An interesting scenario for Tatiana's day. Festive Scenario for Tatiana

Call signs.

(Zaitseva T.N., Fadeeva T.G., Hovrina T.V., Makht T.A.,

Retrunning T (11), Schunov T (5), plaster T (8), Sofiain T (6)))

1 master : Good afternoon dear friends!

2 master : Hello!

1 master : I remember a wonderful moment, you came in front of me,

As a mumbling vision, like a genius of pure beauty.

All in her harmony, all evidence,

All above the world and passions!

She rests on his solemnly solemn!

2 master : But, stunting with her, confused you

Suddenly stop involuntarily,

The awe is a mantalous to the shrine of beauty.

1 Presenter: Welcome to all Tatyan present in this room!

2 master : Let's congratulate them on loud and stormy applause!

1 Presenter: In Tatiana, we honor the holy martyr Tatiana. And on the same day, students celebrate their holiday.

2 master : Tatiana - What a beautiful name! Many Russian poets devoted their creations to girls who wearing this name! For example, Pushkin, Yesenin.

1 master : According to the signs of many generations, Tatiana always seeks to be the center of attention. She is a creative person: has a good artistic taste, loves collecting beautiful things. And also on the occasion of the next celebration, to purchase such a dress so that everyone was shocked - this is the unused condition of its normal existence. And she adores big money and beautiful male representatives.

2 master : And she is not only beautiful, but also hospitable. Always tasty feed, so that because of the table will have to not go out, but to crawl.

1 master : And she is rejoicing the successes of friends and not envious, knows how to create a warm atmosphere around him. And to all that, Tatiana has excellent intuition, it can easily penetrate the human psychology and find the right tone of communication.

2 master : Yes ... a lot of good things say about Tatyan! I perhaps agree that they are worthy of this holiday! Happy holiday you, cute Tatiana!

For you this number! _________________________________________

1 master : And now we all waiting for a small warm-up. We invite everyone to all Tatyan. We will ask them questions, and they will have to answer them. If you do not answer, you may ask for help from the hall.We divide for 2 teams: Team of teachers and a team of students.

    What from the floor behind the tail you do not raise? (Tangle thread)

    Four ears, but only 2 abdomen (pillow)

    The shortest month of the year? (February - by duration, May - by writing)

    Do you like holidays? And what year is just 1 day? (New Year)

    Do you like to dress fashionable? And who has a leg without a boot, a hat without a head? (mushroom)

    Do you keep a diet? How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? (one)

    Do you like to eat? And from which dishes do not eat? (from empty)

    Do you like to hang out? And how does the day and night ends? (B)

    Do you like rain? What tree sits down the crow during the rain? (wet)

    Do you believe in signs? And in the curse of the black cat? And when the black cat is easier to get into the house? (When the door is open)

It was a small warm-up

And now the musical number for the perpetrators of the celebration _____________________________________________________

1 master : How did Tatyanian's holiday appeared? The librarian will tell us about the history of the holiday -Semaeva Elena Yurevna .

On January 25, it is this date that is considered a double national holiday - the celebration of the opening of the first university in Moscow and the Holy Holy Great Martyr Tatiana.

Holy Tatiana lived in Rome in the second century of our era. Her father was a Christian, and her daughter was brought up in Christianity. In those days, the Roman emperors did not love Christians, because Consistently seen in them a threat to their pagan power. In general, Tatiana suffered for faith - she died in great torments and tortures, but from faith in God did not refuse, for which it was counted for the facility of the Saints Martyers.

Previously, Tatiana's female name was considered Plebeian, peasant. But thanks to Pushkin, with his immortal novel "Eugene Onegin", the girls began to be called the nobility. And now, every seventh - Tatiana!

2 master : Holy Tatiana is an Orthodox protector of all those wearing this Sabinsky name, which occurred from the ancient Greek "Tatto" - which characterizes the volitional women with a strong character, which all their lives are based on something and command themselves.

1 master : and now, the next test for Tatyan.

Everyone knows what is a school, and that at school sometimes you need to make cribs. And sometimes lied cribs in such places that the diva is given. Let's see how inventing our participants. Now let's give each participant on the cheat sheet, they should be hidden as much as possible, just not to go beyond the fractions of decency. (hiding) music _______________________________________________________

2 master : Let's try to guess where these cribs can be hidden. And Tatyana say: we guessed or not. And then show where the cribs were hidden. And we define who is the most original in the damping cribs.


1 Presenter: We see that Tatiana is able to hide the crib. And now checkcan they write them . Now we will give the team of teachers and team of students on 1/8 of the list of sheet, each team will write the same text on the sheet. Win so a team that can write a larger text on your crib, and most importantly that the text is picky.

Write --- (music, number ) ____________________________

2 presenter: Checking who wrote more and deals

What do you think there are more Snack in writing cribs? ... of course, ... ..

1 Host: Next Competition Intellectual . For him, each Tatiana will choose a rival or rival from the audience. And so, we have two teams:Team of Tatyan and the team is not Tatyan .

You will answer questions .

2 master : I need to answer questions quickly. The score goes to the one who fastest will answer.

    Is it true that the Pacific is the deepest? (YES)

    Is it true that Peony is a predatory flower? (Yes, it absorbs protein)

    Is it true that Ilya Murometr liberated Novgorod from the nightingale of the robber? (No, he freed Chernigov)

    Is it true that on the world map there is a city of Cognac? (Yes, in France)

    Is it true that the sunbeam is able to penetrate the sea depths of the ocean for a whole km? (YES)

    Is it true that a spider has 12 legs? (No, 8)

    Is it true that the famous artist of Serov painted paintings, like "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf" and "Bogatyry" (no, Vasnetsov wrote them)

    Is it true that a chocolate tree grows in India? (No, in South America)

    Who will be born 2 times, but only once dies? (Chicken)

    What hours do the right time show just 2 times a day? (Which are worth)

    3 apples lay in the basket. How to rightly share apples between three children so that one is left to lie in the basket? (all one apple, and one to give with a basket)

Well done! Congratulations to teams!

1 master : The name is cool - Tatiana!

If you, friends, not too lazy!

Celebrate Knowledge victory

It is in Tatiana's day!This is a number for you ______________________

2 master : Name Wonderful, Tatiana!

Power in it is concluded!

Beauty that without flawed

Wisdom Tanechka is given!

Name Glorious Tanyusha

Let it always sound, everywhere:

Heats out caressing soul

In happiness, grief and in trouble.

1 master : On Tatiana, there is such a sign: if the sun shines - it is an early arrival of birds, snowfall goes - in the summer there will be a lot of rains.

2 master : But we are confident that our tanya is not afraid of any weather conditions! And so the last task is called "Tatiana has no bad weather"

1 Presenter:

All Tatiana must go in a circle to the music. We will call them conditions for the weather, and participants should demonstrate movement under these conditions. Artistry and humor are evaluated.

- blizzard, buran

- Summer meadow with high grass

- Rain with wind, strong wind

- Hurricane

- Desert

- swamp

- hot sunny day

2 master : And now, all presentremember the diminutive names of Tatiana! Let our Tanya be nice to hear their name!

1 Presenter:

Today we glorify Tatiana!

She is ready to aperticate the laurels of championship

Good luck, happiness, you wish you!

Go forward and best be!

Choir: Once again with the holiday!

Song: Ah, Tanya - Tanya - Tanya ...

1st presenter. Good evening, dear friends! We gathered here to celebrate the traditional Russian holiday - Tatyanian Day!

The person's name allocates him among others and claims its uniqueness and uniqueness. In Russia, the tradition of giving the child the name of any saint that becomes thus his heavenly patron.

The name of Tatyana in the saints is interpreted as a Great Martyr. It is formed from the Latin Tatus - the name of the Sabinsky king. Sabina - Italian tribes, part of which lived on the Hills of Rome. Girlfriend version, the name of Tatyana Old Russian origin, "Tatto" means to establish, to determine. The meaning of the name is the organizer, founder, the lady.

Tatiana's Day began to celebrate in Russia from January 25, 1755, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was established by the decree of Moscow University. According to the Orthodox calendar, this is the Day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana. He became a holiday of university students, later - all the student, and now the holiday of all youth.

2nd presenter. Do you know how you guess in Tatiana's day? On the night before Tatianinian afternoon, they turn to the name of the Holy, asked how the student's winter session would be (called their name). Tatiana may tell about this student in a dream.

1st presenter. At all times, Tatiana Day is a cheerful holiday, with songs, feasts, fun.

2nd presenter. We today also gathered here to have fun and have fun.

What makes you think in the ideal girl named Tatiana? Draw portrait of Tatiana.

Under the sounds of music, the team members of the teams go and with closed eyes draw the details of the portrait: one - the owl of the faces, the other - the nose, the third - mouth, etc.

1st presenter. And I! Game attentiveness.

Rules of the game: the presenter tells some story about himself, preferably nothing. During the story, he pauses and raises his hand up. The rest should listen carefully and when the presenter raises the hand up, shout "and I", if the action referred to in the story, can perform a person or silent if the action does not fit. For example, the presenter tells: "Since I went to the forest ...

All: "And I!"

I see, on a squirrel tree sits ...

Squirrel sitting and nuts nibble ...

I saw me and let me rush in me ...

I ran from her ...

I went to the other side ...

I am going through the forest, coloring flowers ...

Songs I sing ...

I see the goat the grass hinlet .... - ...? - I like a whistle ...

The goat was frightened and rowed ...

There are no winners in this game - the main mood.

2nd presenter. And now for Tattian check on the smell. So - Blitz tournament!

Seven candles burned in the room. Passed by a man, put two candles. How much is left?

Answer. Two, the rest are burned.

Twice will be born, once dies.

Answer. Chicken.

Who does not raise from the floor behind the tail?

Answer. Tangle thread.

Two abdomen, four ears. Who is it?

Answer. Pillow.

In a basket, three apples. How to divide them between three babes so that one apple remains in the basket?

Answer. One to give together with the basket.

What month is shorter than everyone?

Answer. May.

What year is only one day?

Answer. New Year.

Who has a hat without head, leg without boot?

Answer. At the mushroom.

How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach?

Answer. One, the second is no longer an empty stomach.

What kind of dishes do not eat?

Answer. From empty.

What ends like a day and night?

Answer. Soft sign.

What tree sits down the crow during the rain?

Answer. On wet.

When is the black cat easier to get into the house?

Answer. When the door is open.

What hours do the right time show only twice a day?

Answer. Those who stand.

What is neither cappusion, nor in beets, nor in radish, but are there in tomatoes?

Answer. Letter O.

1st presenter. But the new task: the competition "Trail in history" will need: sheets of paper, markers.

Two teams are recruited. Each team provides a sheet and markers and choose captain. Both captains are removed or their eyes tie them. The remaining team members give half a minute to leave their "footprint" on a sheet of paper - to make a finger writing, sign, leave a lipstick imprint, even soles, anything, the main thing that each participant takes part in this (except captains). After half a minute, the captains give these "creations" and they must guess where the trace of each participant of their team. For each mistake - a penalty point. The team who scores less penalties is wins.

2nd presenter. And now the competition, but now for our boys, they must take girls by hand with closed eyes, and to guess among them who.

After the competition is a musical pause.

1st presenter. Talk about ethics. All Tatiana know how the woman should go from a man? Where did this rule come from?

Answer. With left. The custom comes from knightly times and is based on the fact that the right hand of men should be free for weapons so that when meeting with the enemy, protect yourself and companion.

Who can, without breaking the rules of good tone, first feed your hand when you meet?

Answer. Another lady or a man is much older.

Do you need to welcome people at a meeting if you have already seen on this day?

Answer. It should be welcomed every time at the meeting. For example, in the morning you can wish good morning, in the afternoon - good day.

2nd presenter. Our Tatiana show enviable erudition in various fields of knowledge. Let's try to experience them again, but on a very nice topic. Announcement of contestants and connoisseurs of flowers!

In the headlines of what novels of famous French writers, father and son are mentioned, the name of the colors is mentioned?

Answer. "Black Tulipa" - Duma Father and "Lady with Camellia" - Duma-Son.

In a number of Western countries, the clover-shader has long been considered a talisman, and now willingly depict the greeting cards, souvenirs, key chains as a symbol of happiness. Name a popular Western company, in the emblem of which the shaded tribal is included.

Answer. "Adidas".

What kind of famous war is named after colors and even specified their color? In which age and in which country did it happen?

Answer. War of the scarlet and white rose, XVEK, England.

Let me remind one antique myth. At birth, the young man was predicted that he would live until he sees himself. He spent all the time in the forests. One day, leaning over the lake, he saw a wonderful face in the mirror and fell in love with him. Forgets about food and dream, he remained on the shores and nights, admiring himself, and died of longing. The gods turned him into a flower. What was the name of this young man?

Answer. Narcissus.

Let's remember the songs about the colors. Who is bigger?

Answer. "Kalina Red", "Cherry", "Liliashi", "Yellow Tulips", "Million Scarlet Roses", "Lavender", etc.

2nd presenter. And now

It's time for perky songs to pour,

Smiles of joy without cut to sparkle.

We invite you to have fun

We invite everyone to dance!

The festive disco begins.

On January 25, two celebrations occur at once. Russian students celebrate their professional holiday, and the names of the girls and women called the parents with a beautiful, frantic and melodious name Tatiana. Walking on this day is made very magnificently, because not often one of the date falls out of two popular holidays. The event scenario is better to consider in advance, then on January 25, it will be guaranteed to be fun and for many years will remember joy and good mood.

Scenarios for gatherings on Tatiana Day

Sowing - one of the most relevant old entertainment in Russia. They can be carried out for any age audience, ranging from younger students and ending with solid banking employees or staff of offices and large enterprises. The room in which the event will be held, you will need to decorate in a folk style, for example, to decorate under the classical Russian hut. In the festive menu it is necessary to include classic dishes of national Russian cuisine, and put the towers on the tables, arrange samovars and dishes, imitating the ancient peasant life. For additional color, all guests can be put on folk suits. The basis of the celebration should be honored by Tatyan and all competitive tasks must be associated with this name.

In order to conduct a holiday, you need to choose the lead. After all guests take their place, the word is provided by the lead:

- Hello, today we all gathered here to celebrate a cheerful and loved by many holiday - Tatiana Day. This is a great reason to have fun, relax and interesting to test the time. Many Tatyan gathered in our hall. Let's congratulate them on the holiday.

Music sounds and everyone congratulates girls named Tatiana.

- Now there are men who wish to participate in an interesting and cheerful competition on the scene. Without a doubt, in our hall a lot of people!

Further, the script for Tatiana's day includes holding the first competition. To do this, you need to invite everyone to men. For the competition, you need to cook watmans, as well as markers. Watmans are attached to the wall. The task is to draw Tatiana with closed eyes. For Russian folk music, the participants of the competition draw girls. When drawings are ready - the eyes are unleashed. Everyone is looking at the result resulting in the form of funny drawings.

- So the beauties turned out with you. Let's check how much they look like real Tatyan.

After that, the scenario for Tatiana's day includes an invitation to the stage of all Tatyan. Everyone compares how much drawings made by participants are like girls. The winner is determined by Tatian's votes. A participant who scored the most votes that painted, according to Tatyan, the most beautiful picture, becomes the winner. He gives a prize.

- The contest has shown that men know how Tatiana looks like. But will they be able to recognize them with closed eyes?

After these words are still a competition. To do this, you need to invite Tattian and men who wish to participate in the game. Men tying their eyes. The task is to know the girl by hand. To complicate the task of girls who have rings or bracelets in the hands, you need to ask them to remove them. Thus, the tied eyes of the participants in the competition should give the right answers and guess the hand of girls. The participant who will give most of the right answers becomes the winner.

- And now let's check how well Tatiana themselves know our men. To do this, we will spend a reverse contest!

The following is a competition, which also participates men and Tatiana. Now Tatables tie their eyes. They need to guess a man on her hairstyle. To make a contest is funnier, you can cook wigs. They must be put on men after the girls are already blindfolded so that they do not guessed. Watching such a competition will be very interesting. The girl who gave most of the right answers, wins.

- In this holiday, our men prepared a special gift for Tattian.

Folk musical motifs sound, men handed Tatiana beautiful bouquets of flowers and then the holiday continues in a free style.

Scenario Tatiana Day for schoolchildren

For high school students, regardless of age, you can unite the names of all teachers and students-Tanech and the day of the student in one event. Very useful for adolescents will be a tour of history, telling exactly how the holiday appeared. You can beat this moment as a scene of a performance using decorations, carnival costumes and the corresponding musical accompaniment. Start the story is recommended from the time of Empress Elizabeth, when Count Ivan Shuvalov and a scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, just persuaded the monarchin to sign a decree on the establishment of a higher educational institution in Russia. At the idea, it is necessary to include small musical numbers dedicated to various professions that the guys can learn at the university at the end of the school. Complete the part dedicated to the student holiday will be appropriate to the fulfillment of Gaudeamus, and then smoothly move to honoring the birthdaynitz-Tanech. For this part of the presentation, funny and lyrical songs dedicated to the excellent name, contests and, of course, congratulations to the culprits themselves - classmates and teachers themselves.

Free Download Scenario Holiday Tatyanian Day for school can be.

Scenario "Student Day and Tatiana Day in high school"

In the higher educational institution Tatiana, the day is always united with a student holiday. The hall is pre-decorated with glowing garlands and coil on the walls of funny pictures for the student's day. At the solemn part of the event, they congratulate the name of all Tanechki: one-line supports and members of the teaching staff. Further script is built in a cheerful creative style. It is very important to plan everything so as to use the maximum applicants in the program. No one should be bored and everyone is simply obliged to be able to win a small prize or a pleasant souvenir for the competition, the performance of a song or dance and the declaration of poems. It will be quite appropriate to be included in the command contest program. For example, you can invite the guys without a rehearsal to play in front of all funny scenes: to write a crib, to find a better reason, plausively explaining the delay to the lecture, come up with and show the miniature about the student who came to pass the session unprepared. The original end of the evening will be a small feast for students and teachers, where the main dish will perform real roast for a student, cooked from meat, potatoes and a sparkling bow. When everyone sneaks at the table, it will not be superfluous to remember the old tradition - to swing on the hands of the teacher most popular in the university.

Vedas: Good evening! Welcome and congratulations to all Tatyan present in this room. Let's congratulate them on loud, stormy applause.

Vedas In Tatiana, we are not only worth the holy martyr Tatiana, but also celebrate the day of students.

Vedas: We congratulate the youth of the city with this wonderful holiday and wish all myself and Light! Happiness to you and love!

Vedas So, dear present and future students, let's remember the words of the famous Student's song:

From the session to the session
Students have fun,
And the session is only twice a year

Free Download Scenario Holiday Tatiana Day for the university you can.

Scenario for Tatiana Day, video

Scenario of events dedicated to the Day of Russian Student

Spent: head. Club-Polyakova E.N

Rural club p. Maple.

January 2016.

Tatyana's Day

Waltz sounds from Evgeny Onegin Opera

Let the blizzard on the street

In the snow scutched plains

We honor, friends Tatyanian Day

It is coping with name day

She dedicated to her Pushkin

Sick without false, without flawed

And the Lord himself blessed

Holy named Tatiana

Let's love all Tatian

Beautiful, kind. Gentle

And with every joy to give

Dreams and bright hopes.


January 25, according to the Orthodox Calendar-day of Holy Tatiana. On this day, in the 1755th, Empress Ekaterina Petrovna signed the highest decree establishing a university in Moscow. In the name of Tatiana, the temple at the university was consecrated. Since then, the Holy Tatiana has become memorable as a patroner of Russian education, Tatiana's day turned into a fun student holiday. And not only. It is widely celebrated in school. And in modern students at this time session-time of credits and exams. But even in the period of the most intense work, a person needs a holiday. Let's and we will arrange a fun holiday today.

1. And Tatyanian Day (clip)

Ved1.-Oh, and strong cold have come.


It's time to be - Epiphany frosts on Russia in Russia. Yes what can you do, in other people's edges, our winter will not go


It seems to be January on the outcome, the case should turn the case. Not in vain say: there was winter, so there will be summer.


And still such a saying about the winter is: winter is scared, and then melts.

We suggest you play the game

2. "Collect the proverb." (find your halm)

Before you, the cards with proverbs, only they confused. At one start of the proverb, and on the other to the end. You need to collect them in the right order.


I would like to finish this contest of another saying:

"In winter, only Tulupa would anyone."


And they say: "In a winter cold, everyone is young."

Won what funny songs met you today. Why is it?


Because today is January 25th. Day of Russian Student or Tatiana Day. And students as you know the most fun and not a humble people.


- When frost, longer than day.
From the sun brighter in the yard,
Tatiana comes to us.
Let's congratulate all with the names.
Whom Tatiana is magnifying.
And the holiday is a noisy tanya
Let's give the opportunity to scotch!

Vedus. Interesting, dear guests We offer a fun dance performed by the "Reliable Friends" group

3. Thanets modern

Ved._a will now turn the story page and find out why this day is named after Tatiana.

4. Cleep about the holy Tatiana.


Tatianin's day is significant not only for the holiday of students, but also that on this day it is customary to congratulate all Tatyan.

And today in our hall, there are also Tatiana. Let's greet them and sing for them funny chastushki.



Tatiana Dae-fellow, though frosty yes nice. They speak Tatiana from the ice of the crown, from Inea's finish, from the snow of the subsidence.


Here we will see, deservedly carry their crown Tatiana. Check them with a smell.

6. But tournament.

1. Will you not raise from the floor for the tail? (tangle thread)

2. What year is only one day? (new Year)

3.We whom is a hat without a head, and the leg without a boot? (mushroom)

4. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? (one, the second is no longer an empty stomach)

5. What kind of dishes can not eat? (from empty)

6. Thank you like a day and night? (Soft sign)

7. When the black cat is easy to get into the house (when the door is open)

8. What hours show the right time only twice a day? (those that stand)

9. What kind of tree sits down the crow after the rain (on the wet)

10. What web can not sew a shirt (from rail)

11. Can the ostrich call himself a bird (no, he does not know how to say)

12.And the hand is better to stir tea (better than a spoon)

13. In the title of which bird is forty A (forty)

14.How the city is ferried in the clouds (eagle)


Thank you for your participation. And as a reward for you sounds

7. And "on the ship"


On this day it was customary to celebrate a lot of good events. He has his customs, rites and folk signs.

8. Presentation

In honor of the holiday, we also want to give our Tatiana here this loaf. (Kavoy's presentation)

Song "Caparaway" (give tasks to Tatiana or wishing)

Putting a punishment.

As we already know, Tatyana is considered a good mistress. Here we are now and check.

9. Current "Host"

We wish for you

first place with decent give.

1 Task (the fastest) from confused balls to unwind thread.

2 task (fashion designer) (Sew new clothes grandchildren, children, wrapping and hang on the rope, riddled with clothespins)

3 task. (The best cook) with closed eyes to determine (to the touch), what is this product (different cereals, pasta, etc.)

4 task. (Best Tailor) Who will faster in the panties to the rubber band. (And then those who want to be built into two teams and who will turn the cowards faster, will hang a chair and give another)

5 task. (Best artist) Draw a "fantastic animal)

Tea drinking.

SEA beep woke town

People on the pier

Everyone worried await only ten minutes

At the pier there is a motor ship

At the pier there is a motor ship


On the motor ship music plays

And I stand alone on the shore

Masha hand and heart free

And I can't do anything

You came here and seemed then

What are you designed to me fate

And then a whole year I waited for the motor ship

To repeat to you again


Here again the motor ship is down

I won't come true

First snow in the town

first ice on the river

I will not come to you

I will not come to you

I chubbed,


All the dishes interrupted


Do not scold me Mother

What sour cream shed

Aleshka walked mime

I was without memory.

Came to match me

On a gray mare

All dowry taken away

And I forgot me.

Came to match me

With gilded arc.

So far soaked, rumbling

Left to another.

On the wall hanging coat,

No one watches me.

I will go to the field, scream:

"Karaul, I want to marry!" ...

"Karaul, I want to marry!"

municipal educational institution

"Morozovskaya Secondary School"

"So, she called Tatiana ..."

A.S. Pushkin.

(Slide 1)

Melentheva Larisa Nikolaevna,

deputy Director for BP.

January, 2015

The scene is decorated with balls, in the middle of the poster: "So, she called Tatiana ..."

A. S. Pushkin.

The purpose of the event - Teach students to see the beautiful, expand the knowledge of the holiday, about the history of the celebration of Tatiana Day.

The name is wonderful Tatiana

The power in it is concluded

Beauty that without flawed

Wisdom Tanechka is given.

Name Glorious Tanyusha

Let it always sound everywhere:

Heats out caressing soul

In happiness, in the mountain and in trouble.


Good evening, dear friends! We gathered here to celebrate the traditional Russian holiday - Tatyanian Day!

Slide 2. - Tatiana secret.

Slide 3.

The person's name allocates him among others and claims its uniqueness and uniqueness. In Russia, the tradition of giving the child the name of any saint that becomes thus his heavenly patron. The name of Tatyana in the saints is interpreted as a Great Martyr. It is formed from the Latin Tatus - the name of the Sabinsky king. Sabina - Italian tribes, part of which lived on the Hills of Rome. According to another version, the name of Tatyana ancient Greek origin, "Tatto" means to install, identify. The meaning of the name is the organizer, founder, the lady.

Slide 4.

Tatiana's Day began to celebrate in Russia from January 25, 1755, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was established by the decree of Moscow University. According to the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of the holy martyr Tatiana. He became a holiday of university students, later - all the student, and now the holiday of all youth.


At all times, Tatiana Day is a cheerful holiday, with songs, feasts, fun.

We today also gathered here to have fun and have fun. Tatyana Our School is invited to the stage!

Slide 5.

In our school 9 Tatyan : Tatyana Georgievna Elephimova, Tatyana Valerievna Aleyshinseva, Tatyana Sergeevna Gorbunova, Tatyana Borisovna Suetina, Tatyana Pavlovna Sosnovskaya, Tatyana Gennadevna Shemyakina, Tatyana Dechah, Tatiana Golovina and Tatiana Angles.

Leading: So, we begin, and I declarefirst Competition. In order to better get acquainted with our Tatyana, we give them the opportunity to tell about themselves.

Slide 6. We called this contest"So, she called Tatiana." I beg.


Each competitive program begins with the simplest. And now I will check

as far as our Tatiana can show their smell. Each Tatiana will have to answer quickly and independently for two questions.

Slide 7. So - blitz - tournament - 2 contest.

  1. Without which there can be no laughter? (Tickle,smiles, clown).
  2. Tummy, back, chest, they are all names together ... (Torso man, child)
  3. There are four assistants in service with you, not noticing for yourself, they use them joking.
  4. Phone, computer, tape recorder, vacuum cleaner
  5. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue
  6. Mom, Dad, Grandfather, Grandma.
  7. "45th of the size it bought boots." Who is it? (Uncle Stepa)
  8. Without hands, no legs, and from the pan gets out. (Dough.)
  9. What goes without moving from the place? (Time.)

10. Twice will be born, once dies. (Chicken).

11.What from the floor behind the tail you do not raise? (Tangle thread).

12.Deva Bushness, four ears. Who is it? (Pillow).

13. What hours show the right time only twice a day? (Those that stand).

14. Which is not in the cabbage, nor in beets, nor in radish, but are there in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter O).

15. What word is called fruit and part of the eye? (Apple.)

16. What flows up faster? (mood)

17. What are the three notes seawozers measure their path? (Mi-Lhai)

18.Who with a head plunge into work? (diver).

19. Accordingly, it is impossible to drive (in the hats fields).

20. What hand is better to stir tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon).

Leading. Next Test For our Tatyan. Everyone knows the game with chairs. But in our game you will walk around the chairs not to the music! We will read the poem, and when pronouncing the name Tatiana, you must sit on the chairs, and who did not have time - he dropped out of the game.Slide 8.

And meanwhile the moon shine

And languid light illuminated

Tatiana pale beauties,

And dissolved Vlas

And drops of tears and on the bench

Pre-heroine young

With a handkerchief on the head of the gray

Old woman in a long holder ...

And the heart went far

Tatiana, looking at the moon ...


And he does not go; He is in advance

Write to the great-granddam

About the ambulance; And Tatiana

And there is no case (their sex is) ...

Leading. Tatyana believed in the loyal of common antiquity, and dreams, and card gadagans, and the predictions of the moon. She was disturbed by the signs, the mysterious her all objects proclaimed something ... These lines are from the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Slide 9.

I'll call vintage items, And the girls themselves or with the help of the team - they will tell us what they mean in our time.

Rye - necklace

Farmer - Kettle

Verteka - Bellol

Koster - basket

Zazimier - Freezing

Seventh - week

Gládilly - mirror

Medicarian - Bee.

Kitchen - Kuvshin

Dance pause. Two Tatiana come out.

Leading: 5 Task - Song auction.Slide 10.

The girls take turns remember the songs in which women's names are found.

Wins the one who will call more songs.

Host: The next contest of our game "Starfall", (Slide 11) In this competition you will earn "stars". You have a card on your tables: A, B, C is the signal cards of the finished answer. I ask a question and read several answers to it. Your task, consulting to raise the card, under which the correct answer in your opinion is recorded. If you are responsible correctly, you get a star. Time to think about 5 seconds.


  1. Tatiana is a name
  1. greek;
  2. russian;
  3. jewish.
  1. Translated into Russian Tatiana means:
  1. Organizer;
  2. Defable;
  3. Native.
  1. In Russia, Tatiana is considered a patron
  1. Peasants;
  2. Education;
  3. Churches.
  1. January 25, what year was signed by a decree establishing a university in Moscow and
    created a temple of Saint Tatiana?
  1. 1964;
  2. 134 g.;
  3. 1755
  1. This decree was signed
  1. Peter 1.
  2. Nikolai 1.
  3. empress Elizabeth Petrovna

Host: Slide 12. Next contest "Stitching verses "- homework.

Many poems, songs are dedicated to Tatiana. And the most famous poem about Tanya is the poem of Agnia Barto "Ball". Let's remember it:

Our Tanya cries loudly,
Dropped a ball into the river.
Quieter, tanya, do not cry,
Does not drown in the river ball.

Our participants did not stop at this, and now they will tell this poem to their own way. It was set to the house to come up with several lines to this poem. Let's see what happened.(Read your poems)

The game with the audience is slide 13.

The task. The teachers relate differently to the cribs, but in this state a student, caught up "at the crime scene," that is, who uses the crib at the exam, is subject to immediate deductions from the institute. Name this state. (Cuba.)

Leading: Now play which inventedLewis Caroll.

Slide 14. I suggest you write on a piece of paper two different names with the same number of letters: Tanya - Lena. Now try to turn one name to another, every time changing one letter, getting a chain of new words.

For example: Tanya - Vanya - Valya - Galya.

Tanya - Vanya - Varya - Vera - Gera - Gena - Lena.

Leading: I suggest everyone to play The game is the crurch.

I want to imagine now

Birthday portrait.

Kohl agrees "yes" shout,

There is a doubt - it means "no"

Tanya-man is good ...

Wear with Calosh shorts ...

She has four teeth ... ..

Loves pears and watermelons ...

The lessons do not bored ....

And on two answers ...

Tames are as much as eight years ...

She has no brother ...

Our Tanya-laughter ...

Very tricky girl ...

Loudly loves songs sing ...

So fake - do not squeeze! ... ...

Loves fashionably dressing ...

Well, with you to go ...

Reads with hobby ...

Even dinner skips ...

He loves pepper and garlic ...

And from the apple pie ...

We wish her good luck ...

Leading: And now, dear friends, the most exciting moment has come - each of the participants will fight for himself, without a support group. As you know, each name corresponds to its color - Tanya has it white, his tree and plant - Tanya has this poplar and reed, its number - Tanya is 9, its animal - Tanya has a crocodile. So Tatiana should be made up several, interrelated proposals, where words would have met: a poplar, reed, crocodile, white and number 9.

Competition 9 "Samoga for itself" - Slide 15

Leading: And while the jury summarizes our game.

Finish this day glorioussong about birthday Tatiana - Slide 16

Music songs "Tanya" from the movie "Carnival Night"

And Tanya, Tanya, Tanya,

Your holiday came to us.

You are on the day of frosty January

Surride a lush table.

And we are all goodbye

Ready to tell you

That our cute tanya

We will congratulate.


Once again with the holiday of all - with Tatiana Day!

We wish you happiness and good,

So that life, like a day, was light,

So that only joy without alarms

Fuck your threshold!

All are good and good luck in all your endeavors!

We invite Tatian to the dining room for a cup of tea.

Leading: And before you leave the event, each of you I suggest stretching for myself.

Basket Congratulations:


Congratulations on Tatianin Day!

Let the best only stay in it,

Let your dream of your dream come true,

And in life is bad faster forgotten!


Happy Tatiana congratulations

And successful to be wish.

To get wish,

Do not be afraid of anything!


Good hostess

And kind soul

"Tatiana, - with the name days!", -

Whisper, barely breathe.


So, she called Tatiana ...

And how not to be called,

They are still late or early

You will understand, there is no equal in love !!!


I wish you a cute tanya

On the day of Tatiana congratulations,

So that it was always beautiful

Amazing, happy!

With Tatiana Day!


Be the same, cute Tanya!

After all, it is not at all by chance, no,

In his novel of the genius Pushkin

Tatyan glorified on the whole world!

With Tatiana Day!


Let the fate caress you

Good luck will fall much

In the veins, blood does not cool down,

And does not drown in the river ball!

With Tatiana Day!


Grow, live, love, blooms,

We are glad infinitely

To dreams to your dreams easily!

You, Tanya, flawless!

With Tatiana Day!


Tanya! Accept congratulations!
I want to wish you
So that you remain beautiful,
Could live and dream!


The word is provided jury. (Awarding)


"Tatiana - 2015" (tape)

"The most talented Tatyana"

"The most charming Tatiana"

"The most amazing Tatiana" diploma

"The most charming Tatyana"

"The most witty Tatiana"

"The most attentive Tatiana"

"The Most Creative Tatyana"

"The most original Tatyana"

Why am I sad?
You're going to go again
Reduce my eyes again

How to explain to her, her,
What I live a dream about her?
I must decide:
To be or not to be?


Tanya Plus Volodya - Bouquet of Melodies

At me insured neighbor
He turned off the light at the entrance.
I do not hold angry at him
In the dark, sighing, write,

So that you recognize her to her
About the love of my unfortunate!
Write an answer -
Do you like or not? ..


On Tatiana, there is a folk sign: if the sun shines - to the early arrival of birds, the snowfall goes - in the summer there will be a lot of rains. I am sure that our Tatiana is not afraid of any weather conditions!

Competition "Tanya no bad weather"

Participants move in a circle, leading calls them the conditions in which they are (blizzard, rain, hurricane, desert, swamp, frost, summer meadow with high grass). Participants should demonstrate movement under these conditions. The artistic and humor is evaluated.

Leading: The task is to read the poem "Our Tanya ..." by different intonations: laughing, crying, stitching, rapidly. Each participant reads on one line.

Our Tanya cries loudly

Dropped a ball into the river

Quieter, tanya, not crying,

Does not drown in the river ball.

Leading: Encrypted proverbs

Each player gives a blank sheet of paper and handle. In addition, everyone takes on a sheet on which an encrypted proverb or saying is written. To encrypt it, you just need to throw away all vowels, leaving only consonants. Participants are best to sit in a circle. Thirty seconds after the participants began to decipher, regardless of them, they guessed it or not, they transmit a sheet with an encrypted saying to a neighbor on the left. The game continues until each player becomes familiar with all the leaves. Wins the one who guessed and recorded on his pure sheet more than all sayings. If there are participants with the same number of decoded suggestions, then an additional tour of the same competition is arranged, but especially for them.

For example, the CRRZTMRDNRZTRZH - "death seven times, a rejection once."

We offer the following sayings.

  1. There is no taste and color of comrades - NVDSTVRCTNT.
  2. Work is not a wolf, the forest will not run - Rbnvlkvlsnbzht.
  3. The word is not a sparrow, I flew - you will not catch - Svvrbvltlnpmsh.
  4. The clothes are painted by a person - drdkrschlvk.
  5. Tell me who is your friend, and I will tell you who are you - Skzhmkttvendgskjktt.
  6. Morning evening wisen - Trvchrmdron.
  7. Made a business - Goulai boldly - CFLDLGLSML.
  8. Learn is never late - ChinaKDNPDN.
  9. One head is good, and two are better - Dgrvhrshdvlchsh.

Leading: And how many great women named Tatiana! Writing Tatyana Tatstaya, Tatyana Polyakova and Tatyana Ustinova, Poetsa Tatyana Snezhina, Primaudonna Moscow Operetta Tatyana Schmyga, TV presenters Tatyana Lazareva, Aunt Tanya Vedeneeva, Tatyana Gevorkyan, Health Minister Tatyana Golikova, Actress Tatyana Samoilova, Tatyana Dogleva, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Tatyana Peltzer, athlete Tatyana Lebedeva, Singers Tatyana Bulanova and Tatyana Ovsienko.

Leading : Magnia Barto has another poem about the girl Tanya "Assistant".

But the fact is that the lines of this poem were messed up. The task of our participants to glue the poem into a single whole (team members glue the cut-off poem on line into a single integer).

Assistant. Agniya Barto

Tanya is a lot

Tanya has a lot of things:

In the morning brother helped, -

He in the morning candy ate.

Here is Tanya how much is:

Tanya ate, drinking tea,

Sat down, I sat with my mother,

I got up, my grandmother went.

Before bed, I said my mother:

You are just talking about me,

I'm tired, I can not

I'll help you tomorrow.

Leading. Task 3.

What can you pospect a girl named Tatiana?

Draw portrait of Tatiana.

(To the music in turns, Tatiana with closed eyes draw details of the portrait: Faces oval; nose; mouth; eyes, hairstyle; ...)

The wonderful portrait from us turned out ...


Task 2: An contest of the contestants of fairy tales is announced.

You need to tell a famous fairy tale to a new way. To do this, in the fairy tale you insert the words appearing on the screen. (Appendix 3)

Song Lyrics Osin Yevgeny - Tanya Plus Volodya

Why am I sad?
You're going to go again
Reduce my eyes again
I can not bind two words ...

How to explain to her, her,
What I live a dream about her?
I must decide:
To be or not to be?

Tanya Plus Volodya "- chalk displays
Heart with an arrow better than any words
Tanya Plus Volodya - Bouquet of Melodies
I give you every day ready,
Tanya Plus Volodya - Bouquet of Melodies
I give you every day ready.

At me insured neighbor
He turned off the light at the entrance.
I do not hold angry at him
In the dark, sighing, write,

So that you recognize her to her
About the love of my unfortunate!
Write an answer -
Do you like or not? ..

Lyrics (words) Tatyana Ovsienko - Tatiana Day

There was a white snow, she walked the first day of vacation, and the whole day was wandering with you.

And it was all around solemnly and quiet, and white-white snow over white earth.

But suddenly winter got sigh wind when you're in the snow at my house

Two words drawn a broken branch: "Tatiana + Sergey" - and nothing else.


But snow went, and there were a lot of them, but I can't forget that Tatiana.

Fate did not reduce us, but it always seemed to me: "Tatyana + Sergey" you write in the snow.

Snow will pass, on the wet sidewalk for the girl another will write someone again

Those eternal words that we did not add: "Tatiana + Sergey \u003d Love."


There was Earth Belym-Bela, Mela Misel. Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's Day.

And for me there was spring, ranked april. Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's Day.

There was Earth Belym-Bela, Mela Misel. Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's Day.

And for me there was spring, ranked april. Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's Day. Tatyana's Day.

Dear Tatiana, what is more noteworthy your day? Tell us, please.

First Tatyana.

In Starin, Tatyanian the day was also called the sun. Passed exactly the month from the moment they began to arrive a minute of light time of day. At Tatiana, this additive is already noticeable - not so doubling twilight, not so dark matinees. They said that the day of the speech on the sparrow tube.

Second Tatyana.

The one was born in Tatiana's day, tied to the soul to winter pore. In the harsh frosty time, she carefully looks at the household. She understands how it happens the Surov Winter and how everyone at this time is not easy to feed, so she tries to arrange life and man, and the animal as warm and referring. No wonder Tatiana means - "Organizer".

Third Tatyana.

About Tatiana always said that she is a hostess in the house. She has no buckets, the Quash will not be empty, the stove is not avgaring. For her, all the family is like a stone wall. On this day, in the villages there was a tradition to wash at noon on the river rug - domain walkways. Previously, worn shoes and sweatshirts were not thrown away, but cut themselves on the strips, the rugs knitted into the balls yes. Long-pre-rest, in all horses. It runs, it happened, the knitted socks on knitted paths - and warm, and gently, a pleasure.First Tatyana.

In Tatiana, the day of the old people and the kids were custom. They went out to the highest place in the area and warm on the sun, they made their desires. They spoke, on this day the sun is sending a special light on the ground. But what commences were considered true for this day. Red sunset - to a strong wind. Snow at Tatiana Day - in the summer it will often be a rain water.

Second Tatyana.

On Tatiana, the day was supposed to bake a birthday cruise birthday. Caparava baked on a special recipe, triturated flour with a wooden blade yes, they sentenced: "Caparaway-father, satisfying, to grow, rise to the whole family on health, for love, for good and on life." When the hostess of the house took the loaf of the stove, he had to burn with heat, like the sun, and fiercely for the whole hut. On this day, Tatiana treated all relatives and guests. From her hands, he was relied with a bow to take a fragrant and appetizing delicious piece of bread.