Information for parents winter walks with children. Consultation for parents “Winter walks with a child. Snow sculptures. Not only snowmen can be made of snow. Bears and bunnies, dogs and cats are also excellently obtained from the white sticky mass. Not

Consultation for parents:

"How to make a winter walk with your baby pleasant and useful"

For our children, winter is a long-awaited and beloved time. They know: as soon as the snow falls, the kindergarten areas turn into a fairyland, inhabited by the characters of their favorite fairy tales, sculpted out of snow.

It is no secret that for physical development, strengthening the body, children need to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. And winter is no exception to this rule! And in order for the cold to be beneficial and not prevent the kids from enjoying the walk, they must be busy with interesting things. It is only necessary to make sure that more intense movements are replaced by calmer ones.

How to organize winter walks and make them the most interesting and useful for children?

Try to play special games, tasks, fun, suitable for winter conditions.

Tasks for attention:

1. Show the children a twig and invite them to carefully examine it for 30-40 seconds. Then hide the twig. Now the guys should try to answer the following questions as accurately as possible: how many knots are on the branch; how many are broken; from which tree and when this branch was cut.

2. On the way, pay attention of the children to what is happening around. How many pipes are there in that house? Who is walking in the distance - a man or a woman? Are there deciduous trees here? How many people are in that group? What was the passer-by carrying? and etc.

3. Please note that:

a) if large and small objects are at the same distance from us, then small ones seem farther;

b) bright objects seem closer than dark ones;

c) on a cloudy day, in the rain, at dusk, all distances seem to be greater, and on a sunny day, vice versa.

In addition to playing with snow, entertaining exercises and fun, our children enjoy great success. relay games. Such entertainments help to spend walks and sports events with children meaningfully and cheerfully.

Who blinds the snowman faster

Children are divided into pairs, and each pair is tasked with making a snowman. To do this, you need to roll up lumps of different sizes, put them on top of each other. Make the snowman's eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth (from carrots and coals) and put on a hat (bucket). The couple that finishes the job faster wins. Children agree on work themselves, the game starts with the command “Ready! Let's start! "


Sticks with ribbons on them are placed along the slope of the hill. It is necessary to ride down the mountain on a sled and grab the flag. The winner is the one with the most flags.


Children make snowballs and try to hit each other. You can only throw at the feet. Option: you can divide the children into two teams. The one who gets hit by a snowball is eliminated from the game. The team that has more players wins.

Step wider

The distance between the two lines is 3-4 m. It is necessary to quickly reach the opposite line, making wide strides. Instead of wide steps, you can also move by jumping.

Who will throw a snowball higher

All children take part in the game. On command, the children begin to mold and throw snowballs. Everyone completes the task 3 times. The winner is the one who throws the snowball above all three times. Throw 2 times with the right and 1 time with the left hand.

The fastest sled

2-3 children sit on the sled with their backs forward (one child or two children can ride on one sled). On command, the children begin to push off with their feet and move forward. Distance from start to finish is 5 meters. The game can be repeated 2-3 times, with different participants.

Hit the hole

The teacher makes several holes in the snow, gives each child a bag of balls. For a set time, children throw as many balls as possible into the hole, then calculate the total.

In the cold, you need to constantly move. You can do it different ways. Suitable:

- Walking and running back to back.

- Doubles running(holding hands).

- Brisk walking with lifting objects.

- Running forward with your back.

- "Run and don't touch" (six ski poles are placed at a distance of 2 - 2, 5 m from each other). The child should run between the sticks (snake) without touching them. Other landmarks can be used instead of sticks.

- Climbing a hill with your hands behind your back, descending a mountain (you can step or run).

- "Trace in trail" - walking in the footsteps of an adult, while the adult takes into account the length of the child's stride.

After active movement, you need a little relaxation. At this time, you can offer to guess riddles about winter, for example:

The roof is in a fur hat,

White smoke overhead

Yard in the snow, houses in the snow,

At night came to us ... (Winter)

What kind of master is this

I applied to the glass

And leaves and herbs

And rose bushes? (Frost)

Guess who I am?

I'm ready to play with you:

I roll, then I jump,

And if you throw it up, I'll fly. (Ball)

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree

And when spring comes

He will wake up from sleep. (Bear)

The people said: "Feed the birds in the winter - they will serve you in the spring." Observing the life of birds, stories about what they use to build nests, how they incubate their chicks, where they winter and what they eat - sometimes become a discovery not only for a child, but also for an adult citizen.

Do not forget to clean the feeders and put in bread crumbs, seeds - this is not only an exciting game for children, but also a real lesson in kindness!

You can ask the children questions for reflection:

Are all titmouses the same?

Who dined on the mountain ash? Etc.

Remember in childhood this joyful excitement, when, waking up, you suddenly find that everything around is white and white? Try to make your children enjoy the winter as well.

Svetlana Legina
Consultation for parents "Walking in winter"

Together with mom, together with dad

We'll go for a walk now!

Let's get ready quickly

And put on your shoes.

I'll take a bear with me

Mom - a bag and a package

And dad has for walks

There is nothing with me.

On walk in the arms of dad

Ours takes nothing,

Because he is with walks

Carries me in his arms!

Some parents in winter walk very few with children, referring to the cold a walk... But exactly walk is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, increases appetite, and has a hardening effect. So that during winter walks the thermal condition of the children was normal, they must be dressed correctly. The most reliable means of protection from the cold is air, and in order to better protect against low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air gap around the body. At the same time, the child's winter clothes should be warm, but spacious enough so as not to hinder movement. No need to wrap up children. - the temperature of the skin under thick layers of clothing rises, heat transfer is high, moving - the child sweats, and the likelihood of hypothermia is higher than with "Insufficient" robes. You should wear woolen socks and warm boots or boots with natural fur on your feet, but not tight, but such that the big toe can easily move inside. Afraid that the child's ears will freeze parents they wrap his head in numerous kerchiefs, hats, thereby, causing harm, it is enough to close the child's neck and back of the head - this is where the greatest loss of heat occurs.

Walking not only cheer up - they strengthen health, prevent colds - movement in this case is simply necessary!

In winter for a walk almost all games can be carried out, only you need to organize them so that the children do not stand in one place for a long time, but constantly move.

This can be done in different ways. Fit:

Walking and running back to back.

Doubles running (holding hands).

Brisk walking with lifting objects.

Running forward with your back.

-"Run and don't touch" (six ski poles are placed at a distance of 2 - 2.5 m from each other)... The child should run between the sticks (snake, without touching them. Instead of sticks, you can use other landmarks.

Climbing a hill with your hands behind your back, descending a mountain (you can walk or run).

-"Trace in trail"- walking in the footsteps of an adult, while the adult takes into account the length of the child's stride.

After active movement, you need a little rest. At this time, you can invite the child to conduct a small experiment.

For experience we need:


Soap bubble solution

To see how the snow stars are formed. It is enough to leave the house in severe frost and blow out a soap bubble. Immediately, ice needles will appear in a thin film of water; before our eyes they will gather in wonderful snow stars and flowers.

Dear parents, play with your children on walk! Holding such games will allow you not only to make your interesting walk, but also use it effectively for the development of movements in children.

Some parents walk very little with their children in winter, or do not walk at all, referring to the cold weather, and if they walk, they think that the child should be dressed warmly, this is a delusion ...

Some parents walk very little with their children in winter, or do not walk at all, referring to the cold weather, and if they walk, they think that the child should be dressed warmly, this is a delusion.

Children who are wrapped up are more likely to get sick, movements by themselves warm the body, and help in overheating is unnecessary, since heat exchange is disturbed in the body, as a result, such children get sick more often, a slight draft is enough for them to get cold.

To keep warm, clothes should not be tight to the body.

The most reliable remedy for the cold is air, in order to better protect the child from low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air gap around the body, clothes should be warm and sufficiently loose. First, you need to put on a T-shirt or T-shirt made of cotton, which absorbs sweat well, on the child's body, then a pullover or woolen sweater, consolidated, but tight on the neck and wrists.

You should wear woolen socks and warm boots or boots with natural fur on your feet, but not tight, but such that the big toe can easily move inside. Fearing that the child's ears will freeze, parents wrap his head in numerous handkerchiefs and hats, thereby, causing harm, it is enough to close the child's neck and nape more tightly - this is where the greatest loss of heat occurs. And the ears must be tempered from the very birth of the baby.

Parents mistakenly think that it is enough to walk for an hour in winter. It all depends on the hardenedness of the child and the outside temperature. For a baby, walks should be limited, especially in cold weather (below -10 degrees), if the child is older, the permissible temperature for walking is -15 degrees. Children endure the cold better if they are fed before a walk - food rich in carbohydrates and fats gives special warmth. The only reaction of a frozen child is pallor and a desire to sleep, precisely when the baby's body relaxes, for example, falls asleep in a sled, a signal of danger to freeze, because he does not move. If a child's fingers are frozen or he needs to warm them up - but do not put the fingers under a stream of hot water or warm them on a central heating battery - troubles cannot be avoided, since a sharp contrast in temperatures can cause severe pain in a supercooled part of the body, or worse, a violation work of the heart! To warm a child, you need to change him into warm dry linen, put him in the forging and cover with a warm blanket, normal room temperature is enough, or offer him a non-hot bath, let him frolic, swim.

Many parents believe that a child with a cold should not walk.

If the baby's temperature is not elevated, walks are a must!

Keeping a sick child in an apartment for weeks is not the best way out and a delusion of parents. In the open air, the runny nose seems to recede, the nose is cleared, and begins to breathe. It's okay if there is frost, make sure that the child does not breathe through his mouth, so that he is not blown by the wind, so that he does not sweat. It is not necessary to allow him to move a lot, to ride down a hill, it is enough to walk "by the handle" with a calm step, feed the birds, watch the snow, etc.

Take care of your children, temper, remember that walks at any time of the year are always good, beneficial for the health of your children and yourself!

Nadezhda Afoshina
Consultation for parents "Winter walks with a child"

Winter walks with a child... Security. Entertainment.

Winter walks always bring great joy to children. In the fall, many children begin to look forward to snow in order to ride a sled, slide down a slide on the ice, throw snowballs and build snow towers and labyrinths.

But winter time darkens the joy of children and parents very common injuries. Protect yourself from unpleasant consequences winter walks will help simple andseemingly self-evident rules.


Overall, skiing is the least safe kind winter walks... However, please note if the slide you are going to ride is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to rule out all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city where there is no traffic.


Unlike skiing, skating comes with a certain risk.

Need to keep in mind following:

Skate on specially equipped ice rinks, it is dangerous to skate in open water.

Do not go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating on it. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.

Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to child was dressed in tight clothes.

Do not leave your baby even a step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.

Sledding, ice sledding

For sledding the child should be dressed warmer.

Before the child will sit on the sled, check if they are faulty.

It is undesirable to sled down the hill, it is better on ice.

Explain child in advancethat discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.

You need to make sure for yourself that the slide is safe, so carefully study the area before riding. The descent should not go out onto the roadway, and it is better to ride the kids from small, gentle snow slides, moreover, in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

Can't be allowed child sleddinglying on his stomach can damage his teeth or head.

You can't stand sledding! It is dangerous to tie sleds together.

You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tug rope, then the child must be taken out... It should be borne in mind that on a little snowy road with bald patches of asphalt sleds go slowly, so be especially vigilant.

Games around the house "

Do not let children play by the side of the road. Teach children not to run out into the street.

It is undesirable to wallow and play in snowdrifts, which are, for example, under the windows of houses or near the entrance. And, of course, don't let you jump into a snowdrift from a height. It is unknown what furry hides in it snowball: under the freshly fallen snow can be anything whatever: broken bottles, stone, or wire, there may be garbage there, which someone did not bring to the trash can - whatever!

Explain to the children not to put snow, ice crusts in their mouths, icicles: they contain a lot of dirt and microbes invisible to the eyes, which can cause illness.

When playing snowballs, tell to kidthat it is impossible to throw in the face, and in general it is not necessary to throw it with force! And don't let kids build deep snow tunnels that could collapse!

How interesting to spend in winter a walk with a child?

We sculpt from the snow

Snow is a great creative material, especially when it's a little wet. Therefore, if you plan to sculpt sculptures, be sure to bring replaceable mittens or gloves for child and myself.

Remember the tale of the Snow Maiden? Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had no children. So they decided to mold the Snow Maiden out of the snow. A wonderful Russian fairy tale, and most importantly - almost magical for winter. When you go for a walk, take gouache, brushes and napkins with you, and the material for modeling will already be waiting for you.

Gingerbread man is probably the easiest character to sculpt. Roll up the snow globe, lightly crush it on all sides, paint eyes and a mouth for it - the bun is ready.

Sculpt whatever you want out of the snow to kid... The basis for all the figures remains the same - the snow globe. By connecting the balls in different ways, you can fashion a bunny, and Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and if you make several balls, you can build a fortress.

A very fun game for the whole family in winter. There is only one rule - do not throw ice pieces at each other!

You can throw snowballs at the target, arrange competitions, who is next or who is higher.

Rules can be complicated: for example, throw only with the left hand or necessarily on one leg, bouncing, or keeping one hand laid back, etc.


“A-ah! This is the trail from Crocomot!

Or is it Begedil? "

These are the words of a cartoon song "Masha and the Bear", where the nimble girl Masha does not give rest to an intelligent and kind bear, persuades him to teach her to read footprints in the snow.

To kid it is very interesting to look at the tracks in the snow. These can be tracks of birds, dogs, people, tracks from a carriage, tracks left by skis or sledges. You can invent your own fairy-tale characters and draw their footprints in the snow.

Can play the game "Trace in trail"... First, an adult walks through the snow, taking smaller steps, after him, stepping on the track he just made, moves child... Then he starts to drive child, and an adult follows in his footsteps.

Angel. Snow print

Another fun that has come down to us from the past is the trail of an angel in the snow. Allow to kid lie on the newly fallen snow. Put a hood on his head so that the snow does not cram behind the collar, and help him lie on his back in a clean snowdrift. Then you need to slam your hands and feet in the snow, as if you were already flying. Then help baby stand up carefullyso as not to ruin its imprint on the snow. This imprint is - the imprint of an angel. And the baby covered with snow will now also resemble an angel or a snowman.

Bird Feeders

We have already said that in child you need to cultivate love and sympathy for all living things. One of these activities is bird feeding.

Explain to kidwhy people feed birds in winter. Do together with baby a feeder and hang on a tree.

Feeder out of the box. Take an empty juice or milk bag and cut a hole just above the bottom. Better to make 2 or 3 entrances for birds of different sizes. Since some birds prefer large holes and others small, make two holes on top of the box and stick a rope or thick wire through them - this is a handle. Then use this handle to hang the feeder on the tree.

Add food. This can be oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, crumbs of wheat bread, millet, dried berries, pieces of fruit, and even unsalted bacon. But remember: rye bread, peel of citrus fruits should not be given to birds, it is dangerous for their health.

On walk Hang the feeder on a tree branch. On each walk check your feeder by adding food and shaking off the snow.

After lunch, sweep the bread crumbs into a bag for birds, this will help bring up child a sense of frugality and care.

Plastic bottle feeder. A bird feeder can also be made from a plastic bottle. Better to take a five liter bottle. Just like in the box, holes are cut out in it, only it is better to glue their edges with electrical tape so that the birds do not hurt their paws.

In the spring, remove the feeder, it will no longer be needed. Next winter, you might come up with a more interesting way to make a feeder.

Cognitive walks

With the onset of winter, everything was transformed beyond recognition. The green forest was covered with a white fur coat, the river hid under the ice, butterflies disappeared somewhere, and even some birds moved to warm lands long ago. For an adult, all these changes are obvious and understandable. And for a child? What does he know about the life of nature in winter?

Lesnaya walk

Of course, the most interesting thing is to look for signs of winter in a real forest. It seems that life has stopped here. Where have all the flying, running, jumping insects gone, of which there were a great many in the summer? Let be child he will try to answer this question himself. And then invite him to find insects that have fallen asleep for the winter. If you notice an old rotten tree stump, remove a piece of its bark. Who can you not meet there: all kinds of beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, flies. They do not move and seem to be numb from the cold. If you take one insect, put the baby on a mitten and warm it with warm breath, it will immediately come to life and move. And so in the spring: the sun will warm up - and all butterflies and midges will crawl out of their winter shelters.

Any baby knowsthat a plastic shovel with a long handle is an incredibly necessary and useful thing if there is snow on the street. And if by the time of the forest walks the snow has already fallen, it will be interesting to see how the plants feel under the snow. Dig up the snow with a shovel, heat up the old fallen leaves and - lo and behold! It turns out that real live grass turns green under the snow. Surely the kid will be interested to know why she does not freeze. Tell the little guy that snow is a warm blanket for plants. Under a thick layer of snow, many plants feel great until spring.

You can also walk to the reservoir, to see there with my own eyes that rivers and lakes freeze for the winter. Tell child abouthow river plants, fish and river animals winter. Many algae, insects, small crustaceans freeze into the ice, but do not die. In the spring they will warm up and come to life. And fish sink to the very bottom in winter. Above, the river freezes, and below, near the bottom, there is a small layer of not frozen water. The stronger the frost, the less this layer. But the fish still have enough.

Do not forget to read books with your child at home that are relevant to the topic. Especially a lot of autumn winter stories can be found in V. Bianchi. These are "Sinichkin Calendar", "Where Crayfish Winter", "Hare, Kosach, Bear and Santa Claus", "In the Footsteps", etc. And if suitable cartoons are found in your home video library, they should also be reviewed together.

Observation calendar

The very phrase, "Observation calendar", often cause shuddering in adults. Immediately remember the school lessons of natural history and the tedious need to note daily air temperature, precipitation, wind direction ... But for kids, believe me, this is a fascinating activity, and also useful. With his help, the baby will be able to consolidate all the knowledge that he received during your wonderful walks.

It is not difficult to make such a calendar. Take a large piece of paper and line it up into squares for the number of days in a month. The squares should be quite large. At the top, write the name of the month in large letters. If you can find pictures in old books and magazines that are suitable for a given season, let child cut them out and stick them on the margins of the calendar. Now every day we will sign the next square: the number and day of the week, and in addition, depict in the box what you see fit. You can watch the weather and draw a certain symbol: sun, cloud, snowflake, etc. You can learn to determine the temperature by a thermometer. You can draw everything that you saw on walk: titmouse, crow, mountain ash, dog of a certain breed, footprints in the snow, etc. And you can mark significant events in advance (birthday, going to the circus, theater, etc., and then count how many days are left before them.

Happy and safe walks!