Pregnancy or monthly differences. Premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy? Bloody discharge from the vagina

Each woman has her own, individual menstrual cycle. The sensations experienced before the start of a new cycle and the changes occurring in the body may indicate two conditions - PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or pregnancy. What do the two states have in common and how do they differ?

What is the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle should be understood as the work of a woman's body, aimed at preparing for conception. Before the onset of the next menstruation, the entire surface of the uterus is lined with a layer of tissue, on which pregnancy can develop later, eggs mature. Conception will occur only under favorable conditions. If for some reason this did not happen or the future embryo has violations, the body is released from the results of the preparatory work, and the woman begins menstruation.

Menstruation or conception?

Immediately after fertilization occurs, the woman's menstrual cycle stops. That is, before the birth of the child, menstruation should stop. But in some cases, even with a 2-3-month pregnancy, minor bleeding may be recorded.
It is important to remember that this phenomenon does not have the main symptoms of menstruation - color and a large amount of discharge. When a fertilized egg is introduced into the wall of the uterus, small lesions can form, which cause minor bleeding. This can be observed once or periodically during the first trimester.

Despite the fact that it is a mistake to call the discharge menstruation, it is still recommended to consult a doctor.

Only a specialist can distinguish the first signs of menstruation from possible problems with the onset of pregnancy.

Harbingers of menstruation

The sensations that are fixed before the onset of the next menstrual cycle are individual.

But still, experts identify signs of PMS:

  • painful sensations noted in the abdomen, lumbar region, and also in the mammary glands;
  • change in sleep quality, unbalanced psychological state;
  • headache.

Comparing the symptoms of the upcoming menstruation and, it is easy to conclude that they are very similar. Irritability, mood swings, drowsiness - all this is noted by both the pregnant woman and the woman who will soon begin menstruation. Careful self-observation will help to understand what is happening.

If, before the onset of menstruation, a woman notices a headache, an ache in her back, then it is possible that after a successful conception, these signs of PMS will cease to bother.

The converse is also true. That is, if there is a migraine, irritability, sudden, causeless mood swings, and these symptoms were not noted earlier before the onset of PMS, it can be assumed that the woman is pregnant.

Changes in temperature indicators also indicate a change in state. As you know, during ovulation (the period when the probability of conception is high), basal temperature indicators increase. If later these figures return to a constant rate, then this indicates that menstruation will begin soon. If the temperature does not change, we can say that pregnancy has occurred. It is important to remember that, like any other, this rule has an exception - individual characteristics. Basal temperature should be measured over several months. This will allow you to create a personal schedule and much more accurately respond to ongoing changes. The first symptoms of impending PMS or pregnancy will be easier to distinguish.

How to understand that a woman is pregnant

Menstruation that did not start on time or completely absent is not the only sign that conception has occurred.

There are also other symptoms:

  • a feeling of chronic fatigue, which may be caused by hormonal changes;
  • an aggravated reaction of the breast (especially the nipples), when touched, the volume of the mammary gland may increase;

  • pain and cramps localized in the lower abdomen (may also characterize PMS);
  • slight brownish discharge from the vagina - evidence of the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus;
  • frequent urge to urinate due to an increase in the volume of blood and other fluids, however, such symptoms can also be observed before the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • violations of the menstruation schedule - if a woman previously had menstruation strictly on a certain day, and after PMS, menstruation did not occur, a pregnancy test should be performed;
  • increased susceptibility to odors due to a sharp increase in estrogen (the absence of this sign during menstruation is a sure sign that pregnancy has come);
  • a positive pregnancy test result.

What must be in the area of ​​attention

The first months of pregnancy are not always characterized by the presence of toxicosis. But the lack of reaction to smells, the rejection of certain products indicate that pregnancy has not occurred. These signs can speak equally about PMS and about conception.

The symptoms of menstruation and pregnancy are very similar. To understand, you should listen to the body. Feeling unusual pain before the onset of menstruation, it is better to consult a gynecologist. This will help avoid health problems.

A sign such as a slight increase in body temperature should not be ignored. This fact testifies in favor of the fact that pregnancy develops or an inflammatory process begins in the body.

If at the same time as the temperature rises there are no periods, the test shows a negative result, then it is not recommended to postpone the visit to the doctor.

A trip to the gynecologist is also mandatory for women who notice the following symptoms:

  • meager discharge against the background of the fact that earlier menstruation was plentiful, and on the eve of the next cycle there were unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • weakness;
  • soreness of the abdomen.

All of these are first. Although the sensations described can characterize PMS, accompanied by a strong inflammatory process.

Soreness felt in the mammary glands, swelling, enlargement of the nipples equally indicate pregnancy and the upcoming menstruation. In addition to the pharmacy test, the conception that has taken place is indicated by the release of a small amount of colostrum when squeezing the nipples.

But if a woman has not had sexual intercourse and at the same time she notes discharge from the glands, sore breasts, she should contact a therapist and a gynecologist as soon as possible.

This will help prevent the development of any disease. You may also need to consult a mammologist, since the listed sensations are symptoms of an oncological process.

None of the above sensations can guarantee 100% the onset of both pregnancy and PMS. With a successful conception, some of them may manifest themselves in different ways or be completely absent. Of great importance are the individual characteristics of each woman. If unprotected intercourse has taken place and there is a delay, a pregnancy test can be performed around the 10th day. However, you should not ignore the appeal to the gynecologist either. Only an experienced doctor will be able to correctly separate the signs of PMS and pregnancy, to prevent the onset of the disease, especially if it is of an oncological nature.

Sometimes premenstrual syndrome (PMS) causes symptoms that mimic those of early pregnancy. Because of this similarity, it can be difficult for women to tell if they are dealing with pregnancy or PMS.

The symptoms of both conditions in different women manifest themselves in different ways, but very often in the early stages of pregnancy, and on the eve of women, breast tenderness and mood swings are observed.

In the current article, we will compare the symptoms of PMS with the signs of early pregnancy and explain the difference between the two conditions.

The content of the article:

Common symptoms of pregnancy and PMS

Symptoms that often occur during both pregnancy and PMS include the following.

mood swings

Irritability, anxiety or sadness often develop during early pregnancy and in the period leading up to menstruation.

If a woman is experiencing PMS, then these symptoms will disappear as soon as menstruation begins. However, if mood swings continue, and menstruation has not come, then this may well indicate pregnancy.

A constant feeling of sadness may be indicative of depression. If a bad mood does not go away within two weeks, then you should consult a doctor about this problem.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately one in ten pregnant women is faced with psychological problems, among which depression occupies a leading position.


Hormonal changes are a common cause of constipation in women. Fluctuations in hormones can make bowel movements difficult.

According to British scientists, constipation is observed in 38% of pregnant women, but problems with bowel movements can also occur a few days before the onset of menstruation.

Pregnant women are more likely to experience constipation during the first two trimesters. If constipation is associated with PMS, then they usually recede immediately after the onset of menstruation.

sore chest

Breast changes are common during pregnancy and PMS. These changes include the following:

  • pain;
  • high sensitivity;
  • edema;
  • feeling of heaviness.

In different cases, there is a different degree of manifestation of these symptoms.

However, in women with PMS, breast symptoms are usually more intense before the onset of menstruation, and during the period or immediately after the period, the woman's condition usually improves.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the breasts may be particularly sensitive to the touch. In addition, women often feel that she has become heavier. The area around the nipples can also become sore, and in some women, visible blue veins begin to appear on the surface of the breasts.

During pregnancy, these changes usually begin to develop in the second or third week after conception and may continue until childbirth.


The hormone is usually responsible for fatigue before menstruation, but after it begins, the feeling of exhaustion usually disappears.

If a woman has heavy menstruation, then fatigue can disturb her throughout all menstruation. Lack of energy can also be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.

Fatigue is also a symptom of early pregnancy. Women often feel tired during the first trimester, and some women experience this problem throughout their pregnancy. and sleep problems can exacerbate fatigue during pregnancy.

Bleeding and bleeding

Light bleeding, which in the medical community is called implantation bleeding, can occur in a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, this symptom appears from 10 to 14 days after the fertilization of the egg. It is a discharge of blood, which is much inferior in strength to menstrual bleeding.

It should be noted that many women do not observe implantation bleeding at all.

PMS is usually not accompanied by bleeding, although sometimes women experience very light bleeding in the first days of menstruation. As a rule, menstruation lasts from four to five days. They are accompanied by much more volumetric blood discharge compared to implantation bleeding.


Cramping is a symptom that often occurs during pregnancy and PMS. In the early stages of pregnancy, cramps feel similar to menstrual cramps, but they usually develop in the lower abdomen.

A woman may experience such spasms for weeks or even months. First, they occur due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall, and later - due to uterine distension.

Headaches and back pain

Hormonal changes can cause headaches and back pain both early in pregnancy and before your period starts.

Appetite changes

Changes in hormonal levels before menstruation may cause a woman to develop a passion for food

Increased appetite and cravings for food are common pregnancy symptoms, but they can also occur with PMS.

Many women have an increased interest in sugary, fatty or carbohydrate-rich foods before their period. In all likelihood, this leads to a change in the levels and progesterone.

Studies conducted in 2014 by American scientists showed that from 50 to 90% of pregnant women have an increased passion for food.

Many women actively consume certain foods and are disgusted by others because they find the taste or smell unpleasant. Food aversion in PMS is less common.

Some women experience passions other than food, such as earth or ice. In medicine, this phenomenon is called geophagy. If a woman develops geophagia, then she should discuss this problem with her doctor.

Symptoms unique to pregnancy

Some symptoms are more likely to indicate early pregnancy than menstruation. However, women should be sure to talk about pregnancy only after a visit to the doctor or at least after doing a home test.

The following are symptoms that are more likely to indicate pregnancy.

Absence of menstruation

Missing periods is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy. Therefore, if a week has passed since the expected start of menstruation, a woman should take a pregnancy test.

Nausea and vomiting usually begin before the ninth week of pregnancy. Usually, these symptoms disappear in the second trimester, but some women continue to experience them until the end of their pregnancy.

Changing the color of the nipples

While nipples can change color during both pregnancy and PMS, this symptom is rarely observed before menstruation.

Dark areas of skin around the nipples during pregnancy can become not only darker, but also larger. Such changes can occur one to two weeks after conception.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If a woman suspects she is pregnant, she should purchase from a pharmacy and use a home test. If a positive result is obtained, the doctor will be able to accurately confirm the pregnancy.

If the test was negative, but the expected menstrual bleeding is not observed, then in this situation the woman is also advised to meet with the doctor or repeat the test a few days after the first procedure.

If the absence of menstruation is not related to pregnancy, the doctor will determine the cause of the problem and, if necessary, suggest an appropriate treatment. It can also eliminate or relieve other problematic symptoms.

The concept of the menstrual cycle means the painstaking work of the body, which is preparing for the conception of a child: the uterus is lined with a special layer of tissue, a comfortable place for the baby is prepared for the period of pregnancy, the egg matures. If conception did not take place, then the body gets rid of the achieved results in order to start all over again.

Before the start of a new cycle, a woman experiences unpleasant moments or signs before menstruation, called PMS. They are accompanied by lingering pains in the lower abdomen, increased irritability, fatigue. However, pregnancy and menstruation, the symptoms of which are very similar, may have similar signs. It is important for every woman to learn to distinguish them from each other.

Menstruation or pregnancy

As soon as fertilization has occurred in the woman's body, the menstrual cycle is suspended until the birth of the child.

However, in some cases, women still bleed for several months. These discharges can hardly be called a full menstruation. They are not abundant, brownish or reddish in color. In essence, a fertilized egg implants itself in the walls of the uterus, resulting in minor tears with bloody discharge. They may appear once, or they may occur periodically, the fruit shelf will not reach a certain size. Such discharge cannot be called menstruation, and their appearance is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

The main signs before menstruation

Unpleasant sensations associated with the onset of menstruation can be very individual. However, the most common signs of menstruation are:

  • pain in the lumbar region, abdomen, chest;
  • depressed mood, combined with sleep disorders;
  • headache.

If we compare the symptoms of menstruation with the first signs of pregnancy, we can conclude that they are very similar. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may be drowsy, irritable, with sudden mood swings. To understand the manifestations of the body, you need to learn to listen to yourself, feel the changes.

Watch yourself for a few months. If the symptoms before menstruation are headache and backache, then it is likely that these signs will not bother you with the onset of pregnancy. If, on the contrary, the signs of the onset of menstruation are unknown to you, then it can be said with sufficient certainty that pregnancy has occurred if you are tormented by migraine, excessive irritability, mood swings.

Temperature changes can also indicate a change in condition. A woman's temperature rises by several degrees during ovulation. If she returned to a constant indicator, then it is worth preparing for the onset of menstruation. If the temperature column is frozen at an increased rate, then we can talk about the onset of pregnancy. However, in this method there is an error in individual characteristics. In order to talk with confidence about normal or elevated temperature, it must be measured daily for several months in a row in order to have a picture of changes in body temperature over a certain period.

pregnancy symptoms

In addition to the delay in menstruation, pregnancy can manifest itself in a number of other symptoms:

  • Constant fatigue can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, which are among the first signs of conception.
  • The reaction of the chest may become exacerbated. All touches to it turn into painful, sometimes there is an increase in volume.
  • Cramping, pain in the lower abdomen, which happens before menstruation, can be one of the signs of pregnancy before a delay.
  • Small vaginal discharge, which is a sign of the attachment of the egg to the uterus.
  • Nausea can appear along with a delay in menstruation and pass quickly enough or accompany a woman during her entire pregnancy.
  • The constant urge to urinate is associated with a gradual increase in blood in the body, as well as other fluids that ensure the vital activity of the mother and the unborn baby. The longer the pregnancy, the more often you have to go to the toilet. However, this symptom should not be confused with a possible manifestation of inflammatory diseases, such as cystitis.
  • Graphics glitches. If earlier menstruation appeared on a clearly defined day, and now even after PMS there are no periods, then fertilization may have occurred.
  • Susceptibility to smells is one of the early signs of pregnancy and is caused by a sharp increase in the level of estrogen in the blood.
  • Increasing the temperature by a few divisions can tell a lot, but for this you will have to keep a temperature log.
  • Positive test response. Pharmacy tests can rarely determine pregnancy earlier than there is a delay in menstruation. If you notice other signs of pregnancy, and the test shows a negative result, it is worth repeating the test in a few days.

What a woman should always pay attention to

Soreness of the mammary glands, an increase in volume and swelling may indicate both menstruation and pregnancy. The appearance of colostrum secreted from the nipples will tilt the diagnosis in favor of the latter. However, chest pain in a specific area, combined with discharge from the nipples, against the background of the exclusion of pregnancy, is a reason for an urgent appeal to a mammologist, since such symptoms may indicate oncology.

All of the above has one big correction: each organism has its own individuality. If you cannot determine exactly what signs are bothering you, buy a pharmacy test. If according to the schedule you have a delay, and you admit the presence of pregnancy, you can contact a gynecologist who will examine you and prescribe appropriate tests. However, in most cases, a woman intuitively determines the presence of pregnancy better than any tests and analyzes.

The abbreviation PMS is as soon as not exploited and as soon as it is not deciphered. Of all the symptoms characteristic of this phenomenon, only irritability and a sharp change of mood were entrenched in public opinion. Of course, when viewed from the side, it is the mood that is most noticeable. A woman has to go through much more unpleasant moments, among which there is pain.

And if only that, because most of the symptoms of PMS are very similar to the early symptoms of pregnancy. And how to understand what exactly a woman is dealing with in a particular case?

PMS or early signs of pregnancy?

Let's try to understand where certain sensations come from in both cases. And at the end of the article, we will compile a summary table that will help determine what is taking place: PMS or pregnancy.

Eating Behavior Change

“Are you craving salty? Are you pregnant? ”, - this already almost traditional phrase is familiar to everyone, and often it is the change in tastes in food, craving for new products and aversion to the usual ones that are called one of the first signs of pregnancy, as, indeed. And premenstrual syndrome. Indeed, both during PMS and in the early stages, women can lean on sweet or salty. But that's where the similarities probably end.

Aversion to food, which expectant mothers often experience is caused by early toxicosis, and this symptom rarely occurs before a delay in menstruation. Usually, toxicosis begins (if it begins at all) at 5-6 weeks. This is related to the life of the fetus. The system for removing his waste products has not yet been debugged, they enter directly into the mother's blood, causing mild intoxication. Relief occurs by 4 months, when the placenta matures.

As for the craving for traditionally inedible products or products that a woman has never loved, as well as for their non-standard combinations, she is associated with the body's need for certain vitamins and elements. In addition, this condition is also characteristic of later periods.

Thus, eating behavior cannot be used as an indicator of PMS or pregnancy. The differences, although obvious, are characteristic of later dates.

Breast augmentation and its sensitivity

The reason for the changes that occur with the mammary rods is a change in the hormonal background. Since these changes are characteristic of both conditions, it is almost impossible to determine whether breast tenderness is a symptom of pregnancy or PMS. The only thing you can try to focus on the duration of the phenomenon. In the case of PMS, the breasts swell for 1-2 days, and during pregnancy, this feeling accompanies a woman almost all the time. And this is easy to understand, because the breasts have been actively preparing for lactation for all 9 months.

Constant fatigue

The cause of increased fatigue at the beginning of pregnancy is an increase in progesterone levels. In combination with a decrease in blood sugar and low blood pressure, this effect occurs. Obviously, before menstruation, the level of this hormone in a woman's body is comparable to the first days of pregnancy, and therefore fatigue takes place. With the onset of menstruation, progesterone levels drop, and fatigue goes away.

Unfortunately, constant fatigue cannot answer the question of how to distinguish PMS from pregnancy. However, this is no reason not to pay attention to it. After all, increased fatigue can be a symptom of a number of diseases, most of which are somehow related to hormonal disorders. And such diseases should not be launched.

Lower abdominal pain

In the middle of the cycle, the uterus begins to prepare for the implantation of the fetal egg, that is, the mucous membrane grows on its walls. And before menstruation, excess mucus begins to gradually exfoliate from the walls of the uterus, which causes pain in the lower abdomen with premenstrual syndrome.

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain can also be felt, but this is due to the reverse process: the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, “burrowing” into the mucous membrane. Thus, abdominal pain is another common symptom. However, the nature of the pain in both cases is different: during pregnancy, the pain is very mild, unobtrusive and short-lived, literally 1-2 days. During PMS, the pain is very diverse, individual for each woman: for someone it is stronger, for someone it is weaker, for someone it goes away on the very first day, and someone suffers until the end of menstruation.

Back pain

Strictly speaking, talking about back pain as a common symptom of PMS and pregnancy is not entirely correct, since the lower back in pregnant women begins to hurt towards the end of the 2nd trimester, when the load on the spine increases. During this period, PMS can no longer be confused with pregnancy.

mood swings

So we got to the most “problematic” symptom for many. As you might guess, the nature of this phenomenon is hormonal, it is typical for both PMS and early pregnancy. However, there is still a significant difference at this point.

For PMS, the negative part of the spectrum of emotions is more characteristic: anger, irritability, tears, and during pregnancy it is precisely frequent mood swings, increased sensitivity and stronger, more vivid emotions that take place. That is, positive emotions are as pronounced as negative ones.

This can end with the general symptoms. Now let's talk about the difference between the signs of pregnancy and PMS. The following are symptoms that are typical only for early pregnancy and have nothing to do with PM.

Frequent urination

Frequent urination disturbs a pregnant woman twice: at the end and at the beginning of pregnancy. But if everything is very clear with the 3rd trimester, an enlarged uterus presses on the bladder, then where this symptom comes from at the beginning of the term is not so obvious. This is due to the changing metabolism. The kidneys begin to work more actively, because they have to remove the waste products of two organisms, and not one.


This sign of pregnancy has already been mentioned in the article. And is it worth talking about it a lot? Indeed, this is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, but it makes itself felt a little later, already against the backdrop of a delay in menstruation.


Strictly speaking, the woman's body "learns" about pregnancy during the implantation of the fetal egg. Until this moment, the fertilized egg does not come into contact with the mother's body. Since, in the process of implantation into the mucous membrane, the egg may well damage small blood vessels, in some cases, implantation is accompanied by slight bleeding.

To summarize: the signs of PMS and the first symptoms of pregnancy do in many respects coincide, which makes it very difficult to diagnose the latter. And if we take into account that not always all these symptoms “gather” together, then it becomes difficult to decide at all.

The body of each representative of the fair sex is individual, not like the others. Accordingly, everyone reacts to various changes in different ways. Someone does not feel any changes at all, neither during PMS, nor in the early stages of pregnancy, while someone suffers every month.

However, it makes sense to make a table that lists and compares all the symptoms that are characteristic of pregnancy and PMS. It will help at least a little to orientate in the situation.

Symptom PMS Pregnancy
Changing attitudes towards food craves sweet and salty addictions change, pulls on salty and inedible
Chest hurts disappears with the onset of menstruation accompanies the entire pregnancy
Fast fatiguability occurs a couple of days before menstruation starting from 4-5 weeks after conception
I have a stomachache individually in each case mild, short-term pain
Back pain sometimes abdominal pain radiates to the back occurs late
mood swings tearfulness, irritability frequent change of emotional state
Frequent urination consequence of metabolic changes
Toxicosis starts at 4-5 weeks
Bleeding at about 2 weeks, scanty, spotting discharge

In general, it is very difficult to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. More or less accurate symptoms begin after the delay of menstruation, and those signs that begin before the delay are too ambiguous and require increased attention.

PMS or pregnancy - how to distinguish early signs of an interesting position from the premenstrual syndrome familiar to many women (occurs 5-7 days or less before the onset of menstruation)? The issue of this difference worries two categories of women: those who passionately want to get pregnant and, on the contrary, are afraid to "fly".

Indeed, the symptoms of PMS are sometimes very reminiscent of the first weeks after conception. But doctors do not take into account these subjective feelings of women for making a diagnosis. These include pain in the lower abdomen, sensitivity of the mammary glands and nipples, frequent mood swings, changes in taste preferences, fatigue, etc. But not everyone has PMS in women. There may be no signs of it if the woman's cycle was anovulatory, or if she is taking any drugs that suppress ovulation.

If the chest hurts, what is it: PMS or pregnancy in a woman? If the signs of mastopathy are known firsthand to a woman, she is unlikely to feel something special, even if she is already in a position. But those who did not know what soreness of the mammary glands is - will pay attention to this. Also, many expectant mothers talk about such a difference between pregnancy and PMS: after conception, it is the nipples that become very sensitive, it hurts even to touch, they change in color and become visually larger. But if you undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands during pregnancy and outside of it, then the doctor will not notice any significant differences. The glands begin to prepare for breastfeeding later - after the 20th week of gestation.

There is also an opinion that the difference between PMS and the signs of pregnancy in the timing of its onset, some women can feel the child in themselves even earlier, almost immediately after implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. At this point, mild pain may occur, and a small amount of bloody discharge from the vagina will appear.

If you are wondering if you have signs of PMS or pregnancy, then try measuring your basal temperature (in the rectum). In the case of an interesting situation, the temperature will be above 37 degrees just before the start of menstruation. The measurement should be taken in the morning, in bed, immediately after waking up.

Doctors advise not to look for ways to distinguish pregnancy from PMS, not to get hopeful in advance and not to draw any conclusions only on the basis of your well-being. The earliest reliable way to determine pregnancy is a blood test for hCG. It is informative already 10-12 days after ovulation, which means even before the delay of menstruation. To pass this analysis, you can not go for a referral to a doctor, but visit any paid clinical laboratory for this purpose.