What the practice of lucid dreaming gives. Reflect on sleep throughout the day. Indirect entry methods

The practice of lucid dreaming can be started with different techniques. Everyone has moments of self-awareness in a dream, but few remember this and attach importance to them. In order to be aware of yourself in a dream, it is not bad to learn to be aware of yourself in reality, because most people live on absolute "autopilot".

It is good to start by controlling emotions, especially negative ones, they are destructive in nature, and primarily act destructively to those who experience them. If you are angry, angry, wanting someone evil, stop for a minute and look at your condition - there is a large release of negative energy, and you do not feel the best way. You can monitor your emotions throughout the day. It becomes a habit and becomes a fun activity. And then one day in a dream you will also stop and think: "Why am I experiencing this?" - and this question can be the beginning of lucid dreams. That is, moments of awareness in real life are transferred to a state of sleep, so your practice can begin.

It can also happen the other way around - after realizing yourself in a dream, you will begin to be aware of yourself in reality. The Torah says: "Our life is waking in a dream." How else can you understand that you are in a dream? It is useful to look around. Usually, after such a close scrutiny, the scenery may begin to change before your eyes, and you will find yourself in a completely different place, which in reality cannot be. You can begin to gaze intently at the person with whom you are communicating in a dream, his appearance can also change in the most bizarre way, he can even turn into some kind of animal.

You can create an intention to be aware of yourself in a dream. For example, every night, going to bed, tell yourself: "I will be aware of myself in a dream." The intention should be clear, strong-willed, the practice should be regular.

Using elements of the Dream Hackers technique, you can try to add an object to your dream. For example, a pen. Examine it carefully, feel it, remember it. Think about the fact that you want to find her in a dream. And if you succeed, we can assume that the practice of lucid dreaming has started. Fix this moment by shouting something joyful, dancing, etc. Following the sound in a dream is also an element of the Dream Hackers technique - when you hear a strange sound in a dream, try to follow it, let it “carry away” you.

You can also try to transfer some information from a dream into reality. If you read the text in a dream, write it down after waking up. Recording of dreams helps many in the practice of lucid dreaming. It is best to write down a memorable dream immediately after waking up, do not be lazy to do it at night, if lucid dreams are really your goal. Reread your notes, reflect on them.

With the help of dreams, you can beyond recognition to expand the boundaries of your familiar world, to understand what a wonderful reality actually surrounds us. You can heal your past, create successful opportunities for yourself, and pursue them in your life. This topic is inexhaustible. If you are really interested in the state of awareness in a dream, the books "The First Gates" (M. Fortchun), "Transurfing of Reality" (V. Zeland), books by Carlos Castaneda and Sun Light - "The Energy of Abundance", "Formulas of Money" and others will help you. . Good luck everyone!


The practice of lucid dreaming must be approached quite seriously and thoroughly. There are two main approaches to achieving lucid dreaming.

First way to achieve OS

Used at the beginning as the foundation of your practice in awareness - you need to keep a dream diary near your bed and, getting up in the morning, write down all the dreams you can remember. As you do this, you focus your mind on dreams, and you may discover interesting dream themes and signs that can help your mind know it is dreaming.

Use reality tests, they work during your dreams, letting you know that this is a dream and not reality. The theory is that if you regularly check for a dream during your normal daytime life, then at night when you sleep, you will do the same thing in the dream, and this will turn on awareness. The most popular mindfulness tests include trying to take off, pushing a finger through the palm, and checking that electrical switches are working properly (because they don't work properly in dreams).

In a lucid dream, your perception of the world around you would be even more different from your waking perception. First of all, you will realize that this is all a dream. Thanks to this, the world around you is constantly changing to an even greater extent than in an ordinary dream. In a lucid dream, "impossible" things can happen, and the unreal circumstances of the dream, instead of disappearing, become more and more distinct and vivid, overwhelming you with their unusualness.

When you wake up in the morning, then, instead of turning on the other side and falling asleep again, tell yourself mentally: "When I return to sleep, I will understand that I am dreaming." Try to remember the dream you just had and imagine yourself aware that you are asleep when you re-enter the dream. You can even set the alarm for an hour before your usual wake up, get up for a short time, and then apply this technique.

Three direct techniques for entering lucid dreaming will be described below. It is important to know that direct techniques are suitable for those who have already achieved lucid dreaming and experienced this experience. IMPORTANT!! If you are a beginner and you have never seen a lucid dream before, then indirect techniques for entering a lucid dream will be more suitable for you.

Second way to achieve OS

Another technique is directly entering lucid dreaming from the waking state. The best time to try it is in the morning or in the morning after a meal. Sit comfortably in a bed or chair, close your eyes and relax. Focus gently on the colored images and shapes in front of your mind's eye. Allow yourself to almost fall asleep, keep your mind relaxed but aware of the images that are forming. This is a difficult method, but if you choose the right balance point in this intermediate state, the images will suddenly become bright and you can step into lucid dreaming in the world that you see in front of you.

Interrupted sleep method.

The most efficient method for logging into the OS. It's simple. In the evening we go to bed as usual, we set the alarm two or three hours earlier before getting up. We wake up by the alarm clock, stay awake for a while and go to bed again, with the intention of getting into the OS.

Sleep time before interruption is selected individually, optimally six hours. The period of wakefulness is also individual for each, it is important to "wake up" the consciousness and return the clarity of thinking, and the body should be ready to easily continue the dream. For someone it will be enough to wash and lie down right away, for another drink hot tea and lie down in forty minutes. Usually 15-30 minutes is enough for me to come to my senses. If I am not mistaken, LaBerge suggested an interval of about two hours.

Direct (controlled regulation of the state).

1. The method of focusing attention on the physical body.
Falling asleep in the evening or after waking up, you need to relax as much as possible, lowering the attention that needs to be fixed on one thought: passive observation of the internal sensations of the body. Be sure to relax your eyes: we do not see the OS with them. As you plunge further into the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, listen to your body. Observation (but not control!) Of breathing and heartbeat works most effectively, which often leads to the appearance of vibrations - this is the sensation of flickering of the energy body. If you have problems with insomnia, as you exhale, imagine (feel) the air coming out of the spine. After a while, a picture of a dream should appear, but for success, you first need to sacrifice part of your consciousness. You can also achieve the desired dream by visualizing the appropriate visual (and not only) images.

2. The position of the physical body during OS.
The optimal position is on the right side, you can cross your arms, and sometimes it is desirable (to increase awareness). This situation is especially true in the MBOS technique.

100% hitting the OS: lie on your back, bend your knees up, position your legs so that they do not fall. This method, although it always works, is difficult to maintain the stability of the position.

The world of lucid dreaming gives wider possibilities than ordinary reality, in almost all its manifestations, from the low to the sublime. You can, if you want, take a walk at a merry feast, fly to the stars or go on a trip to magical countries. You can also use lucid dreaming to solve your problems, for example, for self-healing and self-development, or in order to comprehend the meaning of ancient teachings and the work of modern psychologists, who believe that lucid dreaming can help you penetrate the depths of your Self, that is, find out who you are in reality.

Lucid dreams have been known for a long time, but until now they were perceived as an exceptional and obscure phenomenon.

Scientific research has just begun to shed light on this unusual phenomenon - lucid dreaming. Recently, this area of \u200b\u200bresearch has attracted attention outside the amateur circles, when it was found that with appropriate training, people can learn to enter sleep while not completely turned off. What caused such a keen interest in lucid dreaming? My personal experience and the experience of many people experiencing this state indicate that lucid dreams are unusually vivid, intense, pleasant and joyful. Most view them as one of the most wonderful experiences in their lives.

But lucid dreaming would be delightful, albeit ultimately mediocre entertainment, if that were the only reason.

Lucid dreaming, as people in the know, say, can help improve the quality of waking life.

The existence of lucid dreams has been scientifically proven, but since time immemorial, reports of the transcendental possibilities of dreaming include astral travel - a state in which the spirit wanders freely in the universe and beyond, - joint dreams, meetings with spirit guides and other extraordinary experiences. But no matter what happens to you, nothing can harm you, and we hope you enjoy the world your brain creates like millions of others around the globe.

In a dream, strange, amazing and even impossible things happen regularly, but people usually do not realize that this is a dream. Usually does not mean always, and there are important exceptions to these rules. Sometimes dreamers have a clear understanding of the cause of the bizarre events they are experiencing, and the result is lucid dreaming such as the one above. Confident that the world they perceive is a figment of their own imagination, "lucid dreaming" can purposefully influence the content of their dreams.

Preparing to practice lucid dreaming is a rather lengthy process; you should not expect lucid dreaming to be possible in a couple of days. The main thing for acquiring such a skill as lucid dream is to set yourself up in the right way, to concentrate your attention on the fact that the dream will be lucid.

However, special conditions are also required for the practice of lucid dreaming. If a person, before going to bed, had excessive fatigue, if the rest was preceded by a hard and exhausting working day, then the dream will fly by in an instant and no plot will appear. This means that there will not be a space for lucid sleep, in which you can fulfill your desires, you will not even be able to understand that the past period of time was occupied by sleep. The practice of lucid dreaming requires a healthy and long sleep, the absence of fatigue - then a person will be more attuned not to rest and recuperation, but to his behavior in a lucid dream.

Lucid dreams can be a unique life experience for each person. If a person learns to achieve the state of lucid dreaming, then he will be able to perform those actions that are not even physically possible in real life.


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In order to start the practice of lucid dreaming, you need to pay attention to two points - preparation and control over the lucid dream. So how do you prepare for the OS?

Firstly, it is worth refraining from eating fatty and heavy foods; it is also advisable not to gorge on before practicing OS, preferably not to eat anything at all 4 hours before bedtime.

Secondly, it is very important not to consume alcohol and drugs. Such interaction with one's psyche, as the practice of OS in a state of altered consciousness, can lead to unpredictable and negative consequences.

The next challenge in the practice of lucid dreaming is to gain control over them. For this, there are many techniques for entering the OS. There are methods of direct, indirect entry into the OS and paths of pure awareness. Let's briefly dwell on each of them.

Classification of techniques for entering lucid dreaming:

Direct entry methods

They involve entering the OS from a state of vigor. The good thing about these methods is that they can be used to reach the OS at any time. You close your eyes, perform a certain technique, and enter the OS. But these methods are difficult for beginners, as they require a special level of concentration and control of their thoughts, emotions and imagination.

In this case, you need to relax your eyes, take a comfortable position for the body, and observe your body, the state of physical falling asleep. For this, it is convenient to observe the rhythm of breathing, pulse beats. After a while, a picture of a dream, its images, will begin to appear.

Indirect entry methods

Their essence is that we perform techniques at the junction of vigor and sleep. You go to bed and at the moment of falling asleep you catch a state of half-sleep and already in this state you perform certain techniques to achieve OS. It is believed that these methods are the simplest, but there is a fairly high probability that at this moment you will not remember that you need to apply the technique and simply wake up in the morning.

The path of pure awareness

This is a natural way to enter the lucid dream, when you achieve awareness already inside the dream. Often this method has a fairly random success, since this happens quite rarely. But there are techniques that can stimulate this way.

There are three important points you must follow to practice OS:

1. It is very important to learn to remember your dreams:

  • You can use a diary to write down dreams, and fill it out immediately after waking up.
  • You can use a voice recorder and narrate your dreams, even at night - as soon as you wake up
  • You can type your dreams into a tablet that you always have at hand.

If you don't remember your dreams well, then there is no sense of progress. Records are memory clues. In addition, you can get interesting clues for life from your dreams. Or even write fantasy stories)

2. Try to recognize the elements of the dream in reality:

For example, look for flashes (lamps, lightning, flashing car turn signals). And as soon as you see - immediately check whether you are sleeping or are in reality. Let these types of signals become beacons for you that it's time to make such a check.

3. Find your personal signs of being in a dream:

For example, these are flights, communication with people far from you, and even people-stars with whom in reality you are not familiar, fast movement from point to point, lack of smells or, on the contrary, too strong smells, etc. These signs will help you accurately determine if you are now in lucid dream.

The last two points refer to the so-called "reality tests" - having got used to using them, you will not have any difficulties in determining the situation. This means that you will behave differently in dreams and in life (for example, it would not occur to you to fly over a fence or jump from the roof of a shed in reality, but in a dream a lot is possible).

The Practice of Lucid Dreaming by Castaneda and LaBerge

If you have already coped with entering a dream and know how to do it, then the next task that will appear before you is how to improve the quality of awareness and perception in the OS. If we analyze the works of Carlos Castaneda and Stephen LaBerge, we can distinguish five stages of the practice of OS. Let's take a look at each of them.

First step - stabilization. We are already aware of ourselves in the OS, but we need to firmly stand with our feet on the ground. To do this, you need to stabilize this state. Carlos Castaneda offers a great and simple way, which he describes in his book The Art of Dreaming. It is enough just to look at your hands for a while, during this time some transformations and changes can occur with them. If you continue, you will be exited from the OS. Therefore, regular stabilization practice gives you the opportunity to stay in lucid sleep for longer.

Second phase - movement (attention). At this stage, we are already contemplating several objects by moving between them. If we lose stabilization, then we need to return to the first stage.

When we learn how to move well, we will get a high stability of the dream picture, which means the dream will become bright, colorful, in no way inferior to the pictures of real life.

Stage Three - time synchronization. Here we synchronize the time in sleep and the time outside of sleep, for example, if we fell asleep in the morning, then in OS, we try to imagine the morning. What is it for? Thus, our psyche will be able to relax, and consciousness will begin to identify dream with reality and vice versa. At this stage, our consciousness reaches a certain level of enlightenment described by the Buddhists. It kind of understands that all life is a dream.

The benefit here is that the human psyche is modified - a person gains mental freedom, personal development. Although one must understand that this is also the dangers of wasps - to confuse a dream with reality.

Fourth stage - from sleep to sleep. It's like picture-in-picture.

Here you need to fall asleep inside a dream and wake up in a new one. This nesting dream opens up great areas for practice. In nested dreams, awareness increases and improves, and the OS itself becomes brighter and richer.

An nested dream is possible even in the early stages of OS practice, but beginners should refrain from such practices, since after long-term work with nested dreams, it is then difficult to distinguish a dream from reality.

Fifth stage... Accessible only to advanced, experienced practitioners. This stage is called "double position"

In principle, it is no different from the fourth, in contrast to one aspect. Before falling asleep in a dream, you need to take the same position in which our physical body is. This serves as a kind of catalyst that enhances sensation and awareness of the already incredible possibilities of nested dreams.

I want to give a couple of tips for practicing lucid dreaming:

  • First, it would be nice sleep more ... If you are tortured, weakened, nervous and do not get enough sleep, it will be difficult for you to be aware of yourself in a dream and remember the dream. And it will be difficult to balance on the verge between sleep and reality - and this quality gives an excellent awareness of oneself in a dream. In addition, you will often have the most interesting dreams in the morning. If you need to get up early and run to work, and you have not slept yet, you will also not be able to practice OS.
  • Secondly, spend more time thinking about lucid dreaming ... For example, you can read books, discuss training experiences on the forum, exercise in reality. The more thoughts you have about the OS during the day, the easier you will be able to achieve the desired state at night.

The position of the physical body during OS practice does not really matter. Some authors adhere to the point of view that the optimal position is lying on the right side, or on the back with raised knees. However, many dreamers use any position that is comfortable and familiar to themselves, which does not in any way impair their results in achieving OS.

Exercises in the OS - to control your dream

In order for the OS to be long and rich, you need to learn how to renew it. Stephen LaBerge proposes an effective mind-holding technique that he calls rotation technique... It has four main points.

1. Realize that sleep is beginning to fade. At first, visual sensations disappear, and at the very end, tactile ones.

2. Start spinning, do it like a top. Only spin when you feel like the dream is really starting to fade.

3. As you spin, keep repeating to yourself that everything you see at the end of the spin will be a dream.

4. After rotation, be sure to check your condition, make sure it is a dream.

Stephen LaBerge argues that this technique is effective and suitable for both beginners and experienced dreamers. He was able to switch to a new OS in 85% of cases.

In order to improve and hone your OS perception skills, we present you below three exercises that should be performed in the OS state. The first exercise is called " Dream tv»Proposed by the innovator and researcher of OS Alan Worsley. The essence of the exercise is to imagine in the OS state that we are watching an ultra-high-definition TV with super-volumetric sound. Turn it on, find the brightness and volume controls. Twist them. Change brightness, color, contrast. Try switching to a new picture. Train your perception. Focus on your thoughts.

The next exercise is called “ Lucid dream incubation”, It was developed by LaBerge specifically in order to program a question, place, or event that will happen to us in the OS. It takes place in five stages:

1. Formulate your intention. You need to clearly formulate the phrase and write it on paper, for example: "I want to go to Amsterdam."

2. Go to bed immediately.

3. Imagine that there is a dream around you in that place, or with the event that is written on your piece of paper. Try not to think about anything other than this phrase.

4. When you reach OS, try to formulate your intention

5. Having reached the goal, after waking up, try to remember and write down your OS, this will help you with further practice.

There is also another interesting and entertaining exercise developed by LaBerge specifically for managing his OS. It is called “ Unleashing a new dream plot"And consists of three elements:

1. Select a target. Imagine any event or person you would like to see in a dream, it can be a real or fictional person. Or any place you want to visit.

2. Remember this, write it down on paper and imagine that you have already achieved this in the future OS.

3. During the disappearance of the OS, using the above rotation technique, create an intention to see your intended goal in the new OS.

The process of realizing oneself inside a dream directly affects the worldview and psyche of a person. With the help of OS practice, you can learn interesting and hidden possibilities of the psyche and know yourself.

How to behave in a dream

In a lucid dream, a person has a sea of \u200b\u200bpossibilities:

  • you can communicate with distant people or symbolic fairy-tale characters (for example, with Little Red Riding Hood or with Baba Yaga)
  • practice some of your skills, or start developing them from scratch (for example, drawing, or public speaking)
  • see the world - let's say, in reality, you don't have enough for a vacation in China, or Hawaii - but in a dream a couple of minutes, and you are already there
  • carry out additional workouts if you are involved in sports
  • find out the answer to questions you have been interested in for a long time
  • and many other possibilities.

Do not give up fighting enemies, accept gifts, do not be afraid. You will begin to train in yourself new traits that will slowly seep into reality.

If you have a nightmare, don't be alarmed. Running away is not an option, you can take a fight, or get to know and befriend the villain. Call for help, or remember that this is your dream, and now you want the scary character to disappear or change his behavior. There are many possibilities.

Exercises in the OS - for pumping yourself and your abilities

You can train not only to improve your awareness and control of dreams, but also with specific goals in life.

You can upgrade your skills. For example, if public speaking is difficult for you in ordinary life, then you can conduct your training in this skill in a dream. Here's an example of such a workout.

1. Rehearse your performance the night before, and think about performing in front of an audience at night.

2. Enter lucid dreaming and prepare everything for your performance: stage, audience, audience. If you can't do everything the way you want, don't be discouraged, just start where you are.

3. Focus on the people who will listen to you, establish contact with them, be friendly and open.

4. Begin your presentation.

As a result, you can get rid of significant fear of the audience.

You can also practice other lucid dreaming skills.
Good luck!

Humanity has long been interested in lucid dreams, but until recently they were not studied by anyone and remained something unknown, incomprehensible and even strange. Today's practical studies and research by specialists provide us with a lot of information about this extraordinary phenomenon. Lucid dreaming attracts more and more attention, because it turns out that this state is controllable, and you can enter it yourself. Special training will help you achieve any results in a dream, to realize your plans.

Lucid dream - what is it?

Conscious dream - a dream in which a person knows that everything that happens to him is virtual, he realizes that he is sleeping. Being in such an altered state, a person can easily control his actions, for example, transform into a movie hero, fly and jump from roof to roof without difficulty, and carry out the unattainable in real life. It all depends on imagination and unresolved problems in reality. Immersed in a lucid dream, people experience what is happening very emotionally. Feelings and feelings seem completely natural to them. There are whole teachings about such states. They say that lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel can be experienced by anyone.

How lucid dreaming is used

In fact, a person knows a lot more than he thinks. After all, the subconsciousness of each of us has enormous resources. Our dreams are the work of the subconscious, and if a person learns to communicate with him, then he will open up new opportunities. By working in this direction and improving, you may even be able to become a pioneer. There are many stories when people in a dream came up with something or found a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing here is at least to remember the dream.

Fighting fears

If a person is afraid of something or suffers from phobias, he is not sure of his capabilities, then, having immersed himself in a lucid dream, he will be able to simulate an action plan, learn how to behave correctly, master fears, emotions and actions. Having learned to control himself in difficult situations during night dreams, he can easily transfer this experience into everyday life, and it will be much easier for him to act in reality.

Many psychotherapists suggest that their patients replay difficult life stories in a dream several times. Finding it difficult in real life to complete a responsible task, you can "rehearse" it in a dream. There, a person will pay special attention to his feelings, reactions and all the details of what is happening. A well-designed dream will help you prepare for business meetings, interviews, or exams.

Lucid sleep lasts about five minutes on average. Therefore, in order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to learn to be in this state for a long time. Moreover, lucid dreams are not so frequent as to spend them fighting their fears. It is better to deal with phobias in reality, this is the only way to get rid of them for sure.

Lucid dream as inspiration

When dreaming, you can see a suitable theme for a picture, find inspiration for new works and plots for poets, inventors can simulate a new model or get a hint for their creations.

Scientists have found that it does not matter for the brain where physical action takes place with a person - in a dream or in reality. When processing information, the brain can form new neural connections. It turns out that the theory of a conceived action can be worked out in a dream, but practical skills will still have to be acquired in reality. The sleeper is able, for example, to juggle perfectly, and the pins can fly by themselves, since the laws of gravity are somewhat different there. But muscle memory cannot be fooled.

In a dream, people who are significant to a person or sages can meet. The conversation does not take place with real people, and a person receives clever thoughts and instructions not from someone, but from himself, from his consciousness.

Subconscious projections

Lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel can be combined, because in this state it is easy to get to the most remote corners of the planet and even the galaxy. The human mind will model any environment - from the roof of a skyscraper, London parks to moonlit walks. The main thing is not to forget that if you find yourself on the shore of the ocean, everything you see will be only a projection of the subconscious, which will be based on general knowledge about this area. Information long forgotten by man is automatically reproduced by the brain.

High-speed flights or trips will be great entertainment. Getting adrenaline in a dream from racing, being inside a spaceship, feeling the excitement of what is happening, and most importantly, developing actions according to your scenario, realizing that you are the main character - all this will cause real euphoria.

One of the main useful properties of lucid dreams can be safely called the fight against nightmares. Those people who are greatly disturbed by night terrors are advised to develop the ability to realize dreams. Indeed, at the scariest moment, one has only to understand that you are sleeping - and all nightmares will turn into comics. It will be possible to overcome all monsters, villains and other enemies without much stress.

When lucid dreams come

They can appear during rapid eye movements in the process. When they begin to move in different directions, a person sees a dream. Movements appear at completely different moments of this action. Thus, one can realize a dream several times during the night.

There are five phases of sleep. The first occurs in the first 5-10 minutes of "falling asleep", when the body enters a state of rest after being awake. A person may not yet realize that he is already asleep. Then comes the second phase. This period is characterized by unconscious muscle twitching and general relaxation of the body. The next (third and fourth phases) are characterized by too slow activity of waves in the brain. These periods cause deep dreams. At such a time it is very difficult to wake up a person, and the awakened one will feel weak and not immediately adapt to the environment.

The first four phases last for two hours (and several times each, we will talk about this below). Then comes the most important - the fifth, in which a person is able to dream. Eye movements last from 10 to 30 minutes, at which time the brain is most active, blood flow to it increases, and we are able to dream. At the same time, the muscles are immobilized so that they do not walk and jump in a dream. The brain studies the subconscious, analyzes the available information and independently creates for a person his own inner reality.

It is interesting that, falling asleep, a person goes through the first, second, third phases, and after the fourth he returns to the third, to the second. Only then comes the fifth - rapid eye movement and sleep. Such a cycle can take place several times during the entire rest period, but it is not constant. During the night, the time of the third and fourth phases decreases, while the fifth increases to an hour. This means that a person can experience lucid dreaming up to 5 times per night.

Many are afraid to enter such states, but practice shows that there is nothing difficult and scary here, on the contrary, it is very exciting. Scientists from different countries have tried lucid dreaming on themselves. How to enter it, they have outlined in their many writings. You just need to figure out what is needed for this and follow the prompts step by step.

Lucid dreaming in 7 days

Bradley Thompson is the world's leading expert on methods of influencing the human subconscious mind. His developments are used all over the world. By studying and researching dreams, he developed a step-by-step diagram of how to enter lucid dreaming in seven days. By following his instructions, some people have achieved excellent results much earlier.

The technique of lucid dreaming of the first day involves familiarizing a person with general information about dreams and recognizing oneself in it.

How to recognize yourself in a dream

Many beginners in the practice of dream awareness have a natural question: "How to understand that I am not sleeping?" There are ways to enter lucid dreaming. Practice includes several of the most accurate actions that need to be done to make everything clear.

  1. Look at your palms. If they are clear, and the lines are clearly visible, then this is not a dream. If the palms are poorly visible, then the person is asleep.
  2. You need to try to find a mirror in a dream and look into it.
  3. You have to taste something.
  4. In your sleep, you can breathe underwater.
  5. Actions in visions do not correspond to the laws of physics.
  6. The ability to see dead people. It is one of the most common factors in sleep awareness.
  7. Inconsistency of time factors. For example, a person dreams of something that has not been there for a long time. Or the people around you are much younger or older than they really are.
  8. The person finds it difficult to return to the place where he just was. And if it succeeds, then it has already changed.
  9. It is impossible to get out of the room - additional rooms appear, someone stops you, detains you.
  10. A person sees the same things in different places. For example, a friend is talking to you, and looking back, you see that he has abruptly disappeared or is far away.
  11. People and objects are in different places at the same time.
  12. The ability to pass through walls or any other solid objects. You can easily stick your hand into the wall.

These are the most common ways for those who do not know how to enter lucid dreaming, how to learn not to get lost, and try your hand again and again.

The second day of the teaching tells that a person must learn to memorize his visions. Waking up, you need to immediately remember what you dreamed about, and it is better to write it all down. Thompson suggests starting a diary, in which after waking up, even if it is at night, the student will write down the main characters and details.

On the third and fourth days, they propose to start testing reality. As often as possible ask yourself the question: "Am I sleeping?" The point is that the question should be repeated frequently in reality. Gradually, this will become a kind of habit, and a person, being in a dream, will also be able to automatically ask himself this question. After doing a few of the actions learned on the first day, he will be able to understand what is happening to him. Noticing flying cows or dead people around, of course, it is easier to realize that you are sleeping.

In four days, a person is already so deeply imbued with the task of realizing a dream that his brain, already at the subconscious level, will automatically help to achieve the goal. After rereading the diary, in which at least four visions can be recorded, you can highlight the main signs of individual sleep. This means that you need to determine the nature of dreams, highlight what is more common. If the statistics turned out to be completely different, then Thompson advises not to get upset, but to continue practicing awareness further.

The fifth day promises to exponentially increase the chances of entering lucid dreaming. Practice shows that on this day, not every student can do everything. The challenge for the fifth day is the whole technology.

It is necessary to set the alarm clock so that it rings exactly 6 hours after the person goes to bed. After this time, you need to wake up and stay awake for an hour and a half. In the meantime, you can reread your diary again and focus on your dreams. After 90 minutes, we go to bed again and for another 10 minutes we engage in self-hypnosis and make ourselves an installation for entering a lucid dream. After that, we fall asleep, and, in theory, awareness should occur.

The sixth day is identical to the fifth, with only minor changes. After 90 minutes of waiting has passed, you need to lie down and concentrate on the account. Repeat to yourself: "1, I am sleeping, 2, I am sleeping ..." It is recommended to count until a certain effect is felt: flickering, vibrations, sounds, images. Such appearances mean that a person is on the verge of entering a dream. If he manages to remain mindful, then he will be able to do whatever he has in mind.

Thus, if you tune in correctly and follow all the instructions exactly, you can enter a lucid dream in 7 days. Practice shows good results. And to increase the speed of awareness, special glasses have been developed.

Are there risks of entering lucid dreams?

The practice of awareness has not yet had time to "acquire" risks and is currently safe. Scientifically studying lucid dreams, one might say, have just begun. The only exception can be those people who are unable to draw a clear line between real life and sleep. The experience they received in the virtual world may turn out to be too vivid and completely different from their real life. People who can easily be aware that they are asleep sometimes become addicted to these dreams, like an addiction.

Aids for dream awareness

Research by many scientists has proven that dreams are of great benefit to humans. They are the keys to self-knowledge, a kind of introspection. Scientists have developed a unique device that helps to enter the world of dreams. They produced special glasses for lucid dreaming.

The invention is a gadget shaped like a conventional sleep mask. It runs on batteries and does not require additional chargers.

Inside the mask are buttons that help turn on the device and adjust the brightness. The lucid dreaming mask is compact, convenient and its sizes are universal. Control over dreams is carried out by means of LEDs. Several built-in bulbs give a light signal, which allows a person to see a specific blinking in a dream and understand that he is sleeping.

Glasses for lucid dreaming should catch a person's deep sleep phase and send multiple signals to each eye. They are not enough to wake up his master, but enough for him to realize that he is sleeping. Here, a person will already be able to completely control his actions, do the impossible and make his dreams come true.

People who have experienced lucid dreams leave a wide variety of reviews. The mask helped them navigate in time, suggested that they were sleeping. With the help of it, people rarely skipped a deep phase, which could not but rejoice them. Dreams, according to their stories, were very vivid, believable and completely changed their lives.

Now you know what lucid dreaming is and you can practice them at least every day.

There is an opinion that lucid dreaming is a separate stable world that does not depend on our imagination. Some practitioners separate lucid dreaming and the astral plane, believing that the wasps are something like a journey in their imagination, and going out to the astral plane is a real experience of immersion in the subtle world, where the soul finds itself after the death of the body. In this article, I decided to spare the reader from imposing his own view on these divisions. Below we will talk specifically about the methods of self-awareness in a dream. Each method was tested personally.

The easiest way for a beginner is to become aware of yourself in a dream while the body is asleep. This requires some time before bed to remind yourself of your intention. That is, you just think about your desire - to become aware of yourself in a dream. And over time, sometimes immediately, and sometimes after a few days, this desire is transferred to a dream, and awareness happens. You are surprised to understand that what is happening is not a familiar reality, but something else. Remembering in a dream that you live in the physical world is really amazing.

If in your dreams the same phenomena regularly occur that are not inherent in everyday reality (for example, flight, hovering in space, falling into an abyss, chasing aliens, meeting with dead people, unusual animals, etc.), you can use this as the starting point for realizing oneself as a perceiver of the reality of a dream. For this to happen, you need to give yourself the installation: "If I am flying, then this is definitely a dream."

One of the best ways entering a lucid dream - sleep two hours less than usual, then stay awake for forty minutes without straining the body. You can, for example, read or practice meditation. Then it is necessary to go to sleep again with the intention of realizing oneself. Even for a beginner, when carrying out this procedure, a lucid dream happens from the very first attempts.

Another way is awareness of yourself in bed, when you have already woken up, but as if not completely, and have not yet moved your body. Then you should intuitively deepen the feeling of sleep, but without losing consciousness. In this case, no effort should be made, but vice versa. Then the exit to lucid dreaming occurs spontaneously.

Another method of entering lucid dreaming is to be aware of the moment of falling asleep. But as practice shows, this method is not available to everyone, and with persistent attempts it can lead to insomnia. The feeling of sleep comes from the chest, sometimes from the throat or abdomen. To increase the likelihood of lucid dreaming, you can focus on this experience - it is like languid fatigue that puts the physical body to sleep.

For lucid dreams to become common, you need to get used to the unusual, linear consciousness of sleep. This can be developed by simply remembering your dreams. Dreams are best remembered in the morning, right after waking up, when you have not yet had time to move your body.

Sometimes there is a feeling as if in a dream some part of the mind always realizes that it is asleep and sees a dream, but at the same time it continues to play along with itself, building new incredible events and situations of sleep, for which another part of the psyche is "bought". Perhaps this is how all kinds of everyday self-deception occur, when an everyday person does not understand how he deliberately fools himself from the unconscious levels ..

At first, most people, being aware of themselves outside the body, face such an obstacle as insurmountable fear. It can be fear of death, fear that you will not be able to return to the body, or simply fear of the unknown. Experience shows that such fears are completely unfounded. You already have dreams every night. And the only thing that changes when you leave the familiar world of your own free will is a clear awareness of the fact of incorporeal existence. Most often, the biggest problem is just the inability to stay in a lucid dream longer. One has only to think about your body - as you are already in it.

In order to stay longer in a lucid dream, it is not recommended to immediately try to do things that are not inherent in earthly reality, such as walking through walls, flying and teleportation. Also, at first, it is not recommended to stand still in a dream, meditate, carefully examine any individual objects from that reality, and look at distant distances. All this can also quickly bring you back to the physical body. On the contrary, in order to stay in lucid sleep longer, one should be in continuous activity and throw cursory glances at various objects. This technique was described by Carlos Castaneda and it works.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to move, but you want, for example, to fly or walk through a wall, you need to relax your subtle body. When relaxing, any tricks are possible.

In the practice of lucid dreams, it is recommended to play enough mischief and outrage as quickly as possible - when, realizing your own impunity, you can afford everything that you could not on the physical plane. Much more interesting in lucid dreams is not the realization of earthly desires, but the study of the subtle world - its boundaries and possibilities.