Breathing during labor and childbirth is training. How to contain premature attempts? How long does the pushing last

The autonomic nervous system (the part of the nervous system responsible for the work of internal organs) regulates the frequency and depth of breathing depending on the situation: for example, we begin to breathe more often during exercise or stress. However, in some situations, it is necessary to learn how to independently control your breathing. One such situation is childbirth.

What Happens to the Respiratory System During Pregnancy?

During the period of expectation of a child in a woman's body, changes and restructuring of many systems and organs occur. Due to the growing uterus, the diaphragm rises - the main respiratory muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities. As a result, the lungs are compressed, but due to a slight expansion of the chest, their surface does not decrease, and due to increased ventilation of the lungs, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves, carbon dioxide is removed faster, including that formed in the body of the fetus. This is the so-called physiological hyperventilation.

Self-control of your breathing during childbirth helps to provide the newborn baby with the necessary amount of oxygen, helps to reduce pain, relaxation and the successful course of the labor process. Breathing exercises help you focus on breathing technique, which is an important distraction from pain. If the correct breathing technique is observed, all tissues and organs of the pregnant woman receive a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen. This excludes the so-called ischemic component of the onset of pain, there is pain arising from a lack of blood in certain tissues or organs (such pain, for example, occurs with myocardial infarction, but is also important during childbirth). In addition, proper breathing has a relaxing and calming effect.

Often in the stressful situation of childbirth, many women forget about the breathing patterns they were taught during pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the skills of respiratory movements to automatism with regular training.

Breathing exercises

during pregnancy

It is recommended that expectant mothers devote about 10 minutes a day to breathing exercises. First, you should master the basic types of breathing at rest, and then you can train in movement, for example, when walking. Subsequently, it is necessary to perform breathing exercises in different positions: sitting, lying on your side, standing, bending over, with an emphasis on your hands, on all fours, etc. In childbirth, in the absence of contraindications, with the permission of the attending doctor, you will choose the most comfortable and suitable position for you.

Excessive ventilation may cause dizziness when doing breathing exercises, or when using some types of breathing during labor. Its cause is a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should hold your breath for 10-20 seconds and allow carbon dioxide to accumulate, which is a natural irritant of the respiratory center of the brain.

Breathing types during childbirth

Relaxation breathing is most important during pregnancy, which can be useful during labor, especially early in labor. Relaxation breathing has an analgesic effect and helps to restore strength in the intervals between contractions.

Sit comfortably (it is better to sit on a chair), straighten your shoulders, raise your head. To control the correctness of breathing movements, it is recommended to put your hands on the upper abdomen, partially over the lower ribs. Inhaling and exhaling should not be tense, do breathing exercises easily, without effort. Almost any breathing exercise begins with a full exhalation, with which tension is released.

During relaxation breathing after a full exhalation, slowly, smoothly relaxing the muscles of the abdominal press and the pelvic floor, calmly inhale the air through the nose, feeling how it enters the lower parts of the lungs (the wall of the abdomen moves forward). Then just calmly exhale the air through your mouth - the stomach is "deflated" at the same time. The exhalation should be slightly longer than the inhalation. Do not force the deepest breathing, as this can strain the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, intercostal muscles. Your task is to completely relax all muscle groups. When you are able to completely relax, your breathing will become slow, even, quiet. Such breathing is observed in humans during sleep. Therefore, relaxation breathing helps the expectant mother to calm down and fall asleep.

During childbirth

The beginning of the first stage of labor is considered the appearance of regular contractions. At first they are rather weak and short-lived. To facilitate contractions, the so-called "slow" or economical breathing is used. This is deep breathing, characterized by a slow change in the phases of inhalation and exhalation, and a prolonged exhalation. It is necessary to master the practice of slow breathing even during pregnancy. It is based on the optimization of the ratio between the "inhalation - exhalation" cycles and the heartbeat, which ensures the best supply of oxygen to the body. The heartbeat does not lend itself to self-control, although reflexively, when breathing is regulated, the heart rate can change. Breathing can be learned to control.

When teaching economical breathing, you should gradually (!), About a week, lengthen the exhalation. Do this under the control of the pulse. Usually, the phases of inhalation and exhalation have the same number of pulse beats (for example, 3 for inhalation and 3 for exhalation). Due to the lengthening of exhalation, this phase of the respiratory cycle should account for twice as many pulse beats (in our example, 6). This is the optimal ratio for economical breathing. To determine the pulse, you need to lightly press three fingers of one hand to the inside of the wrist of the other hand from the side of the thumb.

So, during childbirth, at the very beginning of the contraction, you should exhale through your mouth, relieve tension, then, inhaling through your nose, breathe in the "economical breathing" mode: a calm inhalation and a long, calm exhalation.

Between contractions, especially when they are not yet very frequent, relaxation breathing should be used, trying to relax and rest as much as possible.

With more frequent contractions, the analgesic effect of slow breathing may become insufficient, although in some cases, thrifty breathing helps until the onset of attempts, characteristic of the second stage of labor. There is a rule: the stronger and longer the contraction, the deeper and slower breathing becomes.

Prolonged, frequent contractions can help ease dog-like breathing. This is another type of breathing in labor. We must learn if nasal breathing is not difficult, or with the mouth (for many, this method is easier). You need to start with slow breathing, as the contraction intensifies, teaching it to 1-2 breaths per second. The phases of inhalation and exhalation become approximately the same in duration, while it is recommended to inhale quietly and exhale noisy. To prevent drying out of the lips and mouth, it is better to cover your mouth with your palm to reduce the evaporation of moisture. If someone is near you, you can periodically rinse your mouth with water. At the end of the bout, you should again switch to economical breathing.

Particularly difficult is the moment when the baby's head begins to strongly press on the tissues of the initial section of the birth canal, but it is still impossible to push (for example, when the cervix of the uterus is fully opened). In this case, as well as in the period between attempts, when the midwife gives the command not to push, in order to avoid damage to the tissues of the perineum and injuries to the child, the third type of breathing helps. Usually it is recommended to carry out this breathing "on account", but during the period of attempts it is difficult for a woman to concentrate on counting, so the help of her husband or other assistant present in the nations is appropriate here. You need to start, as before, with a deep exhalation, followed by 4 - 5 superficial, shallow inhalation-exhalation, the last exhalation is carried out through the lips rolled into a tube. This exhalation is long, full: all the air is exhaled to the end. In ordinary life, there is no such type of breathing, because exhalation is carried out passively, spontaneously - only the inhalation phase is active. Exhaling through the lips, folded into a tube, the woman is forced to make an effort, switching from pushing to a long, forced exhalation. Due to the change in the phases of slow and accelerated respiratory movements, this type of breathing is also called "variable".

From the moment of full disclosure of the cervix, the second stage of labor begins, during which the baby is born. During an attempt, a woman needs maximum physical effort. "Forced" breathing (the fourth type of breathing in childbirth) helps not to waste energy and make attempts to be effective. At the beginning of the attempt, you should take the deepest possible breath, and then swallow this air. The entire volume should press on the diaphragm, and through it - on the bottom of the uterus, as if pushing the fetus out. When there is a feeling of lack of air, you need to slowly, slowly exhale the air and immediately inhale as deeply as possible. During exhalation, breaks and short breaths should not be taken, since during them the diaphragm moves up and the effectiveness of the pushing decreases. In addition, you should control the direction of the push, trying not to push "in the head" so as not to waste energy. For pushing (it lasts about a minute), the cycle of inhalation-exhalation must be repeated three times. Between attempts, they switch to slow or relaxation breathing.

At the birth of the placenta in the third stage of labor, the midwife invites the woman to push again. This push, as a rule, does not require significant physical effort.

You may find that only one type of breathing is useful for you during labor. Some women, on the other hand, find it helpful to use all kinds of breathing movements. Regular breathing exercises during pregnancy will allow you to get used to all types of breathing and intuitively breathe as efficiently as possible during labor. After all, every woman, as well as every pregnancy and childbirth, is individual and there is no common universal recipe for everyone. To increase the effectiveness of training, it is recommended to engage in breathing exercises under the supervision of an instructor in preparation for childbirth.

Breathing during childbirth is very important, on which the well-being of the woman in labor, the health of the child and the overall outcome of the entire event depend. It is this that makes it possible to relax, forget about pain and avoid medication.

Naturally, if this is such an important point in labor, you need to prepare for it carefully and in advance. Moreover, today there are not so few types, techniques and methods. And at different stages of this process, breathing should be unequal.

Why is proper breathing during labor and labor so important? Here the laws of physiology come into force, so that from the point of view of science, everything is quite understandable:

  • if the woman in labor already during contractions begins to breathe correctly and rhythmically, a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the baby's body, which excludes;
  • pain is minimized, especially at the time of strong contractions;
  • rhythmic breathing during childbirth allows you to cope with stress, helps relieve fatigue from the body and pass the baby through the birth canal without complications;
  • since most women during childbirth are in a state of severe fright and tension, breathing becomes rapid, the rhythm becomes disordered, the breaths are superficial, the ingress of oxygen into the body is sharply limited - as a result, this can lead to oxygen starvation of the child, dizziness of the woman in labor, numbness of her limbs and loss of control over the situation.

In connection with these scientific arguments, any woman, even during pregnancy, should understand that proper breathing during childbirth and contractions is half of the successful birth of a baby. And even more so, if someone is afraid of pain, it is imperative to master breathing techniques, with which, according to many mothers, childbirth can be practically painless. So, how can one learn to breathe correctly in order to make it easier for oneself in the future, and contractions, and attempts, and directly the very process of the birth of a child?


Learning to breathe correctly during childbirth and contractions is necessary in advance. If you remember about this only on the eve of the cherished date, going with luggage to a hospital bed, time is lost - you are late. A few useful tips on how to properly prepare for this will help you to timely approach the solution of this problem.

  1. It is not recommended to master the most complex breathing techniques at home. This can only be done by athletes, professional singers and those who have long been fond of meditation. This is because breathing practices are often very powerful and can have unpredictable side effects.
  2. In accordance with this, experts strongly recommend that you learn to breathe correctly exclusively on courses, under the supervision of knowledgeable trainers. They will take into account the individual characteristics of the expectant mother and select for her the most optimal breathing technique, which she will have to master before the baby is born.
  3. In terms of timing, breathing training before childbirth should begin as early as possible. The minimum number of lessons is 6. The maximum is ad infinitum. The more often you practice breathing exercises and hone your skills in this useful, simply necessary matter, the easier it will be for you to give birth.

By signing up for special courses, you will not only learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth and contractions (the techniques at each stage of the process will be different), but you will also choose the most optimal method for yourself. There are a lot of them, and each of them is perfect for women in labor at the most crucial moment, for which they prepare so carefully.


Any breathing technique during childbirth is effective, designed to facilitate a woman's upcoming test and reduce pain. We will present a description of only the most popular today, since in practice there are a lot of them.

  • Breathing by a count

This technique is used by most women in labor, as it is simple (accessible and understandable to everyone) and is easy to remember. On inhalation, you need to count to a certain figure, planned in advance. Most often it is 3 or 4. After that, on the exhale, you need to perform a similar action.

Since each female body is individual, you can choose any number for yourself with your trainer, up to which you will count, as well as speed. The main thing is to achieve maximum comfort at the same time. This breathing technique during childbirth provides the body with the right amount of oxygen, soothes and helps to overcome fear in times of stress.

  • Syllabic pronunciation of words

Another very effective technique that involves slow, rhythmic pronunciation of the simplest words by syllable. It turns out to be an excellent breathing exercise, which at the time of childbirth will relieve stress, force you to concentrate and do everything right.

You can use a common word like "cute". As you inhale, you will need to slowly, melodiously, stretching the vowel sound, say the first syllable "mi" to yourself, in the same way as you exhale - "lyi". Each time you perform this exercise, try to keep all your thoughts focused only on this, do not be distracted by any extraneous things. Try to observe the state of your own body - if you are doing everything correctly, all muscles at this moment are completely relaxed. If you notice any tension, try to release it. While pronouncing the syllables of your chosen word in this way, try to breathe as deeply and slowly as you can.

  • Nose - mouth

This technique allows you to master the most correct breathing during childbirth, which is considered by many experts to be the only correct one. According to this technique, it is necessary to inhale air through the nose, and already exhale through the mouth. In this case, it is very important to monitor the muscles of the lips and shoulders, which at this moment should be as relaxed as possible. Sometimes, within the framework of this technique, it is advised to pronounce any vowel sounds while exhaling. Your own voice makes you focus and soothes. Very often, when performing this exercise, the throat becomes very dry. This can happen during childbirth. In this situation, it is recommended to take a few sips of warm water.

  • Breathing with a partner

Such breathing during labor and childbirth is useful for those women who decide to give birth in the presence of their husband. In fact, the technique is very effective, because each new contraction turns out to be stronger than the previous one, and it is very difficult to maintain the selected breathing rate. At such moments, the body weakens, childbirth begins to seem infinitely long. And in such moments, the support of a partner is very useful. First, you need to constantly be in eye contact with him. Second, you must hold hands. Thirdly, the partner does the breathing exercise, and you repeat it exactly after him.

While practicing these breathing techniques during childbirth, you can take completely different poses, which, by the way, will also help facilitate the process of giving birth to a baby. Can:

  • sit in Turkish;
  • stand in a knee-elbow position, which is very convenient for childbirth: knees rest on a soft bed, hands - palms on the bed, the body moves to the beat of breathing;
  • just lying on your back;
  • measuredly, to the beat of breathing, walk around the room.

Exercise no more than 10 minutes a day so as not to disrupt lung function and not get unwanted side effects. Having mastered these rules of breathing during childbirth, you can significantly ease your own condition at the most crucial moment and make it practically painless. In addition, it is imperative to remember that at different stages of delivery, you will need to breathe a little differently.

Contractions and attempts

Since it is almost impossible to breathe during contractions and already directly the attempts themselves, you need to know how to do it correctly. If during pregnancy the correct breathing technique has been worked out during childbirth in all details, this will not be difficult.

Breathing during contractions

At the time of contractions, you need to use different types of breathing during childbirth, depending on their period.

  1. At the very beginning, when contractions are short and weak, they can be relieved by slow (so-called "thrifty") breathing during childbirth. It consists in a deep breath and a slow, prolonged exhalation. This technique optimizes energy consumption, regulates the heartbeat, and improves the supply of oxygen to the body. In the period between contractions at this stage, you need to relax and rest.
  2. As soon as they become more frequent, you will need to include in the work the technique that you worked out during pregnancy. You need to breathe calmly and measuredly, slowly and deeply.
  3. When the contractions become completely unbearable and you feel like you are losing control, use the most effective breathing for pain during childbirth - doggy style. You need to breathe through your mouth or nose at a maximum speed - about 1-2 inhales (or exhales) per second. At the same time, try to inhale the air as quietly as possible and exhale noisily. Often, when performing such a breathing exercise, the mouth and lips dry out very much due to the abundant evaporation of moisture. To avoid this, it is recommended that you cover your mouth with your hand or rinse with water. As soon as the next spasm passes, return to the technique you worked out in advance.

Such a sequence of breathing during childbirth will provide the woman in labor with stress resistance and will help the body to cope well with the test, which are painful and always so strong contractions, and the baby - to prepare for birth. As soon as you find yourself on the delivery table, you will need to breathe a little differently.

Breathing when pushing

The breathing technique during pushing is significantly different from how you breathed during contractions. Here the sequence should be like this:

  1. Once you are on the delivery table, you will need the "counting" breathing technique described above. Connect your partner at this stage, if he is present during childbirth.
  2. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, while inhaling, swallow air so that it presses on the diaphragm, and that already on the bottom of the uterus. This will help the fetus go through the birth canal faster and be born.
  3. As soon as you feel that you are short of air, release the remaining air from your lungs and swallow as much as possible again. This is how diaphragmatic breathing is normalized.
  4. Try not to push "in the head", otherwise your strength will be wasted.

To master all these techniques and understand how they work, be sure to sign up for a pregnancy breathing course - this is the best choice for women in labor. During childbirth, due to pain, excitement and discomfort, you may not hear the obstetrician or doctor at the right time and lose control over the situation, causing breathing to be lost. Therefore, early preparation and training in specially designed techniques to relieve stress and reduce pain during labor is so important here.

With the approach of the expected date of birth, pregnant women think about how this process will go. Women who are pregnant for the first time worry the most. In this article, we tried to answer some of the most exciting questions of every expectant mother: how should you behave correctly in order to alleviate your condition and, at the same time, not harm the child? Most pregnant women have heard of a special breathing technique during childbirth. But what is the right way to breathe? Almost all antenatal clinics offer special courses for pregnant women, where, in addition to general knowledge of the childbirth process, they also teach the correct breathing technique. In our article, you will learn about some breathing techniques during childbirth, if there were no such courses in your antenatal clinic.

Breathing correctly helps ease labor during labor, improving cervical dilatation and making labor more productive. Correct breathing exercises ensure the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which is extremely necessary for the child.

With what it can be connected?

When a woman is focused on breathing technique, she complies with all the requirements of the doctor and thinks less about pain, and this speeds up the opening of the cervix, which speeds up the process of childbirth. In addition, proper adherence to breathing techniques helps to reduce pain and greatly facilitates the process of childbirth by relaxing the muscles.

Breathing technique during childbirth

The breathing technique during childbirth is not at all similar to our breathing in everyday life. It is better to master this technique long before childbirth, so that at the right time everything is brought to automatism. It is advisable to devote about 10-15 minutes a day to breathing exercises, so you can quickly master all breathing techniques, and at the most crucial moment you will definitely not be confused. But, it should be remembered that you should not do breathing exercises for more than 15 minutes, as dizziness may occur.
There is a different breathing technique for each stage of labor. But, here's what you can't do at any stage of childbirth:

  • Shrink;
  • Shout;
  • Strain.

Why shouldn't you strain? Excessive tension interferes with proper dilatation of the cervix, which slows down the process of labor. And this can cause fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

How to breathe correctly during childbirth

You need to learn how to control the process of inhalation and exhalation.
It is important to observe the following rule: frequent shallow breathing with an open mouth. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Breathing during childbirth: contractions

  • At the beginning of the first stage of labor, while the contractions are still weak, you need to inhale air through the nose slowly, in four counts. And you need to exhale even more slowly, counting to six. It is easier to say that the exhalation should be two counts longer than the inhalation. This helps to relax the muscles and allows the woman in labor to calm down, saturating her body with oxygen, and, accordingly, the body of the fetus.
  • Later, the contractions will become more intense, and the breathing technique becomes different. Breathing should be quickened, but at the same time, it should be shallow. This breathing technique is called dog breathing. Breathing in and out is done with the mouth open, as dogs usually breathe during a hot period.
  • During the opening of the cervix, when the pain at the time of contractions becomes pronounced, another breathing technique is applicable - the "train": at the beginning of the contraction, you need to breathe quickly and shallowly, inhale through the nose and exhale quickly through the mouth, folding the lips into a tube. When the contraction is over, breathing should become quieter.

Breathing during labor: pushing

  • When attempts begin, you need to carefully listen to your obstetrician-gynecologist and clearly follow his advice. You need to push when you need it, and when the push recedes, be sure to rest. At the moment of pushing, which lasts an average of 1 minute, you should take a deep breath and push while holding your breath, while trying to put pressure on the uterus, and later exhale.
  • The most effective breathing technique is during the candle breathing effort. With this technique, you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth as if you were blowing out a candle.
  • It is important at the time of the eruption of the head to breathe freely or to use the "dog-like" breathing technique. The doctor will also tell you about this when the eruption of the fetal head begins.
  • If you breathe correctly during attempts, then in three or four attempts the baby will be born.

Dry mouth may occur when breathing through the mouth. You cannot drink during childbirth, but you can rinse your mouth with water.

So, childbirth is an important and crucial moment, which ends with the appearance of a baby. And in order for this process to pass quickly and with the least discomfort, it is important to observe the breathing technique and the doctor's recommendations.

Proper breathing is more important than ever in contractions. It is even more important to combine it with the ability to relax at the peak of pain sensations - this will significantly reduce them.

Many women do not know that pain arises precisely because of the strong muscle tension: when the expectant mother strains, not only her condition worsens, but also her baby's, because at the same time the child's body suffers more from oxygen starvation.

How to set yourself up for calm behavior?

Anxiety and intense fear are the first enemies of a woman in labor. It can be very difficult for a woman to calm down, especially when the period of active contractions or attempts comes. Remember that the outcome of labor largely depends on your behavior.

If you contract with each contraction, the pain will become unbearable. And an agitated state of mind will not allow you to listen to the words of the midwife and control the situation. The most important thing for you during the birth of your baby is the mood for calmness.

Just understand one thing: it is many times more difficult for a child to be born when the mother strains and deprives him of oxygen (with muscle tension, oxygen deficiency occurs).

Experts have long proven that pain in the uterus during childbirth is largely the result of muscle clamping. If you breathe correctly and do not shrink in the lower abdomen in anticipation of the next contraction, the process of giving birth to the world will be easier for both the child and his mother.

Fact! With proper breathing, the brain and other organs receive enough endorphins, which significantly reduces pain. Do not neglect the rules that can greatly facilitate labor.

The importance of proper breathing during childbirth

Breathing and pain, as you understand, are interconnected. When you follow your breath, you pay less attention to the physical sensations. As a result, there are no artificial muscle spasms of the press, which only enhance the response of the sensitive receptors of the pelvic organs.

If you are pregnant, it is never too late to learn the correct breathing technique. Here are some of its undeniable benefits:

  • relief of pain during labor, pushing;
  • moderate reduction in labor;
  • prevention of ruptures, complicated course of childbirth;
  • saving forces that a woman in labor will need during attempts and the postpartum period;
  • correct psycho-emotional attitude, gaining self-confidence.

Learning to breathe correctly is pretty easy. There are several important rules. Breathing differs depending on the period of labor.

Most often, a woman goes to the hospital when the first painful sensations appear. This is the correct behavior. Labor activity can be unpredictable. Experts are aware of cases when a woman gave birth within just a few hours after the appearance of minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Rapid labor without a specialist can be very dangerous. If contractions are irregular, you can walk down the hallway of the birth ward, read a book, or even sleep. That said, remember the importance of being relaxed.

  1. When the contractions become constant, begin to slowly inhale through the nose, to a count of 4, and exhale through the mouth, to a count of 6. Inhale is slightly shorter than the exhalation. When inhaling air, make your lips a wide tube.
  2. This technique relaxes the abdominal muscles and enriches the body with oxygen. Gradually, the intensity of the contractions will increase.
  3. You need to speed up your breathing. Respiratory technique at the time of intense contractions has a characteristic name - "dog-like". You need to breathe like a dog - shallowly, with a slightly open mouth.

Feel free to apply this technique in the hospital. Obstetricians and gynecologists themselves teach women to breathe in this way and will be sincerely surprised that a well-prepared woman in labor has come to them.

Remember that breathing practice comes first. your baby's well-being depends, so put all prejudices aside, use all possible methods to facilitate labor and prevent labor complications.

There is another very useful technique.which actually allows you to experience intense pain. At the beginning of the contraction, breathe like a dog, and at the peak of pain, try breathing through your nose, but quickly and superficially, and exhale through your mouth, folding your lips into a tube. As soon as the contraction subsides, inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

It is worth knowing in advance how to breathe correctly during childbirth. An informed woman in labor has fewer problems in the hospital. But in any case, half of the success of the strenuous period is the ability to listen to the midwife and respond in time to her comments and requests.

Basic rules for correct breathing during pushing:

  • inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth;
  • when exhaling, hold your mouth as if you were blowing out a candle;
  • during exhalation, you should not pout in the face and head area - this will lead to a decrease in the productivity of the persistent period and rupture of blood vessels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes and skin;
  • when you "blow out the candle" while inhaling, you feel tension in the lower abdomen, in which case the pushing will bring relief.

Correct breathing tactics during the period of pushing helps a woman and specialists who take childbirth very much. The main thing is not to panic. Rhythmic breathing allows you to give birth to a baby literally in 4-6 attempts, while - without breaking and damaging the capillaries on the face.

Period before childbirth

The desire to push usually appears towards the end of frequent contractions, but full-fledged pushing will go much later. The midwife forbids pushing. This can be difficult to do. And here the correct breathing comes to the aid of the woman again.

  • It is necessary to start with a deep breath, and then alternating superficial exhalations and breaths follow. In this case, the lips should be rolled up into a tube. This type of breathing perfectly distracts a woman from painful sensations and helps to distract herself from pronounced contractions.
  • Take the advice of your midwife as carefully as possible. If she forbids pushing, then make every effort not to increase the pressure on the birth canal - the baby's head is already pressing on them, but it's too early for him to be born.
  • This will happen when the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely open and real pushing begins. Before that, you cannot push - there is a possibility that the child will bang his head against the pelvic bones. Also, artificial attempts increase the likelihood of cervical rupture.

Switch to the breathing technique described above in time, and you will be able to get through this difficult period without any problems.

Breathing exercises before childbirth

Labor itself is stressful for a woman. It can be difficult to control breathing, especially if the birth is first. As soon as contractions become regular, many women in labor forget about the rules they read earlier. To avoid this, prepare to breathe well before childbirth.

Begin to master breathing techniques from the second half of pregnancy. By this time, the belly is usually large enough, which stimulates the woman to take more responsibility for prenatal preparation. Do not hesitate to ask your gynecologist questions: the doctor has a wealth of professional experience and will certainly help allay your doubts and worries, as well as direct your efforts in the right direction.

Usually, training contractions occur in the second half of pregnancy. Use them to teach correct breathing.

A woman can receive the necessary support from other pregnant women or from specialists who conduct special preparatory courses. In the classroom, you will receive a lot of useful information:

  • specialists will tell you how normal labor is going on, describe the periods of labor;
  • talk about the importance of proper breathing for the health of the mother and fetus;
  • will teach you how to cope with inner fear and deal with pain, using not only certain breathing tactics, but also self-massage;
  • will clearly show how to behave in each stage of childbirth, what to pay special attention to.

During the training sessions, the woman will communicate with other pregnant women, adopting their useful experience. Just do not let yourself pass through the various horror stories that women like to share with each other in antenatal clinics and at various events. Set yourself up for a responsible but easy and fast delivery.

Abdominal breathing is the main type of breathing during pregnancy and childbirth

Mixed breathing prevails in women. During pregnancy, it is necessary to keep mainly the abdomen and the abdominal type of breathing begins to develop as early as possible. It is not necessary to use any special techniques from the first days of pregnancy, but it is better to start learning to breathe in the belly early.

To do this, do simple exercises daily:

  • place your palm on the most convex part of the abdomen and begin to inhale through your nose, feeling the hand rise up;
  • keeping your palm on your stomach, exhale slowly, while watching your hand: it should go down;
  • inhale and exhale as in the first period of contractions: inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth, but make sure that this exercise is performed while maintaining the abdominal breathing pattern.

Starting from 4-5 months of pregnancy, you can learn "economical" breathing. He really saves a woman's strength at the beginning of the period of labor. This is a very important preparation point. Pay special attention to it. If a woman does not breathe correctly from the beginning of labor, then she often does not have the strength for the tiring period.

The main rule of "economical" breathing is that the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. Sit comfortably on a chair, put your hands on your stomach to see how it rises and falls, start exercising. Inhale slowly through the nose, and exhale even more slowly - but through the lips, folded into a tube.

Important! During training, do not apply excessive pressure on the lower abdomen! This can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth. Breathe calmly, without the feeling of bloating or pressure.

Perform breathing exercises in a well-ventilated room. Do not continue the activity if you feel dizzy. This indicates that you are breathing too often or incorrectly.

Most pregnant women direct all their attention to the months of bearing a baby, and at first few of them think about how the most important process will take place - its birth. But the closer the "X" time, the more women are trying to learn how to behave correctly during labor and childbirth. In particular, how to breathe properly. And they are right, since their course, and the well-being of the woman in labor, and even the health of the baby depend on breathing during childbirth.

Proper breathing during childbirth

Correct breathing during childbirth allows not only to speed up labor activity, but also makes it possible to significantly reduce the pain that accompanies childbirth. How can breathing techniques reduce pain? Thanks to the relaxation and tranquility provided just by using the correct breathing technique. In addition, the techniques of correct breathing are designed so that when they are used, the diaphragm does not interfere with the birth process, but, on the contrary, helps.

As for the acceleration of labor through correct breathing: a “breathing correctly” woman during labor concentrates on controlling the alternation of inhalation and exhalation. This means that there is no "fixation" on pain, the cervix opens easier, and therefore childbirth is easier and faster.

Practicing correct breathing techniques during childbirth, a woman in labor helps to saturate the whole body with a large amount of oxygen. Oxygen, in turn, is very important for the muscles, which work in a "high mode" during childbirth. Again, oxygen is necessary for the baby - proper breathing allows you to maintain it in a normal state.

It would seem: what nonsense is learning to breathe correctly? Indeed, for every person, breathing is an unconditioned reflex, we are born, already possessing the necessary ability to breathe. But only the process of childbirth requires completely different breathing techniques from a woman than in an ordinary state. How a person usually breathes, and how to breathe when giving birth are two huge differences, and correct breathing, which is very useful during childbirth, is really worth learning in advance.

The best thing is a few months before childbirth: this is the only way to bring skills to automatism and not think already during childbirth about how to breathe in a given time period. Yes, yes, even during labor, in its different periods, correct breathing during childbirth is significantly different. The fact is that breathing techniques during contractions have their own characteristics, and breathing techniques during attempts have their own. But in both cases, the main secret of proper breathing is to control inhalation and exhalation.

Breathing technique during childbirth:

So, it was already discussed above that in different periods of labor, the breathing technique during childbirth is different. In total, there are several of them, and different women should breathe in different ways.

- breathing technique during childbirth: if you have contractions

The very first rule with the onset of true regular contractions is not to pinch or try to suppress the pain. Moreover, in no case should you strain and shout. Believe me, you will only lose from this: firstly, you will be exhausted, and secondly, you will not get rid of pain. If, with the beginning of a new contraction, you strain, this will lead to the fact that the process of childbirth will be delayed, labor will be suppressed, the cervix will not open to the required amount and, perhaps, doctors will have to resort to methods and stimulation of labor. Moreover, if a woman is "squeezed" and focuses on pain, the baby receives much less oxygen than he needs, which cannot but affect his further development and health. For example, babies who have undergone hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during childbirth have certain difficulties during the adaptation period, as well as at a later age.

So, we bring to your attention the basic breathing used at the beginning of the contractions. Inhale through the nose in 4 counts, exhale through the mouth in 6 counts. The exhalation should always be slightly longer than the inhalation. It is produced through the lips with a "tube". This allows the woman to relax and more actively saturate the blood with oxygen, because the more complete the exhalation, the more air and, consequently, oxygen, the organisms of both the mother and the child will receive. And don't forget: inhale with your nose, exhale with your mouth.

Read on for another type of breathing. They call him doggy. Its essence lies in shallow breathing, while your mouth should be slightly open, like a dog in the summer heat. Don't be afraid to look funny. Childbirth is not a time for prejudice. You will not show anything new to doctors and obstetricians and, moreover, will not surprise you with your "performance". On the contrary, by doing this you will help not only them, but also yourself and the baby. This type of breathing can be used when the first is no longer quite effective, and when the contractions are getting stronger.

It turns out: the more intense the contractions, the faster the breathing should be.

- breathing technique during childbirth: if you have - attempts

Here, as a rule, the obstetrician commands the parade. He tells a woman exactly when and how she needs to breathe, when and how to push, and when it is absolutely impossible to do this.

The average duration of the push is about a minute. You need to push immediately after taking a deep breath. Thus, it turns out that the entire volume of air helps, as if pressing on the uterus.

Remember that pushing in the head (that is, creating tension in the head and eyes) is not allowed. In this case, the vessels of the face and eyes may burst. All your effort should be directed to the perineum. If suddenly you feel that there is not enough breath, you need to exhale and very quickly breathe in again, and then push again.

During attempts, one of the most effective is breathing "on the candle". With it, a rather deep breath is taken with the nose, and exhale with the mouth, as if you are trying to blow out a candle. Sometimes the exhalation can be accompanied by a quiet chanting of vowels: "a", "o", "y", "s".

When the head has "cut through" and begins to come out, you need to breathe calmly or you can switch to breathing like a dog.


During breathing exercises, you may encounter such a phenomenon as hyperventilation. In this case, severe dizziness is felt, darkening in the eyes and lightheadedness can be observed. To correct this condition, you need to inhale and hold your breath for 20-30 seconds. You can also fold your palms and "breathe in them."

To avoid dry mouth that occurs when breathing with an open mouth, you can touch the tip of your tongue to the palate just behind your teeth. By the way, breathing "in the palms" with fingers apart will also help. If possible, you can simply rinse your mouth with water.

Breathing during childbirth should not be arbitrary. You must control every inhalation and every exhalation. It is very good if you give birth in the presence of an assistant (it does not matter if it is a husband, mother, or a close friend). The person who is nearby, at the right time, can prompt that you need to breathe if the woman is out of rhythm.

Do not expect that by reading about the correct breathing patterns during labor a few days before they occur, you will be able to clearly reproduce everything yourself at the right time. Not at all, no. In order for everything to go according to the script, such breathing must be brought to automatism. In the head it should be clearly rooted "with the beginning of the contraction - I relax." Do not panic. Only in this case can we say that you are prepared for childbirth and pass this exam with a plus.

Specially for - Olga Pavlova