Restoration of nails after gel polish at home. How to repair damaged nails after removing gel polish

Gel polish is good for everyone: I applied it once, and then for at least two weeks you don't have to worry about the appearance of your hands. There is only one problem: after prolonged use of such a coating, the nails deteriorate. They become dry, brittle, thin and sensitive. To bring them back to life, you need, firstly, to give the plates a rest and not to use gel polish for a couple of months. We'll tell you what else will help bring back the perfect manicure.

Olive oil

One of the most effective recipes for restoring plates at the same time and the simplest is olive oil. Just arrange your nails every evening for 10-minute baths in heated oil (at elevated temperatures, nutrients penetrate better into the structure of the plate). The result will be noticeable within a week. As a bonus - soft skin of the hands.

Sea salt

Another remedy from the "grandmother's chest" is a sea salt bath. We think that no one doubts their effectiveness: you must have noticed that after staying at sea, nails become strong and grow quickly. But if you can't fly to the coast in the near future, you can create an "oasis" at home. The main thing here is regularity. Baths should be done every day.

Mar 5, 2018 at 11:56 PST

Feb 10, 2018 at 7:11 PST

IBX System

The IBX System is available in most nail salons. Do not rush to give it up - this is just the case when the procedure can really help your long-suffering nails. The tool penetrates deep into the nail and, as it were, fuses with it, gluing the exfoliated plate. That is why it will not be possible to remove this coating - it will grow back with the nail. By the way, IBX System can be applied under the gel polish itself, thus preventing a disaster.

Paraffin therapy

Another procedure that is presented in the salons. Nice and helpful. Immersing your hands in a bath with molten paraffin not only has the best effect on the skin, but also nourishes the nail plate, and also improves blood circulation - the nails grow a little faster from this.


No, now we are not talking about the need to drink vitamins (although this, of course, does not hurt). Their external use will bring no less benefit. Buy vitamins A and E in capsules from the pharmacy and rub their mixture into the nail plate every evening.

Wax sealing

Or polishing with wax. You can do this procedure at home. First, apply wax to the plate (the required consistency is like thick honey) and spread it over the entire surface, and then go over the top with a polishing file. Such simple manipulations lead to the fact that the nail becomes protected from the influence of the environment and household chemicals, and the moisture in it is "sealed".

Long lasting manicure is one of the best beauty innovations. In conditions of a total lack of time, gel polish becomes a real salvation for many women! However, this pleasure is not devoid of consequences, and after the procedure, girls often ask why nails exfoliate after gel polish. Is it the master, the product, or you?

The main problems after removing gel polish

Before blaming the salon and the master for a poorly performed procedure or bad material for your manicure, try to figure out on your own what could be the case, and whether it could have been avoided. There are four most common problems associated with the effects of gel polish: let's figure out what can cause them?

Problem one: nails exfoliate

This problem brings girls a lot of problems: no varnish is applied to exfoliating nails, it is difficult to give them a beautiful shape, and it looks very ugly. However, practice shows that most often nails begin to exfoliate after self-removal of gel polish: they either try to peel it off like a film, or try to use a home remedy for nail polish remover, sealing it in foil, as they do in salons.

The most important advice in this case: do not remove the gel polish yourself, contact a professional! Even the presence of a professional product does not guarantee you a good result, because the salons use different firms of gel polishes that require appropriate removal.

Problem two: nails hurt

Nails hurt after removing gel polish for several reasons. The most common is associated with the presence of acetone in the gel polish remover: many girls' nails react very painfully to it due to the fact that the nails are very dry under its influence.

Also, the problem may be associated with the structure of the nail plate: too thin nails respond with pain to removing gel polish, regardless of the qualifications of the master and the means he uses. In addition, the case may be in the unmoistened cuticle - it is imperative to lubricate it with oil when wearing gel polish!

The third problem: gel polish breaks!

This problem, unfortunately, has nothing to do with either the master or the products provided by your salon. The fragility of nails directly depends on your internal health, and a persistent manicure is unable to affect this: nails break under gel polish in the same way as without it. In case of constant breakage at the same length, it is worth drinking vitamins.

Problem four: nails turn yellow

But this problem is solely related to the drug used by your master. And do not believe the assurances that yellowness is normal! Nails are a dead material that does not need air, so they cannot "breathe", and even wearing gel polish for a month will not hurt them. Of course, if the gel polish was good and of high quality.

The nail plate may turn yellow due to mixing of products from different manufacturers, due to nitrocellulose in the composition, as well as due to expired varnish. In addition, expired gel polishes often form white spots on the nails after removal, which are not easy to get rid of. There is also a chance that you have a fungus - check with a dermatologist to rule out this possibility.

How to fix?

If the problems after removing the gel polish showed themselves in all their glory, and in the salon they just shrug their shoulders, you will have to take care of your nails yourself. First of all, unfortunately, they will have to be cut off - the shorter the nail plate, the less likely it is to delaminate and break off! If you want to keep your nails in good shape, say goodbye to length.

For nails after gel polish, baths will be a useful find. It is worth adding to them various oils and extracts that nourish and moisturize the nail plate - this will help to reduce all damage to nothing in a short time! In addition, if your nails turn yellow after removing the gel polish, add lemon juice or sea salt to such a bath. They will help restore the natural color of the nail.

Also use oils - for both hands and cuticles. Adequate care of this area will quickly get rid of discomfort: adequate nutrition will save you from flaking, and from brittleness, and from pain in the nails. Plus, they'll grow back faster!

In addition to these standard methods and moisturizers, special spa treatments can be used. Gloves or fingertips with special impregnation will be an excellent find: in just thirty minutes a day, they will help to significantly improve the situation! For the best effect, use such means in a course: a week is considered the optimal period.

You can also use special protective coatings purchased from a pharmacy or your favorite beauty supply store. Look carefully at the composition: for a noticeable effect, such a product needs vitamins and minerals!

And of course, you need to take vitamins and minerals by mouth. Vitamin multi-complexes are perfect for these purposes: in addition to taking care of nails, they also significantly improve the condition of hair, skin and immunity.

Shellac, gel polishes and other long-lasting coatings that are dried with an ultraviolet lamp made a splash: finally, a long-lasting manicure for 2-3 weeks! But after removing the coating, many girls noted that their nails looked terrible: they exfoliate, break, become thinner ...

We figured out why this happens, and how to restore health to the nails.

Gel that is applied to nails is a complex chemical compound based on hydrated collagen, which is “fused” into the upper layer of the nail plate using ultraviolet light. When the coating is removed, it is removed along with the top layer of the nail plate. Therefore, when a new method of manicure was invented, heated discussions arose among specialists about how safe the technique was. In fact, the controversy does not subside until now, so the first advice, which is unanimously voiced by the leading experts in manicure, is that persistent coatings cannot be applied constantly. Recommended regimen - 2 manicures with a long-lasting coating - 3 months break (without coating or with regular varnish).

But there are still some things you need to know before deciding.

1. The ultraviolet light used during the procedure is very aggressive to the skin cells. If you have moles on your hands, be extra careful. And for those with sensitive skin, the UV lamp can even cause a burn!

2. Under a resistant coating, the nail plate is completely devoid of oxygen and moisture, which is an additional factor that causes the plate to dry out, brittle it and stratify.


3. When removing the coating, an aggressive solution is used, which is applied to the nails under foil or special impermeable material for at least 20 minutes. This also destroys the nail.

If you still think a long-lasting manicure is worth it, take care to properly repair your nails after removing the coating.

1. Nutrition

You will be surprised, but this is the most important stage, and not at all medical varnishes or masks. Eat more oily fish, eggs and cheese even before you remove the stubborn nail polish. The calcium they contain is a building material for the nail, and the thicker the nail plate, the less noticeable damage caused by permanent coatings is.

2. Trace elements

Supplements or vitamin complexes with a high content of iron and zinc are an excellent help to nails, these elements make them elastic, firm, smooth and return a healthy pink tone.

3. Vitamins

Vitamin C is famous for its whitening effect, so a couple of citrus fruits a day will have a positive effect on the condition of your nails. No, not inside, but in the form of a mask: rub the pulp of a lemon, orange or grapefruit into a pulp, apply to your nails and put on gloves for half an hour.

Now, what to do when the cover is removed.

1. Cut your nails short.

The shorter the plate, the less it exfoliates and breaks.

2. Polish

An ordinary polishing file will remove the remnants of the damaged layer and open air access to the undamaged layers of the plate. Give your nail a chance to breathe!

3. Buy gloves

And in the next 2-3 weeks, do all housework related to water with gloves. Give your nails a break from chemicals!

4. Treat the cuticle

In the morning and evening, massage the cuticle (and the nail at the same time) with jojoba oil, apricot or olive. Nail and cuticle oil will restore the structure of the nail and reduce fragility.

5. Use strengthening medicated varnishes

Protein formulations are especially good.

6. Make a gelatin mask

Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of hot water and dip your nails into it as soon as the temperature of the solution becomes comfortable. Hold for 20 minutes, blot with a napkin.

7. Try an iodine bath

Do not be afraid: if you do it in the evening, the iodine will evaporate by morning, and the color of your nails will not suffer. So, dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary salt and half a tablespoon of iodine in 200 ml of water. Dip your hands in the water for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water, apply the cream and go to bed. This bath stimulates the growth of the nail and improves its structure.

8. Prepare a paraffin wrap

Melt a paraffin candle, let the paraffin cool to a comfortable temperature, dip your nails into a viscous mass and let it cool completely on your hands.

Before blaming the nail master or the actual gel polishes for problems with nails, let's figure it out. What could lead to unpleasant consequences and how now to restore nails after prolonged use of gel polishes?

Cover only healthy nails with gel polish

Only healthy nails can be coated with gel polish. Small cracks on the sides of the nail plate are not a problem. Ask your master to fix the damaged areas with silk or acrylic and only then apply gel polish. With such "protection" your nails will live longer, the free edge will grow back, and by the next manicure procedure, the damaged areas can be easily filed without sacrificing the length of the nails. Another problem is small "dents" on the nails, which appear due to too much pressure on the cuticle during the manicure procedure. In this case, ask your master to "align" the nail plate with an additional layer of gel polish base. If the nails have changed color, began to "crumble" or hurt while drying in a lamp or removing the gel, you should consult a doctor, find out the reason and only then "think about the beauty of nails."

Do not remove the gel polish yourself

What really spoils the nail plate is the improper removal of the gel polish. There are many manufacturers: different gels have different compositions, different application technologies and, accordingly, different removal products. You should not remove the gel polish yourself, even if you have seen a hundred times how and with what it is done in the salon. As a rule, a special liquid and an orange stick are used for removal. The technology of removing some gel polishes involves “washing down” the top layer of the coating (but only the top one). In no case should you remove the gel polish as a "film": together with the coating, you will also remove the top layer of the nail, and as a result you will get thin, brittle and exfoliating nails.

Make an appointment in advance for a manicure

All nails grow at different rates, and therefore the ideal time between manicure procedures for each girl is different. Pay attention to how long after applying the gel polish your nails look good, and sign up for the next procedure while still in the salon, so as not to unexpectedly be left with stale manicure.

Do supportive nail treatments

After removing the gel polish, the nails are most often polished, as a result of which the plate becomes thinner and more vulnerable. Regular olive oil will help restore and strengthen your nails. Warm it up to a comfortable temperature, dip your fingers in the oil and hold for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure every night for a week. If the nails begin to exfoliate and break, try to treat them with a special coating with calcium, vitamins and minerals in the composition. In the cold season, pamper your hands with a spa treatment using thermal gloves. Buy cosmetic paraffin, melt it in a water bath, add a few drops of olive oil. Then apply this mixture liberally to your fingers and wear gloves. And in order not to suffer without a smartphone, turn on some good old comedy for yourself.

We restore nails after damage

Coating nails with gel polish is becoming more and more popular every day. Therefore, the question arises of how to restore nails after gel polish.

Due to its durability, such a manicure lasts 2-3 weeks, which greatly facilitates the life of modern women.

Why do nails deteriorate?

Anyone who is just going to cover their nails with gel polish should not be intimidated. In most cases, after removing the gel material, the nail plate remains in good condition. However, there are women who note the lamination and thinness of the nails. Some girls may develop white spots.

Coating with gel polish can lead to a number of complications:

  • Allergy. Gel polish is an artificial material with many chemical compounds in its composition. Therefore, an allergic reaction to one of them is quite possible. In this case, the deterioration of the plate condition will be noticeable after the first correction.
  • Fungal infection. Failure to comply with sanitary standards in the cabin can lead to infection with a fungus. In this case, not only the nails deteriorate, but also the skin around them. She turns red and inflamed. To avoid such a situation, you need to contact only trusted specialists.
  • Thinning of the nail. The reason is the violation of the technology for applying or removing gel polish.

If any of the complications occur, nail treatment is required.

Reasons that can negatively affect the health of the nails:

  • Excessive resurfacing, which leads to mechanical depletion of the nail.
  • Long wearing period.
  • When removing the material, an acetone solution is used, which dries the nails.
  • The use of substandard material.
  • Violation of the technology for applying or removing gel polish.
  • You can treat damaged nails after removing gel polish in a beauty salon or at home using special solutions and natural remedies.

Professional restoration

An example of nail restoration after procedures

Today, the salons offer a wide range of nail restoration services.
The most popular are such nail care procedures after removing gel polish, such as:

  1. paraffin baths;
  2. sealing;
  3. strengthening IBX.

Sealing is the application of a composition with honey and wax to the nail plate. After this procedure, the nails acquire a protective film, which not only strengthens them, but also makes them smoother and shinier.

When peeling nails, paraffin baths will be most effective (photo 1). Hands are dipped in molten paraffin, which fills even microscopic cracks in nails and skin. The procedure contributes to the saturation of tissues with useful microelements, as a result of which the nails become stronger and the skin of the hands - younger.

IBX prevents the delamination of the nail plate, is applied in several layers, cures in a UV lamp like any gel material, you can apply regular varnish on top. The recovery course consists of 4 procedures.

All methods are effective and allow you to quickly put your nails in order. Many masters offer their clients to take a restorative course immediately after removing the gel polish.

Special remedies for recovery

Not only in the salon, but also at home, you can provide high-quality nail care. You can use funds from a pharmacy or a specialized store.

So, Kalyon strengthens the nail plate and accelerates its growth. The product looks like a pearlescent varnish. To achieve the desired effect, it is used for 2-3 weeks, and it can also serve as a base for ordinary varnish.

Trind Keratin Nil Restorer is an effective nail hardener. It contains keratin and moisturizing elements. It is applied to the nail plate 2 times a day.

Cuticle oils, when used 2-3 times a day, effectively soften and moisturize the skin, and useful trace elements accelerate the restoration of nails after gel polish.

In addition, a large selection of colored repair varnishes can be found in specialized stores. They have a strengthening effect and protect the plate from external influences (household chemicals, water). This coating contains minerals, vitamins and calcium.

The use of the above means will allow you to return the nails to a healthy look without unnecessary financial costs, but a longer period of treatment will be required.

Home doctor

Restoration of nails in a bath after gel polish

Along with specialized nail restoration products, you can use self-made baths and masks.

How to strengthen nails after removing gel polish at home? Herbs, juices and vitamins will come to the rescue.

The easiest way to take care of your nails is to soak them. Most often, chamomile decoction is used for this. Olive oil and sea salt solution are equally effective. It is necessary to prepare a warm bath of chamomile or salt and dip your fingers into it for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, you should not rub your hands, you need to gently blot them with a soft towel and apply a nourishing cream. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a week.

Olive oil is heated a little and used in the same way as chamomile decoction. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

The most effective and useful mask is based on vitamin E. A few drops of vitamin E are rubbed into each nail and cuticle.

Lemon juice is a budget but effective nail care product. You need to apply the juice and leave it on your nails until it dries completely. As you know, lemon contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is able to restore, nourish and disinfect the surface of the nail plate. The tool will be effective even if a white or dark speck appears on the plate.

Berry masks can also be used to restore nails. You can use any berries that contain a large amount of vitamin C. Popular masks made from berries such as:

  1. currant;
  2. cowberry;
  3. cranberry;
  4. Rowan.

The fruits are ground into a gruel and applied for 15 minutes. Berry masks are used no more than 1-2 times a week.

Strengthening nails at home is the most convenient and budgetary way.

If your nails hurt

As strange as it may sound, nails can really hurt. Some women complain of painful sensations just after removing the gel coating.

The question arises why the nails hurt after removing the gel. As a rule, the cause of pain is damage to the nail plate.

Often in the case of self-removal of the gel, the nails are severely damaged, and pain may appear. Masters use products that gently dissolve the gel without any harm.

Having decided to cover her nails with gel polish, a woman should make sure of the qualifications of the master. In addition, you need to ask what materials are used during the procedure. Otherwise, the plate may be injured - mechanical or chemical.

Pain in nails after gel polish

Take breaks between coats to allow your nails to rest. If you wear gel polish all the time, then due to frequent grinding, the nail plate becomes significantly thinner. Subsequently, this can lead to various complications.

Women with naturally thin nails should wear protective gloves when cleaning the house. Chemicals are able to penetrate the thin plate, causing burning and pain. In addition, the use of gloves will keep the gel polish intact for longer.

It is advisable to use hand creams that contain glycerin or silicone. In winter, you should not go outside without gloves, as the cold can cause pain in your nails.

It must be remembered that even the best specialist, using high-quality materials, cannot guarantee the ideal condition of the plate after wearing gel polish. The reason is the use of hard nail files and frequent nail polishing. Therefore, you need to maintain healthy nails constantly.

Photo of nails with gel polish with fashionable drawings