Are faithful men and husbands? Are there faithful men? You met very faithful men

1. The difference in age you and your husband should be no more than 3 to 4 years.Such a gap is considered optimal, and it is unlikely that someone will argue. Of course, there are different cases, but what can be common in the twenty-year-old girl and a forty-year-old man who is experiencing a "middle-aged crisis"? She wanted stability and confidence in the future, and received the youngest bore, which is trying to prove to everyone that he copes with all the duties not worse than young.

2. Your husband does not differ high sexual needs.Of course, it can cause some inconvenience, but you will fully arrange it. A man will feel indispensable and in demand. And it will reliably hold it in the family. In extreme cases, try, maybe they will solve the problem.

3. It does not care too much external appeal.It does not mean at all that man is neakuten and slightly, it just does not use different Pzhonian stuffs that attract attention. What for? After all, there is a favorite woman nearby. The exceptions are people of creative professions (musicians, artists, artists).

4. He seeks stability in everything.For such a person, it is important to know that he is waiting for in the future. If the man is sure of tomorrow, he knows that his beloved wife is waiting at home, and, and, importantly, a delicious dinner, he will never go to look for new sensations.

5. Pay attention to its attitude to things.If your chosen one, for example, adores mobile phones and is constantly trying to buy the newest model, giving an old phone in half, there is a high probability that in family relationship it will do the same. If he hurts and cherishes his car, repairs, protects, the same can be waited in marriage. On such a person you can rely on. True, you will have to come to put up with his love for the car.

6. He was born and grew up in a large, but friendly family.It is wonderful. After all, from early childhood, he used to help parents and take care of the younger (if he was elders). The interests of the family in his first place, and the decision he will take on the basis of them.

7. He avoids noisy companies.In adolescence, this can cause him some inconvenience, but for the family is the perfect option. After all, those who are accustomed to permanent companies and parties, usually and in forty years prefer to lead such a lifestyle. What can family relationships be here?

8. You have a common cause.It is noted that the most prosperous in the small business are precisely married couples. In addition, the co-earning money strengthens the family. The wife becomes not only a beloved woman and mother of children, but also a colleague.

9. His exacerbated sense of duty.This is the result of strict upbringing, which in certain situations has its own minuses. But such a person will never go to the left, because he still needs to plant a tree, build a house ...

10. Your biorhythms coincide.If you are both "owls" or "larks", it will be much easier for you to find mutual understanding, and reach harmony.

P. S. And if you, to all, you will know, you will not have problems with loyalty.

How often are women suffering a question whether her man is faithful to her. In the cinema, deceived heroines, are found on the collar of their favorite stain shirts from lipstick, but is the only proof of treason. Many men and women are quite careful and do not leave so obvious traces.

In order to find the truth, a woman will have to turn into a real detective, paying attention to the smallest details in the behavior and environment of a beloved man.

So what can issue a traitor

In our age of mobile communications you can always look into his mobile phone. Someone can say that it is happening, but it is about confirming or dispel your suspicions. And then all the means are good. Of course, you should not advertise your spouse's plans. After all, if it turns out that the woman was mistaken, a rare man would be able to forgive her distrust. You can see the last SMS and calls while he is in the soul or ask the phone to call, arguing that the money ran out. And then just click not there and look at his reaction. The one who has nothing to hide, will not worry. But if a man is trying to go out when calling, to talk or, on the contrary, it often drops challenges, then you still have to see who called.

If you recently reminded him that you need to change your shirt or socks, and now washing machine works without tired, And you a man spends longer in the bathroom, then this is an unkind sign. Men, in their essence, conservatives, and extremely rarely change something in the usual rhythm of life without a visible reason. It also applies to the appearance of new things in his wardrobe, differing from those that were, addiction to another perfume and generally something knocking out of the usual things. Even if he began to listen to another radio station in the car, it is a reason to think about why.

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Unexpected problems at work, meetings and business trips that have fallen at one point, can talk about the upcoming increase in service, and can confirm suspicions. Having at the disposal Mobile Phones, now few people use urban. And in vain. You can always call the office and negate clarify how the favorite spouse is there.
And by the way, if a husband works a lot, but does not bring money, then a reasonable question arises. Does he work at all? There are no words, there are all sorts of situations, and at work there may indeed be panskings and salary delays, but this sign should not be elapsed.

Car - This is generally the sovereign territory of the owner, and many men use a car not only in direct appointment. If sitting in the car, the woman notices that the chair is shifted, it does not mean at all that the husband helped a friend to transport a TV to the cottage. When in the car do not smoke, any smells are quickly absorbed into the upholstery and teaching other people's spirits very simple. Hair, too, have a habit of treacherously sticking to the trim of the chair. Also, the rainbits may randomly or purposely cut some little things like lipstick.

If you want to put a woman in a dead end, ask her to describe the ideal of your man. For most of us, this is a complete mystery. I want to have a strong, bold, decisive, independent, and at the same time caring, gentle, sensitive and dedicated companion. It is unlikely that one person can enjoy these qualities. Or still can?

Most men do not accept control over themselves in any of its manifestation and often very freedom-loving and changeable, especially in the issue of changing the partner. These are typical "bad guys", which, unfortunately, enjoy the greatest popularity among girls. The men are less categorical in terms of their independence are endowed with a more accurate character (or deprived by the authorities who know J), they have problems with loyalty less often. On such positive characters, women put the stamp "boring", in other words - Botany.


The eternal question, tormenting not one generation of women: "Is there a decisive and freedom-loving, but sensitive, loyal and gentle man?". Mongdle a mystery, a dream man. Doctors, for example, believe that the lack of loyalty is not a reason to be upset. It turns out that this quality can be corrected using hormonal drugs.

Men's loyalty depends on the amount of oxytocin hormone in the body. He is responsible for confidence, loyalty and affection. Scientists conducted a study during which the behavior of men was analyzed after taking drugs containing oxytocin. Both groups, control and experimental, were delivered to the same situations. Surprisingly, the participants of the "oxytocinum" group were extremely rarely dried to rapprochement with unfamiliar women, even if they considered them very attractive and sexual. Otherwise, their attitude towards the opposite sex remained the same, that is, "reinforced" loyalty did not affect the level of self-esteem. Thanks to the oxytocin, they just became easier to make the right choice.


Just think about: Men's loyalty, the absence of which destroyed many married couples, can be stimulated artificially! Preparations will help in this, which include oxytocin.

Interestingly, scientists initially expected completely opposing results. After all, oxytocin also increases human sociability and contributes to the easy adaptation of a man in society. It was assumed that they would get acquainted with the largest number of women. However, instead, men began to show greater affection and interest in the existing partner.

The sky is blue, the sun is yellow, fish float, men change ... A number of obvious statements can be continued infinitely. Although lately it is customary to say that the sun is white, we are simply "so we see it." However, it does not affect male treason. Under the white, yellow and even in the Red Sun daily occurs the celebration of married infidelity. So the interest of the female half of humanity to the reasons for this phenomenon is very natural. But is it possible to find out once and for all, why are men go to the left?

A similar question and the most ridiculous answers everywhere: in the media, friendly conversations, new-fashioned training and even literature on psychology, which was generally intended to help people understand human nature, and not to drive them into despair. In the end, I want to ask: at least someone figured out? Will you help or someone from your acquaintances this information?! There are in the world at least one woman who secured herself from male treason without resorting to the help of garden scissors?

So I'm talking about it.

Let's just take a sledgehammer today and we will carry non-working stereotypes. Go!

Treason has no reason

Free yourself from prejudice. Not in the sense that men are heartless and they do not need the reason to betray a family or love. Treason is just a sexual intercourse. I know this situation has a thousand and one shade, but we need a universal definition to understand what it is about.

Whatever you consider a prerequisite for treason, there will always be a case in the world when a man lived with this and did not change it at all.

It is customary to think that he changed, "hence, he is missing something in sex. And role-playing games or search for non-standard places begin. And then - Baz, comes unambiguous SMS from an unfamiliar room. And after, sitting in the kitchen for cooled coffee, the woman goes into the head of other reasons that she "did not see". And they are not.

A man can say that he was given, for example, little attention, but how to be with the neighbor, a Tolik, who has a wife, too, and children are, and he is sitting in the family in this family. I look, of course, on other people's priests, but no more.

Nothing leads to treason, except for the cheating itself. And do not need to invent an extra.

Change everything

Rather, all the types of men. You can still share people on the type, I have not fallen behind life? So, the world is full of stories about men with the most different characteristics that change. And I assure you, no type has lost. And if you think that your exactly is not like that, then most likely he has already planned everything. A man will not allow him to doubt it. This item may seem controversial, but not to be confused with "all men - models." Most likely, your man will never change, but this does not mean that he is not capable of it.

Blame one

The myth that two, three or even five is to blame for treason (there are different cases) - this is the fruit of many years of chewing questions "why". If all men are able to change, but in the end do not change everything, it is easy to calculate a weak link: it is a modifier.

People are not poligamna

Polygamy is too cool the word to take and just refuse it. It so fascinates what is already used as an axiom for men. Believe me, to understand in the true meaning of the term, as in cases of polygamy, not so fun, how to argue that a man and two not bad. But if it went on, then not polygamy determines men, and they are her. This is just a model of behavior that the zoologist records in the animal world by observation. In order to argue that men are polygamines, it is necessary to confirm such behavior. In fact, the percentage of changing men albeit is much higher than, however, is not enough to characterize the type of whole. Yes, and polygamy males do not run away from the hole in secret to change, and after they are not tormented by remorse.

If someone has not enough biology, look at Google a view with offspring, exceeding our in the period of helplessness.

Statistics love

Recently, people fell in love with information in the form of numbers: all give a share or percentage. But there are different statistical data. For example, how to get an average ilon turtle armor, everything is clear to everyone. Measured turtles, and then counted. But the statistics of sociological surveys are how to interrogate the rabbit about the color of the valley and order to answer the dance. Accuracy will come to approximately the same. All information about male treks is obtained from the polls of the men themselves. So the results are not confirmed, but do not fall on sociologists. A faithful man does not show himself, it is not visible. But the treason is always in sight, they are discussed and even raised. Treason is a infoovode. Therefore, it seems that the problem is really popular.

What to do? It turns out that the situation with the treason can not be influenced and no one controls anything? In my opinion, there are three actual reasons for

which treason, bypassing all of the above, still breaks out.

1. Paul education of men

It is zero. Which men can boast some of the norms of sexual behavior received from parents except the notorious condom? Warring it with you everywhere and always. It is important. And do not make children and have no problems.

How do you? The best thing that can offer men the world in terms of sex education is intimidating the family. They say, sex with family is not connected. You are doing them, but so that no children, while you do not solve you three times. The family is exhibited by the chief enemy of sex since childhood, when there is no one or the second ideas of their submissions. And then, what is this man thinks in order of things to arrange a fun "on the side" and go back to anything happened? Moreover, no matter how strange it was, even the mother who survived treason is in no hurry to limit their child in sexual freedom. In men, some kind of world in which it is ruled only to us understandable sex. But nothing with the boy does not happen if I inform him that he was responsible for the psychological side of the sex and the fact that one without another there is no other.

And yes, we remember that the condom protects also from sexually transmitted diseases. But the disease is not a reason for your boy not having sex with any opportunity. The main thing that was a cherished "defender".


No, this is not about that "with whom all men change, if all women are faithful." But male treason is almost always the public domain. Mechanical sex man can get at home. The psychological aspect of "achievements" is important here, and it is difficult to feel it if no one knows. "No one prove anything" - it looks good only on motivating pictures on social networks. In life, everything works on the contrary, but do other women condemn male treason? Not very convincing. And then, knowing the previous "achievements" of the partner, also come with him to new long-term relationships, not supporting special perspectives. Of course, in such behavior plays the role of a mentioned misconception of a woman's responsibility for male treason. Only now looks better from this situation does not begin. As a result, the man not only does not receive "whip" for his incorrect actions, but also awarded "gingerbread". But no one will inform men to change badly, except for women themselves.

3. Changes in the woman itself

Cute ladies, we do not take you married with the goal to change. If a man chose you, then you fully arrange it. I know what to "arrange" is not the limit of dreams, but in context this word is suitable. I'm not talking about changes in the size of the waist. A woman can change psychologically much stronger than externally. Of course, the changes are inevitable (actually no, but you do not convince you). But on this soil there may be a dichotomy of his feelings for you. It is possible that changes will not affect what he loves you so much. But if the intersection is still achieved, then perhaps you are developing, but your partner has lost some kind of important feature of your image and it starts missing it. And he does not understand how it happened. After all, she was, and now there is no.

If a man takes you to his wife - this does not mean that a personal growth in the exponent is waiting for you. He expects, no matter how stupid it was that, from now on, everything, at least associated with you, will be as it was at the time of the proposal of the hand and heart. And no, you are still not guilty of treason. It's just a friendly information and you yourself decide what to do with it.

The result is approximately the next, the girls: do not take responsibility for other people's actions, chase the wrong men in disorder and do not believe the sociologists.

The faithful man is always somewhere nearby. Just he does not sleep with whom it fell, so you don't hear anything about him.

Men who do not change, always behave in a similar way with their loved ones.

Most of us expect loyalty from their lover, while the number of betting becomes more and more. According to a study conducted in 2016 in America, 41% of married couples change their spouses, and half of the surveyed men and women said that they had a relationship on the side earlier.

But do not worry! If the behavior of your man corresponds to the 15 signs listed by us, then you are exactly true:

He holds the word

Your man always performs promised. You know for sure that if he promised something to do for you, your family or friends, then he will definitely do everything to implement the promised one.

He likes your friends

It will not be the company of your friends, but always retains some distance. He is tied to you, and he has no friends closer than you.

He does not hide anything from you

There are no secrets between you, because he is sure of you and knows that he can tell everything.

He knows the boundaries of the permitted

He understands which situations can lead to treason (for example, a joint business trip with the employee) and avoids everything that can put your marriage at risk. Sometimes at work he may have the need to stay alone with a woman, but in this case he communicates with it strictly according to the rules of business etiquette.

He does not communicate with his former

He does not consider it right to communicate and spend time along with his former. He fully broke the connection with them.

He knows that he is not only the love of your life, but also your best friend

Friendship underlies strong and filled relationships.

He spends clear boundaries permitted in relations with employees

He does not allow himself too close to approach women with whom it works. He does not hide his marriage and always holds employees a little at a distance so that they do not confuse his politeness with flirt.

He knows that you appreciate it

One of the possible causes of treason is a lack of attention from his wife in relation to her husband, as the family psychologist Harry Newman says. Indeed, his study shows that 48% of men made treason, because they stopped feeling emotional contact with spouses. In the relationship it is very important to show your husband how much you are grateful and how much appreciate him.

He does not engage in self-examination

Narcissus men are much more prone to infidelity, since their love for himself simply shook. They resort to intriguity in order to felt their pride.

He likes the proximity to you

Your man appreciates an emotional and physical connection that exists between you. According to statistics, 52% of the couples from those who were not satisfied with an intimate life in marriage, found themselves someone on the side, while among those who were fully satisfied with their spouse, this indicator was 17%. If you have any problems in intimate life, then tell your spouse about them. Work together over their resolution or consult a doctor.

It does not need your permanent approval in order to stay in normal mood

He and without your compliments know that you are expensive to him, but it does not mean that he does not want to hear about how you treat him. Raise his self-esteem, praising his appearance, or tell him once again that you love him very much.

He does not try to control the family budget

He does not hide his earnings from you. He is not against sharing the budget and distribute money on the purchase.

He does not flirt with other women

He loves you, so he does not need to behave freely with other women.

He recognizes his mistakes

He knows that he is not an ideal person, and is not afraid to admit that he was wrong. He believes that you can help him handle your shortcomings over which he works every day.

He says "We", not "I"

For him, you are a single whole and he does not represent his future without you. He does not accept important decisions without consulting with you, because he knows that marriage involves joint labor.