Intrauterine life of a child and his reaction to the outside world. What feelings and sensations does a child experience in the womb

The age of a person in China is calculated in a completely different way than in the West: on the very first birthday, the age of the baby is not 12, but 21 months. 9 months in the mother's body also counts. Because for the Chinese, prenatal development is also life. For us, life begins at birth. Although for embryologists, gynecologists, psychologists and future parents, the 9 months that the baby spends in the mother's belly is a part of him and their life.
Most do not even doubt that a tiny creature, whose little heart begins to beat on its own within 4 weeks after conception, is much more than an accumulation of cells.

Pregnancy is an amazing experience. There is a tiny person inside you! As the months go on, your unborn baby will develop and grow incredibly. What your baby is capable of doing in the womb is sure to blow your mind! When the baby is cooking, they learn about themselves and their environment - the womb. They move around, take in their cozy room and experiment with their new abilities, such as moving their arms and legs, opening their eyes and listening to the voices of their mom and dad.

Life does not begin at birth, but at conception

As the end of those long nine months begins to seem closer than ever, the baby will be able to do some pretty cool things. It is capable of many of the functions it will do after birth, which is currently happening in your belly. The child is preparing for life outside.

After 12 weeks, the baby already has tiny hands in the mother's body, and at each fingertip there is a layer of tactile cells. And facial features take on an individual character.

How developed the baby's body is in the mother's abdomen becomes obvious if you examine the babies born prematurely. Babies born in the 25th week lack only fatty tissue under the skin and stable pulmonary vesicles. And the one who examines their touchingly intelligent faces recognizes, without hesitation for a second, that they can express the entire palette of human feelings. Babies wrinkle their foreheads and moan pitifully when they take blood from them, they relax and even try to smile when they lie on their mother's chest and feel the beating of her heart.

She practices the skills she will take with her as she makes her journey through the birth canal. We know babies love to kick, hit, and do what feels like wheels, but they do so much more that many expectant moms don't even realize this is happening. This is a wonderful and extremely interesting thing. And they do a lot more. Keep reading to see everything the baby is as long as it hangs in the womb!

While this can be a shock to expecting parents, some believe that unborn babies can feel pain and pleasure during their extended stay in the womb. Since some experts say babies can feel pleasure, especially after the fifteen week mark, they will perform activities in the womb to essentially explore and feel good.

In infants born on time, the senses are as developed as in those born prematurely. “On the one hand, the uterus is like a protective shelter,” says Ludwig Janus, psychotherapist and president of the International Scientific Society for Prenatal and Perinatal Medicine and Psychology in Heidelberg, Germany. - "But in the mother's body, the child is not cut off from the surrounding world." This means: he participates in the life of his mother, feels what is happening around - where he will soon be born. For a woman, this awareness can be exciting and exciting, and sometimes a little onerous. Many people from time to time ask themselves such questions as "Does the baby in my belly experience the same thing as myself?" "Does he feel my doubts, anxieties and worries, my fatigue?" "What to do to make him feel good?" Modern science is trying to provide answers to such questions.

Many believe that the actions of unborn babies are somewhat targeted and that there may be a form of masturbation. Child boys often see an ultrasound scan with their hands between their legs. Of course, we may never know if it is true or not that unborn babies masturbate in the womb, but this was part of an ongoing debate as to whether abortion should be banned beyond the fifteen week mark, since accurate masturbation would indicate that children feel pleasure, and therefore feel pain.

Formation of the child's physical health

When we get tired, we often let go of a cute yawn. Well, our babies in the womb are doing the same! When your baby's central nervous system begins to develop, they will be able to do more, which will be reminiscent of how they will behave once they are born. This includes the ability to yawn.

Here are the three most important discoveries made by German scientists:
1. There is undoubtedly a material connection between mother and baby.
The baby in the stomach not only receives nutrition from the mother's body, but also a huge amount of information. The placenta transfers the mother's emotions to the baby through hormones. For example, if the expectant mother is nervous, the level of cortisol (a hormone responsible for maintaining the body's energy resources) in the blood rises. When analyzing blood from the umbilical cord, doctors can establish: with a lag of several heartbeats, stress is transmitted from the mother to the baby.

Your unborn children practice these skills. In fact, many doctors and experts believe that yawning helps a child to promote their activity and brain development. Therefore, in this case, yawning occurs not only because the child is tired, but also performs a much more important function.

If you are one of the lucky ones, you can actually see your baby yawn during an ultrasound. It is very impressive to see such a normal, daily work that a child does in the womb! Many expect mothers to report a sudden jolt from their baby. It can be a quick bump, or it can feel almost as if the child were simply scared out of their sleepy dream. Just as certain sounds or noises can make us jump if they catch us off guard, the same goes for babies in the womb!

Babies react to stress in their belly in different ways: some become restless and their movements more nervous. Others gather in a lump, pick up the arms and legs closer to the calf. The baby is also directly involved in the positive experiences of the mother: endorphins and other hormones of happiness penetrate the baby into the uterus, as soon as his mother can relax, is happy and happy. Embryologists have found that receptors for recognizing the hormones of happiness ripen in the baby's brain quite early and quickly. Brain studies have shown that the amplitude of the curves decreases if the expectant mother (starting from the 20th week), at the request of the researchers, imagines a particularly pleasant situation or thinks of something especially pleasant. The child, therefore, can also enjoy these sensations with her.
2. The senses are developing. The child understands and feels his mother better..

Each new life is unique

If everything is quiet, and suddenly you turn on the loud TV, the phone rings, music starts playing, the car horn beeps, or more noises, you may notice that your baby will "jump" into the womb. They flinch whether they are just relaxing or sleeping. In any case, the external stimuli surprised them and you felt the reaction!

This striking phenomenon in unborn babies appears to occur towards the end of pregnancy. Once born, you will have an amazing reflex, perhaps they brought with them from the womb. Does the thought of a baby crying in the womb make you a little teary-eyed? Unborn babies cry as they spend time in the womb. It may be strange to think that the baby has not yet been born, is actually crying in its mother's belly, but it is.

First, the sense of touch awakens: already in the seventh week, the skin is able to perceive and respond to sensations. The child can feel that he is surrounded by amniotic fluid, his body "listens" to the rhythm of the internal organs of the mother's body, resonates with the beats of her heart.

At the 25th week, the hearing organs are already fully developed. Every mother experienced this: if you turn on the mixer or slam the car door hard, the baby in the stomach shudders.

This is their way of communicating their needs, whether they are hungry, tired, in need of a change, or just wanting to be held back. Babies start to lead crying by practicing these all important skills while still in the womb! How can we tell when our baby is crying in the womb? Well, chances are, mom won't feel that her baby is crying. The researchers found through ultrasound that the babies were crying. It is a quiet cry characterized by depressing tongues in the open mouth, gasping here and there, and even with a trembling lower lip.

Your child spends nine long months with you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There are no breaks or one time. It's no surprise that kids recognize and remember their mom's voice. Doctors often ask moms to talk to their unborn child, sing songs to them, and even read a story to them. While it may sound silly, it can be fun and a way to make your child remember your voice as soon as he arrives in this world.

Early on, children can distinguish between “negative” and “positive” sounds. Affectionate words of his mother always reach him: if she talks to the baby in the stomach, he calms down or trembles joyfully. Professor Manfred Hansmann, head of the university gynecological clinic in Bonn and the "pioneer" in the field of ultrasound examination of babies, has been researching the close relationship between the mother and the baby in her belly for many years. “After the ultrasound examination, I ask the women to lie down for a few more minutes and talk loudly with the child. When I look at the screen, most babies are calm, their heart rate decreases, and their facial features become less tense.
3. There is an intuitive connection between the mother and the unborn child.
All researchers who are involved in the mental development of the baby proceed from the fact that the mother and the child are inextricably linked from the inside. Even when this connection cannot be proven scientifically - by biochemical analysis or ultrasound. “The baby in the womb perceives the state of mind of the mother and senses her thoughts,” says Dr. Thomas Reinert, a psychotherapeutic medicine specialist at the Welbert Clinic in Wuppertal, who has researched life before birth for many years.

With an ultrasound scan, when the baby hears the mother's voice, the heart rate may slow down. This may indicate that the child will relax when he finds out that their mom is there by hearing her voice. It's pretty phenomenal, so keep talking!

Sometimes, expecting parents to get a breathtaking ultrasound picture, and this is their little thumb sucking while in the womb! Babies are constantly experimenting during their wonderful stay in the soft world of the womb. They move their hands, touch their face. They will soon learn how to put their hand in their mouth.

During positive, harmonious periods of pregnancy, the expectant mother enjoys this inner contact with the baby. In less prosperous periods, such closeness worries pregnant women, since they realize that their worries, which are always enough, cannot be hidden from the baby. “The feelings of the mother-to-be are reflected in the baby,” explains Dr. Thomas Reinert. If the baby in the mother's body only feels rejection, later, most likely, he will hardly be able to love himself.
What impressions will the baby bring with him to this world?

And if you're lucky, you might be able to see some of them in action during the fascinating ultrasound. This is another way for babies to prepare for the outside world. In fact, unborn babies can learn to suck their thumb quite early, perhaps before they reach 20 weeks. It's pretty amazing, especially when you see it in action!

The suction of the thumb in the womb can become a large vessel once born. As with so many other things that your unborn child does in the womb, they practice the moment they take this journey through the birth canal and join us in life "outside"! For most of its time in your belly, your baby will remain with her eyes closed. Not much anyway!

Love and reliability are the ingredients for success - and then your baby will bloom!

Every mother wants her baby to develop normally in her body and be born a happy being. Only often the circumstances are not conducive to this. Even a desired child can, on occasion, bring troubles to his mother. And all this should be endured by the baby in the belly? Isn't it better to suppress negative emotions by all means and means?

After about seven months, your baby will have the opportunity to open their eyes. Again, little can be seen in his small space, but he must be able to see and even react to light. If you shine a bright light like a flashlight on your belly, you can just feel your baby moving. Most likely, he does not like the light and moves away from it.

It's amazing to know that your child will start opening and closing their eyes, preparing to blink and see as soon as she arrives. The old saying goes that you eat, your unborn child eats. This is true because you are feeding the baby through the umbilical cord. But in some cases, some flavors remain very common and can be tasted by your baby while in the womb. These aromas are actually found in the amniotic fluid.

“No, no mother should be forced to do this,” says Dr. Reinert. After his research, he will never reproach the expectant mother. But the feelings of the child should not be neglected in order to completely remove the guilt from the mother.

The baby in the womb shares the feelings of the mother if she is not well. That thought alone hurts. But the findings of Dr. Reinert and his colleagues are comforting. The child in the mother's body lives for moments. Just as quickly as he falls into despondency, feeling the anxiety of his mother, just as instantly his mood changes along with that of the mother, if she is happy again. And even short periods of peace and tranquility have a healing effect on him. If the hard times are over, the baby in the stomach feels “in seventh heaven,” says Dr. Reinert. "He feels that happiness exists and that he and his mother are on the way to this wonderful state."

So many flavors, from spicy to sweet, salty and sour, can make their way to your child's developing taste buds. Jaded garlic pizza? Your baby will breathe garlic for sure! Can't get enough pieces of chocolate pie?

Get ready for the future chocolate connoisseur! In fact, the researchers found that by expecting mothers who ate carrots turned out to be babies who actually enjoyed eating carrots more than babies whose mothers rarely or never kneaded carrots. So be sure to watch what you eat and enjoy it!

Already in the mother's body, the strength of the spirit is manifested: do not despair if something does not go well, but confidently hope for future moments of happiness.

The following optimistic discoveries are the result of a 2005 study on "Experiencing Peace in the Mother's Body" at the University of Trier by psychiatrist and biologist Dr. Margarita Rieger.
There is no relationship between baby's birth weight, head circumference, baby's overall vitality and mother's stress during pregnancy. The thesis that the health of the child depends on the mental state of the expectant mother turns out to be untenable.
Conflicting feelings and difficult periods in a mother's life do not harm the baby's state of mind. Only prolonged and prolonged stress can shake a child's confidence in the world around him. These babies cry more often and for a longer period of time after birth. Or they are drowsy, and their interest in the world around them quickly fades away.
The mother's body has special mechanisms to protect the baby from stress. In the second three months of pregnancy, a certain enzyme develops in the placenta. It is able to dull to a certain extent the action of cortisol in the blood, a stress hormone, and thus protects the baby. It is only if stress continues for a very long time that these mechanisms fail.

Pregnant moms know that as the months go on and your belly grows, this means there is less room for your baby to move around. They are undeniably comfortable and cozy seating surrounded by all that amniotic fluid. No need to worry, but babies are made to curl up and be cute and hunched over.

“Does the fruit have a taste sensation? It's hard to believe that he can taste, but I've heard that too. "

While your child makes himself beautiful and cuddly, he does wonderful things as he grows and develops. Kiki and kicks are the name of the game, and sometimes a lot of them! This can sometimes be uncomfortable for the expecting mom. It can be fun to play with your child. Sometimes, if a child kicks and you push off, she will hit again!

Nearly all newborns engage in behaviors that give them a sense of security, familiar from the sensations in the mother's body. For example, even the smallest ones crawl as close as possible in their strollers and cribs to the wooden or wicker upholstery and press their heads tightly against it (as if they are being squeezed in). What are they looking for? Sensation, which is accustomed to in the body of the mother, closely surrounded by the bones of the small pelvis. The overwhelming majority are born with a firm conviction - mom is warmth, closeness, protection, her love carries me. Even if, for nine months in the mother's body, the child experienced sadness and depression with his mother. Newborns give their mother an amazing proof of their trust: they do not react to anything as vividly as to her voice. Hearing her makes them happy.

It's incredible to know that you can interact with your baby like this before she is born. Your baby is once again preparing for the outside world in an extremely important and surprisingly amazing way - he is already training to breathe, already nine weeks into his life in the womb! Unborn babies get all the oxygen they need through the umbilical cord. But the umbilical cord will not stay with them once they arrive, so it is very important to know that they are practicing their breathing skills.

Babies practice breathing by making facial and mouth movements that can be seen on ultrasound. The fact that they only do this for a short time during pregnancy is incredible. Once your baby is born, their practice will pay off. The change in temperature from the womb to the world makes them breathe suddenly, but don't worry, they have been practicing for months!

All mothers, both after and before the birth of their baby, worry about their health and well-being, well-being and mood. Pregnant women should never be upset, but some external circumstances, hormonal disruptions and changes in mood, affect the moral well-being of the mother. So the question is that feels the baby in the womb when she cries, occurs frequently.

We know that babies recognize their mother's voice, after all, they hear her voice mostly all the time! Even more incredible, unborn babies can actually recognize the stories they have heard, as well as the songs that they sang or played in the womb.

You may have heard of moms reading books on their belly. Well, while it may sound strange, it is actually a wonderful thing. Read the same story to your toddler, feel it hit, and move. When babies are read the same story, even by another person, their heart rate slows down, indicating that they are learning what they are hearing!

The baby is closely connected with his mother both before and after birth. Feels her mood and its changes, reacts to them, sympathizes and empathizes with troubles. Starting from the 29th week of pregnancy, the child has already developed all the senses, he smells and tastes, perceives the space around him and even distinguishes changes in lighting. Therefore, you should not be upset and cry during pregnancy. Your baby's future well-being will be affected by your behavior during pregnancy. It is worth being careful with your emotions, protecting yourself from nervous shocks and stress.

There are many books on pregnancy, childbirth and newborn babies. They are written by qualified doctors: psychologists and pediatricians. Of course, you can trust them, but the presence of individual indicators of the mother and fetus should not be overlooked. And so, many experts argue that the moral connection between mother and child is very close and intimate. But besides the emotional connection, there is also a physical one. When the mother is happy, a hormone - endorphin is injected into her blood, and accordingly, it also occurs in the baby's blood in the womb, his mood rises. Children are in mom’s belly, they can rejoice and smile just like mom.

Unfortunately, not only joyful emotions are felt by the baby in the womb, sadness and stress, as well. When the mother is under stress, she is not in the mood, something oppresses her, the hormone cortisol, or cortisone, is supplied. These hormones also enter the child's blood from the mother, respectively, the mother, unwittingly, conveys her bad mood to the unborn baby. And he can be sad and cry, which is scientifically proven.

A child can also receive a nervous shock from a mother. When she is scared, adrenaline enters the bloodstream, it also enters the child's blood. The kid begins to get nervous and afraid, suffers and fights. Such stresses are always deposited in the subconscious, and affect the moral well-being and psyche of the crumbs.

You can offend the baby in the womb. Even if the mother is a little upset, it directly affects the baby. As well as what she tells, sings, gives to listen. The child feels not only care and love, but also disappointment and negativity. That's why when mom cries, baby cries with her... The baby reacts to tone of voice, movement and even breathing. You should be extremely careful with what you say and listen to, what you look at and even what you think about during pregnancy. The slightest difference affects the character and behavior of the child in the future. It is worth buying a reference book with fairy tales, and limit all films that cause bad mood, fear and tears.

The baby, being in the womb, is all the time surrounded by the sounds of the mother's body. He hears how his mother's heart beats, how the lungs fill with air, how the intestines rumbling, how blood runs through the veins and the umbilical cord, he even hears the gentle voice of his mother.

When does a child start to hear?

At the moment, it is not yet fully known when the baby begins to become aware of his surroundings, but it is already clear that the first connections between brain cells are formed at about the 12th week of pregnancy.

Then they will gradually improve and to (give or take), and your baby can already hear. Just by this time, his ears are already fully developed and the brain reacts to the sounds it receives. At first he perceives them as vibration.

By the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby perceives sound as noise. For example, research shows that babies born very early, before 30 weeks after conception, respond to rhythmic sounds differently from full-term babies.

Research with a 4D scanner

The most advanced ultrasound scanning technology allows unborn babies to be seen smiling, crying and blinking in the womb.

British scientists note that the images obtained with the 4D scanner (3D image in real time) suggest that the faces of children in the womb express emotions, which, in turn, are a kind of reflex in preparation for birth.

A four-dimensional scanner made it possible to see that the unborn child begins to move his fingers at the age of 15 weeks, at 18 weeks he already yawns, and at 26 he smiles, blinks and cries.

Scientists suggest that smiles in the womb indicate a calm and carefree existence in a comfortable environment for them, in contrast to the first six weeks after birth, when babies do not smile, probably due to encounter with a strange new environment that causes them psychological trauma.

Moves and dances!

At three weeks, the baby's heart begins to beat, although mothers do not hear him. A baby at 12 weeks already has arms, legs and eyes. Scientists using a unique device (the device is able to scan the position of the embryo in four dimensions and broadcast the video image from the mother's womb to the display) saw on the screen the life of a 12-week-old baby (the period during which some women have an abortion). The child sucked a finger, swam, waved his arms. Scientists were also struck by a dancing boy moving in a break style. After such emotional shots, doubting mothers would categorically refuse to terminate a pregnancy.

The new method of research arouses in expectant mothers a trembling love for a barely conceived baby, in addition to such a dancer!

Are you pregnant and looking forward to feeling your baby's first movements? Did your doctor tell you to count the baby's movements throughout the day to find out that he is okay? If so, you will find it helpful to read this article.

Feeling your little one kicking in your belly is an exciting and special experience for most expectant mothers, especially those who are expecting their first child. Stirring fetus is a sign that the precious little angel that grows in your tummy is growing and reaching new stages of its development. Want to know more facts about your baby's movements? Then read this article further.

Stirring indicates good health and development of your child.

Pinky is a sign of good development and health of the unborn child. Stirring indicates that your baby is active. You can feel how your baby kicks when he performs various movements inside the uterus, rolls, hiccups, turns over, rests his legs against your diaphragm, plays with the umbilical cord. When the baby begins to stretch its limbs during the first weeks of your pregnancy, you may feel a slight flutter in your abdomen, reminiscent of the flutter of a butterfly's wings.

The child reacts to changes in the environment

Babies start kicking in response to changes in their environment. The baby moves or stretches its limbs in response to some external stimulus, such as hearing a noise, or when you eat. Kicks are integral to the normal development of the fetus, so you have nothing to worry about.

Lying on the left side increases the child's frequency of movement

When a pregnant woman lies down on her left side, she may feel that her baby is becoming more active. This is explained by the fact that when the expectant mother lies on her left side, the blood supply to the fetus increases. As a result, the child becomes more active and the mother feels more of his movements. For this reason, when a pregnant woman ceases to feel the baby's movements, experts advise to lie down for a little on the left side.

After you have eaten, you may feel that the child has become more active.

If you are pregnant, you may notice that you can feel the baby stirring immediately after eating. Typically, a healthy child kicks 15-20 times a day.

The baby starts kicking after the 9th week of pregnancy

Did you know when babies start jostling inside your tummy? Well, actually, the baby starts kicking soon after the 9th week of its life in the womb. However, such early movements can only be detected during ultrasound examination. These movements are too weak, so the expectant mother cannot feel and recognize them. Most pregnant women feel a slight flutter in their abdomen early in pregnancy. However, most expectant mothers begin to feel strong shocks only from the 24th week of pregnancy. Mothers who are carrying their second child feel the baby's movements several weeks earlier than those who are expecting their first child.

A decrease in the number of movements can signal a deterioration in the child's health.

After 28 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor will likely advise you to monitor the amount of movement your baby has been making. You will probably need to count how long it will take between your baby's first and tenth push. A decrease in fetal activity in some cases can be cause for concern and mean that the baby is not getting enough oxygen. The number of fetal movements can also decrease due to a decrease in sugar levels. If you don't feel your baby moving for more than an hour, even after you have eaten, this may be cause for concern. In such a situation, try drinking cold water and then walking a little. You can also eat something sweet and lie down on your left side. Don't panic ahead of time: sometimes babies can just rest in the womb for 40-50 minutes.

If your child has become less active, and you do not feel even 10 movements in two hours, call the doctor. Your doctor may recommend a non-stress test or ultrasound scan to check the health of the fetus. If testing reveals a serious problem, your doctor may advise you to induce labor to save the baby's life.

A decrease in the number of movements of the child after 36 weeks does not mean problems

After the 36th week of pregnancy, your baby grows so much that it becomes cramped in your tummy, and there is less and less space for his somersaults. Although the number of hits decreases, they become more noticeable. You may feel a strong bump in the ribs on one or both sides when your toddler decides to stretch a little. Some pregnant women can even see the leg or the handle of their baby through the skin of the abdomen.

July 17, 2017 author admin

What does the fetus hear?

What is the effect of music on the fetus?

However, first of all, let's answer the most important question: when does the fetus get the opportunity to hear?

Modern experts do not have unequivocally accurate information on this score. According to research carried out in France, the first "auditory" sensations of the fetus appear very early. However, they are not in the full sense auditory (as we - adults understand them). They are vibrational in nature. At this time of development, the baby does not hear sounds, but is only able to perceive sound vibrations as vibration. It is believed that at this stage a special picture of the world is formed in the child: everything around is perceived not through sound, but through pulsation.

In the period up to the 16th week of intrauterine life, the formation of the inner ear (the organ of hearing) occurs in the child, which begins to function from about the 20th week. That is, it is from the 20th obstetric week that the sound waves that reach the fetus are gradually reborn and begin to feel like auditory. Separate sounds now reach the child, namely: noises emitted by the mother's body (the baby hears a loud heartbeat, mother's voice, lung noises, sounds of intestinal and stomach peristalsis, in addition, the baby also perceives the noise that makes blood flow in the mother's body, as well as blood flow in the placenta). The loudest sounds that a baby hears are the mother's voice, as well as the pounding of her heartbeat. This was established by researchers who inserted a mini-microphone into the uterus during childbirth.

The sounds of the outside world reach the child weakened and changed, which is explained by the presence of a constant internal noise background, as well as by the water environment.

Modern experts speculate that a newborn is able to recognize the mother's voice by recalling it, since he has already heard it before - during intrauterine development. Moreover, scientists have been able to prove the presence of auditory memory in the fetus. American researchers conducted a demonstrative experiment: pregnant women, starting from the 34th week of gestation, read the same poem aloud to their child twice a day. The newborns who were born to these women, some time after birth, were put on headphones and given a nipple probe, which was connected to the device. The device could switch the narration in the headphones depending on the nature of the sucking. Making sucking movements with different frequencies, babies could either listen to the same poem, read in the voice of the mother, or in the voice of another woman. The babies tried to suck so that they could hear the mother's voice. Newborns could also choose between several poems read by the mother. And each time they gave preference to the already familiar - the one that they heard in the last months of intrauterine life. This experiment led to the conclusion that the baby recognizes the mother's voice while still in the womb, and is also able to distinguish between poems, probably by their rhythm.

At 6-7 months of pregnancy, the fetus is able not only to hear, but also to differentiate internal noises. In addition, the baby is not at all indifferent to whether the mother's heartbeat is excited or calm, her voice is sad or cheerful, even or intermittent, tense breathing. If the mother is agitated, the rhythm of the heart is alarmed, the rhythm of breathing is disturbed, then the fetus freezes, as if anticipating danger. Unfortunately, this danger becomes real after a while - hormones caused by the negative emotions of the mother enter the fetus's body. And stress hormones, as you know, can cause a deterioration in the well-being of a child. Thus, we can talk about the ability of the fetus to establish a connection between the nature of sound and emotion, and then with its own physiological state.

In the last months of intrauterine development (starting from the 8th month), the fetus perceives sounds more and more differentiated. French obstetricians conducted an experiment, as a result of which it was possible to prove that a child is able to hear not only internal noises (described and listed above), but also external ones. These sounds from the outside world pass through the aquatic environment, which distorts them somewhat. In addition, the baby hears them through the noise curtain of internal sounds.

How did the experiment go? The researchers placed a mini-microphone in the mother's uterus after the membranes ruptured. The sensor recorded the intensity of external sounds that reached the baby, still inside the mother's womb. The external sounds were heard by the fetus participating in the study: voices in the room, as well as classical music that was broadcast in the maternity ward.

After the thirty-second week of development, the baby is able not only to distinguish extrauterine sounds, but also to differentiate them. The child can hear lower sounds better, as well as noises that are colored by the emotional perception of the mother. Emotions of the mother allow the baby to "divide" the voices of the people with whom she communicates into friendly and hostile. If communication does not bring pleasure to the mother, if relatives or any other people make her worry (which leads to a nervous heartbeat, the appearance of alarming notes in the voice), the child feels danger. And vice versa, if communication with someone brings joy and peace to the mother, then the child also understands that he is safe with this person. This knowledge can be adopted by future parents. Reconsider your relationships with loved ones, try to avoid people who make you nervous, tune in to a kind-hearted attitude towards others. Thus, you will protect the unborn baby from stress and fear, which do not contribute to his successful development at all.

A positive fetal experience is the key to its successful adaptation to a new extrauterine environment after birth. Newborns often frustrate their parents with a constant pitiful cry. Why is the baby crying? This may not be due to discomfort or external stimuli. It happens that the child is tormented by the memories of the difficult experience that he had to go through in the womb. Of no small importance is the benevolence of the pregnant woman's voice, as well as the positive emotions that arise in response to external sounds. This is why pregnant women are encouraged to listen to music!

The influence of music on the fetus

Let's first answer the question: "From what week of pregnancy can the fetus perceive music?" We have already written about when the fetus begins to hear. However, the perception of music has some peculiarities. Which?

Experts say that it is possible to acquaint an unborn baby with musical works, starting from the 32nd week. It is from this time that the fetus is able to respond to the tones of music that penetrate into the uterus (however, the music should surpass its basic noises in its intensity).

How does the fetus respond to music? Musical sounds can change the heart rate of the fetus, as well as affect its motor activity. The child perceives music not only at the level of sound. The emotional side of music is of great importance for the fetus - how his mother perceives it.

What kind of music can be given to the fetus to listen to?

Regardless of the emotions of the mother, there are musical genres that have a certain, deliberately known effect on the baby. So, for example, the fruit gives preference to the music of the classics, folk songs, old romances and opera arias. The thundering pop rock music has a heavy effect on the child. Moreover, the negative reaction is generated by the sounds of pop music, which is characterized by the clarity and uniformity of the rhythm and high volume. There are cases when babies literally forced their mothers to leave concert halls and discotheques. In such cases, the fetus rotates strongly, persistently pushes the mother in the stomach, as if trying to tell her mother: "I feel bad and scared in this loud and stuffy place."

From the thirty-third week of development, the child selectively reacts to the classical works that are offered to him for listening to music. For example, the music of Beethoven and Brahms has a stimulating and exciting effect, while Mozart and Vivaldi have a calming effect. A child is not only selective in his reactions, he remembers music and keeps memories of it all his life. It happens that people recognize certain pieces of music that they heard only in the womb. The story of the American conductor Boris Broth, who, getting acquainted with some of the works for the first time, knowingly knew the violin part even before turning the page of the score, is indicative. The conductor himself could not find the cause of this phenomenon. It looked like a miracle! He happened to mention this during a conversation with his mother, who had previously also studied music as a cellist. The mother looked through her long-standing programs and was surprised to find that her son "remembered" the works that she, while pregnant, was learning ...

Of course, there is no reason to believe that listening to classical music while pregnant will cause a musically gifted child to be born. However, one thing seems clear: a child will be born, receptive to music. And this will enormously enrich his whole life.

All mothers, both after and before the birth of their baby, worry about their health and well-being, well-being and mood. Pregnant women should never be upset, but some external circumstances, hormonal disruptions and changes in mood, affect the moral well-being of the mother. So the question is that feels the baby in the womb when she cries, occurs frequently.

The baby is closely connected with his mother both before and after birth. Feels her mood and its changes, reacts to them, sympathizes and empathizes with troubles. Starting from the 29th week of pregnancy, the child has already developed all the senses, he can smell and taste, feel the space around him and even distinguish between changes in lighting. Therefore, you should not be upset and cry during pregnancy. Your baby's future well-being will be affected by your behavior during pregnancy. It is worth being careful with your emotions, protecting yourself from nervous shocks and stress.

There are many books on pregnancy, childbirth and newborn babies. They are written by qualified doctors: psychologists and pediatricians. Of course, you can trust them, but the presence of individual indicators of the mother and fetus should not be overlooked. And so, many experts argue that the moral connection between mother and child is very close and intimate. But besides the emotional connection, there is also a physical one. When the mother is happy, a hormone - endorphin is injected into her blood, and accordingly, it also occurs in the baby's blood in the womb, his mood rises. Children are in mom’s belly, they can rejoice and smile just like mom.

Unfortunately, not only joyful emotions are felt by the baby in the womb, sadness and stress, as well. When the mother is under stress, she is not in the mood, something oppresses her, the hormone cortisol, or cortisone, is supplied. These hormones also enter the child's blood from the mother, respectively, the mother, unwittingly, conveys her bad mood to the unborn baby. And he can be sad and cry, which is scientifically proven.

A child can also receive a nervous shock from a mother. When she is scared, adrenaline enters the bloodstream, it also enters the child's blood. The kid begins to get nervous and afraid, suffers and fights. Such stresses are always deposited in the subconscious, and affect the moral well-being and psyche of the crumbs.

You can offend the baby in the womb. Even if the mother is a little upset, it directly affects the baby. As well as what she tells, sings, gives to listen. The child feels not only care and love, but also disappointment and negativity. That's why when mom cries, baby cries with her... The baby reacts to tone of voice, movement and even breathing. You should be extremely careful with what you say and listen to, what you look at and even what you think about during pregnancy. The slightest difference affects the character and behavior of the child in the future. It is worth buying a reference book with fairy tales, and limit all films that cause a bad mood, fear and tears.