Integrated play activity for children with general speech underdevelopment and emotional instability. Psychological game "There, where there is always frost." New Year's party for children of the middle group Materials and equipment

Akateva Anna Alexandrovna,


MADOU d / s No. 89 of the city of Tyumen

Purpose of the holiday:

  1. to form a comprehensively developed, holistic personality;
  2. develop an aesthetic perception of festive events;
  3. to educate the creative abilities of children, moral purity and an aesthetic attitude to life and the performing arts.

Preliminary work:

  1. Selection of children's works of art.
  2. Selection of games, tasks, musical material.
  3. Development of the outline for the script "Santa Claus is a wizard"
  4. Music hall decoration for the upcoming holiday.
  5. Parents together with children learn roles, prepare costumes.
  6. Teachers select and learn poems and lyrics with children (expressively, emotionally)dancing.

Musical material:

1. Dance of Christmas toys around the tree.

2. Round dance

4. Dance "Hello, Santa Claus"

6. The game "We will run away from the wind"

7. Dance of the snowmen.

8. Dance with pigs "Everyone in the world needs a home"

9. Dance with a wolf "33 cows"


Leading -

Snow Maiden -

Santa Claus -

Water -

Kikimora -


Presenter: I invite everyone today to the holiday of the New Year tree

And let the songs sound today - there is no more wonderful Christmas tree!

Let only laughter be heard here

I invite everyone, everyone, everyone!

Hey guys, hurry up, hurry to the gym.

Let's start, let's start the New Year's carnival!


Host: Friends, let's go today

Let's meet the New Year with a smile

And we are under the New Year's tree

Let's start our new round dance!

CHORUS "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

1 child: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With new joy for everyone!

Let them ring under this arch

Songs, music and laughter!

2 child: Everything is ready for the holiday:

There are a lot of dances, jokes.

Louder music rings

These holidays!

CHORROW "White Snowflakes"


Host: How good it is for us to have fun now,

At the Christmas tree, they sing and spin well.

What surprises await us today?

Perhaps guests will come to us from a fairy tale?

Nobody knows what we will have,

But how interesting! Oh, how interesting!


Kikimora: Oh, you crushed my leg, a keg of water!

Merman: And you bit my hand, Kikimora swamp!

Kikimora: What! Swear again? Yes, I will ...

Merman: You? Me? Yes, I ... (GOES TO HER).

Host: Wait, wait! What is this? Who are you and why did you come to our holiday?

Kikimora (preening): In the wilderness, in the forest, despite the beauty,

Poor Kikimora spends her days.

From what? Why? They say I don't understand

That I am very harmful to society?

Host: Well, everything is clear with you. And who are you?

Water: I am Water, I am Water. Nobody gets along with me!

And all my girlfriends are leeches and frogs!

Ugh, what disgusting! Well, all of them in the swamp!

And I fly, and I fly, and I want to fly!

Host: Now everything is clear. But I don’t understand why you came to us and what do you want?

Kik. And Waters. : Get to the New Year's Carnival!

Kikimora: There are jokes, laughter is everywhere ...

Merman: Well, there will be gifts!

Kikimora: How I want to go there to have fun!

Host: How are you going to have fun?

Kikimora: If you try really hard -

Everyone can be fought here.

Vodyanoy: Is it possible as a joke or seriously

Bite someone by the nose!

Kikimora: How we want all the guys to become friends with us!

Vodyanoy: And having mischievous everywhere, so that we can wash off in time!

Host: No! I can't let you go to the New Year's holiday.

The water one is a big prankster, and you can't take your eyes off you either.

Go away! Here's my story! (GOES FOR THE FIR-TREE).


Vodyanoy: We really need your permission! We ourselves have hair!

Kikimora: And not only with hair, we also have a magic wand!

Here! (SHOWS). We will arrange such a holiday for you now - you will not forget for a century.

Host: Well, are they gone? That's good. You can continue the holiday.

The old year is over, here is the New Year

Many happy days await you guys.

And now sit quietly - can you hear the ringing of bells?

In a warm fur coat, a gray-haired Frost is coming to us!



Host: (picks up a toy): I don't understand anything. Who is this Santa Claus?

What kind of hat, what kind of nose? He is not real and not speaking.

Maybe this is the evil tricks of Water and Kikimora? Do you guys know?


Host: We need to find this magic wand. But where can you find her? Snow has drifted. Maybe the snowmen will help us place the snow?



Host: And here is the magic wand. Let's all conjure together - I'm somehow scared alone. 1-2-3 Santa Claus grow, grow.


D. Moroz: Hello, children, hello, dear guests!

Happy New Year, I congratulate all the children and all the guests.

And with all my heart I wish you happy peaceful days!


D. Moroz: Hello, my dears! I see they have grown up, have become big,

Did you recognize me? I'm still the same gray-haired

But just like young.

Together with you, even now I am ready to start dancing!

Become, guys, all the more quickly in a round dance -

We will celebrate the New Year with you with song, dance and fun!

CHORIST "Once in a frosty winter"


Host: Santa Claus, come on, catch your mitten.


Host: I didn't catch it, I didn't catch it! And you are our grandfather, dance for us and we will give the mitten.


D. Moroz: Why don't I see my granddaughter, Snegurochka, among you? She went to you for a long time. Maybe she got lost on the way. Let's call her.



Snegurochka: Grandpa, everything is lost, everything is lost. Someone cut off the flower. I raised it, watered it, protected it for a whole year, and now the flower is gone.

D. Moroz: This is a granddaughter, it does not matter, this is a granddaughter, nonsense.

We will go now with you and find your flower.

Look at the guys, at the cheerful preschool children.

Do not spoil the holiday with your mood.


Merman: That's great! What a fuss about us!

Kikimora: And the Snow Maiden was crying. No matter how sick!

Vodyanoy: Yes, things are bad if he gets sick. Santa Claus will find out and then we will not get it.

Kikimora: Listen, Vodyanoy, you and I blundered.

Merman: Don't tell me. They stole this flower, and what's the use of it.

Kikimora: Yes! No taste.

Water (trying): It's like chewing cotton wool. Ugh!

Kikimora: Let's throw it out.

Vodyanoy: We won't throw it away, but we will cut off the petals and scatter them according to fairy tales. Then let them search. They will know how to keep us out of the New Year's holiday.


Snow Maiden: I have been growing a magic flower for children for a whole year

I gave him snow water for a whole year.

And today, exactly at midnight, it should bloom

And he must bring gifts to lovely children.

But the trouble is - the flower is gone, the petals are gone

You guys help me, find those petals!

D. Moroz: I don’t know where to look for this flower. Can you guys tell me?



D. Moroz: Well, here I can help. I am a wizard-sorcerer, I amaze all people.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, answer, fairy tale, fairy tale, appear!


Piglet: We are three funny little pigs

Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.

But we are very afraid of the wolf

He wants to eat all of us.

D. Moroz: Do not be afraid of the wolf, we are with you. Let's better dance with our guys.


D. Moroz: Look, here is one petal. So we are going the right way.

Thank you piglets. And now all get up in a circle and play with Frost. Take care of your hands, feet, cover your ears and nose.

Old Santa Claus walks and wanders along the road.


D. Moroz: Ah, the pranksters, outwitted me, but I will not remain in debt. You probably know what toys you can decorate a Christmas tree with, and what you can't? Well, now let's check it out. I will call toys, and you answer YES or NO.

A ringing cracker, a bright toy?

The balls are shiny, the horse is real.

A beautiful nesting doll, but a live cat?

Bunnies made of cotton wool, rusty shovels.

Sweet candy, delicious cutlets?

A hot pan, but a pretty star?

Well done, you know how to guess riddles. Now let's go looking for the petals again. Fairy tale, fairy tale, answer me! Fairy tale, fairy tale, appear!


Wolf: I'm not at all - not at all evil

I am friends with one goat.

She has kids

Maybe seven, maybe six

D. Moroz: Guys, what fairy tale is the Wolf from?


D. Moroz: I know, I know, this family is very funny. And the kids' favorite dance is “33 cows”. Let's dance it all together.


Snow Maiden: Here's another petal found. And now, friends, we will play with grandfather again.

Games "Burn it is clear" and "Freeze".

D. Moroz: Tell me kids, can you guess riddles? Well, we'll check it out now.

Makes riddles.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look! While you were playing with the guys, another petal appeared. And my flower became as beautiful as before. Thanks guys!

I am grateful to all of you friends for your help

But the arrows are running - midnight is approaching.

Favorite flower, you burn brighter -

Give gifts to all friendly guys!


Water. Kik. : And to us, and to us gifts! We're good too!

D. Moroz: Who else are they?


D. Moroz: I see.

Water. Kik. : And we have improved. We won't be anymore!

D. Moroz: Okay. For the sake of the holiday, let's forgive them, friends. And now ... Snow Maiden, raise the flower higher

And give gifts to everyone!




D. Moroz: The New Year has already arrived!

Old Santa Claus is tired.

A year later we are here again

Let's sing and dance.

It's time for us to go

All characters: GOOD BYE, CHILD!



He arranged skating rinks for us,
Snow covered the streets,
Built bridges of ice
Who is this? ..
(Santa Claus)


He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees on the way.


She was born in the forest
It grew and flourished there.
And now its beauty
She brought it to us for the holiday.
(Christmas tree)


We made a snowball
They made a hat on it
The nose was attached, and in a moment
It turned out ...


He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
He starts a round dance -
This is a holiday…
(New Year)

Lyrics of the song "White Snowflakes"

White snowflakes are spinning in the morning
Snowdrifts have grown in the middle of the yard.
The street has become brighter from snowflakes,
You just need to dress warmly.

It's just impossible not to love winter,
Soon we will sculpt a snow woman.
If we fall on a walk in the snow,
Let's get up, dust ourselves off and go again.

They will bring a Christmas tree from the forest to kindergarten,
Santa Claus will congratulate the guys on the holiday.
We count the days ten times a week
So that bright lights come on sooner.

Lyrics of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
Slender in winter and summer,
It was green.

A blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"
Frost covered with snow:
"Look, don't freeze!"

Little coward bunny gray
I rode under the tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
Rissoyu ran.

Chu! Frequent snow in the forest
Creaks under the runner.
Upland horse
He hurries, runs.

The horse is carrying the woodwork,
On the woods - a peasant
He cut down our tree
Right under the spine.

Now she, smart,
She came to us for a holiday,
And much, much joy
I brought it to the kids.

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0002274

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

New Year in the middle group. Scenario

"CHRISTMAS STORY". Christmas tree holiday for children of the middle group of kindergarten.

Author: Zvorygina Tatyana Mikhailovna, musical director of MBDOU - kindergarten number 9, Gubakha, Perm region.
Material description: the material will be of interest to music directors, educators when organizing festive matinees with children of middle preschool age.
Purpose: creating a good mood, positive emotions.
Tasks. To give children the opportunity to discover and express their creative abilities of children through various types of musical activities.
Promote positive emotions.
Raise interest in the New Year holidays with the help of fairy-tale characters.

Children run into the hall to cheerful music and stand in a circle around the Christmas tree.

Leading. Blizzard and blizzard,
Snow spreads to the ground -
A beautiful winter has come to us.
And on every street Santa Claus indulges -
Rime decorated all the houses!
And in the garden today is a New Year's holiday,
The Christmas tree is dressed up for the children.
Asterisks, flashlights,
Beads and balls -
Everything shines with many lights.
Fluffy herringbone
Fresh, fragrant ...
We are leading a round dance by the tree.
Songs and dances
Games and fairy tales
Happy New Year!

Round dance "We came to visit the Christmas tree", Bokach ("Bell" 24 / 02-21)

Children: 1 - We have been waiting for the holiday for a long time,
Finally winter has come.
A Christmas tree came to visit us.
Happy New Year, kids!
2 - Hello, dear tree,
Again you are our guest.
The lights will light up soon
On your forest branches.
3 - The tree will shine with lights
Covered in silver dust
To us from Santa Claus
This tree was brought.
4 - Our Christmas tree is all in toys,
And the balls shine on it.
Smiling Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!
Leading. Clasped hands tightly,
Let's say: "Herringbone, light up!"
Lights on the tree are lit.

Dance game "You fly, our snowball"

("Music Palette" 5-04)

Children: Sparkles like a golden rain
Our cozy bright room
The Christmas tree is flashing merrily
The hour for the holiday has come!
Music sounds quietly (f / g)
Leading. We hear the sounds of magic music
Probably, this Christmas tree is singing.
And us with us in our forest fairy tale
Today the miracle tree is calling ...

Oh, look, there is some kind of chest ...
We will open it now.
Everyone is silent.
The host opens the chest - there are bells in it.
They are distributed to children. Children play bells.

"Music Box"


Leading. Every time on New Year's Eve
A fairy tale is coming to visit us,
On snowy paths
There is a fairy tale invisible.
Exactly at midnight - ding-ding-dong,
You will hear a quiet ringing.
This fairy tale came to the house,
Hush, hush, here it is ...

Quiet music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden. How beautiful is my winter forest
Full of fabulous wonders.
I love to walk in the woods,
Meet your girlfriends here.
Hello, white meadow!
Hello from the Snow Maiden!
Visited here early
Santa Claus is a beloved grandfather.
He painted it this way
Wonderful ice house,
Carries with him everywhere
He is his magic staff!
And today he told me
Summon guests to our house,
Dancers, musicians
And small children.
Today in our house
We will celebrate the New Year!
Have fun with us
All small people!
Hey Christmas tree friends
And you wonder toys
Run all to me!
I need to decorate you, -
After all, today there is a holiday in the house!

Dance of Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations

Snow Maiden. Perfectly! How beautiful!
All the Christmas trees are amazing!
Toys are just a miracle -
Everyone will admire!
The howling of a blizzard is heard.

Snow Maiden. Oh, how the blizzard has cleared!
It got noisy, played out.
If it goes on like this,
He will sweep all the paths.
Hey snowflakes fly
(shakes snowflakes suspended from chandeliers)
Call your guests to us as soon as possible!

Leading. Hear children, it's time to get ready
Santa Claus with Snow Maiden
They are waiting for us.
We all need to dress warmer
So as not to freeze in the forest ...
On the road, get ready

And follow me!

Children follow the teacher along the "forest path" with a song
"We will go along the path ..."
(Russian folk melody "like ours at the gates")
at the snow house they are met by the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. Hello my dears!
Hello my beloved!
Did you get there well?
Are you lost in the forest?
(children answer)
The blizzard did not offend you,
Did you pinch your noses and cheeks?
Come on in. And now we will start the holiday with us!

Leading. Will Santa Claus come?
Will he celebrate the New Year with us?

Snow Maiden. Of course, it will come, but for now we are waiting for it,
We will start a merry dance at the Christmas tree!


("Dance, baby")

Snow Maiden. Please, guests, come in,
Take a little rest out of the way.
Do you like our snowy house?
And the beautiful Christmas tree? (children answer)
The howling of the blizzard is heard again.
Snow Maiden. More and more the blizzard howls, (goes to the window)
Snow covers the paths.
Well, where are you, my dear Grandfather?
I'm worried that you are not.
The sound of the blizzard is amplified. Blizzard runs in. She runs across the hall, waving her cloak and arms.

Snowstorm. There you are! I knew it!
Haven't seen you for a whole year.
You are sitting at a holiday
Are you looking at the Christmas tree
And you want Frost
Have you got some presents?
Well, what about me ?! I fly all day
I howl into the pipes, into the windows!
And never Santa Claus
He didn't bring me a present!
You can sit for at least some time, -
You will not wait for him.
Your Santa Claus
In the forest, covered with snow.
I covered all the paths
With a thick layer of snow,
Swept up, powdered,
You will not see him!
Snow Maiden. Evil Blizzard! Arrived,
Scared all the children ...
Santa Claus strays in the forest,
What should we do now?

Snowstorm. No one will help you!
And I'll freeze you now!
I will turn everyone into icicles
And I'll fly to the forest myself ...

A blizzard runs around the tree under the howling of the wind.
Snow Maiden. Come on, children, get up in the circle,
Don't let the blizzard out.
We need to warm up with you, -
Sing along together!
Children stand in a circle, the Blizzard is in the center.

Round dance game "We will run away from the wind"

("Bell", 24/02, 32)

After the game, Blizzard falls to the floor from fatigue and says plaintively:
Snowstorm. And like this every year
I'm terribly unlucky!
Everywhere I'm kicked out
And they are not allowed on the holiday.
What should I do, I don't know
Since I'm so bad!
(sobs with a howl)

Snow Maiden. Hush, Blizzard, calm down,
Stop blowing and howling
Better tell me what to do
How to help out Santa Claus.

Snowstorm. There are gnomes visiting you,
Let the lanterns take
The path will be cleared with shoulder blades
And your Santa Claus will be here.

The gnomes take the shoulder blades, run around the tree - clear the road, then invite the girls - Lanterns to dance.

Dance of the Dwarfs and Lanterns

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, ay!
Do you hear me calling you!
Come out to us soon
(to children) Well, let's shout all the more amicable!
Children call Santa Claus.
Santa Claus. I hear, I hear, help,
Rake a huge snowdrift.
The blizzard swept over me
I can't get through.

Snowstorm. I will help you too,
I'll rake my snowdrift.
Help everyone be more friendly,
Well, run here, hurry up!
The children, together with the Snow Maiden and the Blizzard, "rake" a snowdrift, freeing Santa Claus. Santa Claus goes with everyone to the tree,
shakes off the snow.

Santa Claus. Well well! Blimey!
The blizzard swept over me.
I already thought New Year
Today it will pass without me!
I greet everyone, friends,
Sorry, I was late!

Snowstorm. You already, Grandfather, forgive me,
I was guilty today.
It's just that you invited everyone
But he forgot to call me ...
And so I want to dance
Sing songs, play with children ...

Santa Claus. So in fact I followed you,
Only I never got there.

Snowstorm. Oh, I'm stupid, I'm angry
I didn’t understand anything!
What to do, how to be,
How to atone for your guilt?

Santa Claus. What, guys, can we forgive the Blizzard?
Let's not drive her away?
Then get up with us in a circle,
Sing songs, dance, play!

Song "Hello, Santa Claus!", Semenova

("Music in kindergarten" middle group)

Santa Claus. Now get up for me
Sing along the song!

Game "Freeze", Kartushina

("Musical Palette" 5 / 04-16)

Snowstorm. I also know an interesting game!
And I suggest you play it.
Become in three circles,
The game begins!

Game "Whose circle will get together sooner"

Santa Claus. Sit down, rest
Look here: (opens the bag)
With my Snow Maiden
A whole year for all children
We made with love,
(takes out and shows the children musical instruments decorated with tinsel, distributes them to the children)
Glued, molded, sewn
Tools for the game
Everything for you, for the kids!
Do you like to play?
I invite everyone to start.
Well, and we are with you, Blizzard,
We will dance, friend.
Louder, music, play!
Invite us to dance!

Playing Noise Musical Instruments

(children and Snow Maiden are playing, and Santa Claus and Blizzard are dancing)
Santa Claus. Well done! Fine! Cool!
You played everything perfectly!

Snowstorm. Thank you for not driving me away,
They sang and danced with me!

Santa Claus. I am very glad that with you, children,
We were able to celebrate the holiday together!

Snow Maiden. It's time to give gifts to children ...

Santa Claus. Where is my bag? It's time to start!
Santa Claus looks around - the bag is nowhere to be found.

Santa Claus. Bag where have you gone
I collected you, tried.

Snow Maiden. Probably Blizzard was joking!
I filled our bag with snow.

Snowstorm. Well, I asked for forgiveness,
I really didn't joke anymore!

Santa Claus. Bag, honey, come out
Give gifts to children!

Bag. Ay, ay! I'm coming!
I bring presents to everyone!

A bag comes out to the music. He approaches Santa Claus.

Bag. Hello, Santa Claus!
I brought presents to everyone.

Santa Claus. Well, come on soon, give!

Bag. Catch me first!

Santa Claus. What a joke, buddy, (DM runs after the bag)
Wait for me, bag!
Wait, don't run away!

Bag. Catch up, Grandfather, catch up!
The sack runs away from Santa Claus: 1 circle he runs around the tree, then
runs backstage. Santa Claus runs after him. His voice is heard from behind the curtain.

Santa Claus. Wait, wait! Yeah, got caught!

Bag. Okay, Grandpa, did you go for a run?
And then I sat in a snowdrift for an hour,
Your legs must have become numb ?!

Santa Claus. Enough jokes, come out
Give gifts to everyone!
Bag. I will not go now myself.
You need to work hard!

Santa Claus. Granddaughter, children, help!
Pull the rope.
Everyone helps Santa Claus to pull out the sack.

The theme "Wind" in outdoor games for children:learn and learn by playing! Cognitive and educational games, games for developing the skills of cooperation with peers, attention games for children from 3 years of age and older.

Today is the second part of our conversation with children about the wind, dedicated to children's games. Fun and serious, informative and entertaining, active and games with verses will help kids to better assimilate and "live" the knowledge about the wind that they received in the first part of the conversation about air and wind (links to previous articles are given at the end of this article). Play, have fun and get to know your little ones from a new perspective! After all, it is in the game that the child is revealed to us and to the world!

Let `s have some rest! The theme "Wind" in outdoor games for children

There are many games to choose from - for children of different ages, for one child or a group of children. I wish you a joyful and fun game!

Game 1. "Winter wind and snowflakes" (game for children 3-4 years old)

Children in this game play the role of snowflakes. They stand in a circle and hold hands. The game is played to music. An adult says: “A very strong wind blew! Fly away, snowflakes! ”And the children scatter in different directions, spinning, dancing and flying like snowflakes. After the snowflakes fly in the wind, the adult says: “The wind has stopped!”, And the snowflakes return to the circle and join hands.

Game options:

1. The game can be played with one toddler or with a group of toddlers. You can set a task for a snowflake (if one child is playing) or snowflakes (if it is a group of children) to have time to return before the end of the music. The music is turned off by an adult at the right time.

2. You can spread snowflakes of different colors and sizes on the floor and teach children to distinguish between them. Then the task will be like this - “Big snowflakes whirled. Little blue snowflakes flew! Have landed! And now big white snowflakes are flying! Snowflakes are dancing, spinning! Have landed! And now the little snowflakes are flying! (children find small snowflakes of any color and whirl with them) "

Game 2. "Autumn wind and leaves" (for children 3-4 years old)

The game is carried out by analogy with the previous one. The child chooses a leaf for himself - yellow, red or orange and names its color and size (large leaf or small). The leaves are flying in the wind - the child depicts how they are flying: “Leaf fall! Leaf fall! Yellow leaves are flying! "

If the game is played with one child, then you can spread the pieces of paper on the floor (real pieces of paper of different sizes and colors, or sheets cut out of colored paper). Approximate tasks in the game - “Big yellow leaves have flown” (the child chooses the necessary leaves and dances - “flies” with them). Little yellow leaves flew! Birch leaves flew! Have landed! Oak leaves have flown! " In the game, the kid will learn to distinguish the color, size and shape of the leaves and find out which tree these leaves are from (just take the simplest trees - oak, birch, mountain ash, poplar, aspen). If the child took the wrong piece of paper, say on behalf of the piece: “Oh, and I am a rowan leaf! The breeze hasn’t called me yet! Find a poplar leaf, its time to fly has come! " Absolutely all kids respond to play. Plus, they are not afraid to make mistakes in the game!

If the game is played with several children, then you can give the following tasks: “Yellow leaves are flying! (and then only children move, who have chosen before the game and picked up the yellow leaves). Red large leaves are spinning (and then only those children who have red and large leaves in their hands are spinning). Big leaves are flying ... "

The wind died down, the leaves fell to the ground (children “land” and squat).

The wind blew, the leaves rose and scattered (children rise and depict how the leaves fly)

For this game, you can use a poem:

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.
Blowing, blowing out.
Yellow leaves
Tears off the tree.
And the leaves are flying
Straight along the path.
Leaves are falling
Straight to our feet!
The wind will blow - we will fly
We go where we want!

Game 3. "Wind, ice and frost" (game of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East) - for children 6-7 years old and older

This game can be played with a large group of children or a group of children with their parents. The game will have a host and players - ice floes. All players stand in pairs facing each other and speak, clapping each word (first in their hands, then in the hands of their playing partner) with the following text:

Cold pieces of ice, transparent pieces of ice
They sparkle, ring, ding, ding, ding, ding ...

The word "dzin" is pronounced several times until the presenter shouts: "Wind!" Immediately, all the players - ice floes scatter around the site and quietly agree on who will build a common figure with whom - a circle ("big ice floe"). Having agreed, the children continue to move on the site until the presenter's signal. After a while, the presenter says: "Frost!", While the children run to each other and stand in a circle with those with whom they agreed to build a common figure-ice floe. Standing in a circle, they quickly join hands. The rule is not to break the agreement. He took the floor - keep it and get up in the group with which you agreed to build a common figure!

The group of children who have the most children - ice floes - wins. And they gathered faster.

In the game, you can use different movements - running, jumping, jumping, walking on toes and different music (players can move to a polka, waltz, lullaby or even a march, while changing the nature of the movement depending on the nature of the music).

Game 4. "Weather vane and the wind" (for children from 6 to 7 years old and older).

Show your child what a weather vane is. Show the cardinal points on the map. For preschoolers, it is enough to show north and south, for older children, it is already necessary to show all 4 directions of the world: west, south, east, north. Show also how to use the compass and where north and south are when viewed from the window of your house.

There will be a host and players in the game. The players represent the weather vane. The host says, "The wind is blowing from the north," and the players turn north. Then the host calls "The wind is blowing from the south," and the weather vane turns to face south. When the presenter says "Storm", the players spin in place, and when the command "Calm" sounds, they freeze and do not move until the next command. The one who moves is out of the game. Also, players who made mistakes are eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who lasted the longest in the game without errors.

You can play this game with fans. The one who made a mistake remains in the game, but pays the forfeit (after the end of the game, he performs the task of the leader).

Game 5. North and South wind (for children 5-7 years old and older)

What is the character of the south wind? That's right, he is angry, cold, icy, hurricane, impetuous. What do we call this wind? - wind, storm, hurricane, storm.

And what is the south wind? Nice, affectionate, light, warm, soft, affectionate, kind, gentle. What do we call the south wind? - Breeze, breeze.

In this game, the south and north winds will compete with each other - who is stronger?

Two drivers are selected. One of them is a southerly wind, and a red ribbon is tied to his arm. The other is the north wind, and a blue ribbon is tied to his arm.

Players walk or run freely around the court (you need to agree in advance to which line you can run, i.e. what are the dimensions of the court for the game). At the command "Wind" the north wind runs out onto the site and tries to touch (touch with your hand) - "freeze" as many players as possible. The players "frozen" by him freeze and do not move. The south wind tries to "unfreeze" them by touching it with a hand and saying: "Free". The players' task is to stay in the game and not be frozen. The South and North winds compete, who is stronger - whether the South wind can unfreeze all players. At the signal, the game ends and is repeated with new drivers in the role of the wind.

Game 6. How does the wind help plants? For children aged 4 and over

In this game, the child depicts how the wind helps the plants to carry their seeds. Having lived their role as a “seed”, from birth on a tree to germination in the ground and the growth of a new tree or flower, children have a different attitude to plants, they realize that nature needs wind, sun, and rain.

It is good to play with instrumental music.

An adult or older child will represent a tree, and a toddler or group of children will be seeds. You can give your child the seeds that you have at home. First, the child (children) stand next to an adult "tree" - the "seeds" grow on it. Then the wind swoops in - hum with the child, make some noise, rustle the foliage: “shshshsh. Uuuuuuuu ". You can depict how the tree was surprised at the wind, rejoiced, greeted him. Seeds fall and fly in the wind to the sound of the wind, the "tree" at this time rustles with leaves, sways with branches, bends from the wind.

The wind has ended and the "seeds" fall to the ground - they squat. Winter is coming, the seeds are covered with snow, they sleep under the snow (you can put on calm music). Children put their hands under their cheeks - "fall asleep until spring."

And now spring comes - streams rumbled, the sun shone. The spring rain has gone. The seeds began to germinate and grow. The child or children rise and stretch upward.

We hung on the mother tree for a long time,
Suddenly the wind blew and we all flew.
We want to rush away from mom,
The wind will pick us up and we will fly away!
Light wings help us to fly,
Where we land, only the wind will know.
We will all fall to our native land,
The earth will feed us, the earth is home.
In the spring, the sun will warm us with rays,
And give the rain water, as best he can.
Then we will sprout as a green sprout
And wave a green leaf to mom (poem author: N.A. Ryzhova).

In the field, the wind played out,
For flowers he tried
I grabbed a handful of seeds
He scattered them across the field.
Birds will arrive in the spring
Birds may be surprised:
Cornflowers, chamomiles, flax
They will meet them from all sides. (G. Lapteva. Gardener - the wind)

More about the wind:

Experiments and informative stories for children about the wind can be found in the article