What is peach oil good for? To improve the appearance and health of hair. Peach oil. Application

The beautiful face of a woman in the east has long been compared to a peach. Appetizing "rosy-cheeked" fruit first appeared in China and was a wonderful gift from nature. Peach brings a person satiety and pleasure while eating, and peach oil improves his health and gives beauty.

Peach kernels contain up to 50% oil, which is separated during the cold pressing process. With a light, liquid consistency, it is perfectly absorbed and absorbed by the human body.

Peach oil is light yellow in color, with a very slight odor and mild taste. It is a transport and base oil in cosmetology, that is, it serves to dissolve essential oils.

Chemical composition of peach oil:

  • vitamins A, P (30-40%), E, ​​C, group B;
  • carotenoids;
  • tocopherols;
  • phospholipids;
  • a wide range of macro and micronutrients: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron.

Of the fatty acids in peach oil, oleic acid predominates (55-75%).
Peach oil is often used as a substitute for the more expensive almond oil, as they are similar in properties. Oil is a raw material for the food industry.

Peach oil price in a pharmacy - the average price for a quality oil is about $ 1.5 per 30 ml.


Peach oil is applied to care for :

  1. facial skin (and especially the skin around the eyes),
  2. body,
  3. hair,
  4. lips.

Peach oil is used in the treatment of skin diseases :

  1. burns
  2. dermatitis,
  3. eczema,
  4. cellulite,
  5. diaper rash in children.

In medical practice, peach oil is introduced into the composition of therapeutic suspensions, ointments, lotions and creams for external use.

Peach oil contributes to the prevention and elimination of inflammatory reactions and fast nail growth , makes them strong, transparent, shiny.

Peach oil is applied for ear pain and acute and chronic inflammation of the middle ear.

When taken orally, it is an excellent vitamin complex in spring, as well as a mild laxative and cholagogue .

For face

The external application of peach oil on the skin is due to the fact that it absorbs beautifully (albeit slowly). And a wide range of qualities of the oil makes it possible to use the product as:

  • regenerating,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • emollient,
  • restoring,
  • rejuvenating.
  • tonic.

Cosmetology improves the appearance of a person. And the modern industry is very active in including peach seed oil in various cosmetics. Cosmetic preparations based on peach oil:

  1. restore skin elasticity, increase its tightness and tone,
  2. give freshness and nourish the skin,
  3. moisturizes the skin, therefore - the best remedy for dry skin.

The oil does not cause an allergic reaction, so it is perfect even for children.

Peach kernel oil is an ideal natural makeup remover.

Peach oil can be used both in pure form and in combination with other oils (including essential oils) or additional products (fruits, juices, cottage cheese…).

peach oil mask

Any skin type normally perceives peach oil masks.

For tired, sagging skin with small wrinkles, applications from napkins moistened with an aromatic mixture or pure peach oil are used. Masks are done daily for a month.

For dry skin, add almond bran to warm peach oil. The mixture applied to a wet face is easily massaged for about a minute, the mask is left for up to 20 minutes.

Sensitive skin responds well to the mask with the addition of a tablespoon of cottage cheese or cream to the oil. Optionally, you can add pureed fresh peach. At the end of the procedure, which lasts up to 20 minutes, excess oil is removed with a napkin or washed off with warm water.

peach massage oil

The oil is well absorbed and just glides perfectly on the skin, so it is not only a favorite among massage therapists, but also very effective.

Since it is a good vehicle (delivers useful components), the oil is used in combination with essential oils as a base for fighting cellulite. For 1 tablespoon of peach oil, add 1-2 drops of essential oils:

  1. limetta,
  2. roses,
  3. sandalwood.
  1. juniper,
  2. lemon,
  3. geranium,
  4. cypress.

Suitable for deep massage.

Eyelid and lip care

Eyes and lips make a person's face expressive, highlight his individual features. And the universal peach oil will equally cope with the rough skin of different parts of the body, as well as with delicate eyelids and lips that require especially careful care.

Daily care of the eyelids will relieve their inflammation and delay the appearance of pronounced "crow's feet" around the eyes. Well-groomed lips will be bright, soft, without cracks and roughness. Lipstick will lay down on them in an even, neat layer.

To care for these delicate parts of the body, a composition is prepared from an equal amount of oils (1 teaspoon each) of oils:

  1. jojoba,
  2. avocado,
  3. peach

with the addition of up to 3 drops of essential oils:

  • roses,
  • limetta,
  • sandalwood.

It is enough to lubricate the lips in the morning and evening with a small amount of a mixture of oils, while massaging them lightly.

Caring for the thin skin around the eyes requires a lot of attention. To daily lubrication in the mornings and evenings of the skin of the eyelids with this composition of oils, it is recommended to add masks (with the same composition). Cotton pads are impregnated with the above mixture and placed on closed eyes, after 15 minutes the remaining oil is removed with light blotting movements with a paper towel.

The main course of restoration and rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is carried out for three weeks, after which supporting masks are applied once a week.

For hand care

For hand care, a mixture of equal parts (30 drops each) of oils is suitable:

  1. peach,
  2. sesame,
  3. macadamia,

with the addition of 3 drops:

  • lemon oil,
  • lavender oils.

You can use other ingredients: rosemary, thyme, patchouli, chamomile. Hands with applied oils are massaged for about two minutes, carefully rubbing the cream into the cuticle. The use of such a composition will strengthen the nails, and make the hands “velvet”.

For ear inflammation

Instillations: for pain in the ears 2-3 drops of warm oil 2 times a day.

IMPORTANT!!! Do not bury yourself, without a doctor's prescription !!! The inner tympanic septum is a very delicate and naughty part of your ear! Consult a doctor who uses natural methods of treatment!!!

The use of oil inside

The beneficial effect of the oil can slow down the process of withering and aging of the whole organism.

When taken orally, it has a positive effect on cardiovascular activity, works as an antioxidant. When using oil in the spring - a wonderful vitamin complex.

The oil enhances the secretory activity of the digestive glands, improves digestion, stimulates the formation of hemoglobin, has an adaptogenic, diuretic, antiemetic effect. It is recommended to take people with colds, anemia, urolithiasis. Helps to remove toxins from the body.


Peach oil is extremely rarely perceived badly by a person, however, cases of individual intolerance are known. When using the product or its derivatives for the first time, it is necessary to pay attention to the reaction of the body of adults and especially children.

Especially people who are easily excitable should take it as food and use it as a cosmetic product with caution, since the oil and fruits of the peach tree have a slight stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Peach oil is an ideal cosmetic and treatment-and-prophylactic agent. Oil is an excellent natural, natural product, the use of which will help maintain health and youth for many years.

Peach oil

Peach oil is obtained from the kernel of the peach fruit by simple mechanical pressing (the method is called the cold pressing method). In the future, as a rule, the product obtained in this way is improved, and the consumer receives refined oil.

On sale, cold-pressed peach oil is rare, it has a characteristic smell and taste, and is light yellow in color. The refined oil is pale yellow to light yellow in color, with a mild flavor and a faint, characteristic aroma.

Peach oil can be bought both in large supermarkets and pharmacies, peach oil price depends on the volume of the product. So, for example, a volume of 55 milliliters can be purchased, on average, for 2.5 USD, 30 milliliters - 1.3 USD, 20 milliliters for 1.0 USD. This is the average price for the item in question.

The oil is rich in minerals and vitamins, which makes it indispensable for use in home cosmetology.

The composition of the oil determines its properties, which even the most demanding users will find favorable.

The oil obtained from the peach kernel contains a large amount of vitamins, these include:

  • Vitamins of group A - maintain the integrity of skin cells.
  • B vitamins have proven to be effective as a component in skin whitening products.
  • Vitamins E and C - have antioxidant properties, which is an invaluable property in slowing down skin aging.
  • Vitamins of the P group - reduce the fragility and permeability of blood capillaries.

The oil also contains carotenoids (organic pigments that give fruit color) and minerals: phosphorus, potassium, iron and calcium. All this indicates such properties of peach oil that can rejuvenate and strengthen the skin.

Peach oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The composition of fatty acids includes: oleic acid (from 55 to 67%); linoleic acid (in the range from 15 to 35%); palmitic acid (from 5 to 8%); palmitoleic acid (about 1%); stearic acid (up to 3%) and some other fatty acids.

Essential fatty acids are very important for the human body. Since the body is not able to synthesize them, it must replenish them through external inputs. Natural sources include certain types of oils, nuts and fatty fish.

Fatty acids can improve the overall nutrition of tissues, reduce the level of inflammatory processes in the body, improve blood circulation, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

All of the listed properties of the product in question indicate the indispensability of its use in everyday life, both for internal and external use. Other technical characteristics include: saponification number is 188-194, relative density (at 20 degrees Celsius): 0.914-0.918.

Advantages in use:

  • Peach oil is undoubtedly a great alternative for those who are allergic to "nut" oils (like almond or peanut butter).
  • Peach oil is especially recommended for mature, sensitive and inflamed skin - it helps to increase skin elasticity and relieve inflammation.
  • Peach kernel oil can be used both in its pure form and in combination with other vegetable oils, as well as a base oil for dissolving natural essential oils, cosmetics and some medicines.
  • The oil is suitable for all skin types, including oily.

A common misconception is that vegetable peach oil harms oily skin by increasing acne flare-ups.

Precautionary measures:

  • Peach oil should not be used by people with individual intolerance to it.
  • Before using the oil, be sure to test (on a small area of ​​skin) for sensitivity. Simply apply a small amount of oil to an area of ​​skin, such as the crook of your arm, and observe the reaction.
  • Peach oil for newborns should be used only with the advice of a doctor, having previously studied the instructions for use in detail.
  • In cooking, this product should be used after making sure that chemical stabilizers and solvents were not used in its production. Do not use oil for frying and do not expose to heat.

This is one of the few products that add luxury to hair, and for eyelashes, it is an excellent tool for strengthening and growing.

It has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, softening, regenerating and tonic effect, promotes skin rejuvenation and lightening.

- an effective remedy for colds.

As part of cosmetic creams, ointments, shampoos and baby oils.

Visitors about personal application experience.

There are few people who are absolutely indifferent to peach. Juicy, sweet and aromatic, this fruit is a favorite treat for many. It is often recommended by physicians for a number of diseases, including those associated with digestion, blood vessels and the heart, liver.

And comparing the skin or blush on the cheeks with a peach is the best compliment for every woman. But not everyone knows that the seed oil of this wonderful fruit is a source of beauty in itself. Moreover, it is quite simple and accessible to anyone.

Production and application

How to use peach face oil

Reviews of the fair sex indicate that it is more suitable for those who have dry or aging skin. Already after a few days, its regenerating and softening effect is noted. The skin looks fresh and becomes elastic. Dryness and peeling disappear. The impact of the environment is less felt, especially in cold weather.

Applying neat daily on the skin of the face, eyelids (very lightly, by tapping with the fingertips) is a simple example of how to effectively use peach oil for wrinkles. Reviews of women who have tried this use indicate that the mesh around the eyes almost disappears. Not very greasy, it is well absorbed after application, and the skin acquires elasticity and a healthy color.

Another option is to add a few drops of oil (with each application) to your cleanser or toner, or apply to and use to remove make-up.

Oil based masks

If the skin needs more serious care (it is rather dry or has lost elasticity), it is recommended to prepare special products using natural products. Here are examples of how this can be done.

In principle, you can take any ready-made recipe and replace the vegetable oil indicated in its composition with peach oil. It certainly won't do any harm. But you need to remember: peach oil for the face (reviews of women who have experienced its effect on themselves confirm this) is ideal for caring for dry, combination, tired skin, but with increased oiliness, it should be treated with caution.

Eyelash care

Long and thick, emphasizing the look ... Every woman dreams of such eyelashes. Peach oil can again become an assistant. Two options for its use in eyelash care are popular: regularly wash off eye makeup with a cotton pad dipped in oil, or “lubricate” eyelashes with it at night. It is convenient to do this with an old, washed-out mascara brush or your own little finger.

As proof of how useful peach is, consumer reviews for which it has become the main way to remove makeup. Their advice is the same. Apply a disc moistened with 2-3 drops to the eyes for a few seconds, then wipe them with a light movement. You can rinse with water, but the remaining oil film does not cause any discomfort. On the contrary, it is quickly absorbed, does not irritate at all, softening the skin around the eyes and stimulating the growth of eyelashes.

Nail strengthening

And in this case, peach oil is indispensable. Feedback from women about its use indicates that the nails cease to exfoliate and acquire a natural shine. The easiest way is to rub the oil into the nail plate and cuticles twice a day. This procedure has a good firming and nourishing effect. It is especially useful after extension: the nails will quickly acquire a healthy look and strength.

peach hair oil

Split ends and unruly hair are another problem that women face. And again, peach oil can become an assistant. The reviews of his fans contain numerous stories about how hair gains strength and strength in a short time. revive in just a few days, and the distribution of oil along the length of the hair and rubbing into the scalp does a miracle with tired, brittle, lifeless hair. This is exactly what they are often after frequent hot styling, coloring, highlighting.

There are many recipes for the effective use of this curl care product.

  1. Rubbing warm oil into the skin, applying to the hair along the entire length and to split ends. For the best result, the head should be wrapped with a film for about an hour and insulated, then washed by adding lemon juice to the rinse water. By the way, the usual rubbing of oil into the skin will also help get rid of dandruff. 2-3 similar procedures per week - and after a month the hair will become soft, silky and shiny.
  2. In equal proportions, mix peach oil (review of the benefits of such a combination is not uncommon) with any other (olive, almond, burdock) and "Dimexide" (sold in a pharmacy). Rub into the skin and hair, wrap and soak for about an hour. Then rinse your hair well with shampoo, while rinsing, again adding lemon juice to the water. For best results, it is advisable to do this mask twice a week.

Sufficient experience has now been accumulated on how best to use peach kernel oil. Reviews of his regular consumers suggest that a little cognac and egg yolk should be added to the mask intended for oily hair. Or mix a couple of tablespoons of powder, sugar and warm water. Such a mixture, of course, will burn slightly, but this is what will cause blood flow to the scalp and “awaken” the hair follicles. Great way to stimulate hair growth.

The successful and effective development of modern cosmetology still could not completely replace natural products. Especially the use of natural products is relevant for people prone to allergies to chemical components that all cosmetics are saturated with. One of the popular directions is the use of peach oil, which contains a huge amount of useful substances, including vitamins A, B, E, C, P. It is used both for care and for health.

Properties of peach oil

The extract is obtained by pressing the peach pit using cold pressing, after which it is filtered. Its benefits are invaluable: it is suitable for people who suffer from allergies provoked by cosmetics, and the product is also ideal for sensitive, mature, inflamed skin. After production, the composition is saturated with a delicate smell of peach, has a yellowish color and a mild taste. Peach is endowed with such properties:

  • has a rich composition (fatty acids that the body needs - linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, etc.);
  • contains a complex of vitamins and bioflavonoids, minerals;
  • actively fights skin aging, is considered an antioxidant and adaptogen;
  • considered an excellent stimulant of hematopoiesis;
  • improves the work of metabolism;
  • treats some skin diseases;
  • improves skin condition;
  • has a positive effect on digestion.


In the pharmaceutical industry, persicorum is used to make a wide range of drugs. It is also added to dishes, used as a food additive, applied to the hair, face to maintain beauty and health. As for medicine, the extract helps to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, cholelithiasis, strengthens the immune system in ENT diseases.

In order to simply maintain your health, you need to fill the dishes with peach oil. But if the goal is beauty, then the mixture is great as a preparation for home use. Peach extract is good for skin and hair care. Sometimes the product is applied as an anti-cellulite cream.

Peach oil in medicine

Peach improves health due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to use the oil extract inside, this will help to cope with cardiovascular diseases. Due to potassium, magnesium and fats in the body, the level of cholesterol decreases, the water balance returns to normal, and the work of the myocardium stabilizes. The healing properties of peach extract help a weakened body to maintain the immunity of both an adult and a child.

If you regularly use it inside, the work of the digestive system will improve. The tool has a slight laxative effect, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. The result - the organs work more stable, hair, skin become better. In medicine, peach extract is still used to make preparations: the composition can be used in gynecology - for girls, the oil is suitable to cure synechia. But first, it is worth checking the body for the absence of allergies.

Into the nose

Before treatment, first blot a napkin with an oil extract and smell it: if an unpleasant reaction does not occur, then it can be treated. Peach oil for the nose is a useful remedy in the fight against colds. It is not necessary to pour the entire mixture into the nose if you have a slight runny nose - you can simply lubricate the mucous membrane with peach extract from its kernel. But if the nose is stuffy and requires more serious solutions, you can try to instill 1-2 drops in each nostril. In total, no more than 10-12 drops per day are recommended.

Against cough

If a person is often worried about pharyngitis, coughing, and the throat is tickling, you can safely use an oil extract from peach pits. You just need to drip each nostril with 5 drops. It flows down the wall of the throat, heals it, removes dryness, and has a beneficial effect on the bronchi. You can use another recipe: moisten a cotton swab with oil, blot your throat or add 5-10 drops of oil to a glass of water - this will remove unpleasant tickling, relieve dry cough.

For internal use

To maintain health, apply a peach extract inside. Experts have proven that if you drink the composition as a preventive measure, then toxins and toxins gradually begin to leave the body. The result - the body is cleansed, rejuvenated. It is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon of oil an hour before meals. This step will help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, get rid of constipation, and also act as a diuretic and choleretic agent. It is recommended to apply warm.

In gynecology

Peach extract is especially popular in gynecology. It works as a prophylactic in combination with medications. Especially often the remedy is used in the treatment of synechia in girls (fusion of the labia), the medicine has earned a good review in this area. If left untreated, this disease can lead to a complete overgrowth of the urinary passage, which will provoke the entry of bacteria and infection. It is advisable to wipe the intimate places with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

For newborns

Often, mothers experience diaper rash in newborns: to avoid them, they use peach oil rubbing. You just need to drop the mixture on the palm of your hand, rub and wipe the skin of the baby. You can remove inflammation on the external genitalia of a newborn with peach extract. As for ENT diseases, the oil is great for children too. They drip it into the nose of children, both grown-ups and newborns - from the first days of a cold, SARS, with inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Use in cosmetology

Peach oil is successfully used in cosmetology as an independent tool, and as an additive to a cream. Beauty professionals guarantee that after using this natural treatment, your skin will come to life, become young and supple. Peach kernel liquid is able to nourish the skin with high quality, deeply moisturize, regenerate.

The product helps to maintain water balance, firmness and elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Suitable for both sensitive and mature skin. Each beautician claims that if you use the product regularly and for a long time, it can strengthen blood vessels and cleanse pores. Peach can be found in lip balm, which acts as a moisturizer.

For face

An excellent solution would be to use peach oil for the face:

  • It is ideal for sensitive and dry skin. For combination or oily, it is recommended to add a little to the usual cosmetic care products.
  • Can be used as a night moisturizer for the face and neck. In the morning the skin becomes silky and velvety.
  • Peach oily liquid can even be applied to the eyelids.
  • You can relieve inflammation or irritation on the skin with oil: just pour a little on a paper towel, apply to a pimple or a wound.
  • For mature skin, peach remedy is used to get rid of age wrinkles and fine wrinkles around the eyes.

For hair

To restore the former shine, saturate with vitamins, strengthen the structure, it is necessary to use peach hair oil. It nourishes not only the tips and roots of the hair, but also moisturizes, strengthens, and simply improves the scalp, which relieves itching and flaking. To solve such a problem as split ends, you can regularly lubricate them with peach medicine, besides, this will accelerate hair growth. At home, a peach-based hair mask is prepared with the addition of various ingredients. In the store you can find a shampoo that will contain peach extract.

For nails

In caring for the beauty of nails, this tool has no equal. The oil extract of peach kernels makes the cuticle and nail plate stronger, the nails themselves grow faster. To achieve this effect, you need to massage the cuticles with peach oil for 15 minutes 2-3 times a day. It is especially considered useful for those who constantly paint their nails with varnish, the chemical ingredients of which injure the nails. You can choose a product both in a pharmacy and in a regular cosmetic store at an affordable price.

For body

A product based on peach extract helps to remove stretch marks after pregnancy. Peach essential oil is indispensable in the fight against cellulite and maintaining the beauty of the body. Experts say that it is able to penetrate deep into the skin and destroy fatty deposits, increasing the elasticity of the body. In order for peach oil against cellulite to be effective, it is necessary to mix the product with other essential oils and do an anti-cellulite massage. You can order a scrub or ointment in the online store.

For massage

For massage, according to the instructions, you can use pure peach extract, or you can mix it with other essential oils in the proportion of 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of peach. The product is poured into the palm of your hand, it is rubbed, slightly heated, and applied to the body with massage movements. Peach oil for massage is suitable because it does not immediately absorb into the skin.


To know approximately how much a peach extract costs in a pharmacy, pay attention to the numbers below. The table shows the average price in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Buying peach oil in a pharmacy would be the best option for medicinal purposes. For cosmetic purposes, you can go to a regular store with face and body care products.

Nature offers an abundance of natural products that we can use to take care of ourselves. One of them is peach oil. Its rich composition is able to satisfy the most demanding taste and requirements.

Like any oil, it consists of fatty acids that can penetrate deep into the skin, an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals. It is they who endow peach oil with magical properties that have been used for beautiful hair, a well-groomed face and strong eyelashes.

  1. The acids contained in the product enable the skin to lock in moisture and keep it supple.
  2. Antioxidants prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
  3. The unique molecular structure easily penetrates cells.
  4. It is an excellent basis for massage compositions. It takes a long time (up to 50 minutes) to be absorbed into the skin, which is especially convenient during procedures.
  5. When massaging the face, peach oil improves the glide of the fingers without stretching the skin.
  6. Nourishes, protects, regenerates aging skin.
  7. Absolutely allergy friendly. Not a single case of reaction to its use by people with sensitive skin has been identified. It can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers.

Girls and women really want to grow thick, beautiful eyelashes. A rich set of vitamins in the product will help bring the realization of dreams into reality.

Frequent complaints of catastrophic lash loss will stop. They occur when using low-quality mascara, the lack of important vitamins in the diet, and improper facial care.

Eyelash Growth Compress

The use of masks or compresses for eyelashes significantly accelerates their growth, making them thicker and stronger. It works best when heated to 30°C. You can heat it right before your home treatment by holding it in your hands for a while.

Moisten cotton balls and place on eyelashes. Wait 20 minutes. Then remove them and wipe with cotton wool soaked in warm water. You will get an enhanced effect by mixing peach and (1: 1).

Eyelash massage

This composition is completely harmless. The best mixture for treating eyelashes from oils: peach, rose, sandalwood and lime. It is successfully used to improve the growth and number of eyelashes, applied with a brush or a special small comb.

As a general rule, peach oil for eyelashes should be applied on a regular basis, preferably every day, then the effectiveness of this natural remedy will last longer.

One of the many advantages of the product is its exceptional ability to not cause an allergic reaction. By using it for nighttime procedures, you are spared from getting the swelling that you suffer from with the use of many other natural oils.


  • When applying peach oil, control the application and protect the mucous membrane of the eyes from accidental contact with it.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the oil. Low-quality samples will not bring benefits and benefits, and you will unfairly change your attitude towards the beauty elixir.

Peach oil is used to gently remove makeup.

A great way to cleanse mascara, it will clean thin skin, nourish eyelashes. If you "did not win" long eyelashes, this can be easily corrected by applying peach oil daily.

Consistent and correct application of "beauty oil" will certainly provide you with the beautiful, healthy eyelashes of your dreams.

This product has long been "exploited" by cosmetic concerns. The introduction of it into the composition of care products promises to rejuvenate the skin, especially on the face. The systematic use of peach oil for the face will improve the color, get rid of wrinkles and narrow the pores.

Peach oil can quickly restore complexion, eliminate peeling and dryness. Actively smoothes the skin, especially fine wrinkles. Fading, mature skin especially needs peach oil.

It is possible to speed up the onset of all these pleasant moments at home and at a much lower cost:

Face mask with peach oil

If dry skin. Mash half a peach fruit, add 1 tbsp. l. oils. Mix everything well and immediately apply to the skin. After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed off with cold water, the cream is not required after the procedure.

If sensitive skin. Take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and peach oil, mix and apply on face, wait 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Facial scrub

Take a peach, remove the skin, grate, add 1 tablespoon of bran and the same amount of heated peach oil. Apply the mixture on wet skin, massage lightly, then leave for fifteen minutes and rinse with water.

Rejuvenating lotion

Drizzle two handfuls of rose petals with peach oil to cover them completely. Warm in a water bath until the petals are transparent. Leave overnight to infuse. In the morning, strain, pour into a glass container for storage. You can apply the lotion every day.

Peach leaves are actively used to prepare a decoction. It's great as a conditioner. Peach oil increases hair volume, restores lively shine and mirror gloss. When used on hair, they do not weigh down, retain their natural color and do not lose his dyed hair.

Substances in peach oil protect hair from harsh environmental conditions such as sun, wind, rain and dust. Covering the hair with a light oily film inhibits frizz and helps shape the curls. Nutrients improve the structure of the hair, help with combing and prevent damage and tangling.

It's easy to use. Can be applied neat to hair and skin or mixed with any suitable oil. Mixed with burdock oil, it is possible to quickly strengthen weak bulbs or wake sleeping ones and thereby prevent hair loss.

Peach oil should be used carefully, although it can be used directly from the bottle for the scalp. But this approach can be costly. Most formulations suggest using it diluted.

It is noteworthy that peach hair oil is equally effective at a dilution of 10-50% in a carrier oil, such as from, or.

To use as a scented scalp massage oil, mix 10 to 12 drops of pure essential oil in 6 to 7 teaspoons of peach oil. Recommended essential oils for curly or wavy hair: sage, rosemary, lemongrass, lavender, chamomile, sandalwood, patchouli, ylang-ylang, neroli. You can choose several and mix them.

Peach oil in the nose, is it possible?

Peach oil helps a sore nose. The effectiveness of the product in the treatment of chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis has been proven many times. Now, when the peak of "autumn" diseases is approaching, everyone should have it in their first-aid kit. It helps to soften nasal breathing, removes the symptoms of the disease and prevents colds and the spread of SARS.

The oil removes severe inflammation in the sinuses, so the amount of mucus produced will decrease. Since the oil is hypoallergenic, it is dripped to small children. Moisturizes and nourishes the nasal mucosa, thereby helping to prevent colds. But it doesn't cure the flu.

For best results, peach oil should be stored in a cool, dry place for two to three years. They use it in home masks, scrubs, compresses. A natural product does not harm the body, this is its great advantage.

What impressions do women share about this oil? Most of them admire the sweet smell and the fact that it actually works. Beauty oil helps in complex care for the whole body, hair and face.

Healthy hair, strong thick eyelashes and velvety skin. Are you still hesitating?