What to take on an overnight hike? The most essential things during the hike. What to take with you on a hike

“I carry everything with me” is a rule that is relevant for any tourist. But if you wear all the equipment on your own two feet, then every extra kilogram will sooner or later make itself felt. Therefore, every self-respecting tourist should know in advance what to take with him on a hike.


You need to dress comfortably for the hike. Of course, no one will see old sweatshirts and a baggy sweater in the forest, but it is better to turn your attention to military clothing. It gets dirty less, and you can not be afraid to tear your pants or jacket, catching on a branch. What to take with you on a hike with shoes? As for her, ankle boots or sturdy high-toed sneakers are best suited for walking. In them, you will not get your feet wet, you will be protected from ticks, snakes and at the same time from dislocation of the foot, since the lacing will firmly fix the leg. Correctly selected shoes should be comfortable, light, and the feet should not sweat. Put on a jacket made of jeans or other dense material that does not blow over. Do not forget to carry a pair of spare socks and T-shirts in your backpack. Put on a cap or bandana on your head, they will protect you from the sun's rays and will protect you from insects.


It should contain all the things that you need to take with you on a hike, be made of durable fabric, and most importantly, be comfortable to wear. It is advisable that the straps of the backpack are adjustable, and the back is tight enough. The volume of a good model ranges from 60 to 80 liters.


To make life in the forest more comfortable, of course, take with you a "camp house", that is, a tent. This design will save you from natural whims, and will allow you to easily survive both rain and heat. When choosing a tent, we look at its size and weight - the smaller they are, the more comfortable it will be on the road with it. At the same time, consider not only the number of places, but also the number of your backpacks, if you are going to store them in a tent. Do not forget to take your bedding with you on the hike. A travel mat and sleeping bag add comfort and coziness to your camping life.

It will be useful to us in order, for example, to chop wood for a fire. Even if you are going on a hike in a group, one tool is enough.

Matches or lighter

This is a must if you do not want to play primitive man, but want to quickly light a fire. To prevent the matches from getting wet and damp, wrap them in cellophane and put the boxes in different pockets.


Fire not only warms, but also helps to cook food. The standard set of a tourist should include a bowl, spoon, mug and knife, it is best if all these items are made of metal.

First aid kit

A set of medicines and first aid tools will help you not to fear for your life far from civilization. What to take with you on a hike? Everything you need: iodine, brilliant green, bandages, plasters and medicines - can be found in a classic automobile first aid kit.

Perhaps everyone dreams of getting out somewhere in nature, away from civilization, cars and city noise, in order to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In such a situation, the most interesting thing that can be is a trip to the forest with an overnight stay. Beautiful and untouched nature, picking berries and mushrooms, evening gatherings around the fire with a hot cup of tea - what could be better? In this article, you will find useful tips and tricks to help you prepare for the trip and pack all the necessary things for such a trip.

Clothes, things and equipment for hiking in the forest with an overnight stay

First of all, you need to consider how many days you go and what time of year. Since this article is written for those who are just taking their first steps in tourism, here are the recommendations for a summer hike in a temperate climate for several nights. If you are organizing a corporate trip to the forest, then warm vests with the company logo will be an excellent help.

Before going on a hike, remember - the lighter the backpack, the better. If you are not used to heavy loads, then give up a couple of unnecessary things. This rule will help you save your energy and feel more comfortable during the hike.

Camping equipment

If you go for one day, then a regular backpack of 15-30 liters will be enough for you. If your hike is planned for several days, then take a larger backpack with you, preferably at least 50 liters ( nice backpack on Aliexpress).

Hike in the forest with an overnight stay, like any other, is impossible without a tent and a sleeping bag. But here again, do not forget about the terrain you are going to. For example, in the summer in Crimea it will be very hot in a sleeping bag, and if you go to the Carpathians at the same time of the year, you cannot do without a sleeping bag with a comfort temperature of + 10 ° C ( inexpensive sleeping bag on Aliexpress). But in any case, it is worth grabbing for an emergency, even if you know that the place you are going to will be very hot.

If you can survive without a sleeping bag somewhere, then without a tent, at least, it will be uncomfortable, so decide how many people are walking with you, and select a tent based on this number. The most important thing is that it protects from strong winds and does not get wet in the rain. An acceptable tent can be purchased for $ 50 ( nice tent on Aliexpress). If you go camping for several days, then you will not need a more expensive tent. Also, do not forget about the mat (rug), without it you cannot sleep normally at night, and during the day you don’t lie in the clearing ( karemat on Aliexpress). Choose karemat by yourself. The main thing is that its length is several tens of centimeters longer than your height.

Hiking clothes

From outerwear you should have light quick-drying sweatpants and the same windbreaker with a hood, and best of all, if all this is waterproof. In order not to freeze, you need to get a fleece jacket. Of course, you can do with your grandmother's sweater, but it is quite heavy. Fleece garments are best for hiking because they are very light, but they keep you warm.

Even though you are going to places where there are many trees, take some kind of hat with you anyway. The hat can be useful at night, when it is cold, and during the day in the clearing, you will not be able to do without a cap and panama.

And of course, on a camping trip to the forest with an overnight stay, you should take a couple more T-shirts and a night outfit so as not to freeze. In some forests, even in summer, the temperature after sunset can be very low, keep this in mind when packing. If you are afraid to get wet, then take a raincoat, in bad weather it can be quite a useful thing that will protect you from heavy rainfall.

A trip to the forest with an overnight stay is a pleasant experience, where you can see mesmerizing panoramas and beautiful natural places, as well as relax your soul and gain new strength. If you have not been on such trips before, then it is best to go for the first time with an experienced traveler who has already walked around more than one forest. So you can fully learn everything you need and already collect groups for hiking by yourself.

list of things for the hike... The hike is real, with overnight stays in tents on a desert island, with children from 4 to 7 years old, with the passage of separate sections of the route by train, car, motor boat.

How many boilers and axes to take, why a woolen hat in summer in Karelia, what should be in a repair kit, whether a chainsaw is needed - the answers to these and other questions are in our article.

The list is available for download!

How to make a list of things for vacation in Karelia

To compile a list of things for a hike, we use a trusted source - "Tourist Encyclopedia"... At the end of the article, you can find links to scanned pages in good quality.

We divide all things into groups. Personal belongings, general equipment, a list of the nachprod, a list of things for the rally. Let's make a reservation right away, we will probably publish a separate note on food products. Nachprod, reveal your secrets, share your experience!

Personal items first. List of things for the hike:

We print the list and issue to each to the participant of the trip-trip.

General equipment

The following list is - list of general equipment for the hike... For a group of 5 adults and 3 children. The "Tourist Encyclopedia" lists lists for a group of 6-8 people, which are quite simply "scaled". General equipment:

  • Navigation, maps, directions, contacts
  • Devices with Internet access
  • Awning - 2 (5 × 5 meters and 3 × 3 meters)
  • Boiler set - 3 (8 liters, 6 liters, 3 liters)
  • Pan
  • Ladle - 2
  • Can opener
  • Thermos - for each crew
  • Storage barrel
  • Potholders (mittens) for hot dishes (boilers)
  • Washcloths (sponge + metal) - 5
  • Kitchen rags
  • Funnel
  • Tray
  • Laundry soap - 2
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Nutrition - see future list of nagproducts
  • Cutting board - 4
  • Kitchen knife - 4
  • Bowls for common meals - 3 (4 liters, 6 liters, basin)
  • Matches, lighter - 3
  • Gas stove (burner) + cylinder
  • Taganok (tripod)
  • Floating craft
  • Bucket
  • Canister with fuel for the outboard motor
  • Drinking water supply (10 liters + 400 liter Barrier Ultra filter)
  • Photo and video equipment
  • Fishing equipment
  • Chainsaw + Gasoline + Oil + Glasses
  • Hand saw
  • Sapper shovel
  • Ax - 3 (small, normal, cleaver)
  • Mittens - 4
  • Group first aid kit
  • Repair kit and tools
  • Entertainment (compass, monocular, alarm clock, radio, whistle, checkers, chess, backgammon,
  • limiters of plants, berries, mushrooms, column)
  • Main rope (8 mm, 20 meters)
  • Auxiliary rope (6 mm, 20 meters)
  • Consumable rope (100 meters, better than 200 meters)
  • Mirror
  • Oilcloth
  • Trash bags
  • T-shirt bags universal
  • General table lighting (lights, lamps)
  • USB charger
  • Weapon
  • Firewood
  • Clothespins - 40 pieces
  • Outdoor shower (so that children can be washed quickly)

The crossed out positions remained in the list from previous trips, in the summer of 2016 they would not be useful. We do not delete any positions, if this time they are not needed - just cross it out. What if they come in handy next year?

Tools for a hike. Repair kit

For a group of 8 people (5 adults and 3 children) you will need:

  • Sapper shovel
  • Small tourist ax
  • Medium ax common
  • Cleaver ax
  • Repair kit
  • Chainsaw

We have already told in the article why take a chainsaw with you on a hike. In short, so as not to waste time preparing firewood for the fire and, attention, for the bath!

Thanks again to our partner, the Tandem chain of stores of construction and gardening equipment tandemtools.ru, for help in choosing the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw and reasonable prices! Tandem's consultants told everything in detail and showed the tool in action!

Putting together a repair kit (repair kit, repair kit) on a hike. The "Tourist Encyclopedia" provides an approximate composition of a repair kit for various types of trips (hiking, water, mountain, ski) for a group of 6-8 people.

Repair kit - tools, materials and fasteners required on a camping trip to repair equipment and inventory. The usual composition of a repair kit: awl, set of needles, scissors, thread, hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, file, glue, bolts, screws, nails, twine, belts, sandpaper, etc.

Our trip to Karelia can only conditionally be attributed to water, so the list was reworked "for ourselves", something was added from the adjacent columns, something was removed, something was replaced.

So the composition repair kit camping to Karelia:

  • Nails (different)
  • Screws (different)
  • Screwdriver with bit set
  • Wire
  • Clamps
  • Carbines
  • Fum tape + electrical tape + scotch tape + adhesive plaster
  • Adhesive + PVC patches
  • Sandpaper + file
  • Pencil
  • Matches + dry alcohol
  • Needles + thread + pins
  • Pliers
  • Sharpener

The repair kit fits into a small diplomat, it also includes a small tourist ax and various other small items. This diplomat has been traveling in our company for the third year, and not only to Karelia. The list is sometimes specified, but most of the items included in the repair kit have been tested in practice, albeit not for their intended purpose. For example, when we went to Zolotaya Rybka, we lost the tip of the car pump, and in order to inflate the air mattress, we adapted a skein of thread from a repair kit as a connecting element.


The main conclusion is that the issue of making lists of things should be approached carefully and carefully. And in advance! Agree, it will be unpleasant to remember the forgotten matches (a rope for an awning, an ax, salt, sugar, tea ...) on the island. And then in the camp you are guaranteed a comfortable rest, according to plan!

Separately about Karelia. A tourist should always be ready for the rain when going to Karelia. Even to the kind of rain that pours without stopping all the days. Awnings, raincoats, boots, oilcloths, warm clothes, spare dry complete sets of clothes are obligatory items in the list of things.

Do not forget to mark those things that were especially valuable upon returning from the hike. And those that were not useful or without which one could do. So, after a few hikes, you will have a checked list of things ready, and preparing for subsequent trips will take less and less time.

And boldly go on real hiking trips, for a few days, with overnight stays in tents! Believe me, there is nothing difficult in this! Then you yourself will not notice how you like and want to travel with tents every year (month 🙂

Until we meet again, we will finish in the summer of 2016. Thank you for your interest!

P.S. As promised, the scanned pages from the Tourist Encyclopedia. To open in full resolution, right-click on the image and select the "Open link in a new tab" menu item. Or click on the image with the mouse wheel.

Hikes are different: short and long, light and extreme, in different areas and at different times of the year. All these conditions require stocking up with different equipment. Today we'll talk about what to take with you on a simple two-day summer hike along the middle lane.

I was prompted to write this post by the question asked in the comments: what of the equipment to take with you to here. In fact, this is a small hike in the middle lane in the summer.

Camping equipment is divided into personal (clothes, a toothbrush, a backpack, that is, what only you use) and group equipment, which does not make sense for each individual to carry. For example, why would a group of five tourists need five axes?

Personal equipment

1. Backpack
2. Rug
3. Sleeping bag
4. Compass and / or GPS
5. KLMN (Mug, Spoon, Bowl, Knife)
6. Flashlight
7. Spare batteries
8. Map of the area (optional)
9. Matches / lighters
10. Kindling fire
11. Foam seat
12. Trekking sticks (optional)
13. Mosquito repellent


1. Waterproof rain gear: suit or raincoat (optional)
2. Boots (sneakers are possible, but trekking boots or something higher is better)
3. Rubber boots (optional. I don’t take them if I have boots)
4. Socks 4-5 pairs (you may not need that much, but it's better to take)
5. Thermal underwear - 1 set
6. Underwear - spare set
7. Sweater / fleece - 2 pcs.
8. Flyer (optional)
9. Hat
10. Pants (preferably two (one on yourself, one spare), something that dries quickly, but dense)
11. The jacket is light
12. Shorts (optional)

First aid kit
Each takes individually.
2.the plasters

Group equipment

1. Gas, threaded cylinder
2. The burner is small
3. Awning
4. Tent
5. Ax
6. Saw
7. Pots (as light as possible, for example, made of anodized aluminum, if food is cooked on gas)

Products (based on 2 days)

On a short hike, you can afford all sorts of excesses in terms of food. For example, take a heavy stew instead of a light sublimate. Or plain bread instead of crackers.

Here's a list of foods I sketched out on that trip:

0. A little water for the road (they usually prepare it on “local” water: springs, rivers, lakes)
1. Buckwheat flakes (2 times)
2. Oatmeal flakes (2 times)
3. Couscous (2 times)
4. Dry soup - 2 servings
5. Stew 2 cans
6. Something meaty for sandwiches
7. Bread
8. Tea
9. Sweet for tea
10. Nuts / raisins / chocolate / something else of your own choice for a snack in the direction of travel, well, again with tea you can use

This is where the obligatory part ends, the rest is taken at the request of everyone. For example, I did not mention photographic equipment and charger for phones / PDAs / smartphones, which we take necessarily.

Now for some of the items on the list. I will consider some questions in more detail later, but for now, in brief ...

Backpack - the choice of this piece of equipment must be approached very responsibly, since you carry all the things in it on your own shoulders. For small hikes, I prefer frame backpacks (Saleva Summit 35 + 5 and Vaude Astra 55 + 10 are available), they lie more comfortably on the back. If there is a lot of equipment, then I take a regular 100 liter Sinto backpack, which has already gone on more than a dozen trips.

Burner - it is better to take something small for hiking, camping tiles disappear immediately. The ideal option is a multi-fuel burner, since gas burns poorly in cold weather and it is not always easy to find it, but gasoline is not subject to these disadvantages.

clothing - the more high-tech, the lighter it is, and the less it is needed. The choice is yours.

Trekking sticks - I already wrote about them. Whether to take it or not is up to you. Perhaps they hang the entire trip on a backpack, or maybe not.

Awning - the thing is optional, but it can be very useful in rainy weather, so as not to cook in the rain.

There are dozens of similar lists on the Internet from different people, both beginners and experienced travelers, however, they are either narrowly focused (for hitchhiking, for water tourism, for mountain travel, etc.), or too overloaded with information, or vice versa , represent a simple list "for yourself". I will try to make my post as versatile as possible in terms of information, making a list of required and recommended things, and you can always edit it for yourself. In addition, I will give some useful tips.

So. When planning to go somewhere, you naturally know where you will go, in what way, where you will live and what to eat. I will immediately discard automobile tourism, because if you want, you can shove a lot of things into the car, and even there will be a place. Also, I will not take into account a trip somewhere with a travel agency, since more than half of the things will definitely not be useful to you. I will take as a basis one-day and multi-day hiking with a few notes in favor of water and mountain tourism.

It is worth noting that the number of things will directly depend on the volume of your backpack, season, time and complexity of the route. The larger the displacement, the more it will fit, and, in most cases, the backpack is always stuffed to the eyeballs. But remember that in addition to the weight of the backpack with things inside, the weight of the tent, sleeping bag, tripod, bowler hat and other external things will also be added to it, as well as, possibly, a separate bag with groceries. Therefore, try to take only the essentials with you. Let's start our preparations.


- Quality backpack... The choice of a backpack is a separate topic, so I will only say that things should be neatly placed in the backpack, the backpack should be all-weather, roomy and have a rain cover. It is also desirable that there is free space in it. Business will not be limited to one backpack, so it is advisable to have several for various trips. Displacement should be 80-100 liters, for girls 40-60 liters.

- Documents and money... Passport / foreign passport, military ID, money, plastic cards, driving license, photos for any passes and documents, tickets must be in a separate waterproof handbag / ksivnik. It is not worth pushing it deeper, because You must have easy access to them.

- Tent... The tent should be lightweight and with good water resistance of the bottom and walls. Preferably with a mosquito net and ventilation. Avoid heavy and bulky tents.

- Sleeping bag... Don't skimp on your comfort. Take sleeping bags only from well-known brands with the characteristics you need. If you are going on a hike with your loved one, it makes sense to take a sleeping bag-blanket. Sleeping together is warmer and more pleasant.

- Terrain maps and GPS... Bring high-quality topographic maps of the travel area with you. Do not take schematic colorful plans of the area, most likely they will be inaccurate. Make the necessary prints to the kraynyak before going on the Internet. It will not be superfluous to have a GPS device and a compass.

- Tourist mat
- Seat (hoba) or lightweight folding frame chair (for short hikes)


- Matches (Required in a waterproof case / jar)
- Lighter
- Dry fuel (in case of bad weather)
- Folding quality knife
- Mobile phone (preferably 2 pieces, in case of breakdown. One must always be switched off)
- Charger for phones and / or additional batteries
- High quality hand torch (should not be heavy)
- LED headlamp
- Batteries for flashlights
- Several pens regular and helium
- Notebook
- Wristwatch
- Plastic or thermo-set of dishes (bowl, mug)
- Small good thermos
- Foldable fork / spoon / opener
- Superglue / scotch tape
- Strong rope (at least 5 meters)
- Clothesline
- A set of carabiners of different sizes
- Empty plastic bottle (2pcs / 1-1.5 liters) For drinking water during the trip.
- Sewing kit (needles, threads, buttons, thimble, pins, scissors, etc.)
- Chainsaw (for example, http://pk-99.ru/pila)


- Antibacterial soap, shampoo (several disposable sachets)
- Toilet paper
- Wet wipes
- Small microfiber towel
- Sunscreen (high protection factor)
- For girls (creams, mirror, tweezers / nail files, rubber bands, cotton swabs, pads)
- Hygienic lipstick
- Paper towels
- Toothpaste, toothbrush


- Zelenka or iodine
- Bandage + elastic bandage
- Repellents + asterisk
- Activated carbon
- Bactericidal and regular plaster (different sizes and in large quantities)
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Aspirin / citramone
- Analgin
- Levomycetin
- Remedies for colds and colds (ACC, Pinosol, etc.)
- Ointment or cream for sprains and bruises
- SPECIAL medicines according to individual requirements and indications


The list and number of clothes directly depends on the season, climatic zone of the hike, duration, conditions of movement around the area. Based on this, first take everything that is necessary and obligatory, and then fill it with additional clothes according to the free space in the backpack and weight. Girls, remember that you are not going to visit or to a ball, but to a hike. Therefore, leave evening dresses, sandals, suits, a couple of dozen blouses at home.

Basic shoes. This is the most important thing on the hike, along with a good backpack. In it, you will cover kilometers of distances, most likely over rough terrain. On your way, you may encounter swamps, mud, water obstacles, blockages from trees, sharp and slippery stones, snow, sand, etc.

For long, multi-day hikes in difficult conditions, you will need boots that should be as comfortable as possible, ensure tight fixation of the ankle, do not press anywhere, soft inside and hard outside, always leather or made of special materials, have a thick sole made of high-quality rubber, etc. ... Most likely you will not find such shoes on the market. Trust serious manufacturers of quality hiking shoes.

For small summer hikes, comfortable lightweight sneakers are enough, it is possible with step shock absorbers. For hiking or skiing, you should also choose special high-quality shoes.

Lightweight open sandals (for a break from the transition, etc.)
- Raincoat made of waterproof fabric, if there is no membrane clothing
- Underwear
- Thermal underwear and thermal socks (for cold conditions and rest at night)
- Hiking socks (unlike ordinary socks, they do not chafe (no seams), do not get wet and keep warm)
- Hiking pants. Loose lightweight windproof sweatpants made from quality synthetic material. They are not hot in summer and protect their legs well from shrubs and insects. I do not advise going on a hike in jeans, because, despite the dense fabric, they are heavy, hinder movement, dry for a very long time and are able to rub everything that is possible for you.
- Warm sweater or jacket (not a heavy woolen sweater or thick fleece jacket with a collar)
- Durable windbreaker jacket (must be waterproof and not blown through)
- Warm Alaska / ski jacket (for winter hiking or mountain climbing)
- Bandana, cap or panama hat (for summer)
- Warm hat (preferably woolen)
- Shorts
- T-shirt (several pieces with short and long sleeves)
- Thermal T-shirt (to be worn during transitions)
- A spare set of clean light clothing
- Gloves (must be warm and comfortable. For winter hikes.)
- Fingerless gloves (extra protection for hands from dirt and calluses)
- Swimsuit / swimming trunks


- Photo / camcorder + accessories
- Card reader (optional)
- MP3 player + headphones + set of batteries (for the train)
- Travel flask (optional)
- Tripod or monopod (optional)
- Small ax (optional, but can come in handy on difficult hikes)
- Trekking folding stick (it is more convenient with it on the climbs and difficult sections of the path)
- Gas burner + cylinder (if the weight and space in the backpack allows, but not necessary)
- Bowler hat (if the total weight allows, but not necessarily, because it will cling to everything)
- Travel package-bucket (weighs almost nothing and does not take up space for carrying water)
- Special durable foot bags (if wet, they will help you keep your feet warm in dry socks)


- Food on the road (Calculate correctly the amount. Do not take perishable food)
- Life jacket (if the hike involves crossing rivers, rafting)
- Sunglasses or special. glasses (for mountain tourism)

Well, I don't seem to have forgotten anything. I want to note that this article does not pretend to be an ideal complete set and can be supplemented independently, based on your own needs, or, on the contrary, remove half of the unnecessary things from it.

Pay attention to the total weight of the backpack, your physical data and your friend. Even an average set of necessary things for a multi-day hike will be 15-20 kg. Plus, add here the weight of a DSLR camera, a couple of lenses and a tripod (~ 5 kg.) And don't forget about the bag of food, besides, if there is canned food ... Finally, I will give 10 useful tips on the hike:


  • Going for a long time to unfamiliar lands, if possible, try to divide the amount of money in different places. For example pants / jacket / backpack. If your backpack is stolen, you will have funds for emergency measures.
  • Take an old wallet with you, put there 200 rubles in different bills, a couple of old credit cards, notes, a photo, business cards. In general, give it a "working" look. If bad people come to you on the road with an indispensable desire to use your funds, you, having played a pitiful spectacle, give them this wallet, passing it off as the main one. This can help preserve your belongings, health, funds, etc.
  • Rewrite all the details of your passport or make a photocopy of it, rewrite all the ID and serial numbers of photo and video equipment, mobile phone, friends' contacts, phone numbers and addresses you need on a separate sheet, laminate it and store it in a separate place. Again, in case of theft, this will come in handy.
  • Going on a difficult multi-day hike, familiarize your friends and relatives with the route in advance, register at the local office of the Ministry of Emergencies.
  • When setting up your tent, pay attention to the speed and direction of the wind so that it will not be blown off somewhere, or so that sparks from a fire do not hit the tent.
  • Do not take books with you ... they are heavy, take up space and will hardly give you time to read.
  • Do not bring food or items in glass containers.
  • The speed of movement of a person with a load on rough terrain is 2-3 km / h, on slopes about 1 km / h. In winter, the speed is lower ... about 1-2 km / h.
  • Every 30 min. - 1.5 hours (depending on physical data) make small breaks for a short rest and inspection of equipment.

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