this beauty with your own hands and surround yourself with warmth and comfort with GretaHome!

It is difficult to find a person who does not like fresh flowers, their beauty and freshness, delicate aroma. Unfortunately, plants created by nature are not suitable for every situation: any of them lives according to its own rhythm and does not always bloom at the time we need. Compositions of natural flowers fade quickly and lose their attractiveness; they are not suitable for permanent decoration. In stores it is not always possible to find bouquets of fabric or polymer clay of the desired shape and color. The only way to get exactly what you want is to make artificial flowers with your own hands.

Imagine the envious looks of women and the admiration of men as you appear at the red carpet in an elegant outfit adorned with bunches of delicious flowers. Such decor will turn an ordinary hat into a flirty accessory, a single flower on a blouse will add piquancy to your entire look. Place bright flower arrangements in an apartment or office, or even just one flower, and the room will immediately come to life and become more comfortable.

When you admire the magnificent author's bouquet of artificial flowers, the thought may settle in your head: "I will never succeed." Of course, it will not work if you only look and doubt - get to work, and after a while your products will be difficult to distinguish from natural flowers. It is not necessary to sign up for long, expensive courses; you can master this skill at home. It is not difficult to learn how to create flowers from fabric, the master class will give you the necessary advice.

Basic materials used in color making

In order for the work to go on without annoying delays, prepare everything you need in advance. Let's start by choosing the fabric. For beginners, it is better to use dense weave fabric, it keeps its shape well. Please note that an elegant product will not work out of rough, ugly fabrics; use shiny dense silk, satin or velvet. Try to combine different types of fabrics, so you better reflect all the diversity of the floral world. Perhaps you have beautiful scraps from some kind of needlework - do not neglect small scraps, it is very convenient to work with them.

The material has been selected, but before proceeding with cutting, it must be processed with a special compound.

Pour 3 teaspoons of gelatin with a glass of water, let it brew and heat until completely dissolved.

Saturate the cloth with the solution and dry without wringing. After complete drying, the fabric is ready for cutting.

Fabric flowers step by step

Pattern of a future flower

Before you start cutting fabric, remember two basic rules. Firstly, any part should be located at an angle of 45 degrees to the common thread; secondly, when transferring the contour to the material, you cannot use pencils and pens, the trace from them will ruin the entire look of the product. There are special crayons, in addition, they perfectly draw small pieces of soap on the fabric.

First, make a flower with 18 petals. Draw a pattern of large, medium and small petals on paper and see if you calculated their proportions correctly. The shape depends on your imagination, but at first it is better to avoid too fancy configurations. Start by copying the petals of a living flower, when you gain experience, you can come up with the most intricate options.

Cut 6 pieces of each size out of the fabric and label them immediately. Be sure to indicate if this is a large, small or middle part of the flower and mark the right and left sides. On the table, everything seems clear, but after a while, if they are not marked with a cut, it will be difficult to understand the small pieces.

Making corrugated petals

Your fabric flower will look much more beautiful if the petals are made corrugated. For work, you need the finest fabric, and at the same time, it must be very durable, for example, chiffon or organza. Place the half-folded part on the additional material so that the fold line is 45 degrees with a common thread of a thin fabric.

Press firmly the entire surface of the petal against a flat surface and pull on the additional fabric by turning it counterclockwise. Here, the strength of a thin material plays an important role, if it breaks, you will have to start all over again. Corrugated petals gain volume and look more natural.

Assembling a flower

The finished petals must be collected in a corolla. Sew large parts together and close the circle. To make the petals bulge, make small folds at the bottom of each of them. The next turn forms a medium-sized cut, the smallest details complete the work.

Final finishing

The main work is done, now you need to close the stitches holding the petals together. To do this, cut a circle out of the fabric, fold it in four and fasten a sharp corner in the center of the flower with an invisible seam. Glue another circle on the outside, it will cover all the threads, and the fabric flower will look like a living plant. They can decorate, for example, a baby hat.

Additional materials for making flowers

The choice of adhesives and paints is a responsible business: these materials can ruin the whole work.

Paints and dyes

The color of the petals should be clean and even, when using low-quality dyes, spots and unpainted areas appear, such a product is unlikely to decorate clothes or an interior. To give the desired color to the fabric, you can use aniline and food dyes, photo paints, ink and ink.

By mixing the three primary colors in different proportions: red, yellow and blue, you can get any shade. The color intensity can be adjusted by diluting the dye. For dilution, water is used, and preferably alcohol or vodka, they give the color brightness and freshness. Ink is used to make black parts, and if you dilute it, you get a gray dye.

Consider fresh flowers, they are very rarely colored the same throughout the volume. Combine shades and color intensity for a natural look.

Quality glue

To create quality artificial flowers with your own hands, you need good glue.

The main requirement: after drying, the glue should not leave traces or change the color of the petals.

In addition, it is necessary that it has sufficient strength, and the product does not fall apart on the second day after production. Trade offers many different types of glue, but not always its properties can satisfy the buyer.

Glue at home

Prepare the glue yourself, then you will be sure of the quality of the material. To make flowers, only two types of glue are enough.

To cook flour paste, stir 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour in water (the mixture should be the thickness of liquid sour cream). The solution is heated, stirring, until the flour is brewed and the paste becomes translucent.

To prepare gelatin glue, soak 1 teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of cold water. When it swells, add a teaspoon of granulated sugar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, put on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

Now you know how to make a flower from fabric, and you can make a simple bouquet. The very first product awakens the joy of creativity in the masters. Gradually, you will gain experience, there will be a desire to experiment. Is it necessary to make copies of existing flowers? Why not come up with a completely unusual plant that does not exist in wildlife, and put it in a vase to the surprise of all your friends.

Artificial bouquets and individual flowers can be used to decorate interiors, clothes, albums, boxes and many other things. Learn this art, and you will have the opportunity to surprise those around you with new original jewelry every day.


A flower made of fabric can be considered a magnificent element of the dress's decor. He is able to transform your appearance and add a touch of mystery and charm. Having learned how to make flowers on a dress from fabric with your own hands, you will create a unique image. The master classes with photos provided in this article will help you create this decor element.

The history of the canvas

The fabric appeared before our era. People made it from the then available natural materials - wool, silk thread, flax and cotton.

Woolen fabrics were created using animal wool and down. First, a thread was twisted, then a cloth was woven from it. This material formed the basis of the clothing of our ancestors, who needed to survive in harsh conditions.

Silk threads were mined by Chinese craftsmen from silkworm cocoons. Legend has it that a Chinese princess once dropped a cocoon into hot water, and it disintegrated into the finest threads. Scientists from many countries were engaged in the creation of silk fabric, but they could not figure it out. The Chinese guarded their secret for a long time, until silkworm cocoons secretly penetrated into other countries.

Flax was cultivated in ancient Egypt. Weaving masters created the finest muslin, which was the favorite material for sewing clothes of wealthy nobles. The Crusades helped spread this wonderful fabric throughout the Mediterranean.

Ancient greek fine linen - cotton fabric, carefully woven and refined using natural dyes. The clothes of the ancient kings and their last decorations, which were found during excavations, were created from this fabric.

With the advent of manufactories, fabric ceased to be something in short supply. Materials for its production began to grow everywhere. Only the Chinese have carried the process of creating silk fabrics with dignity through time. China and India are renowned for the quality and luxury of this material to this day. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed the first artificial fibers, which were used in the production of fabric. They gave it special properties, for example, elasticity.

Going to a store where fabrics are sold, you can see a wide range of fabrics of different textures and colors.

Artificial floristry

Making artificial flowers is a whole science. Simple flowers that can be used to decorate a girl's dress do not require much time and materials. Even novice masters can cope with them. But the flowers, which are as similar to real ones as possible, require painstaking work. They can be a great addition to a wedding dress or be part of a bridal bouquet.

A stand-up bouquet created from fabric flowers will not fade or lose its appearance and will help preserve the memories of the happiest day.

To make these flowers you will need:

  • Pattern. It is most often removed by disassembling a real flower into separate petals;
  • The cloth. For work, it is better to choose thin fabrics - satin, crepe de chine, chiffon, silk, satin, organza;
  • Bulki. You can purchase this tool at your local craft and craft store. Bubbles are balls of different diameters attached to the handle. The spherical shape will help mimic the natural curves of a flower petal;
  • Aniline dyes for fabric are needed to tint the petals, thereby giving them a natural look;
  • Scissors, a spatula for twisting the edge of a petal, an awl, glue, tweezers;
  • Burner. Heat-treated fabric easily assumes and maintains its desired shape;
  • Decorative elements - pistils, stamens;
  • Rubber pad. The petal is pressed into it with a bulka and shape is given to it.

Now let's see how to make a flower. More of the tools listed above may not be needed. The simplest flowers can be made from small circles of different diameters.

Note! The more layers of fabric you take during work, the more magnificent the finished product will be.

Prepare some circles with the fabric of your choice. The fabric needs to be cut correctly, this is done "obliquely". For transferring the pattern, do not use simple pencils, because graphite smears and stains the matter. Use a colored ballpoint pen. Cut out just below the outlined path.

Using a torch or candle, slightly melt the edges of the workpieces. The process is shown in the photo.

Connect the resulting parts with a thread.

You need to make stamens in the center of the flower. To do this, use purchased decorative items or make them yourself.

A lush rose is made in a similar way. It is based on circular petals of different diameters.

The petals are processed with a bouillon.

If you want to decorate the dress with a brooch, make a felt glue and attach the necessary accessories to it.

These simple flowers will be a great decor for both wedding and casual dress.

Simple ideas

Let's move on to simpler, but no less beautiful fabric flowers. The process of their manufacture is so simple that it does not even require additional explanations. So, carefully look at the photo instructions.


Chamomile and chrysanthemum
