Choose the best tool for whitening the skin of the face. Ready cosmetics - this

Whitening face cream is specially designed tools with which you can reduce skin pigmentation in the form of moles, dark spots, freckles. The epidermis can change its structure as a result of pregnancy or due to age processes, as well as pigmentation may be a normal state of skin. In all cases, whitening agents will always come to the rescue.

The appearance of pigmentation can be a feature of the skin, but most often it provokes various reasons: pathologies in the urinary system, problems with the stomach and intestines, lack of necessary vitamins. Also on the condition of the skin affects a long stay in the sun.

To correctly choose whitening cream, you need to pay attention to its composition. The components contained in it directly depend on the tasks that such a drug must perform. Therefore, when buying it is worth reading the composition.

The main tasks of whitening cream:

  • decrease in melanin production (substance provoking skin darling);
  • cleansing of the skin from the upper noise layer of cells with melanin;
  • moisturizing skin cover;
  • giving the skin softness, elasticity and elasticity.

To achieve the tasks, the following components must be present in the cream:

  1. Acorbinic acid - The substance that suppresses the synthesis of melanin, strengthens the shell of capillaries, which are located almost outside.
  2. Panthenol - Component of bleaching cream, which contributes to the rapid skin renewal after removal of organized particles.
  3. Natural substances of vegetable origin with a high whitening property - aloe juice, human extract, jojoba oil, parsley.

Such components should be present in a safe cream against
pigmentation of the skin. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the presence in hydroquinone masses speaks of their toxicity. This is a dangerous substance. Hydroquinone, although effectively suppresses melanin, is still very toxic. It is also worth avoiding whitening funds, which contains ancient acid, arbutin. Such substances relate to allergens and are able to cause a negative reaction of the body.

A good cream has in its composition, in addition to the ingredients listed, almond oil and lactic acid. Such substances naturally clarify the skin without harm.

How to use cream from pigment spots

All bleaching agents act on the skin in two directions - purified from outdoor cells and reduce melanin production. Due to this cell, the skin is updated. The daily use of creams from stains creates the effect of peeling, that is, skin to clean constantly. Because of this, it becomes more sensitive to external stimuli.

To protect the skin, it is necessary to consider several nuances of the correct use of the skin whitening cream:

  1. Menses against pigmentation is better to apply a few hours before night sleep. Exclude the use of cream during the daytime.
  2. No need to make whitening constantly. The use of the cream for 14-21 days is quite enough for a tangible effect. Then you need to take a break until the stains begin to appear again. This is a gentle method of using bleaching cream.
  3. Apply tool is standing with massage movements and small portions. This will make it possible not to score pores by excess of the cream.

It is worth noting that in whitening drugs there is no protection against UV rays. And the skin with pigment stains very reacts to solar radiation. Therefore, in the bleaching cream complex, it is necessary to use funds with components from solar exposure.

Effective creams from freckles and pigment spots

The appearance of small brown spots can be not only on the face, but also throughout the body. Some are not very noticeable, others try to disguise them in every way. Freckles in the warm period of the year appear especially brightly, when the sun after winter begins to harmon. At this time, the skin begins to "blossom."

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin can be the result of age-related changes in the dermis or a consequence of violations in the internal organs. In any case, bleaching creams can help, for a while, eliminating unwanted defects in the form of dark spots.

The main action of the cream from freckles and pigment spots - giving the skin of a lighter and even tone. This effect helps to achieve the beta-carotene, vegetable oils and extracts of parsley, citrus fruits and cucumber.

Review of the best creams with bleaching properties


  • Milk Skin The means is unique in its composition and action. Milk Skin eliminates pigment spots of any etiology and prevents their further education. In other words, the cream once and forever eliminates all skin defects (spots, freckles, acne, rash and inflammation of the dermis). The remedy is tested and recognized as the best among all whitening drugs. The cream is certified, does not cause allergies, as well as other negative reactions. Price up to 2000 rubles.

Fashion for clean white skin of the face with a gentle blush gradually returns. Beauty with a bronze tan today is less and less likely to appear on the pages of popular glossy magazines. Therefore, many women begin to think about how to whiten the skin on the face. In fact, it is not difficult. On the shelves of modern shops are offered a huge number of high-quality and safe specials and, of course, do not forget about effective folk recipes.

The best results can be achieved with a competent combination of several of the most efficient ways.

Review of effective whitening creams for skin

The easiest way to achieve perfect skin is to take advantage of high-quality bleaching cream. To understand the broad manifold of modern means and choose among them the best will help thematic reviews.

With regular use, not only feeds the skin, but also removes freckles from its surface, solar and age spots. It helps to fight even with pigmented scars. The main advantage of the funds is not only in its effectiveness, but also in the fact that with such a strong impact on the skin, it does not dry it and does not fill.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to apply cream on the skin with a thin layer twice a day. The result will be noticeable in about 12-14 days.

This agent is famous for its unique composition. This is a special combination of amino acids that can regulate the process of producing melatonin in the skin. Due to this, the cream gel is not only actively struggling with existing dark spots on the skin, but also prevents their appearance in the future as a result of the impact of various external factors.

It is convenient that it does not need to be applied for a certain time. The tool is intended solely for washing. To achieve maximum efficiency, it is best to use it with whitening cream.

The cream discussed falls into the top three among modern means for whitening the skin of the face. He has no contraindications, since the composition of the product turned out to be natural without any chemicals. The cream is capable of fighting scars from acne and acne, with age and hepatic spots, freckles and other skin imperfections. The main requirement is to use it daily. The result will have to wait, but after 3-4 weeks it will be possible to enjoy beautiful skin.

The composition of this clarifying cream includes natural natural ingredients that are not only treated damaged skin and eliminate its external drawbacks, but also allow you to prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the future. Antioxidants give the skin elasticity, elasticity and strength, which makes it possible to make less noticeable mimic wrinkles, and as well as slow down aging.

Very comfortable, a tube means. As a result, it is convenient to apply in a variety of conditions. It is necessary to carry out this procedure before bedtime, since at night all the healing components of the cream will especially actively work.

Whitening serum for face

Cosmetic serum is a special skin care tool, which contains an increased concentration of active substances (in this case whitening). At the same time, all of them are in the form that is easily absorbed by the skin.

Unlike the cream in which the active substance molecules are much larger in size, the serum is capable of penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin.

If the serum is used hot summer during the daytime, it is best to apply it under protective tanning cream. Or simply avoid direct sunlight in the next 2-3 hours after applying.

In modern stores, you can buy whitening serums for every taste and wallet. For example, Ultra Brightening Serum is popular with Ultraceuticals with a toolberry extract as the main ingredient, as well as Blanc Expert Melanolyser from Lancome, which is ideal for fighting pigment spots, and budget serum "White Flax", which, despite its low cost, It turned out very effective.

Effective whitening mask Belit Vitex

To purchase a qualitative and effective remedy, it is not necessary to spend an impressive summary of it. Among budget cosmetic lines there are also very worthy creams, serums, gels and masks. One of them is the Belarusian mask from pigment spots and freckles.

This remedy can simultaneously fight with different skin imperfections. It lightes freckles and pigment stains, and also removes dead particles and derives harmful substances from the cells. Already after several applications, the skin becomes more beautiful, elastic and elastic.

Manufacturers note that the mask differs from other similar products to the special technology of "smart" clarification. This means that the components from its composition are able to act on those areas of the skin you want to whiten.
If used regularly, the risk of new pigment stains will be minimal.

Folk remedies that can be applied at home

The impact on the skin will be more efficient and effective if you combine cosmetics with folk recipes. Or choose for yourself one most preferred way. Even our great-grandmothers knew how to make the skin bright and beautiful with the help of ingredients that are in the farm from each of us.

For example, in the summer it will be useful to make fresh juicy masks from strawberries, red sweet peppers and melon. You can simply grind the ingredient in the blender and impose it to face or mix with kefir. Any of the listed masks has a whitening effect.


One of the most famous whitening folk remedies is the usual lemon juice. True, it will have to use it strictly daily. For this, fresh lemon juice is applied to a cotton swab, and then problem areas are carefully lubricated by this fluid. If combating freckles are underway, then applying and should be pointing at all. Doing a common mask for a whole face is not recommended.

After 25-30 minutes, juice is washed off with warm water, and lightly applied on top to the skin.


A huge number of effective recipes from parsley is known.
After skin treatment, the scrub on it can be applied with a mask of chopped green parsley. After 30 minutes, the mask washed off and the moisturizing cream is applied to the face. In winter, greens can be replaced with rhizomes that will be able to prepare in advance.

Mix the specified crushed ingredient can also be honey. As well as with dairy products. If the skin is dry, then with sour cream, if fat - with kefir.

You can easily prepare alcohol lotion from parsley. For this 700 grams of fresh crushed greenery poured 700 milliliters of vodka. After 14 days, lotion is ready and they can wipe the face 1-2 times a day. The main thing is to use glass dishes for tincture and keep it in a dark place.


White clay is best suited for skin lightening. To do this, one tablespoon of the specified ingredient will be required to dilute to the state of liquid cashem with fresh cucumber or strawberry juice. You will also need to add 1-2 drops of lemon juice to the finished mixture.

Face bleaching cream Helps hide such flaws on the skin, like pigment spots, freckles, uneven tone.

For all girls, it is important that their face look excellently. They choose a lot of cosmetics, adjust the shortcomings, emphasize the advantages. However, there are situations when small, and sometimes very large areas of leather have pigmentation that spoils a general view. That is why it is recommended to use a whitening face cream from pigment spots to get rid of the surplus of pigmentation appearing on the face. If you do it regularly, it turns out a good result. With the help of the uniform color of the face.

So that the correction is less noticeable and more efficient, you need to know how to choose an effective bleaching cream. In this case, it is necessary to clearly know the features of the composition of the cosmetic agent and the method of its action.

Usually in the preparation there are components or their combinations that reduce the risk of allergies. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The appearance of the skin is improved over time. At the time of choice it is worth considering certain nuances associated with the composition of the means and the properties of the skin.


Cosmetologists know that the corresponding components have bleaching effects that are included in the preparations. During the purchase it is worth ensuring that such substances are in the composition of the purchased fund. If you do not know where to buy a whitening face cream, we recommend purchasing it in a pharmacy.

To achieve the desired result in the composition must be:

  • Glycolic acid. With its help, there is an acceleration of natural processes that are associated with skin updates.
  • Hydroquinone. This component acts on the principle of braking the action of melanocytes. And for many it is no secret that this ingredient is able to give a certain side effect, they are not recommended to abuse. If on the passage of some time (pair of months) of the use of the product, which contains hydroquinone, pigmentation does not disappear, then the means should be changed to another.
  • Treartinol. The action is heading to increase the stimulation of cell renewal and accelerate the exfoliation of matter with melanin residues. If it is often used this substance, an increase in the peeling of the skin can occur.
  • Arbutin. The main source of this component is the Tolokananka. It should be paid to its entry into the composition of the cosmetic drug. Arbutut has similar to the hydroxipron action. But he does not cause any adverse reactions.
  • Beta carotine. With its help, neutralization of receptors occur, which immediately stop the production of melanin.
  • Fruit Acid And other components of nature are perfectly moisturized and vitamined skin cover.


Before using the tool, it is necessary to determine its composition that should not harm the face. In this case, individual selection does not prevent. It is worth knowing that even the most effective tool that is chosen is wrong may harm. To avoid troubles, you should use clear recommendations:

  • Before applying a cosmetic to face, it is necessary to make a test for the emergence of allergic reactions. Sometimes they are called components that are part of. For the bending dough, the elbow is applied a small layer of substance, the result is estimated after 30 minutes. If no side effects appear - the remedy can be safely applied;
  • You should not apply bleaching creams when the sun on the heat and brightly shines. It is better to use them in winter, early spring, late autumn;
  • Before bleaching, you need to use cleansing agents;
  • The cream for whitening the skin of the face is applied in the evening and remains on the face throughout the night. No need to apply cream whitening skin in the afternoon, as pigmentation is only intensifying at this time;

Is it possible to use whitening cream in the summer?

Is it possible to use whitening cream in the summer? This question is interested in those who wish to get rid of pigmentation in the skin. In the summer season, when the rays of the sun appreciate the most intensive, the likelihood of pigment spots increases. This is due to the fact that melanin is unevenly produced in cells and forms the most intense accumulations of the coloring substance. These specks significantly spoil the appearance of the face and body, and in the summer I want to be like in open clothing.

You can use whitening cream in summer! The main thing is to correctly choose a qualitative means and comply with the necessary protective measures.

First, pay attention to the components that are part of your creams and peels. It should not contain photosensitive substances, such, for example, as retinolic acids and their derivatives. They enhance melanin production under the action of ultraviolet, while your skin can be covered with spots.

In whitening means there is a smaller amount of bleaching acids than in peels, therefore, it is possible to use this product and even need in the summer.

What could be useful whitening and exfoliating cream? It cleans the skin from dirt, eliminates black dots and clean the pores. With the help of exfoliation of dead cells, a young layer of epithelium is released, and the skin looks much more attractive.

Important! If you use a whitening cosmetics in the summer time, do not forget about the full protection of the skin from the sun. Since the influence of acids is weakened, and its protective barrier is thinned, it is necessary to experiment sunscreen products having a high level of sunscreen (from 50 and higher). Creams from the Sun with SPF 15 will be not effective in this case. There is also a bleaching sunscreen face, which provides a double action at the same time.

Person whitening creams: the best rating

Despite the fact that many souls are darker tanned skin, the tan can not always be useful. And it is true. The sun has both positive and negative effects. Sometimes tan is capable of leading to the fact that spots, darkens, wrinkles appear on certain areas of the skin. In some situations there may be a fatal outcome, skin cancer. While the application can prevent many problems, the face whitening cream is used as a reducing agent for the skin, which suffered from the sun.


This is one of the most practical cosmetic tools that buy for clarifying skin cover. According to manufacturers, there are no harmful components in the composition, it is easy to apply for a long time. At the same time there are no negative consequences.

The remedy does not cause unpleasant sticky sensations on the skin.

Approximate price: 300 rubles.

Cream for clarification "Revitol"

Manufacturers argue that the tool has in the ingredients of only plant origin. Their action is aimed at healing damaged skin sections.

As part there are antioxidants, they perfectly counteract undesirable manifestations. After whitening the skin looks beautiful. Lightening face cream has a drug effect and prevents the appearance of wrinkles coming over the years. As manufacturers declare, the composition gives the skin more strength and elasticity.

Approximate price: 2 700 rub.

Tool for cleansing and lightening the skin "CLINICIANS COMPLEX"

This cosmetic preparation has a whitening and cleansing effect. The tool is intended for lightening stains and dark dots that suddenly appeared. The drug contributes to rapid skin renewal. After a few days of regular use, the result will be visible.

Approximate price: 4 000 rubles.

"PCA Skin Pigment Gel" gel used for clarification of pigment stains

The gel is hydroquinone. In addition, manufacturers have implemented special acids, they are able to level pigmentation. Gel is applied twice a day. During the use of such a means in parallel, the Sun protection lotion is applied. It does not give the opportunity to reduce the effect of useful ingredients that are in the gel.

Approximate price: 5,000 rubles.

Cream Cream Medshoy

This is a popular bleaching cream of the Medovy series, which is great for whitening the skin of the face. The cream is based on propolis, the royal milk and other bee products, which not only whiten the skin, but also strengthen it. Also, the cream is based on a natural sunscreen filter consisting of mineral components.

Approximate price: 250 rubles.

The effectiveness of the use of creams of whitening the skin of the face increases, if used together with the cleansing agents.


About even, beautiful, natural rumbling and clean skin dreams of all women. But more than half of them suffer from pigment spots, the formation of which is due to various factors. In the fight against them, bleaching cream for a person, which can be purchased in the store, and can be prepared with your own hands at home. And the one and the other will be equally useful.


First, make sure that you understand correctly, why do you need whitening face creams, i.e. what functions they must perform with regular use. Their active ingredients intensively penetrate the skin there is an order of magnitude at the cellular level. As a result:

  • skin tone becomes smoother;
  • the color is significantly improved: the paleness, yellowness, gray;
  • natural blush appears;
  • (including freckles) or disappear at all, or become less noticeable, i.e. pale;
  • tan brightened.

This becomes possible due to the fact that the means:

  • destroy in cells melanin (pigment);
  • leads to normal the work of melanocytes;
  • prevent the appearance of pigment spots in the future.

Most often, women have to use whitening creams from pigment stains so that they become not so bright. Recall that they include chloasmma, lentigo, and freckles. The remaining functions of such funds are auxiliary. Maximum efficiency from them can be achieved if you can easily choose and use it right.

Likbez. Whitening creams perfectly copble with chloasmasters - dark, brown spots that can be of different shapes and magnitude, but always smooth and with sharp boundaries.

Rules of choice and use

If you need cream whitening the skin of the face, first it is necessary to determine which one to choose from that variety of cosmetics that are thrown into the modern market. In order not to be confused, it is desirable to do it before shopping.

  1. Explore ratings, manufacturers, reviews about the product.
  2. Certified whitening cream can be purchased at the pharmacy: it will cost more, but its effectiveness is several times higher.
  3. Do not miss the ingredients in the funds that you can begin allergies. They must contain vitamins C and E, almond, glycolic, dairy, fruit acids, plant extracts, hydroquinone, waterbutin, tartinol, beta-carotene.
  4. Do not forget to look at the shelf life.
  5. Often on the package it is indicated, for what type of skin is given by this whitening cream (dry, oily, normal, combined, after 30, etc.).
  6. This means is applied an hour before sleep so that the active ingredients acted while you sleep.
  7. If pigmentation is very pronounced, the stains cover most of the face, use whitening cream daily. If the problem is not so significant, it will be enough to resort to its help 2 times a week.
  8. The course of use - before the disappearance of pigmentation and improvement of the complexion.
  9. If the stains do not leave for 2 months with the constant use of bleaching cream, the skin needs to be resting, and after 2-3 weeks start using.

If there are some doubts about the choice or application, you can take advice from the beautician. He will look like you for the skin will appreciate the degree of problem and will determine what cream you can whiten the face in your case. Trust the specialist. To better be able to navigate in the products of modern cosmetology and felt more confident, we bring to your attention the rating of the best funds.

For information. With age on the face, Lentgie appears - dense, black and brown or brown spots, drongops protruding over the skin. Sharply outlined may have different sizes. There are rashes in small quantities or whole islands. To combat them, too, the bleaching cream will also be needed.

The best

So, the best bleaching creams for the face from modern producers with high quality, proven cosmetics. Learn, acquire, try and leave your feedback to help in choosing a suitable tool outside.

  1. PCA Skin Pigment Gel. USA. From 5 000 rubles.
  2. IT's Skin Prestige Creme d'Escargot. Korea. From 4 500 rubles. The famous street Korean blossoming face cream, which made not so long ago a real furyor in the world of cosmetics.
  3. CLINICIANS COMPLEX. USA. From 4 000 rubles.
  4. Precision Performance Anti-Taches from France. From 2 900 rubles.
  5. Issima Perfect. France. From 2,800 rubles.
  6. USA. From 2,700 rubles.
  7. Bleaching cream. Italy. From 2 100 rubles.
  8. Dead Sea Premier. Israel. From 1,700 rubles.
  9. Poland. From 300 rubles.
  10. Achromin from Alen Mak. Bulgaria. From 100 rubles.

The creams that whitening the skin of the skin included in this rating are considered one of the best, efficient and safe. As can be seen from the top, the price range is different, it depends in many respects from the brand and promotion. If you have a little biased attitude to the stores, in which there is sometimes too much chemical and even synthetic connections and components, we suggest you to make such a cream with your own hands.

Curious! No matter how hard you try to withdraw your beautiful freckles with whitening creams, it is still worth limiting access to your ultraviolet skin. Otherwise, it is possible to disappoint even in the brand agent itself.

Homemade recipes

Whitening properties have such products like honey, parsley, cucumber, lemon. Accordingly, if on their basis at home to prepare cream, it can become not only effective, but also as safe as possible in the fight against hated pigmentation. It is necessary to try yourself as a cosmetologist and enjoy the action of a natural product product.

  • Citric

Melt up to the liquid state of almond oil (50 ml), add glycerol (10 g), still warm decoction of chamomile (20 ml), fresh lemon juice (no more than 5 drops), (3 droplets).

  • Ozurchichny

Melt before the liquid state of beeswax (10 g), pour almond oil (40 ml), thermal water (30 ml). Hold on slow fire at least half an hour. After that, cool and add cucumber mashed potatoes (20 grams). Beat

  • Lanoline

Melt to the liquid state of Lanolin (15 g), add the oil of grape seeds (50 ml), chopped cucumber (15 gr). Cover foil. Turn in a water bath for at least an hour. Remove, beat, skip through the siete, beat again.

  • Olive

Melt before the liquid state in one container beeswax (10 g), olive unrefined oil (30 ml). Remove from fire. Add grapefruit juice (15 ml), lecithin (5 g) and pink water (30 ml). Cool. To intervene the ethers of lavender and chamomile (3 droplets). Beat

The most effective bleaching cream is one that competently selected by the type of skin and from the very first days of use is effective. It may not belong to the famous brand of modern cosmetology: it is quite possible that the best means will be what you have prepared in your own kitchen. The skin is so individual that it does not equally respond to them. In any case, to put up with pigmentation and poor color of the face is not worth it when, at hand, such a choice of stunning creams to eliminate them.

Most women are wicked sooner or later: "What should I do if the skin is prone to the appearance of pigment specks?" The correct answer is: "Use whitening face cream".

Whitening tools for skin will be effective subject to their competent choice (which will help the rating of the most popular and secure means) and the correct regular use.

Sometimes help to find perfect skin is capable of visiting the doctor to the dermatologist. It will help to figure out the reasons for the appearance of spots on the face, and this is one of the main prerequisites for successful overcoming the problem.

The reasons for the appearance of freckles can actually be several:
  • heredity;
  • excessive stay in the sun or in solarium;
  • hormonal disorders in the body of women associated, for example, with the birth of a child or a reception of some drugs;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • failure to comply with the rules of stay under the intensive impact of ultraviolet rays and the refusal to use the means with the SPF factor, as well as the insufficient level of this factor.

Getting started to choose a bleaching method, you need to take into account a number of factors, namely the degree of pigmentation, as well as their capabilities and desires. Salon procedures under the supervision of a specialist will give the result much faster, but they will not suit those who lack time and means. Following the advice of traditional medicine - for patient, as changes will occur gradually and little to others.

The best solution is the use of bleaching agents, in a wide range of the industry presented by the Cosmetology Industry.

The cream must be chosen based on the following prerequisites: which components are included in it, and how they struggle with the causes of changes in skin. It is also important that such a cream is desirable to acquire in a pharmacy. The pharmacy is more expensive, but it will be certified and more efficient.

As active substances in bleaching creams may occur:
  • hyroquinone - suppresses the synthesis of melanin, and he is the most important "culprit" in the appearance of darkened epidermis sites, is an antioxidant. The higher its concentration in the cosmetic agent, the more effective the cream works. But it also has the opposite direction: in the form of toxic effects on cells. If there is no short time after applying the result cream, be sure to change it.
  • glycolic acid - removes the rooted cells of the dermis, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and removes inflammatory manifestations, which in the complex leads to the disappearance of pigment spots. Promotes deeper penetration of substances into the skin.
  • retinol - improves collagen production, helps to update the skin, is a magnificent antioxidant. However, it is necessary to apply it particularly neatly, as the cream with a high content of retinol is able to provoke peeling and burns.
  • fruit Acid - works as a good humidifier and vitaminizer of dermis cells, and also has an exfoliating effect and increases elasticity.
  • arbutin is an action of it similar to the hydroquinone and is based on the suppression of melanin, as well as on bleaching, moisturizing and disinfection. Get this substance from the tocalry. Merbutin-based cosmetics can be used for a long time, as they do not cause irritation and allergies.
  • beta-carotene - contributes to neutralization of receptors that stop the production of melanin.

Pay attention to the ingredients in the cream capable of provoking an allergic reaction.

To the already mentioned hydroquinone, retinol and fruit acid include such active substances as plants extracts, vitamins C and E, almond acid and jojoba oil.

Check the expiration date and see what kind of skin this particular bleaching cream is created (young, mature, dry, oily, combined, etc.).


If the pigmentation is strong, the entire surface of the face, the daily application of bleaching cream is more than justified. In easy cases, use should be limited to two-time application for one week until you receive the desired effect (elimination of pigmentation and alignment of the facial tone). Whitening ointment does not interact with daylight, night, moisturizing complexes that you use.

If the selected agent does not bring the result 2 months after the start of use, you need to think about replacing it to another. However, before using a new bleaching cream, it is necessary to give the skin a breather in 2-3 weeks.

Using bleaching creams, remember the rules of their application, which should be observed strictly, otherwise the tool will not only bring the desired result, but will lead to unpleasant consequences. The surface being processed becomes too sensitive and especially painfully reacts to ultraviolet. Therefore, it is always necessary to observe the measure and accuracy: only a reasonable approach can bring a positive result. Your face needs to be careful and serious care, so you do not need to rush in extremes, buying the first thing that fell at arm in the massmarket.

When choosing a cream, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to make sure that you have an allergic reaction to the active ingredients that are included in its composition. For checking, apply a small amount of Cream for the fold of the elbow and expect 20-30 minutes. If everything is in order - proceed to use.
  2. Clean the face before applying bleaching cream.
  3. In the spring and summer months, the bleaching procedure is better not to spend, postpone them for autumn and winter.
  4. The whitening agent on the face should be applied for the night before bedtime, because the use in the daytime will inevitably lead to an increase in pigmentation.
  5. Together with bleaching cream, it is necessary to use protection from ultraviolet with SPF at least 25. Apply in the afternoon, each time before going to the street.
  6. See the shelf life. It is usually 3 years.
  7. The tool should not smell strongly and have a bright color. This suggests that the cream has a large number of dyes and flavors.
  8. The cream must have a pleasant consistency for the skin. Here everything is individually. The cream that is not pleasant when applied, will not benefit.
If the bleaching cream is chosen correctly, it will not only eliminate pigmentation, but also helps:
  • align the tone of the surface of the dermis;
  • give a healthy blush;
  • get rid of pallor, serness and yellowness;
  • lighten the tan.

Consider the bleaching agents offered by the leading world manufacturers.

  • Biotherm White Detox - Serum-cream, having a binary impact: fights against pigmentation using vitamin C as well as Kiwi extract, adjusting the generation of melanocytes and lightening the person, and the deoxiny effect is purified from toxins and free radicals. Biotechnologies used in its development guarantee improvement of metabolism and renewal regeneration at the cellular level.
  • CLINIQUE EVEN BETTER CLINICAL DARK SPOT CORRECTOR - also serum for bleaching. It has a complex complex CL302 with particles of antioxidants of organic origin. The action is concentrated on the leveling of color and lightening the face with the help of a complex of unique components.
  • Yves Rocher ADN is a seed bleaching agent that the French brand has developed on the basis of natural ingredients with licorice penetrating into the depths of the skin. Does not contain fragrances and parabens.
  • L'Oreal Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium - Cream (Day, Night) with bleaching effect, designed for mature epidermis. Extlive from calcium deficiency in the upper layers of the dermis and provide meals, which gives the skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Vichy Idealia Pro is a cream, which is fighting with pigment spots and vascular grids, eliminating excess melanin with problem areas of skin. Components in its composition do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Garnier Orquid Vital is a whitening cream for mature skin used for regeneration and moisture. Satisfies with epidermis energy and resistance.
  • Guerlain OrchidĂ©e ImpĂ©riale White is a means of reducing pigmentation. It fits perfectly with moisture and nourishes the skin, reducing age-related changes.

Presented rating will help you choose the best cream. If you still can't decide on the choice, it is worth going for a consultation to the beautician. It will set the type of your skin and select the optimal tool for your specific case.